The following plugin provides functionality available through Pipeline-compatible steps. Read more about how to integrate steps into your Pipeline in the Steps section of the Pipeline Syntax page.

For a list of other such plugins, see the Pipeline Steps Reference page.

SaltStack plugin

salt: Send a message to Salt API

  • servername : String
    Salt servername. In the form: https://host.domain:8000
    The Test Connection process is run from the Jenkins master. If the build is localized to an agent, and the servername is specific to that agent, then Test Connection will likely fail, while the actual build may succeed.
  • authtype : String
  • clientInterface
      Nested Choice of Objects
    • hook
    • hook
      • post : String
        Publish JSON object as 'post' data, see upstream documentation. . Paramaterized Build variables should be specified in the format {{VARNAME}}.
      • tag : String
        Specify salt event tag for message. The event tag is prefixed with salt/netapi/hook, see upstream documentation. Paramaterized variables should be specified in the format {{VARNAME}}.
    • batch
    • batch
      • function : String
        Specify salt function such as or Paramaterized Build variables should be specified in the format {{VARNAME}}.
      • arguments : String
        Specify salt function arguments space separated. Paramaterized Build variables should be specified in the format {{VARNAME}}. Python lists should be quoted: pkgs="[package1, package2]".
        Pillar values should be passed in as an argument, with the pillar string surrounded in double or single quotes, and the values single or double quoted: "pillar={artifact: 'somevalue3', repo: 'othervalue:4'}"
      • batchSize : String
        Specify salt batch size. Example: 10 or 10%
      • batchWait : String
        Optionally specify time to wait between batches of minions.
      • target : String
        Specify salt target as defined in the salt documentation. Paramaterized Build variables should be specified in the format {{VARNAME}}.
      • targettype : String
    • local
    • local
      • function : String
        Specify salt function such as or Paramaterized Build variables should be specified in the format {{VARNAME}}.
      • arguments : String
        Specify salt function arguments space separated. Paramaterized Build variables should be specified in the format {{VARNAME}}. Python lists should be quoted: pkgs="[package1, package2]".
        Pillar values should be passed in as an argument, with the pillar string surrounded in double or single quotes, and the values single or double quoted: "pillar={artifact: 'somevalue3', repo: 'othervalue:4'}"
      • target : String
        Specify salt target as defined in the salt documentation. Paramaterized Build variables should be specified in the format {{VARNAME}}.
      • targettype : String
      • blockbuild : boolean (optional)
      • jobPollTime : int (optional)
      • minionTimeout : int (optional)
    • subset
    • subset
      • function : String
        Specify salt function such as or Paramaterized Build variables should be specified in the format {{VARNAME}}.
      • arguments : String
        Specify salt function arguments space separated. Paramaterized Build variables should be specified in the format {{VARNAME}}. Python lists should be quoted: pkgs="[package1, package2]".
        Pillar values should be passed in as an argument, with the pillar string surrounded in double or single quotes, and the values single or double quoted: "pillar={artifact: 'somevalue3', repo: 'othervalue:4'}"
      • subset : String
        Execute the routine on a random subset of the targeted minions. Paramaterized variables should be specified in the format {{VARNAME}}.
      • target : String
        Specify salt target as defined in the salt documentation. Paramaterized Build variables should be specified in the format {{VARNAME}}.
      • targettype : String
    • runner
    • runner
      • function : String
        Specify salt function such as or Paramaterized Build variables should be specified in the format {{VARNAME}}.
      • arguments : String
        Specify salt function arguments space separated. Paramaterized Build variables should be specified in the format {{VARNAME}}. Python lists should be quoted: pkgs="[package1, package2]".
      • mods : String
        Specify runner mods value. Used in state.orchestrate function to specify the name of the orchestrate module
        Paramaterized Build variables should be specified in the format {{VARNAME}}
      • pillarvalue : String
        Specify runner pillar value. Used in state.orchestrate functions. Ex: {"key": "value"}
        Paramaterized Build variables should be specified in the format {{VARNAME}}
  • credentialsId : String
  • saveEnvVar : boolean (optional)
  • saveFile : boolean (optional)
  • skipValidation : boolean (optional)

