The following plugin provides functionality available through Pipeline-compatible steps. Read more about how to integrate steps into your Pipeline in the Steps section of the Pipeline Syntax page.
For a list of other such plugins, see the Pipeline Steps Reference page.
step([$class: 'BuildStepsFromJsonBuilder'])
: Build Steps from JsonbuildStep
$class: 'A3Builder'
project_file : String
analysis_ids : String
pedantic_level : String
export_a3apxworkspace : String
copy_report_file : boolean
copy_result_file : boolean
skip_a3_analysis : boolean
$class: 'ACSDeploymentBuilder'
java.lang.TypeNotPresentException: Type org.jenkinsci.plugins.docker.commons.credentials.DockerRegistryEndpoint not present
ncScanType : String
ncWebsiteId : String
ncProfileId : String
ncDoNotFail : boolean
ncReportType : String
acxServerURL : String
credentialsId : String
ncAbortScan : boolean
ncApiToken : Object
ncConfirmed : boolean
ncIgnoreFalsePositive : boolean
ncIgnoreRiskAccepted : boolean
ncSeverity : String
ncStopScan : boolean
pHost : String
pPassword : String
pPort : String
pUser : String
useProxy : boolean
azureCredentialsId : String
The ID of the credentials to use when accessing Azure. Parameters' expansion is supported when using freestyle jobs.
credentialsId : String
The ID of the credentials to use when accessing Cloudify. Parameters' expansion is supported when using freestyle jobs.
debugOutput : boolean
deploymentId : String
echoEnvData : boolean
If checked, then the created environment's data will be printed to the job's log.
echoInputs : boolean
envDataLocation : String
Path to a file that will contain the created environment's data. If not provided, the environment data won't be written.
location : String
The Azure location where the created resource group should reside in. If omitted, the value of the azure_default_location
Cloudify secret will be used.
YAML/JSON of parameters to pass to the template.
java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.Object>
parametersAsString : String
parametersFile : String
Path, relative to the Jenkins workspace root, of a YAML/JSON file containing parmaeters to pass to the template.
resourceGroupName : String
Name of resource group to create for the template.
templateFile : String
Workspace-relative path of the ARM template file.
tenant : String
$class: 'AWSEBBuilder'
awsRegionText : String
credentialsString : String
credentialsText : String
applicationName : String
versionLabelFormat : String
versionDescriptionFormat : String
failOnError : boolean
$class: 'AWSEBElasticBeanstalkSetup'
$class: 'AWSEBS3Setup'
bucketName : String
bucketRegion : String
keyPrefix : String
rootObject : String
Root Path to Grab for Artifacts, like '.' or 'target/myapp/'.
It could be either a path to a zip file or a directory.
If its a directory, includes and excludes are used to build the zip file
includes : String
excludes : String
overwriteExistingFile : boolean
useTransferAcceleration : boolean
$class: 'ByName'
envNameList : String
$class: 'ByUrl'
urlList : String
$class: 'AWSEBElasticBeanstalkSetup'
$class: 'AWSEBS3Setup'
bucketName : String
bucketRegion : String
keyPrefix : String
rootObject : String
Root Path to Grab for Artifacts, like '.' or 'target/myapp/'.
It could be either a path to a zip file or a directory.
If its a directory, includes and excludes are used to build the zip file
includes : String
excludes : String
overwriteExistingFile : boolean
useTransferAcceleration : boolean
$class: 'ByName'
envNameList : String
$class: 'ByUrl'
urlList : String
$class: 'AWSEBDeploymentBuilder'
applicationName : String
awsRegion : String
bucketName : String
S3 Bucket Name to Upload to (e.g. "my-awseb-apps")
(Optional, will call createStorageLocation
if blank)
checkHealth : boolean
credentialId : String
environmentName : String
Optional: AWS EB Environment name(s) to deploy to.
Can accept single or multiple comma-separated values. Examples:
When this value is set and each requested environment exists, an UpdateEnvironment call will be triggered as the Application Version is created.
excludes : String
includes : String
keyPrefix : String
maxAttempts : int
rootObject : String
Workspace-relative path of the artifact file to upload (if it's a file), or if it's a directory, the base directory to build the zip/war against
: The war file will be uploaded.
' or 'target/war
': A Zip file will be built and uploaded instead (using includes and excludes).skipEnvironmentUpdates : boolean
sleepTime : int
versionDescriptionFormat : String
versionLabelFormat : String
zeroDowntime : boolean
credentialId : String
awsRegion : String
applicationName : String
environmentId : String
versionLabel : String
abapPackagename : String
atcVariant : String
sapSystemLabel : String
runAtcChecks : boolean
runUnitTests : boolean
treatWarningAtcChecksAsErrors : boolean
useJenkinsProjectName : boolean
withCoverage : boolean
credentialsId : String
apiVersion : String
pluginId : String
url : String
changelogPath : String
changelogText : String
$class: 'AddFeedStatus'
projectNumber : String
feed : String
$class: 'AddItemComment'
projectNumber : String
sprintNumber : String
itemNumber : String
note : String
$class: 'AddReleaseComment'
projectNumber : String
releaseNumber : String
note : String
$class: 'AddSprintComment'
projectNumber : String
sprintNumber : String
note : String
$class: 'AddTestToSetStep'
domain : String
project : String
testPlanPath : String
testSetPath : String
$class: 'AddWorkItem'
projectNumber : String
sprintNumber : String
name : String
description : String
status : String
type : String
priority : String
duration : String
assignee : String
startdate : String
enddate : String
customFields : String
advinstRunType : String
aipProjectPath : String
aipProjectBuild : String
aipProjectOutputFolder : String
Folder where the result package should be created. It can be either an absolute path or relative to the workspace directory. If this field id empty the folder configured in the AIP project will be used. You can use build variables through the syntax ${VAR} or $VAR.
This option is available only when a build name is specified.
aipProjectOutputName : String
The result package name.If this field id empty the name configured in the AIP project will be used. You can use build variables through the syntax ${VAR} or $VAR.
This option is available only when a build name is specified.
advinstExtraCommands : String
aipProjectNoDigitalSignature : boolean
installName : String
dsn : String
, PS
, VS
primary : int
secondary : int
, FB
, V
, VB
, U
, VA
failOnExist : boolean
avgBlk : int
blkSize : int
dataClass : String
dirBlk : int
dsModel : String
lrecl : int
mgntClass : String
storClass : String
unit : String
volser : String
$class: 'AllocateDatasetStep'
connectionName : String
dsn : String
, PS
, VS
primary : int
secondary : int
, FB
, V
, VB
, U
, VA
failOnExist : boolean
avgBlk : int
blkSize : int
dataClass : String
dirBlk : int
dsModel : String
lrecl : int
mgntClass : String
storClass : String
unit : String
volser : String
Amazon Inspector
archivePath : String
Image Id Guidance:
The image can be local, remote, or archived. Image names should follow the Docker naming convention.
For more info:
artifactPath : String
archiveType : String
osArch : boolean
iamRole : String
awsRegion : String
credentialId : String
Used inside the plugin to pull the password from Jenkins' credential store. Only required if the image being scanned is located in a private repository requiring credentials to access.
awsProfileName : String
awsCredentialId : String
Optional. Allows you to specify AWS credentials explicitly instead of having them be pulled from your system. If this option is omitted, AWS credentials will be obtained via the default provider chain.
Credentials must be added to the credential store as the "AWS Credentials" type.
For more info:
sbomgenSelection : String
Automatic (Recommended): Allows the plugin to download the most recently released version of inspector-sbomgen. This ensures you always have the latest features, security updates, and bug fixes. Requires selection of the operating system and CPU architecture in use.
Manual: Requires a path to a pre-downloaded version of inspector-sbomgen to be supplied.
For more info:
sbomgenPath : String
countCritical : int
countHigh : int
countMedium : int
countLow : int
oidcCredentialId : String
sbomgenSkipFiles : String
Specifies a list of one or more files or directories to exclude from scanning. Each file path should be separated with commas, for example: build/, node_modules/, tests/
For more info:
epssThreshold : double
isThresholdEnabled : boolean
Specifies whether scanned vulnerabilities exceeding a value will cause a build failure. EPSS scores range from 0-1, enter a value between 0 and 1 (e.g., 0.6).
For more info:
reportArtifactName : String
Specify a custom name for the generated report artifact. This helps uniquely identify and manage reports, especially when building multiple images.
For more info:
$class: 'AmxEclipseAntBuilder'
targets : String
name : String
Jenkins supplies some environment variables that can be used from within the build script.
antOpts : String
buildFile : String
properties : String
# comment name1=value1 name2=$VAR2These are passed to amx_eclipse_ant like "-Dname1=value1 -Dname2=value2". Always use $VAR style (even on Windows) for references to Jenkins-defined environment variables. On Windows, %VAR% style references may be used for environment variables that exist outside of Jenkins. Backslashes are used for escaping, so use \\ for a single backslash. Double quotes (") should be avoided, as amx_eclipse_ant on *nix wraps parameters in quotes quotes and runs them through eval, and Windows has its own issues with escaping.. in either case, use of quotes may result in build failure. To define an empty property, simply write varname= Please refer to TIBCO Documentation for any detail
amxEclipseAntTra : String
businessStudioWs : String
name : String
anchoreui : String
key : String
value : String
autoSubscribeTagUpdates : boolean
bailOnFail : boolean
bailOnPluginFail : boolean
engineCredentialsId : String
engineRetries : String
engineRetryInterval : String
engineaccount : String
engineurl : String
engineverify : boolean
excludeFromBaseImage : boolean
forceAnalyze : boolean
policyBundleId : String
$class: 'AnsibleAdHocCommandBuilder'
hostPattern : String
$class: 'InventoryContent'
content : String
dynamic : boolean
$class: 'InventoryDoNotSpecify'
$class: 'InventoryPath'
path : String
module : String
command : String
additionalParameters : String
ansibleName : String
becomeUser : String
colorizedOutput : boolean
credentialsId : String
disableHostKeyChecking : boolean
hidden : boolean
key : String
class hudson.util.Secret
forks : int
hostKeyChecking : boolean
sudo : boolean
sudoUser : String
unbufferedOutput : boolean
vaultCredentialsId : String
vaultTmpPath : String
additionalArgs : String
ansibleEnvVars : String
credentialsId : String
The ID of the credentials to use when accessing Cloudify. Parameters' expansion is supported when using freestyle jobs.
debugLevel : int
debugOutput : boolean
deploymentId : String
echoEnvData : boolean
echoInputs : boolean
envDataLocation : String
optionsConfig : String
playbookPath : String
remergeSources : boolean
runData : String
savePlaybook : boolean
scpExtraArgs : String
sensitiveKeys : String
sftpExtraArgs : String
sourcePath : String
sources : String
sshCommonArgs : String
sshExtraArgs : String
startAtTask : String
tenant : String
timeout : int
$class: 'AnsiblePlaybookBuilder'
playbook : String
$class: 'InventoryContent'
content : String
dynamic : boolean
$class: 'InventoryDoNotSpecify'
$class: 'InventoryPath'
path : String
additionalParameters : String
ansibleName : String
becomeUser : String
checkMode : boolean
colorizedOutput : boolean
credentialsId : String
disableHostKeyChecking : boolean
hidden : boolean
key : String
class hudson.util.Secret
forks : int
hostKeyChecking : boolean
limit : String
skippedTags : String
startAtTask : String
sudo : boolean
sudoUser : String
tags : String
unbufferedOutput : boolean
vaultCredentialsId : String
vaultTmpPath : String
$class: 'AnsibleTower'
towerServer : String
jobTemplate : String
towerCredentialsId : String
jobType : String
extraVars : String
jobTags : String
skipJobTags : String
limit : String
inventory : String
credential : String
scmBranch : String
verbose : boolean
importTowerLogs : boolean
removeColor : boolean
templateType : String
importWorkflowChildLogs : boolean
$class: 'AnsibleTowerProjectRevisionFreestyle'
towerServer : String
towerCredentialsId : String
project : String
revision : String
verbose : boolean
throwExceptionWhenFail : boolean
$class: 'AnsibleTowerProjectSyncFreestyle'
towerServer : String
towerCredentialsId : String
project : String
verbose : boolean
importTowerLogs : boolean
removeColor : boolean
$class: 'AnsibleVaultBuilder'
action : String
ansibleName : String
content : String
input : String
newVaultCredentialsId : String
output : String
vaultCredentialsId : String
vaultTmpPath : String
Jenkins supplies some environment variables that can be used from within the build script.
targets : String
antName : String
antOpts : String
. Note that other Ant options (such as -lib) should go to the "Ant targets" field.
buildFile : String
in the root directory; this option can be used to use build files with a different name or in a subdirectory.
properties : String
# comment name1=value1 name2=$VAR2These are passed to Ant like "-Dname1=value1 -Dname2=value2". Always use $VAR style (even on Windows) for references to Jenkins-defined environment variables. On Windows, %VAR% style references may be used for environment variables that exist outside of Jenkins. Backslashes are used for escaping, so use \\ for a single backslash. Double quotes (") should be avoided, as ant on *nix wraps parameters in quotes and runs them through eval, and Windows has its own issues with escaping. In either case, use of quotes may result in build failure. To define an empty property, simply write varname=
$class: 'AntExec'
scriptSource : String
extendedScriptSource : String
scriptName : String
properties : String
# comment name1=value1 name2=$VAR2These are passed to Ant like "-Dname1=value1 -Dname2=value2". Always use $VAR style (even on Windows) for references to Jenkins-defined environment variables. On Windows, %VAR% style references may be used for environment variables that exist outside of Jenkins. Backslashes are used for escaping, so use \\ for a single backslash. Double quotes (") should be avoided, as ant on *nix wraps parameters in quotes quotes and runs them through eval, and Windows has its own issues with escaping.. in either case, use of quotes may result in build failure. To define an empty property, simply write varname=
antName : String
antOpts : String
keepBuildfile : boolean
verbose : boolean
emacs : boolean
noAntcontrib : boolean
Disabling usage of Ant-Contrib Tasks in this build step.
Jenkins supplies some environment variables that can be used from within the build script.
targets : String
antName : String
antOpts : String
. Note that other Ant options (such as -lib) should go to the "Ant targets" field.
buildFile : String
in the root directory; this option can be used to use build files with a different name or in a subdirectory.
properties : String
# comment name1=value1 name2=$VAR2These are passed to Ant like "-Dname1=value1 -Dname2=value2". Always use $VAR style (even on Windows) for references to Jenkins-defined environment variables. On Windows, %VAR% style references may be used for environment variables that exist outside of Jenkins. Backslashes are used for escaping, so use \\ for a single backslash. Double quotes (") should be avoided, as ant on *nix wraps parameters in quotes and runs them through eval, and Windows has its own issues with escaping. In either case, use of quotes may result in build failure. To define an empty property, simply write varname=
$class: 'ApiFortressBuilder'
mode : String
hook : String
id : String
blocking : boolean
dryrun : boolean
silent : boolean
param1name : String
param1value : String
param2name : String
param2value : String
param3name : String
param3value : String
appRayUrl : String
outputFilePath : String
waitTimeout : int
riskScoreThreshold : int
credentialsId : String
target : String
hasOptions : boolean
extraField : String
loginPassword : String
loginType : String
loginUser : String
optimization : String
presenceId : String
scanFile : String
scanType : String
trafficFile : String
target : String
hasOptions : boolean
rescan : boolean
scanId : String
target : String
hasOptions : boolean
rescan : boolean
scanId : String
hasOptionsUploadDirect : boolean
includeSCAGenerateIRX : String
includeSCAUploadDirect : String
openSourceOnly : boolean
scanMethod : String
scanSpeed : String
sourceCodeOnly : boolean
name : String
type : String
application : String
credentials : String
email : boolean
failBuild : boolean
failBuildNonCompliance : boolean
failureType : String
threshold : int
intervention : boolean
personalScan : boolean
target : String
wait : boolean
credentials : String
folder : String
testPolicy : String
template : String
jobName : String
accessId : String
agent : String
application : String
contact : String
description : String
email : boolean
exploreData : String
failBuild : boolean
failureType : String
threshold : int
loginType : String
scanType : String
secretKey : String
target : String
testOptimization : String
trafficFile : String
wait : boolean
$class: 'AppScanSourceBuilder'
disableScan : boolean
applicationFile : String
acceptSSL : boolean
customScanWorkspace : String
This value will be passed to AppScan Source as the scan workspace. AppScan Source assessment and working files will be stored in this directory.
If this field is blank, the default scan directory will be used.
The default directory is this job's build folder, as defined by Jenkins.
installation : String
$class: 'AppScanStandardBuilder'
startingURL : String
Spiders will find the remaining URLs in the domain to be included for scanning.
installation : String
additionalCommands : String
AppScanCMD exec|ex|e Parameters: [ /dest_scan|/dest|/d ] [ /base_scan|/base|/b ] [ /old_host|/ohost|/oh ] [ /new_host|/nhost|/nh ] [ /scan_template|/stemplate|/st ] [ /login_file|/lfile|/lf ] [ /multi_step_file|/mstepfile|/mf ] [ /manual_explore_file|/mexplorefile|/mef ] [ /policy_file|/pfile|/pf ] [ /additional_domains|/adomains|/ad ] [ /report_file|/rf ] [ /report_type|/rt {xml} ] [ /min_severity|/msev {informational} ] [ /test_type|/tt ] [ /report_template|/rtemplate|/rtm {CliDefault} ] Flags: [ /verbose|/v {false} ] [ /scan_log|/sl {false} ] [ /explore_only|/eo {false} ] [ /test_only|/to {false} ] [ /multi_step|/mstep|/ms {false} ] [ /continue|/c {false} ] [ /merge_manual_explore_requests|/mmer {false} ] [ /include_responses|/ir {false} ] [ /open_proxy|/oprxy|/opr /listening_port|/lport|/lp ] Creates new scan with base_scan's configuration saving dest_scan and creating report, if configured. AppScanCMD report|rep|r Parametrs: /base_scan|/base|/b /report_file|/rf /report_type|/rt [ /min_severity|/msev {informational} ] [ /test_type|/tt ] [ /report_template|/rtemplate|/rtm {CliDefault} ] Flags: [ /verbose|/v {false} ] Creates a report for base_scan. AppScanCMD close_proxy|cprxy|cpr Closes AppScan proxy if was previously opened. More info. at: ( User Guide) CLI - Chapter 15 - CLI - Page 315
authScan : boolean
If the website contains private information accessed only by logging in this option should be checked and credentials provided to increase dynamic security coverage.
authScanPw : String
Providing an account with higher authorization (such as Administrator) will increase the attack surface and therefore the scan coverage.
authScanRadio : boolean
A login sequence may be recorded using AppScan Standard's GUI by following these steps:
"Scan" > "Scan Configuration" > "Login Management" > "Record" > [ record your login...] > "I am logged in to the site" > "Details" (Tab) > "Export" (small icon on the right side).
Check "Form Based Authentication" if you do not have a recorded login sequence, this option will require an user name and password combination and is not guaranteed to work for all scenarios.
authScanUser : String
Providing an account with higher authorization (such as Administrator) will increase the attack surface and therefore the scan coverage.
generateReport : boolean
The report is available in HTML and PDF.
The HTML report generated is ready to be integrated with the HTML Publisher Plugin.
htmlReport : boolean
includeURLS : String
Some URLs might not be found by AppScan Standard's spiders, include them to get the best possible coverage.
pathRecordedLoginSequence : String
pdfReport : boolean
policyFile : String
A Test Policy File can be created following these steps:
"Scan" > "Scan Configuration" > "Test Policy" > "Export".
reportName : String
To configure HTML Publisher Plugin properly, the names in the configuration must match.
verbose : boolean
name : String
appId : String
class hudson.util.Secret
teamId : String
fingerprint : String
googleSigning : boolean
keystorePath : String
class hudson.util.Secret
class hudson.util.Secret
class hudson.util.Secret
googleSignFingerPrint : String
googleSignFingerPrint : String
fingerprint : String
googleSigning : boolean
appPath : String
crashlytics : String
datadog : String
fusionSetId : String
item : String
item : String
keystorePath : String
class hudson.util.Secret
item : String
item : String
item : String
appPath : String
fusionSetId : String
item : String
selectedVendor : String
buildWithLogs : boolean
outputLocation : String
workflowOutputLogs : boolean
class hudson.util.Secret
appPath : String
outputLocation : String
credentialsId : String
filePath : String
riskThreshold : String
region : String
axUrl : String
axUsername : String
axPassword : String
axServiceTemplateName : String
axServiceTemplateRepository : String
axServiceTemplateBranch : String
key : String
value : String
credentialsId : String
apiVersion : String
appScope : String
application system ID
is not specified. The scope name of the application for which to apply the changes, such as x_aah_custom_app. You can locate this value in the scope field in the Custom Application [sys_app] table.
appSysId : String
application scope
is not specified. The system id of the application for which to apply the changes. You can locate this value in the Sys ID field in the Custom Application [sys_app] table.
branchName : String
url : String
$class: 'ApprendaBuilder'
appAlias : String
appName : String
versionAlias : String
stage : String
artifactName : String
credentialsId : String
prefix : String
advVersionAliasToBeForced : String
advancedNewVersionOption : String
customPackageDirectory : String
applicationPackageURL : String
archiveUploadMethod : String
buildWithParameters : boolean
locationType : String
registry : String
register : boolean
localImage : String
hostedImage : String
onDisallowed : String
notCompliesCmd : String
hideBase : boolean
showNegligible : boolean
policies : String
customFlags : String
localToken : String
tarFilePath : String
containerRuntime : String
scannerPath : String
runtimeDirectory : String
imageName : String
onDisallowed : String
notCompliesCmd : String
outputFormat : String
onDisallowed : String
notCompliesCmd : String
codeScanPath : String
customFlags : String
url : String
checks : String
pageLimit : int
excludePathPattern : String
filename : String
format : String
credentialsID : String
name : String
$class: 'ArtifactDeployerBuilder'
includes : String
Can use wildcards like 'module/dist/**/*.zip'. See the @includes of Ant fileset for the exact format.
Artifacts are deployed from the workspace. You can change this basedir by specifying the basedir field under Advanced.
basedir : String
By default, the basedir is the job workspace.
Give a value to override the default value.
Path relative to workspace is permitted.
excludes : String
Optionally specify the 'excludes' pattern, such as "foo/bar/**/*". A file that matches this mask will not be deployed even if it matches the mask specified.
remote : String
Artifacts will be deployed in the specified output directory.
The remote location must be accessible through the build machine (controller and agent node).
If you want to have the ability to download deployed artifacts through the Jenkins dashboard, the location must be accessible from the Jenkins controller.
Make sure the Jenkins process have the right permissions to write to the remote location.
For example with a shared NFS storage, '/nfs/build/deploy/${BUILD_ID}' can be a valid value on a Unix machine.
flatten : boolean
Ignore the directory structure of the source files, and deploy all the artifacts into the output directory.
deleteRemote : boolean
Delete the output directory before deploying artifacts.
deleteRemoteArtifacts : boolean
failNoFilesDeploy : boolean
$class: 'ArtifactPromotionBuilder'
groupId : String
artifactId : String
classifier : String
version : String
extension : String
stagingRepository : String
stagingUser : String
stagingPW : String
releaseUser : String
releasePW : String
releaseRepository : String
promoterClass : String
debug : boolean
skipDeletion : boolean
'Skip deletion' option preserves the files in the staging repository.
Untick 'Skip deletion' only after you've promoted all the relevant files in previous steps.
applicationName : String
applicationVersion : String
applicationComponent : String
artifactName : String
artifactURL : String
repositoryName : String
tags : String
groupId : String
artifactId : String
version : String
classifier : String
deployToLocal : boolean
deployToRemote : boolean
extension : String
failOnError : boolean
pomFile : String
targetFileName : String
enableRepositoryLogging : boolean
enableTransferLogging : boolean
repositoryId : String
targetDirectory : String
name : String
description : String
type : String
groupId : String
artifactId : String
stage : String
flow : String
stageDescription : String
version : String
variableName : String
name : String
stage : String
version : String
projectId : String
credentialsId : String
outputFolder : String
jql : String
tags : String
mode : String
proxyURI : String
proxyUsername : String
proxyPassword : String
jiraServerUrl : String
numbered : boolean
ignoreCertErrors : boolean
$class: 'AstreeBuilder'
dax_file : String
analysis_id : String
output_dir : String
skip_analysis : boolean
genXMLOverview : boolean
genXMLCoverage : boolean
genXMLAlarmsByOccurence : boolean
genXMLAlarmsByCategory : boolean
genXMLAlarmsByFile : boolean
genXMLRulechecks : boolean
dropAnalysis : boolean
genPreprocessOutput : boolean
failon : String
a3c : String
cmode : boolean
srvurl : String
user : String
pwd : String
credentialsId : String
minScore : int
platformUrl : String
apiTags : String
branchName : String
defaultCollectionName : String
ignoreFailures : boolean
ignoreNetworkErrors : boolean
jsonReport : String
logLevel : String
prId : String
prTargetBranch : String
repositoryName : String
rootDirectory : String
shareEveryone : String
skipLocalChecks : boolean
tagName : String
$class: 'AutEnvironmentBuilder'
almServerName : String
almUserName : String
almPassword : String
almDomain : String
almProject : String
clientType : String
autEnvironmentId : String
useExistingAutEnvConf : boolean
existingAutEnvConfId : String
createNewAutEnvConf : boolean
newAutEnvConfName : String
name : String
value : String
paramType : String
shouldGetOnlyFirstValueFromJson : boolean
pathToJsonFile : String
outputParameter : String
credentialsId : String
autifyUrl : String<ID>/test_plans/<ID>
autifyPath : String
buildId : String
buildPath : String
shellInstallerUrl : String
timeout : String
wait : boolean
credentialsId : String
workspaceId : String
buildPath : String
autifyPath : String
shellInstallerUrl : String
credentialsId : String
autifyUrl : String<ID>/(scenarios|test_plans)/<ID>
autifyConnect : String
autifyConnectClient : boolean
autifyConnectClientExtraArguments : String
autifyPath : String
browser : String
device : String
deviceType : String
os : String
osVersion : String
shellInstallerUrl : String
testExecutionName : String
timeout : String
patternUrl : String
replacementUrl : String
wait : boolean
$class: 'Autogen'
element : String
Specify the name of the element in your Endevor® sandbox that you want to include in the autogeneration process, for example, RUNCOB01. The maximum length is 8 characters.
You can specify several specific comma-separated elements within the sandbox, for example, RUNCOB01, RUNCOB02.
You can use wildcards % and * to define the name patterns for the element names.
Specify * to include all elements from the sandbox in the autonegeration process.
Specify RUNCOB* to include all element names that start with "RUNCOB".
Specify %%%COB* to include elements that contain the substring COB starting after position three.
environment : String
Provide the environment for the Endevor® sandbox that you want to include in the autogeneration process, for example, DEV.
system : String
Provide the system name for the environment in your Endevor® sandbox that you want to include in the autogeneration process, for example, APCTTC0.
subsystem : String
Provide the subsystem name for the environment in your Endevor® sandbox that you want to include in the autogeneration process, for example, TESTCICD.
stage : String
Specify the environment stage in your Endevor® that you want to include in the autogeneration process, for example, 1.
instance : String
Specify the instance name of the environment that is associated with Endevor® Web services, for example, WEBSMFNE.
signout : boolean
Select this option to work with elements in Endevor® that might be currently worked on by another user.
Select the Override signout option only if you have the permission to override the signout of another user.
$class: 'AwsBatchBuilder'
jobname : String
jobdefinition : String
command : String
jobqueue : String
vcpu : String
memory : String
retries : String
principalCredentialId : String
script : String
exportVariablesString : String
storageCredentialId : String
downloadType : String
upstreamProjectName : String
Copy artifacts from a build that is a downstream of a build of the specified project. You can use variable expressions.
Downstream builds are found using fingerprints of files. That is, a build that is triggered from a build isn't always considered downstream, but you need to fingerprint files used in builds to let Jenkins track them.
Note: "Downstream build of" is applicable only to AbstractProject based projects (both upstream and downstream projects).
upstreamBuildNumber : String
$class: 'MultiJobBuildSelector'
parameterName : String
You can pass not only the parameter name, but also the parameter value itself. This is useful especially used with workflow-plugin.
id : String
$class: 'PromotedBuildSelector'
level : int
buildNumber : String
stable : boolean
allowUpstreamDependencies : boolean
fallbackToLastSuccessful : boolean
, UseOldest
, UseNewest
containerName : String
deleteFromAzureAfterDownload : boolean
downloadDirLoc : String
excludeFilesPattern : String
fileShare : String
flattenDirectories : boolean
includeArchiveZips : boolean
includeFilesPattern : String
projectName : String
verbose : boolean
Enabling this will provide more logging on downloading files.
$class: 'BDSBuilder'
projectFile : String
switches : String
installationName : String
$class: 'BapFtpBuilder'
configName : String
Select an FTP configuration from the list configured in the global configuration of this Jenkins.
The configuration defines the connection properties and base directory of the FTP server.
verbose : boolean
sourceFiles : String
Files to upload to a server.
The string is a comma separated list of includes for an Ant fileset eg. '**/*.jar' (see Patterns in the Ant manual).
The base directory for this fileset is the workspace.
excludes : String
Exclude files from the Transfer set.
The string is a comma separated list of excludes for an Ant fileset eg. '**/*.log,**/*.tmp,.git/' (see Patterns in the Ant manual)
remoteDirectory : String
Optional destination folder.
This folder will be below the one in the global configuration, if present.
The folder will be created if does not exist.
removePrefix : String
First part of the file path that should not be created on the remote server.
Directory structures are created relative to the base directory, which is usually the workspace.
You normally do not want the full path to these files to be created on the server.
For example if Source files were target/deployment/images/**/
then you may want Remove prefix to be target/deployment
This would create the images folder under the remote directory, and not target/deployment
Jenkins environment variables can be used in this path.
If you use remove prefix, then ALL source file paths MUST start with the prefix.
asciiMode : boolean
Select to enable ASCII mode for the transfer, otherwise binary transfer mode will be used.
Use with ASCII text files to fix the line terminators when transferring between different operating systems.
remoteDirectorySDF : boolean
Select this to include the timestamp in the remote directory.
The timestamp is the date of build. If this publisher is being used during a promotion, then the timestamp is that of the build that is being promoted.
This setting turns the remote directory option into a java SimpleDateFormat.
The SimpleDateFormat(SDF) uses letters to represent components of the date, like the month, year, or day of the week. Click here for more information about the date patterns.
As the SDF reserves all of the letters [A-Z][a-z], any that you want to appear literally in the directory that is created will need to be quoted.
Some examples follow - all examples are based on a build with a timestamp of 3:45 pm and 55 seconds on the 7th November 2010.
Remote directory | Directories created |
'qa-approved/'yyyyMMddHHmmss |
qa-approved/20101107154555 |
'builds/'yyyy/MM/dd/'build-${BUILD_NUMBER}' |
builds/2010/11/07/build-456 (if the build was number 456) |
yyyy_MM/'build'-EEE-d-HHmmss |
2010_11/build-Sun-7-154555 |
yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss |
2010-11-07_15-45-55 |
flatten : boolean
Only create files on the server, don't create directories (except for the remote directory, if present).
All files that have been selected to transfer must have unique filenames. The publisher will stop and fail as soon as a duplicate filename is found when using the flatten option.
cleanRemote : boolean
Select to delete all files and directories within the remote directory before transferring files.
noDefaultExcludes : boolean
makeEmptyDirs : boolean
The default behaviour of this plugin is to match files, and then create any directories required to preserve the paths to the files.
Selecting this option will create any directories that match the Source files pattern, even if empty.
patternSeparator : String
The regular expression that is used to separate the Source files and Exclude files patterns.
The Source files and Exclude files both accept multiple patterns that by default are split using
[, ]+which is how Ant, by default, handles multiple patterns in a single string.
The above expression makes it difficult to reference files or directories that contain spaces. This option allows the expression to be set to something that will preserve the spaces in a pattern eg. a single comma.
useWorkspaceInPromotion : boolean
Set the root directory for the Source files to the workspace.
By default this plugin uses the artifacts directory (where archived artifacts are stored). This allows the artifacts from the build number that you are promoting to be sent somewhere else.
If you run tasks that produce files in the workspace during the promotion and you want to publish them, then set this option.
If you need to send files from both the workspace and the archive directory, then you need to add a second server, even if you want to send the files to the same place. This is due to the fact that the workspace is not necessarily on the same host as the archive directory
usePromotionTimestamp : boolean
Use the build time of the promotion when the remote directory is a date format.
By default this plugin uses the time of the original build (the one that is being promoted) when formatting the remote directory. Setting this option will mean that if you use the remote directory is a date format option, it will use the time that the promotion process runs, instead of the original build.
If publishing to this server fails, try again.
Files that were successfully transferred will not be re-sent.
If the Clean remote option is selected, and succeeds, it will not be attempted again.
retries : int
retryDelay : long
Set the label for this Server instance - for use with Parameterized publishing.
Expand the help for Parameterized publishing for more details.
label : String
Set the label for this Server instance - for use with Parameterized publishing.
Expand the help for Parameterized publishing for more details.
If you want to use different credentials from those configured for this server, or if the credentials have not been specified for this server, then enable this option and set the username and password to use.
username : String
password : String
continueOnError : boolean
failOnError : boolean
alwaysPublishFromMaster : boolean
masterNodeName : String
parameterName : String
$class: 'BapSshBuilderPlugin'
configName : String
Select an SSH configuration from the list configured in the global configuration of this Jenkins.
The configuration defines the connection properties and base directory of the SSH server.
verbose : boolean
sourceFiles : String
Files to upload to a server.
The string is a comma separated list of includes for an Ant fileset eg. '**/*.jar' (see Patterns in the Ant manual).
The base directory for this fileset is the workspace.
excludes : String
Exclude files from the Transfer set.
The string is a comma separated list of excludes for an Ant fileset eg. '**/*.log,**/*.tmp,.git/' (see Patterns in the Ant manual)
remoteDirectory : String
Optional destination folder.
This folder will be below the one in the global configuration, if present.
The folder will be created if does not exist.
removePrefix : String
First part of the file path that should not be created on the remote server.
Directory structures are created relative to the base directory, which is usually the workspace.
You normally do not want the full path to these files to be created on the server.
For example if Source files were target/deployment/images/**/
then you may want Remove prefix to be target/deployment
This would create the images folder under the remote directory, and not target/deployment
Jenkins environment variables can be used in this path.
If you use remove prefix, then ALL source file paths MUST start with the prefix.
remoteDirectorySDF : boolean
Select this to include the timestamp in the remote directory.
The timestamp is the date of build. If this publisher is being used during a promotion, then the timestamp is that of the build that is being promoted.
This setting turns the remote directory option into a java SimpleDateFormat.
The SimpleDateFormat(SDF) uses letters to represent components of the date, like the month, year, or day of the week. Click here for more information about the date patterns.
As the SDF reserves all of the letters [A-Z][a-z], any that you want to appear literally in the directory that is created will need to be quoted.
Some examples follow - all examples are based on a build with a timestamp of 3:45 pm and 55 seconds on the 7th November 2010.
Remote directory | Directories created |
'qa-approved/'yyyyMMddHHmmss |
qa-approved/20101107154555 |
'builds/'yyyy/MM/dd/'build-${BUILD_NUMBER}' |
builds/2010/11/07/build-456 (if the build was number 456) |
yyyy_MM/'build'-EEE-d-HHmmss |
2010_11/build-Sun-7-154555 |
yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss |
2010-11-07_15-45-55 |
flatten : boolean
Only create files on the server, don't create directories (except for the remote directory, if present).
All files that have been selected to transfer must have unique filenames. The publisher will stop and fail as soon as a duplicate filename is found when using the flatten option.
cleanRemote : boolean
noDefaultExcludes : boolean
makeEmptyDirs : boolean
The default behaviour of this plugin is to match files, and then create any directories required to preserve the paths to the files.
Selecting this option will create any directories that match the Source files pattern, even if empty.
patternSeparator : String
The regular expression that is used to separate the Source files and Exclude files patterns.
The Source files and Exclude files both accept multiple patterns that by default are split using
[, ]+which is how Ant, by default, handles multiple patterns in a single string.
The above expression makes it difficult to reference files or directories that contain spaces. This option allows the expression to be set to something that will preserve the spaces in a pattern eg. a single comma.
execCommand : String
A command to execute on the remote server.
This command will be executed on the remote server after any files are transferred.
The SSH Transfer Set must include either a Source Files pattern, an Exec command, or both. If both are present, the files are transferred before the command is executed. If you want to Exec before the files are transferred, use 2 Transfer Sets and move the Exec command before the Transfer set that includes a Source files pattern.
execTimeout : int
Timeout in milliseconds for the Exec command.
Set to zero to disable.
usePty : boolean
Exec the command in a pseudo tty.
This will enable the execution of sudo commands that require a tty (and possibly help in other scenarios too.)
From the sudoers(5) man page:
requiretty If set, sudo will only run when the user is logged in to a real tty. When this flag is set, sudo can only be run from a login session and not via other means such as cron(8) or cgi-bin scripts. This flag is off by default.
keepFilePermissions : boolean
Keep local file permissions of transferred files.
Changes file permissions of the file after transferring to the local one.
NB: only POSIX file permissions support is implemented.
useAgentForwarding : boolean
Exec the command using Agent Forwarding.
Allows a chain of ssh connections to forward key challenges back to the original agent, thus eliminating the need for using a password or public/private keys for these connections.
From the ssh(1) man page:
Enables forwarding of the authentication agent connection. This can also be specified on a per-host basis in a configuration file. Agent forwarding should be enabled with caution. Users with the ability to bypass file permissions on the remote host (for the agent's UNIX-domain socket) can access the local agent through the forwarded connection. An attacker cannot obtain key material from the agent, however they can perform operations on the keys that enable them to authenticate using the identities loaded into the agent.
useSftpForExec : boolean
Using SFTP protocol instead of SSH for Exec command.
Supported commands: mkdir, ln, symlink, rm, rmdir, cd, get, ls
useWorkspaceInPromotion : boolean
Set the root directory for the Source files to the workspace.
By default this plugin uses the artifacts directory (where archived artifacts are stored). This allows the artifacts from the build number that you are promoting to be sent somewhere else.
If you run tasks that produce files in the workspace during the promotion and you want to publish them, then set this option.
If you need to send files from both the workspace and the archive directory, then you need to add a second server, even if you want to send the files to the same place. This is due to the fact that the workspace is not necessarily on the same host as the archive directory.
usePromotionTimestamp : boolean
Use the build time of the promotion when the remote directory is a date format.
By default this plugin uses the time of the original build (the one that is being promoted) when formatting the remote directory. Setting this option will mean that if you use the remote directory is a date format option, it will use the time that the promotion process runs, instead of the original build.
If publishing to this server or command execution fails, try again.
Files that were successfully transferred will not be re-sent.
If Exec command is configured, but fails in any way (including a non zero exit code), then it will be retried.
retries : int
retryDelay : long
Set the label for this Server instance - for use with Parameterized publishing.
Expand the help for Parameterized publishing for more details.
label : String
Set the label for this Server instance - for use with Parameterized publishing.
Expand the help for Parameterized publishing for more details.
If you want to use different credentials from those configured for this server, or if the credentials have not been specified for this server, then enable this option and set them here.
username : String
encryptedPassphrase : String
or Path to key
is configured.
key : String
The private key.
Paste the private key here, or provide the path to the file containing the key in Path to key
keyPath : String
The path to the private key.
Either supply the path to the file containing the key, or paste the key into the Key
The Path to key
can be absolute, or relative to $JENKINS_HOME
continueOnError : boolean
failOnError : boolean
alwaysPublishFromMaster : boolean
masterNodeName : String
parameterName : String
command : String
Limit which environment variables are passed to a build step.
Environment variables passed to the build step are filtered, unless listed below.
The behavior of this filter depends on whether the environment variable is originally defined outside Jenkins:
, it will not be passed to the build step unless specified here.PATH
, the behavior depends on the option Process environment variables handling : If that option is set to Retain , the original value will be passed to the build step, discarding any modifications inside Jenkins. If that option is set to Remove , the variable will not be passed to the build step.The following table shows the effect of filtering on an environment variable:
Behavior | Originally defined outside Jenkins | Originally defined inside Jenkins |
Process environment variables handling: reset | Variable is reset to original value | Variable is removed |
Process environment variables handling: removed | Variable is removed | Variable is removed |
retainCharacteristicEnvVars : boolean
When checked, characteristic environment variables will be retained in addition to the variables listed above. These environment variables are job- and build-specific, defined by Jenkins, and are used to identify and kill processes started by this build step. See the documentation for more details on starting processes.
variables : String
Whitespace separated, case insensitive list of environment variables that will be retained, i.e. not removed from the environment of this build step or reset to their default.
unstableReturn : int
credentialsId : String
apiVersion : String
batchName : String
file : String
The field is required if Use file is checked. If the field is not changed default value will be used: now_batch_manifest.json
notes : String
Default: null
packages : String
"id": "String",
"load_demo_data": Boolean,
"notes": "String",
"requested_customized_version": "String",
"requested_version": "String",
"type": "String"
id | Required. Sys_id of the application or identifier of the plugin to install. |
load_demo_data | Flag that indicates whether demo data is loaded when installing the package. Valid values: true : Demo data should be loaded. false : Demo data should not be loaded. Default: false |
notes | User specified notes about the package. Default: null |
requested_customized_version | Only applicable when packages.type is set to application. Version of the store application customization package to install, such as 1.0.2 or 2.3. |
requested_customized_version | Only applicable when packages.type is set to application. Version of the store application customization package to install, such as 1.0.2 or 2.3. Default: None. If this is not set, then the system does not look for customizations for the application. |
requested_version | Required if type is set to application; ignored if set to plugin. Version of the package to install, such as 1.0.2 or 2.3. |
type | Required. Type of package. Valid values:
url : String
useFile : boolean
Default: false
credentialsId : String
apiVersion : String
rollbackId : String
) of the rollback installed before.
url : String
If ServiceNow Parameters are used, then the URL of installation instance will be used.
class hudson.util.Secret
appType : String
appPath : String
packageName : String
scanTimeout : String
severityThreshold : String
$class: 'BeaglePlugin'
class hudson.util.Secret
class hudson.util.Secret
$class: 'BeakerBuilder'
$class: 'FileJobSource'
jobPath : String
$class: 'StringJobSource'
jobContent : String
downloadFiles : boolean
$class: 'BeginAnalysis'
buildSessionId : String
appName : String
moduleName : String
branch : String
enableMultipleBuildFiles : boolean
overrideJars : boolean
multipleBuildFiles : boolean
labId : String
testStage : String
packagesIncluded : String
packagesExcluded : String
filesIncluded : String
filesExcluded : String
classLoadersExcluded : String
recursive : boolean
workspacepath : String
buildScannerJar : String
testListenerJar : String
testListenerConfigFile : String
autoRestoreBuildFile : boolean
sealightsMavenPluginInstallationArguments : String
buildFilesPatterns : String
buildFilesFolders : String
logEnabled : boolean
logFolder : String
slMvnPluginVersion : String
$class: 'DefaultBuildName'
$class: 'EmptyBuildName'
$class: 'LatestBuildName'
$class: 'ManualBuildName'
insertedBuildName : String
$class: 'UpstreamBuildName'
upstreamProjectName : String
override_customerId : String
override_url : String
override_proxy : String
additionalArguments : String
Argument name | Description |
token | The token provided to you by SeaLights (override the global 'token' value for this build). |
tokenfile | A file containing the token provided to you by SeaLights (override the global 'token' value for this build). |
buildsessionidfile | Set build session id file for this build. |
createbuildsessionid | When set to 'true' - forces SeaLights Maven Plugin to create new build session id (true by default). |
proxy | A valid URL to a proxy server. |
agentpath | Override the path to SeaLights jar. |
javapath | Override the path to the 'java' variable (default is 'java'). |
filesstorage | A folder where sealights files for this build will be kept (override the global 'Files storage' value for this build). |
sealightsJvmParams | Key value pairs of environments variables which will be added to both buildscanner and test listener ('$$$'- separated pairs, ':'- separated key and value. i.e: sealightsJvmParams=param:value$$$anotherparam:anothervalue) |
buildScannerParams | Key value pairs of environments variables which will be added to buildscanner ('$$$'- separated pairs, ':'- separated key and value. i.e: buildScannerParams=param:value$$$anotherparam:anothervalue) |
testListenerJvmParams | Key value pairs of environments variables which will be added to test listener ('$$$'- separated pairs, ':'- separated key and value i.e: testListenerJvmParams=param:value$$$anotherparam:anothervalue) |
includeResources : boolean
filepath : String
$class: 'BitbucketPublisher'
serverUrl : String
credentialsId : String
projectKey : String
projectName : String
projectUsers : String
projectGroups : String
ciServer : String
projectName : String
$class: 'BladeBuilder'
$class: 'CodeScan'
source : String
exclude : String
noCache : boolean
noProxy : boolean
noBlame : boolean
ruleset : String
severityLevel : String
severityThreshold : int
autoUpdate : boolean
credentialsId : String
debug : boolean
directory : String
environment : String
forceVersion : String
ignoreFailure : boolean
onFailureCmd : String
timeout : int
$class: 'ImageScan'
image : String
exclude : String
noCache : boolean
noProxy : boolean
noBlame : boolean
ruleset : String
severityLevel : String
severityThreshold : int
autoUpdate : boolean
credentialsId : String
debug : boolean
directory : String
environment : String
forceVersion : String
ignoreFailure : boolean
onFailureCmd : String
timeout : int
$class: 'BlueprintLaunch'
projectName : String
Project selection is mandatory.
blueprintName : String
Blueprint selection is mandatory.
applicationName : String
Application Name is mandatory.
This is the Application name used for blueprint launch in Nutanix Calm. Appending the _${BUILD_ID} to the Application name is recommended for unique application names. Other Jenkins Environment Variables may also be used.
appProfileName : String
Application Profile selection is mandatory.
actionName : String
The field is mandatory
Select the required action need to run after the application launch from the list of actions, else please select none.
runtimeVariables : String
Click on Fetch Runtime Variables to fetch all editable variables for the selected Application Profile in JSON format. Modify the key values from the defaults as needed.The values can also reference jenkins environment variables.
waitForSuccessFulLaunch : boolean
blueprintDescription : String
Description is fetched from the selected Calm blueprint
BMC DevOps for CFA Plugin
server : String
port : String
user : String
jclContent : String
chkfreq : String
jobCard : String
acctno : String
thresh : String
sortby : String
pswd : String
prilog : String
lib : String
sldsname : String
sldsver : String
sldsunit : String
sldsvolser : String
dliname : String
dliver : String
dliunit : String
dlivolser : String
jobname : String
recon1 : String
recon2 : String
recon3 : String
goodRC : String
bmcSlds : boolean
You can use the SLDS keyword on the ANALYZE control statement to identify explicitly an input log data set to use as input to the analysis process. SLDS=(dataSetName,Rvr, unit,volser) If you want CFA to read multiple log data sets, specify multiple instances of the SLDS keyword.
Example: IMSA is an IMS version 14.1 system and creates generations of SLDSs that use the naming convention imsid.SLDS.Ddate.GENnnn. The SLDSs are cataloged. To analyze log records that IMSA wrote to generations 10 through 12 on March 29, 2015, specify the following keywords on the ANALYZE control statement:
SLDS=(IMSA.SLDS.D2008088.GEN010, R141)
SLDS=(IMSA.SLDS.D2008088.GEN011, R141)
SLDS=(IMSA.SLDS.D2008088.GEN012, R141)
bmcDb2log : boolean
You can use the DB2LOG keyword on the ANALYZE control statement to identify a DB2 log data set that was created by a DB2 subsystem.
Note: If you specify the DB2LOG keyword, do not specify the DB2BSDS keyword.
db2log : String
db2bsds : String
limit : String
skip : String
maxlogs : String
If you specify a value from 1 through 999, Log Analyzer stops reading log data sets after it reaches the specified number of log data sets. If Log Analyzer does not read other log data sets because the specified limit was reached, a warning message indicates the number of log data sets that were not read.
If you want Log Analyzer to read all log data sets, specify MAXLOGS=999.
The default is MAXLOGS=100 (Log Analyzer reads a maximum of 100 log data sets).
bmcDb2bsds : boolean
You can use the DB2BSDS keyword on the ANALYZE control statement to identify a DB2 bootstrap data set (BSDS).
Specify the fully qualified data set name. This name should refer to a VSAM key-sequenced data set (KSDS).
Do not specify the name of a BSDS archive copy, which is not a VSAM KSDS. BSDS cannot be a TAPE dataset.
bmcLimit : boolean
You can use the LIMIT keyword (or the LIM abbreviation) on the ANALYZE control statement to set a limit on the number (1 through 9999999999) of log records to process from an input log data set.
bmcSkip : boolean
You can use the SKIP keyword on the ANALYZE control statement to specify a number (1 through 9999999999) of log records in an input log data set to skip before CFA begins to process records.
The default is SKIP=0, which skips no records.
If you specify the SKIP keyword, you must specify one SLDS keyword. The SLDS keyword is required, and multiple SLDS keywords are not allowed.
bmcActiveOlds : boolean
bmcImsid : boolean
You can use the IMSID keyword on the ANALYZE control statement to specify one or more IMSIDs.
If you do not check this option,then the the default IMSID=ALL will be taken and all log records for all IMS systems that are associated with the input RECON data set (or data sets) will be considered.
If you specify the SLDS keyword, you cannot specify the IMSID keyword. The IMSID keyword applies only if CFA is reading RECON data sets to determine which log data sets to process.
bmcDlilog : boolean
You can use the DLILOG keyword on the ANALYZE control statement to identify explicitly an input dli log data set to use as input to the analysis process.
Specify the keyword values as follows:
bmcMaxlogs : boolean
Use this keyword when you are using implicit specification of log data sets and Log Analyzer is reading RECON data sets to determine which log data sets to process. In this case, the number of log data sets to be processed is unknown. The MAXLOGS keyword can help you prevent a problem that could result from processing an excessive number of log data sets.
The MAXLOGS keyword works differently, depending on how you specify the value:
bmcJobname : boolean
You can use the JOBNAME keyword on the ANALYZE control statement to specify one or more JOBNAMEs. Each JOBNAME (one to eight characters) identifies a Job name. Log Analyzer uses the JOBNAME when determining which dli log data sets to use as input.
To process log records for all Job names that are associated with the input RECON data set (or data sets), specify JOBNAME=ALL.
If you omit the JOBNAME sub-keyword, Log Analyzer uses the default value ALL.
imsid : String
bmcRecon : boolean
You can use the RECON keyword on the ANALYZE control statement to specify the names of a set of RECON data sets to examine during the CFA job.
If you want CFA to examine multiple sets of RECON data sets, you must specify each set with a separate RECON keyword.
If you specify the RECON keyword, your user ID must have Security Access Facility (SAF) READ access to the RECON data sets.
You can specify from one to three data set names. One of the specified data set names must be designated as COPY1 by IMS.
The RECON data sets for the IMSA system are named IMSA.RECON1 and IMSA.RECON2, and the RECON data sets for the IMSB system are named IMSB.RECON1 and IMSB.RECON2. To examine IMSA and IMSB RECON data sets in the CFA job, specify the following keywords on the ANALYZE control statement:
If you specify the RECON keyword, you must specify the INTERVAL control statement with a START time value and a STOP time value.
bmcTimezone : boolean
bmcStartInterval : boolean
You can use the START keyword on the INTERVAL control statement for the following purposes:
bmcStopInterval : boolean
You can use the STOP keyword on the INTERVAL control statement for the following purposes:
� Specify the end of a range of log records to identify as candidates for the record selection process
� Control the end of range of log data sets to allocate from RECON information
� Reduce the overall number of log records that are selected from input SLDS or extract files
value : String
startDate : String
startlogSeq : String
value : String
stopDate : String
stoplogSeq : String
value : String
timezoneoffset : String
jobInclude : String
jobExclude : String
psbInclude : String
psbExclude : String
maxlogsRc : String
If you specify a value from 1 through 999 followed by literal R and a return code (08 through 99), Log Analyzer issues the specified return code and terminates the job step if more than the specified number of log data sets would be read. Log Analyzer issues the return code at the conclusion of the RECON analysis phase without reading any input log data sets.
If you want Log Analyzer to issue return code 16 and terminate the job step if more than 10 log data sets would be read, specify the following keyword on the ANALYZE control statement:
maxlogsAbend : String
If you specify a value from 1 through 999 followed by an abend code (1 through 4095), Log Analyzer issues a user abend code and terminates the job step if more than the specified number of log data sets would be read. Log Analyzer issues the user abend at the conclusion of the RECON analysis phase without reading any input log data sets.
If you want Log Analyzer to issue a user abend, with abend code U4000, if more than 120 log data sets would be read, specify the following keyword on the ANALYZE control statement:
bmcJobInc : boolean
bmcJobExc : boolean
bmcPsbInc : boolean
bmcPsbExc : boolean
bmcChkfreq : boolean
bmcThresh : boolean
bmcPrilog : boolean
You can use the PRILOG keyword on the ANALYZE control statement to specify the logs type associated with the input RECON data set (or data sets) to use as input to the analysis process.
You can select one of the following values:
bmcAppcheck : boolean
bmcAll : boolean
bmcLsec : boolean
chkfreqval : String
bmcPlanInc : boolean
planInclude : String
bmcPlanExc : boolean
planExclude : String
bmcSortby : boolean
bmcCsv : boolean
bmcFullreport : boolean
$class: 'BootPluginBuilder'
tasks : String
jvmOpts : String
$class: 'BranchDestructionStep'
project : String
branch : String
$class: 'BranchGenerationStep'
destructor : boolean
authorisations : String
branchSCMParameter : boolean
branchParameters : String
generationExtension : String
pipelineGenerationExtension : String
disableDslScript : boolean
scriptDirectory : String
projectFolderPath : String
branchFolderPath : String
projectSeedName : String
projectDestructorName : String
branchSeedName : String
branchStartName : String
branchName : String
ignoredBranchPrefixes : String
delete : boolean
auto : boolean
trigger : boolean
commit : String
project : String
scmType : String
scmUrl : String
scmCredentials : String
triggerIdentifier : String
triggerType : String
triggerSecret : String
dotnet build
command builds the project and its dependencies into a set of binaries. The binaries include the project's code in Intermediate Language (IL) files with a .dll extension. Depending on the project type and settings, other files may be included, such as:
charset : String
configuration : String
, but you can override the build configuration settings in your project.
continueOnError : boolean
, if configured that way), but the build will be allowed to continue. Otherwise, any such errors will cause the build to be terminated immediately.
force : boolean
framework : String
noDependencies : boolean
noIncremental : boolean
noRestore : boolean
nologo : boolean
option : String
options : Array / List of String
optionsString : String
outputDirectory : String
. For projects with multiple target frameworks (via the TargetFrameworks
property), you also need to specify a specific framework when you specify this option.
project : String
java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String>
propertiesString : String
runtime : String
sdk : String
will be in the path.
With .NETelement (or a
block in a pipeline script) to specify one, or ensure this step runs on a node that has a .NET SDK installed and in the path.
showSdkInfo : boolean
dotnet --info
will be executed before the main command. This shows a list of available SDKs and runtimes, indicating which one is currently being used.
shutDownBuildServers : boolean
dotnet build-server shutdown
will be executed after the main command, shutting down build servers that may have been started.
hanguntil those server processes end. As such, it's recommended to specify this for the last .NET-related step in a job. If using multiple SDKs, each needs its own shutdown (e.g. the .NET Core 3.1 SDK will not shut down build servers from the .NET 5.0 SDK).
specificSdkVersion : boolean
executable may use the most recent SDK available on the system, even when PATH
is set up to find an older SDK deployment first; see this page for more information.
file will be created in the current directory, referencing that SDK version and disabling roll-forward.
already present in the current directory.
target : String
targets : Array / List of String
targetsString : String
unstableIfErrors : boolean
unstableIfWarnings : boolean
verbosity : String
versionSuffix : String
property to use when building the project. This only works if the $(Version)
property isn't set. Then, $(Version)
is set to the $(VersionPrefix)
combined with the $(VersionSuffix)
, separated by a dash.
workDirectory : String
applicationName : String
applicationVersion : String
applicationComponent : String
artifactFileName : String
artifactFileSizeLimit : int
title : String
url : String
$class: 'BuildBuilder'
, subfolder
, scaproject
subfolder : String
projectPath : String
packageid : String
value : String
serverName : String
dbName : String
value : String
username : String
class hudson.util.Secret
encryptConnection : boolean
trustServerCertificate : boolean
options : String
dataOptions : String
, Snapshot
, RepeatableRead
, ReadCommitted
, ReadUncommitted
filter : String
packageVersion : String
dlmDashboardHost : String
dlmDashboardPort : String
, Specific
specificVersion : String
descriptionTemplate : String
nameTemplate : String
$class: 'BuildNameUpdater'
fromFile : boolean
buildName : String
fromMacro : boolean
macroTemplate : String
macroFirst : boolean
packageId : String
baseUrl : String
between the scheme and the hostname.
credentialsId : String
download : boolean
localDirectory : String
requestTimeout : long
serviceTimeout : long
waitDelay : long
wspFilter : String
/etc # define /etc as the filter root +/etc(/.*)? # include everything under /etc -/etc/packages(/.)? # exclude package pathsTo create a package for a project "acme" defined in CRX DE Lite, a filter may look like this:
/content/acme # include the site content /apps/acme # include the app codeThis field supports parameter tokens.
$class: 'BuildScanner'
profile : String
target : String
repTemp : String
threat : String
stopScan : boolean
svRep : boolean
incScan : boolean
incScanId : String
stopTargetScans : boolean
$class: 'BuildStepBuilder'
sourceFolderMode : String
subfolder : String
packageId : String
serverType : String
server : String
authenticationType : String
userName : String
class hudson.util.Secret
database : String
compareOptions : String
filterFile : String
transactionIsoLvl : String
$class: 'BuildStepWithTimeout'
buildStep : Build Step (hudson.tasks.BuildStep
$class: 'AbsoluteTimeOutStrategy'
Terminate a build based on a fixed time-out period.
timeoutMinutes : String
$class: 'DeadlineTimeOutStrategy'
Terminate a build based on a deadline time specified in HH:MM:SS or HH:MM (24-hour time format).
deadlineTime : String
deadlineToleranceInMinutes : int
$class: 'ElasticTimeOutStrategy'
Terminate a build based on a specified percentage of the mean of the duration of the n most recent non-failing builds.
timeoutPercentage : String
timeoutMinutesElasticDefault : String
numberOfBuilds : String
failSafeTimeoutDuration : boolean
$class: 'LikelyStuckTimeOutStrategy'
Terminate a build when it has taken many times longer than previous ones.
$class: 'NoActivityTimeOutStrategy'
timeoutSecondsString : String
$class: 'RunConditionTimeoutStrategy'
This extension uses run condition as condition sources.
