The following plugin provides functionality available through
Pipeline-compatible steps. Read more about how to integrate steps into your
Pipeline in the
section of the
Pipeline Syntax
For a list of other such plugins, see the
Pipeline Steps Reference
CloudShell Sandbox Plugin
: starts a CloudShell Sandbox
A CloudShell Sandbox will be created. The Sandbox Id will be accessible as an environment variable, as seen in the example code.
name : String
The name of the blueprint to use for the new sandbox.
duration : int
Defines a timeout for the sandbox. The sandbox will automatically ended once the max duration time is exceeded.
timeout : int
Enter the number of minutes to wait until the Sandbox becomes available in case no resources are available to reserve it.
params : String
Blueprint Parameter in this syntax: "input1=my_name; input2=30"
sandboxDomain : String
Sandbox will be created in the following domain.
sandboxName : String
Sandboxes will be created with this name instead of the blueprint name.
setupTimeout : int
Enter the number of minutes to wait for the sandbox setup to complete
: Stops a CloudShell Sandbox
Stop a sandbox in cloudshell.
sandboxId : String
teardownTimeout : int
Enter the number of minutes to wait for the sandbox teardown to complete
: Use sandbox in a specific scope
This step will execute the code in the closure in the context of a new sandbox. A CloudShell Sandbox will be created and set up prior to executing the code. The Sandbox Id will be accessible inside the closure as an environment variable, as seen in the example code. The Sandbox will always be ended after exiting the closure. NOTE: This step was designed for demo purposes only and not suitable for production usage.
name : String
The name of the blueprint to use for the new sandbox.
maxDuration : int
params : String
Blueprint Parameter in this syntax: "input1=my_name; input2=30"
sandboxName : String
Sandboxes will be created with this name instead of the blueprint name.
sandboxDomain : String
Sandbox will be created in the following domain.
timeout : int
Enter the number of minutes to wait until the Sandbox becomes available in case no resources are available to reserve it.
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