The following plugin provides functionality available through
Pipeline-compatible steps. Read more about how to integrate steps into your
Pipeline in the
section of the
Pipeline Syntax
Sonargraph license activation code. If this parameter is not specified, you must specify a license file parameter.
architectureViolationsAction : String (optional)
architectureWarningsAction : String (optional)
baselineReportPath : String (optional)
Optional: Enter the path to the baseline Sonargraph XML report file (without extension ".xml"). This path must be relative to the workspace.
chartConfiguration : String (optional)
cyclicElementsAction : String (optional)
emptyWorkspaceAction : String (optional)
languageCPlusPlus : boolean (optional)
Select if your Sonargraph system uses C++.
languageCSharp : boolean (optional)
Select if your Sonargraph system uses C#.
languageJava : boolean (optional)
Select if your Sonargraph system uses Java.
languagePython : boolean (optional)
Select if your Sonargraph system uses Python.
licenseFile : String (optional)
Sonargraph license file location. If this parameter is not specified, you must specify the activation code parameter.
logFile : String (optional)
Path of the log file to be used for SonargraphBuild (relative to the workspace). Default: sonargraph_build.log.
logLevel : String (optional)
Level of logging detail. One of: off, error, warn, info, debug, trace, all. Default: info.
metaDataFile : String (optional)
metrics (optional)
Array / List of Nested Object
metricName : String
metricName : String
metricCategory : String
metricCategory : String
qualityGateAction : String (optional)
qualityModelFile : String (optional)
Optional: Use a built-in Quality Model, or an external Quality Model instead of the Quality Model included in Sonargraph Software System. Must be either a file within workspace with extension "sgqm", or one of the built-in Quality Models
Sonargraph:Default.sgqm (language-independent)
Sonargraph:Java.sgqm (language-specific)
Sonargraph:CSharp.sgqm (language-specific)
Sonargraph:CPlusPlus.sgqm (language-specific)
reportGeneration : String (optional)
reportPath : String (optional)
Enter the path to the pre-generated Sonargraph XML report file (without extension ".xml"). This path must be relative to the workspace.
skip : boolean (optional)
Skip Sonargraph Jenkins Plugin.
snapshotDirectory : String (optional)
Target directory for the created snapshot. Only if either this parameter or snapshotFileName is provided, a snapshot will be generated. Parameter can only be used with Sonargraph Architect license.
snapshotFileName : String (optional)
The target file name (without extension). Only if either this parameter or snapshotDirectory is provided, a snapshot will be generated. Parameter can only be used with Sonargraph Architect license.
sonargraphBuildJDK : String (optional)
sonargraphBuildVersion : String (optional)
systemDirectory : String (optional)
Enter the path to the Sonargraph system (*.sonargraph) directory. This path must be relative to the workspace.
thresholdViolationsAction : String (optional)
unassignedTypesAction : String (optional)
useHttpProxy : boolean (optional)
Use Jenkins proxy configuration when connecting to Sonargraph license server.
virtualModel : String (optional)
The virtual model to be used when checking for issues. This parameter overrides the default virtual model that is set when the system is opened.
Sonargraph Explorer
Changing virtual models is not supported, "Parser" model is taken.
Sonargraph Architect
Changing virtual models is supported, "Modifiable.vm" is taken by default.
workItemsAction : String (optional)
workspaceProfile : String (optional)
The profile file name (e.g. "BuildProfile.xml") for transforming the workspace paths to match the build environment.