$class: 'AlwaysRun'
$class: 'And'
$class: 'AlwaysRun'
$class: 'And'
$class: 'BatchFileCondition'
command : String
If you already have a batch file in SCM, you can just type in the path of that batch file (again relative to the workspace directory), and simply execute that.
$class: 'BooleanCondition'
token : String
$class: 'CauseCondition'
buildCause : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'DayCondition'
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'SelectDays'
day : int
selected : boolean
$class: 'Weekday'
$class: 'Weekend'
$class: 'ExpressionCondition'
expression : String
label : String
$class: 'ExtendedCauseCondition'
$class: 'UpstreamCauseCondition'
projects : String
$class: 'UserBuildCauseCondition'
users : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'FileExistsCondition'
file : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'FilesMatchCondition'
includes : String
excludes : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'LegacyBuildstepCondition'
condition : String
invert : boolean
$class: 'NeverRun'
$class: 'NodeCondition'
allowedNodes : Array / List of String
$class: 'Not'
$class: 'AlwaysRun'
$class: 'And'
$class: 'BatchFileCondition'
command : String
If you already have a batch file in SCM, you can just type in the path of that batch file (again relative to the workspace directory), and simply execute that.
$class: 'BooleanCondition'
token : String
$class: 'CauseCondition'
buildCause : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'DayCondition'
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'SelectDays'
day : int
selected : boolean
$class: 'Weekday'
$class: 'Weekend'
$class: 'ExpressionCondition'
expression : String
label : String
$class: 'ExtendedCauseCondition'
$class: 'UpstreamCauseCondition'
projects : String
$class: 'UserBuildCauseCondition'
users : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'FileExistsCondition'
file : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'FilesMatchCondition'
includes : String
excludes : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'LegacyBuildstepCondition'
condition : String
invert : boolean
$class: 'NeverRun'
$class: 'NodeCondition'
allowedNodes : Array / List of String
$class: 'Not'
$class: 'NumericalComparisonCondition'
lhs : String
rhs : String
$class: 'EqualTo'
$class: 'GreaterThan'
$class: 'GreaterThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'LessThan'
$class: 'LessThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'NotEqualTo'
$class: 'OntrackDSLRunCondition'
value : String
scriptPath : String
scriptText : String
sandbox : boolean
injectEnvironment : String
) to bind as variables into the script.
For example, if you set this field to BUILD_NUMBER
, you can access the BUILD_NUMBER
value from the script using:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', '1.0').build("1.0-${BUILD_NUMBER}", '')
injectProperties : String
You can define variables to inject into the script by using a property-like format.
For example, the following text:
would inject the corresponding BRANCH
variables in the script:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', BRANCH).build(VERSION, "Build ${VERSION}")
In the text:
name = value
are ignored${VAR}
are expanded using VAR
from the current environment variables.ontrackLog : boolean
$class: 'Or'
$class: 'ShellCondition'
command : String
By default, the shell will be invoked with the "-ex" option. So all of the commands are printed before being executed, and the build is considered a failure if any of the commands exits with a non-zero exit code. Again, add the #!/bin/... line to change this behavior.
As a best practice, try not to put a long shell script in here. Instead, consider adding the shell script in SCM and simply call that shell script from Jenkins (via bash -ex or something like that), so that you can track changes in your shell script.
A non-zero exit value will be treated as a false value
$class: 'StatusCondition'
worstResult : String
bestResult : String
$class: 'StringsMatchCondition'
arg1 : String
arg2 : String
ignoreCase : boolean
$class: 'TextFinderCondition'
fileSet : String
regexp : String
checkConsoleOutput : boolean
$class: 'TimeCondition'
earliest : String
latest : String
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'VariableExistsCondition'
variableName : String
$class: 'NumericalComparisonCondition'
lhs : String
rhs : String
$class: 'EqualTo'
$class: 'GreaterThan'
$class: 'GreaterThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'LessThan'
$class: 'LessThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'NotEqualTo'
$class: 'OntrackDSLRunCondition'
value : String
scriptPath : String
scriptText : String
sandbox : boolean
injectEnvironment : String
) to bind as variables into the script.
For example, if you set this field to BUILD_NUMBER
, you can access the BUILD_NUMBER
value from the script using:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', '1.0').build("1.0-${BUILD_NUMBER}", '')
injectProperties : String
You can define variables to inject into the script by using a property-like format.
For example, the following text:
would inject the corresponding BRANCH
variables in the script:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', BRANCH).build(VERSION, "Build ${VERSION}")
In the text:
name = value
are ignored${VAR}
are expanded using VAR
from the current environment variables.ontrackLog : boolean
$class: 'Or'
$class: 'ShellCondition'
command : String
By default, the shell will be invoked with the "-ex" option. So all of the commands are printed before being executed, and the build is considered a failure if any of the commands exits with a non-zero exit code. Again, add the #!/bin/... line to change this behavior.
As a best practice, try not to put a long shell script in here. Instead, consider adding the shell script in SCM and simply call that shell script from Jenkins (via bash -ex or something like that), so that you can track changes in your shell script.
A non-zero exit value will be treated as a false value
$class: 'StatusCondition'
worstResult : String
bestResult : String
$class: 'StringsMatchCondition'
arg1 : String
arg2 : String
ignoreCase : boolean
$class: 'TextFinderCondition'
fileSet : String
regexp : String
checkConsoleOutput : boolean
$class: 'TimeCondition'
earliest : String
latest : String
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'VariableExistsCondition'
variableName : String
$class: 'BatchFileCondition'
command : String
If you already have a batch file in SCM, you can just type in the path of that batch file (again relative to the workspace directory), and simply execute that.
$class: 'BooleanCondition'
token : String
$class: 'CauseCondition'
buildCause : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'DayCondition'
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'SelectDays'
day : int
selected : boolean
$class: 'Weekday'
$class: 'Weekend'
$class: 'ExpressionCondition'
expression : String
label : String
$class: 'ExtendedCauseCondition'
$class: 'UpstreamCauseCondition'
projects : String
$class: 'UserBuildCauseCondition'
users : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'FileExistsCondition'
file : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'FilesMatchCondition'
includes : String
excludes : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'LegacyBuildstepCondition'
condition : String
invert : boolean
$class: 'NeverRun'
$class: 'NodeCondition'
allowedNodes : Array / List of String
$class: 'Not'
$class: 'AlwaysRun'
$class: 'And'
$class: 'AlwaysRun'
$class: 'And'
$class: 'BatchFileCondition'
command : String
If you already have a batch file in SCM, you can just type in the path of that batch file (again relative to the workspace directory), and simply execute that.
$class: 'BooleanCondition'
token : String
$class: 'CauseCondition'
buildCause : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'DayCondition'
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'SelectDays'
day : int
selected : boolean
$class: 'Weekday'
$class: 'Weekend'
$class: 'ExpressionCondition'
expression : String
label : String
$class: 'ExtendedCauseCondition'
$class: 'UpstreamCauseCondition'
projects : String
$class: 'UserBuildCauseCondition'
users : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'FileExistsCondition'
file : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'FilesMatchCondition'
includes : String
excludes : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'LegacyBuildstepCondition'
condition : String
invert : boolean
$class: 'NeverRun'
$class: 'NodeCondition'
allowedNodes : Array / List of String
$class: 'Not'
$class: 'NumericalComparisonCondition'
lhs : String
rhs : String
$class: 'EqualTo'
$class: 'GreaterThan'
$class: 'GreaterThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'LessThan'
$class: 'LessThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'NotEqualTo'
$class: 'OntrackDSLRunCondition'
value : String
scriptPath : String
scriptText : String
sandbox : boolean
injectEnvironment : String
) to bind as variables into the script.
For example, if you set this field to BUILD_NUMBER
, you can access the BUILD_NUMBER
value from the script using:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', '1.0').build("1.0-${BUILD_NUMBER}", '')
injectProperties : String
You can define variables to inject into the script by using a property-like format.
For example, the following text:
would inject the corresponding BRANCH
variables in the script:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', BRANCH).build(VERSION, "Build ${VERSION}")
In the text:
name = value
are ignored${VAR}
are expanded using VAR
from the current environment variables.ontrackLog : boolean
$class: 'Or'
$class: 'ShellCondition'
command : String
By default, the shell will be invoked with the "-ex" option. So all of the commands are printed before being executed, and the build is considered a failure if any of the commands exits with a non-zero exit code. Again, add the #!/bin/... line to change this behavior.
As a best practice, try not to put a long shell script in here. Instead, consider adding the shell script in SCM and simply call that shell script from Jenkins (via bash -ex or something like that), so that you can track changes in your shell script.
A non-zero exit value will be treated as a false value
$class: 'StatusCondition'
worstResult : String
bestResult : String
$class: 'StringsMatchCondition'
arg1 : String
arg2 : String
ignoreCase : boolean
$class: 'TextFinderCondition'
fileSet : String
regexp : String
checkConsoleOutput : boolean
$class: 'TimeCondition'
earliest : String
latest : String
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'VariableExistsCondition'
variableName : String
$class: 'BatchFileCondition'
command : String
If you already have a batch file in SCM, you can just type in the path of that batch file (again relative to the workspace directory), and simply execute that.
$class: 'BooleanCondition'
token : String
$class: 'CauseCondition'
buildCause : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'DayCondition'
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'SelectDays'
day : int
selected : boolean
$class: 'Weekday'
$class: 'Weekend'
$class: 'ExpressionCondition'
expression : String
label : String
$class: 'ExtendedCauseCondition'
$class: 'UpstreamCauseCondition'
projects : String
$class: 'UserBuildCauseCondition'
users : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'FileExistsCondition'
file : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'FilesMatchCondition'
includes : String
excludes : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'LegacyBuildstepCondition'
condition : String
invert : boolean
$class: 'NeverRun'
$class: 'NodeCondition'
allowedNodes : Array / List of String
$class: 'Not'
$class: 'NumericalComparisonCondition'
lhs : String
rhs : String
$class: 'EqualTo'
$class: 'GreaterThan'
$class: 'GreaterThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'LessThan'
$class: 'LessThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'NotEqualTo'
$class: 'OntrackDSLRunCondition'
value : String
scriptPath : String
scriptText : String
sandbox : boolean
injectEnvironment : String
) to bind as variables into the script.
For example, if you set this field to BUILD_NUMBER
, you can access the BUILD_NUMBER
value from the script using:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', '1.0').build("1.0-${BUILD_NUMBER}", '')
injectProperties : String
You can define variables to inject into the script by using a property-like format.
For example, the following text:
would inject the corresponding BRANCH
variables in the script:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', BRANCH).build(VERSION, "Build ${VERSION}")
In the text:
name = value
are ignored${VAR}
are expanded using VAR
from the current environment variables.ontrackLog : boolean
$class: 'Or'
$class: 'AlwaysRun'
$class: 'And'
$class: 'BatchFileCondition'
command : String
If you already have a batch file in SCM, you can just type in the path of that batch file (again relative to the workspace directory), and simply execute that.
$class: 'BooleanCondition'
token : String
$class: 'CauseCondition'
buildCause : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'DayCondition'
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'SelectDays'
day : int
selected : boolean
$class: 'Weekday'
$class: 'Weekend'
$class: 'ExpressionCondition'
expression : String
label : String
$class: 'ExtendedCauseCondition'
$class: 'UpstreamCauseCondition'
projects : String
$class: 'UserBuildCauseCondition'
users : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'FileExistsCondition'
file : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'FilesMatchCondition'
includes : String
excludes : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'LegacyBuildstepCondition'
condition : String
invert : boolean
$class: 'NeverRun'
$class: 'NodeCondition'
allowedNodes : Array / List of String
$class: 'Not'
$class: 'NumericalComparisonCondition'
lhs : String
rhs : String
$class: 'EqualTo'
$class: 'GreaterThan'
$class: 'GreaterThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'LessThan'
$class: 'LessThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'NotEqualTo'
$class: 'OntrackDSLRunCondition'
value : String
scriptPath : String
scriptText : String
sandbox : boolean
injectEnvironment : String
) to bind as variables into the script.
For example, if you set this field to BUILD_NUMBER
, you can access the BUILD_NUMBER
value from the script using:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', '1.0').build("1.0-${BUILD_NUMBER}", '')
injectProperties : String
You can define variables to inject into the script by using a property-like format.
For example, the following text:
would inject the corresponding BRANCH
variables in the script:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', BRANCH).build(VERSION, "Build ${VERSION}")
In the text:
name = value
are ignored${VAR}
are expanded using VAR
from the current environment variables.ontrackLog : boolean
$class: 'Or'
$class: 'ShellCondition'
command : String
By default, the shell will be invoked with the "-ex" option. So all of the commands are printed before being executed, and the build is considered a failure if any of the commands exits with a non-zero exit code. Again, add the #!/bin/... line to change this behavior.
As a best practice, try not to put a long shell script in here. Instead, consider adding the shell script in SCM and simply call that shell script from Jenkins (via bash -ex or something like that), so that you can track changes in your shell script.
A non-zero exit value will be treated as a false value
$class: 'StatusCondition'
worstResult : String
bestResult : String
$class: 'StringsMatchCondition'
arg1 : String
arg2 : String
ignoreCase : boolean
$class: 'TextFinderCondition'
fileSet : String
regexp : String
checkConsoleOutput : boolean
$class: 'TimeCondition'
earliest : String
latest : String
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'VariableExistsCondition'
variableName : String
$class: 'ShellCondition'
command : String
By default, the shell will be invoked with the "-ex" option. So all of the commands are printed before being executed, and the build is considered a failure if any of the commands exits with a non-zero exit code. Again, add the #!/bin/... line to change this behavior.
As a best practice, try not to put a long shell script in here. Instead, consider adding the shell script in SCM and simply call that shell script from Jenkins (via bash -ex or something like that), so that you can track changes in your shell script.
A non-zero exit value will be treated as a false value
$class: 'StatusCondition'
worstResult : String
bestResult : String
$class: 'StringsMatchCondition'
arg1 : String
arg2 : String
ignoreCase : boolean
$class: 'TextFinderCondition'
fileSet : String
regexp : String
checkConsoleOutput : boolean
$class: 'TimeCondition'
earliest : String
latest : String
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'VariableExistsCondition'
variableName : String
$class: 'NumericalComparisonCondition'
lhs : String
rhs : String
$class: 'EqualTo'
$class: 'GreaterThan'
$class: 'GreaterThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'LessThan'
$class: 'LessThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'NotEqualTo'
$class: 'OntrackDSLRunCondition'
value : String
scriptPath : String
scriptText : String
sandbox : boolean
injectEnvironment : String
) to bind as variables into the script.
For example, if you set this field to BUILD_NUMBER
, you can access the BUILD_NUMBER
value from the script using:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', '1.0').build("1.0-${BUILD_NUMBER}", '')
injectProperties : String
You can define variables to inject into the script by using a property-like format.
For example, the following text:
would inject the corresponding BRANCH
variables in the script:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', BRANCH).build(VERSION, "Build ${VERSION}")
In the text:
name = value
are ignored${VAR}
are expanded using VAR
from the current environment variables.ontrackLog : boolean
$class: 'Or'
$class: 'AlwaysRun'
$class: 'And'
$class: 'BatchFileCondition'
command : String
If you already have a batch file in SCM, you can just type in the path of that batch file (again relative to the workspace directory), and simply execute that.
$class: 'BooleanCondition'
token : String
$class: 'CauseCondition'
buildCause : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'DayCondition'
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'SelectDays'
day : int
selected : boolean
$class: 'Weekday'
$class: 'Weekend'
$class: 'ExpressionCondition'
expression : String
label : String
$class: 'ExtendedCauseCondition'
$class: 'UpstreamCauseCondition'
projects : String
$class: 'UserBuildCauseCondition'
users : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'FileExistsCondition'
file : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'FilesMatchCondition'
includes : String
excludes : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'LegacyBuildstepCondition'
condition : String
invert : boolean
$class: 'NeverRun'
$class: 'NodeCondition'
allowedNodes : Array / List of String
$class: 'Not'
$class: 'AlwaysRun'
$class: 'And'
$class: 'BatchFileCondition'
command : String
If you already have a batch file in SCM, you can just type in the path of that batch file (again relative to the workspace directory), and simply execute that.
$class: 'BooleanCondition'
token : String
$class: 'CauseCondition'
buildCause : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'DayCondition'
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'SelectDays'
day : int
selected : boolean
$class: 'Weekday'
$class: 'Weekend'
$class: 'ExpressionCondition'
expression : String
label : String
$class: 'ExtendedCauseCondition'
$class: 'UpstreamCauseCondition'
projects : String
$class: 'UserBuildCauseCondition'
users : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'FileExistsCondition'
file : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'FilesMatchCondition'
includes : String
excludes : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'LegacyBuildstepCondition'
condition : String
invert : boolean
$class: 'NeverRun'
$class: 'NodeCondition'
allowedNodes : Array / List of String
$class: 'Not'
$class: 'NumericalComparisonCondition'
lhs : String
rhs : String
$class: 'EqualTo'
$class: 'GreaterThan'
$class: 'GreaterThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'LessThan'
$class: 'LessThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'NotEqualTo'
$class: 'OntrackDSLRunCondition'
value : String
scriptPath : String
scriptText : String
sandbox : boolean
injectEnvironment : String
) to bind as variables into the script.
For example, if you set this field to BUILD_NUMBER
, you can access the BUILD_NUMBER
value from the script using:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', '1.0').build("1.0-${BUILD_NUMBER}", '')
injectProperties : String
You can define variables to inject into the script by using a property-like format.
For example, the following text:
would inject the corresponding BRANCH
variables in the script:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', BRANCH).build(VERSION, "Build ${VERSION}")
In the text:
name = value
are ignored${VAR}
are expanded using VAR
from the current environment variables.ontrackLog : boolean
$class: 'Or'
$class: 'ShellCondition'
command : String
By default, the shell will be invoked with the "-ex" option. So all of the commands are printed before being executed, and the build is considered a failure if any of the commands exits with a non-zero exit code. Again, add the #!/bin/... line to change this behavior.
As a best practice, try not to put a long shell script in here. Instead, consider adding the shell script in SCM and simply call that shell script from Jenkins (via bash -ex or something like that), so that you can track changes in your shell script.
A non-zero exit value will be treated as a false value
$class: 'StatusCondition'
worstResult : String
bestResult : String
$class: 'StringsMatchCondition'
arg1 : String
arg2 : String
ignoreCase : boolean
$class: 'TextFinderCondition'
fileSet : String
regexp : String
checkConsoleOutput : boolean
$class: 'TimeCondition'
earliest : String
latest : String
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'VariableExistsCondition'
variableName : String
$class: 'NumericalComparisonCondition'
lhs : String
rhs : String
$class: 'EqualTo'
$class: 'GreaterThan'
$class: 'GreaterThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'LessThan'
$class: 'LessThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'NotEqualTo'
$class: 'OntrackDSLRunCondition'
value : String
scriptPath : String
scriptText : String
sandbox : boolean
injectEnvironment : String
) to bind as variables into the script.
For example, if you set this field to BUILD_NUMBER
, you can access the BUILD_NUMBER
value from the script using:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', '1.0').build("1.0-${BUILD_NUMBER}", '')
injectProperties : String
You can define variables to inject into the script by using a property-like format.
For example, the following text:
would inject the corresponding BRANCH
variables in the script:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', BRANCH).build(VERSION, "Build ${VERSION}")
In the text:
name = value
are ignored${VAR}
are expanded using VAR
from the current environment variables.ontrackLog : boolean
$class: 'Or'
$class: 'ShellCondition'
command : String
By default, the shell will be invoked with the "-ex" option. So all of the commands are printed before being executed, and the build is considered a failure if any of the commands exits with a non-zero exit code. Again, add the #!/bin/... line to change this behavior.
As a best practice, try not to put a long shell script in here. Instead, consider adding the shell script in SCM and simply call that shell script from Jenkins (via bash -ex or something like that), so that you can track changes in your shell script.
A non-zero exit value will be treated as a false value
$class: 'StatusCondition'
worstResult : String
bestResult : String
$class: 'StringsMatchCondition'
arg1 : String
arg2 : String
ignoreCase : boolean
$class: 'TextFinderCondition'
fileSet : String
regexp : String
checkConsoleOutput : boolean
$class: 'TimeCondition'
earliest : String
latest : String
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'VariableExistsCondition'
variableName : String
$class: 'ShellCondition'
command : String
By default, the shell will be invoked with the "-ex" option. So all of the commands are printed before being executed, and the build is considered a failure if any of the commands exits with a non-zero exit code. Again, add the #!/bin/... line to change this behavior.
As a best practice, try not to put a long shell script in here. Instead, consider adding the shell script in SCM and simply call that shell script from Jenkins (via bash -ex or something like that), so that you can track changes in your shell script.
A non-zero exit value will be treated as a false value
$class: 'StatusCondition'
worstResult : String
bestResult : String
$class: 'StringsMatchCondition'
arg1 : String
arg2 : String
ignoreCase : boolean
$class: 'TextFinderCondition'
fileSet : String
regexp : String
checkConsoleOutput : boolean
$class: 'TimeCondition'
earliest : String
latest : String
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'VariableExistsCondition'
variableName : String
timeout : long
defaultTimeout : long
$class: 'AbortAndRestartOperation'
maxRestarts : String
$class: 'AbortOperation'
$class: 'BuildStepOperation'
buildstep : Build Step (hudson.tasks.BuildStep
continueEvenFailed : boolean
createLauncher : boolean
$class: 'FailOperation'
$class: 'WriteDescriptionOperation'
description : String
$class: 'BuildStepsFromJsonBuilder'
$class: 'BuildoutBuilder'
pythonName : String
buildoutCfg : String
nature : String
command : String
ignoreExitCode : boolean
token : String
task_id : String
$class: 'CFLaunchBuilder'
cfComposition : String
Variable : String
Value : String
$class: 'CIMessageBuilder'
failOnError : boolean
Whether you want to fail the build if there is an error sending a message. By default, it is false.
messageContent : String
Content of CI message to be sent. Environment variable values may be used in the content to allow customization of the message. Environment variables should use the familiar bash shell format, e.g. ${VARIABLE}.
messageProperties : String
KEY=value pairs, one per line (Java properties file format) to be used as message properties. Backslashes are used for escaping, so use "\\" for a single backslash. Current build parameters and/or environment variables can be used in form: ${PARAM}.
Type of CI message to be sent.
, ComponentBuildDone
, Custom
, EarlyPerformanceTestingDone
, EarlySecurityTestingDone
, ImageUploaded
, FunctionalTestCoverageDone
, FunctionalTestingDone
, NonfunctionalTestingDone
, OotbTestingDone
, PeerReviewDone
, ProductAcceptedForReleaseTesting
, ProductBuildDone
, ProductBuildInStaging
, ProductTestCoverageDone
, PullRequest
, SecurityChecksDone
, TestingStarted
, TestingCompleted
, Tier0TestingDone
, Tier1TestingDone
, Tier2IntegrationTestingDone
, Tier2ValidationTestingDone
, Tier3TestingDone
, UnitTestCoverageDone
, UpdateDefectStatus
name : String
topic : String
queue : String
field : String
expectedValue : String
name : String
topic : String
queue : String
selector : String
JMS selector to choose messages that will fire the trigger.
timeout : int
Value (in minutes) to wait for a message matching the specified JMS selector.
variable : String
Environment variable to hold received message content.
failOnError : boolean
Whether you want to fail the build if there is an error sending a message. By default, it is false.
messageContent : String
Content of CI message to be sent at job completion. Environment variable values may be used in the content to allow customization of the message. Environment variables should use the familiar bash shell format, e.g. ${VARIABLE}.
name : String
topic : String
queue : String
field : String
expectedValue : String
name : String
topic : String
queue : String
timeout : int
Value (in minutes) to wait for a message matching the specified JMS selector.
variable : String
Environment variable to hold received message content.
failOnError : boolean
Whether you want to fail the build if there is an error sending a message. By default, it is false.
fedoraMessaging : boolean
messageContent : String
Content of CI message to be sent. Environment variable values may be used in the content to allow customization of the message. Environment variables should use the familiar bash shell format, e.g. ${VARIABLE}.
name : String
topic : String
queue : String
schema : String
Path to message schema.
severity : int
Severity of the message.
field : String
expectedValue : String
name : String
topic : String
queue : String
timeout : int
Value (in minutes) to wait for a message.
variable : String
Environment variable to hold received message content.
$class: 'CIMessageSubscriberBuilder'
Subscribe to the CI message bus and wait for a message matching the specified JMS selector.
The variable value specifies the name of an environment variable in which to place the received message body.
The timeout value specifies the maximum number of minutes to wait for a message matching the JMS selector to appear.
failOnError : boolean
Whether you want to fail the build if there is an error sending a message. By default, it is false.
messageContent : String
Content of CI message to be sent. Environment variable values may be used in the content to allow customization of the message. Environment variables should use the familiar bash shell format, e.g. ${VARIABLE}.
messageProperties : String
KEY=value pairs, one per line (Java properties file format) to be used as message properties. Backslashes are used for escaping, so use "\\" for a single backslash. Current build parameters and/or environment variables can be used in form: ${PARAM}.
Type of CI message to be sent.
, ComponentBuildDone
, Custom
, EarlyPerformanceTestingDone
, EarlySecurityTestingDone
, ImageUploaded
, FunctionalTestCoverageDone
, FunctionalTestingDone
, NonfunctionalTestingDone
, OotbTestingDone
, PeerReviewDone
, ProductAcceptedForReleaseTesting
, ProductBuildDone
, ProductBuildInStaging
, ProductTestCoverageDone
, PullRequest
, SecurityChecksDone
, TestingStarted
, TestingCompleted
, Tier0TestingDone
, Tier1TestingDone
, Tier2IntegrationTestingDone
, Tier2ValidationTestingDone
, Tier3TestingDone
, UnitTestCoverageDone
, UpdateDefectStatus
name : String
topic : String
queue : String
field : String
expectedValue : String
name : String
topic : String
queue : String
selector : String
JMS selector to choose messages that will fire the trigger.
timeout : int
Value (in minutes) to wait for a message matching the specified JMS selector.
variable : String
Environment variable to hold received message content.
failOnError : boolean
Whether you want to fail the build if there is an error sending a message. By default, it is false.
messageContent : String
Content of CI message to be sent at job completion. Environment variable values may be used in the content to allow customization of the message. Environment variables should use the familiar bash shell format, e.g. ${VARIABLE}.
name : String
topic : String
queue : String
field : String
expectedValue : String
name : String
topic : String
queue : String
timeout : int
Value (in minutes) to wait for a message matching the specified JMS selector.
variable : String
Environment variable to hold received message content.
failOnError : boolean
Whether you want to fail the build if there is an error sending a message. By default, it is false.
fedoraMessaging : boolean
messageContent : String
Content of CI message to be sent. Environment variable values may be used in the content to allow customization of the message. Environment variables should use the familiar bash shell format, e.g. ${VARIABLE}.
name : String
topic : String
queue : String
schema : String
Path to message schema.
severity : int
Severity of the message.
field : String
expectedValue : String
name : String
topic : String
queue : String
timeout : int
Value (in minutes) to wait for a message.
variable : String
Environment variable to hold received message content.
$class: 'CRDABuilder'
file : String
consentTelemetry : boolean
CRDA CLI is constantly improving and we would like to know more about usage. Click here to find more details.
requestType : String
url : String
credentials : String
key : String
value : String
action : String
params : String
name : String
pollInterval : String
maxRunTime : String
$class: 'CToolBuilder'
cmake -P <script file>
) or command mode (cmake -E <command>
installationName : String
arguments : String
ignoredExitCodes : String
toolId : String
workingDir : String
filePath : String
dbChannel : String
clear : boolean
$class: 'CallFunction'
functionName : String
argumentList : Array / List of String
argument : String
$class: 'CallOtherJenkinsBuilder'
hostName : String
jobName : String
span : String
retry : String
userName : String
password : String
parameters : String
$class: 'CaptureIOSDeviceScreenshot'
url : String
cloudTestServerID : String
additionalOptions : String
name : String
credentialsId : String
engineTimeout : int
failBuildOnPluginError : boolean
failBuildOnPolicyEvaluationFailResult : boolean
image : String
policyBundleID : String
registryURI : String
installationName : String
sourcePath : String
applicationName : String
archivePdf : boolean
displayLog : boolean
logPath : String
outputPath : String
qualityGate : String
connectorName : String
zoneConfigName : String
The name of the zone configuration to use.
When using Venafi as a Service, zone names are in the format of app name\api alias
commonName : String
privKeyOutput : String
certOutput : String
certChainOutput : String
country : String
hostName : String
address : String
expirationWindow : int
address : String
locality : String
organization : String
organizationalUnit : String
province : String
versionPattern : String
assemblyCompany : String
assemblyCopyright : String
assemblyCulture : String
assemblyDescription : String
assemblyFile : String
assemblyProduct : String
assemblyTitle : String
assemblyTrademark : String
regexPattern : String
replacementPattern : String
$class: 'ChangeEventBuilder'
integrationKey : String
customDetails : String
summaryText : String
postToChatter "Build Started - ${env.JOB_NAME} ${env.BUILD_NUMBER} (<${env.BUILD_URL}|Open>)"
credentialsId : String
If you're connecting from outside of your organizations trusted network, you'll also need to append your API security token to your password.
See Identity Confirmation in the online help for more information.
body : String
buildUrlTitle : String
recordId : String
server : String
$class: 'CheckGate'
pipelineId : String
stageName : String
versionId : String
fatal : String
$class: 'CheckGateBuilder'
project : String
gate : String
useOwnServerCredentials : boolean
serverUrl : String
useAuthenticationUrl : boolean
baseAuthUrl : String
tenantName : String
projectName : String
credentialsId : String
useOwnAdditionalOptions : boolean
additionalOptions : String
branchName : String
checkmarxInstallation : String
content : String
browserString : String
runScriptOnly : boolean
rootPath : String
libPath : String
$class: 'ChrootBuilder'
chrootName : String
ignoreExit : boolean
additionalPackages : String
packagesFile : String
clear : boolean
command : String
loginAsRoot : boolean
noUpdate : boolean
forceInstall : boolean
$class: 'CifsBuilderPlugin'
configName : String
verbose : boolean
sourceFiles : String
excludes : String
remoteDirectory : String
removePrefix : String
remoteDirectorySDF : boolean
flatten : boolean
cleanRemote : boolean
noDefaultExcludes : boolean
makeEmptyDirs : boolean
patternSeparator : String
useWorkspaceInPromotion : boolean
usePromotionTimestamp : boolean
retries : int
retryDelay : long
label : String
continueOnError : boolean
failOnError : boolean
alwaysPublishFromMaster : boolean
masterNodeName : String
parameterName : String
$class: 'ClangScanBuildBuilder'
target : String
targetSdk : String
xcodebuild -showsdks
config : String
clangInstallationName : String
xcodeProjectSubPath : String
workspace : String
scheme : String
scanbuildargs : String
xcodebuildargs : String
outputFolderName : String
credentialsId : String
bucket : String
pattern : String
pathPrefix : String
sharedPublicly : boolean
showInline : boolean
dotnet clean
command cleans the output of the previous build. It's implemented as an MSBuild target, so the project is evaluated when the command is run. Only the outputs created during the build are cleaned. Both intermediate (obj) and final output (bin) folders are cleaned.
charset : String
configuration : String
, but you can override the build configuration settings in your project. This option is only required when cleaning if you specified it during build time.
continueOnError : boolean
, if configured that way), but the build will be allowed to continue. Otherwise, any such errors will cause the build to be terminated immediately.
framework : String
nologo : boolean
option : String
options : Array / List of String
optionsString : String
outputDirectory : String
project : String
java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String>
propertiesString : String
runtime : String
sdk : String
will be in the path.
With .NETelement (or a
block in a pipeline script) to specify one, or ensure this step runs on a node that has a .NET SDK installed and in the path.
showSdkInfo : boolean
dotnet --info
will be executed before the main command. This shows a list of available SDKs and runtimes, indicating which one is currently being used.
shutDownBuildServers : boolean
dotnet build-server shutdown
will be executed after the main command, shutting down build servers that may have been started.
hanguntil those server processes end. As such, it's recommended to specify this for the last .NET-related step in a job. If using multiple SDKs, each needs its own shutdown (e.g. the .NET Core 3.1 SDK will not shut down build servers from the .NET 5.0 SDK).
specificSdkVersion : boolean
executable may use the most recent SDK available on the system, even when PATH
is set up to find an older SDK deployment first; see this page for more information.
file will be created in the current directory, referencing that SDK version and disabling roll-forward.
already present in the current directory.
unstableIfErrors : boolean
unstableIfWarnings : boolean
verbosity : String
workDirectory : String
cleanMeasurement : boolean
cleanRCA : boolean
cleanRTS : boolean
$class: 'ClifBuilder'
clifName : String
clifOpts : String
testPlanFile : String
reportDir : String
$class: 'CloudBuildBuilder'
credentialsId : String
filename : String
request : String
path : String
or .tar.gz
) or zip file (.zip
), or.tgz
) and uploaded to a temporary Cloud Storage bucket.repo
branch : String
commit : String
projectId : String
repoName : String
tag : String
bucket : String
object : String
key : String
) and use only numbers, uppercase letters, and underscores (respecting the regular expression _[A-Z0-9_]+
). The key may not be longer than 100 characters. For details, see Build Requests - User-defined substitutions.
value : String
java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String>
target : String
organization : String
cloudSpace : String
credentialsId : String
appName : String
appPath : String
buildpack : String
command : String
domain : String
key : String
value : String
hostname : String
instances : String
manifestFile : String
memory : String
noRoute : String
name : String
stack : String
timeout : String
value : String
pluginTimeout : String
selfSigned : String
name : String
type : String
plan : String
resetService : boolean
environmentId : String
orgId : String
appName : String
muleVersion : String
filePath : String
credentialsId : String
region : String
autoScalePolicyName : String
enableAutoScalePolicy : boolean
id : String
maxScale : int
minScale : int
scaleBasedOn : String
scaleDownNextScaleWaitMins : int
scaleDownPeriodCount : int
scaleDownValue : int
scaleType : String
scaleUpNextScaleWaitMins : int
scaleUpPeriodCount : int
scaleUpValue : int
autoStart : boolean
enableAutoScalePolicy : boolean
key : String
value : String
ignoreGlobalSettings : boolean
packageName : String
loggingNgEnabled : boolean
monitoringAutoRestart : boolean
monitoringEnabled : boolean
objectStoreV1 : boolean
persistentQueues : boolean
persistentQueuesEncrypted : boolean
timeoutConnection : int
timeoutResponse : int
verifyDeployments : boolean
verifyIntervalInSeconds : int
workerAmount : int
workerCpu : String
workerMemory : String
workerType : String
workerWeight : String
$class: 'CloudShellConfig'
$class: 'StartSandbox'
blueprintName : String
sandboxDuration : String
maxWaitForSandboxAvailability : int
setupTimeout : int
params : String
sandboxDomain : String
sandboxName : String
$class: 'CmakeBuilder'
cmake -G
with the given options.
build environment variable if the chosen generator supports that.
installationName : String
buildDir : String
buildType : String
cleanBuild : boolean
cmakeArgs : String
generator : String
preloadScript : String
sourceDir : String
args : String
. Arguments must be separated by spaces but may contain spaces if they are enclosed in double quotes (will be handled like a Unix shell does),
envVars : String
withCmake : boolean
) or to have cmake
run the build tool (by invoking cmake --build <dir>
$class: 'CocoaPodsBuilder'
cleanpods : boolean
$class: 'CodeBuilder'
credentialsType : String
credentialsId : String
proxyHost : String
proxyPort : String
awsAccessKey : String
class hudson.util.Secret
awsSessionToken : String
region : String
projectName : String
sourceVersion : String
sseAlgorithm : String
sourceControlType : String
localSourcePath : String
workspaceSubdir : String
gitCloneDepthOverride : String
reportBuildStatusOverride : String
secondarySourcesOverride : String
secondarySourcesVersionOverride : String
artifactTypeOverride : String
artifactLocationOverride : String
artifactNameOverride : String
artifactNamespaceOverride : String
artifactPackagingOverride : String
artifactPathOverride : String
artifactEncryptionDisabledOverride : String
overrideArtifactName : String
secondaryArtifactsOverride : String
envVariables : String
envParameters : String
buildSpecFile : String
buildTimeoutOverride : String
sourceTypeOverride : String
sourceLocationOverride : String
environmentTypeOverride : String
imageOverride : String
computeTypeOverride : String
cacheTypeOverride : String
cacheLocationOverride : String
cacheModesOverride : String
cloudWatchLogsStatusOverride : String
cloudWatchLogsGroupNameOverride : String
cloudWatchLogsStreamNameOverride : String
s3LogsStatusOverride : String
s3LogsEncryptionDisabledOverride : String
s3LogsLocationOverride : String
certificateOverride : String
serviceRoleOverride : String
insecureSslOverride : String
privilegedModeOverride : String
cwlStreamingDisabled : String
exceptionFailureMode : String
downloadArtifacts : String
downloadArtifactsRelativePath : String
workspaceExcludes : String
workspaceIncludes : String
$class: 'CodeCoverageBuilder'
connectionId : String
credentialsId : String
analysisPropertiesPath : String
analysisProperties : String
$class: 'CodeScanBuildStep'
orgID : String
scanFileName : String
filePath : String
scanTimeOut : int
failSilentlyOnPluginFailure : boolean
ignoreAssetViolation : boolean
$class: 'CriticalSeverityConfig'
count : int
$class: 'HighSeverityConfig'
count : int
$class: 'LowSeverityConfig'
count : int
$class: 'MediumSeverityConfig'
count : int
, OR
credentialsId : String
deltaAnalysisUrl : String
repository : String
analyzeBranchDiff : boolean
analyzeLatestIndividually : boolean
baseRevision : String
couplingThresholdPercent : int
failOnDecliningCodeHealth : boolean
failOnFailedGoal : boolean
letBuildPassOnFailedAnalysis : boolean
markBuildAsUnstable : boolean
originUrl : String
riskThreshold : int
$class: 'CodeStreamBuilder'
serverUrl : String
userName : String
password : String
tenant : String
pipelineName : String
waitExec : boolean
value : String
name : String
ctServer : String
project_name : String
fileName : String
credentialsId : String
organization_name : String
condition : String
maxNumberOfCritical : int
maxNumberOfHigh : int
policyName : String
scaMaxNumberOfCritical : int
scaMaxNumberOfHigh : int
weaknessIs : String
$class: 'CodefreshPipelineBuilder'
cfPipeline : String
cfBranch : String
Variable : String
Value : String
$class: 'CommentsRemoverBuilder'
filename : String
language : String
outputDir : String
$class: 'CompareBuilder'
outputFolder : String
Path to the folder in that should be used to store compare output.
It serves as input for following steps like Generate create SQL script or Generate Report.
Folder location must be specified as:
srcInputType : String
tgtInputType : String
srcInputFileOrFolder : String
Specify input folder/file that will be used as source side input for compare. Following inputs are expected.
Folder/file location must be specified as:
tgtInputFileOrFolder : String
Specify input folder/file that will be used as target side input for compare. Following inputs are expected.
Folder/file location must be specified as:
configFile : String
Specify settings file location. This file should be exported from Toad Edge and contain all compare settings.
File location must be specified as:
$class: 'CompareWithBaselineBuilder'
outputFolder : String
Path to the folder in that should be used to store baseline compare output.
It serves as input for following steps like Generate create SQL script or Generate Report.
Folder location must be specified as:
srcInputType : String
tgtInputType : String
srcInputFileOrFolder : String
Specify input folder/file that will be used as source side input for baseline compare. Following inputs are expected.
Folder/file location must be specified as:
tgtInputFileOrFolder : String
Specify input folder/file that will be used as target side input for baseline compare. Following inputs are expected.
Folder/file location must be specified as:
configFile : String
Specify settings file location. This file should be exported from Toad Edge and contain all compare settings.
File location must be specified as:
$class: 'CompleteSprint'
projectNumber : String
sprintNumber : String
$class: 'CompoundBuilder'
role : String
number : String
$class: 'A3Builder'
project_file : String
analysis_ids : String
pedantic_level : String
export_a3apxworkspace : String
copy_report_file : boolean
copy_result_file : boolean
skip_a3_analysis : boolean
$class: 'ACSDeploymentBuilder'
java.lang.TypeNotPresentException: Type org.jenkinsci.plugins.docker.commons.credentials.DockerRegistryEndpoint not present
ncScanType : String
ncWebsiteId : String
ncProfileId : String
ncDoNotFail : boolean
ncReportType : String
acxServerURL : String
credentialsId : String
ncAbortScan : boolean
ncApiToken : Object
ncConfirmed : boolean
ncIgnoreFalsePositive : boolean
ncIgnoreRiskAccepted : boolean
ncSeverity : String
ncStopScan : boolean
pHost : String
pPassword : String
pPort : String
pUser : String
useProxy : boolean
azureCredentialsId : String
The ID of the credentials to use when accessing Azure. Parameters' expansion is supported when using freestyle jobs.
credentialsId : String
The ID of the credentials to use when accessing Cloudify. Parameters' expansion is supported when using freestyle jobs.
debugOutput : boolean
deploymentId : String
echoEnvData : boolean
If checked, then the created environment's data will be printed to the job's log.
echoInputs : boolean
envDataLocation : String
Path to a file that will contain the created environment's data. If not provided, the environment data won't be written.
location : String
The Azure location where the created resource group should reside in. If omitted, the value of the azure_default_location
Cloudify secret will be used.
YAML/JSON of parameters to pass to the template.
java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.Object>
parametersAsString : String
parametersFile : String
Path, relative to the Jenkins workspace root, of a YAML/JSON file containing parmaeters to pass to the template.
resourceGroupName : String
Name of resource group to create for the template.
templateFile : String
Workspace-relative path of the ARM template file.
tenant : String
$class: 'AWSEBBuilder'
awsRegionText : String
credentialsString : String
credentialsText : String
applicationName : String
versionLabelFormat : String
versionDescriptionFormat : String
failOnError : boolean
$class: 'AWSEBElasticBeanstalkSetup'
$class: 'AWSEBS3Setup'
bucketName : String
bucketRegion : String
keyPrefix : String
rootObject : String
Root Path to Grab for Artifacts, like '.' or 'target/myapp/'.
It could be either a path to a zip file or a directory.
If its a directory, includes and excludes are used to build the zip file
includes : String
excludes : String
overwriteExistingFile : boolean
useTransferAcceleration : boolean
$class: 'ByName'
envNameList : String
$class: 'ByUrl'
urlList : String
$class: 'AWSEBElasticBeanstalkSetup'
$class: 'AWSEBS3Setup'
bucketName : String
bucketRegion : String
keyPrefix : String
rootObject : String
Root Path to Grab for Artifacts, like '.' or 'target/myapp/'.
It could be either a path to a zip file or a directory.
If its a directory, includes and excludes are used to build the zip file
includes : String
excludes : String
overwriteExistingFile : boolean
useTransferAcceleration : boolean
$class: 'ByName'
envNameList : String
$class: 'ByUrl'
urlList : String
$class: 'AWSEBDeploymentBuilder'
applicationName : String
awsRegion : String
bucketName : String
S3 Bucket Name to Upload to (e.g. "my-awseb-apps")
(Optional, will call createStorageLocation
if blank)
checkHealth : boolean
credentialId : String
environmentName : String
Optional: AWS EB Environment name(s) to deploy to.
Can accept single or multiple comma-separated values. Examples:
When this value is set and each requested environment exists, an UpdateEnvironment call will be triggered as the Application Version is created.
excludes : String
includes : String
keyPrefix : String
maxAttempts : int
rootObject : String
Workspace-relative path of the artifact file to upload (if it's a file), or if it's a directory, the base directory to build the zip/war against
: The war file will be uploaded.
' or 'target/war
': A Zip file will be built and uploaded instead (using includes and excludes).skipEnvironmentUpdates : boolean
sleepTime : int
versionDescriptionFormat : String
versionLabelFormat : String
zeroDowntime : boolean
credentialId : String
awsRegion : String
applicationName : String
environmentId : String
versionLabel : String
abapPackagename : String
atcVariant : String
sapSystemLabel : String
runAtcChecks : boolean
runUnitTests : boolean
treatWarningAtcChecksAsErrors : boolean
useJenkinsProjectName : boolean
withCoverage : boolean
credentialsId : String
apiVersion : String
pluginId : String
url : String
changelogPath : String
changelogText : String
$class: 'AddFeedStatus'
projectNumber : String
feed : String
$class: 'AddItemComment'
projectNumber : String
sprintNumber : String
itemNumber : String
note : String
$class: 'AddReleaseComment'
projectNumber : String
releaseNumber : String
note : String
$class: 'AddSprintComment'
projectNumber : String
sprintNumber : String
note : String
$class: 'AddTestToSetStep'
domain : String
project : String
testPlanPath : String
testSetPath : String
$class: 'AddWorkItem'
projectNumber : String
sprintNumber : String
name : String
description : String
status : String
type : String
priority : String
duration : String
assignee : String
startdate : String
enddate : String
customFields : String
advinstRunType : String
aipProjectPath : String
aipProjectBuild : String
aipProjectOutputFolder : String
Folder where the result package should be created. It can be either an absolute path or relative to the workspace directory. If this field id empty the folder configured in the AIP project will be used. You can use build variables through the syntax ${VAR} or $VAR.
This option is available only when a build name is specified.
aipProjectOutputName : String
The result package name.If this field id empty the name configured in the AIP project will be used. You can use build variables through the syntax ${VAR} or $VAR.
This option is available only when a build name is specified.
advinstExtraCommands : String
aipProjectNoDigitalSignature : boolean
installName : String
dsn : String
, PS
, VS
primary : int
secondary : int
, FB
, V
, VB
, U
, VA
failOnExist : boolean
avgBlk : int
blkSize : int
dataClass : String
dirBlk : int
dsModel : String
lrecl : int
mgntClass : String
storClass : String
unit : String
volser : String
$class: 'AllocateDatasetStep'
connectionName : String
dsn : String
, PS
, VS
primary : int
secondary : int
, FB
, V
, VB
, U
, VA
failOnExist : boolean
avgBlk : int
blkSize : int
dataClass : String
dirBlk : int
dsModel : String
lrecl : int
mgntClass : String
storClass : String
unit : String
volser : String
Amazon Inspector
archivePath : String
Image Id Guidance:
The image can be local, remote, or archived. Image names should follow the Docker naming convention.
For more info:
artifactPath : String
archiveType : String
osArch : boolean
iamRole : String
awsRegion : String
credentialId : String
Used inside the plugin to pull the password from Jenkins' credential store. Only required if the image being scanned is located in a private repository requiring credentials to access.
awsProfileName : String
awsCredentialId : String
Optional. Allows you to specify AWS credentials explicitly instead of having them be pulled from your system. If this option is omitted, AWS credentials will be obtained via the default provider chain.
Credentials must be added to the credential store as the "AWS Credentials" type.
For more info:
sbomgenSelection : String
Automatic (Recommended): Allows the plugin to download the most recently released version of inspector-sbomgen. This ensures you always have the latest features, security updates, and bug fixes. Requires selection of the operating system and CPU architecture in use.
Manual: Requires a path to a pre-downloaded version of inspector-sbomgen to be supplied.
For more info:
sbomgenPath : String
countCritical : int
countHigh : int
countMedium : int
countLow : int
oidcCredentialId : String
sbomgenSkipFiles : String
Specifies a list of one or more files or directories to exclude from scanning. Each file path should be separated with commas, for example: build/, node_modules/, tests/
For more info:
epssThreshold : double
isThresholdEnabled : boolean
Specifies whether scanned vulnerabilities exceeding a value will cause a build failure. EPSS scores range from 0-1, enter a value between 0 and 1 (e.g., 0.6).
For more info:
reportArtifactName : String
Specify a custom name for the generated report artifact. This helps uniquely identify and manage reports, especially when building multiple images.
For more info:
$class: 'AmxEclipseAntBuilder'
targets : String
name : String
Jenkins supplies some environment variables that can be used from within the build script.
antOpts : String
buildFile : String
properties : String
# comment name1=value1 name2=$VAR2These are passed to amx_eclipse_ant like "-Dname1=value1 -Dname2=value2". Always use $VAR style (even on Windows) for references to Jenkins-defined environment variables. On Windows, %VAR% style references may be used for environment variables that exist outside of Jenkins. Backslashes are used for escaping, so use \\ for a single backslash. Double quotes (") should be avoided, as amx_eclipse_ant on *nix wraps parameters in quotes quotes and runs them through eval, and Windows has its own issues with escaping.. in either case, use of quotes may result in build failure. To define an empty property, simply write varname= Please refer to TIBCO Documentation for any detail
amxEclipseAntTra : String
businessStudioWs : String
name : String
anchoreui : String
key : String
value : String
autoSubscribeTagUpdates : boolean
bailOnFail : boolean
bailOnPluginFail : boolean
engineCredentialsId : String
engineRetries : String
engineRetryInterval : String
engineaccount : String
engineurl : String
engineverify : boolean
excludeFromBaseImage : boolean
forceAnalyze : boolean
policyBundleId : String
$class: 'AnsibleAdHocCommandBuilder'
hostPattern : String
$class: 'InventoryContent'
content : String
dynamic : boolean
$class: 'InventoryDoNotSpecify'
$class: 'InventoryPath'
path : String
module : String
command : String
additionalParameters : String
ansibleName : String
becomeUser : String
colorizedOutput : boolean
credentialsId : String
disableHostKeyChecking : boolean
hidden : boolean
key : String
class hudson.util.Secret
forks : int
hostKeyChecking : boolean
sudo : boolean
sudoUser : String
unbufferedOutput : boolean
vaultCredentialsId : String
vaultTmpPath : String
additionalArgs : String
ansibleEnvVars : String
credentialsId : String
The ID of the credentials to use when accessing Cloudify. Parameters' expansion is supported when using freestyle jobs.
debugLevel : int
debugOutput : boolean
deploymentId : String
echoEnvData : boolean
echoInputs : boolean
envDataLocation : String
optionsConfig : String
playbookPath : String
remergeSources : boolean
runData : String
savePlaybook : boolean
scpExtraArgs : String
sensitiveKeys : String
sftpExtraArgs : String
sourcePath : String
sources : String
sshCommonArgs : String
sshExtraArgs : String
startAtTask : String
tenant : String
timeout : int
$class: 'AnsiblePlaybookBuilder'
playbook : String
$class: 'InventoryContent'
content : String
dynamic : boolean
$class: 'InventoryDoNotSpecify'
$class: 'InventoryPath'
path : String
additionalParameters : String
ansibleName : String
becomeUser : String
checkMode : boolean
colorizedOutput : boolean
credentialsId : String
disableHostKeyChecking : boolean
hidden : boolean
key : String
class hudson.util.Secret
forks : int
hostKeyChecking : boolean
limit : String
skippedTags : String
startAtTask : String
sudo : boolean
sudoUser : String
tags : String
unbufferedOutput : boolean
vaultCredentialsId : String
vaultTmpPath : String
$class: 'AnsibleTower'
towerServer : String
jobTemplate : String
towerCredentialsId : String
jobType : String
extraVars : String
jobTags : String
skipJobTags : String
limit : String
inventory : String
credential : String
scmBranch : String
verbose : boolean
importTowerLogs : boolean
removeColor : boolean
templateType : String
importWorkflowChildLogs : boolean
$class: 'AnsibleTowerProjectRevisionFreestyle'
towerServer : String
towerCredentialsId : String
project : String
revision : String
verbose : boolean
throwExceptionWhenFail : boolean
$class: 'AnsibleTowerProjectSyncFreestyle'
towerServer : String
towerCredentialsId : String
project : String
verbose : boolean
importTowerLogs : boolean
removeColor : boolean
$class: 'AnsibleVaultBuilder'
action : String
ansibleName : String
content : String
input : String
newVaultCredentialsId : String
output : String
vaultCredentialsId : String
vaultTmpPath : String
Jenkins supplies some environment variables that can be used from within the build script.
targets : String
antName : String
antOpts : String
. Note that other Ant options (such as -lib) should go to the "Ant targets" field.
buildFile : String
in the root directory; this option can be used to use build files with a different name or in a subdirectory.
properties : String
# comment name1=value1 name2=$VAR2These are passed to Ant like "-Dname1=value1 -Dname2=value2". Always use $VAR style (even on Windows) for references to Jenkins-defined environment variables. On Windows, %VAR% style references may be used for environment variables that exist outside of Jenkins. Backslashes are used for escaping, so use \\ for a single backslash. Double quotes (") should be avoided, as ant on *nix wraps parameters in quotes and runs them through eval, and Windows has its own issues with escaping. In either case, use of quotes may result in build failure. To define an empty property, simply write varname=
$class: 'AntExec'
scriptSource : String
extendedScriptSource : String
scriptName : String
properties : String
# comment name1=value1 name2=$VAR2These are passed to Ant like "-Dname1=value1 -Dname2=value2". Always use $VAR style (even on Windows) for references to Jenkins-defined environment variables. On Windows, %VAR% style references may be used for environment variables that exist outside of Jenkins. Backslashes are used for escaping, so use \\ for a single backslash. Double quotes (") should be avoided, as ant on *nix wraps parameters in quotes quotes and runs them through eval, and Windows has its own issues with escaping.. in either case, use of quotes may result in build failure. To define an empty property, simply write varname=
antName : String
antOpts : String
keepBuildfile : boolean
verbose : boolean
emacs : boolean
noAntcontrib : boolean
Disabling usage of Ant-Contrib Tasks in this build step.
Jenkins supplies some environment variables that can be used from within the build script.
targets : String
antName : String
antOpts : String
. Note that other Ant options (such as -lib) should go to the "Ant targets" field.
buildFile : String
in the root directory; this option can be used to use build files with a different name or in a subdirectory.
properties : String
# comment name1=value1 name2=$VAR2These are passed to Ant like "-Dname1=value1 -Dname2=value2". Always use $VAR style (even on Windows) for references to Jenkins-defined environment variables. On Windows, %VAR% style references may be used for environment variables that exist outside of Jenkins. Backslashes are used for escaping, so use \\ for a single backslash. Double quotes (") should be avoided, as ant on *nix wraps parameters in quotes and runs them through eval, and Windows has its own issues with escaping. In either case, use of quotes may result in build failure. To define an empty property, simply write varname=
$class: 'ApiFortressBuilder'
mode : String
hook : String
id : String
blocking : boolean
dryrun : boolean
silent : boolean
param1name : String
param1value : String
param2name : String
param2value : String
param3name : String
param3value : String
appRayUrl : String
outputFilePath : String
waitTimeout : int
riskScoreThreshold : int
credentialsId : String
target : String
hasOptions : boolean
extraField : String
loginPassword : String
loginType : String
loginUser : String
optimization : String
presenceId : String
scanFile : String
scanType : String
trafficFile : String
target : String
hasOptions : boolean
rescan : boolean
scanId : String
target : String
hasOptions : boolean
rescan : boolean
scanId : String
hasOptionsUploadDirect : boolean
includeSCAGenerateIRX : String
includeSCAUploadDirect : String
openSourceOnly : boolean
scanMethod : String
scanSpeed : String
sourceCodeOnly : boolean
name : String
type : String
application : String
credentials : String
email : boolean
failBuild : boolean
failBuildNonCompliance : boolean
failureType : String
threshold : int
intervention : boolean
personalScan : boolean
target : String
wait : boolean
credentials : String
folder : String
testPolicy : String
template : String
jobName : String
accessId : String
agent : String
application : String
contact : String
description : String
email : boolean
exploreData : String
failBuild : boolean
failureType : String
threshold : int
loginType : String
scanType : String
secretKey : String
target : String
testOptimization : String
trafficFile : String
wait : boolean
$class: 'AppScanSourceBuilder'
disableScan : boolean
applicationFile : String
acceptSSL : boolean
customScanWorkspace : String
This value will be passed to AppScan Source as the scan workspace. AppScan Source assessment and working files will be stored in this directory.
If this field is blank, the default scan directory will be used.
The default directory is this job's build folder, as defined by Jenkins.
installation : String
$class: 'AppScanStandardBuilder'
startingURL : String
Spiders will find the remaining URLs in the domain to be included for scanning.
installation : String
additionalCommands : String
AppScanCMD exec|ex|e Parameters: [ /dest_scan|/dest|/d ] [ /base_scan|/base|/b ] [ /old_host|/ohost|/oh ] [ /new_host|/nhost|/nh ] [ /scan_template|/stemplate|/st ] [ /login_file|/lfile|/lf ] [ /multi_step_file|/mstepfile|/mf ] [ /manual_explore_file|/mexplorefile|/mef ] [ /policy_file|/pfile|/pf ] [ /additional_domains|/adomains|/ad ] [ /report_file|/rf ] [ /report_type|/rt {xml} ] [ /min_severity|/msev {informational} ] [ /test_type|/tt ] [ /report_template|/rtemplate|/rtm {CliDefault} ] Flags: [ /verbose|/v {false} ] [ /scan_log|/sl {false} ] [ /explore_only|/eo {false} ] [ /test_only|/to {false} ] [ /multi_step|/mstep|/ms {false} ] [ /continue|/c {false} ] [ /merge_manual_explore_requests|/mmer {false} ] [ /include_responses|/ir {false} ] [ /open_proxy|/oprxy|/opr /listening_port|/lport|/lp ] Creates new scan with base_scan's configuration saving dest_scan and creating report, if configured. AppScanCMD report|rep|r Parametrs: /base_scan|/base|/b /report_file|/rf /report_type|/rt [ /min_severity|/msev {informational} ] [ /test_type|/tt ] [ /report_template|/rtemplate|/rtm {CliDefault} ] Flags: [ /verbose|/v {false} ] Creates a report for base_scan. AppScanCMD close_proxy|cprxy|cpr Closes AppScan proxy if was previously opened. More info. at: ( User Guide) CLI - Chapter 15 - CLI - Page 315
authScan : boolean
If the website contains private information accessed only by logging in this option should be checked and credentials provided to increase dynamic security coverage.
authScanPw : String
Providing an account with higher authorization (such as Administrator) will increase the attack surface and therefore the scan coverage.
authScanRadio : boolean
A login sequence may be recorded using AppScan Standard's GUI by following these steps:
"Scan" > "Scan Configuration" > "Login Management" > "Record" > [ record your login...] > "I am logged in to the site" > "Details" (Tab) > "Export" (small icon on the right side).
Check "Form Based Authentication" if you do not have a recorded login sequence, this option will require an user name and password combination and is not guaranteed to work for all scenarios.
authScanUser : String
Providing an account with higher authorization (such as Administrator) will increase the attack surface and therefore the scan coverage.
generateReport : boolean
The report is available in HTML and PDF.
