The following plugin provides functionality available through
Pipeline-compatible steps. Read more about how to integrate steps into your
Pipeline in the
section of the
Pipeline Syntax
environmentDashboard: Details for Environment dashboard
nameOfEnv : String
Specify the environment name that you are deploying to.
You can use jenkins environment variable in the text area.
E.g: DEV or TEST or PROD
componentName : String
Specify the component name that you are deploying to.
You can use jenkins environment variable in the text area.
E.g: WEBAPP or DB or JBoss
buildNumber : String
The build name or value that should be displayed.
You can use jenkins environment variables here.
buildJob : String
Enter the name of the Jenkins job that built the code being deployed (so that the dashboard can link to it) (Optional)
Do not use unless your build number refers to a Jenkins build number!
packageName : String
Package name is an optional value that can be set along with the build number.
Some projects may use this to describe what the build being deployed is all about.
addColumns : boolean
Use this to add additional columns to the dashboard history pop-ups.