The following plugin provides functionality available through
Pipeline-compatible steps. Read more about how to integrate steps into your
Pipeline in the
section of the
Pipeline Syntax
The CVS connection string Jenkins uses to connect to the server. The format is the same as $CVSROOT environment variable (:protocol:user@host:path)
passwordRequired : boolean
passwordRequired : boolean
password : String
password : String
Array / List of Nested Object
Nested Choice of Objects
$class: 'BranchRepositoryLocation'
$class: 'BranchRepositoryLocation'
branchName : String
useHeadIfNotFound : boolean
$class: 'HeadRepositoryLocation'
$class: 'HeadRepositoryLocation'
$class: 'TagRepositoryLocation'
$class: 'TagRepositoryLocation'
tagName : String
useHeadIfNotFound : boolean
Array / List of Nested Object
remoteName : String
remoteName : String
The name of the module in the repository at CVSROOT
localName : String
localName : String
The name to be applied to this module in the local workspace. If this is left blank then the remote module name will be used. This is similar to the 'checkout-as' function available on many CVS clients.
projectsetFileName : String
projectsetFileName : String
The name of the file in this module to parse for projectset entries.
If set, and Jenkins is set to poll for changes, Jenkins will ignore any files and/or folders in this list when determining if a build needs to be triggered.
Each exclusion uses regular expression pattern matching, and must be separated by a new line.
The example above illustrates that if only html/jpeg/gif files have been committed to the SCM a build will not occur.
More information on regular expressions can be found here.
Array / List of Nested Object
pattern : String
pattern : String
compressionLevel : int
compressionLevel : int
Nested Choice of Objects
$class: 'FishEyeCVS'
$class: 'FishEyeCVS'
url : String
Specify the root URL of FishEye for this repository (such as this.)
$class: 'OpenGrok'
$class: 'OpenGrok'
url : String
Specify the root URL of OpenGrok for this repository.
$class: 'ViewCVS'
$class: 'ViewCVS'
url : String
Specify the root URL of ViewCVS for this repository (such as this).
canUseUpdate : boolean
If checked, Jenkins will use 'cvs update' whenever possible for builds. This makes a build faster. But this also causes the artifacts from the previous build to remain in the file system when a new build starts, making it not a true clean build.
username : String
This username will be used for the checkout of any modules parsed from the projectset file if no match was found against the parsed CVSROOT using the globally configured authentication.
password : String
This password will be used for the checkout of any modules parsed from the projectset file if no match was found against the parsed CVSROOT using the globally configured authentication.
Nested Choice of Objects
$class: 'FishEyeCVS'
$class: 'FishEyeCVS'
url : String
Specify the root URL of FishEye for this repository (such as this.)
$class: 'OpenGrok'
$class: 'OpenGrok'
url : String
Specify the root URL of OpenGrok for this repository.
$class: 'ViewCVS'
$class: 'ViewCVS'
url : String
Specify the root URL of ViewCVS for this repository (such as this).
skipChangeLog : boolean
Prevent the changelog being generated after checkout has completed. This will stop any changes being shown on the changes screen but reduces load on your CVS server.
pruneEmptyDirectories : boolean
Remove empty directories after checkout using the CVS '-P' option.
disableCvsQuiet : boolean
Instructs CVS to show all logging output. CVS normally runs in quiet mode but this option disables that.
cleanOnFailedUpdate : boolean
If the job is configured to use CVS update and the update step fails for any reason then the workspace will be wiped-out and a clean checkout done instead.