The HTML report generated is ready to be integrated with the HTML Publisher Plugin.
htmlReport : boolean
includeURLS : String
Some URLs might not be found by AppScan Standard's spiders, include them to get the best possible coverage.
pathRecordedLoginSequence : String
pdfReport : boolean
policyFile : String
A Test Policy File can be created following these steps:
"Scan" > "Scan Configuration" > "Test Policy" > "Export".
reportName : String
To configure HTML Publisher Plugin properly, the names in the configuration must match.
verbose : boolean
name : String
appId : String
class hudson.util.Secret
teamId : String
fingerprint : String
googleSigning : boolean
keystorePath : String
class hudson.util.Secret
class hudson.util.Secret
class hudson.util.Secret
googleSignFingerPrint : String
googleSignFingerPrint : String
fingerprint : String
googleSigning : boolean
appPath : String
crashlytics : String
datadog : String
fusionSetId : String
item : String
item : String
keystorePath : String
class hudson.util.Secret
item : String
item : String
item : String
appPath : String
fusionSetId : String
item : String
selectedVendor : String
buildWithLogs : boolean
outputLocation : String
workflowOutputLogs : boolean
class hudson.util.Secret
appPath : String
outputLocation : String
credentialsId : String
filePath : String
riskThreshold : String
region : String
axUrl : String
axUsername : String
axPassword : String
axServiceTemplateName : String
axServiceTemplateRepository : String
axServiceTemplateBranch : String
key : String
value : String
credentialsId : String
apiVersion : String
appScope : String
application system ID
is not specified. The scope name of the application for which to apply the changes, such as x_aah_custom_app. You can locate this value in the scope field in the Custom Application [sys_app] table.
appSysId : String
application scope
is not specified. The system id of the application for which to apply the changes. You can locate this value in the Sys ID field in the Custom Application [sys_app] table.
branchName : String
url : String
$class: 'ApprendaBuilder'
appAlias : String
appName : String
versionAlias : String
stage : String
artifactName : String
credentialsId : String
prefix : String
advVersionAliasToBeForced : String
advancedNewVersionOption : String
customPackageDirectory : String
applicationPackageURL : String
archiveUploadMethod : String
buildWithParameters : boolean
locationType : String
registry : String
register : boolean
localImage : String
hostedImage : String
onDisallowed : String
notCompliesCmd : String
hideBase : boolean
showNegligible : boolean
policies : String
customFlags : String
localToken : String
tarFilePath : String
containerRuntime : String
scannerPath : String
runtimeDirectory : String
imageName : String
onDisallowed : String
notCompliesCmd : String
outputFormat : String
onDisallowed : String
notCompliesCmd : String
codeScanPath : String
customFlags : String
url : String
checks : String
pageLimit : int
excludePathPattern : String
filename : String
format : String
credentialsID : String
name : String
$class: 'ArtifactDeployerBuilder'
includes : String
Can use wildcards like 'module/dist/**/*.zip'. See the @includes of Ant fileset for the exact format.
Artifacts are deployed from the workspace. You can change this basedir by specifying the basedir field under Advanced.
basedir : String
By default, the basedir is the job workspace.
Give a value to override the default value.
Path relative to workspace is permitted.
excludes : String
Optionally specify the 'excludes' pattern, such as "foo/bar/**/*". A file that matches this mask will not be deployed even if it matches the mask specified.
remote : String
Artifacts will be deployed in the specified output directory.
The remote location must be accessible through the build machine (controller and agent node).
If you want to have the ability to download deployed artifacts through the Jenkins dashboard, the location must be accessible from the Jenkins controller.
Make sure the Jenkins process have the right permissions to write to the remote location.
For example with a shared NFS storage, '/nfs/build/deploy/${BUILD_ID}' can be a valid value on a Unix machine.
flatten : boolean
Ignore the directory structure of the source files, and deploy all the artifacts into the output directory.
deleteRemote : boolean
Delete the output directory before deploying artifacts.
deleteRemoteArtifacts : boolean
failNoFilesDeploy : boolean
$class: 'ArtifactPromotionBuilder'
groupId : String
artifactId : String
classifier : String
version : String
extension : String
stagingRepository : String
stagingUser : String
stagingPW : String
releaseUser : String
releasePW : String
releaseRepository : String
promoterClass : String
debug : boolean
skipDeletion : boolean
'Skip deletion' option preserves the files in the staging repository.
Untick 'Skip deletion' only after you've promoted all the relevant files in previous steps.
applicationName : String
applicationVersion : String
applicationComponent : String
artifactName : String
artifactURL : String
repositoryName : String
tags : String
groupId : String
artifactId : String
version : String
classifier : String
deployToLocal : boolean
deployToRemote : boolean
extension : String
failOnError : boolean
pomFile : String
targetFileName : String
enableRepositoryLogging : boolean
enableTransferLogging : boolean
repositoryId : String
targetDirectory : String
name : String
description : String
type : String
groupId : String
artifactId : String
stage : String
flow : String
stageDescription : String
version : String
variableName : String
name : String
stage : String
version : String
projectId : String
credentialsId : String
outputFolder : String
jql : String
tags : String
mode : String
proxyURI : String
proxyUsername : String
proxyPassword : String
jiraServerUrl : String
numbered : boolean
ignoreCertErrors : boolean
$class: 'AstreeBuilder'
dax_file : String
analysis_id : String
output_dir : String
skip_analysis : boolean
genXMLOverview : boolean
genXMLCoverage : boolean
genXMLAlarmsByOccurence : boolean
genXMLAlarmsByCategory : boolean
genXMLAlarmsByFile : boolean
genXMLRulechecks : boolean
dropAnalysis : boolean
genPreprocessOutput : boolean
failon : String
a3c : String
cmode : boolean
srvurl : String
user : String
pwd : String
credentialsId : String
minScore : int
platformUrl : String
apiTags : String
branchName : String
defaultCollectionName : String
ignoreFailures : boolean
ignoreNetworkErrors : boolean
jsonReport : String
logLevel : String
prId : String
prTargetBranch : String
repositoryName : String
rootDirectory : String
shareEveryone : String
skipLocalChecks : boolean
tagName : String
$class: 'AutEnvironmentBuilder'
almServerName : String
almUserName : String
almPassword : String
almDomain : String
almProject : String
clientType : String
autEnvironmentId : String
useExistingAutEnvConf : boolean
existingAutEnvConfId : String
createNewAutEnvConf : boolean
newAutEnvConfName : String
name : String
value : String
paramType : String
shouldGetOnlyFirstValueFromJson : boolean
pathToJsonFile : String
outputParameter : String
credentialsId : String
autifyUrl : String<ID>/test_plans/<ID>
autifyPath : String
buildId : String
buildPath : String
shellInstallerUrl : String
timeout : String
wait : boolean
credentialsId : String
workspaceId : String
buildPath : String
autifyPath : String
shellInstallerUrl : String
credentialsId : String
autifyUrl : String<ID>/(scenarios|test_plans)/<ID>
autifyConnect : String
autifyConnectClient : boolean
autifyConnectClientExtraArguments : String
autifyPath : String
browser : String
device : String
deviceType : String
os : String
osVersion : String
shellInstallerUrl : String
testExecutionName : String
timeout : String
patternUrl : String
replacementUrl : String
wait : boolean
$class: 'Autogen'
element : String
Specify the name of the element in your Endevor® sandbox that you want to include in the autogeneration process, for example, RUNCOB01. The maximum length is 8 characters.
You can specify several specific comma-separated elements within the sandbox, for example, RUNCOB01, RUNCOB02.
You can use wildcards % and * to define the name patterns for the element names.
Specify * to include all elements from the sandbox in the autonegeration process.
Specify RUNCOB* to include all element names that start with "RUNCOB".
Specify %%%COB* to include elements that contain the substring COB starting after position three.
environment : String
Provide the environment for the Endevor® sandbox that you want to include in the autogeneration process, for example, DEV.
system : String
Provide the system name for the environment in your Endevor® sandbox that you want to include in the autogeneration process, for example, APCTTC0.
subsystem : String
Provide the subsystem name for the environment in your Endevor® sandbox that you want to include in the autogeneration process, for example, TESTCICD.
stage : String
Specify the environment stage in your Endevor® that you want to include in the autogeneration process, for example, 1.
instance : String
Specify the instance name of the environment that is associated with Endevor® Web services, for example, WEBSMFNE.
signout : boolean
Select this option to work with elements in Endevor® that might be currently worked on by another user.
Select the Override signout option only if you have the permission to override the signout of another user.
$class: 'AwsBatchBuilder'
jobname : String
jobdefinition : String
command : String
jobqueue : String
vcpu : String
memory : String
retries : String
principalCredentialId : String
script : String
exportVariablesString : String
storageCredentialId : String
downloadType : String
upstreamProjectName : String
Copy artifacts from a build that is a downstream of a build of the specified project. You can use variable expressions.
Downstream builds are found using fingerprints of files. That is, a build that is triggered from a build isn't always considered downstream, but you need to fingerprint files used in builds to let Jenkins track them.
Note: "Downstream build of" is applicable only to AbstractProject based projects (both upstream and downstream projects).
upstreamBuildNumber : String
$class: 'MultiJobBuildSelector'
parameterName : String
You can pass not only the parameter name, but also the parameter value itself. This is useful especially used with workflow-plugin.
id : String
$class: 'PromotedBuildSelector'
level : int
buildNumber : String
stable : boolean
allowUpstreamDependencies : boolean
fallbackToLastSuccessful : boolean
, UseOldest
, UseNewest
containerName : String
deleteFromAzureAfterDownload : boolean
downloadDirLoc : String
excludeFilesPattern : String
fileShare : String
flattenDirectories : boolean
includeArchiveZips : boolean
includeFilesPattern : String
projectName : String
verbose : boolean
Enabling this will provide more logging on downloading files.
$class: 'BDSBuilder'
projectFile : String
switches : String
installationName : String
$class: 'BapFtpBuilder'
configName : String
Select an FTP configuration from the list configured in the global configuration of this Jenkins.
The configuration defines the connection properties and base directory of the FTP server.
verbose : boolean
sourceFiles : String
Files to upload to a server.
The string is a comma separated list of includes for an Ant fileset eg. '**/*.jar' (see Patterns in the Ant manual).
The base directory for this fileset is the workspace.
excludes : String
Exclude files from the Transfer set.
The string is a comma separated list of excludes for an Ant fileset eg. '**/*.log,**/*.tmp,.git/' (see Patterns in the Ant manual)
remoteDirectory : String
Optional destination folder.
This folder will be below the one in the global configuration, if present.
The folder will be created if does not exist.
removePrefix : String
First part of the file path that should not be created on the remote server.
Directory structures are created relative to the base directory, which is usually the workspace.
You normally do not want the full path to these files to be created on the server.
For example if Source files were target/deployment/images/**/
then you may want Remove prefix to be target/deployment
This would create the images folder under the remote directory, and not target/deployment
Jenkins environment variables can be used in this path.
If you use remove prefix, then ALL source file paths MUST start with the prefix.
asciiMode : boolean
Select to enable ASCII mode for the transfer, otherwise binary transfer mode will be used.
Use with ASCII text files to fix the line terminators when transferring between different operating systems.
remoteDirectorySDF : boolean
Select this to include the timestamp in the remote directory.
The timestamp is the date of build. If this publisher is being used during a promotion, then the timestamp is that of the build that is being promoted.
This setting turns the remote directory option into a java SimpleDateFormat.
The SimpleDateFormat(SDF) uses letters to represent components of the date, like the month, year, or day of the week. Click here for more information about the date patterns.
As the SDF reserves all of the letters [A-Z][a-z], any that you want to appear literally in the directory that is created will need to be quoted.
Some examples follow - all examples are based on a build with a timestamp of 3:45 pm and 55 seconds on the 7th November 2010.
Remote directory | Directories created |
'qa-approved/'yyyyMMddHHmmss |
qa-approved/20101107154555 |
'builds/'yyyy/MM/dd/'build-${BUILD_NUMBER}' |
builds/2010/11/07/build-456 (if the build was number 456) |
yyyy_MM/'build'-EEE-d-HHmmss |
2010_11/build-Sun-7-154555 |
yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss |
2010-11-07_15-45-55 |
flatten : boolean
Only create files on the server, don't create directories (except for the remote directory, if present).
All files that have been selected to transfer must have unique filenames. The publisher will stop and fail as soon as a duplicate filename is found when using the flatten option.
cleanRemote : boolean
Select to delete all files and directories within the remote directory before transferring files.
noDefaultExcludes : boolean
makeEmptyDirs : boolean
The default behaviour of this plugin is to match files, and then create any directories required to preserve the paths to the files.
Selecting this option will create any directories that match the Source files pattern, even if empty.
patternSeparator : String
The regular expression that is used to separate the Source files and Exclude files patterns.
The Source files and Exclude files both accept multiple patterns that by default are split using
[, ]+which is how Ant, by default, handles multiple patterns in a single string.
The above expression makes it difficult to reference files or directories that contain spaces. This option allows the expression to be set to something that will preserve the spaces in a pattern eg. a single comma.
useWorkspaceInPromotion : boolean
Set the root directory for the Source files to the workspace.
By default this plugin uses the artifacts directory (where archived artifacts are stored). This allows the artifacts from the build number that you are promoting to be sent somewhere else.
If you run tasks that produce files in the workspace during the promotion and you want to publish them, then set this option.
If you need to send files from both the workspace and the archive directory, then you need to add a second server, even if you want to send the files to the same place. This is due to the fact that the workspace is not necessarily on the same host as the archive directory
usePromotionTimestamp : boolean
Use the build time of the promotion when the remote directory is a date format.
By default this plugin uses the time of the original build (the one that is being promoted) when formatting the remote directory. Setting this option will mean that if you use the remote directory is a date format option, it will use the time that the promotion process runs, instead of the original build.
If publishing to this server fails, try again.
Files that were successfully transferred will not be re-sent.
If the Clean remote option is selected, and succeeds, it will not be attempted again.
retries : int
retryDelay : long
Set the label for this Server instance - for use with Parameterized publishing.
Expand the help for Parameterized publishing for more details.
label : String
Set the label for this Server instance - for use with Parameterized publishing.
Expand the help for Parameterized publishing for more details.
If you want to use different credentials from those configured for this server, or if the credentials have not been specified for this server, then enable this option and set the username and password to use.
username : String
password : String
continueOnError : boolean
failOnError : boolean
alwaysPublishFromMaster : boolean
masterNodeName : String
parameterName : String
$class: 'BapSshBuilderPlugin'
configName : String
Select an SSH configuration from the list configured in the global configuration of this Jenkins.
The configuration defines the connection properties and base directory of the SSH server.
verbose : boolean
sourceFiles : String
Files to upload to a server.
The string is a comma separated list of includes for an Ant fileset eg. '**/*.jar' (see Patterns in the Ant manual).
The base directory for this fileset is the workspace.
excludes : String
Exclude files from the Transfer set.
The string is a comma separated list of excludes for an Ant fileset eg. '**/*.log,**/*.tmp,.git/' (see Patterns in the Ant manual)
remoteDirectory : String
Optional destination folder.
This folder will be below the one in the global configuration, if present.
The folder will be created if does not exist.
removePrefix : String
First part of the file path that should not be created on the remote server.
Directory structures are created relative to the base directory, which is usually the workspace.
You normally do not want the full path to these files to be created on the server.
For example if Source files were target/deployment/images/**/
then you may want Remove prefix to be target/deployment
This would create the images folder under the remote directory, and not target/deployment
Jenkins environment variables can be used in this path.
If you use remove prefix, then ALL source file paths MUST start with the prefix.
remoteDirectorySDF : boolean
Select this to include the timestamp in the remote directory.
The timestamp is the date of build. If this publisher is being used during a promotion, then the timestamp is that of the build that is being promoted.
This setting turns the remote directory option into a java SimpleDateFormat.
The SimpleDateFormat(SDF) uses letters to represent components of the date, like the month, year, or day of the week. Click here for more information about the date patterns.
As the SDF reserves all of the letters [A-Z][a-z], any that you want to appear literally in the directory that is created will need to be quoted.
Some examples follow - all examples are based on a build with a timestamp of 3:45 pm and 55 seconds on the 7th November 2010.
Remote directory | Directories created |
'qa-approved/'yyyyMMddHHmmss |
qa-approved/20101107154555 |
'builds/'yyyy/MM/dd/'build-${BUILD_NUMBER}' |
builds/2010/11/07/build-456 (if the build was number 456) |
yyyy_MM/'build'-EEE-d-HHmmss |
2010_11/build-Sun-7-154555 |
yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss |
2010-11-07_15-45-55 |
flatten : boolean
Only create files on the server, don't create directories (except for the remote directory, if present).
All files that have been selected to transfer must have unique filenames. The publisher will stop and fail as soon as a duplicate filename is found when using the flatten option.
cleanRemote : boolean
noDefaultExcludes : boolean
makeEmptyDirs : boolean
The default behaviour of this plugin is to match files, and then create any directories required to preserve the paths to the files.
Selecting this option will create any directories that match the Source files pattern, even if empty.
patternSeparator : String
The regular expression that is used to separate the Source files and Exclude files patterns.
The Source files and Exclude files both accept multiple patterns that by default are split using
[, ]+which is how Ant, by default, handles multiple patterns in a single string.
The above expression makes it difficult to reference files or directories that contain spaces. This option allows the expression to be set to something that will preserve the spaces in a pattern eg. a single comma.
execCommand : String
A command to execute on the remote server.
This command will be executed on the remote server after any files are transferred.
The SSH Transfer Set must include either a Source Files pattern, an Exec command, or both. If both are present, the files are transferred before the command is executed. If you want to Exec before the files are transferred, use 2 Transfer Sets and move the Exec command before the Transfer set that includes a Source files pattern.
execTimeout : int
Timeout in milliseconds for the Exec command.
Set to zero to disable.
usePty : boolean
Exec the command in a pseudo tty.
This will enable the execution of sudo commands that require a tty (and possibly help in other scenarios too.)
From the sudoers(5) man page:
requiretty If set, sudo will only run when the user is logged in to a real tty. When this flag is set, sudo can only be run from a login session and not via other means such as cron(8) or cgi-bin scripts. This flag is off by default.
keepFilePermissions : boolean
Keep local file permissions of transferred files.
Changes file permissions of the file after transferring to the local one.
NB: only POSIX file permissions support is implemented.
useAgentForwarding : boolean
Exec the command using Agent Forwarding.
Allows a chain of ssh connections to forward key challenges back to the original agent, thus eliminating the need for using a password or public/private keys for these connections.
From the ssh(1) man page:
Enables forwarding of the authentication agent connection. This can also be specified on a per-host basis in a configuration file. Agent forwarding should be enabled with caution. Users with the ability to bypass file permissions on the remote host (for the agent's UNIX-domain socket) can access the local agent through the forwarded connection. An attacker cannot obtain key material from the agent, however they can perform operations on the keys that enable them to authenticate using the identities loaded into the agent.
useSftpForExec : boolean
Using SFTP protocol instead of SSH for Exec command.
Supported commands: mkdir, ln, symlink, rm, rmdir, cd, get, ls
useWorkspaceInPromotion : boolean
Set the root directory for the Source files to the workspace.
By default this plugin uses the artifacts directory (where archived artifacts are stored). This allows the artifacts from the build number that you are promoting to be sent somewhere else.
If you run tasks that produce files in the workspace during the promotion and you want to publish them, then set this option.
If you need to send files from both the workspace and the archive directory, then you need to add a second server, even if you want to send the files to the same place. This is due to the fact that the workspace is not necessarily on the same host as the archive directory.
usePromotionTimestamp : boolean
Use the build time of the promotion when the remote directory is a date format.
By default this plugin uses the time of the original build (the one that is being promoted) when formatting the remote directory. Setting this option will mean that if you use the remote directory is a date format option, it will use the time that the promotion process runs, instead of the original build.
If publishing to this server or command execution fails, try again.
Files that were successfully transferred will not be re-sent.
If Exec command is configured, but fails in any way (including a non zero exit code), then it will be retried.
retries : int
retryDelay : long
Set the label for this Server instance - for use with Parameterized publishing.
Expand the help for Parameterized publishing for more details.
label : String
Set the label for this Server instance - for use with Parameterized publishing.
Expand the help for Parameterized publishing for more details.
If you want to use different credentials from those configured for this server, or if the credentials have not been specified for this server, then enable this option and set them here.
username : String
encryptedPassphrase : String
or Path to key
is configured.
key : String
The private key.
Paste the private key here, or provide the path to the file containing the key in Path to key
keyPath : String
The path to the private key.
Either supply the path to the file containing the key, or paste the key into the Key
The Path to key
can be absolute, or relative to $JENKINS_HOME
continueOnError : boolean
failOnError : boolean
alwaysPublishFromMaster : boolean
masterNodeName : String
parameterName : String
command : String
Limit which environment variables are passed to a build step.
Environment variables passed to the build step are filtered, unless listed below.
The behavior of this filter depends on whether the environment variable is originally defined outside Jenkins:
, it will not be passed to the build step unless specified here.PATH
, the behavior depends on the option Process environment variables handling : If that option is set to Retain , the original value will be passed to the build step, discarding any modifications inside Jenkins. If that option is set to Remove , the variable will not be passed to the build step.The following table shows the effect of filtering on an environment variable:
Behavior | Originally defined outside Jenkins | Originally defined inside Jenkins |
Process environment variables handling: reset | Variable is reset to original value | Variable is removed |
Process environment variables handling: removed | Variable is removed | Variable is removed |
retainCharacteristicEnvVars : boolean
When checked, characteristic environment variables will be retained in addition to the variables listed above. These environment variables are job- and build-specific, defined by Jenkins, and are used to identify and kill processes started by this build step. See the documentation for more details on starting processes.
variables : String
Whitespace separated, case insensitive list of environment variables that will be retained, i.e. not removed from the environment of this build step or reset to their default.
unstableReturn : int
credentialsId : String
apiVersion : String
batchName : String
file : String
The field is required if Use file is checked. If the field is not changed default value will be used: now_batch_manifest.json
notes : String
Default: null
packages : String
"id": "String",
"load_demo_data": Boolean,
"notes": "String",
"requested_customized_version": "String",
"requested_version": "String",
"type": "String"
id | Required. Sys_id of the application or identifier of the plugin to install. |
load_demo_data | Flag that indicates whether demo data is loaded when installing the package. Valid values: true : Demo data should be loaded. false : Demo data should not be loaded. Default: false |
notes | User specified notes about the package. Default: null |
requested_customized_version | Only applicable when packages.type is set to application. Version of the store application customization package to install, such as 1.0.2 or 2.3. |
requested_customized_version | Only applicable when packages.type is set to application. Version of the store application customization package to install, such as 1.0.2 or 2.3. Default: None. If this is not set, then the system does not look for customizations for the application. |
requested_version | Required if type is set to application; ignored if set to plugin. Version of the package to install, such as 1.0.2 or 2.3. |
type | Required. Type of package. Valid values:
url : String
useFile : boolean
Default: false
credentialsId : String
apiVersion : String
rollbackId : String
) of the rollback installed before.
url : String
If ServiceNow Parameters are used, then the URL of installation instance will be used.
class hudson.util.Secret
appType : String
appPath : String
packageName : String
scanTimeout : String
severityThreshold : String
$class: 'BeaglePlugin'
class hudson.util.Secret
class hudson.util.Secret
$class: 'BeakerBuilder'
$class: 'FileJobSource'
jobPath : String
$class: 'StringJobSource'
jobContent : String
downloadFiles : boolean
$class: 'BeginAnalysis'
buildSessionId : String
appName : String
moduleName : String
branch : String
enableMultipleBuildFiles : boolean
overrideJars : boolean
multipleBuildFiles : boolean
labId : String
testStage : String
packagesIncluded : String
packagesExcluded : String
filesIncluded : String
filesExcluded : String
classLoadersExcluded : String
recursive : boolean
workspacepath : String
buildScannerJar : String
testListenerJar : String
testListenerConfigFile : String
autoRestoreBuildFile : boolean
sealightsMavenPluginInstallationArguments : String
buildFilesPatterns : String
buildFilesFolders : String
logEnabled : boolean
logFolder : String
slMvnPluginVersion : String
$class: 'DefaultBuildName'
$class: 'EmptyBuildName'
$class: 'LatestBuildName'
$class: 'ManualBuildName'
insertedBuildName : String
$class: 'UpstreamBuildName'
upstreamProjectName : String
override_customerId : String
override_url : String
override_proxy : String
additionalArguments : String
Argument name | Description |
token | The token provided to you by SeaLights (override the global 'token' value for this build). |
tokenfile | A file containing the token provided to you by SeaLights (override the global 'token' value for this build). |
buildsessionidfile | Set build session id file for this build. |
createbuildsessionid | When set to 'true' - forces SeaLights Maven Plugin to create new build session id (true by default). |
proxy | A valid URL to a proxy server. |
agentpath | Override the path to SeaLights jar. |
javapath | Override the path to the 'java' variable (default is 'java'). |
filesstorage | A folder where sealights files for this build will be kept (override the global 'Files storage' value for this build). |
sealightsJvmParams | Key value pairs of environments variables which will be added to both buildscanner and test listener ('$$$'- separated pairs, ':'- separated key and value. i.e: sealightsJvmParams=param:value$$$anotherparam:anothervalue) |
buildScannerParams | Key value pairs of environments variables which will be added to buildscanner ('$$$'- separated pairs, ':'- separated key and value. i.e: buildScannerParams=param:value$$$anotherparam:anothervalue) |
testListenerJvmParams | Key value pairs of environments variables which will be added to test listener ('$$$'- separated pairs, ':'- separated key and value i.e: testListenerJvmParams=param:value$$$anotherparam:anothervalue) |
includeResources : boolean
filepath : String
$class: 'BitbucketPublisher'
serverUrl : String
credentialsId : String
projectKey : String
projectName : String
projectUsers : String
projectGroups : String
ciServer : String
projectName : String
$class: 'BladeBuilder'
$class: 'CodeScan'
source : String
exclude : String
noCache : boolean
noProxy : boolean
noBlame : boolean
ruleset : String
severityLevel : String
severityThreshold : int
autoUpdate : boolean
credentialsId : String
debug : boolean
directory : String
environment : String
forceVersion : String
ignoreFailure : boolean
onFailureCmd : String
timeout : int
$class: 'ImageScan'
image : String
exclude : String
noCache : boolean
noProxy : boolean
noBlame : boolean
ruleset : String
severityLevel : String
severityThreshold : int
autoUpdate : boolean
credentialsId : String
debug : boolean
directory : String
environment : String
forceVersion : String
ignoreFailure : boolean
onFailureCmd : String
timeout : int
$class: 'BlueprintLaunch'
projectName : String
Project selection is mandatory.
blueprintName : String
Blueprint selection is mandatory.
applicationName : String
Application Name is mandatory.
This is the Application name used for blueprint launch in Nutanix Calm. Appending the _${BUILD_ID} to the Application name is recommended for unique application names. Other Jenkins Environment Variables may also be used.
appProfileName : String
Application Profile selection is mandatory.
actionName : String
The field is mandatory
Select the required action need to run after the application launch from the list of actions, else please select none.
runtimeVariables : String
Click on Fetch Runtime Variables to fetch all editable variables for the selected Application Profile in JSON format. Modify the key values from the defaults as needed.The values can also reference jenkins environment variables.
waitForSuccessFulLaunch : boolean
blueprintDescription : String
Description is fetched from the selected Calm blueprint
BMC DevOps for CFA Plugin
server : String
port : String
user : String
jclContent : String
chkfreq : String
jobCard : String
acctno : String
thresh : String
sortby : String
pswd : String
prilog : String
lib : String
sldsname : String
sldsver : String
sldsunit : String
sldsvolser : String
dliname : String
dliver : String
dliunit : String
dlivolser : String
jobname : String
recon1 : String
recon2 : String
recon3 : String
goodRC : String
bmcSlds : boolean
You can use the SLDS keyword on the ANALYZE control statement to identify explicitly an input log data set to use as input to the analysis process. SLDS=(dataSetName,Rvr, unit,volser) If you want CFA to read multiple log data sets, specify multiple instances of the SLDS keyword.
Example: IMSA is an IMS version 14.1 system and creates generations of SLDSs that use the naming convention imsid.SLDS.Ddate.GENnnn. The SLDSs are cataloged. To analyze log records that IMSA wrote to generations 10 through 12 on March 29, 2015, specify the following keywords on the ANALYZE control statement:
SLDS=(IMSA.SLDS.D2008088.GEN010, R141)
SLDS=(IMSA.SLDS.D2008088.GEN011, R141)
SLDS=(IMSA.SLDS.D2008088.GEN012, R141)
bmcDb2log : boolean
You can use the DB2LOG keyword on the ANALYZE control statement to identify a DB2 log data set that was created by a DB2 subsystem.
Note: If you specify the DB2LOG keyword, do not specify the DB2BSDS keyword.
db2log : String
db2bsds : String
limit : String
skip : String
maxlogs : String
If you specify a value from 1 through 999, Log Analyzer stops reading log data sets after it reaches the specified number of log data sets. If Log Analyzer does not read other log data sets because the specified limit was reached, a warning message indicates the number of log data sets that were not read.
If you want Log Analyzer to read all log data sets, specify MAXLOGS=999.
The default is MAXLOGS=100 (Log Analyzer reads a maximum of 100 log data sets).
bmcDb2bsds : boolean
You can use the DB2BSDS keyword on the ANALYZE control statement to identify a DB2 bootstrap data set (BSDS).
Specify the fully qualified data set name. This name should refer to a VSAM key-sequenced data set (KSDS).
Do not specify the name of a BSDS archive copy, which is not a VSAM KSDS. BSDS cannot be a TAPE dataset.
bmcLimit : boolean
You can use the LIMIT keyword (or the LIM abbreviation) on the ANALYZE control statement to set a limit on the number (1 through 9999999999) of log records to process from an input log data set.
bmcSkip : boolean
You can use the SKIP keyword on the ANALYZE control statement to specify a number (1 through 9999999999) of log records in an input log data set to skip before CFA begins to process records.
The default is SKIP=0, which skips no records.
If you specify the SKIP keyword, you must specify one SLDS keyword. The SLDS keyword is required, and multiple SLDS keywords are not allowed.
bmcActiveOlds : boolean
bmcImsid : boolean
You can use the IMSID keyword on the ANALYZE control statement to specify one or more IMSIDs.
If you do not check this option,then the the default IMSID=ALL will be taken and all log records for all IMS systems that are associated with the input RECON data set (or data sets) will be considered.
If you specify the SLDS keyword, you cannot specify the IMSID keyword. The IMSID keyword applies only if CFA is reading RECON data sets to determine which log data sets to process.
bmcDlilog : boolean
You can use the DLILOG keyword on the ANALYZE control statement to identify explicitly an input dli log data set to use as input to the analysis process.
Specify the keyword values as follows:
bmcMaxlogs : boolean
Use this keyword when you are using implicit specification of log data sets and Log Analyzer is reading RECON data sets to determine which log data sets to process. In this case, the number of log data sets to be processed is unknown. The MAXLOGS keyword can help you prevent a problem that could result from processing an excessive number of log data sets.
The MAXLOGS keyword works differently, depending on how you specify the value:
bmcJobname : boolean
You can use the JOBNAME keyword on the ANALYZE control statement to specify one or more JOBNAMEs. Each JOBNAME (one to eight characters) identifies a Job name. Log Analyzer uses the JOBNAME when determining which dli log data sets to use as input.
To process log records for all Job names that are associated with the input RECON data set (or data sets), specify JOBNAME=ALL.
If you omit the JOBNAME sub-keyword, Log Analyzer uses the default value ALL.
imsid : String
bmcRecon : boolean
You can use the RECON keyword on the ANALYZE control statement to specify the names of a set of RECON data sets to examine during the CFA job.
If you want CFA to examine multiple sets of RECON data sets, you must specify each set with a separate RECON keyword.
If you specify the RECON keyword, your user ID must have Security Access Facility (SAF) READ access to the RECON data sets.
You can specify from one to three data set names. One of the specified data set names must be designated as COPY1 by IMS.
The RECON data sets for the IMSA system are named IMSA.RECON1 and IMSA.RECON2, and the RECON data sets for the IMSB system are named IMSB.RECON1 and IMSB.RECON2. To examine IMSA and IMSB RECON data sets in the CFA job, specify the following keywords on the ANALYZE control statement:
If you specify the RECON keyword, you must specify the INTERVAL control statement with a START time value and a STOP time value.
bmcTimezone : boolean
bmcStartInterval : boolean
You can use the START keyword on the INTERVAL control statement for the following purposes:
bmcStopInterval : boolean
You can use the STOP keyword on the INTERVAL control statement for the following purposes:
� Specify the end of a range of log records to identify as candidates for the record selection process
� Control the end of range of log data sets to allocate from RECON information
� Reduce the overall number of log records that are selected from input SLDS or extract files
value : String
startDate : String
startlogSeq : String
value : String
stopDate : String
stoplogSeq : String
value : String
timezoneoffset : String
jobInclude : String
jobExclude : String
psbInclude : String
psbExclude : String
maxlogsRc : String
If you specify a value from 1 through 999 followed by literal R and a return code (08 through 99), Log Analyzer issues the specified return code and terminates the job step if more than the specified number of log data sets would be read. Log Analyzer issues the return code at the conclusion of the RECON analysis phase without reading any input log data sets.
If you want Log Analyzer to issue return code 16 and terminate the job step if more than 10 log data sets would be read, specify the following keyword on the ANALYZE control statement:
maxlogsAbend : String
If you specify a value from 1 through 999 followed by an abend code (1 through 4095), Log Analyzer issues a user abend code and terminates the job step if more than the specified number of log data sets would be read. Log Analyzer issues the user abend at the conclusion of the RECON analysis phase without reading any input log data sets.
If you want Log Analyzer to issue a user abend, with abend code U4000, if more than 120 log data sets would be read, specify the following keyword on the ANALYZE control statement:
bmcJobInc : boolean
bmcJobExc : boolean
bmcPsbInc : boolean
bmcPsbExc : boolean
bmcChkfreq : boolean
bmcThresh : boolean
bmcPrilog : boolean
You can use the PRILOG keyword on the ANALYZE control statement to specify the logs type associated with the input RECON data set (or data sets) to use as input to the analysis process.
You can select one of the following values:
bmcAppcheck : boolean
bmcAll : boolean
bmcLsec : boolean
chkfreqval : String
bmcPlanInc : boolean
planInclude : String
bmcPlanExc : boolean
planExclude : String
bmcSortby : boolean
bmcCsv : boolean
bmcFullreport : boolean
$class: 'BootPluginBuilder'
tasks : String
jvmOpts : String
$class: 'BranchDestructionStep'
project : String
branch : String
$class: 'BranchGenerationStep'
destructor : boolean
authorisations : String
branchSCMParameter : boolean
branchParameters : String
generationExtension : String
pipelineGenerationExtension : String
disableDslScript : boolean
scriptDirectory : String
projectFolderPath : String
branchFolderPath : String
projectSeedName : String
projectDestructorName : String
branchSeedName : String
branchStartName : String
branchName : String
ignoredBranchPrefixes : String
delete : boolean
auto : boolean
trigger : boolean
commit : String
project : String
scmType : String
scmUrl : String
scmCredentials : String
triggerIdentifier : String
triggerType : String
triggerSecret : String
dotnet build
command builds the project and its dependencies into a set of binaries. The binaries include the project's code in Intermediate Language (IL) files with a .dll extension. Depending on the project type and settings, other files may be included, such as:
charset : String
configuration : String
, but you can override the build configuration settings in your project.
continueOnError : boolean
, if configured that way), but the build will be allowed to continue. Otherwise, any such errors will cause the build to be terminated immediately.
force : boolean
framework : String
noDependencies : boolean
noIncremental : boolean
noRestore : boolean
nologo : boolean
option : String
options : Array / List of String
optionsString : String
outputDirectory : String
. For projects with multiple target frameworks (via the TargetFrameworks
property), you also need to specify a specific framework when you specify this option.
project : String
java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String>
propertiesString : String
runtime : String
sdk : String
will be in the path.
With .NETelement (or a
block in a pipeline script) to specify one, or ensure this step runs on a node that has a .NET SDK installed and in the path.
showSdkInfo : boolean
dotnet --info
will be executed before the main command. This shows a list of available SDKs and runtimes, indicating which one is currently being used.
shutDownBuildServers : boolean
dotnet build-server shutdown
will be executed after the main command, shutting down build servers that may have been started.
hanguntil those server processes end. As such, it's recommended to specify this for the last .NET-related step in a job. If using multiple SDKs, each needs its own shutdown (e.g. the .NET Core 3.1 SDK will not shut down build servers from the .NET 5.0 SDK).
specificSdkVersion : boolean
executable may use the most recent SDK available on the system, even when PATH
is set up to find an older SDK deployment first; see this page for more information.
file will be created in the current directory, referencing that SDK version and disabling roll-forward.
already present in the current directory.
target : String
targets : Array / List of String
targetsString : String
unstableIfErrors : boolean
unstableIfWarnings : boolean
verbosity : String
versionSuffix : String
property to use when building the project. This only works if the $(Version)
property isn't set. Then, $(Version)
is set to the $(VersionPrefix)
combined with the $(VersionSuffix)
, separated by a dash.
workDirectory : String
applicationName : String
applicationVersion : String
applicationComponent : String
artifactFileName : String
artifactFileSizeLimit : int
title : String
url : String
$class: 'BuildBuilder'
, subfolder
, scaproject
subfolder : String
projectPath : String
packageid : String
value : String
serverName : String
dbName : String
value : String
username : String
class hudson.util.Secret
encryptConnection : boolean
trustServerCertificate : boolean
options : String
dataOptions : String
, Snapshot
, RepeatableRead
, ReadCommitted
, ReadUncommitted
filter : String
packageVersion : String
dlmDashboardHost : String
dlmDashboardPort : String
, Specific
specificVersion : String
descriptionTemplate : String
nameTemplate : String
$class: 'BuildNameUpdater'
fromFile : boolean
buildName : String
fromMacro : boolean
macroTemplate : String
macroFirst : boolean
packageId : String
baseUrl : String
between the scheme and the hostname.
credentialsId : String
download : boolean
localDirectory : String
requestTimeout : long
serviceTimeout : long
waitDelay : long
wspFilter : String
/etc # define /etc as the filter root +/etc(/.*)? # include everything under /etc -/etc/packages(/.)? # exclude package pathsTo create a package for a project "acme" defined in CRX DE Lite, a filter may look like this:
/content/acme # include the site content /apps/acme # include the app codeThis field supports parameter tokens.
$class: 'BuildScanner'
profile : String
target : String
repTemp : String
threat : String
stopScan : boolean
svRep : boolean
incScan : boolean
incScanId : String
stopTargetScans : boolean
$class: 'BuildStepBuilder'
sourceFolderMode : String
subfolder : String
packageId : String
serverType : String
server : String
authenticationType : String
userName : String
class hudson.util.Secret
database : String
compareOptions : String
filterFile : String
transactionIsoLvl : String
$class: 'BuildStepWithTimeout'
buildStep : Build Step (hudson.tasks.BuildStep
$class: 'AbsoluteTimeOutStrategy'
Terminate a build based on a fixed time-out period.
timeoutMinutes : String
$class: 'DeadlineTimeOutStrategy'
Terminate a build based on a deadline time specified in HH:MM:SS or HH:MM (24-hour time format).
deadlineTime : String
deadlineToleranceInMinutes : int
$class: 'ElasticTimeOutStrategy'
Terminate a build based on a specified percentage of the mean of the duration of the n most recent non-failing builds.
timeoutPercentage : String
timeoutMinutesElasticDefault : String
numberOfBuilds : String
failSafeTimeoutDuration : boolean
$class: 'LikelyStuckTimeOutStrategy'
Terminate a build when it has taken many times longer than previous ones.
$class: 'NoActivityTimeOutStrategy'
timeoutSecondsString : String
$class: 'RunConditionTimeoutStrategy'
This extension uses run condition as condition sources.
$class: 'AlwaysRun'
$class: 'And'
$class: 'AlwaysRun'
$class: 'And'
$class: 'BatchFileCondition'
command : String
If you already have a batch file in SCM, you can just type in the path of that batch file (again relative to the workspace directory), and simply execute that.
$class: 'BooleanCondition'
token : String
$class: 'CauseCondition'
buildCause : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'DayCondition'
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'SelectDays'
day : int
selected : boolean
$class: 'Weekday'
$class: 'Weekend'
$class: 'ExpressionCondition'
expression : String
label : String
$class: 'ExtendedCauseCondition'
$class: 'UpstreamCauseCondition'
projects : String
$class: 'UserBuildCauseCondition'
users : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'FileExistsCondition'
file : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'FilesMatchCondition'
includes : String
excludes : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'LegacyBuildstepCondition'
condition : String
invert : boolean
$class: 'NeverRun'
$class: 'NodeCondition'
allowedNodes : Array / List of String
$class: 'Not'
$class: 'AlwaysRun'
$class: 'And'
$class: 'BatchFileCondition'
command : String
If you already have a batch file in SCM, you can just type in the path of that batch file (again relative to the workspace directory), and simply execute that.
$class: 'BooleanCondition'
token : String
$class: 'CauseCondition'
buildCause : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'DayCondition'
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'SelectDays'
day : int
selected : boolean
$class: 'Weekday'
$class: 'Weekend'
$class: 'ExpressionCondition'
expression : String
label : String
$class: 'ExtendedCauseCondition'
$class: 'UpstreamCauseCondition'
projects : String
$class: 'UserBuildCauseCondition'
users : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'FileExistsCondition'
file : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'FilesMatchCondition'
includes : String
excludes : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'LegacyBuildstepCondition'
condition : String
invert : boolean
$class: 'NeverRun'
$class: 'NodeCondition'
allowedNodes : Array / List of String
$class: 'Not'
$class: 'NumericalComparisonCondition'
lhs : String
rhs : String
$class: 'EqualTo'
$class: 'GreaterThan'
$class: 'GreaterThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'LessThan'
$class: 'LessThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'NotEqualTo'
$class: 'OntrackDSLRunCondition'
value : String
scriptPath : String
scriptText : String
sandbox : boolean
injectEnvironment : String
) to bind as variables into the script.
For example, if you set this field to BUILD_NUMBER
, you can access the BUILD_NUMBER
value from the script using:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', '1.0').build("1.0-${BUILD_NUMBER}", '')
injectProperties : String
You can define variables to inject into the script by using a property-like format.
For example, the following text:
would inject the corresponding BRANCH
variables in the script:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', BRANCH).build(VERSION, "Build ${VERSION}")
In the text:
name = value
are ignored${VAR}
are expanded using VAR
from the current environment variables.ontrackLog : boolean
$class: 'Or'
$class: 'ShellCondition'
command : String
By default, the shell will be invoked with the "-ex" option. So all of the commands are printed before being executed, and the build is considered a failure if any of the commands exits with a non-zero exit code. Again, add the #!/bin/... line to change this behavior.
As a best practice, try not to put a long shell script in here. Instead, consider adding the shell script in SCM and simply call that shell script from Jenkins (via bash -ex or something like that), so that you can track changes in your shell script.
A non-zero exit value will be treated as a false value
$class: 'StatusCondition'
worstResult : String
bestResult : String
$class: 'StringsMatchCondition'
arg1 : String
arg2 : String
ignoreCase : boolean
$class: 'TextFinderCondition'
fileSet : String
regexp : String
checkConsoleOutput : boolean
$class: 'TimeCondition'
earliest : String
latest : String
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'VariableExistsCondition'
variableName : String
$class: 'NumericalComparisonCondition'
lhs : String
rhs : String
$class: 'EqualTo'
$class: 'GreaterThan'
$class: 'GreaterThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'LessThan'
$class: 'LessThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'NotEqualTo'
$class: 'OntrackDSLRunCondition'
value : String
scriptPath : String
scriptText : String
sandbox : boolean
injectEnvironment : String
) to bind as variables into the script.
For example, if you set this field to BUILD_NUMBER
, you can access the BUILD_NUMBER
value from the script using:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', '1.0').build("1.0-${BUILD_NUMBER}", '')
injectProperties : String
You can define variables to inject into the script by using a property-like format.
For example, the following text:
would inject the corresponding BRANCH
variables in the script:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', BRANCH).build(VERSION, "Build ${VERSION}")
In the text:
name = value
are ignored${VAR}
are expanded using VAR
from the current environment variables.ontrackLog : boolean
$class: 'Or'
$class: 'ShellCondition'
command : String
By default, the shell will be invoked with the "-ex" option. So all of the commands are printed before being executed, and the build is considered a failure if any of the commands exits with a non-zero exit code. Again, add the #!/bin/... line to change this behavior.
As a best practice, try not to put a long shell script in here. Instead, consider adding the shell script in SCM and simply call that shell script from Jenkins (via bash -ex or something like that), so that you can track changes in your shell script.
A non-zero exit value will be treated as a false value
$class: 'StatusCondition'
worstResult : String
bestResult : String
$class: 'StringsMatchCondition'
arg1 : String
arg2 : String
ignoreCase : boolean
$class: 'TextFinderCondition'
fileSet : String
regexp : String
checkConsoleOutput : boolean
$class: 'TimeCondition'
earliest : String
latest : String
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'VariableExistsCondition'
variableName : String
$class: 'BatchFileCondition'
command : String
If you already have a batch file in SCM, you can just type in the path of that batch file (again relative to the workspace directory), and simply execute that.
$class: 'BooleanCondition'
token : String
$class: 'CauseCondition'
buildCause : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'DayCondition'
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'SelectDays'
day : int
selected : boolean
$class: 'Weekday'
$class: 'Weekend'
$class: 'ExpressionCondition'
expression : String
label : String
$class: 'ExtendedCauseCondition'
$class: 'UpstreamCauseCondition'
projects : String
$class: 'UserBuildCauseCondition'
users : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'FileExistsCondition'
file : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'FilesMatchCondition'
includes : String
excludes : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'LegacyBuildstepCondition'
condition : String
invert : boolean
$class: 'NeverRun'
$class: 'NodeCondition'
allowedNodes : Array / List of String
$class: 'Not'
$class: 'AlwaysRun'
$class: 'And'
$class: 'AlwaysRun'
$class: 'And'
$class: 'BatchFileCondition'
command : String
If you already have a batch file in SCM, you can just type in the path of that batch file (again relative to the workspace directory), and simply execute that.
$class: 'BooleanCondition'
token : String
$class: 'CauseCondition'
buildCause : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'DayCondition'
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'SelectDays'
day : int
selected : boolean
$class: 'Weekday'
$class: 'Weekend'
$class: 'ExpressionCondition'
expression : String
label : String
$class: 'ExtendedCauseCondition'
$class: 'UpstreamCauseCondition'
projects : String
$class: 'UserBuildCauseCondition'
users : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'FileExistsCondition'
file : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'FilesMatchCondition'
includes : String
excludes : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'LegacyBuildstepCondition'
condition : String
invert : boolean
$class: 'NeverRun'
$class: 'NodeCondition'
allowedNodes : Array / List of String
$class: 'Not'
$class: 'NumericalComparisonCondition'
lhs : String
rhs : String
$class: 'EqualTo'
$class: 'GreaterThan'
$class: 'GreaterThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'LessThan'
$class: 'LessThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'NotEqualTo'
$class: 'OntrackDSLRunCondition'
value : String
scriptPath : String
scriptText : String
sandbox : boolean
injectEnvironment : String
) to bind as variables into the script.
For example, if you set this field to BUILD_NUMBER
, you can access the BUILD_NUMBER
value from the script using:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', '1.0').build("1.0-${BUILD_NUMBER}", '')
injectProperties : String
You can define variables to inject into the script by using a property-like format.
For example, the following text:
would inject the corresponding BRANCH
variables in the script:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', BRANCH).build(VERSION, "Build ${VERSION}")
In the text:
name = value
are ignored${VAR}
are expanded using VAR
from the current environment variables.ontrackLog : boolean
$class: 'Or'
$class: 'ShellCondition'
command : String
By default, the shell will be invoked with the "-ex" option. So all of the commands are printed before being executed, and the build is considered a failure if any of the commands exits with a non-zero exit code. Again, add the #!/bin/... line to change this behavior.
As a best practice, try not to put a long shell script in here. Instead, consider adding the shell script in SCM and simply call that shell script from Jenkins (via bash -ex or something like that), so that you can track changes in your shell script.
A non-zero exit value will be treated as a false value
$class: 'StatusCondition'
worstResult : String
bestResult : String
$class: 'StringsMatchCondition'
arg1 : String
arg2 : String
ignoreCase : boolean
$class: 'TextFinderCondition'
fileSet : String
regexp : String
checkConsoleOutput : boolean
$class: 'TimeCondition'
earliest : String
latest : String
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'VariableExistsCondition'
variableName : String
$class: 'BatchFileCondition'
command : String
If you already have a batch file in SCM, you can just type in the path of that batch file (again relative to the workspace directory), and simply execute that.
$class: 'BooleanCondition'
token : String
$class: 'CauseCondition'
buildCause : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'DayCondition'
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'SelectDays'
day : int
selected : boolean
$class: 'Weekday'
$class: 'Weekend'
$class: 'ExpressionCondition'
expression : String
label : String
$class: 'ExtendedCauseCondition'
$class: 'UpstreamCauseCondition'
projects : String
$class: 'UserBuildCauseCondition'
users : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'FileExistsCondition'
file : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'FilesMatchCondition'
includes : String
excludes : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'LegacyBuildstepCondition'
condition : String
invert : boolean
$class: 'NeverRun'
$class: 'NodeCondition'
allowedNodes : Array / List of String
$class: 'Not'
$class: 'NumericalComparisonCondition'
lhs : String
rhs : String
$class: 'EqualTo'
$class: 'GreaterThan'
$class: 'GreaterThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'LessThan'
$class: 'LessThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'NotEqualTo'
$class: 'OntrackDSLRunCondition'
value : String
scriptPath : String
scriptText : String
sandbox : boolean
injectEnvironment : String
) to bind as variables into the script.
For example, if you set this field to BUILD_NUMBER
, you can access the BUILD_NUMBER
value from the script using:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', '1.0').build("1.0-${BUILD_NUMBER}", '')
injectProperties : String
You can define variables to inject into the script by using a property-like format.
For example, the following text:
would inject the corresponding BRANCH
variables in the script:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', BRANCH).build(VERSION, "Build ${VERSION}")
In the text:
name = value
are ignored${VAR}
are expanded using VAR
from the current environment variables.ontrackLog : boolean
$class: 'Or'
$class: 'AlwaysRun'
$class: 'And'
$class: 'BatchFileCondition'
command : String
If you already have a batch file in SCM, you can just type in the path of that batch file (again relative to the workspace directory), and simply execute that.
$class: 'BooleanCondition'
token : String
$class: 'CauseCondition'
buildCause : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'DayCondition'
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'SelectDays'
day : int
selected : boolean
$class: 'Weekday'
$class: 'Weekend'
$class: 'ExpressionCondition'
expression : String
label : String
$class: 'ExtendedCauseCondition'
$class: 'UpstreamCauseCondition'
projects : String
$class: 'UserBuildCauseCondition'
users : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'FileExistsCondition'
file : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'FilesMatchCondition'
includes : String
excludes : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'LegacyBuildstepCondition'
condition : String
invert : boolean
$class: 'NeverRun'
$class: 'NodeCondition'
allowedNodes : Array / List of String
$class: 'Not'
$class: 'NumericalComparisonCondition'
lhs : String
rhs : String
$class: 'EqualTo'
$class: 'GreaterThan'
$class: 'GreaterThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'LessThan'
$class: 'LessThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'NotEqualTo'
$class: 'OntrackDSLRunCondition'
value : String
scriptPath : String
scriptText : String
sandbox : boolean
injectEnvironment : String
) to bind as variables into the script.
For example, if you set this field to BUILD_NUMBER
, you can access the BUILD_NUMBER
value from the script using:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', '1.0').build("1.0-${BUILD_NUMBER}", '')
injectProperties : String
You can define variables to inject into the script by using a property-like format.
For example, the following text:
would inject the corresponding BRANCH
variables in the script:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', BRANCH).build(VERSION, "Build ${VERSION}")
In the text:
name = value
are ignored${VAR}
are expanded using VAR
from the current environment variables.ontrackLog : boolean
$class: 'Or'
$class: 'ShellCondition'
command : String
By default, the shell will be invoked with the "-ex" option. So all of the commands are printed before being executed, and the build is considered a failure if any of the commands exits with a non-zero exit code. Again, add the #!/bin/... line to change this behavior.
As a best practice, try not to put a long shell script in here. Instead, consider adding the shell script in SCM and simply call that shell script from Jenkins (via bash -ex or something like that), so that you can track changes in your shell script.
A non-zero exit value will be treated as a false value
$class: 'StatusCondition'
worstResult : String
bestResult : String
$class: 'StringsMatchCondition'
arg1 : String
arg2 : String
ignoreCase : boolean
$class: 'TextFinderCondition'
fileSet : String
regexp : String
checkConsoleOutput : boolean
$class: 'TimeCondition'
earliest : String
latest : String
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'VariableExistsCondition'
variableName : String
$class: 'ShellCondition'
command : String
By default, the shell will be invoked with the "-ex" option. So all of the commands are printed before being executed, and the build is considered a failure if any of the commands exits with a non-zero exit code. Again, add the #!/bin/... line to change this behavior.
As a best practice, try not to put a long shell script in here. Instead, consider adding the shell script in SCM and simply call that shell script from Jenkins (via bash -ex or something like that), so that you can track changes in your shell script.
A non-zero exit value will be treated as a false value
$class: 'StatusCondition'
worstResult : String
bestResult : String
$class: 'StringsMatchCondition'
arg1 : String
arg2 : String
ignoreCase : boolean
$class: 'TextFinderCondition'
fileSet : String
regexp : String
checkConsoleOutput : boolean
$class: 'TimeCondition'
earliest : String
latest : String
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'VariableExistsCondition'
variableName : String
$class: 'NumericalComparisonCondition'
lhs : String
rhs : String
$class: 'EqualTo'
$class: 'GreaterThan'
$class: 'GreaterThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'LessThan'
$class: 'LessThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'NotEqualTo'
$class: 'OntrackDSLRunCondition'
value : String
scriptPath : String
scriptText : String
sandbox : boolean
injectEnvironment : String
) to bind as variables into the script.
For example, if you set this field to BUILD_NUMBER
, you can access the BUILD_NUMBER
value from the script using:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', '1.0').build("1.0-${BUILD_NUMBER}", '')
injectProperties : String
You can define variables to inject into the script by using a property-like format.
For example, the following text:
would inject the corresponding BRANCH
variables in the script:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', BRANCH).build(VERSION, "Build ${VERSION}")
In the text:
name = value
are ignored${VAR}
are expanded using VAR
from the current environment variables.ontrackLog : boolean
$class: 'Or'
$class: 'AlwaysRun'
$class: 'And'
$class: 'BatchFileCondition'
command : String
If you already have a batch file in SCM, you can just type in the path of that batch file (again relative to the workspace directory), and simply execute that.
$class: 'BooleanCondition'
token : String
$class: 'CauseCondition'
buildCause : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'DayCondition'
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'SelectDays'
day : int
selected : boolean
$class: 'Weekday'
$class: 'Weekend'
$class: 'ExpressionCondition'
expression : String
label : String
$class: 'ExtendedCauseCondition'
$class: 'UpstreamCauseCondition'
projects : String
$class: 'UserBuildCauseCondition'
users : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'FileExistsCondition'
file : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'FilesMatchCondition'
includes : String
excludes : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'LegacyBuildstepCondition'
condition : String
invert : boolean
$class: 'NeverRun'
$class: 'NodeCondition'
allowedNodes : Array / List of String
$class: 'Not'
$class: 'AlwaysRun'
$class: 'And'
$class: 'BatchFileCondition'
command : String
If you already have a batch file in SCM, you can just type in the path of that batch file (again relative to the workspace directory), and simply execute that.
$class: 'BooleanCondition'
token : String
$class: 'CauseCondition'
buildCause : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'DayCondition'
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'SelectDays'
day : int
selected : boolean
$class: 'Weekday'
$class: 'Weekend'
$class: 'ExpressionCondition'
expression : String
label : String
$class: 'ExtendedCauseCondition'
$class: 'UpstreamCauseCondition'
projects : String
$class: 'UserBuildCauseCondition'
users : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'FileExistsCondition'
file : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'FilesMatchCondition'
includes : String
excludes : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'LegacyBuildstepCondition'
condition : String
invert : boolean
$class: 'NeverRun'
$class: 'NodeCondition'
allowedNodes : Array / List of String
$class: 'Not'
$class: 'NumericalComparisonCondition'
lhs : String
rhs : String
$class: 'EqualTo'
$class: 'GreaterThan'
$class: 'GreaterThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'LessThan'
$class: 'LessThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'NotEqualTo'
$class: 'OntrackDSLRunCondition'
value : String
scriptPath : String
scriptText : String
sandbox : boolean
injectEnvironment : String
) to bind as variables into the script.
For example, if you set this field to BUILD_NUMBER
, you can access the BUILD_NUMBER
value from the script using:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', '1.0').build("1.0-${BUILD_NUMBER}", '')
injectProperties : String
You can define variables to inject into the script by using a property-like format.
For example, the following text:
would inject the corresponding BRANCH
variables in the script:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', BRANCH).build(VERSION, "Build ${VERSION}")
In the text:
name = value
are ignored${VAR}
are expanded using VAR
from the current environment variables.ontrackLog : boolean
$class: 'Or'
$class: 'ShellCondition'
command : String
By default, the shell will be invoked with the "-ex" option. So all of the commands are printed before being executed, and the build is considered a failure if any of the commands exits with a non-zero exit code. Again, add the #!/bin/... line to change this behavior.
As a best practice, try not to put a long shell script in here. Instead, consider adding the shell script in SCM and simply call that shell script from Jenkins (via bash -ex or something like that), so that you can track changes in your shell script.
A non-zero exit value will be treated as a false value
$class: 'StatusCondition'
worstResult : String
bestResult : String
$class: 'StringsMatchCondition'
arg1 : String
arg2 : String
ignoreCase : boolean
$class: 'TextFinderCondition'
fileSet : String
regexp : String
checkConsoleOutput : boolean
$class: 'TimeCondition'
earliest : String
latest : String
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'VariableExistsCondition'
variableName : String
$class: 'NumericalComparisonCondition'
lhs : String
rhs : String
$class: 'EqualTo'
$class: 'GreaterThan'
$class: 'GreaterThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'LessThan'
$class: 'LessThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'NotEqualTo'
$class: 'OntrackDSLRunCondition'
value : String
scriptPath : String
scriptText : String
sandbox : boolean
injectEnvironment : String
) to bind as variables into the script.
For example, if you set this field to BUILD_NUMBER
, you can access the BUILD_NUMBER
value from the script using:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', '1.0').build("1.0-${BUILD_NUMBER}", '')
injectProperties : String
You can define variables to inject into the script by using a property-like format.
For example, the following text:
would inject the corresponding BRANCH
variables in the script:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', BRANCH).build(VERSION, "Build ${VERSION}")
In the text:
name = value
are ignored${VAR}
are expanded using VAR
from the current environment variables.ontrackLog : boolean
$class: 'Or'
$class: 'ShellCondition'
command : String
By default, the shell will be invoked with the "-ex" option. So all of the commands are printed before being executed, and the build is considered a failure if any of the commands exits with a non-zero exit code. Again, add the #!/bin/... line to change this behavior.