step([$class: 'SaltAPIBuilder']): Send a message to Salt API

  • authtype : String
  • clientInterface
      Nested Choice of Objects
    • hook
    • hook
      • post : String
        Publish JSON object as 'post' data, see upstream documentation. . Paramaterized Build variables should be specified in the format {{VARNAME}}.
      • tag : String
        Specify salt event tag for message. The event tag is prefixed with salt/netapi/hook, see upstream documentation. Paramaterized variables should be specified in the format {{VARNAME}}.
    • batch
    • batch
      • function : String
        Specify salt function such as or Paramaterized Build variables should be specified in the format {{VARNAME}}.
      • arguments : String
        Specify salt function arguments space separated. Paramaterized Build variables should be specified in the format {{VARNAME}}. Python lists should be quoted: pkgs="[package1, package2]".
        Pillar values should be passed in as an argument, with the pillar string surrounded in double or single quotes, and the values single or double quoted: "pillar={artifact: 'somevalue3', repo: 'othervalue:4'}"
      • batchSize : String
        Specify salt batch size. Example: 10 or 10%
      • batchWait : String
        Optionally specify time to wait between batches of minions.
      • target : String
        Specify salt target as defined in the salt documentation. Paramaterized Build variables should be specified in the format {{VARNAME}}.
      • targettype : String
    • local
    • local
      • function : String
        Specify salt function such as or Paramaterized Build variables should be specified in the format {{VARNAME}}.
      • arguments : String
        Specify salt function arguments space separated. Paramaterized Build variables should be specified in the format {{VARNAME}}. Python lists should be quoted: pkgs="[package1, package2]".
        Pillar values should be passed in as an argument, with the pillar string surrounded in double or single quotes, and the values single or double quoted: "pillar={artifact: 'somevalue3', repo: 'othervalue:4'}"
      • target : String
        Specify salt target as defined in the salt documentation. Paramaterized Build variables should be specified in the format {{VARNAME}}.
      • targettype : String
      • blockbuild : boolean (optional)
      • jobPollTime : int (optional)
      • minionTimeout : int (optional)
    • subset
    • subset
      • function : String
        Specify salt function such as or Paramaterized Build variables should be specified in the format {{VARNAME}}.
      • arguments : String
        Specify salt function arguments space separated. Paramaterized Build variables should be specified in the format {{VARNAME}}. Python lists should be quoted: pkgs="[package1, package2]".
        Pillar values should be passed in as an argument, with the pillar string surrounded in double or single quotes, and the values single or double quoted: "pillar={artifact: 'somevalue3', repo: 'othervalue:4'}"
      • subset : String
        Execute the routine on a random subset of the targeted minions. Paramaterized variables should be specified in the format {{VARNAME}}.
      • target : String
        Specify salt target as defined in the salt documentation. Paramaterized Build variables should be specified in the format {{VARNAME}}.
      • targettype : String
    • runner
    • runner
      • function : String
        Specify salt function such as or Paramaterized Build variables should be specified in the format {{VARNAME}}.
      • arguments : String
        Specify salt function arguments space separated. Paramaterized Build variables should be specified in the format {{VARNAME}}. Python lists should be quoted: pkgs="[package1, package2]".
      • mods : String
        Specify runner mods value. Used in state.orchestrate function to specify the name of the orchestrate module
        Paramaterized Build variables should be specified in the format {{VARNAME}}
      • pillarvalue : String
        Specify runner pillar value. Used in state.orchestrate functions. Ex: {"key": "value"}
        Paramaterized Build variables should be specified in the format {{VARNAME}}
  • credentialsId : String
  • servername : String (optional)
    Salt servername. In the form: https://host.domain:8000
    The Test Connection process is run from the Jenkins master. If the build is localized to an agent, and the servername is specific to that agent, then Test Connection will likely fail, while the actual build may succeed.
  • saveEnvVar : boolean (optional)
  • saveFile : boolean (optional)
  • skipValidation : boolean (optional)

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