As a best practice, try not to put a long shell script in here. Instead, consider adding the shell script in SCM and simply call that shell script from Jenkins (via bash -ex or something like that), so that you can track changes in your shell script.
A non-zero exit value will be treated as a false value
$class: 'StatusCondition'
worstResult : String
bestResult : String
$class: 'StringsMatchCondition'
arg1 : String
arg2 : String
ignoreCase : boolean
$class: 'TextFinderCondition'
fileSet : String
regexp : String
checkConsoleOutput : boolean
$class: 'TimeCondition'
earliest : String
latest : String
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'VariableExistsCondition'
variableName : String
$class: 'ShellCondition'
command : String
By default, the shell will be invoked with the "-ex" option. So all of the commands are printed before being executed, and the build is considered a failure if any of the commands exits with a non-zero exit code. Again, add the #!/bin/... line to change this behavior.
As a best practice, try not to put a long shell script in here. Instead, consider adding the shell script in SCM and simply call that shell script from Jenkins (via bash -ex or something like that), so that you can track changes in your shell script.
A non-zero exit value will be treated as a false value
$class: 'StatusCondition'
worstResult : String
bestResult : String
$class: 'StringsMatchCondition'
arg1 : String
arg2 : String
ignoreCase : boolean
$class: 'TextFinderCondition'
fileSet : String
regexp : String
checkConsoleOutput : boolean
$class: 'TimeCondition'
earliest : String
latest : String
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'VariableExistsCondition'
variableName : String
timeout : long
defaultTimeout : long
$class: 'AbortAndRestartOperation'
maxRestarts : String
$class: 'AbortOperation'
$class: 'BuildStepOperation'
buildstep : Build Step (hudson.tasks.BuildStep
continueEvenFailed : boolean
createLauncher : boolean
$class: 'FailOperation'
$class: 'WriteDescriptionOperation'
description : String
$class: 'BuildStepsFromJsonBuilder'
$class: 'BuildoutBuilder'
pythonName : String
buildoutCfg : String
nature : String
command : String
ignoreExitCode : boolean
token : String
task_id : String
$class: 'CFLaunchBuilder'
cfComposition : String
Variable : String
Value : String
$class: 'CIMessageBuilder'
failOnError : boolean
Whether you want to fail the build if there is an error sending a message. By default, it is false.
messageContent : String
Content of CI message to be sent. Environment variable values may be used in the content to allow customization of the message. Environment variables should use the familiar bash shell format, e.g. ${VARIABLE}.
messageProperties : String
KEY=value pairs, one per line (Java properties file format) to be used as message properties. Backslashes are used for escaping, so use "\\" for a single backslash. Current build parameters and/or environment variables can be used in form: ${PARAM}.
Type of CI message to be sent.
, ComponentBuildDone
, Custom
, EarlyPerformanceTestingDone
, EarlySecurityTestingDone
, ImageUploaded
, FunctionalTestCoverageDone
, FunctionalTestingDone
, NonfunctionalTestingDone
, OotbTestingDone
, PeerReviewDone
, ProductAcceptedForReleaseTesting
, ProductBuildDone
, ProductBuildInStaging
, ProductTestCoverageDone
, PullRequest
, SecurityChecksDone
, TestingStarted
, TestingCompleted
, Tier0TestingDone
, Tier1TestingDone
, Tier2IntegrationTestingDone
, Tier2ValidationTestingDone
, Tier3TestingDone
, UnitTestCoverageDone
, UpdateDefectStatus
name : String
topic : String
queue : String
field : String
expectedValue : String
name : String
topic : String
queue : String
selector : String
JMS selector to choose messages that will fire the trigger.
timeout : int
Value (in minutes) to wait for a message matching the specified JMS selector.
variable : String
Environment variable to hold received message content.
failOnError : boolean
Whether you want to fail the build if there is an error sending a message. By default, it is false.
messageContent : String
Content of CI message to be sent at job completion. Environment variable values may be used in the content to allow customization of the message. Environment variables should use the familiar bash shell format, e.g. ${VARIABLE}.
name : String
topic : String
queue : String
field : String
expectedValue : String
name : String
topic : String
queue : String
timeout : int
Value (in minutes) to wait for a message matching the specified JMS selector.
variable : String
Environment variable to hold received message content.
failOnError : boolean
Whether you want to fail the build if there is an error sending a message. By default, it is false.
fedoraMessaging : boolean
messageContent : String
Content of CI message to be sent. Environment variable values may be used in the content to allow customization of the message. Environment variables should use the familiar bash shell format, e.g. ${VARIABLE}.
name : String
topic : String
queue : String
schema : String
Path to message schema.
severity : int
Severity of the message.
field : String
expectedValue : String
name : String
topic : String
queue : String
timeout : int
Value (in minutes) to wait for a message.
variable : String
Environment variable to hold received message content.
$class: 'CIMessageSubscriberBuilder'
Subscribe to the CI message bus and wait for a message matching the specified JMS selector.
The variable value specifies the name of an environment variable in which to place the received message body.
The timeout value specifies the maximum number of minutes to wait for a message matching the JMS selector to appear.
failOnError : boolean
Whether you want to fail the build if there is an error sending a message. By default, it is false.
messageContent : String
Content of CI message to be sent. Environment variable values may be used in the content to allow customization of the message. Environment variables should use the familiar bash shell format, e.g. ${VARIABLE}.
messageProperties : String
KEY=value pairs, one per line (Java properties file format) to be used as message properties. Backslashes are used for escaping, so use "\\" for a single backslash. Current build parameters and/or environment variables can be used in form: ${PARAM}.
Type of CI message to be sent.
, ComponentBuildDone
, Custom
, EarlyPerformanceTestingDone
, EarlySecurityTestingDone
, ImageUploaded
, FunctionalTestCoverageDone
, FunctionalTestingDone
, NonfunctionalTestingDone
, OotbTestingDone
, PeerReviewDone
, ProductAcceptedForReleaseTesting
, ProductBuildDone
, ProductBuildInStaging
, ProductTestCoverageDone
, PullRequest
, SecurityChecksDone
, TestingStarted
, TestingCompleted
, Tier0TestingDone
, Tier1TestingDone
, Tier2IntegrationTestingDone
, Tier2ValidationTestingDone
, Tier3TestingDone
, UnitTestCoverageDone
, UpdateDefectStatus
name : String
topic : String
queue : String
field : String
expectedValue : String
name : String
topic : String
queue : String
selector : String
JMS selector to choose messages that will fire the trigger.
timeout : int
Value (in minutes) to wait for a message matching the specified JMS selector.
variable : String
Environment variable to hold received message content.
failOnError : boolean
Whether you want to fail the build if there is an error sending a message. By default, it is false.
messageContent : String
Content of CI message to be sent at job completion. Environment variable values may be used in the content to allow customization of the message. Environment variables should use the familiar bash shell format, e.g. ${VARIABLE}.
name : String
topic : String
queue : String
field : String
expectedValue : String
name : String
topic : String
queue : String
timeout : int
Value (in minutes) to wait for a message matching the specified JMS selector.
variable : String
Environment variable to hold received message content.
failOnError : boolean
Whether you want to fail the build if there is an error sending a message. By default, it is false.
fedoraMessaging : boolean
messageContent : String
Content of CI message to be sent. Environment variable values may be used in the content to allow customization of the message. Environment variables should use the familiar bash shell format, e.g. ${VARIABLE}.
name : String
topic : String
queue : String
schema : String
Path to message schema.
severity : int
Severity of the message.
field : String
expectedValue : String
name : String
topic : String
queue : String
timeout : int
Value (in minutes) to wait for a message.
variable : String
Environment variable to hold received message content.
$class: 'CRDABuilder'
file : String
consentTelemetry : boolean
CRDA CLI is constantly improving and we would like to know more about usage. Click here to find more details.
requestType : String
url : String
credentials : String
key : String
value : String
action : String
params : String
name : String
pollInterval : String
maxRunTime : String
$class: 'CToolBuilder'
cmake -P <script file>
) or command mode (cmake -E <command>
installationName : String
arguments : String
ignoredExitCodes : String
toolId : String
workingDir : String
filePath : String
dbChannel : String
clear : boolean
$class: 'CallFunction'
functionName : String
argumentList : Array / List of String
argument : String
$class: 'CallOtherJenkinsBuilder'
hostName : String
jobName : String
span : String
retry : String
userName : String
password : String
parameters : String
$class: 'CaptureIOSDeviceScreenshot'
url : String
cloudTestServerID : String
additionalOptions : String
name : String
credentialsId : String
engineTimeout : int
failBuildOnPluginError : boolean
failBuildOnPolicyEvaluationFailResult : boolean
image : String
policyBundleID : String
registryURI : String
installationName : String
sourcePath : String
applicationName : String
archivePdf : boolean
displayLog : boolean
logPath : String
outputPath : String
qualityGate : String
connectorName : String
zoneConfigName : String
The name of the zone configuration to use.
When using Venafi as a Service, zone names are in the format of app name\api alias
commonName : String
privKeyOutput : String
certOutput : String
certChainOutput : String
country : String
hostName : String
address : String
expirationWindow : int
address : String
locality : String
organization : String
organizationalUnit : String
province : String
versionPattern : String
assemblyCompany : String
assemblyCopyright : String
assemblyCulture : String
assemblyDescription : String
assemblyFile : String
assemblyProduct : String
assemblyTitle : String
assemblyTrademark : String
regexPattern : String
replacementPattern : String
$class: 'ChangeEventBuilder'
integrationKey : String
customDetails : String
summaryText : String
postToChatter "Build Started - ${env.JOB_NAME} ${env.BUILD_NUMBER} (<${env.BUILD_URL}|Open>)"
credentialsId : String
If you're connecting from outside of your organizations trusted network, you'll also need to append your API security token to your password.
See Identity Confirmation in the online help for more information.
body : String
buildUrlTitle : String
recordId : String
server : String
$class: 'CheckGate'
pipelineId : String
stageName : String
versionId : String
fatal : String
$class: 'CheckGateBuilder'
project : String
gate : String
useOwnServerCredentials : boolean
serverUrl : String
useAuthenticationUrl : boolean
baseAuthUrl : String
tenantName : String
projectName : String
credentialsId : String
useOwnAdditionalOptions : boolean
additionalOptions : String
branchName : String
checkmarxInstallation : String
content : String
browserString : String
runScriptOnly : boolean
rootPath : String
libPath : String
$class: 'ChrootBuilder'
chrootName : String
ignoreExit : boolean
additionalPackages : String
packagesFile : String
clear : boolean
command : String
loginAsRoot : boolean
noUpdate : boolean
forceInstall : boolean
$class: 'CifsBuilderPlugin'
configName : String
verbose : boolean
sourceFiles : String
excludes : String
remoteDirectory : String
removePrefix : String
remoteDirectorySDF : boolean
flatten : boolean
cleanRemote : boolean
noDefaultExcludes : boolean
makeEmptyDirs : boolean
patternSeparator : String
useWorkspaceInPromotion : boolean
usePromotionTimestamp : boolean
retries : int
retryDelay : long
label : String
continueOnError : boolean
failOnError : boolean
alwaysPublishFromMaster : boolean
masterNodeName : String
parameterName : String
$class: 'ClangScanBuildBuilder'
target : String
targetSdk : String
xcodebuild -showsdks
config : String
clangInstallationName : String
xcodeProjectSubPath : String
workspace : String
scheme : String
scanbuildargs : String
xcodebuildargs : String
outputFolderName : String
credentialsId : String
bucket : String
pattern : String
pathPrefix : String
sharedPublicly : boolean
showInline : boolean
dotnet clean
command cleans the output of the previous build. It's implemented as an MSBuild target, so the project is evaluated when the command is run. Only the outputs created during the build are cleaned. Both intermediate (obj) and final output (bin) folders are cleaned.
charset : String
configuration : String
, but you can override the build configuration settings in your project. This option is only required when cleaning if you specified it during build time.
continueOnError : boolean
, if configured that way), but the build will be allowed to continue. Otherwise, any such errors will cause the build to be terminated immediately.
framework : String
nologo : boolean
option : String
options : Array / List of String
optionsString : String
outputDirectory : String
project : String
java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String>
propertiesString : String
runtime : String
sdk : String
will be in the path.
With .NETelement (or a
block in a pipeline script) to specify one, or ensure this step runs on a node that has a .NET SDK installed and in the path.
showSdkInfo : boolean
dotnet --info
will be executed before the main command. This shows a list of available SDKs and runtimes, indicating which one is currently being used.
shutDownBuildServers : boolean
dotnet build-server shutdown
will be executed after the main command, shutting down build servers that may have been started.
hanguntil those server processes end. As such, it's recommended to specify this for the last .NET-related step in a job. If using multiple SDKs, each needs its own shutdown (e.g. the .NET Core 3.1 SDK will not shut down build servers from the .NET 5.0 SDK).
specificSdkVersion : boolean
executable may use the most recent SDK available on the system, even when PATH
is set up to find an older SDK deployment first; see this page for more information.
file will be created in the current directory, referencing that SDK version and disabling roll-forward.
already present in the current directory.
unstableIfErrors : boolean
unstableIfWarnings : boolean
verbosity : String
workDirectory : String
cleanMeasurement : boolean
cleanRCA : boolean
cleanRTS : boolean
$class: 'ClifBuilder'
clifName : String
clifOpts : String
testPlanFile : String
reportDir : String
$class: 'CloudBuildBuilder'
credentialsId : String
filename : String
request : String
path : String
or .tar.gz
) or zip file (.zip
), or.tgz
) and uploaded to a temporary Cloud Storage bucket.repo
branch : String
commit : String
projectId : String
repoName : String
tag : String
bucket : String
object : String
key : String
) and use only numbers, uppercase letters, and underscores (respecting the regular expression _[A-Z0-9_]+
). The key may not be longer than 100 characters. For details, see Build Requests - User-defined substitutions.
value : String
java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String>
target : String
organization : String
cloudSpace : String
credentialsId : String
appName : String
appPath : String
buildpack : String
command : String
domain : String
key : String
value : String
hostname : String
instances : String
manifestFile : String
memory : String
noRoute : String
name : String
stack : String
timeout : String
value : String
pluginTimeout : String
selfSigned : String
name : String
type : String
plan : String
resetService : boolean
environmentId : String
orgId : String
appName : String
muleVersion : String
filePath : String
credentialsId : String
region : String
autoScalePolicyName : String
enableAutoScalePolicy : boolean
id : String
maxScale : int
minScale : int
scaleBasedOn : String
scaleDownNextScaleWaitMins : int
scaleDownPeriodCount : int
scaleDownValue : int
scaleType : String
scaleUpNextScaleWaitMins : int
scaleUpPeriodCount : int
scaleUpValue : int
autoStart : boolean
enableAutoScalePolicy : boolean
key : String
value : String
ignoreGlobalSettings : boolean
packageName : String
loggingNgEnabled : boolean
monitoringAutoRestart : boolean
monitoringEnabled : boolean
objectStoreV1 : boolean
persistentQueues : boolean
persistentQueuesEncrypted : boolean
timeoutConnection : int
timeoutResponse : int
verifyDeployments : boolean
verifyIntervalInSeconds : int
workerAmount : int
workerCpu : String
workerMemory : String
workerType : String
workerWeight : String
$class: 'CloudShellConfig'
$class: 'StartSandbox'
blueprintName : String
sandboxDuration : String
maxWaitForSandboxAvailability : int
setupTimeout : int
params : String
sandboxDomain : String
sandboxName : String
$class: 'CmakeBuilder'
cmake -G
with the given options.
build environment variable if the chosen generator supports that.
installationName : String
buildDir : String
buildType : String
cleanBuild : boolean
cmakeArgs : String
generator : String
preloadScript : String
sourceDir : String
args : String
. Arguments must be separated by spaces but may contain spaces if they are enclosed in double quotes (will be handled like a Unix shell does),
envVars : String
withCmake : boolean
) or to have cmake
run the build tool (by invoking cmake --build <dir>
$class: 'CocoaPodsBuilder'
cleanpods : boolean
$class: 'CodeBuilder'
credentialsType : String
credentialsId : String
proxyHost : String
proxyPort : String
awsAccessKey : String
class hudson.util.Secret
awsSessionToken : String
region : String
projectName : String
sourceVersion : String
sseAlgorithm : String
sourceControlType : String
localSourcePath : String
workspaceSubdir : String
gitCloneDepthOverride : String
reportBuildStatusOverride : String
secondarySourcesOverride : String
secondarySourcesVersionOverride : String
artifactTypeOverride : String
artifactLocationOverride : String
artifactNameOverride : String
artifactNamespaceOverride : String
artifactPackagingOverride : String
artifactPathOverride : String
artifactEncryptionDisabledOverride : String
overrideArtifactName : String
secondaryArtifactsOverride : String
envVariables : String
envParameters : String
buildSpecFile : String
buildTimeoutOverride : String
sourceTypeOverride : String
sourceLocationOverride : String
environmentTypeOverride : String
imageOverride : String
computeTypeOverride : String
cacheTypeOverride : String
cacheLocationOverride : String
cacheModesOverride : String
cloudWatchLogsStatusOverride : String
cloudWatchLogsGroupNameOverride : String
cloudWatchLogsStreamNameOverride : String
s3LogsStatusOverride : String
s3LogsEncryptionDisabledOverride : String
s3LogsLocationOverride : String
certificateOverride : String
serviceRoleOverride : String
insecureSslOverride : String
privilegedModeOverride : String
cwlStreamingDisabled : String
exceptionFailureMode : String
downloadArtifacts : String
downloadArtifactsRelativePath : String
workspaceExcludes : String
workspaceIncludes : String
$class: 'CodeCoverageBuilder'
connectionId : String
credentialsId : String
analysisPropertiesPath : String
analysisProperties : String
$class: 'CodeScanBuildStep'
orgID : String
scanFileName : String
filePath : String
scanTimeOut : int
failSilentlyOnPluginFailure : boolean
ignoreAssetViolation : boolean
$class: 'CriticalSeverityConfig'
count : int
$class: 'HighSeverityConfig'
count : int
$class: 'LowSeverityConfig'
count : int
$class: 'MediumSeverityConfig'
count : int
, OR
credentialsId : String
deltaAnalysisUrl : String
repository : String
analyzeBranchDiff : boolean
analyzeLatestIndividually : boolean
baseRevision : String
couplingThresholdPercent : int
failOnDecliningCodeHealth : boolean
failOnFailedGoal : boolean
letBuildPassOnFailedAnalysis : boolean
markBuildAsUnstable : boolean
originUrl : String
riskThreshold : int
$class: 'CodeStreamBuilder'
serverUrl : String
userName : String
password : String
tenant : String
pipelineName : String
waitExec : boolean
value : String
name : String
ctServer : String
project_name : String
fileName : String
credentialsId : String
organization_name : String
condition : String
maxNumberOfCritical : int
maxNumberOfHigh : int
policyName : String
scaMaxNumberOfCritical : int
scaMaxNumberOfHigh : int
weaknessIs : String
$class: 'CodefreshPipelineBuilder'
cfPipeline : String
cfBranch : String
Variable : String
Value : String
$class: 'CommentsRemoverBuilder'
filename : String
language : String
outputDir : String
$class: 'CompareBuilder'
outputFolder : String
Path to the folder in that should be used to store compare output.
It serves as input for following steps like Generate create SQL script or Generate Report.
Folder location must be specified as:
srcInputType : String
tgtInputType : String
srcInputFileOrFolder : String
Specify input folder/file that will be used as source side input for compare. Following inputs are expected.
Folder/file location must be specified as:
tgtInputFileOrFolder : String
Specify input folder/file that will be used as target side input for compare. Following inputs are expected.
Folder/file location must be specified as:
configFile : String
Specify settings file location. This file should be exported from Toad Edge and contain all compare settings.
File location must be specified as:
$class: 'CompareWithBaselineBuilder'
outputFolder : String
Path to the folder in that should be used to store baseline compare output.
It serves as input for following steps like Generate create SQL script or Generate Report.
Folder location must be specified as:
srcInputType : String
tgtInputType : String
srcInputFileOrFolder : String
Specify input folder/file that will be used as source side input for baseline compare. Following inputs are expected.
Folder/file location must be specified as:
tgtInputFileOrFolder : String
Specify input folder/file that will be used as target side input for baseline compare. Following inputs are expected.
Folder/file location must be specified as:
configFile : String
Specify settings file location. This file should be exported from Toad Edge and contain all compare settings.
File location must be specified as:
$class: 'CompleteSprint'
projectNumber : String
sprintNumber : String
$class: 'CompoundBuilder'
$class: 'ConditionalBuilder'
$class: 'AlwaysRun'
$class: 'And'
$class: 'AlwaysRun'
$class: 'And'
$class: 'BatchFileCondition'
command : String
If you already have a batch file in SCM, you can just type in the path of that batch file (again relative to the workspace directory), and simply execute that.
$class: 'BooleanCondition'
token : String
$class: 'CauseCondition'
buildCause : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'DayCondition'
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'SelectDays'
day : int
selected : boolean
$class: 'Weekday'
$class: 'Weekend'
$class: 'ExpressionCondition'
expression : String
label : String
$class: 'ExtendedCauseCondition'
$class: 'UpstreamCauseCondition'
projects : String
$class: 'UserBuildCauseCondition'
users : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'FileExistsCondition'
file : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'FilesMatchCondition'
includes : String
excludes : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'LegacyBuildstepCondition'
condition : String
invert : boolean
$class: 'NeverRun'
$class: 'NodeCondition'
allowedNodes : Array / List of String
$class: 'Not'
$class: 'AlwaysRun'
$class: 'And'
$class: 'BatchFileCondition'
command : String
If you already have a batch file in SCM, you can just type in the path of that batch file (again relative to the workspace directory), and simply execute that.
$class: 'BooleanCondition'
token : String
$class: 'CauseCondition'
buildCause : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'DayCondition'
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'SelectDays'
day : int
selected : boolean
$class: 'Weekday'
$class: 'Weekend'
$class: 'ExpressionCondition'
expression : String
label : String
$class: 'ExtendedCauseCondition'
$class: 'UpstreamCauseCondition'
projects : String
$class: 'UserBuildCauseCondition'
users : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'FileExistsCondition'
file : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'FilesMatchCondition'
includes : String
excludes : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'LegacyBuildstepCondition'
condition : String
invert : boolean
$class: 'NeverRun'
$class: 'NodeCondition'
allowedNodes : Array / List of String
$class: 'Not'
$class: 'NumericalComparisonCondition'
lhs : String
rhs : String
$class: 'EqualTo'
$class: 'GreaterThan'
$class: 'GreaterThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'LessThan'
$class: 'LessThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'NotEqualTo'
$class: 'OntrackDSLRunCondition'
value : String
scriptPath : String
scriptText : String
sandbox : boolean
injectEnvironment : String
) to bind as variables into the script.
For example, if you set this field to BUILD_NUMBER
, you can access the BUILD_NUMBER
value from the script using:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', '1.0').build("1.0-${BUILD_NUMBER}", '')
injectProperties : String
You can define variables to inject into the script by using a property-like format.
For example, the following text:
would inject the corresponding BRANCH
variables in the script:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', BRANCH).build(VERSION, "Build ${VERSION}")
In the text:
name = value
are ignored${VAR}
are expanded using VAR
from the current environment variables.ontrackLog : boolean
$class: 'Or'
$class: 'ShellCondition'
command : String
By default, the shell will be invoked with the "-ex" option. So all of the commands are printed before being executed, and the build is considered a failure if any of the commands exits with a non-zero exit code. Again, add the #!/bin/... line to change this behavior.
As a best practice, try not to put a long shell script in here. Instead, consider adding the shell script in SCM and simply call that shell script from Jenkins (via bash -ex or something like that), so that you can track changes in your shell script.
A non-zero exit value will be treated as a false value
$class: 'StatusCondition'
worstResult : String
bestResult : String
$class: 'StringsMatchCondition'
arg1 : String
arg2 : String
ignoreCase : boolean
$class: 'TextFinderCondition'
fileSet : String
regexp : String
checkConsoleOutput : boolean
$class: 'TimeCondition'
earliest : String
latest : String
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'VariableExistsCondition'
variableName : String
$class: 'NumericalComparisonCondition'
lhs : String
rhs : String
$class: 'EqualTo'
$class: 'GreaterThan'
$class: 'GreaterThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'LessThan'
$class: 'LessThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'NotEqualTo'
$class: 'OntrackDSLRunCondition'
value : String
scriptPath : String
scriptText : String
sandbox : boolean
injectEnvironment : String
) to bind as variables into the script.
For example, if you set this field to BUILD_NUMBER
, you can access the BUILD_NUMBER
value from the script using:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', '1.0').build("1.0-${BUILD_NUMBER}", '')
injectProperties : String
You can define variables to inject into the script by using a property-like format.
For example, the following text:
would inject the corresponding BRANCH
variables in the script:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', BRANCH).build(VERSION, "Build ${VERSION}")
In the text:
name = value
are ignored${VAR}
are expanded using VAR
from the current environment variables.ontrackLog : boolean
$class: 'Or'
$class: 'ShellCondition'
command : String
By default, the shell will be invoked with the "-ex" option. So all of the commands are printed before being executed, and the build is considered a failure if any of the commands exits with a non-zero exit code. Again, add the #!/bin/... line to change this behavior.
As a best practice, try not to put a long shell script in here. Instead, consider adding the shell script in SCM and simply call that shell script from Jenkins (via bash -ex or something like that), so that you can track changes in your shell script.
A non-zero exit value will be treated as a false value
$class: 'StatusCondition'
worstResult : String
bestResult : String
$class: 'StringsMatchCondition'
arg1 : String
arg2 : String
ignoreCase : boolean
$class: 'TextFinderCondition'
fileSet : String
regexp : String
checkConsoleOutput : boolean
$class: 'TimeCondition'
earliest : String
latest : String
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'VariableExistsCondition'
variableName : String
$class: 'BatchFileCondition'
command : String
If you already have a batch file in SCM, you can just type in the path of that batch file (again relative to the workspace directory), and simply execute that.
$class: 'BooleanCondition'
token : String
$class: 'CauseCondition'
buildCause : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'DayCondition'
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'SelectDays'
day : int
selected : boolean
$class: 'Weekday'
$class: 'Weekend'
$class: 'ExpressionCondition'
expression : String
label : String
$class: 'ExtendedCauseCondition'
$class: 'UpstreamCauseCondition'
projects : String
$class: 'UserBuildCauseCondition'
users : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'FileExistsCondition'
file : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'FilesMatchCondition'
includes : String
excludes : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'LegacyBuildstepCondition'
condition : String
invert : boolean
$class: 'NeverRun'
$class: 'NodeCondition'
allowedNodes : Array / List of String
$class: 'Not'
$class: 'AlwaysRun'
$class: 'And'
$class: 'AlwaysRun'
$class: 'And'
$class: 'BatchFileCondition'
command : String
If you already have a batch file in SCM, you can just type in the path of that batch file (again relative to the workspace directory), and simply execute that.
$class: 'BooleanCondition'
token : String
$class: 'CauseCondition'
buildCause : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'DayCondition'
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'SelectDays'
day : int
selected : boolean
$class: 'Weekday'
$class: 'Weekend'
$class: 'ExpressionCondition'
expression : String
label : String
$class: 'ExtendedCauseCondition'
$class: 'UpstreamCauseCondition'
projects : String
$class: 'UserBuildCauseCondition'
users : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'FileExistsCondition'
file : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'FilesMatchCondition'
includes : String
excludes : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'LegacyBuildstepCondition'
condition : String
invert : boolean
$class: 'NeverRun'
$class: 'NodeCondition'
allowedNodes : Array / List of String
$class: 'Not'
$class: 'NumericalComparisonCondition'
lhs : String
rhs : String
$class: 'EqualTo'
$class: 'GreaterThan'
$class: 'GreaterThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'LessThan'
$class: 'LessThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'NotEqualTo'
$class: 'OntrackDSLRunCondition'
value : String
scriptPath : String
scriptText : String
sandbox : boolean
injectEnvironment : String
) to bind as variables into the script.
For example, if you set this field to BUILD_NUMBER
, you can access the BUILD_NUMBER
value from the script using:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', '1.0').build("1.0-${BUILD_NUMBER}", '')
injectProperties : String
You can define variables to inject into the script by using a property-like format.
For example, the following text:
would inject the corresponding BRANCH
variables in the script:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', BRANCH).build(VERSION, "Build ${VERSION}")
In the text:
name = value
are ignored${VAR}
are expanded using VAR
from the current environment variables.ontrackLog : boolean
$class: 'Or'
$class: 'ShellCondition'
command : String
By default, the shell will be invoked with the "-ex" option. So all of the commands are printed before being executed, and the build is considered a failure if any of the commands exits with a non-zero exit code. Again, add the #!/bin/... line to change this behavior.
As a best practice, try not to put a long shell script in here. Instead, consider adding the shell script in SCM and simply call that shell script from Jenkins (via bash -ex or something like that), so that you can track changes in your shell script.
A non-zero exit value will be treated as a false value
$class: 'StatusCondition'
worstResult : String
bestResult : String
$class: 'StringsMatchCondition'
arg1 : String
arg2 : String
ignoreCase : boolean
$class: 'TextFinderCondition'
fileSet : String
regexp : String
checkConsoleOutput : boolean
$class: 'TimeCondition'
earliest : String
latest : String
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'VariableExistsCondition'
variableName : String
$class: 'BatchFileCondition'
command : String
If you already have a batch file in SCM, you can just type in the path of that batch file (again relative to the workspace directory), and simply execute that.
$class: 'BooleanCondition'
token : String
$class: 'CauseCondition'
buildCause : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'DayCondition'
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'SelectDays'
day : int
selected : boolean
$class: 'Weekday'
$class: 'Weekend'
$class: 'ExpressionCondition'
expression : String
label : String
$class: 'ExtendedCauseCondition'
$class: 'UpstreamCauseCondition'
projects : String
$class: 'UserBuildCauseCondition'
users : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'FileExistsCondition'
file : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'FilesMatchCondition'
includes : String
excludes : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'LegacyBuildstepCondition'
condition : String
invert : boolean
$class: 'NeverRun'
$class: 'NodeCondition'
allowedNodes : Array / List of String
$class: 'Not'
$class: 'NumericalComparisonCondition'
lhs : String
rhs : String
$class: 'EqualTo'
$class: 'GreaterThan'
$class: 'GreaterThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'LessThan'
$class: 'LessThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'NotEqualTo'
$class: 'OntrackDSLRunCondition'
value : String
scriptPath : String
scriptText : String
sandbox : boolean
injectEnvironment : String
) to bind as variables into the script.
For example, if you set this field to BUILD_NUMBER
, you can access the BUILD_NUMBER
value from the script using:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', '1.0').build("1.0-${BUILD_NUMBER}", '')
injectProperties : String
You can define variables to inject into the script by using a property-like format.
For example, the following text:
would inject the corresponding BRANCH
variables in the script:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', BRANCH).build(VERSION, "Build ${VERSION}")
In the text:
name = value
are ignored${VAR}
are expanded using VAR
from the current environment variables.ontrackLog : boolean
$class: 'Or'
$class: 'AlwaysRun'
$class: 'And'
$class: 'BatchFileCondition'
command : String
If you already have a batch file in SCM, you can just type in the path of that batch file (again relative to the workspace directory), and simply execute that.
$class: 'BooleanCondition'
token : String
$class: 'CauseCondition'
buildCause : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'DayCondition'
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'SelectDays'
day : int
selected : boolean
$class: 'Weekday'
$class: 'Weekend'
$class: 'ExpressionCondition'
expression : String
label : String
$class: 'ExtendedCauseCondition'
$class: 'UpstreamCauseCondition'
projects : String
$class: 'UserBuildCauseCondition'
users : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'FileExistsCondition'
file : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'FilesMatchCondition'
includes : String
excludes : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'LegacyBuildstepCondition'
condition : String
invert : boolean
$class: 'NeverRun'
$class: 'NodeCondition'
allowedNodes : Array / List of String
$class: 'Not'
$class: 'NumericalComparisonCondition'
lhs : String
rhs : String
$class: 'EqualTo'
$class: 'GreaterThan'
$class: 'GreaterThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'LessThan'
$class: 'LessThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'NotEqualTo'
$class: 'OntrackDSLRunCondition'
value : String
scriptPath : String
scriptText : String
sandbox : boolean
injectEnvironment : String
) to bind as variables into the script.
For example, if you set this field to BUILD_NUMBER
, you can access the BUILD_NUMBER
value from the script using:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', '1.0').build("1.0-${BUILD_NUMBER}", '')
injectProperties : String
You can define variables to inject into the script by using a property-like format.
For example, the following text:
would inject the corresponding BRANCH
variables in the script:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', BRANCH).build(VERSION, "Build ${VERSION}")
In the text:
name = value
are ignored${VAR}
are expanded using VAR
from the current environment variables.ontrackLog : boolean
$class: 'Or'
$class: 'ShellCondition'
command : String
By default, the shell will be invoked with the "-ex" option. So all of the commands are printed before being executed, and the build is considered a failure if any of the commands exits with a non-zero exit code. Again, add the #!/bin/... line to change this behavior.
As a best practice, try not to put a long shell script in here. Instead, consider adding the shell script in SCM and simply call that shell script from Jenkins (via bash -ex or something like that), so that you can track changes in your shell script.
A non-zero exit value will be treated as a false value
$class: 'StatusCondition'
worstResult : String
bestResult : String
$class: 'StringsMatchCondition'
arg1 : String
arg2 : String
ignoreCase : boolean
$class: 'TextFinderCondition'
fileSet : String
regexp : String
checkConsoleOutput : boolean
$class: 'TimeCondition'
earliest : String
latest : String
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'VariableExistsCondition'
variableName : String
$class: 'ShellCondition'
command : String
By default, the shell will be invoked with the "-ex" option. So all of the commands are printed before being executed, and the build is considered a failure if any of the commands exits with a non-zero exit code. Again, add the #!/bin/... line to change this behavior.
As a best practice, try not to put a long shell script in here. Instead, consider adding the shell script in SCM and simply call that shell script from Jenkins (via bash -ex or something like that), so that you can track changes in your shell script.
A non-zero exit value will be treated as a false value
$class: 'StatusCondition'
worstResult : String
bestResult : String
$class: 'StringsMatchCondition'
arg1 : String
arg2 : String
ignoreCase : boolean
$class: 'TextFinderCondition'
fileSet : String
regexp : String
checkConsoleOutput : boolean
$class: 'TimeCondition'
earliest : String
latest : String
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'VariableExistsCondition'
variableName : String
$class: 'NumericalComparisonCondition'
lhs : String
rhs : String
$class: 'EqualTo'
$class: 'GreaterThan'
$class: 'GreaterThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'LessThan'
$class: 'LessThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'NotEqualTo'
$class: 'OntrackDSLRunCondition'
value : String
scriptPath : String
scriptText : String
sandbox : boolean
injectEnvironment : String
) to bind as variables into the script.
For example, if you set this field to BUILD_NUMBER
, you can access the BUILD_NUMBER
value from the script using:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', '1.0').build("1.0-${BUILD_NUMBER}", '')
injectProperties : String
You can define variables to inject into the script by using a property-like format.
For example, the following text:
would inject the corresponding BRANCH
variables in the script:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', BRANCH).build(VERSION, "Build ${VERSION}")
In the text:
name = value
are ignored${VAR}
are expanded using VAR
from the current environment variables.ontrackLog : boolean
$class: 'Or'
$class: 'AlwaysRun'
$class: 'And'
$class: 'BatchFileCondition'
command : String
If you already have a batch file in SCM, you can just type in the path of that batch file (again relative to the workspace directory), and simply execute that.
$class: 'BooleanCondition'
token : String
$class: 'CauseCondition'
buildCause : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'DayCondition'
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'SelectDays'
day : int
selected : boolean
$class: 'Weekday'
$class: 'Weekend'
$class: 'ExpressionCondition'
expression : String
label : String
$class: 'ExtendedCauseCondition'
$class: 'UpstreamCauseCondition'
projects : String
$class: 'UserBuildCauseCondition'
users : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'FileExistsCondition'
file : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'FilesMatchCondition'
includes : String
excludes : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'LegacyBuildstepCondition'
condition : String
invert : boolean
$class: 'NeverRun'
$class: 'NodeCondition'
allowedNodes : Array / List of String
$class: 'Not'
$class: 'AlwaysRun'
$class: 'And'
$class: 'BatchFileCondition'
command : String
If you already have a batch file in SCM, you can just type in the path of that batch file (again relative to the workspace directory), and simply execute that.
$class: 'BooleanCondition'
token : String
$class: 'CauseCondition'
buildCause : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'DayCondition'
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'SelectDays'
day : int
selected : boolean
$class: 'Weekday'
$class: 'Weekend'
$class: 'ExpressionCondition'
expression : String
label : String
$class: 'ExtendedCauseCondition'
$class: 'UpstreamCauseCondition'
projects : String
$class: 'UserBuildCauseCondition'
users : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'FileExistsCondition'
file : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'FilesMatchCondition'
includes : String
excludes : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'LegacyBuildstepCondition'
condition : String
invert : boolean
$class: 'NeverRun'
$class: 'NodeCondition'
allowedNodes : Array / List of String
$class: 'Not'
$class: 'NumericalComparisonCondition'
lhs : String
rhs : String
$class: 'EqualTo'
$class: 'GreaterThan'
$class: 'GreaterThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'LessThan'
$class: 'LessThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'NotEqualTo'
$class: 'OntrackDSLRunCondition'
value : String
scriptPath : String
scriptText : String
sandbox : boolean
injectEnvironment : String
) to bind as variables into the script.
For example, if you set this field to BUILD_NUMBER
, you can access the BUILD_NUMBER
value from the script using:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', '1.0').build("1.0-${BUILD_NUMBER}", '')
injectProperties : String
You can define variables to inject into the script by using a property-like format.
For example, the following text:
would inject the corresponding BRANCH
variables in the script:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', BRANCH).build(VERSION, "Build ${VERSION}")
In the text:
name = value
are ignored${VAR}
are expanded using VAR
from the current environment variables.ontrackLog : boolean
$class: 'Or'
$class: 'ShellCondition'
command : String
By default, the shell will be invoked with the "-ex" option. So all of the commands are printed before being executed, and the build is considered a failure if any of the commands exits with a non-zero exit code. Again, add the #!/bin/... line to change this behavior.
As a best practice, try not to put a long shell script in here. Instead, consider adding the shell script in SCM and simply call that shell script from Jenkins (via bash -ex or something like that), so that you can track changes in your shell script.
A non-zero exit value will be treated as a false value
$class: 'StatusCondition'
worstResult : String
bestResult : String
$class: 'StringsMatchCondition'
arg1 : String
arg2 : String
ignoreCase : boolean
$class: 'TextFinderCondition'
fileSet : String
regexp : String
checkConsoleOutput : boolean
$class: 'TimeCondition'
earliest : String
latest : String
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'VariableExistsCondition'
variableName : String
$class: 'NumericalComparisonCondition'
lhs : String
rhs : String
$class: 'EqualTo'
$class: 'GreaterThan'
$class: 'GreaterThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'LessThan'
$class: 'LessThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'NotEqualTo'
$class: 'OntrackDSLRunCondition'
value : String
scriptPath : String
scriptText : String
sandbox : boolean
injectEnvironment : String
) to bind as variables into the script.
For example, if you set this field to BUILD_NUMBER
, you can access the BUILD_NUMBER
value from the script using:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', '1.0').build("1.0-${BUILD_NUMBER}", '')
injectProperties : String
You can define variables to inject into the script by using a property-like format.
For example, the following text:
would inject the corresponding BRANCH
variables in the script:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', BRANCH).build(VERSION, "Build ${VERSION}")
In the text:
name = value
are ignored${VAR}
are expanded using VAR
from the current environment variables.ontrackLog : boolean
$class: 'Or'
$class: 'ShellCondition'
command : String
By default, the shell will be invoked with the "-ex" option. So all of the commands are printed before being executed, and the build is considered a failure if any of the commands exits with a non-zero exit code. Again, add the #!/bin/... line to change this behavior.
As a best practice, try not to put a long shell script in here. Instead, consider adding the shell script in SCM and simply call that shell script from Jenkins (via bash -ex or something like that), so that you can track changes in your shell script.
A non-zero exit value will be treated as a false value
$class: 'StatusCondition'
worstResult : String
bestResult : String
$class: 'StringsMatchCondition'
arg1 : String
arg2 : String
ignoreCase : boolean
$class: 'TextFinderCondition'
fileSet : String
regexp : String
checkConsoleOutput : boolean
$class: 'TimeCondition'
earliest : String
latest : String
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'VariableExistsCondition'
variableName : String
$class: 'ShellCondition'
command : String
By default, the shell will be invoked with the "-ex" option. So all of the commands are printed before being executed, and the build is considered a failure if any of the commands exits with a non-zero exit code. Again, add the #!/bin/... line to change this behavior.
As a best practice, try not to put a long shell script in here. Instead, consider adding the shell script in SCM and simply call that shell script from Jenkins (via bash -ex or something like that), so that you can track changes in your shell script.
A non-zero exit value will be treated as a false value
$class: 'StatusCondition'
worstResult : String
bestResult : String
$class: 'StringsMatchCondition'
arg1 : String
arg2 : String
ignoreCase : boolean
$class: 'TextFinderCondition'
fileSet : String
regexp : String
checkConsoleOutput : boolean
$class: 'TimeCondition'
earliest : String
latest : String
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'VariableExistsCondition'
variableName : String
A run condition evaluation may fail to run cleanly - especially if it is dependent on expanding tokens provided by the Token Macro Plugin and the values are expected to be present or look like a certain type i.e. be a number.
...its about the action to take when the condition can not be evaluated - this is not same as evaluating to false
$class: 'DontRun'
$class: 'Fail'
$class: 'Run'
$class: 'RunUnstable'
$class: 'Unstable'
conditionalbuilders : Array / List of Build Step (hudson.tasks.BuildStep
$class: 'ConfigFileBuildStep'
fileId : String
Name of the file.
replaceTokens : boolean
Decides whether the token should be replaced using macro.
targetLocation : String
Name of the file (with optional file relative to workspace directory) where the config file should be copied.
variable : String
Name of the variable which can be used as the reference for further configuration.
$class: 'ConfluenceReleaseNotesPublisher'
jiraCredentialsID : String
confluenceCredentialsID : String
spaceKey : String
jqlFilter : String
pageTitle : String
parentPageTitle : String
$class: 'ConsulBuilder'
installationName : String
$class: 'ConsulGetKV'
valuePath : String
environmentVariableName : String
$class: 'ConsulServiceDiscoveryOperation'
serviceName : String
serviceTag : String
environmentVariableName : String
healthStatus : String
addPort : boolean
$class: 'ConsulSetKV'
valuePath : String
value : String
consulSettingsProfileName : String
$class: 'ConsulKVBuilder'
hostUrl : String
key : String
aclToken : String
apiUri : String
envVarKey : String
ignoreGlobalSettings : boolean
keyValue : String
timeoutConnection : int
timeoutResponse : int
failOnPluginError : boolean
imageId : String
action : String
contains : String
action : String
contains : String
action : String
contains : String
action : String
contains : String
action : String
threshold : String
action : String
threshold : String
action : String
threshold : String
action : String
threshold : String
action : String
threshold : String
action : String
threshold : String
action : String
threshold : String
action : String
threshold : String
action : String
threshold : String
treatWarningsAsErrors : boolean
workspaceDir : String
filePath : String
fileEncoding : String
matchCount : int
Set "Match count" to 0 will do replace all
replace : String
You can use variables enclosed in ${}. e.g. $11.0.${BUILD_ID}
So, The string "Version=0.0.1" would be replace to Version=1.0.9 when the value of BUILD_ID is 9
search : String
Regex expression for search. e.g. (Version=)([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)
verbose : boolean
Check "Verbose" to display in the console all the replacements made.
lineSeparator : String
$class: 'ContinuousReleaseProperties'
java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String>
$class: 'CoordinatorBuilder'
class org.jenkinsci.plugins.coordinator.model.TreeNode
$class: 'CopadoBuilder'
stepName : String
webhookUrl : String
api_key : String
timeout : int
projectName : String
The name of the project to copy artifacts from.
Artifacts from all modules will be copied. Enter JOBNAME/MODULENAME here to copy from a particular module; you may copy/paste this from the URL for that module when browsing Jenkins.
Example: MyMavenJob/$MyModule
Artifacts from all configurations will be copied, each into a subdirectory with the name of the configuration as seen in its URL when browsing Jenkins.
Example: If the target directory is given as fromMatrix then the copy could create $WORKSPACE/fromMatrix/label=agentA/dist/mybuild.jar and $WORKSPACE/fromMatrix/label=agentB/dist/mybuild.jar.
To copy from a particular configuration, enter JOBNAME/AXIS=VALUE,.. as seen in the URL for that configuration.
Example: MyMatrixJob/jdk=Java6u17
To copy artifacts from one matrix project to another, use a parameter to select the matching configuration in the source project.
Example: OtherMatrixJob/jdk=$jdk
Use a path consisting of the project name followed by the branch name.
Example: /MyMultibranchProject/MyBranch
Special letters like '/' in branch names should be escaped. You can see the exact name in "Full project name" in job pages of each branch.
Example: ../MyMultibranchProject/feature%2Fnavigation
See "How to reference another project by name" for more information.
excludes : String
filter : String
fingerprintArtifacts : boolean
flatten : boolean
includeBuildNumberInTargetPath : boolean
When true, the build number of the source project will be included in the target path. This is particularly useful when the selector is specific and the value is a permalink, e.g. lastSuccessfulBuild.
optional : boolean
parameters : String
Jobs may be filtered to select only builds matching particular parameters or other build variables. Use PARAM=VALUE,... to list the parameter filter; this is the same syntax as described for multiconfiguration jobs in Project name except with parameters instead of axis values. For example, FOO=bar,BAZ=true examines only builds that ran with parameter FOO set to bar and the checkbox for BAZ was checked.
You shouldn't use "Build selector for Copy Artifact" parameters here, as it doesn't preserve compatibility when you upgrade plugins, and doesn't work for builds built before upgrading.
resultVariableSuffix : String
If not specified, the source project name will be used instead (in all uppercase, and sequences of characters other than A-Z replaced by a single underscore).
Source project name | Suffix to be used |
tool1-release1.2 | TOOL_RELEASE_ |
upstreamProjectName : String
Copy artifacts from a build that is a downstream of a build of the specified project. You can use variable expressions.
Downstream builds are found using fingerprints of files. That is, a build that is triggered from a build isn't always considered downstream, but you need to fingerprint files used in builds to let Jenkins track them.
Note: "Downstream build of" is applicable only to AbstractProject based projects (both upstream and downstream projects).
upstreamBuildNumber : String
$class: 'MultiJobBuildSelector'
parameterName : String
You can pass not only the parameter name, but also the parameter value itself. This is useful especially used with workflow-plugin.
id : String
$class: 'PromotedBuildSelector'
level : int
buildNumber : String
stable : boolean
allowUpstreamDependencies : boolean
fallbackToLastSuccessful : boolean
, UseOldest
, UseNewest
target : String
$class: 'CreateBaselineBuilder'
outputFile : String
Path to the file that should be used to store baseline.
File location must be specified as:
inputFileOrFolder : String
Specify input folder/file for creating baseline. It should depend on input type you have selected.
Folder/file location must be specified as:
$class: 'CreateBuildBuilder'
Creates a new build for the selected BuildMaster application and sets the BUILDMASTER_BUILD_NUMBER environment variable with the value returned from BuildMaster for the new build.
If your Jenkins job has produced artifacts to be loaded into BuildMaster, you have the following options. The choice is largely dependent on how you import the build artifacts into BuildMaster:
applicationId : String
The identifier of the BuildMaster application to trigger the build for.
Options are:
releaseNumber : String
The BuildMaster release number to trigger the build for. Options are:
The job will fail if there is no active BuildMaster release.
waitUntilCompleted : boolean
printLogOnFailure : boolean
variables : String
Provide a list of variables to pass to the build.
$class: 'CreateCustomTaskrun'
name : String
generateName : String
namespace : String
clusterName : String
name : String
claimName : String
name : String
value : String
taskRef : String
Creates a topology from an environment blueprint.
The "Output File" parameter denotes where the new environment's outputs will be written to. Later build steps can inspect this file in order to grab information pertinent to them (such as IP addresses, user names and so forth).
All input fields support standard Jenkins parameters' expansion. For example, the string ${app_name}
will be expanded, in runtime, to the value of a build parameter called app_name
For explanation about the format of the outputs file, refer to the help tooltip for that parameter.
blueprintId : String
Unique identifier for the created deployment.
credentialsId : String
The ID of the credentials to use when accessing Cloudify. Parameters' expansion is supported when using freestyle jobs.
debugOutput : boolean
deploymentId : String
Identifies the blueprint to create a deployment off.
echoInputs : boolean
echoOutputs : boolean
inputs : String
A YAML/JSON containing inputs for the deployment. These inputs will be merged with inputs provided through the " inputs file
" parameter.
inputsFile : String
A path (relative to the workspace root) to a YAML/JSON file containing inputs for the deployment. These inputs will be merged with inputs provided through the " inputs
" parameter.
mapping : String
If specified, this YAML/JSON will be used to transform a YAML/JSON coming from the "inputs file" parameter. This is useful if the "inputs file" is the result of a different Cloudify environment build.
This parameter must not be provided if "mapping file" is provided.
mappingFile : String
If specified, this YAML/JSON file will be used to transform a YAML/JSON coming from the "inputs file" parameter. This is useful if the "inputs file" is the result of a different Cloudify environment build.
This parameter must not be provided if "mapping" is provided.
outputFile : String
Name of file into which the deployment's outputs and capabilities will be written. The file will be a JSON, adhering to the following format:
{ "outputs": <outputs_dictionary>, "capabilities": <capabilities_dictionary> }
skipInstall : boolean
tenant : String
Cloudify tenant to operate on. If left empty, then the default tenant (defined in the plugin's configuration page) will be used.
$class: 'CreateFileBuilder'
textFilePath : String
textFileContent : String
fileOption : String
useWorkspace : boolean
$class: 'CreateFingerprint'
Create Fingerprints of specified files during a build process
targets : String
$class: 'CreateRelease'
projectNumber : String
name : String
goal : String
stage : String
owners : String
startdate : String
enddate : String
customFields : String
$class: 'CreateSnapshotBuilder'
outputFile : String
Path to the file that should be used to store snapshots.
File location must be specified as:
inputFileOrFolder : String
Specify input folder/file for creating snapshot. It should depend on input type you have selected.
Folder/file location must be specified as:
$class: 'CreateSprint'
projectNumber : String
name : String
description : String
scrummaster : String
users : String
duration : String
startdate : String
enddate : String
customFields : String
artifact : String
artifactType : String
autoUpgradable : boolean
environment : String
isjob : boolean
overrideWithDefaultParameters : boolean
parameters : String
runtime : String
runtimeType : String
workspace : String
$class: 'CreateTemplate'
cloud : String
workspace : String
instanceTags : String
templateName : String
provider : String
datacenter : String
folder : String
datastore : String
claimFilter : String
policyName : String
claims : String
$class: 'CreateVM'
scriptType : String
$class: 'CreateVirtualService'
config : String
rrFilePath : String
host : String
username : String
class hudson.util.Secret
isstart : boolean
class hudson.util.Secret
$class: 'CriticalBlockEnd'
Release all resources that Critical block start had allocated for this job.
$class: 'CriticalBlockStart'
Delimit the beginning of the exclusion zone. All build steps that follow will be managed by exclusion plugin.
imageName : String
Image Name is the name of the Docker container image. This plugin will attempt to "docker push" that image name to the Falcon API servers to enqueue the image layers for image assessment. May only contain letters (a-z), numbers (0-9), underscore (_), hyphen (-), and period (.). Must not exceed 4096 characters in length.
imageTag : String
Image Tag is the name of the Docker container image tag. This determines which version of the given Docker container image to assess. If you aren't sure, you can try a value like "latest”. May only contain letters (a-z), numbers (0-9), underscore (_), hyphen (-), and period (.). Must not exceed 127 characters in length.
enforce : boolean
Enforce CrowdStrike Falcon API recommendation by immediately aborting and failing the build.
skipImageUpload : boolean
Select this option only if the image is already uploaded to CrowdStrike as part of a previous step in your build pipeline. When selected, the plugin retrieves an image scan report but does not upload the image to CrowdStrike for assessment.
timeout : int
Timeout is the number of seconds to wait before giving up (ie. if there is some issue, such as network connectivity to Falcon). To err on the side of safety, when a timeout is reached, it will be treated the same as if Falcon had recommended to prevent the build. This timeout is for the entire build step. Must be an integer between 1 and 1799.The maximum timeout session would be 30 minutes.
$class: 'CucumberSlackBuildStepNotifier'
channel : String
json : String
hideSuccessfulResults : boolean
$class: 'CustomPythonBuilder'
home : String
nature : String
command : String
ignoreExitCode : boolean
$class: 'CxScanBuilder'
credentialsId : String
sastCredentialsId : String
buildStep : String
teamPath : String
sastEnabled : boolean
exclusionsSetting : String
failBuildOnNewResults : boolean
failBuildOnNewSeverity : String
useOwnServerCredentials : boolean
serverUrl : String
username : String
password : String
isProxy : boolean
configAsCode : boolean
projectName : String
projectId : long
projectRetentionRate : int
groupId : String
preset : String
, cyclonedxjson
, cyclonedxxml
presetSpecified : boolean
excludeFolders : String
Conversion is done as follows: fold1, fold2 fold3
is converted to: !**/fold1/**/*, !**/fold2/**/*, !**/fold3/**/*,
filterPattern : String
Example: **/*.java,
**/*.html, !**\test\**\XYZ*
Pattern Syntax
A given directory is recursively scanned for all files and directories. Each file/directory is matched against a set of selectors, including special support for matching against filenames with include and exclude patterns. Only files/directories which match at least one pattern of the include pattern list, and don't match any pattern of the exclude pattern list will be placed in the list of files/directories found.
When no list of include patterns is supplied, "**" will be used, which means that everything will be matched. When no list of exclude patterns is supplied, an empty list is used, such that nothing will be excluded. When no selectors are supplied, none are applied.
The filename pattern matching is done as follows: The name to be matched is split up in path segments. A path segment is the name of a directory or file, which is bounded by File.separator
('/' under UNIX, '\' under Windows). For example, "abc/def/ghi/" is split up in the segments "abc", "def","ghi" and "". The same is done for the pattern against which should be matched.
The segments of the name and the pattern are then matched against each other. When '**' is used for a path segment in the pattern, it matches zero or more path segments of the name.
There is a special case regarding the use of File.separator
s at the beginning of the pattern and the string to match:
When a pattern starts with a File.separator
, the string to match must also start with a File.separator
. When a pattern does not start with a File.separator
, the string to match may not start with a File.separator
. When one of these rules is not obeyed, the string will not match.
When a name path segment is matched against a pattern path segment, the following special characters can be used:
'*' matches zero or more characters
'?' matches one character.
May reference build parameters like ${PARAM}.
"**\*.class" matches all .class files/dirs in a directory tree.
"test\a??.java" matches all files/dirs which start with an 'a', then two more characters and then ".java", in a directory called test.
"**" matches everything in a directory tree.
"**\test\**\XYZ*" matches all files/dirs which start with "XYZ" and where there is a parent directory called test (e.g. "abc\test\def\ghi\XYZ123").
incremental : boolean
fullScansScheduled : boolean
fullScanCycle : int
postScanActionId : int
sourceEncoding : String
comment : String
skipSCMTriggers : boolean
waitForResultsEnabled : boolean
vulnerabilityThresholdEnabled : boolean
criticalThreshold : int
highThreshold : int
mediumThreshold : int
lowThreshold : int
osaCriticalThreshold : int
osaHighThreshold : int
osaMediumThreshold : int
osaLowThreshold : int
generatePdfReport : boolean
generateScaReport : boolean
enableProjectPolicyEnforcement : boolean
enableProjectPolicyEnforcementSCA : boolean
thresholdSettings : String
vulnerabilityThresholdResult : String
exceptionOnThresholdError : boolean
avoidDuplicateProjectScans : boolean
addGlobalCommenToBuildCommet : boolean
generateXmlReport : boolean
hideDebugLogs : boolean
forceScan : boolean
customFields : String
projectLevelCustomFields : String
SASTUserName : String
dependencyScanExcludeFolders : String
dependencyScanPatterns : String
fsaVariables : String
generateScaReport : boolean
globalScaResolverAddParameters : String
isExploitablePath : boolean
isExploitablePathByScaResolver : boolean
isGlobalExploitablePathByScaResolver : boolean
isIncludeSources : boolean
osaArchiveIncludePatterns : String
osaInstallBeforeScan : boolean
overrideGlobalConfig : boolean
pathToScaResolver : String
sastCredentialsId : String
scaAccessControlUrl : String
scaConfigFile : String
scaCredentialsId : String
scaEnvVariables : String
scaProjectCustomTags : String
scaResolverAddParameters : String
scaSASTProjectFullPath : String
scaSASTProjectID : String
scaSastServerUrl : String
scaScanCustomTags : String
scaServerUrl : String
scaTeamId : String
scaTeamPath : String
scaTenant : String
scaTimeout : int
scaWebAppUrl : String
useJobLevelSastDetails : boolean
excludeOpenSourceFolders : String
includeOpenSourceFolders : String
osaArchiveIncludePatterns : String
osaEnabled : boolean
osaInstallBeforeScan : boolean
overrideGlobalRetentionRate : boolean
overrideProjectSetting : boolean
thisBuildIncremental : boolean
class hudson.util.Secret
apiUrl : String
apiName : String
raiderName : String
regions : Array / List of String
frameworks : Array / List of String
services : Array / List of String
scanType : String
testScope : String
failOnHighVulns : boolean
failOnHighMediumVulns : boolean
Your API key can be found on the Breachlock Platform under
Organization settings > Integrations > Jenkins
class hudson.util.Secret
asset : String
Select the asset that will be scanned on build.
If the asset you are looking for is missing:
email : String
The email-address you registered on Breachlock Platform.
hostname : String
tfCredentialsId : String
ocCredentialsId : String
ocVersion : String
archiveName : String
sourcePath : String
includePattern : String
excludePattern : String
importStrategy : String
tempDirectory : String
$class: 'DaticalDBBuilder'
daticalDBProjectDir : String
daticalDBServer : String
daticalDBAction : String
daticalDBCmdProject : String
daticalDBExportSQL : String
daticalDBExportRollbackSQL : String
daticalDBScriptDir : String
additionalBuildResults : String
When running a build in the chroot environment, there are occasionally files that you must retrieve from the chroot that are not part of the normal build. For example, some files that you may need to get back would include test results, auto-generated files, etc.
Set this variable in order to get the files back from the chroot build environment.
The files that are retrieved will also automatically be archived as well with the other build results.
This must be a comma-separated list; spaces are allowed.
architecture : String
The architecture to build this as.
If the project is using the Matrix Build plugin, leave this blank (the architectures to build for are defined by the 'architecture' environment variable).
This is mostly to support Pipeline, however it can be used as a normal parameter as well.
artifactoryRepoName : String
If you are generating a spec file for use with Artifactory, this defines the repository that you would like to upload it to.
binariesDir : String
The directory in the workspace to put the built binaries in. If not set, a random temp directory will be made. This is generally useful if you build multiple packages at once and/or need a stable location to find all of the binaries that have been built.
bindMounts : String
Additional directories to mount in the pbuilder chroot. Corresponds to the BINDMOUNTS variable in pbuilderrc.
buildAsTag : boolean
Set this to mark this as building a tag. When a build comes from a tag, the deb version does not get incremented(i.e. it is exactly as set in the debian/changelog file). If using SVN, this plugin automatically looks at the SVN_URL_1 environment variable to see if the string "tags/" exists. If it does, the build will act as though this parameter is set. If using Git, this plugin automatically looks at the GIT_BRANCH environment variable to see if the string "tags/" exists. If it does, the build will act as though this parameter is set. Alternatively, you can also set the environment variable DEB_PBUILDER_BUILDING_TAG to either true or false.
components : String
The components to build with. By default, pbuilder sets this to 'main'. If you're building an Ubuntu package, you may need to set this to "main restricted universe multiverse"
The setting guessComponents must be false for this setting to be honored.
debianDirLocation : String
The location of the debian/ directory, relative to workspace root
This may also be set globally
distribution : String
The distribution to build for. By default, this checks the distribution that is set in debian/changelog. If the version in the changelog is UNRELEASED, it attempts to use the currently running distribution if this parameter is NULL or a 0-length string.
extraPackages : String
Extra packages to install in the chroot environment. Corresponds to EXTRAPACKAGES in the pbuilder configuration
generateArtifactorySpecFile : boolean
Generate a spec file to be used with Artifactory in order to upload files. By default, this will generate the file with the .deb, .tar* and .gz files for uploading.
This will generate a spec file in the workspace called artifactory-spec-debian-pbuilder/debian-pbuilder.spec which you can then use to upload the binaries to Artifactory. This is intended to be used in conjunction with the Artifactory Jenkins plugin.
guessComponents : boolean
If set to true, automatically try to guess the components. This means that if we think we are building an Ubuntu package on Debian, our components will be automatically set to "main restricted universe multiverse"
keyring : String
The keyring to build with. By default, we will attempt to figure out if we are building a Debian package on Ubuntu, and if we think that we are this will be set to /usr/share/keyrings/debian-archive-keyring.gpg. This file is part of the debian-archive-keyring package. If you need to use a custom keyring, put it in here. If for some reason the auto-detection is not working properly, set this to the string 'disabled' and no keyring settings for pbuilder will be set.
mirrorSite : String
The mirror site to use. If this is not set or a 0-length string, then the default mirror site for this distribution will be used. The default mirror site is defined in /etc/pbuilderrc
numberCores : int
The number of cores to use when building. By default, this is 1. Set to -1 in order to use as many cores as possible when building. In order for this to take effect, you need to make sure that your debian/rules is setup properly. See this post.
otherMirror : String
The extra mirror to use. Corresponds to OTHERMIRROR configuration option in pbuilder
pbuilderType : String
pristineTarName : String
If this field set, and if source/format indicates that this is a quilt package, we will attempt to checkout the given original tar file.
testSuiteId : String
startOnly : boolean
userKeyId : String
class hudson.util.Secret
dotnet nuget delete
command deletes or unlists a package from the server. For, the action is to unlist the package.
apiKeyId : String
charset : String
continueOnError : boolean
, if configured that way), but the build will be allowed to continue. Otherwise, any such errors will cause the build to be terminated immediately.
forceEnglishOutput : boolean
noServiceEndpoint : boolean
" to the source URL.
packageName : String
packageVersion : String
sdk : String
will be in the path.
With .NETelement (or a
block in a pipeline script) to specify one, or ensure this step runs on a node that has a .NET SDK installed and in the path.
showSdkInfo : boolean
dotnet --info
will be executed before the main command. This shows a list of available SDKs and runtimes, indicating which one is currently being used.
source : String
, and
. For private feeds, replace the host name (for example, %hostname%/api/v3
specificSdkVersion : boolean
executable may use the most recent SDK available on the system, even when PATH
is set up to find an older SDK deployment first; see this page for more information.
file will be created in the current directory, referencing that SDK version and disabling roll-forward.
already present in the current directory.
workDirectory : String
$class: 'DeleteApplication'
serverName : String
appName : String
domain : String
blueprintId : String
credentialsId : String
The ID of the credentials to use when accessing Cloudify. Parameters' expansion is supported when using freestyle jobs.
tenant : String
Cloudify tenant to operate on. If left empty, then the default tenant (defined in the plugin's configuration page) will be used.
dsn : String
failOnNotExist : boolean
member : String
$class: 'DeleteDatasetStep'
connectionName : String
dsn : String
member : String
failOnNotExist : boolean
failOnNotExist : boolean
mask : String
$class: 'DeleteDatasetsByMaskStep'
connectionName : String
dsnMask : String
failOnNotExist : boolean
credentialsId : String
The ID of the credentials to use when accessing Cloudify. Parameters' expansion is supported when using freestyle jobs.
debugOutput : boolean
deleteBlueprintIfLast : boolean
If checked, and this is the last environment for the associated blueprint, then also delete the blueprint.
deploymentId : String
ignoreFailure : boolean
If checked, then failures during the removal of the environment will be ignored.
skipUninstall : boolean
tenant : String
Cloudify tenant to operate on. If left empty, then the default tenant (defined in the plugin's configuration page) will be used.
$class: 'DeleteEnvironmentBuilder'
systemId : int
environmentName : String
$class: 'DeleteRaw'
resourceName : String
resourceType : String
clusterName : String
resourceName : String
credentialId : String
force : boolean
loadFromProperties : boolean
name : String
skipPolling : boolean
vdbId : String
$class: 'DeleteVirtualService'
serviceName : String
$class: 'DeleteVirtualizeBuilder'
serverType : String
serverHost : String
serverName : String
odcInstallation : String
additionalArguments : String
--project | The name of the Jenkins job |
--scan | The build workspace |
--format | XML |
nvdCredentialsId : String
With 9.0.0 dependency-check has moved from using the NVD data-feed to the NVD API.
Users of dependency-check are highly encouraged to obtain an NVD API Key; see
Without an NVD API Key dependency-check's updates will be extremely slow.
The NVD API Key, CI, and Rate Limiting
The NVD API has enforced rate limits. If you are using a single API KEY and multiple builds occur you could hit the rate limit and receive 403 errors.
In a CI environment one must use a caching strategy or use a set API KEY to use for different jobs.
skipOnScmChange : boolean
skipOnUpstreamChange : boolean
stopBuild : boolean
$class: 'DeployApplication'
This plugin creates a container on the OpenShift PaaS and deploys the application into the container.
serverName : String
appName : String
cartridges : String
Specify a space delimited list of cartridges to be assigned to the application. e.g. jbosseap-6 mysql-5.5
Note that the specified cartridges need to be available on the selected OpenShift server. For a complete list of available cartridges on OpenShift refer to OpenShift web console or use the command line too 'rhc cartridges'. Here is the list of some of the most common cartridges:
domain : String
gearProfile : String
deploymentPackage : String
In case of URL or when only one deployment package exists in the given directory, the package is deployed under the root ("/") context. When multiple packages are found, all are deployed under their own context paths.
Token macro expressions can be used for specifying a URL:
https://repo/nexus/service/local/artifact/maven/redirect?r=central&g=${ENV,var="GROUPID"}&a=${ENV,var="ARTIFACTID"}&v=${ENV, var="VERSION"}&e=war
Check Token Macro Plugin for further details.
environmentVariables : String
Specify a space delimited list of environment variables (key=value) to be assigned to the application. e.g. LOAD_DATA=true MVN_DEPLOY=true
autoScale : boolean
openshiftDirectory : String
$class: 'DeployBox'
id : String
cloud : String
workspace : String
box : String
boxVersion : String
instanceName : String
profile : String
claims : String
provider : String
location : String
instanceEnvVariable : String
Additional instance properties will also be available via other environment variables that have the defined variable as prefix of their name. For example, if INSTANCE is specified for this field then the following environment variables are available:
INSTANCE - ID of the deployed instance
INSTANCE_URL - URL of the deployed instance
INSTANCE_SERVICE_ID - service ID of the deployed instance
INSTANCE_TAGS - comma-separate list of tags of the deployed instance
If 1 is specified for Number of Instances then the following environment variables are available:
INSTANCE_MACHINE_NAME - VM name of the deployed instance
INSTANCE_PUBLIC_ADDRESS - VM public address of the deployed instance
INSTANCE_PRIVATE_ADDRESS - VM private address of the deployed instance
If Number of Instances is greater than 1, the following environment variable are available:
INSTANCE_MACHINE_NAMES - space-separate list of VM names
INSTANCE_PUBLIC_ADDRESSES - space-separate list of public addresses of the VMs
INSTANCE_PRIVATE_ADDRESSES - space-separate list of private addresses of the VMs
tags : String
variables : String
$class: 'AlwaysOn'
$class: 'ShutDown'
hours : String
date : String
time : String
$class: 'Terminate'
hours : String
date : String
time : String
autoUpdates : String
alternateAction : String
waitForCompletion : boolean
waitForCompletionTimeout : int
boxDeploymentType : String
credentialsId : String
region : String
s3Bucket : String
stackName : String
templateFile : String
kmsKeyId : String
outputTemplateFile : String
by default.
key : String
value : String
roleArn : String
s3Prefix : String
key : String
value : String
packageIdFilters : String
**/*.zipThis pattern will only match packages located directly under the Packages folder whose filenames begin with 'acme-':
Packages/acme-*.zipMatching packages will be uploaded in the order in which the filters are specified. Only the highest matching version of a package identified by 'group:name' will be deployed, and it will only be deployed once per build step, regardless of the number of matching filters.
baseUrls : String
between the scheme and the hostname.
acHandling : String
autosave : int
behavior : String
credentialsId : String
disableForJobTesting : boolean
localDirectory : String
recursive : boolean
replicate : boolean
requestTimeout : long
serviceTimeout : long
waitDelay : long
$class: 'DeployPromotionBuilder'
com.cloudbees.plugins.deployer.hosts.DeployHost<?, ?>
$class: 'DeployScriptBuilder'
out : String
Specify full path to target connection file.
File location must be specified as:
in : String
Specify path to file that contains SQL script.
File location must be specified as:
Deploys (or re-deploys) a build to a particular stage.
Note: that when used in a pipeline step that the applicationId, releaseNumber, and buildNumber fields are required:
applicationId : String
The identifier of the BuildMaster application to trigger the build for.
Options are:
releaseNumber : String
The BuildMaster release number to trigger the build for. Options are:
The job will fail if there is no active BuildMaster release.
buildNumber : String
The BuildMaster build number to trigger the deployment for.
The must be set to an existing build number. Typically this would be obtained from the output of the createBuild step which populates the BUILDMASTER_BUILD_NUMBER environment variable.
force : boolean
printLogOnFailure : boolean
stage : String
Optional. If not supplied, the next stage in the pipeline will be used.
variables : String
Set deployment level variables.
waitUntilCompleted : boolean
$class: 'Deployer'
stack : String
dryRun : boolean
branch : String
apiKey : String
env : String
buildNumber : String
$class: 'DeploymentBuilder'
url : String
userId : String
password : String
enableZipFile : boolean
enableAutoDeploy : boolean
projectname : String
testcasename : String
xpath : String
targetService : String
applicationName : String
applicationVersion : String
tags : String
$class: 'DescribeWithParamsBuilder'
starter : boolean
separator : String
excludes : String
$class: 'DescriptionSetterBuilder'
This plugin automatically sets a description for the build as a step during building.
A description can be based on the log output (by searching it using a regular expression), or it can be hardcoded.
The description is exposed as DESCRIPTION_SETTER_DESCRIPTION environment variable
regexp : String
\[INFO\] Uploading project information for [^\s]* ([^\s]*)
description : String
appendMode : boolean
$class: 'DestroyVM'
$class: 'DevOpsCreateArtifactPackageBuildStep'
name : String
artifactsPayload : String
$class: 'DevOpsFreestyleRegisterSecurityStep'
securityResultAttributes : String
securityTool : String
securityToolId : String
$class: 'DevOpsRegisterArtifactBuildStep'
artifactsPayload : String
Create and deploy Virtual Service from VSI/VSM, RR Pairs, or the following specifications: Swagger, WSDL, or RAML.
useCustomRegistry : boolean
host : String
port : String
vseName : String
config : String
Example of using a configuration object that includes port and SSL information
{ "virtualService": { "version": "2", "name": "API_Test_1", "description": "Invoke API V2", "status": "" }, "transportProtocol": { "typeId": "HTTP", "basePath": "/", "useGateway": true, "duptxns": true, "hostHeaderPassThrough": false }, "dataProtocol": { "forRequest": true, "typeId": "RESTDPH" } }
deploy : String
undeploy : String
inputFile1 : String
for files in job workspace you can specify:
for files on the DevTest machine you can specify:
inputFile2 : String
for files in job workspace you can specify:
for files on the DevTest machine you can specify:
activeConfig : String
for files in job workspace you can specify:
for files on the DevTest machine you can specify:
dataFiles : String
for files in job workspace you can specify:
for files on the DevTest machine you can specify:
swaggerurl : String
ramlurl : String
wadlurl : String
tokenCredentialId : String
The ID for the integration token from the Credentials plugin to be used to connect to Registry endpoint. The "Kind" of the credential must be "Username with password".
secured : boolean
Deploys and starts CA DevTest test or test suite provided as a .mar file.
Throws exception if .mar file is incorrect, authorization to CA DevTest fails or connection to CA DevTest cannot be established.
useCustomRegistry : boolean
host : String
port : String
marFilePath : String
testType : String
tokenCredentialId : String
The ID for the integration token from the Credentials plugin to be used to connect to Registry endpoint. The "Kind" of the credential must be "Username with password".
secured : boolean
Deploys and starts virtual service provided as a .mar file to target VSE. More services could be provided using comma or newline separator.
Throws exception if .mar file is incorrect, virtual service is already deployed, authorization to CA DevTest fails or connection to CA DevTest cannot be established.
useCustomRegistry : boolean
host : String
port : String
vseName : String
marFilesPaths : String
for files in job workspace you can specify:
for files on the DevTest machine you can specify:
tokenCredentialId : String
The ID for the integration token from the Credentials plugin to be used to connect to Registry endpoint. The "Kind" of the credential must be "Username with password".
secured : boolean
Starts virtual service that is already deployed on target VSE. More services could be started using comma or newline separator.
Throws exception if virtual service does not exist on specified VSE, authorization to CA DevTest fails or connection to CA DevTest cannot be established.
useCustomRegistry : boolean
host : String
port : String
vseName : String
vsNames : String
tokenCredentialId : String
The ID for the integration token from the Credentials plugin to be used to connect to Registry endpoint. The "Kind" of the credential must be "Username with password".
secured : boolean
Stops virtual service that is running on target VSE. More services could be stopped using comma or newline separator.
Throws exception if virtual service is not running on specified VSE, authorization to CA DevTest fails or connection to CA DevTest cannot be established.
useCustomRegistry : boolean
host : String
port : String
vseName : String
vsNames : String
tokenCredentialId : String
The ID for the integration token from the Credentials plugin to be used to connect to Registry endpoint. The "Kind" of the credential must be "Username with password".
secured : boolean
Undeploys (removes) virtual service from specified VSE. More services could be provided using comma or newline separator.
Throws exception if virtual service does not exist on specified VSE, authorization to CA DevTest fails or connection to CA DevTest cannot be established
useCustomRegistry : boolean
host : String
port : String
vseName : String
vsNames : String
tokenCredentialId : String
The ID for the integration token from the Credentials plugin to be used to connect to Registry endpoint. The "Kind" of the credential must be "Username with password".
secured : boolean
importIntoExistingKeychain : boolean
keychainId : String
keychainName : String
keychainPath : String
class hudson.util.Secret
profileId : String
$class: 'DiawiUploader'
token : String
fileName : String
proxyHost : String
proxyPort : int
proxyProtocol : String
$class: 'DisableVirtualService'
serviceName : String
$class: 'DistTestingBuilder'
The goal of this plugin is to enable a distributed testing of some compiled classes on multiple nodes. Tests are send one by one to nodes in the label specified for the project and run. Test results are saved in the "results" directory in the project workspace. f.e. "TEST-helloword.HelloTest.xml" for the test class "helloworld.HelloTest".
This plugin suppose that all slaves in the specified label have a shared workspace directory. (like NFS)
Only classes in the "Tests classes directory" directory with a file name containing a "test" substring (case insensitive) are automatically found by this plugin and run.
If you enable "Publish JUnit test result report" in the "Post-build Actions" section and type "results/*.xml" you will see test results in the Hudson's web UI.
Only nodes in a label which were specified for this project ("Tie this project to a node") will be used for distributed testing. This label must contain at least 2 nodes.
It's possible let this plugin to compile tests class sources which were checkout from a repository if "Compile tests" checkbox was checked. Remember to provide all necessary libraries needed for compilation.
It's possible to check a "Wait for nodes which are busy" checkbox to wait for other nodes which are busy to be freed.
distDir : String
libDir : String
testDir : String
This specifies a relative path in the project workspace where compiled tests resides. For example if tests are in build/test/classes then type "build/test/classes". In case you check "Compile tests" checkbox this relative path will be used for storing compiled tests classes which were before check-out from a repository.
waitForNodes : boolean
Wait for modes in the label which are now occupied by some other builds. This doesn't wait for nodes which are offline
compileTests : boolean
If checked then all source codes in the "Tests classes directory" will be compiled. It's necessary to provide all libraries for compilation. Compiled tests will be saved into the directory "tests".
$class: 'DockerBuilderControl'
$class: 'DockerBuilderControlOptionProvisionAndStart'
cloudName : String
templateId : String
$class: 'DockerBuilderControlOptionRun'
cloudName : String
image : String
pullCredentialsId : String
dnsString : String
dnsSearchString : String
network : String
dockerCommand : String
mountsString : String
volumesFrom : String
environmentsString : String
hostname : String
user : String
extraGroupsString : String
memoryLimit : int
memorySwap : int
cgroupParent : String
cpus : String
cpuPeriod : long
cpuQuota : long
cpuShares : int
shmSize : int
bindPorts : String
bindAllPorts : boolean
privileged : boolean
tty : boolean
macAddress : String
$class: 'DockerBuilderControlOptionStart'
cloudName : String
containerId : String
$class: 'DockerBuilderControlOptionStop'
cloudName : String
containerId : String
remove : boolean
$class: 'DockerBuilderControlOptionStopAll'
remove : boolean
$class: 'DockerBuilderNewTemplate'
$class: 'DockerTemplateBase'
image : String
bindAllPorts : boolean
bindPorts : String
capabilitiesToAddString : String
A list of new line separated capabilities.
Each line represents an option for the --cap-add
parameter sent to the docker server. Each one must be a known capability "Key" as per the docker documentation.
Please check for further information.
capabilitiesToDropString : String
A list of new line separated capabilities.
Each line represents an option for the --cap-drop
parameter sent to the docker server. Each one must be a known capability "Key" as per the docker documentation.
Please check for further information.
cgroupParent : String
This allows agents to run in a cgroup other than the daemon/system default.
Please check for further information.
cpuPeriod : long
Set the period of CPUs to limit the container’s CPU usage.
The default CPU CFS (Completely Fair Scheduler) period is 100000us.
Consult Docker Run Documentation for further information.
cpuQuota : long
Limits the container’s CPU usage.
The default 0 value allows the container to take 100% of a CPU resource.
Consult Docker Run Documentation for further information.
cpuShares : int
Consult the Docker Run Documentation for further information.
cpus : String
Specify how much of the available CPU resources a container can use as a floating point number.
The default is not set.
Consult Docker Run Documentation for further information.
devicesString : String
dnsSearchString : String
dnsString : String
dockerCommand : String
environmentsString : String
Zero or more environment variables that are set within the docker container. This is a multi-line text field. Each line must be of the form key=value and specify one variable name and its value.
Note that quotes are not interpreted.
e.g. foo="bar" will result in the quotes being part of foo's value.
Note also that whitespace is easily broken. Editing this field this without first expanding the box to its multi-line form will cause any whitespace within a line to be turned into end of line codes, breaking up the line and thus changing its meaning.
e.g. The single setting:
JENKINS_AGENT_SSH_PUBKEY=ssh-rsa MyPubKey jenkins@hostname
can be (accidentally) turned into three separate settings:
JENKINS_AGENT_SSH_PUBKEY=ssh-rsa MyPubKey jenkins@hostname
thus preventing the configuration from working as was intended.
extraDockerLabelsString : String
A list of new line separated docker labels to be set on the container, Specified in the form "label_name=value"
This has no effect on Jenkins functionality, and is not related to the labels used by Jenkins to map jobs to agent nodes. These labels are metadata attached to the docker container itself (again, not the jenkins agent), and which can typically be read using the docker inspect
This can be useful when using a docker cluster (like docker swarm) to pass information to the scheduler, in conjunction with constraints; or to let other services (portainer, prometheus...) know how they should categorize or otherwise deal with this specific container.
extraGroupsString : String
extraHostsString : String
hostname : String
macAddress : String
memoryLimit : int
The operator can constrain the memory available to a container. If the host supports swap memory, then the setting can be larger than physical RAM.
When the processes inside the container exceed the memory limit, effects vary depending on your setup, e.g. out of memory errors may occur or the operating system could start killing processes.
Consult Docker Run Documentation for further information.
Note that on most Docker installations, the memory limit will not stop Jenkins/Docker from spawning so many containers that the machines total available memory will be exceeded. However, some Docker installations might be able to constrain the number of containers automatically using the memory limit.
memorySwap : int
mountsString : String
network : String
privileged : boolean
pullCredentialsId : String
securityOptsString : String
A list of new line separated security options.
Each line represents an option for the --security-opt
parameter sent to the docker server. The options are in the format key=value
Please check security options for further information.
shmSize : int
tty : boolean
user : String
volumesFromString : String
For all connection methods, Jenkins will start by triggering a docker run
. Then, after this step, there will optionally be more steps to establish the connection. There is currently three alternative ways to connect your Jenkins master to the dynamically provisioned Docker agents.
There are different pros and cons for each connection method. Depending on your environment, choose the one matching your needs. More detailed prerequisites are provided once you select a given method.
docker exec
, all by using the Docker API. The agent does not need to be able to reach the master through the network layers to communicate ; all will go through Docker API.
docker run
command with the right secret. And the remoting agent will establish the connection with the master through the network. Hence, the agent must be able to access the master through its address and port.
entryPointCmdString : String
javaExe : String
jvmArgsString : String
user : String
") will be used if this is left blank.
entryPointArgumentsString : String
jenkinsUrl : String
user : String
$class: 'InjectSSHKey'
user : String
$class: 'ManuallyConfiguredSSHKey'
credentialsId : String
$class: 'KnownHostsFileKeyVerificationStrategy'
Checks the known_hosts file (~/.ssh/known_hosts) for the user Jenkins is executing under, to see if an entry exists that matches the current connection.
This method does not make any updates to the Known Hosts file, instead using the file as a read-only source and expecting someone with suitable access to the appropriate user account on the Jenkins controller to update the file as required, potentially using the ssh hostname
command to initiate a connection and update the file appropriately.
$class: 'ManuallyProvidedKeyVerificationStrategy'
Checks the key provided by the remote host matches the key set by the user who configured this connection.
key : String
The SSH key expected for this connection. This key should be in the form `algorithm value` where algorithm is one of ssh-rsa, ssh-ed25519, ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 or ssh-dss and value is the Base 64 encoded content of the key.
$class: 'ManuallyTrustedKeyVerificationStrategy'
Checks the remote key matches the key currently marked as trusted for this host.
Depending on configuration, the key will be automatically trusted for the first connection, or an authorised user will be asked to approve the key. An authorised user will be required to approve any new key that gets presented by the remote host.
requireInitialManualTrust : boolean
Require a user with Computer.CONFIGURE permission to authorise the key presented during the first connection to this host before the connection will be allowed to be established.
If this option is not enabled then the key presented on first connection for this host will be automatically trusted and allowed for all subsequent connections without any manual intervention.
$class: 'NonVerifyingKeyVerificationStrategy'
Does not perform any verification of the SSH key presented by the remote host, allowing all connections regardless of the key they present.
javaPath : String
jvmOptions : String
launchTimeoutSeconds : int
maxNumRetries : int
Note: That this field applies first to checks that the SSH port is open for new TCP connections, and secondly to checks that the SSH service that owns the TCP port is accepting SSH connections.
e.g. a value of 3 would mean that (up to) 4 attempts (1 initial attempt plus 3 retries) would be made to check the availability of the TCP port, followed by (up to) 4 attempts (1 initial attempt plus 3 retries) to check the availability of the SSH service itself.
port : int
prefixStartSlaveCmd : String
retryWaitTime : int
suffixStartSlaveCmd : String
labelString : String
instanceCapStr : String
The maximum number of containers, based on this template, that this provider is allowed to run in total. A negative value, or zero, or 2147483647 all mean "no limit" is imposed on the this template, although the overall cloud instance limit (if any) will still apply.
Note that containers which have not been created by Jenkins are not included in this total.
As an alternative, some Docker setups can also determine the maximum number of containers automatically using memory/cpu constraints.
disabledByChoice : boolean
enabledByChoice : boolean
Note: If problems are encountered then this functionality may be disabled automatically. If that happens then it will be shown here. In this situation, the disabled state is transient and will automatically clear after the stated period has elapsed.
name : String
If blank or just whitespace, a default of "docker" will be used.
? extends hudson.slaves.NodeProperty<?>
pullTimeout : int
Note: This overrides the read timeout specified for the cloud, but only for the docker pull operation (as this operation is expected to take longer than most docker operations).
remoteFs : String
removeVolumes : boolean
Specify the strategy when docker containers shall be started and stopped:
idleMinutes : int
numberOfTasksInProgress : int
terminateOnceDone : boolean
stopTimeout : int
$class: 'DockerBuilderPublisher'
dockerFileDirectory : String
url : String
credentialsId : String
cloud : String
tagsString : String
pushOnSuccess : boolean
pushCredentialsId : String
cleanImages : boolean
cleanupWithJenkinsJobDelete : boolean
A map of build-time variables.
java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String>
buildArgsString : String
A list of new line separated build-time variables, specified in the form "name=value"
noCache : boolean
which disables caching of layers. See the docker build command for more information.
pull : boolean
to pull the latest version of the base image, instead of using the local one. See the docker build command for more information.
$class: 'DockerComposeBuilder'
useCustomDockerComposeFile : boolean
dockerComposeFile : String
$class: 'ExecuteCommandInsideContainer'
privilegedMode : boolean
service : String
command : String
index : int
workDir : String
$class: 'StartAllServices'
$class: 'StartService'
service : String
scale : int
$class: 'StopAllServices'
$class: 'StopService'
service : String
$class: 'DockerPullImageBuilder'
url : String
credentialsId : String
image : String
$class: 'DoguApplicationBuilder'
projectId : String
applicationPath : String
credentialsId : String
$class: 'DoguRoutineBuilder'
projectId : String
routineId : String
credentialsId : String
$class: 'DoktorStep'
server : String
value : String
value : String
value : String
value : String
$class: 'DotNetCoreRunner'
targetCode : String
//Simple Example public class JenkinsPlugin { public static void ScriptMain() { Console.WriteLine("Hello World from c#!!!"); } }
// Complete example using DotNetTools.Jenkins; using System; public class JenkinsPlugin { public static void ScriptMain(JenkinsManager manager) { Console.WriteLine("Hello World from c#!!!"); manager.SetSessionEnv("PI", Math.PI.ToString()); } }
public void SetSessionEnv(string key, string value); public string GetSessionEnv(string key);
additionalPackages : String
$class: 'DownloadDatasetStep'
connectionName : String
dsn : String
returnEtag : boolean
vol : String
dsn : String
returnEtag : boolean
vol : String
Download options are:
See Inedo documentation.
feedName : String
groupName : String
packageName : String
version : String
downloadFormat : String
downloadFolder : String
If a full pathname is not supplied then the downloaded package 'should' end up in the workspace, but this is not guaranteed. If you wish the package to be placed in the workspace the it is best to use the Jenkins variable ${WORKSPACE}
packageIds : String
baseUrl : String
between the scheme and the hostname.
credentialsId : String
ignoreErrors : boolean
localDirectory : String
rebuild : boolean
requestTimeout : long
serviceTimeout : long
waitDelay : long
credentialsId : String
bucketUri : String
This specifies the cloud object to download from Cloud Storage. You can view these by visiting the "Cloud Storage" section of the Cloud Console for your project.
A single asterisk can be specified in the object path (not the bucket name), past the last "/". The asterisk behaves consistently with gsutil. For example, gs://my-bucket-name/pre/a_*.txt
would match the objects in cloud bucket my-bucket-name
that are named pre/a_2.txt
or pre/a_abc23-4.txt
, but not pre/a_2/log.txt
localDirectory : String
The local directory that will store the downloaded files. The path specified is considered relative to the build's workspace. Example value:
pathPrefix : String
The specified prefix will be stripped from all downloaded filenames. Filenames that do not start with this prefix will not be modified. If this prefix does not have a trailing slash, it will be added automatically.
$class: 'DoxygenBuilder'
doxyfilePath : String
installationName : String
continueOnBuildFailure : boolean
unstableIfWarnings : boolean
$class: 'DrMemoryBuilder'
executable : String
arguments : String
logPath : String
treatFailed : boolean
$class: 'DropAllBuilder'
changeLogFile : String
changeLogParameters : String
contexts : String
credentialsId : String
installationName : String
labels : String
liquibasePropertiesPath : String
password : String
resourceDirectories : String
url : String
username : String
$class: 'DrupalInstanceBuilder'
db : String
root : String
profile : String
refresh : boolean
If checked, every build will wipe out and recreate a fresh Drupal instance.
Note that creating a fresh Drupal instance sends an email to the site administrator (by default which may be annoying.
updb : boolean
$class: 'DrupalReviewBuilder'
Review code using the Coder Review module.
If your code base does not include Coder, then Coder will be downloaded automatically.
style : boolean
comment : boolean
sql : boolean
security : boolean
i18n : boolean
root : String
logs : String
except : String
Specify modules/themes that should not be reviewed, relative to the Drupal root directory.
For instance if you want to review only custom code then you might want to exclude contributed and core projects:
sites/all/modules/contrib/**, sites/all/themes/contrib/**, modules/**, themes/**, profiles/**
This field supports FileSet includes.
ignoresPass : boolean
If checked, warnings flagged as ignored will pass.
Note that the ignore system was introduced in Coder 7.x-2.4. This option will be ignored if using an older version of Coder.
$class: 'DrupalTestsBuilder'
uri : String
root : String
logs : String
exceptGroups : String
Actions, Aggregator, AJAX, Batch API, Block, Blog, Book, Bootstrap, Cache, Color, Comment, Contact, Contextual, Dashboard, Database, DBLog, Entity API, Field API, Field types, Field UI, File, File API, File API (remote), Filter, Form API, Forum, Help, Image, Locale, Mail, Menu, Module, Node, OpenID, Pager, Path, Path API, PHP, Poll, Profile, RDF, Search, Session, Shortcut, SimpleTest, Statistics, Syslog, System, Taxonomy, Theme, Tracker, Translation, Trigger, Update, Update API, Upgrade path, User, XML-RPCMultiple groups can be separated by a comma.
exceptClasses : String
Specify Simpletest classes that should not be tested, for instance 'UserLoginTestCase'.
Multiple classes can be separated by a comma.
$class: 'ECXCDMBuilder'
name : String
password : String
url : String
job : String
production : boolean
maxWaitTime : int
$class: 'EclipseBuckminsterBuilder'
installationName : String
commands : String
logLevel : String
params : String
targetPlatformName : String
userTemp : String
userOutput : String
userCommand : String
userWorkspace : String
globalPropertiesFile : String
equinoxLauncherArgs : String
$class: 'EditVirtualService'
config : String
CACertPath : String
backoffFactor : String
clientId : String
class hudson.util.Secret
dryRun : boolean
eggplantRunnerPath : String
modelName : String
parameters : String
requestRetries : String
requestTimeout : String
serverURL : String
suiteName : String
$class: 'ModelBased'
name : String
model : String
$class: 'ScriptBased'
name : String
suite : String
$class: 'TestConfigId'
id : String
testConfigId : String
testConfigName : String
testResultPath : String
$class: 'ElasticsearchQueryBuilder'
query : String
aboveOrBelow : String
threshold : long
since : long
units : String
$class: 'EnableVirtualService'
serviceName : String
$class: 'EndAnalysisBuildStep'
shouldRestore : boolean
folders : String
parentPom : String
personalAPIToken : String
Provide Appcircle Personal API Token to authenticate Appcircle services.
appPath : String
Specify the path to your application file. For iOS, this can be a .ipa or .xcarchive file path. For Android, specify the .apk or .appbundle file path.
releaseNotes : String
summary : String
publishType : String
$class: 'EnvInjectBuilder'
propertiesFilePath : String
propertiesContent : String
$class: 'EnvPropagatorBuilder'
envVariableString : String
$class: 'EnvironmentManagerBuilder'
systemId : int
environmentId : int
instanceId : int
copyToServer : boolean
newEnvironmentName : String
serverType : String
serverId : int
serverHost : String
serverName : String
copyDataRepo : boolean
repoType : String
repoHost : String
repoPort : int
repoUsername : String
repoPassword : String
abortOnFailure : boolean
$class: 'EnvironmentTagBuilder'
credentials : String
region : String
$class: 'EstimateBuilder'
name : String
token : String
archiveFilePath : String
regWhichIncludedModules : String
reportConfigName : String
uri : String
saasuri : String
language : String
regexExclude : String
testOnly : boolean
maxNumberOfViolations : long
failBlockTotalVio : boolean
maxNumberOfBlockerViolations : long
failBlockBlockerVio : boolean
maxNumberOfImportantViolations : long
failBlockImportantVio : boolean
maxNumberOfOptimizationViolations : long
failBlockOptimizationVio : boolean
maxNumberOfWarningViolations : long
failBlockWarningVio : boolean
examName : String
pythonName : String
examReport : String
systemConfiguration : String
clearWorkspace : boolean
javaOpts : String
logging : boolean
loglevelLibCtrl : String
loglevelTestCtrl : String
loglevelTestLogic : String
pathExecutionFile : String
pathPCode : String
pdfMeasureImages : boolean
pdfReport : boolean
pdfReportTemplate : String
pdfSelectFilter : String
reportPrefix : String
name : String
value : String
adminCases : boolean
activateTestcases : boolean
timeout : int
examName : String
pythonName : String
examReport : String
executionFile : String
systemConfiguration : String
clearWorkspace : boolean
examModel : String
javaOpts : String
logging : boolean
loglevelLibCtrl : String
loglevelTestCtrl : String
loglevelTestLogic : String
modelConfiguration : String
pdfMeasureImages : boolean
pdfReport : boolean
pdfReportTemplate : String
pdfSelectFilter : String
reportPrefix : String
name : String
value : String
adminCases : boolean
activateTestcases : boolean
timeout : int
exeName : String
cmdLineArgs : String
failBuild : boolean
campaignName : String
environment : String
browser : String
screenshot : String
verbose : String
pageSource : String
seleniumLog : String
timeOut : String
retries : String
priority : String
tag : String
ss_p : String
ssIp : String
robot : String
manualHost : String
manualContextRoot : String
country : String
cerberusUrl : String
timeOutForCampaignExecution : int
executor : String
$class: 'ExecuteCommandAction'
command : String
search : String
issueInText : String
comment : String
commentVisibility : String
additionalClasspath : String
java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.Object>
failOnMissingPlugin : boolean
failOnSeedCollision : boolean
ignoreExisting : boolean
ignoreMissingFiles : boolean
Note: when using multiple Job DSL build steps in a single job, set this to "Delete" only for the last Job DSL build step. Otherwise config files may be deleted and re-created. See JENKINS-44142 for details.
Note: when using multiple Job DSL build steps in a single job, set this to "Delete" or "Disable" only for the last Job DSL build step. Otherwise jobs will be deleted and re-created or disabled and re-enabled and you may lose the job history of generated jobs. See JENKINS-44142 for details.
Note: when using multiple Job DSL build steps in a single job, set this to "Delete" only for the last Job DSL build step. Otherwise views may be deleted and re-created. See JENKINS-44142 for details.
sandbox : boolean
scriptText : String
targets : String
Scripts are executed in the same order as specified. The execution order of expanded wildcards is unspecified.
unstableOnDeprecation : boolean
useScriptText : boolean
$class: 'ExecuteJobBuilder'
jobId : long
jobName : String
jobType : String
abortOnFailure : boolean
abortOnTimeout : boolean
timeoutMinutes : int
publish : boolean
projectId : long
buildId : String
sessionTag : String
appendEnv : boolean
version : String
location : String
executeArgs : String
x11Display : String
xvfbConfiguration : String
credentialsId : String
serverUrl : String
projectId : String
planId : String
requestType : String
url : String
credentials : String
name : String
folder : String
key : String
value : String
action : String
params : String
database : String
project : String
processPath : String
folder : String
requestName : String
name : String
pollInterval : String
maxRunTime : String
$class: 'ExecuteStepBuilder'
server : String
authenticationType : String
userName : String
class hudson.util.Secret
database : String
filesToExecute : String
compareOptions : String
fileEncoding : String
filterFile : String
ignoreError : boolean
transactionIsoLvl : String
class hudson.util.Secret
Mode | Explanation |
Execute suite runs in ALM Octane | Execute suites according to specified suite IDs. New suite runs will be created and executed in ALM Octane. Jenkins job is finished after triggering the suite runs. The job does not wait until the suite runs are finished. This method is useful if you want to schedule suite execution in ALM Octane. By default, newly created suite runs will have name of suite and will be assigned to default release. In order to override this default behaviour, add following parameters (one or more) to job with your desired values:
Get tests from suites and trigger execution jobs | Get tests from suites and trigger execution jobs : Get tests from specified suite IDs. (This method assumes that tests are assigned to test runner jobs from the current Jenkins.) Tests are send to execution by their assigned test runner jobs. The main job is finished after the test runner jobs are finished. This method is useful if you intend to add your job to the ALM Octane Pipeline module. |
configurationId : String
workspaceId : String
executionMode : String
ids : String
credentialsId : String
The ID of the credentials to use when accessing Cloudify. Parameters' expansion is supported when using freestyle jobs.
debugOutput : boolean
deploymentId : String
executionParameters : String
Parameters to pass to the execution, in YAML/JSON format.
printLogs : boolean
tenant : String
Cloudify tenant to operate on. If left empty, then the default tenant (defined in the plugin's configuration page) will be used.
waitForCompletion : boolean
workflowId : String
The ID of the workflow to execute.
$class: 'ExecutorBuildStep'
frameworkType : String
runningType : String
app : String
testApplication : String
deviceQueries : String
Other field that can be used:
runTags : String
maxDevices : int
Accepted value: [1..1000]. Default is 10
Set the maximum number of devices to allocate for this step execution.
Only applicable for Fast feedback mode.
minDevices : int
Accepted value: [1..1000]. Default is 10
Set the minimum number of devices to allocate for this step execution.
Only applicable for Fast feedback mode.
ignoreTestsFile : String
overallExecTimeout : int
creationTimeout : int
appURL : String
archiveDir : String
Specify the location of the path (usually BUILD_DIR specified by xcodebuild) to read the Archive for exporting the IPA file.
Supports all macros and also environment and build variables from the Token Macro Plugin.
For example you can use the value :
assetPackManifestURL : String
compileBitcode : boolean
copyProvisioningProfile : boolean
developmentTeamID : String
developmentTeamName : String
displayImageURL : String
fullSizeImageURL : String
ipaExportMethod : String
ipaName : String
ipaOutputDirectory : String
keychainId : String
keychainName : String
keychainPath : String
class hudson.util.Secret
manualSigning : boolean
packResourcesAsset : boolean
provisioningProfileAppId : String
provisioningProfileUUID : String
resourcesAssetURL : String
signingMethod : String
stripSwiftSymbols : boolean
symRoot : String
thinning : String
unlockKeychain : boolean
uploadBitcode : boolean
uploadSymbols : boolean
xcodeName : String
xcodeProjectPath : String
xcodeSchema : String
xcodeWorkspaceFile : String
$class: 'ExportPackageAttributeConfig'
filePath : String
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
$class: 'ExportPackageConfig'
filePath : String
exportPath : String
createNewPath : boolean
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
$class: 'ExportProjectAttributeConfig'
filePath : String
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
$class: 'ExportProjectConfig'
filePath : String
exportPath : String
createNewPath : boolean
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
$class: 'ImportPackageAttributeConfig'
filePath : String
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
$class: 'ImportPackageConfig'
tmsPath : String
importPath : String
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
$class: 'ImportPackageDirConfig'
tmsPath : String
importPath : String
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
$class: 'ImportProjectArchiveConfig'
tmsPath : String
importPath : String
importConfigPath : String
replaceFiles : boolean
$class: 'ImportProjectAttributeConfig'
filePath : String
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
$class: 'ImportProjectConfig'
tmsPath : String
importPath : String
importMissingPackages : boolean
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
tmProjectId : String
$class: 'ImportProjectDirConfig'
tmsPath : String
importPath : String
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
$class: 'ExportParametersBuilder'
filePath : String
fileFormat : String
keyPattern : String
useRegexp : boolean
$class: 'ExportPackageAttributeConfig'
filePath : String
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
$class: 'ExportPackageConfig'
filePath : String
exportPath : String
createNewPath : boolean
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
$class: 'ExportProjectAttributeConfig'
filePath : String
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
$class: 'ExportProjectConfig'
filePath : String
exportPath : String
createNewPath : boolean
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
$class: 'ImportPackageAttributeConfig'
filePath : String
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
$class: 'ImportPackageConfig'
tmsPath : String
importPath : String
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
$class: 'ImportPackageDirConfig'
tmsPath : String
importPath : String
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
$class: 'ImportProjectArchiveConfig'
tmsPath : String
importPath : String
importConfigPath : String
replaceFiles : boolean
$class: 'ImportProjectAttributeConfig'
filePath : String
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
$class: 'ImportProjectConfig'
tmsPath : String
importPath : String
importMissingPackages : boolean
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
tmProjectId : String
$class: 'ImportProjectDirConfig'
tmsPath : String
importPath : String
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
$class: 'ExporterBuilder'
$class: 'ExtensiveTestingBuilder'
testPath : String
login : String
password : String
serverUrl : String
projectName : String
debug : boolean
serverAddress : String
projectKey : String
targetPath : String
credentialsId : String
applicationIdAndName : String
environmentIdAndName : String
$class: 'FetchTestAssets'
username : String
profile : String
giturl : String
ipAddress : String
$class: 'FigletBuilder'
message : String
includes : String
excludes : String
targetLocation : String
flattenFiles : boolean
renameFiles : boolean
sourceCaptureExpression : String
// folllowing structure:
// dir1/info-app.txt
// dir1/error-app.txt
includes: '**/dir1/*.txt',
targetLocation: 'logs/',
flattenFiles: true,
renameFiles: true,
sourceCaptureExpression: 'dir1/(.*)-app\\.txt$',
targetNameExpression: '$1.log')
will result in:
targetNameExpression : String
useDefaultExcludes : boolean
fileName : String
fileContent : String
includes : String
excludes : String
useDefaultExcludes : boolean
url : String
userName : String
password : String
targetLocation : String
targetFileName : String
proxyHost : String
proxyPort : String
sourceFile : String
targetFile : String
sourceFile : String
targetFile : String
source : String
destination : String
includes : String
excludes : String
useDefaultExcludes : boolean
filePath : String
targetLocation : String
isGZIP : boolean
filePath : String
targetLocation : String
folderPath : String
outputFolderPath : String
sourceFolderPath : String
destinationFolderPath : String
folderPath : String
folderPath : String
source : String
destination : String
$class: 'FitnesseBuilder'
java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String>
$class: 'FixResultBuilder'
defaultResultName : String
success : String
unstable : String
failure : String
aborted : String
installationName : String
flywayCommand : String
url : String
locations : String
commandLineArgs : String
credentialsId : String
$class: 'FogbugzLinkBuilder'
userId : String
testId : String
runTag : String
getJtl : boolean
serverUrl : String
$class: 'FtpRenameBuilder'
ftpServer : String
ftpPort : int
if you don't specify the port, the default port is 21.
ftpUser : String
class hudson.util.Secret
ftpPath : String
Specify the path to your artifact.
artifactName : String
newArtifactName : String
remoteDirectory : String
Optional destination folder.
This folder will be below the one in the global configuration, if present.
The folder won't be created if does not exist.
$class: 'FuzzBuildStep'
configurationFilePath : String
The file path where the test configuration file (*.set or *.testplan) for this job can be found, relative to the project's workspace.
A test configuration file defines what kind of testing is to be done, and can be created using Defensics. Configure a test suite in Defensics and save the settings file in File -> Save Settings.
configurationOverrides : String
Additional test configuration settings that override the settings saved in the test configuration file. This can be useful if, for example, the test target address needs to be set dynamically.
The available settings are the same as the Defensics command line settings. Each setting should follow the format '--setting-name value'. Multiple settings are separated with spaces.
Example for HTTP Server Test Suite:
--uri --http-status-filter "1xx 2xx 3xx"
defensicsInstance : String
saveResultPackage : boolean
$class: 'FxCopBuilder'
toolName : String
files : String
Assembly file(s) to analyze.
You can specify multiple analyze assemblies by separating them with new-line or space.
Command Line Argument: /file:[ file/directory ]
outputXML : String
FxCop project or XML report output file.
Command Line Argument: /out:[ output file path ]
ruleSet : String
Rule set to be used for the analysis.
Command Line Argument: /ruleset:=[ Rule set file path ]
ignoreGeneratedCode : boolean
Suppress analysis results against generated code.
Command Line Argument: /ignoregeneratedcode
forceOutput : boolean
Write output XML and project files even in the case where no violations occurred.
Command Line Argument: /forceoutput
cmdLineArgs : String
failBuild : boolean
$class: 'GCloudSDKBuilder'
command : String
$class: 'GCloudSDKWithAuthBuilder'
credentialsId : String
command : String
$class: 'GatekeeperCommit'
commitUsername : String
$class: 'GatekeeperMerge'
commitUsername : String
releaseFilePath : String
releaseFileContentTemplate : String
$class: 'GatekeeperPush'
imageName : String
gxInstallationId : String
kbPath : String
kbVersion : String
kbEnvironment : String
kbDbCredentialsId : String
forceRebuild : boolean
$class: 'GenerateChangeScriptBuilder'
in : String
Specify path to input folder for generating SQL change script. This folder should contain result of previously executed "Run Compare" build step.
Folder location must be specified as:
out : String
Path to the file that should be used to store SQL change script.
File location must be specified as:
$class: 'GenerateCreateScriptBuilder'
outputFile : String
Path to the file that should be used to store create SQL script.
File location must be specified as:
inputFileOrFolder : String
Specify input folder/file for generating create SQL script. It should depend on input type you have selected.
Folder/file location must be specified as:
$class: 'GenerateJenkinsReportBuilder'
Generate a HTML report based on a previous schema compare build step. This report is accessible via build detail within build history in Jenkins.
Warning: You can include only one Generate Jenkins HTML comparison report step per project.
inputFolder : String
Specify path to input folder containing output from "Run Compare" build step.
Folder location must be specified as:
$class: 'GenerateStandaloneReportBuilder'
inputFolder : String
Specify path to input folder containing output from "Run Compare" build step.
Folder location must be specified as:
outputFolder : String
Specify path to folder where standalone report will be exported.
Folder location must be specified as:
examName : String
examModel : String
modelConfiguration : String
element : String
descriptionSource : String
documentInReport : boolean
errorHandling : String
frameSteps : Array / List of String
mappingList : String
testCaseStates : Array / List of String
variant : String
javaOpts : String
overwriteDescriptionSource : boolean
overwriteFrameSteps : boolean
overwriteMappingList : boolean
timeout : int
apiKey : String
suiteId : String
startUrl : String
params : String
checkoutFromRemote : boolean
detailConflictReport : boolean
limitAuthorsInDetailReport : int
limitCommitsInDetailReport : int
path : String
releaseBranchPattern : String
remoteName : String
jobToRun : String
goodStartCommit : String
badEndCommit : String
searchIdentifier : String
revisionParameterName : String
retryCount : int
continuesBuild : boolean
minSuccessfulIterations : int
overrideGitCommand : boolean
gitCommand : String
content : String
$class: 'GitHubSetCommitStatusBuilder'
$class: 'DefaultCommitContextSource'
$class: 'ManuallyEnteredCommitContextSource'
context : String
content : String
$class: 'GitStatusWrapperBuilder'
The gitStatusWrapper
builder wraps set of job builders and handles PENDING/SUCCESS/FAILURE git statuses automatically
Check documentation here
buildSteps : Array / List of Build Step (hudson.tasks.BuildStep
account : String
The GitHub account that owns the repos that contains the commit to notify
Default: If SCM used, plugin will attempt to get details from SCM execution
Check documentation here
credentialsId : String
The GitHub credentials, username/password or username/accessToken
description : String
failureDescription : String
The notification description for a failure, it will be displayed by GitHub
Default: value set to description
This field can also be given a regular expression to evaluate on the entire build log. To have the expression evaluated, wrap it with "/". Example: "/^buildVersion=(.*)$/"
Check documentation here
gitApiUrl : String
If you are a user of GitHub Enterprise use this field to set your custom API endpoint
gitHubContext : String
The git status context key. Keys are used by GitHub to differentiate between notifications
Default: gitStatusWrapper
Check documentation here
repo : String
The GitHub repository that contains the commit to validate, must be owned by the user specified in the account field
Default: If SCM used, plugin will attempt to get details from SCM execution
Check documentation here
sha : String
The SHA that identifies the commit to notify
Default: If SCM used, plugin will attempt to get details from SCM execution
Check documentation here
successDescription : String
The notification description for a success, it will be displayed by GitHub
Default: value set to description
This field can also be given a regular expression to evaluate on the entire build log. To have the expression evaluated, wrap it with "/". Example: "/^buildVersion=(.*)$/"
Check documentation here
targetUrl : String
Use this field to specify a custom target URL for the notification
Default: Jenkins build URL
Check documentation here
$class: 'GitToIspwPublish'
app : String
branchMapping : String
connectionId : String
credentialsId : String
ispwConfigPath : String
runtimeConfig : String
stream : String
subAppl : String
$class: 'GnatmakeBuilder'
gnatName : String
switches : String
fileNames : String
modeSwitches : String
installationName : String
names : String
proj : String
switch. If not specified, GPRbuild uses the project file default.gpr if there is one in the current working directory. Otherwise, if there is only one project file in the current working directory, GPRbuild uses this project file.
switches : String
buildFile : String
gradleName : String
makeExecutable : boolean
passAllAsProjectProperties : boolean
passAllAsSystemProperties : boolean
projectProperties : String
rootBuildScriptDir : String
switches : String
systemProperties : String
tasks : String
useWorkspaceAsHome : boolean
Gradle will write to $HOME/.gradle
by default for GRADLE_USER_HOME
. For a multi-executor agent in Jenkins, setting the environment variable localized files to the workspace avoid collisions accessing gradle cache.
useWrapper : boolean
wrapperLocation : String
$class: 'Groovy'
Executes a groovy script.
$class: 'FileScriptSource'
scriptFile : String
$class: 'StringScriptSource'
command : String
groovyName : String
Groovy installation which will execute the script. Specify the name of the Groovy installation as specified in the Global Jenkins configuration.
parameters : String
Parameters for the Groovy executable.
scriptParameters : String
These parameters will be passed to the script.
properties : String
Instead of passing properties using the -D parameter you can define them here.
javaOpts : String
Direct access to JAVA_OPTS. Properties allows only -D properties, while sometimes also other properties like -XX need to be setup. It can be done here. This line is appended at the end of JAVA_OPTS string.
classPath : String
Specify script classpath here. Each line is one class path item.
$class: 'GroovyRemoteBuilder'
remoteName : String
script : String
examName : String
script : String
startElement : String
examModel : String
modelConfiguration : String
javaOpts : String
timeout : int
useStartElement : boolean
scanDest : String
Scan targets can be explicitly provided with a following scheme:
repName : String
autoInstall : boolean
$class: 'GsshCommandBuilder'
disable : boolean
serverInfo : String
shell : String
$class: 'GsshFtpDownloadBuilder'
disable : boolean
serverInfo : String
remoteFile : String
localFolder : String
fileName : String
$class: 'GsshFtpUploadBuilder'
disable : boolean
serverInfo : String
localFilePath : String
remoteLocation : String
fileName : String
$class: 'GsshShellBuilder'
disable : boolean
serverInfo : String
shell : String
modelName : String
hlClientId : String
hlClientSecret : String
folderToScan : String
failOnUnsupported : boolean
task : String
directory : String
artifact : String
channel : String
origin : String
bldrUrl : String
authToken : String
lastBuildFile : String
format : String
searchString : String
command : String
binary : String
path : String
docker : boolean
$class: 'HealthAnalyzerLrStep'
checkLrInstallation : boolean
checkOsVersion : boolean
field : String
name : String
useFrench : boolean
duration : String
reason : String
$class: 'HorreumExpect'
authenticationType : String
credentials : String
Credentials used for authorization. The type of credentials used depends on the authentication type selected. Username/Password
for HTTP Basic Authentication and Open ID Connect and Secret Text
for API Key.
The user account must have the uploader
role; otherwise the build steps will fail.
test : String
timeout : long
expectedBy : String
backlink : String
quiet : boolean
$class: 'HorreumUpload'
files : String
authenticationType : String
credentials : String
Credentials used for authorization. The type of credentials used depends on the authentication type selected. Username/Password
for HTTP Basic Authentication and Open ID Connect and Secret Text
for API Key.
The user account must have the uploader
role; otherwise the build steps will fail.
test : String
owner : String
, e.g. dev-team
access : String
start : String
), millisecond epoch time or JSON Path into the uploaded JSON file in one of those formats.
stop : String
), millisecond epoch time or JSON Path into the uploaded JSON file in one of those formats.
schema : String
property. If Horreum has the JSON schema for this URI recorded it will validate the uploaded JSON against it.
jsonFile : String
addBuildInfo : boolean
quiet : boolean
$class: 'HttpRequest'
url : String
authentication : String
consoleLogResponseBody : boolean
name : String
value : String
maskValue : boolean
uploadFile : String
name : String
fileName : String
contentType : String
body : String
httpProxy : String
ignoreSslErrors : boolean
multipartName : String
outputFile : String
passBuildParameters : boolean
proxyAuthentication : String
quiet : boolean
requestBody : String
timeout : int
uploadFile : String
useSystemProperties : boolean
validResponseCodes : String
validResponseContent : String
wrapAsMultipart : boolean
baseUrl : String
buildFuture : boolean
destination : String
environment : String
hugoHome : String
verbose : boolean
$class: 'HyperBuilder'
image : String
commands : String
code : String
Eg: print(" Hello Jenkins, from Machine Learning Plugin ...... ! ")
filePath : String
Eg: /home/alice/iris/
parserType : String
task : String
Eg: Training
kernelName : String
$class: 'ITest'
workspace : String
(1) Provide the full path to the iTest workspace containing projects, or
(2) Leave blank to indicate that the current job's workspace is also an iTest workspace (must contain an .iTestWorkspace file as created by iTest)
projects : String
Required. Specify the name of the iTest project to export in an ITAR file (required to use iTestRT). Separate names of multiple projects with comma.
Note: The project must exist within the specified iTest workspace.
testcases : String
Required. Specify path to test case or test suite to run: must include extension (path/name.fftc or path/name.ffts). Separate multiple with a comma.
Accepted Formats:
testbed : String
Specify the URI of the testbed or topology to use for execution. Must include file extension. Overrides the testbed specified in the test case file.
Accepted Formats:
params : String
Specify a parameter value in the format parameter=value. Separate multiple parameter/value pairs with a comma.
Note: If you specify both --param and --paramfile in an iTestRT command, then the --param argument takes precedence over the values in the parameter file.
paramFile : String
Specify URI of a parameter file in an iTest readable format.
Note: If you specify both --param and --paramfile in an iTestRT command, then the --param argument take precedence over the values in the parameter file.
testReportRequired : boolean
Check this to generate test report in HTML format.
A link to the report will be provided on the project page, and the report will be available in the iTest workspace specified in the project configuration page.
dbCustomTag : String
This option enables you to define and assign a value to a custom tag.
Example: Create a tag that holds the build number so that you compare test execution results between builds.
For tests run against build 54322, use: --tag buildNumber=54322
Tip: Use a custom tag to identify executions or groups of executions on the iTest Team Server Test Execution page.
$class: 'IaCScanningBuilder'
engineCredentialsId : String
isRecursive : boolean
listUnsupported : boolean
path : String
severityThreshold : String
sysdigEnv : String
version : String
$class: 'ImageScanningBuilder'
imageName : String
bailOnFail : boolean
bailOnPluginFail : boolean
cliVersionToApply : String
customCliVersion : String
engineCredentialsId : String
engineURL : String
engineVerify : boolean
inlineScanExtraParams : String
policiesToApply : String
scannerBinaryPath : String
$class: 'ImportFiles'
url : String
cloudTestServerID : String
files : String
excludes : String
mode : String
additionalOptions : String
$class: 'ExportPackageAttributeConfig'
filePath : String
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
$class: 'ExportPackageConfig'
filePath : String
exportPath : String
createNewPath : boolean
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
$class: 'ExportProjectAttributeConfig'
filePath : String
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
$class: 'ExportProjectConfig'
filePath : String
exportPath : String
createNewPath : boolean
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
$class: 'ImportPackageAttributeConfig'
filePath : String
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
$class: 'ImportPackageConfig'
tmsPath : String
importPath : String
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
$class: 'ImportPackageDirConfig'
tmsPath : String
importPath : String
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
$class: 'ImportProjectArchiveConfig'
tmsPath : String
importPath : String
importConfigPath : String
replaceFiles : boolean
$class: 'ImportProjectAttributeConfig'
filePath : String
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
$class: 'ImportProjectConfig'
tmsPath : String
importPath : String
importMissingPackages : boolean
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
tmProjectId : String
$class: 'ImportProjectDirConfig'
tmsPath : String
importPath : String
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
$class: 'ExportPackageAttributeConfig'
filePath : String
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
$class: 'ExportPackageConfig'
filePath : String
exportPath : String
createNewPath : boolean
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
$class: 'ExportProjectAttributeConfig'
filePath : String
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
$class: 'ExportProjectConfig'
filePath : String
exportPath : String
createNewPath : boolean
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
$class: 'ImportPackageAttributeConfig'
filePath : String
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
$class: 'ImportPackageConfig'
tmsPath : String
importPath : String
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
$class: 'ImportPackageDirConfig'
tmsPath : String
importPath : String
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
$class: 'ImportProjectArchiveConfig'
tmsPath : String
importPath : String
importConfigPath : String
replaceFiles : boolean
$class: 'ImportProjectAttributeConfig'
filePath : String
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
$class: 'ImportProjectConfig'
tmsPath : String
importPath : String
importMissingPackages : boolean
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
tmProjectId : String
$class: 'ImportProjectDirConfig'
tmsPath : String
importPath : String
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
$class: 'InfluxDBPublisher'
userCredentialsID : String
dbUrl : String
dbName : String
content : String
checkName : String
influxQuery : String
expectedThreshold : double
markUnstable : boolean
retryCount : int
retryInterval : int
showResults : boolean
region : String
insightCredentialsId : String
appId : String
scanConfigId : String
buildAdvanceIndicator : String
vulnerabilityQuery : String
maxScanPendingDuration : String
0d 5h 30m
maxScanExecutionDuration : String
0d 5h 30m
enableScanResults : boolean
credentialsId : String
apiVersion : String
appScope : String
application system ID
is not specified. The scope name of the application for which to apply the changes, such as x_aah_custom_app. You can locate this value in the scope field in the Custom Application [sys_app] table.
appSysId : String
application scope
is not specified. The system id of the application for which to apply the changes. You can locate this value in the Sys ID field in the Custom Application [sys_app] table.
appVersion : String
baseAppAutoUpgrade : boolean
baseAppVersion : String
url : String
$class: 'InstallBuilder'
apkFile : String
uninstallFirst : boolean
failOnInstallFailure : boolean
credentialsId : String
apiVersion : String
comboSysId : String
requestBody : String
scanType : String
suiteSysId : String
targetRecordSysId : String
targetTable : String
url : String
$class: 'IspwRestApiRequest'
connectionId : String
consoleLogResponseBody : boolean
credentialsId : String
ispwAction : String
ispwRequestBody : String
skipWaitingForSet : boolean
$class: 'IssueFieldUpdateStep'
$class: 'DefaultIssueSelector'
$class: 'ExplicitIssueSelector'
issueKeys : String
$class: 'JqlIssueSelector'
jql : String
$class: 'P4JobIssueSelector'
fieldId : String
fieldValue : String
$class: 'IssueUpdatesBuilder'
restAPIUrl : String
userName : String
password : String
jql : String
workflowActionName : String
comment : String
customFieldId : String
customFieldValue : String
resettingFixedVersions : boolean
createNonExistingFixedVersions : boolean
fixedVersions : String
failIfJqlFails : boolean
failIfNoIssuesReturned : boolean
failIfNoJiraConnection : boolean
$class: 'JBossBuilder'
properties : String
stopOnFailure : boolean
serverName : String
$class: 'JIRATicketEditor'
jiraCredentialsID : String
performDuplicateCheck : boolean
parentJQL : String
title : String
type : String
priority : String
description : String
envVarName : String
fieldHumanReadableName : String
valueToSet : String
jqlFilter : String
commitRegEx : String
ticketSource : String
$class: 'AddCommentModification'
commentBody : String
$class: 'ModifyArrayFieldModification'
fieldHumanReadableName : String
modificationType : String
modificationValue : String
$class: 'PerformTransitionModification'
transitionName : String
comment : String
$class: 'SetFieldModification'
fieldHumanReadableName : String
valueToSet : String
$class: 'JIRAVersionEditor'
jiraCredentialsID : String
versionName : String
replaceDescription : boolean
descriptionText : String
releaseState : String
failOnJQL : boolean
failQuery : String
applicationName : String
applicationVersion : String
applicationComponent : String
jmeterReportPath : String
$class: 'JSLintBuilder'
includePattern : String
The files to include in an Ant-style filter. See javadoc
Example: lib/**/*.js
This would grab files including lib/foo.js and lib/foo/bar/baz.js
Example: lib/*.js
This would include lib/foo.js but not lib/foo/bar.js
excludePattern : String
The files to exclude in an Ant-style filter. See javadoc
Example: lib/**/ModuleImportProgressDialog.js
This would omit any file named ModuleImportProgressDialog.js
logfile : String
The file to output to in a Checkstyle XML format
Example: target/jslint.xml
arguments : String
The arguments to pass to JSLint. You can use any arguments that JSLint supports! Be sure, though, to prefix each argument with -D
Example: -Dadsafe=true, -Dcontinue=true
This would activate adsafe and continue
Example: -Dpredef=foo,bar,baz
This would be like having /*global foo,bar,baz*/ at the top of every JavaScript file JSLint runs on.
Example: -Dpredef=foo,bar,baz, -Dmaxlen=80
This would be like having /*global foo,bar,baz*/ at the top of every JavaScript file JSLint runs on. It also sets the maximum length of a line to 80 chars.
The default options we use are:
var defaultOptions = { bitwise: true, eqeqeq: false, immed: false, newcap: false, nomen: false, onevar: false, plusplus: false, regexp: false, rhino: true, undef: true, white: false, forin: true, sub: true, browser: true, laxbreak: true, predef: [ 'Ext', 'jQuery', 'window', '$', 'ActiveXObject', 'SWFObject' ] };
$class: 'JabberBuilder'
builderName : String
scanDest : String
scanName : String
severityType : String
scanType : String
skipFail : boolean
skipDbUpdate : boolean
ignorePackageNames : String
ignoreCves : String
java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String>
class io.jenkins.plugins.jacked.model.JackedConfig
tppName : String
certLabel : String
credentialsId : String
This plugin invokes Jarsigner under the hood. Here you can specify extra custom CLI arguments to pass to Jarsigner.
These arguments will be appended to the Jarsigner CLI invocation, and take precedence over any arguments implicitly passed by this plugin.
argument : String
file : String
The path to the file to be signed.
Either a path or a glob must be given.
glob : String
A glob that specifies the files to be signed.
Either a path or a glob must be given.
Specifies one or more timestamping authority servers to use during signing. Specifying this is strongly recommended, because it allows signed files to be usable even after the original signing certificate has expired.
If you specify more than one server, then a random one will be used.
Tip: here are some public timestamping authorities that you can use:
address : String
venafiClientToolsDir : String
Specify the path to the directory in which Venafi CodeSign Protect client tools are installed. If not specified, it's autodetected as follows:
tppName : String
certLabel : String
credentialsId : String
file : String
The path to the file to be verified.
Either a path or a glob must be given.
glob : String
A glob that specifies the files to be verified.
Either a path or a glob must be given.
venafiClientToolsDir : String
Specify the path to the directory in which Venafi CodeSign Protect client tools are installed. If not specified, it's autodetected as follows:
$class: 'JbpmUrlResourceBuilder'
url : String
processId : String
pathToTestrunner : String
pathToProjectFile : String
authMethod : String
environment : String
password : String
projectPassword : String
slmLicenceAccessKey : String
slmLicenceApiHost : String
slmLicenceApiPort : String
slmLicenseClientId : String
slmLicenseClientSecret : String
testCase : String
testCaseTags : String
testSuite : String
testSuiteTags : String
user : String
$class: 'JigomergeBuilder'
source : String
username : String
password : String
oneByOne : boolean
eager : boolean
validationScript : String
dryRun : boolean
verbose : boolean
ignoreMergePatterns : String
commitCommentPrefix : String
$class: 'JiraEnvironmentVariableBuilder'
Typical usage:
issue in (${JIRA_ISSUES})
$class: 'DefaultIssueSelector'
$class: 'ExplicitIssueSelector'
issueKeys : String
$class: 'JqlIssueSelector'
jql : String
$class: 'P4JobIssueSelector'
$class: 'JiraExtBuildStep'
$class: 'FirstWordOfCommitStrategy'
$class: 'FirstWordOfUpstreamCommitStrategy'
$class: 'MentionedInCommitStrategy'
$class: 'SingleTicketStrategy'
issueKey : String
$class: 'AddComment'
postCommentForEveryCommit : boolean
commentText : String
$class: 'AddFixVersion'
fixVersion : String
The Fix Version to append. Must exist.
$class: 'AddLabel'
labelName : String
$class: 'AddLabelToField'
fieldName : String
fieldValue : String
$class: 'Transition'
transitionName : String
$class: 'UpdateField'
fieldName : String
fieldValue : String
$class: 'JiraIssueUpdateBuilder'
jqlSearch : String
or (e.g., combined with a Jira Issue Parameter, selecting one issue from a JQL result set):project = JENKINS and fixVersion = "$RELEASE_VERSION" and status not in (Resolved, Closed)
issue = $ISSUE_ID
workflowActionName : String
comment : String
$class: 'JiraReleaseVersionUpdaterBuilder'
jiraProjectKey : String
Specify the project key. A project key is the all capitals part before the issue number in Jira.
jiraRelease : String
jiraDescription : String
$class: 'JiraVersionCreatorBuilder'
jiraVersion : String
jiraProjectKey : String
Specify the project key. A project key is the all capitals part before the issue number in Jira.
$class: 'JobConfigRebrander'
$class: 'JobDeleteBuilder'
target : String
$class: 'JobStrongAuthSimpleBuilder'
jobUsers : String
useGlobalUsers : boolean
jobMinAuthUserNum : int
useJobExpireTime : boolean
jobExpireTimeInHours : int
$class: 'JobcopyBuilder'
fromJobName : String
toJobName : String
overwrite : boolean
$class: 'DisableOperation'
$class: 'EnableOperation'
$class: 'ReplaceOperation'
fromStr : String
expandFromStr : boolean
toStr : String
expandToStr : boolean
includeFile : String
excludeFile : String
overwrite : boolean
$class: 'DisableOperation'
$class: 'EnableOperation'
$class: 'ReplaceOperation'
fromStr : String
expandFromStr : boolean
toStr : String
expandToStr : boolean
$class: 'KanboardTaskFetcher'
projectIdentifier : String
taskReference : String
taskAttachments : String
taskLinks : String
$class: 'KarafBuildStepBuilder'
useCustomKaraf : boolean
karafHome : String
flags : String
specify the port to connect to
-h [host]specify the host to connect to
-u [user]specify the user name
-p [password]specify the password (optional, if not provided, the password is prompted)
-vraise verbosity
-lset client logging level. Set to 0 for ERROR logging and up to 4 for TRACE
-r [attempts]retry connection establishment (up to attempts times)
-d [delay]intra-retry delay (defaults to 2 seconds)
-f [file]read commands from the specified file
-k [keyFile]specify the private keyFile location when using key login, need have BouncyCastle registered as security provider using this flag
-t [timeout]define the client idle timeout
$class: 'KarafCommandFileOption'
file : String
$class: 'KarafCommandScriptOption'
script : String
keychainId : String
keychainName : String
keychainPath : String
class hudson.util.Secret
$class: 'KlocworkBuildSpecBuilder'
buildCommand : String
tool : String
output : String
additionalOpts : String
ignoreErrors : boolean
workDir : String
$class: 'KlocworkCiBuilder'
buildSpec : String
projectDir : String
cleanupProject : boolean
reportFile : String
additionalOpts : String
incrementalAnalysis : boolean
This feature allows for quick, incremental analyses of changed source files to enable pre/post-checkin/commit-like behavior . The goal is that only changed files are analyzed by the Klocwork kwciagent tool to replicate the local analysis developers would perform by using our supported IDE plugins or the command line utility. To enable this behavior, the plugin takes a list of the changed files from the SCM; this enables the system to analyze only the changed files when the workspace isn’t kept. Leave this cleared to analyze the whole project, or, if the workspace is kept, to perform a standard incremental analysis.
The diff file list is the file that contains the changed source files for Klocwork to analyze. All analyzed files must exist in the build specification generated by kwinject.
Note: All files to be analyzed must exist in the build specification.
If using Git, provide the previous commit that Git should perform a "diff" against. The change list between the current commit and the specified previous commit will be added to the diff file list for Klocwork to process by automatically calling "git diff <previous_commit>" during the build. Note: If you are using Git jenkins plugin to obtain source files for you pipeline job be sure to use 'Pipeline script from SCM' and specify the previous commit with the environment variable, 'GIT_PREVIOUS_COMMIT'. Also be aware that the first build in the job won't be able to access GIT_PREVIOUS_COMMIT and the first build will run full CI analysis.
If you are not using Git, or want to manually generate the change list by using Git, select this option. You will need to generate the diff file list by using a custom build-step (or similar). List one changed source file on each line of the file.
diffType : String
gitPreviousCommit : String
diffFileList : String
$class: 'KlocworkServerAnalysisBuilder'
buildSpec : String
tablesDir : String
incrementalAnalysis : boolean
ignoreCompileErrors : boolean
importConfig : String
additionalOpts : String
disableKwdeploy : boolean
duplicateFrom : String
enabledCreateProject : boolean
$class: 'KlocworkServerLoadBuilder'
tablesDir : String
buildName : String
additionalOpts : String
displayChart : boolean
chartHeight : String
chartWidth : String
query : String
$class: 'KlocworkXSyncBuilder'
dryRun : boolean
lastSync : String
projectRegexp : String
statusAnalyze : boolean
statusIgnore : boolean
statusNotAProblem : boolean
statusFix : boolean
statusFixInNextRelease : boolean
statusFixInLaterRelease : boolean
statusDefer : boolean
statusFilter : boolean
additionalOpts : String
$class: 'KojiBuilder'
kojiBuild : String
kojiTarget : String
kojiPackage : String
kojiOptions : String
kojiTask : String
kojiScratchBuild : boolean
kojiScmUrl : String
allowNodeRedefinition : boolean
apiKeyCredentialsId : String
The ID of the credentials entry that contains the API key.
This parameter is optional; the API key may also be provided through "API options", however this method is preferred.
If provided, then this credentials entry must either be of type "text" or "file". In the latter case, the file is read as-is and the resultant string is used as the API credentials.
apiKeyFile : String
Path to file, relative to the Jenkins workspace, containing the API key.
This parameter is optional, as the API key may be provided by other means.
caCert : String
credentialsId : String
The ID of the credentials to use when accessing Cloudify. Parameters' expansion is supported when using freestyle jobs.
debugOutput : boolean
java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.Object>
definitionAsString : String
definitionFile : String
deploymentId : String
ID to assign to the created Cloudify deployment. If not provided, one will be randomly generated. You can obtain the deployment ID from the "environment data" output file.
echoEnvData : boolean
If checked, then the created environment's data will be printed to the job's log.
echoInputs : boolean
envDataLocation : String
Path to a file that will contain the created environment's data. If not provided, the environment data won't be written.
gcpCredentialsFile : String
A YAML/JSON file containing GCP service account details, to use for authentication against GCP.
This parameter is optional, and is only relevant for authenticating against GCP.
If provided, it should follow the same layout as described in the "GCP Credentials ID" parameter.
gcpCredentialsId : String
The ID of the credentials to be used for authentication against GCP.
This parameter is optional, and is only relevant for authenticating against GCP.
If provided, it should be the ID of either a string-type or file-type credentials entry, with the standard GCP service account YAML/JSON syntax:
{ "type": "...", "project_id": "...", "private_key_id": "...", "private_key": "...", "client_email": "...", "client_id": "...", "auth_uri": "...", "token_uri": "...", "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "...", "client_x509_cert_url": "..." }
k8sDebug : boolean
k8sMaster : String
namespace : String
value in the options
field, if exists.
java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.Object>
optionsAsString : String
optionsFile : String
skipSslVerification : boolean
sslCertFile : String
sslKeyFile : String
tenant : String
validateStatus : boolean
cluster : String
clusterName : String
credentialsId : String
location : String
manifestPattern : String
namespace : String
projectId : String
verboseLogging : boolean
verifyDeployments : boolean
verifyServices : boolean
verifyTimeoutInMinutes : int
zone : String
project : String
test : String
actionOnErrors : String
actionOnWarnings : String
executorVersion : String
generateMHT : boolean
generatePDF : boolean
timeout : String
useTimeout : boolean
class hudson.util.Secret
dependencymanager : String
deploymentstage : String
deploymentversion : String
hostname : String
jobresultchoice : String
lxmanifestpath : String
mavensettingspath : String
useleanixconnector : boolean
customFlags : String
Specify any desired command-line flags to be passed to the Lacework scanner.
fixableOnly : boolean
Whether the build step should only return information for fixable vulnerabilities.
imageName : String
imageTag : String
noPull : boolean
Whether the build step should attempt to pull container images that don't exist locally.
evaluatePolicies : boolean
Whether the build step should evaluate against policies which are assigned in the Lacework platform.
saveToLacework : boolean
Whether the build step should save assessment results to the Lacework platform.
disableLibraryPackageScanning : boolean
Whether the build step should disable scanning of programming language libraries.
showEvaluationExceptions : boolean
Whether the build step should display evaluation exceptions.
tags : String
Specify any desired tags, in JSON key/value format, to be assigned to the Lacework scanner assessment.
awsRegion : String
functionName : String
eventSourceArn : String
awsAccessKeyId : String
awsSecretKey : String
functionAlias : String
useInstanceCredentials : boolean
awsRegion : String
functionName : String
synchronous : boolean
awsAccessKeyId : String
awsSecretKey : String
envVarName : String
jsonPath : String
payload : String
useInstanceCredentials : boolean
awsRegion : String
functionARN : String
functionAlias : String
versionDescription : String
awsAccessKeyId : String
awsSecretKey : String
useInstanceCredentials : boolean
awsRegion : String
functionName : String
updateMode : String
alias : String
artifactLocation : String
awsAccessKeyId : String
awsSecretKey : String
createAlias : boolean
deadLetterQueueArn : String
description : String
enableDeadLetterQueue : boolean
key : String
value : String
configureEnvironment : boolean
kmsArn : String
handler : String
memorySize : String
publish : boolean
role : String
runtime : String
securityGroups : String
subnets : String
timeout : String
useInstanceCredentials : boolean
$class: 'LeapworkJenkinsBridgeBuilder'
leapworkHostname : String
leapworkPort : String
leapworkAccessKey : String
leapworkSchNames : String
leapworkSchIds : String
leapworkDelay : String
leapworkTimeout : String
leapworkDoneStatusAs : String
leapworkReport : String
leapworkWritePassedFlowKeyFrames : boolean
leapworkEnableHttps : boolean
leapworkScheduleVariables : String
$class: 'LeiningenBuilder'
task : String
subdirPath : String
Check ecu.test license.
Pipelines usage:checkETLicense(String toolName) : void
toolName : String
name : String
home : String
? extends<?>
timeout : String
file : String
name : String
dotnet list package
command provides a convenient option to list all NuGet package references for a specific project or a solution. You first need to build the project in order to have the assets needed for this command to process.
charset : String
config : String
, --deprecated
or --vulnerable
continueOnError : boolean
, if configured that way), but the build will be allowed to continue. Otherwise, any such errors will cause the build to be terminated immediately.
deprecated : boolean
or --outdated
framework : String
frameworks : Array / List of String
frameworksString : String
highestMinor : boolean
highestPatch : boolean
includePrerelease : boolean
includeTransitive : boolean
outdated : boolean
or --vulnerable
project : String
sdk : String
will be in the path.
With .NETelement (or a
block in a pipeline script) to specify one, or ensure this step runs on a node that has a .NET SDK installed and in the path.
showSdkInfo : boolean
dotnet --info
will be executed before the main command. This shows a list of available SDKs and runtimes, indicating which one is currently being used.
source : String
sources : Array / List of String
sourcesString : String
>, --deprecated
> or --vulnerable
> option.
specificSdkVersion : boolean
executable may use the most recent SDK available on the system, even when PATH
is set up to find an older SDK deployment first; see this page for more information.
file will be created in the current directory, referencing that SDK version and disabling roll-forward.
already present in the current directory.
verbosity : String
vulnerable : boolean
or --outdated
workDirectory : String
$class: 'LoadImpactTestRunTask'
apiTokenId : String
loadTestId : int
criteriaDelayValue : int
criteriaDelayUnit : String
criteriaDelayQueueSize : int
abortAtFailure : boolean
metric : String
operator : String
value : int
result : String
pollInterval : int
logHttp : boolean
logJson : boolean
$class: 'LoadNinjaBuilder'
apiKey : String
scenarioId : String
errorPassCriteria : String
durationPassCriteria : String
testId : String
credentialsId : String
credentialsId : String
projectId : String
testId : String
$class: 'LoadtestBuilder'
environmentShortName : String
authToken : String
presetName : String
loadtestScenario : String
metricType : String
evaluationDirection : String
numericValue : double
dotnet nuget locals
command clears or lists local NuGet resources in the http-request cache, temporary cache, or machine-wide global packages folder.
cacheLocation : String
: Indicates that the specified operation is applied to all cache types: http-request cache, global packages cache, and the temporary
: Indicates that the specified operation is applied only to the global packages cache. The other cache locations aren't affected.http-cache
: Indicates that the specified operation is applied only to the http-request cache. The other cache locations aren't affected.temp
: Indicates that the specified operation is applied only to the temporary cache. The other cache locations aren't affected.charset : String
continueOnError : boolean
, if configured that way), but the build will be allowed to continue. Otherwise, any such errors will cause the build to be terminated immediately.
forceEnglishOutput : boolean
operation : String
: The contents of the cache directories are deleted recursively. The executing user/group must have permission to the files in the cache directories. If not, an error is displayed indicating the files/folders that weren't cleared.list
: Displays the path to the specified cache location.sdk : String
will be in the path.
With .NETelement (or a
block in a pipeline script) to specify one, or ensure this step runs on a node that has a .NET SDK installed and in the path.
showSdkInfo : boolean
dotnet --info
will be executed before the main command. This shows a list of available SDKs and runtimes, indicating which one is currently being used.
specificSdkVersion : boolean
executable may use the most recent SDK available on the system, even when PATH
is set up to find an older SDK deployment first; see this page for more information.
file will be created in the current directory, referencing that SDK version and disabling roll-forward.
already present in the current directory.
workDirectory : String
$class: 'LoginBuilder'
credentialsId : String
hubUrl : String
restApiKeyId : String
environmentId : String
applicationId : String
apiBaseUrl : String
appBaseUrl : String
continueOnMablError : boolean
continueOnPlanFailure : boolean
disableSslVerification : boolean
labels : String
mablBranch : String
$class: 'MailCommandBuilder'
POP3 mail server address | Set POP3 mail server's hostname or ip address. |
POP3 mail server port | Set POP3 mail server's port. Default value is 110. |
POP3 User Name | Set POP3 mail server's user account. |
POP3 Password | Set POP3 mail server's password. |
address : String
port : String
username : String
password : String
$class: 'MakeAppTouchTestable'
url : String
cloudTestServerID : String
inputType : String
projectFile : String
target : String
launchURL : String
backupModifiedFiles : boolean
additionalOptions : String
javaOptions : String
$class: 'ManageInstance'
cloud : String
workspace : String
? extends
targets : String
name : String
pom : String
properties : String
# comment name1=value1 name2=value2These are passed to Maven like
"-Dname1=value1 -Dname2=value2"
jvmOptions : String
usePrivateRepository : boolean
file contains elements used to define values which configure Maven execution in various ways, like the pom.xml
, but should not be bundled to any specific project, or distributed to an audience. These include values such as the local repository location, alternate remote repository servers, and authentication information.
file per default may live:
see also: settings.xml
) as set on build node.
file. Such a file is checked out from SCM as part of the job or a well known location.
path : String
$class: 'MvnSettingsProvider'
settingsConfigId : String
) as set on build node.
$class: 'FilePathGlobalSettingsProvider'
file from job workspace. Such a file is checked out from SCM as part of the job or a well known location.
path : String
$class: 'MvnGlobalSettingsProvider'
settingsConfigId : String
injectBuildVariables : boolean
$class: 'Maven3Builder'
mavenName : String
rootPom : String
goals : String
mavenOpts : String
useWrapper : boolean
applicationName : String
applicationVersion : String
applicationComponent : String
reportPath : String
$class: 'MavenDeploymentDownloader'
projectName : String
filePattern : String
permaLink : String
targetDir : String
stripVersion : boolean
stripVersionPattern : String
failIfNoArtifact : boolean
cleanTargetDir : boolean
$class: 'MavenSealightsBuildStep'
buildSessionId : String
appName : String
moduleName : String
branch : String
enableMultipleBuildFiles : boolean
overrideJars : boolean
multipleBuildFiles : boolean
labId : String
testStage : String
packagesIncluded : String
packagesExcluded : String
filesIncluded : String
filesExcluded : String
classLoadersExcluded : String
recursive : boolean
workspacepath : String
buildScannerJar : String
testListenerJar : String
testListenerConfigFile : String
autoRestoreBuildFile : boolean
sealightsMavenPluginInstallationArguments : String
buildFilesPatterns : String
buildFilesFolders : String
logEnabled : boolean
logFolder : String
slMvnPluginVersion : String
$class: 'DefaultBuildName'
$class: 'EmptyBuildName'
$class: 'LatestBuildName'
$class: 'ManualBuildName'
insertedBuildName : String
$class: 'UpstreamBuildName'
upstreamProjectName : String
override_customerId : String
override_url : String
override_proxy : String
additionalArguments : String
Argument name | Description |
token | The token provided to you by SeaLights (override the global 'token' value for this build). |
tokenfile | A file containing the token provided to you by SeaLights (override the global 'token' value for this build). |
buildsessionidfile | Set build session id file for this build. |
createbuildsessionid | When set to 'true' - forces SeaLights Maven Plugin to create new build session id (true by default). |
proxy | A valid URL to a proxy server. |
agentpath | Override the path to SeaLights jar. |
javapath | Override the path to the 'java' variable (default is 'java'). |
filesstorage | A folder where sealights files for this build will be kept (override the global 'Files storage' value for this build). |
sealightsJvmParams | Key value pairs of environments variables which will be added to both buildscanner and test listener ('$$$'- separated pairs, ':'- separated key and value. i.e: sealightsJvmParams=param:value$$$anotherparam:anothervalue) |
buildScannerParams | Key value pairs of environments variables which will be added to buildscanner ('$$$'- separated pairs, ':'- separated key and value. i.e: buildScannerParams=param:value$$$anotherparam:anothervalue) |
testListenerJvmParams | Key value pairs of environments variables which will be added to test listener ('$$$'- separated pairs, ':'- separated key and value i.e: testListenerJvmParams=param:value$$$anotherparam:anothervalue) |
includeResources : boolean
$class: 'DisableSealightsView'
targets : String
$class: 'InvokeMavenCommandView'
targets : String
$class: 'OffView'
$class: 'PrepareSealightsView'
additionalMavenArguments : String
name : String
pom : String
properties : String
# comment name1=value1 name2=value2These are passed to Maven like "-Dname1=value1 -Dname2=value2"
jvmOptions : String
usePrivateRepository : boolean
file contains elements used to define values which configure Maven execution in various ways, like the pom.xml
, but should not be bundled to any specific project, or distributed to an audience. These include values such as the local repository location, alternate remote repository servers, and authentication information.
file per default may live:
see also: settings.xml
) as set on build node.
file. Such a file is checked out from SCM as part of the job or a well known location.
path : String
$class: 'MvnSettingsProvider'
settingsConfigId : String
) as set on build node.
$class: 'FilePathGlobalSettingsProvider'
file from job workspace. Such a file is checked out from SCM as part of the job or a well known location.
path : String
$class: 'MvnGlobalSettingsProvider'
settingsConfigId : String
check : boolean
pomFiles : String
excludePomFiles : String
$class: 'MdtoolSolutionBuilder'
installationName : String
solutionPath : String
value : String
value : String
value : String
value : String
VMs : int
androidCompileSdkVersion : String
androidGradleTasks : String
androidGradleVersion : String
androidManifest : String
androidMinSdkVersion : String
androidTargetSdkVersion : String
androidTestPackageName : String
clazzFolders : String
cleanGoal : String
clearMockitoCaches : boolean
commitDiff : int
createDefaultConstructor : boolean
credentialsId : String
directlyMeasureKieker : boolean
displayLogs : boolean
displayRCALogs : boolean
displayRTSLogs : boolean
excludeByRule : String
excludeForTracing : String
excludeLog4jSlf4jImpl : boolean
excludeLog4jToSlf4j : boolean
excludes : String
executeBeforeClassInMeasurement : boolean
executeParallel : boolean
executeRCA : boolean
failOnRtsError : boolean
generateCoverageSelection : boolean
generateTwiceExecutability : boolean
importLogSizeInMb : int
includeByRule : String
includes : String
iterations : int
kiekerQueueSize : long
kiekerWaitTime : int
linearizeHistory : boolean
measureJMH : boolean
nightlyBuild : boolean
onlyMeasureWorkload : boolean
onlyOneCallRecording : boolean
pl : String
properties : String
redirectSubprocessOutputToFile : boolean
redirectToNull : boolean
removeSnapshots : boolean
repetitions : int
showStart : boolean
significanceLevel : double
testClazzFolders : String
testExecutor : String
testGoal : String
testTransformer : String
timeout : long
traceSizeInMb : int
updateSnapshotDependencies : boolean
useAggregation : boolean
useAlternativeBuildfile : boolean
useAnbox : boolean
useGC : boolean
useSourceInstrumentation : boolean
warmup : int
writeAsZip : boolean
xmx : String
$class: 'MendCnScannerBuilder'
userEmail : String
class hudson.util.Secret
mendUrl : String
repoNames : String
$class: 'MergebaseStepBuilder'
projectName : String
severityThreshold : String
mbScanPath : String
scanAll : boolean
debugMode : boolean
jsonOutput : boolean
killBuild : boolean
url : String
apiKey : String
Specify Redmine API Key which can be found in Redmine's [My Account] -> API access key
If can't find "API access key", Redmine admin needs to enable a setting. "Administration > Settings > Authentication > Enable REST web service".
projectName : String
Specify Redmine Project's Identifier which you want to generate report for, use Identifier not Name in the Redmine project setting page.
customQueryId : int
sprintSize : int
Specify the time span(day). e.g.: if you want to generate report on a weekly basis you should specify 7.
$class: 'MicroDocsChecker'
microDocsReportFile : String
microDocsProjectName : String
microDocsGroupName : String
microDocsEnvironments : String
microDocsSourceFolder : String
microDocsFailBuild : boolean
microDocsPublish : boolean
microDocsNotifyPullRequest : boolean
bucket : String
includes : String
credentialsId : String
excludes : String
host : String
targetFolder : String
bucket : String
files : String
credentialsId : String
failOnNonExisting : boolean
host : String
bucket : String
file : String
credentialsId : String
excludes : String
failOnNonExisting : boolean
host : String
targetFolder : String
$class: 'MobileStudioTestBuilder'
mobileStudioRunnerPath : String
testPath : String
msgServer : String
deviceId : String
projectRoot : String
testAsUnit : boolean
$class: 'MockLoadBuilder'
. There will be a JUnit test report with the file name mock-junit.xml
. Approximately 5% of the time, the build will "fail" its tests and thus no artifacts will be generated.
averageDuration : long
$class: 'ModelBuilder'
minBufferSize : String
hubUrls : String
$class: 'MonitorRemoteJobBuilder'
hostName : String
jobName : String
timeBefore : String
userName : String
password : String
useSSL : boolean
$class: 'MonkeyBuilder'
filename : String
packageId : String
eventCount : int
throttleMs : int
seed : String
categories : String
extraParameters : String
msBuildName : String
msBuildFile : String
Give the .proj or .sln file from the module root (SCM root directory or workspace directory) that MSBuild will use to build.
You can use build variables through the syntax ${var}.
cmdLineArgs : String
This is a whitespace separated-list of command-line arguments you can specify. These can be the same as if you were to run MSBuild from the command line.
buildVariablesAsProperties : boolean
If set to true, Jenkins build variables will be passed to MSBuild as /p:name=value pairs.
Beware : Sensitive build variables such as passwords will not be added.
continueOnBuildFailure : boolean
If set to true, Job will continue despite MSBuild build failure.
unstableIfWarnings : boolean
If set to true and warnings on compilation, the build will be unstable.
doNotUseChcpCommand : boolean
$class: 'MsBuildSQRunnerBegin'
additionalArguments : String
msBuildScannerInstallationName : String
projectKey : String
projectName : String
projectVersion : String
sonarInstallationName : String
$class: 'MsBuildSQRunnerEnd'
$class: 'MsTestBuilder'
msTestName : String
testFiles : String
Specify the path to your MSTest compiled assemblies.
You can specify multiple test assemblies by separating them with new-line.
You can use either relative path to the workspace or full path. Spaces in the path are allowed.
You can use Ant-style filters. i.e - foo/*, foo/**/bar.dll, foo/*.dll
Command Line Argument: /testcontainer
categories : String
Optional field, if you do not enter all test will run. If entered specify the test categories to run. You can use logical operators like:
Cateogry Filter | Result |
Priority1 | Any test with category Priority1 |
Priority1&SpeedTest | Test that have both Priority1 and SpeedTest categories |
Priority1|SpeedTest | Tests that have either Priority1 or SpeedTest categories |
Priority1&!SpeedTest | Test that have Priority1 category and also do not have SpeedTest category. |
Command Line Argument: /category
resultFile : String
Specify name of the result file to create. The result file will be delete before each run and will be created relative to the workspace directory.
Command Line Argument: /resultsfile
cmdLineArgs : String
continueOnFail : boolean
Specify if the build should fail if a test fail (unchecked) or continue even if a test failed (checked).
failIfNoTests : boolean
Specify if the build should fail if no test files are found.
$class: 'MultiJobBuilder'
phaseName : String
jobName : String
jobAlias : String
jobProperties : String
currParams : boolean
$class: 'BooleanParameters'
name : String
value : boolean
$class: 'CurrentBuildParameters'
$class: 'FileBuildParameters'
propertiesFile : String
encoding : String
failTriggerOnMissing : boolean
useMatrixChild : boolean
combinationFilter : String
onlyExactRuns : boolean
textParamValueOnNewLine : boolean
$class: 'GeneratorCurrentParameters'
$class: 'GitRevisionBuildParameters'
combineQueuedCommits : boolean
$class: 'MatrixSubsetBuildParameters'
filter : String
See the "Combination Filter" field in a matrix project configuration page for more details about the environment the script runs in, examples, and so on.
What you specify here gets expanded by variables of the triggering build, which allows you to dynamically control the subset of the triggered job. For example, if you trigger job BAR from FOO with label=="${TARGET}" in the filter, and if FOO defines the TARGET variable and FOO #1 sets TARGET to be linux, then the triggered BAR #3 will only select the subset of combinations where label=="linux" holds true.
Note that the variable expansion follows the ${varname} syntax used throughout in Jenkins, which collides with Groovy string inline expression syntax. However, Jenkins variable expansion leaves undefined variables as-is, so most of the time your Groovy string line expression syntax will survive the expansion, get passed to Groovy as-is, and work as expected. If you do need to escape '$', use '$$'.
$class: 'NodeLabelBuildParameter'
name : String
nodeLabel : String
$class: 'NodeParameters'
$class: 'PredefinedBuildParameters'
properties : String
textParamValueOnNewLine : boolean
$class: 'PredefinedGeneratorParameters'
properties : String
$class: 'SubversionRevisionBuildParameters'
includeUpstreamParameters : boolean
disableJob : boolean
enableRetryStrategy : boolean
parsingRulesPath : String
maxRetries : int
enableCondition : boolean
abortAllJob : boolean
condition : String
buildOnlyIfSCMChanges : boolean
applyConditionOnlyIfNoSCMChanges : boolean
aggregatedTestResults : boolean
quietPeriodGroovy : String
$class: 'MystBuilder'
mystAction : String
config : String
mystWorkspace : String
properties : String
mystInstallationName : String
ncScanType : String
ncWebsiteId : String
ncProfileId : String
ncDoNotFail : boolean
ncReportType : String
credentialsId : String
ncAbortScan : boolean
ncApiToken : Object
ncConfirmed : boolean
ncIgnoreFalsePositive : boolean
ncIgnoreRiskAccepted : boolean
ncServerURL : String
ncSeverity : String
ncStopScan : boolean
pHost : String
pPassword : String
pPort : String
pUser : String
useProxy : boolean
$class: 'NISConnection'
viewUrl : String
address : String
port : int
prozent : int
command : String
workspaceSubdirectory : String
validateDnsUrlConnection : boolean
apiUrl : String
group : String
binaryName : String
description : String
waitForResults : boolean
waitMinutes : int
breakBuildOnScore : boolean
scoreThreshold : int
apiKey : String
useBuildEndpoint : boolean
artifactsDir : String
debug : boolean
password : String
proxyEnabled : boolean
showStatusMessages : boolean
stopTestsForStatusMessage : String
username : String
validateDnsUrlConnectionEnabled : boolean
$class: 'NSiqBuilder'
srcDir : String
fileFilter : String
$class: 'NantBuilder'
nantBuildFile : String
nantName : String
targets : String
properties : String
$class: 'NeoBuildAction'
executable : String
/opt/NeoLoad 6.5/bin/NeoLoadCmd
, C:\Program Files\NeoLoad 6.5\bin\NeoLoadCmd.exe
or /Applications/NeoLoad 6.5/bin/NeoLoadCmd
projectType : String
reportType : String
localProjectFile : String
, C:\neoload_projects\JenkinsExample\JenkinsExample.nlp
or /Users/ajohnson/neoload_projects/JenkinsExample/JenkinsExample.nlp
or C:\neoload_projects\JenkinsExample\JenkinsExample.yaml
sharedProjectName : String
scenarioName : String
htmlReport : String
xmlReport : String
pdfReport : String
junitReport : String
scanAllBuilds : boolean
displayTheGUI : boolean
testResultName : String
$Date{hh:mm - dd MMM yyyy}
is replaced by the current date by NeoLoad and the value ${BUILD_NUMBER}
is replaced by the current build number by Jenkins.
$Date{hh:mm - dd MMM yyyy} (build $${BUILD_NUMBER})
testDescription : String
licenseType : String
licenseVUCount : String
licenseVUSAPCount : String
licenseDuration : String
customCommandLineOptions : String
publishTestResults : boolean
uniqueID : String
url : String
loginUser : String
class hudson.util.Secret
label : String
uniqueID : String
url : String
loginUser : String
class hudson.util.Secret
label : String
collabPath : String
licenseID : String
showTrendAverageResponse : boolean
showTrendErrorRate : boolean
name : String
path : String
statistic : String
maxTrends : int
$class: 'NerrvanaPlugin'
settingsXmlString : String
loglevel : String
$class: 'NetStormBuilder'
URLConnectionString : String
username : String
password : Object
project : String
subProject : String
scenario : String
testMode : String
baselineType : String
pollInterval : String
profile : String
generateReport : boolean
doNotWaitForTestCompletion : boolean
rampupDuration : String
skipSSLCertCheck : boolean
skipSSLHostCheck : boolean
protocol : String
repoIp : String
repoPort : String
repoPath : String
repoUsername : String
repoPassword : String
script : String
page : String
advanceSett : String
urlHeader : String
hiddenBox : String
gitPull : String
testProfileBox : String
totalusers : String
rampUpSec : String
rampupmin : String
rampuphour : String
duration : String
serverhost : String
sla : String
testName : String
scriptPath : String
emailid : String
emailidCC : String
emailidBcc : String
testsuite : String
dataDir : String
checkRuleFileUpload : String
repository : String
registrySelection : String
controllerEndpointUrlSelection : String
Select a Controller Endpoint URL from the dropdown menu, identified by its nickname. Add new Controller Endpoint URLs in the Global Settings
Note: This setting is not applicable in standalone mode.
nameOfVulnerabilityToExemptFour : String
nameOfVulnerabilityToExemptOne : String
nameOfVulnerabilityToExemptThree : String
nameOfVulnerabilityToExemptTwo : String
nameOfVulnerabilityToFailFour : String
nameOfVulnerabilityToFailOne : String
nameOfVulnerabilityToFailThree : String
nameOfVulnerabilityToFailTwo : String
numberOfHighSeverityToFail : String
numberOfMediumSeverityToFail : String
scanLayers : boolean
scanTimeout : int
sendReportToController : boolean
standaloneScanner : boolean
tag : String
$class: 'NexusArtifactUploader'
nexusVersion : String
protocol : String
nexusUrl : String
groupId : String
version : String
repository : String
credentialsId : String
artifactId : String
type : String
classifier : String
file : String
Delete App in Environment
Deletes the specified application from the specified environment.
Deploy App in Environment
Deploys the specified application from catalog to specified application.
Update App in Catalog
Updates the specified application in specified catalog.
Update App in Environment
Updates the specified application in specified environment.
endpoint : String
apikey : String
environment : String
application : String
timeout : int
endpoint : String
apikey : String
environment : String
application : String
timeout : int
catalog : String
directories : String
includescheck : boolean
includes : String
excludescheck : boolean
excludes : String
deployType : String
endpoint : String
apikey : String
catalog : String
timeout : int
directories : String
includescheck : boolean
includes : String
excludescheck : boolean
excludes : String
endpoint : String
apikey : String
environment : String
application : String
timeout : int
directories : String
includescheck : boolean
includes : String
excludescheck : boolean
excludes : String
command : String
nodeJSInstallationName : String
configId : String
$class: 'NopmdCheckPublisher'
pattern : String
excludePattern : String
body : String
$class: 'NotifyEventsBuilder'
token : String
title : String
message : String
priority : String
level : String
attachBuildLog : boolean
attachment : String
$class: 'NouvolaBuilder'
planID : String
apiKey : String
credsPass : String
waitTime : String
returnURL : String
listenTimeOut : String
$class: 'NucleiBuilder'
targetUrl : String
additionalFlags : String
nuclei --help
or visit:nucleiVersion : String
reportingConfiguration : String
$class: 'OOBuildStep'
ooServer : String
basepath : String
Default path: /Library
E.g.: Library/Tutorials/subflows/ Library/Templates
selectedFlow : String
name : String
value : String
retVariableToCheck : String
comparisonOrdinal : int
valueToCompareWith : String
desiredResultType : String
stepExecutionTimeout : String
xxx ms
. The plugin will wait for this amount of time, then it will finish the Jenkins job and it will automatically put the build in the fail/unstable state.
runName : String
waitForResults : boolean
apiKey : String
JsonCredentials : String
filePath : String
title : String
scanProfile : String
platform : String
waitMinutes : int
breakBuildOnScore : boolean
name : String
value : String
waitingForResults : boolean
$class: 'Oak9Builder'
orgId : String
projectId : String
projectEnvironmentId : String
credentialsId : String
maxSeverity : int
baseUrl : String
pollingTimeoutSeconds : int
$class: 'OctoperfBuilder'
credentialsId : String
workspaceId : String
projectId : String
scenarioId : String
testName : String
Name of the test. Leave empty to take scenario's name by default.
? extends org.jenkinsci.plugins.octoperf.conditions.TestStopCondition
toolId : String
packageId : String
packageFormat : String
sourcePath : String
additionalArgs : String
includePaths : String
outputPath : String
overwriteExisting : boolean
packageVersion : String
verboseLogging : boolean
serverId : String
spaceId : String
toolId : String
packageId : String
packageVersion : String
commentParser : String
, OverwriteExisting
, IgnoreIfExists
additionalArgs : String
gitBranch : String
gitCommit : String
gitUrl : String
verboseLogging : boolean
serverId : String
toolId : String
packagePaths : String
, OverwriteExisting
, IgnoreIfExists
additionalArgs : String
spaceId : String
verboseLogging : boolean
projectId : String
resourcesPath : String
$class: 'OntrackDSLStep'
value : String
scriptPath : String
scriptText : String
sandbox : boolean
injectEnvironment : String
) to bind as variables into the script.
For example, if you set this field to BUILD_NUMBER
, you can access the BUILD_NUMBER
value from the script using:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', '1.0').build("1.0-${BUILD_NUMBER}", '')
injectProperties : String
You can define variables to inject into the script by using a property-like format.
For example, the following text:
would inject the corresponding BRANCH
variables in the script:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', BRANCH).build(VERSION, "Build ${VERSION}")
In the text:
name = value
are ignored${VAR}
are expanded using VAR
from the current environment variables.ontrackLog : boolean
ignoreFailure : boolean
$class: 'OpenShiftBuildVerifier'
apiURL : String
bldCfg : String
namespace : String
authToken : String
verbose : String
checkForTriggeredDeployments : String
waitTime : String
waitUnit : String
$class: 'OpenShiftBuilder'
apiURL : String
bldCfg : String
namespace : String
name : String
value : String
authToken : String
verbose : String
commitID : String
buildName : String
showBuildLogs : String
checkForTriggeredDeployments : String
waitTime : String
waitUnit : String
$class: 'OpenShiftCreator'
apiURL : String
namespace : String
authToken : String
verbose : String
jsonyaml : String
$class: 'OpenShiftDeleterJsonYaml'
apiURL : String
namespace : String
authToken : String
verbose : String
jsonyaml : String
$class: 'OpenShiftDeleterLabels'
apiURL : String
namespace : String
authToken : String
verbose : String
types : String
keys : String
values : String
$class: 'OpenShiftDeleterList'
apiURL : String
namespace : String
authToken : String
verbose : String
types : String
keys : String
$class: 'OpenShiftDeployer'
apiURL : String
depCfg : String
namespace : String
authToken : String
verbose : String
waitTime : String
waitUnit : String
$class: 'OpenShiftDeploymentVerifier'
apiURL : String
depCfg : String
namespace : String
replicaCount : String
authToken : String
verbose : String
verifyReplicaCount : String
waitTime : String
waitUnit : String
$class: 'OpenShiftExec'
apiURL : String
namespace : String
authToken : String
verbose : String
pod : String
container : String
command : String
value : String
waitTime : String
waitUnit : String
$class: 'OpenShiftImageTagger'
apiURL : String
testTag : String
prodTag : String
namespace : String
authToken : String
verbose : String
testStream : String
prodStream : String
destinationNamespace : String
destinationAuthToken : String
alias : String
$class: 'OpenShiftScaler'
apiURL : String
depCfg : String
namespace : String
replicaCount : String
authToken : String
verbose : String
verifyReplicaCount : String
waitTime : String
waitUnit : String
$class: 'OpenShiftServiceVerifier'
apiURL : String
svcName : String
namespace : String
authToken : String
verbose : String
$class: 'OrchestratorBuilder'
serverUrl : String
userName : String
password : String
tenant : String
workflowName : String
waitExec : boolean
name : String
type : String
value : String
This step maps outputs and capabilities, of an environment created by Cloudify, into inputs of another deployment.
This step takes two inputs:
The format of the mapping JSON is as follows:
{ "outputs": { "<output_name>": "<input_name>", "<output_name>": "<input_name>", ... }, "capabilities": { "<capability_name>": "<input_name>", "<capability_name>": "<input_name>", ... } }
At the end, a file will be generated, containing a JSON compatible with Cloudify's standard "Deployment Inputs" structure, namely:
{ "<input_name>": "<intput_value>", "<input_name>": "<intput_value>", ...
For example, if the "outputs file" is as follows:
{ "outputs": { "endpoint": "", "username": "centos" }, "capabilities": { "public_key": "/tmp/public_key" } }
And the mapping is as follows:
{ "outputs": { "username": "app_username" }, "capabilities": { "public_key": "app_data" } }
Then the resultant inputs file will be as follows:
{ "app_username": "centos", "app_data": "/tmp/public_key" }
credentialsId : String
inputsLocation : String
Path to the inputs file to be created.
mapping : String
A JSON containing mapping between outputs/capabilities and inputs. For information about the structure, refer to the tooltip of this build step.
mappingLocation : String
A JSON containing mapping between outputs/capabilities and inputs. For information about the structure, refer to the tooltip of this build step.
outputsLocation : String
Location of the outputs JSON file, containing outputs and capabilities of another deployment. The file must be in the following format:
{ "outputs": { "<output_name>": "<output_value>", "<output_name>": "<output_value>", ... }, "capabilities": { "<capability_name>": "<capability_value>", "<capability_name>": "<capability_value>", ... } }
tenant : String
Cloudify tenant to operate on. If left empty, then the default tenant (defined in the plugin's configuration page) will be used.
integrationId : String
branchName : String
appPath : String
dotnet pack
command builds the project and creates NuGet packages. The result of this command is a NuGet package (that is, a .nupkg file).
charset : String
configuration : String
, but you can override the build configuration settings in your project.
continueOnError : boolean
, if configured that way), but the build will be allowed to continue. Otherwise, any such errors will cause the build to be terminated immediately.
force : boolean
includeSource : boolean
folder within the symbols package.
includeSymbols : boolean
noBuild : boolean
noDependencies : boolean
noRestore : boolean
nologo : boolean
option : String
options : Array / List of String
optionsString : String
outputDirectory : String
project : String
java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String>
propertiesString : String
runtime : String
sdk : String
will be in the path.
With .NETelement (or a
block in a pipeline script) to specify one, or ensure this step runs on a node that has a .NET SDK installed and in the path.
showSdkInfo : boolean
dotnet --info
will be executed before the main command. This shows a list of available SDKs and runtimes, indicating which one is currently being used.
shutDownBuildServers : boolean
dotnet build-server shutdown
will be executed after the main command, shutting down build servers that may have been started.
hanguntil those server processes end. As such, it's recommended to specify this for the last .NET-related step in a job. If using multiple SDKs, each needs its own shutdown (e.g. the .NET Core 3.1 SDK will not shut down build servers from the .NET 5.0 SDK).
specificSdkVersion : boolean
executable may use the most recent SDK available on the system, even when PATH
is set up to find an older SDK deployment first; see this page for more information.
file will be created in the current directory, referencing that SDK version and disabling roll-forward.
already present in the current directory.
unstableIfErrors : boolean
unstableIfWarnings : boolean
verbosity : String
versionSuffix : String
MSBuild property in the project.
workDirectory : String
initialUrl : String
urlsWhiteList : String
pageCount : int
rule : String
complianceMinimum : float
allowSimultaneousLogins : boolean
loginFlowJson : String
useRunner : boolean
fetchResponseTimeout : int
$class: 'ParameterPoolBuilder'
projects : String
name : String
values : String
preferError : boolean
$class: 'PartialReleaseMgrSuccessfulBuilder'
serverAndPort : String
pcServerName : String
credentialsId : String
almDomain : String
almProject : String
testId : String
testInstanceId : String
autoTestInstanceID : String
timeslotDurationHours : String
timeslotDurationMinutes : String
vudsMode : boolean
statusBySLA : boolean
description : String
addRunToTrendReport : String
trendReportId : String
HTTPSProtocol : boolean
proxyOutURL : String
credentialsProxyId : String
retry : String
retryDelay : String
retryOccurrences : String
authenticateWithToken : boolean
description : String
pcServerName : String
httpsProtocol : boolean
credentialsId : String
almDomain : String
almProject : String
serverAndPort : String
proxyOutURL : String
credentialsProxyId : String
subjectTestPlan : String
, NO
Parameter | Description | Required |
controller |
Defines the Controller to be used during the test run (it must be an available host in the project). If not specified, a Controller will be chosen from the different controllers available in the project.
From Performance Center 12.62 and plugin version 1.1.1, the option to provision a Controller as a Docker image is available by specifying the value "Elastic" and providing a value for the 'controller_elastic_configuration' parameter (see 'controller_elastic_configuration' table below).
No |
lg_amount | Number of load generators to allocate to the test (every group in the test will be run by the same load generators). | Not required if each group defined in the 'group' parameter defines the load generators it will be using via the 'lg_name' parameter (see 'group' table below). |
group | Lists all groups or scripts defined in the test. The parameter to be used in each group are specified in the 'group' table below. | Yes |
scheduler | Defines the duration of a test, and determines whether virtual users are started simultaneously or gradually. See the 'scheduler' table below. | No |
lg_elastic_configuration | Defines the image to be used in order to provision load generators. See the 'lg_elastic_configuration' table below. Available from Performance Center 12.62 and plugin version 1.1.1. | Yes, if a load generator is defined to be provisioned from a Docker image. |
controller_elastic_configuration | Defines the image to be used in order to provision the Controller. See the 'controller_elastic_configuration' table below. Available from Performance Center 12.62 and plugin version 1.1.1. | Yes, if the Controller is defined to be provisioned from a Docker image. |
automatic_trending | Defines association to existing trend report. | No |
Parameter | Description | Required |
group_name | Name of the group (it must be a unique name if several groups are defined). | Yes |
vusers | Number of virtual users to allocate to the group for running the script. | Yes |
script_id | ID of the script in the project. | Not required if the 'script_path' parameter is specified. |
script_path | Path and name of the script to be added to the group, separated by double backslashes (\\). For example "MyMainFolder\\MySubFolder\\MyScriptName'. Do not include the root folder (named "Subject"). | Not required if 'script_id' parameter is specified |
lg_name | List of load generators to allocate to the group for running the script. The supported values are:
No |
command_line | The command line applied to the group. | No |
rts | Object defining the runtime settings of the script. See the 'rts' table below. | No |
Parameter | Description | Required |
pacing | Can be used to define the number of iterations the script will run and the required delay between iterations (see the 'pacing' table below). | No |
thinktime | Can be used to define think time (see the 'thinktime' table below). | No |
java_vm | Can be used when defining Java environment runtime settings (see the 'java_vm' table below). | No |
jmeter | Can be used to define JMeter environment runtime settings (see the 'jmeter' table below). | No |
Parameter | Description | Required |
number_of_iterations | Specifies the number of iterations to run; this must be a positive number. | Yes |
type | Possible values for type attribute are:
No |
delay | Non-negative number (less than 'delay_at_range_to_seconds' when specified). | Depends on the value provided for the 'type' parameter. |
delay_random_range | Non-negative number. It will be added to the value given to the 'delay' parameter (the value will be randomly chosen between the value given to 'delay' parameter and the same value to which is added the value of this parameter). | Depends on the value provided for the 'type' parameter. |
Parameter | Description | Required |
type | The ThinkTime Type attribute is one of:
No |
min_percentage | This must be a positive number. | Depends on the value provided for the 'type' parameter. |
max_percentage | This must be a positive number (it must be larger than the value provided for the 'min_percentage' parameter). | Depends on the value provided for the 'type' parameter. |
limit_seconds | This must be a positive number. | Depends on the value provided for the 'type' parameter. |
multiply_factor | The recorded think time is multiplied by this factor at runtime. | Depends on the value provided for the 'type' parameter. |
Parameter | Description | Required |
jdk_home | The JDK installation path. | No |
java_vm_parameters | List the Java command line parameters. These parameters can be any JVM argument. The common arguments are the debug flag (-verbose) or memory settings (-ms, -mx). In additional, you can also pass properties to Java applications in the form of a -D flag. | No |
use_xboot | Boolean: Instructs VuGen to add the Classpath before the Xbootclasspath (prepend the string). | No |
enable_classloader_per_vuser | Boolean: Loads each Virtual User using a dedicated class loader (runs Vusers as threads). | No |
java_env_class_paths | A list of classpath entries. Use a double backslash (\\) for folder separators. | No |
Parameter | Description | Required |
start_measurements | Boolean value to enable JMX measurements during performance test execution. | No |
jmeter_home_path | Path to JMeter home. If not defined, the path from the %JMETER_HOME% environment variable is used. | No |
jmeter_min_port | This number must be lower than the value provided in the 'jmeter_max_port' parameter. Both 'jmeter_min_port' and 'jmeter_max_port' parameters must be specified otherwise the default port values is used. | No |
jmeter_max_port | This number must be higher than the value provided in the 'jmeter_min_port' parameter. Both 'jmeter_min_port' and 'jmeter_max_port' parameters must be specified otherwise the default port values is used. | No |
jmeter_additional_properties | JMeter additional properties file. Use double slash (\\) for folder separator. | No |
Parameter | Description | Required |
rampup | Time, in seconds, to gradually start all virtual users. Additional virtual users are added every 15 seconds until the time specified in the parameter ends. If no value is specified, all virtual users are started simultaneously at the beginning of the test. | No |
duration | Time, in seconds, that it will take to run the test after all virtual users are started. After this time, the test run ends. If not specified, the test will run until completion. | No |
Parameter | Description | Required |
report_id | Id of the trend report to associate the test run analysis with. | No |
max_runs_in_report | Maximum trends in a report (default is 10 if not specified). | No |
Parameter | Description | Required |
image_id | This number can be retrieved from:
Yes if one of the load generator is defined to be provisioned from Docker image. |
memory_limit | This parameter can be retrieved from Application -> Test Management -> edit a test -> Press Assign LG button -> in the Elastic section, select DOCKER1 -> select the relevant image (based on the image name) -> use the values provided in the 'Memory(GB)' dropdown list (if not specified, this parameter should be ignored). | Yes, if the image is defined with resource limits |
cpu_limit | This parameter can be retrieved from Application -> Test Management -> edit a test -> Press Assign LG button -> in the Elastic section, select DOCKER1 -> select the relevant image (based on the image name) -> use the values provided in the 'CUPs' dropdown list (if not specified, this parameter should be ignored). | Yes, if the image is defined with resource limits |
Parameter | Description | Required |
image_id | This number can be retrieved from:
Yes if the Controller is defined to be provisioned from Docker image. |
memory_limit | This parameter can be retrieved from Application -> Test Management -> edit a test -> select the Controller -> choose Elastic option -> select the relevant image -> Under the Resource Limits label, find and use the values provided in the 'Memory(GB)' dropdown list (if not specified, this parameter should be ignored). | Yes, if the image is defined with resource limits |
cpu_limit | This parameter can be retrieved from Application -> Test Management -> edit a test -> select the Controller -> choose Elastic option -> select the relevant image -> Under the Resource Limits label, find and use the values provided in the 'CUPs' dropdown list (if not specified, this parameter should be ignored). | Yes, if the image is defined with resource limits |
- group_name: "TEstInt"
vusers: '20'
script_path: "plugin\\TEstInt"
- "LG1"
- "LG2"
- group_name: "Mtours"
vusers: '20'
script_path: "plugin\\mtours"
- "LG3"
- "LG4"
rampup: '45'
Duration: '300'
controller: "mycontroller"
lg_amount: 3
- group_name: "JavaVuser_LR_Information_pacing_immediately_thinktime_ignore"
vusers: 50
script_id: 394
number_of_iterations: 2
type: "immediately"
jdk_home: "C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk1.8.0_191"
java_vm_parameters: "java_vm_parameters"
enable_classloader_per_vuser: true
use_xboot: true
- "java_env_class_path1"
- "java_env_class_path2"
type: "ignore"
- group_name: "JavaHTTP_BigXML_pacing_fixed_delay_thinktime_replay"
vusers: 50
script_path: "scripts\\java_protocols\\JavaHTTP_BigXML"
number_of_iterations: 2
type: "fixed delay"
delay: 10
jdk_home: "C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk1.8.0_191"
java_vm_parameters: "java_vm_parameters"
enable_classloader_per_vuser: true
type: "replay"
limit_seconds: 30
- group_name: "JavaVuser_LR_Information_immediately_pacing_random_delay_thinktime_modify"
vusers: 50
script_id: 394
number_of_iterations: 2
type: "random delay"
delay: 10
delay_random_range: 20
jdk_home: "C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk1.8.0_191"
java_vm_parameters: "java_vm_parameters"
enable_classloader_per_vuser: true
- "java_env_class_path1"
- "java_env_class_path2"
type: "modify"
limit_seconds: 30
multiply_factor: 2
- group_name: "JavaHTTP_BigXML_pacing_fixed_interval_thinktime_random"
vusers: 50
#script_id: 392
script_path: "scripts\\java_protocols\\JavaHTTP_BigXML"
number_of_iterations: 2
type: "fixed interval"
delay: 10
jdk_home: "C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk1.8.0_191"
java_vm_parameters: "java_vm_parameters"
enable_classloader_per_vuser: true
- "java_env_class_path1"
- "java_env_class_path2"
type: "random"
limit_seconds: 30
min_percentage: 2
max_percentage: 3
- group_name: "JavaHTTP_BigXML_pacing_random_interval"
vusers: 50
script_path: "scripts\\java_protocols\\JavaHTTP_BigXML"
number_of_iterations: 2
type: "random interval"
delay: 10
delay_random_range: 20
jdk_home: "C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk1.8.0_191"
java_vm_parameters: "java_vm_parameters"
enable_classloader_per_vuser: true
- "java_env_class_path1"
- "java_env_class_path2"
- group_name: "Mtours_pacing_random_interval"
vusers: 50
script_path: "scripts\\Mtours"
number_of_iterations: 2
type: "random interval"
delay: 10
delay_random_range: 20
start_measurements: true
jmeter_home_path: "c:\\jmeter"
jmeter_min_port: 2001
jmeter_max_port: 3001
jmeter_additional_properties: "jmeter_additional_properties"
- group_name: "Mtours_pacing_random_interval_Jmeter_default_port"
vusers: 50
script_path: "scripts\\Mtours"
number_of_iterations: 2
type: "random interval"
delay: 10
delay_random_range: 20
start_measurements: true
rampup: 120
duration: 600
, NO
authenticateWithToken : boolean
serverAndPort : String
pcServerName : String
credentialsId : String
almDomain : String
almProject : String
testToRun : String
testId : String
testContentToCreate : String
The content of the field must either be:
Parameter | Description | Required |
test_name | The test name. | Yes |
test_folder_path | The location of the test in the Test Management folder tree of the project. The folders should be separated by double backslashes (\\). For example, "MyMainFolder\\MySubfolder\\MySubSubFolder". Do not include the root folder (named "Subject") | Yes |
test_content | The content of the test that requires additional parameters specified in the 'test_content' table below. | Yes |
Parameter | Description | Required |
controller |
Defines the Controller to be used during the test run (it must be an available host in the project). If not specified, a Controller will be chosen from the different controllers available in the project.
From Performance Center 12.62 and plugin version 1.1.1, the option to provision a Controller as a Docker image is available by specifying the value "Elastic" and providing a value for the 'controller_elastic_configuration' parameter (see 'controller_elastic_configuration' table below).
No |
lg_amount | Number of load generators to allocate to the test (every group in the test will be run by the same load generators). | Not required if each group defined in the 'group' parameter defines the load generators it will be using via the 'lg_name' parameter (see 'group' table below). |
group | Lists all groups or scripts defined in the test. The parameter to be used in each group are specified in the 'group' table below. | Yes |
scheduler | Defines the duration of a test, and determines whether virtual users are started simultaneously or gradually. See the 'scheduler' table below. | No |
lg_elastic_configuration | Defines the image to be used in order to provision load generators. See the 'lg_elastic_configuration' table below. Available from Performance Center 12.62 and plugin version 1.1.1. | Yes, if a load generator is defined to be provisioned from a Docker image. |
controller_elastic_configuration | Defines the image to be used in order to provision the Controller. See the 'controller_elastic_configuration' table below. Available from Performance Center 12.62 and plugin version 1.1.1. | Yes, if the Controller is defined to be provisioned from a Docker image. |
automatic_trending | Defines association to existing trend report. If the parameter is not defined, the test will not be associated to any trend report. | No |
Parameter | Description | Required |
group_name | Name of the group (it must be a unique name if several groups are defined). | Yes |
vusers | Number of virtual users to allocate to the group for running the script. | Yes |
script_id | ID of the script in the project. | Not required if the 'script_path' parameter is specified. |
script_path | Path and name of the script to be added to the group, separated by double backslashes (\\). For example "MyMainFolder\\MySubFolder\\MyScriptName'. Do not include the root folder (named "Subject"). | Not required if 'script_id' parameter is specified |
lg_name | List of load generators to allocate to the group for running the script. The supported values are:
No |
command_line | The command line applied to the group. | No |
rts | Object defining the runtime settings of the script. See the 'rts' table below. | No |
Parameter | Description | Required |
pacing | Can be used to define the number of iterations the script will run and the required delay between iterations (see the 'pacing' table below). | No |
thinktime | Can be used to define think time (see the 'thinktime' table below). | No |
java_vm | Can be used when defining Java environment runtime settings (see the 'java_vm' table below). | No |
jmeter | Can be used to define JMeter environment runtime settings (see the 'jmeter' table below). | No |
Parameter | Description | Required |
number_of_iterations | Specifies the number of iterations to run; this must be a positive number. | Yes |
type | Possible values for type attribute are:
No |
delay | Non-negative number (less than 'delay_at_range_to_seconds' when specified). | Depends on the value provided for the 'type' parameter. |
delay_random_range | Non-negative number. It will be added to the value given to the 'delay' parameter (the value will be randomly chosen between the value given to 'delay' parameter and the same value to which is added the value of this parameter). | Depends on the value provided for the 'type' parameter. |
Parameter | Description | Required |
type | The ThinkTime Type attribute is one of:
No |
min_percentage | This must be a positive number. | Depends on the value provided for the 'type' parameter. |
max_percentage | This must be a positive number (it must be larger than the value provided for the 'min_percentage' parameter). | Depends on the value provided for the 'type' parameter. |
limit_seconds | This must be a positive number. | Depends on the value provided for the 'type' parameter. |
multiply_factor | The recorded think time is multiplied by this factor at runtime. | Depends on the value provided for the 'type' parameter. |
Parameter | Description | Required |
jdk_home | The JDK installation path. | No |
java_vm_parameters | List the Java command line parameters. These parameters can be any JVM argument. The common arguments are the debug flag (-verbose) or memory settings (-ms, -mx). In additional, you can also pass properties to Java applications in the form of a -D flag. | No |
use_xboot | Boolean: Instructs VuGen to add the Classpath before the Xbootclasspath (prepend the string). | No |
enable_classloader_per_vuser | Boolean: Loads each Virtual User using a dedicated class loader (runs Vusers as threads). | No |
java_env_class_paths | A list of classpath entries. Use a double backslash (\\) for folder separators. | No |
Parameter | Description | Required |
start_measurements | Boolean value to enable JMX measurements during performance test execution. | No |
jmeter_home_path | Path to JMeter home. If not defined, the path from the %JMETER_HOME% environment variable is used. | No |
jmeter_min_port | This number must be lower than the value provided in the 'jmeter_max_port' parameter. Both 'jmeter_min_port' and 'jmeter_max_port' parameters must be specified otherwise the default port values is used. | No |
jmeter_max_port | This number must be higher than the value provided in the 'jmeter_min_port' parameter. Both 'jmeter_min_port' and 'jmeter_max_port' parameters must be specified otherwise the default port values is used. | No |
jmeter_additional_properties | JMeter additional properties file. Use double slash (\\) for folder separator. | No |
Parameter | Description | Required |
rampup | Time, in seconds, to gradually start all virtual users. Additional virtual users are added every 15 seconds until the time specified in the parameter ends. If no value is specified, all virtual users are started simultaneously at the beginning of the test. | No |
duration | Time, in seconds, that it will take to run the test after all virtual users are started. After this time, the test run ends. If not specified, the test will run until completion. | No |
Parameter | Description | Required |
report_id | Id of the trend report to associate the test run analysis with. | No |
max_runs_in_report | Maximum trends in a report (default is 10 if not specified). | No |
Parameter | Description | Required |
image_id | This number can be retrieved from:
Yes if one of the load generator is defined to be provisioned from Docker image. |
memory_limit | This parameter can be retrieved from Application -> Test Management -> edit a test -> Press Assign LG button -> in the Elastic section, select DOCKER1 -> select the relevant image (based on the image name) -> use the values provided in the 'Memory(GB)' dropdown list (if not specified, this parameter should be ignored). | Yes, if the image is defined with resource limits |
cpu_limit | This parameter can be retrieved from Application -> Test Management -> edit a test -> Press Assign LG button -> in the Elastic section, select DOCKER1 -> select the relevant image (based on the image name) -> use the values provided in the 'CUPs' dropdown list (if not specified, this parameter should be ignored). | Yes, if the image is defined with resource limits |
Parameter | Description | Required |
image_id | This number can be retrieved from:
Yes if the Controller is defined to be provisioned from Docker image. |
memory_limit | This parameter can be retrieved from Application -> Test Management -> edit a test -> select the Controller -> choose Elastic option -> select the relevant image -> Under the Resource Limits label, find and use the values provided in the 'Memory(GB)' dropdown list (if not specified, this parameter should be ignored). | Yes, if the image is defined with resource limits |
cpu_limit | This parameter can be retrieved from Application -> Test Management -> edit a test -> select the Controller -> choose Elastic option -> select the relevant image -> Under the Resource Limits label, find and use the values provided in the 'CUPs' dropdown list (if not specified, this parameter should be ignored). | Yes, if the image is defined with resource limits |
test_name: mytestname
test_folder_path: "Tests\\mytests"
- group_name: "TEstInt"
vusers: '20'
script_path: "plugin\\TEstInt"
- "LG1"
- "LG2"
- group_name: "Mtours"
vusers: '20'
script_path: "plugin\\mtours"
- "LG3"
- "LG4"
rampup: '45'
duration: '300'
- group_name: "TEstInt"
vusers: '20'
script_path: "plugin\\TEstInt"
- "LG1"
- "LG2"
- group_name: "Mtours"
vusers: '20'
script_path: "plugin\\mtours"
- "LG3"
- "LG4"
rampup: '45'
duration: '300'
controller: "mycontroller"
lg_amount: 3
- group_name: "JavaVuser_LR_Information_pacing_immediately_thinktime_ignore"
vusers: 50
script_id: 394
number_of_iterations: 2
type: "immediately"
jdk_home: "C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk1.8.0_191"
java_vm_parameters: "java_vm_parameters"
enable_classloader_per_vuser: true
use_xboot: true
- "java_env_class_path1"
- "java_env_class_path2"
type: "ignore"
- group_name: "JavaHTTP_BigXML_pacing_fixed_delay_thinktime_replay"
vusers: 50
script_path: "scripts\\java_protocols\\JavaHTTP_BigXML"
number_of_iterations: 2
type: "fixed delay"
delay: 10
jdk_home: "C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk1.8.0_191"
java_vm_parameters: "java_vm_parameters"
enable_classloader_per_vuser: true
type: "replay"
limit_seconds: 30
- group_name: "JavaVuser_LR_Information_immediately_pacing_random_delay_thinktime_modify"
vusers: 50
script_id: 394
number_of_iterations: 2
type: "random delay"
delay: 10
delay_random_range: 20
jdk_home: "C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk1.8.0_191"
java_vm_parameters: "java_vm_parameters"
enable_classloader_per_vuser: true
- "java_env_class_path1"
- "java_env_class_path2"
type: "modify"
limit_seconds: 30
multiply_factor: 2
- group_name: "JavaHTTP_BigXML_pacing_fixed_interval_thinktime_random"
vusers: 50
#script_id: 392
script_path: "scripts\\java_protocols\\JavaHTTP_BigXML"
number_of_iterations: 2
type: "fixed interval"
delay: 10
jdk_home: "C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk1.8.0_191"
java_vm_parameters: "java_vm_parameters"
enable_classloader_per_vuser: true
- "java_env_class_path1"
- "java_env_class_path2"
type: "random"
limit_seconds: 30
min_percentage: 2
max_percentage: 3
- group_name: "JavaHTTP_BigXML_pacing_random_interval"
vusers: 50
script_path: "scripts\\java_protocols\\JavaHTTP_BigXML"
number_of_iterations: 2
type: "random interval"
delay: 10
delay_random_range: 20
jdk_home: "C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk1.8.0_191"
java_vm_parameters: "java_vm_parameters"
enable_classloader_per_vuser: true
- "java_env_class_path1"
- "java_env_class_path2"
- group_name: "Mtours_pacing_random_interval"
vusers: 50
script_path: "scripts\\Mtours"
number_of_iterations: 2
type: "random interval"
delay: 10
delay_random_range: 20
start_measurements: true
jmeter_home_path: "c:\\jmeter"
jmeter_min_port: 2001
jmeter_max_port: 3001
jmeter_additional_properties: "jmeter_additional_properties"
- group_name: "Mtours_pacing_random_interval_Jmeter_default_port"
vusers: 50
script_path: "scripts\\Mtours"
number_of_iterations: 2
type: "random interval"
delay: 10
delay_random_range: 20
start_measurements: true
rampup: 120
duration: 600
testInstanceId : String
autoTestInstanceID : String
timeslotDurationHours : String
timeslotDurationMinutes : String
vudsMode : boolean
statusBySLA : boolean
description : String
addRunToTrendReport : String
trendReportId : String
HTTPSProtocol : boolean
proxyOutURL : String
credentialsProxyId : String
retry : String
retryDelay : String
retryOccurrences : String
trendReportWaitTime : String
authenticateWithToken : boolean
searchTimeslot : boolean
changeClassifications : String
project : String
timespan : String
unmeasuredClassifications : String
dynatraceProfile : String
configuration : String
dynatraceProfile : String
agent : String
host : String
autoPostProcess : boolean
capturePrimitives : boolean
captureStrings : boolean
dogc : boolean
lockSession : boolean
type : String
dynatraceProfile : String
testCase : String
lockSession : boolean
recordingOption : String
dynatraceProfile : String
dynatraceProfile : String
agent : String
host : String
lockSession : boolean
acct : String
command : String
$class: 'PerformTsoCommandStep'
connectionName : String
acct : String
command : String
$class: 'PerformanceAnalysisBuilder'
testjob : String
Specify the data set name that contains the mainframe job that you want to run the performance benchmarking for, for example, TEST.POC.JCLLIB(TESTJOB).
The maximum length is 44 characters.
Ensure that the job is included in the monitoring scope of the MAT Performance Benchmarking plugin by Broadcom.
credentialsId : String
workspaceId : String
testId : String
abortJob : boolean
additionalTestFiles : String
getJtl : boolean
getJunit : boolean
jobApiKey : String
jtlPath : String
junitPath : String
mainTestFile : String
notes : String
reportLinkName : String
selectWebhook : String
serverUrl : String
sessionProperties : String
webhookUrl : String
applicationName : String
applicationVersion : String
applicationComponent : String
errorCount : long
sampleCount : long
testCount : long
params : String
alwaysUseVirtualenv : boolean
bztVersion : String
generatePerformanceTrend : boolean
printDebugOutput : boolean
useBztExitCode : boolean
useSystemSitePackages : boolean
virtualEnvCommand : String
workingDirectory : String
workspace : String
$class: 'PhingBuilder'
name : String
buildFile : String
If your build requires a custom -buildfile, specify it here. By default Phing will use the build.xml in the module directory, this option can be used to use build files with a different name or in somewhere outside the top directory.
And you can use environment variables such like ''$WORKSPACE''.
targets : String
properties : String
# comment name1=value1 name2=value2These are passed to Phing like "-Dname1=value1 -Dname2=value2"
useModuleRoot : boolean
options : String
$class: 'PipelineGenerationStep'
project : String
Name of the project. It is used as an identifier in the corresponding pipelines, folders and jobs being generated.
projectScmType : String
Type of the SCM. Currently only svn
and git
are supported.
projectScmUrl : String
URL to the project SCM. Without any branch indication.
For example:
, URL to the root of the project, without trunk
or branches
, URL of the remote.projectScmCredentials : String
ID or UUID of the Jenkins credentials to use when connecting to the project SCM.
branch : String
SCM branch.
seedProject : String
Project name useable for folders, job names, etc.
seedBranch : String
Branch name useable for folders, job names, etc.
disableDslScript : boolean
If checked, the pipeline generation disallows the direct execution of a DSL Groovy script. Only DSL libraries, configured through a file are allowed. By default, both modes are allowed.
scriptDirectory : String
Path to the directory which contains the pipeline script. Defaults to seed
if not filled.
group : String
style : String
csvFileName : String
file : String
url : String
inclusionFlag : String
exclusionValues : String
displayTableFlag : boolean
description : String
exclZero : boolean
keepRecords : boolean
logarithmic : boolean
numBuilds : String
file : String
label : String
title : String
useDescr : boolean
file : String
xpath : String
nodeType : String
url : String
yaxis : String
yaxisMaximum : String
yaxisMinimum : String
imageName : String
block : boolean
$class: 'PortScannerStep'
scanDest : String
Scan destination: IP address or host name
repName : String
enableCipherDetection : boolean
timeoutInMs : int
Too high timeout slows down the scan, too small one reduces the reliability of open ports detection. Find your balance :-)
threadNmb : int
Too small threadNmb slows down the scan, too high one increases the load of your system. Find your balance :-)
secureCnAccessKey : String
secureCnSecretKeyId : String
imageName : String
dockerRegistryPasswordId : String
highestSeverityAllowed : String
highestSeverityAllowedDf : String
pushLocalImage : boolean
url : String
$class: 'PowerShell'
command : String
stopOnError : boolean
Stops script when some step fails. Similar to Shell set -e. Translates to inserting the line '$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"' into the beginning of your command block. See documentation on ErrorActionPreference.
However, this can break scripts that have advanced parameter blocks, specifically those utilizing '[CmdletBinding()]' in the beginning as this must be the first executable line in a scriptblock, resulting in an 'UnexpectedAttribute' error.
useProfile : boolean
Runs script with default profile or no profile. See documentation.
unstableReturn : int
$class: 'PowerShellBuildStep'
buildStepId : String
defineArgs : boolean
arg : String
$class: 'PreflightBuilder'
clientId : String
clientSecret : String
testId : String
groupId : String
environmentId : String
platforms : String
chrome, ie, edge, firefox
sizes : String
.1920x1080, 1440x900
1920x1080, 1440x900, 1024x768, 480x640
captureScreenshots : boolean
waitResults : boolean
$class: 'PrereqBuilder'
projects : String
warningOnly : boolean
targetId : String
ID of the target you want Probely to scan.
authToken : String
Raw Probely API authentication key.
Please use the credentialsId field instead, unless you understand the security implications of using this mechanism. Passing the API authentication token directly is not advised, unless it is properly secured using a secret storage mechanism, such as HashiCorp Vault.
credentialsId : String
Credential identifier for the Probely API authentication key.
failThreshold : String
Mark the build as failed if a vulnerability with the following severity level is found.
stopIfFailed : boolean
If the build fails because the target is vulnerable, stop scanning for more vulnerabilities.
waitForScan : boolean
Wait for the scan to complete before proceeding to the next step in the pipeline.
Since a scan can take a long time, the plugin will return as soon as the scan starts. This is enabled by default to make the build faster.
Please note that disabling this option implies that the build step always finishes successfully, even if vulnerabilities are found later on.
Enabling this option allows the plugin to mark the build as failed if it finds any vulnerabilities.
$class: 'ProjectGenerationStep'
destructor : boolean
authorisations : String
branchSCMParameter : boolean
branchParameters : String
generationExtension : String
pipelineGenerationExtension : String
disableDslScript : boolean
scriptDirectory : String
projectFolderPath : String
branchFolderPath : String
projectSeedName : String
projectDestructorName : String
branchSeedName : String
branchStartName : String
branchName : String
ignoredBranchPrefixes : String
delete : boolean
auto : boolean
trigger : boolean
commit : String
project : String
scmType : String
scmUrl : String
scmCredentials : String
triggerIdentifier : String
triggerType : String
triggerSecret : String
$class: 'ProjectPrerequisitesInstaller'
provarAutomationName : String
buildFile : String
folder of your Project Name
testPlan : String
folder in Provar.
testFolder : String
folder in Provar.
environment : String
default environment.
, Chrome
, Edge
, Edge_Legacy
, Firefox
, Safari
class hudson.util.Secret
, Refresh
, Reload
, Replace
, Fail
projectName : String
file, along with other Provar-related files. Leave blank if the Jenkins Workspace folder is the same as the project folder.
licensePath : String
bookmarkId : String
autoSelectRepository : boolean
credentialId : String
databaseName : String
engineId : String
environmentId : String
environmentUserId : String
fileNameSuffix : String
jsonParam : String
name : String
repositoryId : String
retentionPolicyId : String
skipPolling : boolean
snapshotPolicyId : String
sourceDataId : String
key : String
value : String
targetGroupId : String
vdbRestart : boolean
autoSelectRepository : boolean
credentialId : String
databaseName : String
engineId : String
environmentId : String
environmentUserId : String
fileNameSuffix : String
jsonParam : String
name : String
repositoryId : String
retentionPolicyId : String
skipPolling : boolean
snapshotId : String
snapshotPolicyId : String
sourceDataId : String
key : String
value : String
targetGroupId : String
vdbRestart : boolean
$class: 'ProxyBuilder'
projectName : String
dotnet publish
compiles the application, reads through its dependencies specified in the project file, and publishes the resulting set of files to a directory. The output includes the following assets:
dotnet publish
command's output is ready for deployment to a hosting system (for example, a server, PC, Mac, laptop) for execution. It's the only officially supported way to prepare the application for deployment. Depending on the type of deployment that the project specifies, the hosting system may or may not have the .NET Core shared runtime installed on it. For more information, see Publish .NET Core apps with the .NET Core CLI .
charset : String
configuration : String
, but you can override the build configuration settings in your project.
continueOnError : boolean
, if configured that way), but the build will be allowed to continue. Otherwise, any such errors will cause the build to be terminated immediately.
force : boolean
framework : String
manifest : String
manifests : Array / List of String
manifestsString : String
dotnet store command
noBuild : boolean
noDependencies : boolean
noRestore : boolean
nologo : boolean
option : String
options : Array / List of String
optionsString : String
outputDirectory : String
dotnet publish
commands result in nested output folders. For example, if the project folder is myproject, and the publish output folder is myproject/publish, and you run dotnet publish
twice, the second run puts content files such as .config and .json files in myproject/publish/publish. To avoid nesting publish folders, specify a publish folder that is not directly under the project folder, or exclude the publish folder from the project.
property instead of this option.project : String
java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String>
propertiesString : String
dotnet publish
: Use a .pubxml to set publish-related properties. See Visual Studio publish profiles (.pubxml) for ASP.NET Core app deployment for more information.PublishReadyToRun=true
: Compiles application assemblies as ReadyToRun (R2R) format. R2R is a form of ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation. For more information, see ReadyToRun images.PublishSingleFile=true
: Packages the app into a platform-specific single-file executable. The executable is self-extracting and contains all dependencies (including native) that are required to run the app. When the app is first run, the application is extracted to a directory based on the app name and build identifier. Startup is faster when the application is run again. The application doesn't need to extract itself a second time unless a new version is used.PublishTrimmed=true
: Trims unused libraries to reduce the deployment size of an app when publishing a self-contained executable. For more information, see Trim self-contained deployments and executables .PublishProfile
, in a publish profile rather than here.
runtime : String
sdk : String
will be in the path.
With .NETelement (or a
block in a pipeline script) to specify one, or ensure this step runs on a node that has a .NET SDK installed and in the path.
selfContained : boolean
showSdkInfo : boolean
dotnet --info
will be executed before the main command. This shows a list of available SDKs and runtimes, indicating which one is currently being used.
shutDownBuildServers : boolean
dotnet build-server shutdown
will be executed after the main command, shutting down build servers that may have been started.
hanguntil those server processes end. As such, it's recommended to specify this for the last .NET-related step in a job. If using multiple SDKs, each needs its own shutdown (e.g. the .NET Core 3.1 SDK will not shut down build servers from the .NET 5.0 SDK).
specificSdkVersion : boolean
executable may use the most recent SDK available on the system, even when PATH
is set up to find an older SDK deployment first; see this page for more information.
file will be created in the current directory, referencing that SDK version and disabling roll-forward.
already present in the current directory.
unstableIfErrors : boolean
unstableIfWarnings : boolean
verbosity : String
versionSuffix : String
) in the version field of the project file.
workDirectory : String
credentialsId : String
apiVersion : String
appScope : String
application system ID
is not specified. The scope name of the application for which to apply the changes, such as x_aah_custom_app. You can locate this value in the scope field in the Custom Application [sys_app] table.
appSysId : String
application scope
is not specified. The system id of the application for which to apply the changes. You can locate this value in the Sys ID field in the Custom Application [sys_app] table.
appVersion : String
devNotes : String
incrementBy : int
isAppCustomization : boolean
obtainVersionAutomatically : boolean
url : String
token : String
name : String
description : String
type : String
groupId : String
artifactId : String
stage : String
flow : String
stageDescription : String
version : String
$class: 'PublishBuilder'
packageid : String
nugetFeedUrl : String
class hudson.util.Secret
packageVersion : String
, Specific
specificVersion : String
$class: 'PublishStepBuilder'
packageId : String
nugetFeedUrl : String
class hudson.util.Secret
packageVersion : String
$class: 'PullRequestCommenter'
comment : String
dotnet nuget push
command pushes a package to the server and publishes it. The push command uses server and credential details found in the system's NuGet config file or chain of config files. For more information on config files, see Configuring NuGet Behavior. NuGet's default configuration is obtained by loading %AppData%\NuGet\NuGet.config (Windows) or $HOME/.local/share (Linux/macOS), then loading any nuget.config or .nuget\nuget.config starting from the root of drive and ending in the current directory.
dotnet pack
apiKeyId : String
charset : String
continueOnError : boolean
, if configured that way), but the build will be allowed to continue. Otherwise, any such errors will cause the build to be terminated immediately.
disableBuffering : boolean
forceEnglishOutput : boolean
noServiceEndpoint : boolean
" to the source URL.
noSymbols : boolean
root : String
sdk : String
will be in the path.
With .NETelement (or a
block in a pipeline script) to specify one, or ensure this step runs on a node that has a .NET SDK installed and in the path.
showSdkInfo : boolean
dotnet --info
will be executed before the main command. This shows a list of available SDKs and runtimes, indicating which one is currently being used.
skipDuplicate : boolean
source : String
, and
. For private feeds, replace the host name (for example, %hostname%/api/v3
config value is set in the NuGet config file.
specificSdkVersion : boolean
executable may use the most recent SDK available on the system, even when PATH
is set up to find an older SDK deployment first; see this page for more information.
file will be created in the current directory, referencing that SDK version and disabling roll-forward.
already present in the current directory.
symbolApiKeyId : String
symbolSource : String
timeout : int
workDirectory : String
variableName : String
token : String
name : String
stage : String
version : String
$class: 'PushBuilder'
hubUrls : String
organization : String
overwriteOrganization : boolean
remoteImageName : String
dateFormat : String
y|Y | Year |
M | Month |
w | Week in year |
W | Week in month |
D | Day in year |
d | Day in month |
F | Day of week in month |
E | Day name in week |
u | Day number of week (1 = Monday, ..., 7 = Sunday) |
H | Hour in day (0-23) |
k | Hour in day (1-24) |
K | Hour in am/pm (0-11) |
h | Hour in am/pm (1-12) |
appendDate : boolean
incrementVersion : boolean
$class: 'Python'
Runs a Python script (defaults to python interpreter) for building the project. The script will be run with the workspace as the current directory.
command : String
$class: 'PythonBuilder'
pythonName : String
nature : String
command : String
ignoreExitCode : boolean
credentialsId : String
instanceUrl : String
issuesCountThreshold : int
techDebtThreshold : int
qcThreshold : int
highSeverityThreshold : int
testPlanUrl : String
apiKey : String
maxWaitTime : int
buildName : String
$class: 'QFTestConfigBuilder'
The QF-Test build step. Invokes QF-Test binary during your Jenkins job. If not listed in your PATH variable, the location of the QF-Test binary can be specified explicitly.
The actual test configuration is set via pairs of arguments and suite file fields. The Advanced Test result control button allows to adjust the mapping between the QF-Test result and the Jenkins build result.
All report files that are produced will be stored in an output directory relative to your workspace, whose structure is as follows:
<LOGDIR> ├── html (HTML report directory) ├── junit (junit report directory) └── qrz (QF-Test runlogs)The resulting runlogs are automatically declared as Jenkins build artificats and should appear as such on the Jenkins build page. The junit and html reports can be processed further by the junit respectively the publishHTML plugin.
suitename : String
customParam : String
customPath : String
onTestError : String
onTestException : String
onTestFailure : String
onTestWarning : String
reportDirectory : String
reportGenArgs : String
$class: 'QGBuilder'
class quality.gates.jenkins.plugin.JobConfigData
applicationName : String
applicationVersion : String
applicationComponent : String
bugCount : int
bugScore : Object
duplicationRate : float
hotspotCount : int
hotspotScore : Object
linesCount : long
qualityGatePassed : boolean
testCoverage : float
vulnerabilityCount : int
vulnerabilityScore : Object
$class: 'QualityCenter'
qcClientInstallationName : String
qcQTPAddinInstallationName : String
qcServerURL : String
folder of the Quality Center Web application.
qcLogin : String
qcPass : String
qcDomain : String
qcProject : String
qcTSFolder : String
qcTSName : String
qcTSLogFile : String
Name of the report that will be generated.
If several test sets are run in one build step, one report will be generated per test set. As such, you must ensure that the name will be unique by including the test set name in it (through the ${TS_NAME}
variable). If it's not the case, then the name will be automatically post fixed with an underscore followed by the test set name.
You can use all standard environment variables plus:
for the current Quality Center domain;${QC_PROJECT}
for the current Quality Center project;${TS_FOLDER}
for the current TestSet folder;${TS_NAME}
for the TestSet name.qcTimeOut : int
runMode : String
runHost : String
azureCredentialsId : String
resourceGroupName : String
registryName : String
architecture : String
docker build --build-arg
key : String
value : String
secrecy : boolean
dockerfile : String
gitPath : String
gitRefspec : String
gitRepo : String
for private repo.
image : String
local : String
noCache : boolean
flag when build as docker build --no-cache
os : String
sourceType : String
tarball : String
timeout : int
variant : String
$class: 'R'
Runs an R script (defaults to RScript interpreter) for building the project. The script will be run with the workspace as the current directory.
command : String
$class: 'RAD'
activateProjectWorkspaceVar : boolean
environment variable through the PROJECT_WORKSPACE
variable during this build step as it doesn't refer to the workspace of the project: It is internally used by RAD.
buildFile : String
one in the project's workspace. The base directory is the workspace.
deleteRadWorkspaceContent : boolean
deleteRadWorkspaceMetadata : boolean
folder of RAD's workspace has to be removed before RAD is actually run.
properties : String
# comment name1=value1 name2=value2These are passed to RAD like "-Dname1=value1 -Dname2=value2"
radInstallationName : String
radWorkspace : String
targets : String
$class: 'RPDCreateInstance'
pack : String
instanceName : String
customProfile : String
$class: 'RPDDeployInstance'
instanceName : String
pack : String
environment : String
route : String
customProfile : String
useCustomProfile : boolean
$class: 'RTCGitBuilder'
serverURI : String
The Jazz Repository connection URI for the Rational Team Concert (RTC) server
credentialsId : String
Credentials to use for the build user. A user name and password credential for the Jazz Repository should be configured.
annotateChangeLog : boolean
Optionally hyperlink bug numbers that appear in git commit descriptions as links to Rational Team Concert Work Items.
buildDefinition : String
The ID of the Hudson/Jenkins build definition within the Rational Team Concert (RTC) server. The build definition should not have any Source Control option.
jenkinsRootURI : String
jenkinsRootURIOverride : boolean
Optionally specify the HTTP address of the Jenkins installation, such as http://yourhost.yourdomain/jenkins/. This is necessary because the Rational Team Concert Git plugin cannot reliably detect such a URL from within itself.
timeout : int
The timeout period in seconds for Jazz repository requests made during the build.
trackBuildWorkItem : String
Specify an Id of a Work Item in Rational Team Concert. The Work Item will be updated with the execution status of the Jenkins build.
useBuildDefinition : boolean
useTrackBuildWorkItem : boolean
useWorkItems : boolean
workItemUpdateType : String
rabbitName : String
exchange : String
data : String
conversion : boolean
routingKey : String
toJson : boolean
$class: 'RadarGunBuilder'
$class: 'RadarGunCustomInstallation'
home : String
$class: 'RadarGunInstallationWrapper'
radarGunName : String
$class: 'FileScenarioSource'
scenarioPath : String
$class: 'TextScenarioSource'
scenario : String
$class: 'FileNodeConfigSource'
nodeListPath : String
$class: 'TextNodeConfigSource'
nodes : String
$class: 'BuildInScriptSource'
$class: 'FileScriptSource'
mainPath : String
workerPath : String
$class: 'TextScriptSource'
mainScript : String
workerScript : String
remoteLoginProgram : String
remoteLogin : String
privateKeyPath : String
workspacePath : String
pluginPath : String
pluginConfigPath : String
reporterPath : String
$class: 'Rake'
rakeInstallation : String
rakeFile : String
tasks : String
rakeLibDir : String
rakeWorkingDir : String
silent : boolean
bundleExec : boolean
$class: 'RallyBuild'
stateName : String
issueString : String
updateOnce : boolean
preCommentText : String
preReadyState : boolean
issueReady : boolean
commentText : String
issueRallyState : String
defectRallyState : String
credential : String
workload : String
since endpoint part has bean set in Credential, you only need specify path from "/p/" or "/project", eg:
or /p/c-h4hxd:p-dwqfr/workload/deployment:jenkins:jenkins
images : String
this plugin will update all images in this workload by match the name part exactly, and simply set version part as you specified. so you may need Jenkins variables to dynamic generate new version number.alwaysPull : boolean
environmentId : String
endpoint : String
credentialId : String
service : String
image : String
confirm : boolean
startFirst : boolean
ports : String
environments : String
timeout : int
cmdLineArgs : String
Flag | Function |
config | cfg:<config parameter name>=<value> | Set values for configuration parameters. |
reportlevel | rl: Debug|Info|Warn|Error|Success|Failure|<any integer> | Sets the minimum report level that log messages need to have in order to be included in the log file. Specify 'None' to completely disable reporting. These levels correspond to the following integer values: Debug=10,Info=20,Warn=30,Error=40,Success=110,Failure=120 |
testcase | tc:<name or guid of test case> | Runs this test case only. |
testsuite | ts:<path to test suite file> | Runs the test cases defined by the test suite (rxtst) file. By default the rxtst file with the same name as the <TestSuiteExe> is used or the first rxtst file in the same folder as <TestSuiteExe>. |
module | mo:<module name or guid> | Runs the module with the specified name or guid. Assemblies loaded by <TestSuiteExe> and assemblies referenced in the rxtst file are searched. |
testcaseparam | tcpa:<name or guid of test case>:<parameter name>=<value> | Creates or overrides values for testcase parameters specified in the test suite. |
runlabel | rul:<custom value> | Sets a custom runlabel for the test run. |
testcasedatarange | tcdr:<name or guid of test case>=<data range> | Sets the data range for a testcase. |
rxGlobalParameter : String
rxJUnitReport : boolean
rxReportDirectory : String
rxReportExtension : String
rxReportFile : String
rxRunConfiguration : String
rxTestRail : boolean
rxTestRailPassword : String
rxTestRailRID : String
rxTestRailRunName : String
rxTestRailUser : String
rxTestSuiteFilePath : String
rxZippedReport : boolean
rxZippedReportDirectory : String
rxZippedReportFile : String
$class: 'RapidDeployJobPlanRunner'
serverUrl : String
authenticationToken : String
jobPlan : String
asynchronousJob : boolean
showIndividualLogs : boolean
showFullLog : boolean
$class: 'RapidDeployJobRunner'
serverUrl : String
authenticationToken : String
project : String
target : String
packageName : String
asynchronousJob : boolean
showFullLog : boolean
$class: 'RapidDeployPackageBuilder'
serverUrl : String
authenticationToken : String
project : String
enableCustomPackageName : boolean
packageName : String
archiveExtension : String
$class: 'RawCliBuilder'
changeLogFile : String
changeLogParameters : String
commandArguments : String
contexts : String
credentialsId : String
installationName : String
labels : String
liquibasePropertiesPath : String
password : String
resourceDirectories : String
url : String
username : String
$class: 'RebaseBuilder'
You can rebase from the latest revision in the upstream branch, but you can also do safer rebase by choosing the permalink. For example, if you specify "last stable", then Jenkins will look for the last stable build, then rebase with the corresponding Subversion revision. Thus you know that you are rebasing to the known good state.
If you don't want Jenkins to automatically rebase, you can still use the "Rebase From Upstream" link from the left to manually initiate the rebase.
permalink : String
stopBuildIfMergeFails : boolean
setUnstableIfMergeFails : boolean
$class: 'RebootIOSDevice'
url : String
cloudTestServerID : String
additionalOptions : String
$class: 'ReconfigureBox'
id : String
cloud : String
workspace : String
box : String
instance : String
variables : String
buildStep : String
buildStepVariables : String
$class: 'ReinstallBox'
cloud : String
workspace : String
box : String
instance : String
buildStep : String
$class: 'ReleaseMarker'
releaseName : String
name : String
name : String
name : String
releaseEndTimestamp : String
releaseStartTimestamp : String
apkFilesPattern : String
applicationId : String
filesPattern : String
fromVersionCode : boolean
googleCredentialsId : String
inAppUpdatePriority : String
releaseName : String
rolloutPercent : double
rolloutPercentage : String
trackName : String
versionCodes : String
artId : String
artType : String
envSuffix : String
projectId : String
status : String
uri : String
useCommitList : String
version : String
baseBranch : String
closedDate : String
commit : String
commits : String
createdDate : String
endpoint : String
envSuffix : String
mergedDate : String
number : String
projectId : String
state : String
targetBranch : String
title : String
uri : String
$class: 'RemoteBuildConfiguration'
abortTriggeredJob : boolean
class hudson.util.Secret
credentials : String
class hudson.util.Secret
userName : String
blockBuildUntilComplete : boolean
disabled : boolean
enhancedLogging : boolean
httpGetReadTimeout : int
httpPostReadTimeout : int
job : String
maxConn : int
overrideTrustAllCertificates : boolean
parameters : String
filePath : String
name : String
value : String
parameters : String
pollInterval : int
preventRemoteBuildQueue : boolean
remoteJenkinsName : String
remoteJenkinsUrl : String
shouldNotFailBuild : boolean
token : String
trustAllCertificates : boolean
It is possible to override/rewrite the 'Trust all certificate'-setting for each Job separately. Setting this checkbox to 'true' will result in accepting all certificates for the given Job.
This is unsafe and should only be used for testing or if you trust the host.
useCrumbCache : boolean
useJobInfoCache : boolean
result : String
packageIds : String
baseUrls : String
between the scheme and the hostname.
credentialsId : String
ignoreErrors : boolean
requestTimeout : long
serviceTimeout : long
waitDelay : long
url : String
credentialsId : String
force : boolean
$class: 'ReqtifyGenerateReport'
reportArgumentList : Array / List of String
nameReport : String
modelReport : String
templateReport : String
projectFilter : String
$class: 'RetrieveArtifactsBuildStep'
token : String
name : String
stage : String
variableName : String
downloadOnly : boolean
installRBTools : boolean
$class: 'ReviewboardApplyPatch'
$class: 'ReviewboardPollingBuilder'
reviewbotJobName : String
checkBackPeriod : String
reviewbotRepoId : String
restrictByUser : boolean
disableAdvanceNotice : boolean
$class: 'RigorBuilder'
credentialsId : String
Please select a credential of Kind Rigor API Key here.
Note: Your Rigor Optimization API key can be found on the API Credentials settings page in the Rigor Optimization application. The API key must have User or higher level permissions.
performanceTestIds : String
List 1 or more test IDs (as a comma separated list) of Rigor Optimization Performance Tests to be run during this step. You can locate the performance test ID by hovering over the Info (i) icon on any performance test in the View Results page of your Rigor Optimization account.
If Fail build based on results is checked below, this step will wait until all tests complete before proceeding. If unchecked, this step will launch these tests, but not wait for them to complete.
failOnSnapshotError : boolean
If checked, the build will be marked as failed if there are any errors running your configured performance tests. If unchecked, any errors creating tests will be treated as warnings and not fail the build.
failOnResults : boolean
If checked, the build will wait for your configured tests to complete (may take 30 seconds to a few minutes) and pass/fail based on the results configured below. If unchecked, your configured tests will run, but the build will not wait for the tests to complete nor fail this step based on any results (useful for historical change logging of your site in the Rigor Optimization application).
performanceScore : String
Fail the build if any test reports an overall performance score lower than this value (1-100)
criticalNumber : String
Fail the build if any test has more than this # of critical first party content defects found.
Note: You can customize when critical defects occur by customizing your Defect Check Policy. Learn more in this article.
foundDefectIds : String
Fail the build if any of the listed defect IDs (comma separated) are found for any first party content items in any configured test.
Note: You can locate any defect ID at the top of any defect detail page in your results, or in the Knowledge Base. See Example.
enforcePerformanceBudgets : boolean
Fail the build if any test exceeds its performance budgets
totalContentSize : String
totalFoundItems : String
testTimeoutSeconds : String
Timeout in seconds to wait for all configured performance tests to complete. Defaults to 300 seconds (5 minutes).
This value is only used if Fail build based on test results is enabled.
credentialsId : String
apiVersion : String
appScope : String
application system ID
is not specified. The scope name of the application for which to apply the changes, such as x_aah_custom_app. You can locate this value in the scope field in the Custom Application [sys_app] table.
appSysId : String
application scope
is not specified. The system id of the application for which to apply the changes. You can locate this value in the Sys ID field in the Custom Application [sys_app] table.
rollbackAppVersion : String
url : String
$class: 'RollbackBuilder'
changeLogFile : String
changeLogParameters : String
contexts : String
credentialsId : String
installationName : String
labels : String
liquibasePropertiesPath : String
numberOfChangesetsToRollback : String
password : String
resourceDirectories : String
rollbackLastHours : String
rollbackToDate : String
rollbackToTag : String
rollbackType : String
url : String
username : String
credentialsId : String
apiVersion : String
pluginId : String
url : String
$class: 'RqmBuilder'
$class: 'RqmTestSuiteExectionRecordCollectionStrategy'
executionRecordName : String
planName : String
projectName : String
iterativeTestCaseBuilders : Array / List of Build Step (hudson.tasks.BuildStep
preBuildSteps : Array / List of Build Step (hudson.tasks.BuildStep
postBuildSteps : Array / List of Build Step (hudson.tasks.BuildStep
credentialId : String
$class: 'RubyMotionBuilder'
platform : String
rakeTask : String
outputStyle : String
outputFileName : String
useBundler : boolean
installCocoaPods : boolean
needClean : boolean
outputResult : boolean
deviceName : String
simulatorVersion : String
envVars : String
$class: 'RunApplicationAction'
applicationName : String
Application selection is mandatory
Select an existing Application in Calm or the ones provisioned in Nutanix Calm Blueprint Launch Steps.
actionName : String
Application Action selection is mandatory
runtimeVariables : String
Click on Fetch Runtime Variables to fetch all editable variables for the selected Action in JSON format. Modify the key values from the defaults as needed.The values can also reference jenkins environment variables.
almServerName : String
almCredentialsScope : String
almUserName : String
almPassword : String
almDomain : String
almProject : String
almTestSets : String
almRunResultsMode : String
almTimeout : String
almRunMode : String
almRunHost : String
almClientID : String
almApiKey : String
isSSOEnabled : boolean
areParametersEnabled : boolean
parameterJson : String
isFilterTestsEnabled : boolean
blockedCheckbox : boolean
failedCheckbox : boolean
notCompletedCheckbox : boolean
noRunCheckbox : boolean
passedCheckbox : boolean
testName : String
almServerName : String
almServerUrl : String
almUsername : String
almPassword : String
almClientID : String
almApiKeySecret : String
fsTests : String
areParametersEnabled : boolean
parameterJson : String
tests : String
environment : String
environmentType : String
logVusersStates : boolean
logErrorCount : boolean
logTransactionStatistics : boolean
pollingInterval : String
scriptName : String
name : String
value : String
description : String
isParallelRunnerEnabled : boolean
selectedNode : String
numberOfReruns : String
cleanupTest : String
onCheckFailedTest : String
fsTestType : String
test : String
checked : boolean
numberOfReruns : int
cleanupTest : String
analysisTemplate : String
mcUserName : String
mcPassword : String
mcTenantId : String
mcExecToken : String
value : String
cloudBrowserUrl : String
cloudBrowserType : String
cloudBrowserVersion : String
cloudBrowserRegion : String
cloudBrowserOs : String
controllerPollingInterval : String
displayController : String
fsAutActions : String
fsDeviceId : String
fsDevicesMetrics : String
fsExtraApps : String
fsInstrumented : String
fsJobId : String
fsLaunchAppName : String
fsManufacturerAndModel : String
fsOs : String
fsReportPath : String
fsTargetLab : String
fsTimeout : String
fsUftRunMode : String
ignoreErrorStrings : String
mcServerName : String
outEncoding : String
perScenarioTimeOut : String
fsUseAuthentication : boolean
fsProxyAddress : String
fsProxyUserName : String
fsProxyPassword : String
java.util.Map<java.lang.Long, java.lang.String>
useSSL : boolean
$class: 'RunInCloudBuilder'
projectId : String
The Bitbar Cloud project in which to start the new test run.
appPath : String
testPath : String
dataPath : String
testRunName : String
scheduler : String
testRunner : String
deviceGroupId : String
language : String
screenshotsDirectory : String
keyValuePairs : String
withAnnotation : String
withoutAnnotation : String
testCasesSelect : String
testCasesValue : String
failBuildIfThisStepFailed : boolean
virusScanTimeout : String
downloadScreenshots : boolean
forceFinishAfterBreak : boolean
hookURL : String
resultsPath : String
waitForResultsTimeout : int
testTimeout : String
credentialsId : String
cloudUrl : String
frameworkId : long
biometricInstrumentation : boolean
Set field in order to enable instrumentation on app to bypass biometric authentication during test
hostname : String
ocCredentialsId : String
ocVersion : String
jobName : String
name : String
value : String
waitForJobToFinish : boolean
$class: 'RunLoadRunnerScript'
scriptsPath : String
$class: 'RunMatlabBuildBuilder'
options : String
options : String
tasks : String
$class: 'RunMatlabCommandBuilder'
matlabCommand : String
options : String
$class: 'RunMatlabTestsBuilder'
coberturaReportFilePath : String
junitReportFilePath : String
loggingLevel : String
Maximum verbosity level for logged diagnostics included for the test run.
modelCoverageFilePath : String
outputDetail : String
Display level for event details output by the test run.
pdfReportFilePath : String
testFolders : String
testTag : String
Specify the location of folders containing source code, relative to the project root folder. The specified folders and their subfolders are added to the top of the MATLAB search path. To generate a coverage report, MATLAB uses only the source code in the specified folders and their subfolders.
Paste the source folder path in the Folder path box. To add more folders, click Add folder.
srcFolderPath : String
options : String
stmResultsFilePath : String
strict : boolean
Whether to apply strict checks when running the tests. For example, the framework generates a qualification failure if a test issues a warning.
tapReportFilePath : String
useParallel : boolean
Whether to run tests in parallel. This feature requires a Parallel Computing Toolbox license, and might not be compatible with other options. If incompatible, testing occurs in serial regardless of the value of this feature.
$class: 'RunPcTestBuildStep'
almPassword : String
almUser : String
domain : String
failIfTaskFails : boolean
outputDir : String
pollingInterval : int
postRunActionString : String
project : String
retryCollateAndAnalysisAttempts : int
retryCollateAndAnalysisFlag : boolean
retryCollateAndAnalysisInterval : int
retryCount : int
retryInterval : int
retryIntervalMultiplier : double
testLabPath : String
testPlanPath : String
timeout : int
timeslotDuration : int
vudsMode : boolean
artifact : String
artifactType : String
keepTargetResources : boolean
keepTargetRunProfiles : boolean
plan : String
promotion : String
task : String
workspace : String
environment : String
parameters : String
task : String
workspace : String
$class: 'RunTestSetBuildStep'
domain : String
project : String
runMode : String
host : String
testSets : String
outputDirPath : String
timeOut : int
credentialsId : String
apiVersion : String
browserName : String
Valid values:
browserVersion : String
osName : String
osVersion : String
responseBodyFormat : String
testSuiteName : String
testSuiteSysId : String
of the test suite to run. This value is located in the Test [sys_atf_test_suite] table.
url : String
withResults : boolean
$class: 'RunUftTestBuildStep'
testPath : String
outputDirPath : String
$class: 'RunscopeBuilder'
triggerEndPoint : String
accessToken : String
timeout : int
projectName : String
upstreamProjectName : String
Copy artifacts from a build that is a downstream of a build of the specified project. You can use variable expressions.
Downstream builds are found using fingerprints of files. That is, a build that is triggered from a build isn't always considered downstream, but you need to fingerprint files used in builds to let Jenkins track them.
Note: "Downstream build of" is applicable only to AbstractProject based projects (both upstream and downstream projects).
upstreamBuildNumber : String
$class: 'MultiJobBuildSelector'
parameterName : String
You can pass not only the parameter name, but also the parameter value itself. This is useful especially used with workflow-plugin.
id : String
$class: 'PromotedBuildSelector'
level : int
buildNumber : String
stable : boolean
allowUpstreamDependencies : boolean
fallbackToLastSuccessful : boolean
, UseOldest
, UseNewest
filter : String
excludeFilter : String
target : String
flatten : boolean
optional : boolean
$class: 'SASUnitPlugInBuilder'
This is the Jenkins Plug-In for SASUnit the unit testing framework for SAS.
sasunitBatch : String
doxygenBatch : String
Please enter the relative path to the executable to create the doxygen report
sasunitVersion : String
Please pick a SASUnit installation that shall be used.
To add an installation please go to Jenins->Manage Jenkins->Setting or follow this link.
createDoxygenDocu : boolean
$class: 'SBuild'
sbuildVersion : String
targets : String
buildFiles : String
options : String
deleteBuild : boolean
skipPattern : String
$class: 'SConsBuilderCommand'
sconsName : String
options : String
variables : String
targets : String
rootSconsscriptDirectory : String
commandScript : String
$class: 'SConsBuilderScriptFile'
sconsName : String
options : String
variables : String
targets : String
rootSconsscriptDirectory : String
sconsscript : String
$class: 'SMABuilder'
validateEnabled : boolean
username : String
password : String
securityToken : String
serverType : String
testLevel : String
prTargetBranch : String
$class: 'SQLPlusRunnerBuilder'
credentialsId : String
user : String
password : String
isSysdba : String
instance : String
scriptType : String
script : String
scriptContent : String
SELECT sysdate from dual; show user; |
customNLSLang : String
customOracleHome : String
customSQLPath : String
customSQLPlusHome : String
customTNSAdmin : String
$class: 'SSHBuilder'
siteName : String
command : String
execEachLine : boolean
Execute each line in the script individually.
By default, all of the commands are concatenated into a single "command" issued over a single SSH exec channel. Selecting this option causes each line to be executed over it's own SSH exec channel, each of which is part of the same session.
This is useful in certain cases where the commands cannot be concatenated into a single script executed at one time, for example, when issuing commands using the shell.
If unsure, leave this box unchecked.
hideCommand : boolean
$class: 'SaltAPIBuilder'
authtype : String
post : String
tag : String
function : String
arguments : String
batchSize : String
batchWait : String
target : String
targettype : String
function : String
arguments : String
target : String
targettype : String
blockbuild : boolean
jobPollTime : int
minionTimeout : int
function : String
arguments : String
subset : String
target : String
targettype : String
function : String
arguments : String
mods : String
pillarvalue : String
credentialsId : String
servername : String
saveEnvVar : boolean
saveFile : boolean
skipValidation : boolean
$class: 'SbtPluginBuilder'
name : String
jvmFlags : String
sbtFlags : String
actions : String
subdirPath : String
$class: 'ScanBuilder'
scanURL : String
class hudson.util.Secret
source : String
exclude : String
rule : String
timeout : int
isAbortBuild : boolean
isPrivateScan : boolean
isShowBlockedOnly : boolean
isCreateLog : boolean
$class: 'ScriptBuildStep'
buildStepId : String
defineArgs : boolean
arg : String
tokenized : boolean
$class: 'ScriptBuilder'
scriptFilePath : String
credentialsId : String
hubUrl : String
imageName : String
vmVersion : String
containerWorkingDir : String
sourceContainer : String
sourceFolder : String
targetFolder : String
routeFile : String
noBase : boolean
overwrite : boolean
diagnostic : boolean
$class: 'ScriptlerBuilder'
The parameters can be passed via job params or by creating these in this builder config.
builderId : String
scriptId : String
propagateParams : boolean
name : String
value : String
$class: 'SealightsCLIBuildStep'
enabled : boolean
failBuildIfStepFail : boolean
$class: 'ConfigView'
appName : String
branchName : String
$class: 'DefaultBuildName'
$class: 'EmptyBuildName'
$class: 'LatestBuildName'
$class: 'ManualBuildName'
insertedBuildName : String
$class: 'UpstreamBuildName'
upstreamProjectName : String
labId : String
buildSessionId : String
additionalArguments : String
Argument name | Description |
token | The token provided to you by SeaLights (override the global 'token' value for this build). |
tokenfile | A file containing the token provided to you by SeaLights (override the global 'token' value for this build). |
proxy | A valid URL to a proxy server. |
agentpath | Override the path to SeaLights jar. |
javapath | Override the path to the 'java' variable (default is 'java'). |
filesstorage | A folder where sealights files for this build will be kept (override the global 'Files storage' value for this build). |
$class: 'DotNetOptions'
namespacesIncluded : String
namespacesExcluded : String
includedFilePatterns : String
excludedFilePatterns : String
$class: 'JavaOptions'
packagesIncluded : String
packagesExcluded : String
$class: 'EndView'
buildSessionId : String
labId : String
additionalArguments : String
Argument name | Description |
token | The token provided to you by SeaLights (override the global 'token' value for this build). |
tokenfile | A file containing the token provided to you by SeaLights (override the global 'token' value for this build). |
proxy | A valid URL to a proxy server. |
agentpath | Override the path to SeaLights jar. |
javapath | Override the path to the 'java' variable (default is 'java'). |
filesstorage | A folder where sealights files for this build will be kept (override the global 'Files storage' value for this build). |
appname | Override default app name coming from build session id |
buildname | Override default build name coming from build session id |
branchname | Override default branch name coming from build session id |
$class: 'ExternalReportView'
report : String
buildSessionId : String
additionalArguments : String
Argument name | Description |
token | The token provided to you by SeaLights (override the global 'token' value for this build). |
tokenfile | A file containing the token provided to you by SeaLights (override the global 'token' value for this build). |
proxy | A valid URL to a proxy server. |
agentpath | Override the path to SeaLights jar. |
javapath | Override the path to the 'java' variable (default is 'java'). |
filesstorage | A folder where sealights files for this build will be kept (override the global 'Files storage' value for this build). |
appname | Override default app name coming from build session id |
buildname | Override default build name coming from build session id |
branchname | Override default branch name coming from build session id |
$class: 'PrConfigView'
appName : String
branchName : String
$class: 'DefaultBuildName'
$class: 'EmptyBuildName'
$class: 'LatestBuildName'
$class: 'ManualBuildName'
insertedBuildName : String
$class: 'UpstreamBuildName'
upstreamProjectName : String
labId : String
buildSessionId : String
additionalArguments : String
Argument name | Description |
token | The token provided to you by SeaLights (override the global 'token' value for this build). |
tokenfile | A file containing the token provided to you by SeaLights (override the global 'token' value for this build). |
proxy | A valid URL to a proxy server. |
agentpath | Override the path to SeaLights jar. |
javapath | Override the path to the 'java' variable (default is 'java'). |
filesstorage | A folder where sealights files for this build will be kept (override the global 'Files storage' value for this build). |
$class: 'DotNetOptions'
namespacesIncluded : String
namespacesExcluded : String
includedFilePatterns : String
excludedFilePatterns : String
$class: 'JavaOptions'
packagesIncluded : String
packagesExcluded : String
latestCommit : String
pullRequestNumber : String
repoUrl : String
targetBranch : String
$class: 'StartView'
testStage : String
buildSessionId : String
labId : String
additionalArguments : String
Argument name | Description |
token | The token provided to you by SeaLights (override the global 'token' value for this build). |
tokenfile | A file containing the token provided to you by SeaLights (override the global 'token' value for this build). |
proxy | A valid URL to a proxy server. |
agentpath | Override the path to SeaLights jar. |
javapath | Override the path to the 'java' variable (default is 'java'). |
filesstorage | A folder where sealights files for this build will be kept (override the global 'Files storage' value for this build). |
appname | Override default app name coming from build session id |
buildname | Override default build name coming from build session id |
branchname | Override default branch name coming from build session id |
$class: 'UploadReportsView'
reportFiles : String
reportsFolders : String
source : String
buildSessionId : String
labId : String
additionalArguments : String
Argument name | Description |
token | The token provided to you by SeaLights (override the global 'token' value for this build). |
tokenfile | A file containing the token provided to you by SeaLights (override the global 'token' value for this build). |
proxy | A valid URL to a proxy server. |
agentpath | Override the path to SeaLights jar. |
javapath | Override the path to the 'java' variable (default is 'java'). |
filesstorage | A folder where sealights files for this build will be kept (override the global 'Files storage' value for this build). |
appname | Override default app name coming from build session id |
buildname | Override default build name coming from build session id |
branchname | Override default branch name coming from build session id |
class io.sealights.plugins.sealightsjenkins.buildsteps.cli.CLIRunner
logFolder : String
logFilename : String
apiCredentialsId : String
This needs to be the ID of an existing "Sec1 API Key" credential. The key will be used to access Sec1 api.
runSec1SastSecurity : boolean
actionOnThresholdBreached : String
applyThreshold : boolean
criticalThreshold : String
highThreshold : String
mediumThreshold : String
lowThreshold : String
statusAction : String
$class: 'SeleniumAutoExecBuilder'
serverUrl : String
$class: 'SeleniumBuilderBuilder'
scriptFile : String
threadPoolSize : int
$class: 'SemanticVersioningBuilder'
parser : String
namingStrategy : String
useJenkinsBuildNumber : boolean
envVariable : String
$class: 'SendMessageBuildStep'
message : String
filepath : String
id : String
enviromentName : String
revision : String
apiId : String
revisionNumber : int
destination : boolean
logInterceptor : boolean
resourceOutOfSize : boolean
resourceSize : int
, but this is configurable) for building the project. The script will be run with the workspace as the current directory. Type in the contents of your shell script. If your shell script has no header line like #!/bin/sh
—, then the shell configured system-wide will be used, but you can also use the header line to write script in another language (like #!/bin/perl
) or control the options that shell uses.
By default, the shell will be invoked with the "-ex" option. So all of the commands are printed before being executed, and the build is considered a failure if any of the commands exits with a non-zero exit code. Again, add the #!/bin/...
line to change this behavior.
As a best practice, try not to put a long shell script in here. Instead, consider adding the shell script in SCM and simply call that shell script from Jenkins (via bash -ex
or something like that), so that you can track changes in your shell script.
command : String
Limit which environment variables are passed to a build step.
Environment variables passed to the build step are filtered, unless listed below.
The behavior of this filter depends on whether the environment variable is originally defined outside Jenkins:
, it will not be passed to the build step unless specified here.PATH
, the behavior depends on the option Process environment variables handling : If that option is set to Retain , the original value will be passed to the build step, discarding any modifications inside Jenkins. If that option is set to Remove , the variable will not be passed to the build step.The following table shows the effect of filtering on an environment variable:
Behavior | Originally defined outside Jenkins | Originally defined inside Jenkins |
Process environment variables handling: reset | Variable is reset to original value | Variable is removed |
Process environment variables handling: removed | Variable is removed | Variable is removed |
retainCharacteristicEnvVars : boolean
When checked, characteristic environment variables will be retained in addition to the variables listed above. These environment variables are job- and build-specific, defined by Jenkins, and are used to identify and kill processes started by this build step. See the documentation for more details on starting processes.
variables : String
Whitespace separated, case insensitive list of environment variables that will be retained, i.e. not removed from the environment of this build step or reset to their default.
unstableReturn : int
$class: 'SideeX'
The default protocol is "HTTP".
Use "HTTPS (Disable certificate checking)" to disable certificate checking.
Use "HTTPS (Enable certificate checking)" to enable certificate checking.
$class: 'HTTPItem'
baseURL : String
$class: 'HTTPSDisableItem'
baseURL : String
$class: 'HTTPSEnableItem'
baseURL : String
caFilePath : String
stateTime : String
testCaseFilePath : String
commandLine : String
The command line arguments to execute for Rapid Scan Static which override the default analyze command. This allows for any Rapid Scan Static command line options to be specified.
If this field is empty the default command will be:
'sigma analyze --format jenkins'
ignorePolicies : boolean
Prevents Rapid Scan Static from failing the build based on violated policies.
If selected, then the '--ignore-policies' command line argument will be added to the Rapid Scan Static analyze sub-command.
sigmaToolName : String
Select the name of the Rapid Scan Static tool installation to execute Rapid Scan Static with this build step.
androidHome : String
tool. You can also set the ANDROID_HOME
environment variable in your Jenkins system or node configuration. E.g., /usr/local/android-sdk
apksToSign : String
or **/*-unsigned.apk
or app1/**/*-unsigned.apk, app2/**/*-unsigned.apk
archiveSignedApks : boolean
, where myApp-unsigned.apk
is a directory named for the input unsigned APK.
archiveUnsignedApks : boolean
keyAlias : String
Key Store ID
references. If your key store contains only one key entry, which is the most common case, you can leave this field blank.
keyStoreId : String
skipZipalign : boolean
zipalignPath : String
executable this build step should use to align the target APKs. You can also set the ANDROID_ZIPALIGN
environment variable in your Jenkins system or node configuration. E.g., /opt/android-tools/bin/zipalign
tppName : String
fileOrGlob : String
A path or a glob that specifies the file(s) to be signed.
credentialsId : String
appendSignatures : boolean
This plugin invokes Signtool under the hood. Here you can specify extra custom CLI arguments to pass to Signtool.
These arguments will be appended to the Signtool CLI invocation. If they overlap with any arguments implicitly passed by this plugin, then Signtool will raise an error.
argument : String
sha1 : String
The SHA-1 hash of the certificate (inside the TPP) to use for code signing.
Normally you should use 'Signing certificate subject name' instead, but if that name is ambiguous, then use the SHA-1 hash to select a specific signing certificate.
Either a subject name or SHA-1 hash of the signing certificate must be given.
signToolPath : String
The digest algorithm(s) to use to creating signatures.
If none specified, 'sha256' is used as the default algorithm. This is very secure, but may not be compatible with older Windows versions. If you need compatibility with older Windows versions, you should specify 'sha1' and 'sha256' (in that order).
When multiple digest algorithms are specified, they are applied in the order specified.
algorithm : String
subjectName : String
The Common Name ("Issued to" or "CN") of the certificate (inside the TPP) to use for code signing.
You can obtain a list of Common Names with 'cspconfig listcertificates' and checking what comes after 'CN='.
Either a subject name or SHA-1 hash of the signing certificate must be given.
Specifies one or more timestamping authority servers to use during signing. Specifying this is strongly recommended, because it allows signed files to be usable even after the original signing certificate has expired.
If you specify more than one server, then a random one will be used.
Tip: here are some public timestamping authorities that you can use:
address : String
useMachineConfiguration : boolean
venafiClientToolsDir : String
C:\Program Files\Venafi CodeSign Protect
tppName : String
fileOrGlob : String
A path or a glob that specifies the file(s) to be verified.
credentialsId : String
signToolPath : String
useMachineConfiguration : boolean
venafiClientToolsDir : String
C:\Program Files\Venafi CodeSign Protect
.$class: 'SilkPerformerBuilder'
projectLoc : String
workload : String
userType : String
measureCategory : String
measureType : String
measureName : String
valueType : String
operatorType : String
chosenValue : String
apiUrl : String
apiKey : String
pipelineId : String
threshold : double
$class: 'SingleConditionalBuilder'
buildStep : Build Step (hudson.tasks.BuildStep
$class: 'AlwaysRun'
$class: 'And'
$class: 'AlwaysRun'
$class: 'And'
$class: 'BatchFileCondition'
command : String
If you already have a batch file in SCM, you can just type in the path of that batch file (again relative to the workspace directory), and simply execute that.
$class: 'BooleanCondition'
token : String
$class: 'CauseCondition'
buildCause : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'DayCondition'
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'SelectDays'
day : int
selected : boolean
$class: 'Weekday'
$class: 'Weekend'
$class: 'ExpressionCondition'
expression : String
label : String
$class: 'ExtendedCauseCondition'
$class: 'UpstreamCauseCondition'
projects : String
$class: 'UserBuildCauseCondition'
users : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'FileExistsCondition'
file : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'FilesMatchCondition'
includes : String
excludes : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'LegacyBuildstepCondition'
condition : String
invert : boolean
$class: 'NeverRun'
$class: 'NodeCondition'
allowedNodes : Array / List of String
$class: 'Not'
$class: 'AlwaysRun'
$class: 'And'
$class: 'BatchFileCondition'
command : String
If you already have a batch file in SCM, you can just type in the path of that batch file (again relative to the workspace directory), and simply execute that.
$class: 'BooleanCondition'
token : String
$class: 'CauseCondition'
buildCause : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'DayCondition'
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'SelectDays'
day : int
selected : boolean
$class: 'Weekday'
$class: 'Weekend'
$class: 'ExpressionCondition'
expression : String
label : String
$class: 'ExtendedCauseCondition'
$class: 'UpstreamCauseCondition'
projects : String
$class: 'UserBuildCauseCondition'
users : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'FileExistsCondition'
file : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'FilesMatchCondition'
includes : String
excludes : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'LegacyBuildstepCondition'
condition : String
invert : boolean
$class: 'NeverRun'
$class: 'NodeCondition'
allowedNodes : Array / List of String
$class: 'Not'
$class: 'NumericalComparisonCondition'
lhs : String
rhs : String
$class: 'EqualTo'
$class: 'GreaterThan'
$class: 'GreaterThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'LessThan'
$class: 'LessThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'NotEqualTo'
$class: 'OntrackDSLRunCondition'
value : String
scriptPath : String
scriptText : String
sandbox : boolean
injectEnvironment : String
) to bind as variables into the script.
For example, if you set this field to BUILD_NUMBER
, you can access the BUILD_NUMBER
value from the script using:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', '1.0').build("1.0-${BUILD_NUMBER}", '')
injectProperties : String
You can define variables to inject into the script by using a property-like format.
For example, the following text:
would inject the corresponding BRANCH
variables in the script:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', BRANCH).build(VERSION, "Build ${VERSION}")
In the text:
name = value
are ignored${VAR}
are expanded using VAR
from the current environment variables.ontrackLog : boolean
$class: 'Or'
$class: 'ShellCondition'
command : String
By default, the shell will be invoked with the "-ex" option. So all of the commands are printed before being executed, and the build is considered a failure if any of the commands exits with a non-zero exit code. Again, add the #!/bin/... line to change this behavior.
As a best practice, try not to put a long shell script in here. Instead, consider adding the shell script in SCM and simply call that shell script from Jenkins (via bash -ex or something like that), so that you can track changes in your shell script.
A non-zero exit value will be treated as a false value
$class: 'StatusCondition'
worstResult : String
bestResult : String
$class: 'StringsMatchCondition'
arg1 : String
arg2 : String
ignoreCase : boolean
$class: 'TextFinderCondition'
fileSet : String
regexp : String
checkConsoleOutput : boolean
$class: 'TimeCondition'
earliest : String
latest : String
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'VariableExistsCondition'
variableName : String
$class: 'NumericalComparisonCondition'
lhs : String
rhs : String
$class: 'EqualTo'
$class: 'GreaterThan'
$class: 'GreaterThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'LessThan'
$class: 'LessThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'NotEqualTo'
$class: 'OntrackDSLRunCondition'
value : String
scriptPath : String
scriptText : String
sandbox : boolean
injectEnvironment : String
) to bind as variables into the script.
For example, if you set this field to BUILD_NUMBER
, you can access the BUILD_NUMBER
value from the script using:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', '1.0').build("1.0-${BUILD_NUMBER}", '')
injectProperties : String
You can define variables to inject into the script by using a property-like format.
For example, the following text:
would inject the corresponding BRANCH
variables in the script:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', BRANCH).build(VERSION, "Build ${VERSION}")
In the text:
name = value
are ignored${VAR}
are expanded using VAR
from the current environment variables.ontrackLog : boolean
$class: 'Or'
$class: 'ShellCondition'
command : String
By default, the shell will be invoked with the "-ex" option. So all of the commands are printed before being executed, and the build is considered a failure if any of the commands exits with a non-zero exit code. Again, add the #!/bin/... line to change this behavior.
As a best practice, try not to put a long shell script in here. Instead, consider adding the shell script in SCM and simply call that shell script from Jenkins (via bash -ex or something like that), so that you can track changes in your shell script.
A non-zero exit value will be treated as a false value
$class: 'StatusCondition'
worstResult : String
bestResult : String
$class: 'StringsMatchCondition'
arg1 : String
arg2 : String
ignoreCase : boolean
$class: 'TextFinderCondition'
fileSet : String
regexp : String
checkConsoleOutput : boolean
$class: 'TimeCondition'
earliest : String
latest : String
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'VariableExistsCondition'
variableName : String
$class: 'BatchFileCondition'
command : String
If you already have a batch file in SCM, you can just type in the path of that batch file (again relative to the workspace directory), and simply execute that.
$class: 'BooleanCondition'
token : String
$class: 'CauseCondition'
buildCause : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'DayCondition'
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'SelectDays'
day : int
selected : boolean
$class: 'Weekday'
$class: 'Weekend'
$class: 'ExpressionCondition'
expression : String
label : String
$class: 'ExtendedCauseCondition'
$class: 'UpstreamCauseCondition'
projects : String
$class: 'UserBuildCauseCondition'
users : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'FileExistsCondition'
file : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'FilesMatchCondition'
includes : String
excludes : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'LegacyBuildstepCondition'
condition : String
invert : boolean
$class: 'NeverRun'
$class: 'NodeCondition'
allowedNodes : Array / List of String
$class: 'Not'
$class: 'AlwaysRun'
$class: 'And'
$class: 'AlwaysRun'
$class: 'And'
$class: 'BatchFileCondition'
command : String
If you already have a batch file in SCM, you can just type in the path of that batch file (again relative to the workspace directory), and simply execute that.
$class: 'BooleanCondition'
token : String
$class: 'CauseCondition'
buildCause : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'DayCondition'
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'SelectDays'
day : int
selected : boolean
$class: 'Weekday'
$class: 'Weekend'
$class: 'ExpressionCondition'
expression : String
label : String
$class: 'ExtendedCauseCondition'
$class: 'UpstreamCauseCondition'
projects : String
$class: 'UserBuildCauseCondition'
users : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'FileExistsCondition'
file : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'FilesMatchCondition'
includes : String
excludes : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'LegacyBuildstepCondition'
condition : String
invert : boolean
$class: 'NeverRun'
$class: 'NodeCondition'
allowedNodes : Array / List of String
$class: 'Not'
$class: 'NumericalComparisonCondition'
lhs : String
rhs : String
$class: 'EqualTo'
$class: 'GreaterThan'
$class: 'GreaterThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'LessThan'
$class: 'LessThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'NotEqualTo'
$class: 'OntrackDSLRunCondition'
value : String
scriptPath : String
scriptText : String
sandbox : boolean
injectEnvironment : String
) to bind as variables into the script.
For example, if you set this field to BUILD_NUMBER
, you can access the BUILD_NUMBER
value from the script using:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', '1.0').build("1.0-${BUILD_NUMBER}", '')
injectProperties : String
You can define variables to inject into the script by using a property-like format.
For example, the following text:
would inject the corresponding BRANCH
variables in the script:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', BRANCH).build(VERSION, "Build ${VERSION}")
In the text:
name = value
are ignored${VAR}
are expanded using VAR
from the current environment variables.ontrackLog : boolean
$class: 'Or'
$class: 'ShellCondition'
command : String
By default, the shell will be invoked with the "-ex" option. So all of the commands are printed before being executed, and the build is considered a failure if any of the commands exits with a non-zero exit code. Again, add the #!/bin/... line to change this behavior.
As a best practice, try not to put a long shell script in here. Instead, consider adding the shell script in SCM and simply call that shell script from Jenkins (via bash -ex or something like that), so that you can track changes in your shell script.
A non-zero exit value will be treated as a false value
$class: 'StatusCondition'
worstResult : String
bestResult : String
$class: 'StringsMatchCondition'
arg1 : String
arg2 : String
ignoreCase : boolean
$class: 'TextFinderCondition'
fileSet : String
regexp : String
checkConsoleOutput : boolean
$class: 'TimeCondition'
earliest : String
latest : String
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'VariableExistsCondition'
variableName : String
$class: 'BatchFileCondition'
command : String
If you already have a batch file in SCM, you can just type in the path of that batch file (again relative to the workspace directory), and simply execute that.
$class: 'BooleanCondition'
token : String
$class: 'CauseCondition'
buildCause : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'DayCondition'
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'SelectDays'
day : int
selected : boolean
$class: 'Weekday'
$class: 'Weekend'
$class: 'ExpressionCondition'
expression : String
label : String
$class: 'ExtendedCauseCondition'
$class: 'UpstreamCauseCondition'
projects : String
$class: 'UserBuildCauseCondition'
users : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'FileExistsCondition'
file : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'FilesMatchCondition'
includes : String
excludes : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'LegacyBuildstepCondition'
condition : String
invert : boolean
$class: 'NeverRun'
$class: 'NodeCondition'
allowedNodes : Array / List of String
$class: 'Not'
$class: 'NumericalComparisonCondition'
lhs : String
rhs : String
$class: 'EqualTo'
$class: 'GreaterThan'
$class: 'GreaterThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'LessThan'
$class: 'LessThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'NotEqualTo'
$class: 'OntrackDSLRunCondition'
value : String
scriptPath : String
scriptText : String
sandbox : boolean
injectEnvironment : String
) to bind as variables into the script.
For example, if you set this field to BUILD_NUMBER
, you can access the BUILD_NUMBER
value from the script using:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', '1.0').build("1.0-${BUILD_NUMBER}", '')
injectProperties : String
You can define variables to inject into the script by using a property-like format.
For example, the following text:
would inject the corresponding BRANCH
variables in the script:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', BRANCH).build(VERSION, "Build ${VERSION}")
In the text:
name = value
are ignored${VAR}
are expanded using VAR
from the current environment variables.ontrackLog : boolean
$class: 'Or'
$class: 'AlwaysRun'
$class: 'And'
$class: 'BatchFileCondition'
command : String
If you already have a batch file in SCM, you can just type in the path of that batch file (again relative to the workspace directory), and simply execute that.
$class: 'BooleanCondition'
token : String
$class: 'CauseCondition'
buildCause : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'DayCondition'
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'SelectDays'
day : int
selected : boolean
$class: 'Weekday'
$class: 'Weekend'
$class: 'ExpressionCondition'
expression : String
label : String
$class: 'ExtendedCauseCondition'
$class: 'UpstreamCauseCondition'
projects : String
$class: 'UserBuildCauseCondition'
users : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'FileExistsCondition'
file : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'FilesMatchCondition'
includes : String
excludes : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'LegacyBuildstepCondition'
condition : String
invert : boolean
$class: 'NeverRun'
$class: 'NodeCondition'
allowedNodes : Array / List of String
$class: 'Not'
$class: 'NumericalComparisonCondition'
lhs : String
rhs : String
$class: 'EqualTo'
$class: 'GreaterThan'
$class: 'GreaterThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'LessThan'
$class: 'LessThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'NotEqualTo'
$class: 'OntrackDSLRunCondition'
value : String
scriptPath : String
scriptText : String
sandbox : boolean
injectEnvironment : String
) to bind as variables into the script.
For example, if you set this field to BUILD_NUMBER
, you can access the BUILD_NUMBER
value from the script using:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', '1.0').build("1.0-${BUILD_NUMBER}", '')
injectProperties : String
You can define variables to inject into the script by using a property-like format.
For example, the following text:
would inject the corresponding BRANCH
variables in the script:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', BRANCH).build(VERSION, "Build ${VERSION}")
In the text:
name = value
are ignored${VAR}
are expanded using VAR
from the current environment variables.ontrackLog : boolean
$class: 'Or'
$class: 'ShellCondition'
command : String
By default, the shell will be invoked with the "-ex" option. So all of the commands are printed before being executed, and the build is considered a failure if any of the commands exits with a non-zero exit code. Again, add the #!/bin/... line to change this behavior.
As a best practice, try not to put a long shell script in here. Instead, consider adding the shell script in SCM and simply call that shell script from Jenkins (via bash -ex or something like that), so that you can track changes in your shell script.
A non-zero exit value will be treated as a false value
$class: 'StatusCondition'
worstResult : String
bestResult : String
$class: 'StringsMatchCondition'
arg1 : String
arg2 : String
ignoreCase : boolean
$class: 'TextFinderCondition'
fileSet : String
regexp : String
checkConsoleOutput : boolean
$class: 'TimeCondition'
earliest : String
latest : String
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'VariableExistsCondition'
variableName : String
$class: 'ShellCondition'
command : String
By default, the shell will be invoked with the "-ex" option. So all of the commands are printed before being executed, and the build is considered a failure if any of the commands exits with a non-zero exit code. Again, add the #!/bin/... line to change this behavior.
As a best practice, try not to put a long shell script in here. Instead, consider adding the shell script in SCM and simply call that shell script from Jenkins (via bash -ex or something like that), so that you can track changes in your shell script.
A non-zero exit value will be treated as a false value
$class: 'StatusCondition'
worstResult : String
bestResult : String
$class: 'StringsMatchCondition'
arg1 : String
arg2 : String
ignoreCase : boolean
$class: 'TextFinderCondition'
fileSet : String
regexp : String
checkConsoleOutput : boolean
$class: 'TimeCondition'
earliest : String
latest : String
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'VariableExistsCondition'
variableName : String
$class: 'NumericalComparisonCondition'
lhs : String
rhs : String
$class: 'EqualTo'
$class: 'GreaterThan'
$class: 'GreaterThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'LessThan'
$class: 'LessThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'NotEqualTo'
$class: 'OntrackDSLRunCondition'
value : String
scriptPath : String
scriptText : String
sandbox : boolean
injectEnvironment : String
) to bind as variables into the script.
For example, if you set this field to BUILD_NUMBER
, you can access the BUILD_NUMBER
value from the script using:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', '1.0').build("1.0-${BUILD_NUMBER}", '')
injectProperties : String
You can define variables to inject into the script by using a property-like format.
For example, the following text:
would inject the corresponding BRANCH
variables in the script:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', BRANCH).build(VERSION, "Build ${VERSION}")
In the text:
name = value
are ignored${VAR}
are expanded using VAR
from the current environment variables.ontrackLog : boolean
$class: 'Or'
$class: 'AlwaysRun'
$class: 'And'
$class: 'BatchFileCondition'
command : String
If you already have a batch file in SCM, you can just type in the path of that batch file (again relative to the workspace directory), and simply execute that.
$class: 'BooleanCondition'
token : String
$class: 'CauseCondition'
buildCause : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'DayCondition'
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'SelectDays'
day : int
selected : boolean
$class: 'Weekday'
$class: 'Weekend'
$class: 'ExpressionCondition'
expression : String
label : String
$class: 'ExtendedCauseCondition'
$class: 'UpstreamCauseCondition'
projects : String
$class: 'UserBuildCauseCondition'
users : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'FileExistsCondition'
file : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'FilesMatchCondition'
includes : String
excludes : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'LegacyBuildstepCondition'
condition : String
invert : boolean
$class: 'NeverRun'
$class: 'NodeCondition'
allowedNodes : Array / List of String
$class: 'Not'
$class: 'AlwaysRun'
$class: 'And'
$class: 'BatchFileCondition'
command : String
If you already have a batch file in SCM, you can just type in the path of that batch file (again relative to the workspace directory), and simply execute that.
$class: 'BooleanCondition'
token : String
$class: 'CauseCondition'
buildCause : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'DayCondition'
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'SelectDays'
day : int
selected : boolean
$class: 'Weekday'
$class: 'Weekend'
$class: 'ExpressionCondition'
expression : String
label : String
$class: 'ExtendedCauseCondition'
$class: 'UpstreamCauseCondition'
projects : String
$class: 'UserBuildCauseCondition'
users : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'FileExistsCondition'
file : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'FilesMatchCondition'
includes : String
excludes : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'LegacyBuildstepCondition'
condition : String
invert : boolean
$class: 'NeverRun'
$class: 'NodeCondition'
allowedNodes : Array / List of String
$class: 'Not'
$class: 'NumericalComparisonCondition'
lhs : String
rhs : String
$class: 'EqualTo'
$class: 'GreaterThan'
$class: 'GreaterThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'LessThan'
$class: 'LessThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'NotEqualTo'
$class: 'OntrackDSLRunCondition'
value : String
scriptPath : String
scriptText : String
sandbox : boolean
injectEnvironment : String
) to bind as variables into the script.
For example, if you set this field to BUILD_NUMBER
, you can access the BUILD_NUMBER
value from the script using:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', '1.0').build("1.0-${BUILD_NUMBER}", '')
injectProperties : String
You can define variables to inject into the script by using a property-like format.
For example, the following text:
would inject the corresponding BRANCH
variables in the script:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', BRANCH).build(VERSION, "Build ${VERSION}")
In the text:
name = value
are ignored${VAR}
are expanded using VAR
from the current environment variables.ontrackLog : boolean
$class: 'Or'
$class: 'ShellCondition'
command : String
By default, the shell will be invoked with the "-ex" option. So all of the commands are printed before being executed, and the build is considered a failure if any of the commands exits with a non-zero exit code. Again, add the #!/bin/... line to change this behavior.
As a best practice, try not to put a long shell script in here. Instead, consider adding the shell script in SCM and simply call that shell script from Jenkins (via bash -ex or something like that), so that you can track changes in your shell script.
A non-zero exit value will be treated as a false value
$class: 'StatusCondition'
worstResult : String
bestResult : String
$class: 'StringsMatchCondition'
arg1 : String
arg2 : String
ignoreCase : boolean
$class: 'TextFinderCondition'
fileSet : String
regexp : String
checkConsoleOutput : boolean
$class: 'TimeCondition'
earliest : String
latest : String
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'VariableExistsCondition'
variableName : String
$class: 'NumericalComparisonCondition'
lhs : String
rhs : String
$class: 'EqualTo'
$class: 'GreaterThan'
$class: 'GreaterThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'LessThan'
$class: 'LessThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'NotEqualTo'
$class: 'OntrackDSLRunCondition'
value : String
scriptPath : String
scriptText : String
sandbox : boolean
injectEnvironment : String
) to bind as variables into the script.
For example, if you set this field to BUILD_NUMBER
, you can access the BUILD_NUMBER
value from the script using:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', '1.0').build("1.0-${BUILD_NUMBER}", '')
injectProperties : String
You can define variables to inject into the script by using a property-like format.
For example, the following text:
would inject the corresponding BRANCH
variables in the script:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', BRANCH).build(VERSION, "Build ${VERSION}")
In the text:
name = value
are ignored${VAR}
are expanded using VAR
from the current environment variables.ontrackLog : boolean
$class: 'Or'
$class: 'ShellCondition'
command : String
By default, the shell will be invoked with the "-ex" option. So all of the commands are printed before being executed, and the build is considered a failure if any of the commands exits with a non-zero exit code. Again, add the #!/bin/... line to change this behavior.
As a best practice, try not to put a long shell script in here. Instead, consider adding the shell script in SCM and simply call that shell script from Jenkins (via bash -ex or something like that), so that you can track changes in your shell script.
A non-zero exit value will be treated as a false value
$class: 'StatusCondition'
worstResult : String
bestResult : String
$class: 'StringsMatchCondition'
arg1 : String
arg2 : String
ignoreCase : boolean
$class: 'TextFinderCondition'
fileSet : String
regexp : String
checkConsoleOutput : boolean
$class: 'TimeCondition'
earliest : String
latest : String
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'VariableExistsCondition'
variableName : String
$class: 'ShellCondition'
command : String
By default, the shell will be invoked with the "-ex" option. So all of the commands are printed before being executed, and the build is considered a failure if any of the commands exits with a non-zero exit code. Again, add the #!/bin/... line to change this behavior.
As a best practice, try not to put a long shell script in here. Instead, consider adding the shell script in SCM and simply call that shell script from Jenkins (via bash -ex or something like that), so that you can track changes in your shell script.
A non-zero exit value will be treated as a false value
$class: 'StatusCondition'
worstResult : String
bestResult : String
$class: 'StringsMatchCondition'
arg1 : String
arg2 : String
ignoreCase : boolean
$class: 'TextFinderCondition'
fileSet : String
regexp : String
checkConsoleOutput : boolean
$class: 'TimeCondition'
earliest : String
latest : String
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'VariableExistsCondition'
variableName : String
A run condition evaluation may fail to run cleanly - especially if it is dependent on expanding tokens provided by the Token Macro Plugin and the values are expected to be present or look like a certain type i.e. be a number.
...its about the action to take when the condition can not be evaluated - this is not same as evaluating to false
$class: 'DontRun'
$class: 'Fail'
$class: 'Run'
$class: 'RunUnstable'
$class: 'Unstable'
orgId : String
appId : String
$class: 'SkytapBuilder'
$class: 'AddConfigurationToProjectStep'
configurationID : String
configurationFile : String
projectID : String
projectName : String
$class: 'AddTemplateToProjectStep'
templateID : String
templateFile : String
projectID : String
projectName : String
$class: 'ChangeConfigurationStateStep'
configurationID : String
configurationFile : String
targetRunState : String
haltOnFailedShutdown : boolean
$class: 'ChangeContainerStateStep'
containerID : String
containerFile : String
targetContainerAction : String
$class: 'ChangeVMContainerHostStatus'
configurationID : String
configurationFile : String
vmID : String
vmName : String
containerHostStatus : String
$class: 'ConnectToVPNTunnelStep'
configurationID : String
configurationFile : String
configurationNetworkName : String
vpnID : String
$class: 'CreateConfigurationStep'
templateID : String
templateFile : String
configName : String
configFile : String
$class: 'CreateContainerStep'
configurationID : String
configurationFile : String
vmID : String
vmName : String
containerRegistryName : String
repositoryName : String
containerName : String
If no name is provided, the container will be named New_Container_[timestamp]
containerCommand : String
If no command is provided, will default to using the command in the image spec (if applicable).
exposeAllPorts : boolean
containerSaveFilename : String
$class: 'CreatePublishURLStep'
configurationID : String
configurationFile : String
urlSaveFilename : String
portalName : String
permissionOption : String
Don't Publish: The Sharing Portal URL will not be available to the user in any way.
View Only: User can view the VM through the Sharing Portal URL. No mouse or keyboard control is allowed, and desktop resizing is disabled.
Use:User can view the VM through the Sharing Portal URL and interact with it using a mouse or keyboard. Desktop resizing is allowed.
Run, Suspend: User can view the VM through the Sharing Portal URL and interact with it using a mouse or keyboard. Desktop resizing is allowed, and the user can also run the machine if it is in a stopped or suspended state.
class hudson.util.Secret
$class: 'CreatePublishedServiceStep'
configurationID : String
configurationFile : String
vmID : String
vmName : String
networkName : String
portNumber : String
publishedServiceFile : String
$class: 'CreateTemplateFromConfigurationStep'
configurationID : String
configurationFile : String
templateName : String
templateDescription : String
templateSaveFilename : String
$class: 'DeleteConfigurationStep'
configurationID : String
configurationFile : String
$class: 'DeleteContainerStep'
containerID : String
containerFile : String
$class: 'GetContainerMetaDataStep'
configurationID : String
configurationFile : String
vmID : String
vmName : String
containerName : String
containerDataFile : String
$class: 'ListPublishedURLForConfigurationStep'
configurationID : String
configurationFile : String
urlName : String
urlFile : String
$class: 'ListVMPublishedServiceStep'
configurationID : String
configurationFile : String
vmID : String
vmName : String
networkName : String
portNumber : String
publishedServiceFile : String
$class: 'MergeTemplateIntoConfigurationStep'
configurationID : String
configurationFile : String
templateID : String
templateFile : String
configFile : String
$class: 'NetworkConnectStep'
sourceNetworkConfigurationID : String
targetNetworkConfigurationID : String
sourceNetworkConfigurationFile : String
targetNetworkConfigurationFile : String
sourceNetworkName : String
targetNetworkName : String
$class: 'SmartFrogBuilder'
smartFrogName : String
deployHost : String
hosts : String
sfUserHome : String
sfUserHome2 : String
sfUserHome3 : String
sfUserHome4 : String
sfOpts : String
builderId : String
useAltIni : boolean
sfIni : String
$class: 'FileScriptSource'
scriptName : String
scriptPath : String
$class: 'StringScriptSource'
scriptName : String
scriptContent : String
$class: 'SnapshotBuilder'
xStudioPath : String
xStudioLicensePath : String
vagrantBox : String
overwrite : boolean
preInstallScriptPath : String
postSnapshotScriptPath : String
resourceDirectoryPath : String
dependencies : Array / List of String
snapshotFilesToDelete : Array / List of String
class org.jenkinsci.plugins.spoontrigger.SnapshotBuilder$InstallScriptSettings
class org.jenkinsci.plugins.spoontrigger.SnapshotBuilder$StartupFileSettings
$class: 'SnykStepBuilder'
additionalArguments : String
Additional runtime arguments that will be used to invoke the Snyk CLI. See the Snyk CLI help page for more details.
Use the standalone double-dash --
to pass arguments to the build tool invoked by the Snyk CLI. For example:
-- -Pprofile -Dkey=value
for Maven
projects.-- --configuration runtime
for Gradle
projects.-- -Dkey=value
for SBT
projects.failOnError : boolean
Whether the step should fail if Snyk fails to scan the project due to an error. Errors include scenarios like: failing to download Snyk's binaries, improper Jenkins setup, bad configuration and server errors.
failOnIssues : boolean
The "When issues are found" selection specifies if builds should be failed or continued based on issues found by Snyk.
The corresponding CLI option for severity parameter: --severity-threshold
monitorProjectOnBuild : boolean
Monitor the project on every build by taking a snapshot of its current dependencies on Selecting this option will keep you notified about newly disclosed vulnerabilities and remediation options in the project.
organisation : String
The Snyk organisation in which this project should be tested and monitored. Leave empty to use your default organisation.
The corresponding CLI option for this parameter: --org
projectName : String
A custom name for the Snyk project created for this Jenkins project on every build. Leave empty for the project's name to be detected in the manifest file.
The corresponding CLI option for this parameter: --project-name
severity : String
snykInstallation : String
Ensures that the selected version of Snyk tools are installed. In addition, the Snyk tools will be added at the start of the PATH
environment variable during builds.
If no Snyk installations have been defined in the Jenkins system config, then none of the above steps will take place.
snykTokenId : String
This needs to be the ID of an existing "Snyk API Token" credential. The token will be used to authenticate with Snyk.
If you prefer to provide the Snyk API Token another way, such using alternative credential bindings, you'll need to provide a SNYK_TOKEN
build environment variable.
targetFile : String
The path to the manifest file to be used by Snyk. Leave empty for Snyk to auto-detect the manifest file in the project's root folder.
The corresponding CLI option for this parameter: --file
pushCoverage : boolean
pushVulnerabilities : boolean
skipWebhookCreation : boolean
sonarServerUrl : String
sonarToken : String
applicationName : String
applicationVersion : String
applicationComponent : String
acceptInvalidCertificate : boolean
projectKey : String
$class: 'SonarRunnerBuilder'
additionalArguments : String
installationName : String
javaOpts : String
jdk : String
project : String
properties : String
sonarScannerName : String
$class: 'SoosSCA'
class hudson.util.Secret
class hudson.util.Secret
apiBaseURI : String
dirsToExclude : String
filesToExclude : String
logLevel : String
nodePath : String
onFailure : String
outputFormat : String
packageManagers : String
projectName : String
verbose : boolean
$class: 'SoundsBuildTask'
afterDelayMs : String
selectedSound : String
soundUrl : String
$class: 'SparkNotifyBuilder'
disable : boolean
messageType : String
rName : String
rId : String
messageContent : String
credentialsId : String
splitTask : String
featureFlagName : Array / List of String
environmentName : Array / List of String
workspaceName : Array / List of String
trafficTypeName : Array / List of String
featureFlagDefinitions : String
targetlistKey : String
treatmentName : String
featureFlagYAMLFile : String
selectedIDs : String
artifactId : String
autocomplete : String
bootVersion : String
description : String
groupId : String
javaVersion : String
language : String
packaging : String
projectName : String
type : String
almServerName : String
almProject : String
credentialsId : String
clientType : String
almDomain : String
runType : String
almEntityId : String
timeslotDuration : String
deploymentAction : String
deployedEnvironmentName : String
deprovisioningAction : String
description : String
environmentConfigurationId : String
postRunAction : String
apiToken : String
caCertPEM : String
cluster : String
enableTLSVerification : boolean
failOnCriticalPluginError : boolean
failOnPolicyEvalFailure : boolean
imageNames : String
portalAddress : String
sourcePattern : String
excludePattern : String
reportPath : String
$class: 'StartBox'
cloud : String
workspace : String
box : String
instance : String
buildStep : String
Configure and start a preconfigured ecu.test installation.
Pipeline usagestartET(String toolName) : void
startET(String toolName, String workspaceDir, String settingsDir, int timeout, boolean debugMode, boolean keepInstance, boolean updateUserLibs) : void
ETInstance.start() : void
ETInstance.start(String workspaceDir, String settingsDir, int timeout, boolean debugMode, boolean keepInstance, boolean updateUserLibs) : void
ETInstance.start(Map<String, Object> settings) : void
def instance = ET.installation('ecu.test') startET installation: instance.installation, workspaceDir: 'C:\\Data'
def instance = ET.newInstallation('ecu.test', 'C:\\Program Files\\ECU-TEST 8.0') instance.start()
def instance = ET.newInstallation toolName: 'ecu.test', installPath: C:\\Program Files\\ECU-TEST 8.0' instance.start workspaceDir: 'C:\\Data', settingsDir: 'C:\\Data', timeout: 120, debugMode: true, keepInstance: false, updateUserLibs: true
toolName : String
debugMode : boolean
name : String
home : String
? extends<?>
keepInstance : boolean
settingsDir : String
timeout : String
updateUserLibs : boolean
workspaceDir : String
$class: 'StartGrid'
url : String
cloudTestServerID : String
name : String
timeOut : int
aioProject : String
pipeline : String
program : String
$class: 'StartRSDB'
url : String
cloudTestServerID : String
name : String
timeOut : int
$class: 'StartSprint'
projectNumber : String
sprintNumber : String
Configure and start Tool-Server.
Pipeline usagestartTS(String toolName) : void
startTS(String toolName, String toolLibsIniPath, int tcpPort, int timeout, boolean keepInstance) : void
ETInstance.startTS() : void
ETInstance.startTS(String toolLibsIniPath, int tcpPort, int timeout, boolean keepInstance) : void
ETInstance.startTS(Map<String, Object> settings) : void
def instance = ET.installation('ecu.test') startTS installation: instance.installation
def instance = ET.newInstallation('ecu.test', 'C:\\Program Files\\ECU-TEST 8.0') instance.startTS()
def instance = ET.newInstallation toolName: 'ecu.test', installPath: C:\\Program Files\\ECU-TEST 8.0' instance.startTS toolLibsIniPath: C:\\ToolLibs.ini, tcpPort: 5017, timeout: 60, keepInstance: false
toolName : String
name : String
home : String
? extends<?>
keepInstance : boolean
tcpPort : String
timeout : String
toolLibsIni : String
$class: 'StartTestEnvironment'
url : String
cloudTestServerID : String
name : String
timeOut : int
$class: 'StopBox'
cloud : String
workspace : String
box : String
instance : String
buildStep : String
Shutdown ecu.test.
Pipelines usage:stopET(String toolName) : void
stopET(String toolName, int timeout) : void
ETInstance.stop() : void
ETInstance.stop(int timeout) : void
ETInstance.stop(Map<String, Object> settings) : void
def instance = ET.installation('ecu.test') stopET installation: instance.installation
def instance = ET.newInstallation('ecu.test', 'C:\\Program Files\\ECU-TEST 8.0') instance.stop()
def instance = ET.newInstallation toolName: 'ecu.test', installPath: C:\\Program Files\\ECU-TEST 8.0' instance.stop timeout: 60
toolName : String
name : String
home : String
? extends<?>
timeout : String
$class: 'StopGrid'
url : String
cloudTestServerID : String
name : String
$class: 'StopRSDB'
url : String
cloudTestServerID : String
name : String
Shutdown Tool-Server.
Pipelines usage:stopTS(String toolName) : void
stopTS(String toolName, int timeout) : void
ETInstance.stopTS() : void
ETInstance.stopTS(int timeout) : void
ETInstance.stopTS(Map<String, Object> settings) : void
def instance = ET.installation('ecu.test') stopTS installation: instance.installation
def instance = ET.newInstallation('ecu.test', 'C:\\Program Files\\ECU-TEST 8.0') instance.stopTS()
def instance = ET.newInstallation toolName: 'ecu.test', installPath: C:\\Program Files\\ECU-TEST 8.0' instance.stopTS timeout: 60
toolName : String
name : String
home : String
? extends<?>
timeout : String
$class: 'StopTestEnvironment'
url : String
cloudTestServerID : String
name : String
connectionId : String
credentialsId : String
requestType : String
jobName : String
body : String
duration : String
emailto : String
finalAction : String
headers : String
hlq : String
limit : String
method : String
profileName : String
samples : String
tags : String
transactionId : String
url : String
$class: 'StudioToolsBuilder'
name : String
operation : String
projectDir : String
outputArchiveFile : String
extendedClassPath : String
overwriteOutput : boolean
TRAPropertyFIle : String
connectionId : String
credentialsId : String
maxConditionCode : String
jcl : String
connectionId : String
credentialsId : String
maxConditionCode : String
jclMember : String
$class: 'SubmitJobStep'
connectionName : String
jobName : String
sync : boolean
checkRC : boolean
fileToSubmit : String
fileToSubmit : String
applicationName : String
applicationVersion : String
applicationComponent : String
surefireReportPath : String
$class: 'SvChangeModeBuilder'
serverName : String
force : boolean
dataModel : String
performanceModel : String
service : String
projectPath : String
projectPassword : String
$class: 'SvDeployBuilder'
serverName : String
force : boolean
service : String
projectPath : String
projectPassword : String
firstAgentFallback : boolean
$class: 'SvExportBuilder'
serverName : String
force : boolean
targetDirectory : String
cleanTargetDirectory : boolean
service : String
projectPath : String
projectPassword : String
switchToStandByFirst : boolean
archive : boolean
$class: 'SvUndeployBuilder'
serverName : String
continueIfNotDeployed : boolean
force : boolean
service : String
projectPath : String
projectPassword : String
actionName : String
mdsName : String
args : String
exporter : String
fileLocation : String
format : String
mapToVariables : String
markFailed : boolean
showResults : boolean
tag : String
actionName : String
mdsName : String
description : String
markFailed : boolean
showResults : boolean
tag : String
actionName : String
fileLocation : String
format : String
nodePath : String
allowDelete : boolean
Allow Delete If checked will delete any nodes and MDIs that are not part of the upload. If the nodes are included or inherited the nodes and MDIs at points of inclusion will also be deleted unless "Only Parent" is also checked.
autoRecognize : boolean
description : String
filenameNodes : boolean
Create Filename Nodes If checked, nodes will be created for all matching files names in the file location and file data will be placed under file name node.
identifierWords : String
Identifier Words To make nodes part of an array uniquely identifiable, a comma separated list of 'identifier words' can be added. If no identifierWords are provided, the behavior will default to the identifierWords listed in the find.identity_attributes_discovery.word_list preference
markFailed : boolean
onlyParent : boolean
Only Parent This controls if in case the allowDelete flag is set to true if the deletion of nodes and CDIs will only happen at the node itself, or also at any other place where the node is included or in every child node that is inheriting.
showResults : boolean
subDirectories : boolean
Search Sub-directories If checked sub-directories will also be searched recursively for matching files.
tag : String
withSnapshot : boolean
Allow Delete If checked will delete any nodes and MDIs that are not part of the upload. In case the nodes are included or inherited, also the nodes and MDIs at points of inclusion will be deleted
Only Parent If checked will delete any nodes and MDIs that are not part of the upload. In case the nodes are included or inherited, also the nodes and MDIs at points of inclusion will be deleted
Store Snapshot. This controls if automatically a snapshot should be created for each of the impacted config data sets by this data upload.
actionName : String
mdsName : String
errMax : int
markFailed : boolean
noPending : boolean
retryCount : int
retryInterval : int
showResults : boolean
stored : boolean
warnMax : int
$class: 'SyncBuilder'
packageid : String
serverName : String
dbName : String
value : String
username : String
class hudson.util.Secret
encryptConnection : boolean
trustServerCertificate : boolean
options : String
dataOptions : String
filter : String
packageVersion : String
isolationLevel : String
updateScript : boolean
, Specific
specificVersion : String
$class: 'SyncStepBuilder'
packageId : String
server : String
database : String
authenticationType : String
userName : String
class hudson.util.Secret
compareOptions : String
filterFile : String
transactionIsoLvl : String
$class: 'SystemGroovy'
Executes a system groovy script similarly to hudson_url/script. The script is always executed on master.
Predefined variables:
$class: 'FileSystemScriptSource'
scriptFile : String
$class: 'StringSystemScriptSource'
script : String
sandbox : boolean
path : String
oldPath : String
shouldBeApproved : boolean
oldScript : String
bindings : String
Define variable bindings (in the properties file format). Specified variables can be addressed from the script.
$class: 'TATestRunRegistrationBuildStep'
This step registers new test run with given category and sets the 'dtTestrunID' build variable.
category : String
platform : String
credentialsID : String
repositoryName : String
resultsRepositoryName : String
selectExecutionTypeRadio : String
specificationName : String
specificationType : String
specificationList : String
exitOnFailure : boolean
executionContext : String
executionTimeout : String
defineCES : boolean
cesURL : String
useCloudCES : boolean
cloudCustomerNo : String
cloudSiteID : String
defineManager : boolean
communicationManager : String
communicationManagerPort : String
defineServer : boolean
executionServer : String
executionServerPort : String
defineHost : boolean
connectionId : String
includeCred : boolean
defineJobcard : boolean
jclJobcardLine1 : String
jclJobcardLine2 : String
jclJobcardLine3 : String
jclJobcardLine4 : String
jclJobcardLine5 : String
defineQualifiers : boolean
datasetHighLevelQualifier : String
temporaryDatasetPrefix : String
temporaryDatasetSuffix : String
defineDataprivacyOverride : boolean
dpOverrideFADEBUG : String
dpOverrideFAEXPATH : String
dpOverrideFAIPADDR : String
dpOverrideFAJOPTS : String
dpOverrideFAJPATH : String
haltPipelineOnFailure : boolean
credentialsId : String
$class: 'TagBuilder'
changeLogFile : String
changeLogParameters : String
contexts : String
credentialsId : String
installationName : String
labels : String
liquibasePropertiesPath : String
password : String
resourceDirectories : String
tag : String
url : String
username : String
name : String
scenario : String
urlToAudit : String
urlTanaguruWebService : String
performanceUnstableMark : int
performanceFailedMark : int
proxy_uri : String
proxy_username : String
proxy_password : String
$class: 'TattletaleBuilder'
inputDirectory : String
outputDirectory : String
suite : String
accessKeyId : String
actionOnErrors : String
actionOnWarnings : String
commandLineArguments : String
credentialsId : String
executorType : String
executorVersion : String
generateMHT : boolean
project : String
routine : String
tags : String
test : String
unit : String
value : String
launchType : String
project : String
publishJUnitReports : boolean
routine : String
sessionScreenResolution : String
tags : String
test : String
timeout : String
unit : String
useActiveSession : boolean
useTCService : boolean
useTimeout : boolean
userName : String
userPassword : String
$class: 'TelegramBotBuilder'
message : String
$class: 'TelerikAppBuilder'
applicationId : String
class hudson.util.Secret
configuration : String
mobileProvisionIdentifieriOS : String
codesigningIdentityiOS : String
codesigningIdentityAndroid : String
buildSettingsWP : boolean
$class: 'TerminateBox'
cloud : String
workspace : String
box : String
instance : String
buildStep : String
delete : boolean
credentialsId : String
The ID of the credentials to use when accessing Cloudify. Parameters' expansion is supported when using freestyle jobs.
debugOutput : boolean
deploymentId : String
ID to assign to the created Cloudify deployment. If not provided, one will be randomly generated. You can obtain the deployment ID from the "environment data" output file.
echoEnvData : boolean
If checked, then the created environment's data will be printed to the job's log.
echoInputs : boolean
envDataLocation : String
Path to a file that will contain the created environment's data. If not provided, the environment data won't be written.
java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String>
environmentVariablesAsString : String
YAML/JSON containing environment variables to pass to the Terraform process. The provided string will be expanded for environment variables (${VAR_NAME}
environmentVariablesFile : String
Path, relative to the Jenkins workspace root, of a YAML/JSON file containing environment variables to pass to the Terraform process.
executable : String
Path, on Cloudify Manager, of the Terraform executable. If omitted, the value of the terraform_executable
Cloudify secret will be used.
pluginsDirectory : String
Path, on Cloudify Manager, of Terraform's plugins directory. If omitted, the value of the terraform_plugins_dir
Cloudify secret will be used.
storageDirectory : String
Path, on Cloudify Manager, of Terraform's storage directory. If omitted, the value of the terraform_storage_dir
Cloudify secret will be used.
templateUrl : String
URL of the Terraform template. May be a ZIP, tar.gz
, or a Git repository.
tenant : String
java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.Object>
variablesAsString : String
YAML/JSON containing variables to pass to the Terraform template. The provided string will be expanded for environment variables (${VAR_NAME}
variablesFile : String
Path, relative to the Jenkins workspace root, of a YAML/JSON file containing parmaeters to pass to the template.
dotnet test
command is used to execute unit tests in a given solution. It builds the solution and runs a test host application for each test project in the solution. The test host executes tests in the given project using a test framework, for example: MSTest, NUnit, or xUnit, and reports the success or failure of each test. If all tests are successful, the test runner returns 0 as an exit code; otherwise if any test fails, it returns 1.
blame : boolean
that captures the order of tests that were run before the crash.
blameCrash : boolean
environment variable to 1
blameCrashCollectAlways : boolean
blameCrashDumpType : String
blameHang : boolean
blameHangDumpType : String
, mini
, or none
. When none
is specified, the test host is terminated on timeout, but no dump is collected. Implies --blame-hang
blameHangTimeout : int
and --blame-hang
charset : String
collect : String
configuration : String
, but you can override the build configuration settings in your project.
continueOnError : boolean
, if configured that way), but the build will be allowed to continue. Otherwise, any such errors will cause the build to be terminated immediately.
diag : String
for the test host log, and *.datacollector_<date>.txt
for the data collector log.
filter : String
framework : String
or a .NET Framework test host for the test binaries. This option only determines which type of host to use. The actual framework version to be used is determined by the runtimeconfig.json of the test project. When not specified, the TargetFramework assembly attribute is used to determine the type of host. When that attribute is stripped from the .dll, the .NET Framework host is used.
listTests : boolean
logger : String
dotnet test
doesn't accept abbreviations: instead of "console;v=d
", use "console;verbosity=detailed
noBuild : boolean
noRestore : boolean
nologo : boolean
option : String
options : Array / List of String
optionsString : String
outputDirectory : String
. For projects with multiple target frameworks (via the TargetFrameworks
property), you also need to specify a framework when you specify this option. dotnet test
always runs tests from the output directory. You can use AppDomain.BaseDirectory to consume test assets in the output directory.
project : String
java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String>
propertiesString : String
resultsDirectory : String
in the directory that contains the project file.
java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String>
runSettingsString : String
values, specified in in Java properties syntax.
runtime : String
sdk : String
will be in the path.
With .NETelement (or a
block in a pipeline script) to specify one, or ensure this step runs on a node that has a .NET SDK installed and in the path.
settings : String
file to use for running the tests. Note that the TargetPlatform
element (x86|x64) has no effect for dotnet test
. To run tests that target x86, install the x86 version of .NET Core. The bitness of the dotnet.exe that is on the path is what will be used for running tests.
showSdkInfo : boolean
dotnet --info
will be executed before the main command. This shows a list of available SDKs and runtimes, indicating which one is currently being used.
shutDownBuildServers : boolean
dotnet build-server shutdown
will be executed after the main command, shutting down build servers that may have been started.
hanguntil those server processes end. As such, it's recommended to specify this for the last .NET-related step in a job. If using multiple SDKs, each needs its own shutdown (e.g. the .NET Core 3.1 SDK will not shut down build servers from the .NET 5.0 SDK).
specificSdkVersion : boolean
executable may use the most recent SDK available on the system, even when PATH
is set up to find an older SDK deployment first; see this page for more information.
file will be created in the current directory, referencing that SDK version and disabling roll-forward.
already present in the current directory.
testAdapterPath : String
are inspected. If not specified, the directory of the test .dll is searched.
unstableIfErrors : boolean
unstableIfWarnings : boolean
verbosity : String
workDirectory : String
$class: 'TestBuilder'
packageid : String
value : String
serverName : String
dbName : String
value : String
username : String
class hudson.util.Secret
encryptConnection : boolean
trustServerCertificate : boolean
value : String
runOnlyParams : String
sqlgenPath : String
options : String
dataOptions : String
filter : String
packageVersion : String
, Specific
specificVersion : String
, socartifact
projectPath : String
packageid : String
packageVersion : String
$class: 'TestCompositionRunner'
url : String
cloudTestServerID : String
composition : String
maxDaysOfResults : int
additionalOptions : String
transactionname : String
thresholdname : String
thresholdvalue : String
thresholdid : String
generatePlotCSV : boolean
testFile : String
timeout : String
stopOnError : boolean
checkTestFile : boolean
recordWarnings : boolean
failFast : boolean
runTest : boolean
runTraceAnalysis : boolean
name : String
value : String
name : String
execInCurrentPkgDir : boolean
filterExpression : String
recursiveScan : boolean
tbcFile : String
tcfFile : String
forceReload : boolean
loadOnly : boolean
keepConfig : boolean
name : String
value : String
$class: 'TestLinkBuilder'
testLinkName : String
testProjectName : String
testPlanName : String
platformName : String
buildName : String
customFields : String
testPlanCustomFields : String
executionStatusNotRun : boolean
executionStatusPassed : boolean
executionStatusFailed : boolean
executionStatusBlocked : boolean
singleBuildSteps : Array / List of Build Step (hudson.tasks.BuildStep
beforeIteratingAllTestCasesBuildSteps : Array / List of Build Step (hudson.tasks.BuildStep
iterativeBuildSteps : Array / List of Build Step (hudson.tasks.BuildStep
afterIteratingAllTestCasesBuildSteps : Array / List of Build Step (hudson.tasks.BuildStep
transactional : boolean
failedTestsMarkBuildAsFailure : boolean
failIfNoResults : boolean
failOnNotRun : boolean
$class: 'JUnitCaseClassNameResultSeeker'
includePattern : String
keyCustomField : String
attachJUnitXML : boolean
includeNotes : boolean
$class: 'JUnitCaseNameResultSeeker'
includePattern : String
keyCustomField : String
attachJUnitXML : boolean
includeNotes : boolean
$class: 'JUnitMethodNameResultSeeker'
includePattern : String
keyCustomField : String
attachJUnitXML : boolean
includeNotes : boolean
$class: 'JUnitSuiteNameResultSeeker'
includePattern : String
keyCustomField : String
attachJUnitXML : boolean
includeNotes : boolean
$class: 'TAPFileNameMultiTestPointsResultSeeker'
includePattern : String
keyCustomField : String
attachTAPStream : boolean
attachYAMLishAttachments : boolean
includeNotes : boolean
compareFullPath : boolean
testpointsAsExecutions : boolean
$class: 'TAPFileNameResultSeeker'
includePattern : String
keyCustomField : String
attachTAPStream : boolean
attachYAMLishAttachments : boolean
includeNotes : boolean
compareFullPath : boolean
$class: 'TestNGClassNameResultSeeker'
includePattern : String
keyCustomField : String
attachTestNGXML : boolean
markSkippedTestAsBlocked : boolean
includeNotes : boolean
$class: 'TestNGMethodNameDataProviderNameResultSeeker'
includePattern : String
keyCustomField : String
attachTestNGXML : boolean
markSkippedTestAsBlocked : boolean
dataProviderNameKeyCustomField : String
includeNotes : boolean
$class: 'TestNGMethodNameResultSeeker'
includePattern : String
keyCustomField : String
attachTestNGXML : boolean
markSkippedTestAsBlocked : boolean
includeNotes : boolean
$class: 'TestNGSuiteNameResultSeeker'
includePattern : String
keyCustomField : String
attachTestNGXML : boolean
markSkippedTestAsBlocked : boolean
includeNotes : boolean
$class: 'TestOdysseyBuilder'
jobId : String
projectId : String
minPassPercentage : String
testFile : String
timeout : String
stopOnError : boolean
checkTestFile : boolean
recordWarnings : boolean
runTest : boolean
runTraceAnalysis : boolean
name : String
value : String
name : String
tbcFile : String
tcfFile : String
forceReload : boolean
loadOnly : boolean
keepConfig : boolean
name : String
value : String
target : String
testPlan : String
levoCredentialsId : String
generateJunitReport : boolean
extraCLIArgs : String
secretEnvironmentId : String
testFile : String
timeout : String
stopOnError : boolean
checkTestFile : boolean
recordWarnings : boolean
execInCurrentPkgDir : boolean
filterExpression : String
tbcFile : String
tcfFile : String
forceReload : boolean
loadOnly : boolean
keepConfig : boolean
name : String
value : String
projectId : String
testId : String
sendEmail : boolean
$class: 'TestRunner'
stack : String
branch : String
testNames : String
undeploy : boolean
apiKey : String
$class: 'TestStepBuilder'
packageId : String
serverType : String
server : String
database : String
authenticationType : String
userName : String
class hudson.util.Secret
runTestMode : String
runTests : String
compareOptions : String
dgenFile : String
filterFile : String
generateTestData : boolean
transactionIsoLvl : String
$class: 'TestStudioAPITestBuilder'
apiRunnerPath : String
project : String
test : String
startFrom : String
stopAfter : String
variable : String
dontSaveContexts : boolean
testAsUnit : boolean
$class: 'TestStudioTestBuilder'
artOfTestRunnerPath : String
testPath : String
settingsPath : String
dateFormat : String
Letter | Date or Time Component | Presentation | Examples |
G | Era designator | Text | AD |
y | Year | Year | 1996; 96 |
Y | Week year | Year | 2009; 09 |
M/L | Month in year | Month | July; Jul; 07 |
w | Week in year | Number | 27 |
W | Week in month | Number | 2 |
D | Day in year | Number | 189 |
d | Day in month | Number | 10 |
F | Day of week in month | Number | 2 |
E | Day in week | Text | Tuesday; Tue |
u | Day number of week | Number | 1 |
a | Am/pm marker | Text | PM |
H | Hour in day (0-23) | Number | 0 |
k | Hour in day (1-24) | Number | 24 |
K | Hour in am/pm (0-11) | Number | 0 |
h | Hour in am/pm (1-12) | Number | 12 |
m | Minute in hour | Number | 30 |
s | Second in minute | Number | 55 |
S | Millisecond | Number | 978 |
z | Time zone | General time zone | Pacific Standard Time; PST; GMT-08:00 |
Z | Time zone | RFC 822 time zone | -0800 |
X | Time zone | ISO 8601 time zone | -08; -0800; -08:00 |
Input string | Pattern |
2001.07.04 AD at 12:08:56 PDT | yyyy.MM.dd G 'at' HH:mm:ss z |
Wed, Jul 4, '01 | EEE, MMM d, ''yy |
12:08 PM | h:mm a |
12 o'clock PM, Pacific Daylight Time | hh 'o''clock' a, zzzz |
0:08 PM, PDT | K:mm a, z |
02001.July.04 AD 12:08 PM | yyyyy.MMMM.dd GGG hh:mm aaa |
Wed, 4 Jul 2001 12:08:56 -0700 | EEE, d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z |
010704120856-0700 | yyMMddHHmmssZ |
2001-07-04T12:08:56.235-0700 | yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ |
2001-07-04T12:08:56.235-07:00 | yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX |
2001-W27-3 | YYYY-'W'ww-u |
projectRoot : String
testAsUnit : boolean
outputPath : String
$class: 'TestSwarmBuilder'
testswarmServerUrl : String
jobName : String
userName : String
authToken : String
maxRuns : String
chooseBrowsers : String
pollingIntervalInSecs : String
timeOutPeriodInMins : String
minimumPassing : String
testName : String
testUrl : String
testCacheCracker : boolean
disableTest : boolean
projectPath : String
experimentName : String
jUnitReportDirectory : String
acceptInconclusiveWatchers : boolean
exportAsCsvDecimalSeparator : String
exportAsCsvDirectory : String
exportAsCsvNoQuote : boolean
exportAsCsvQuote : String
exportAsCsvReports : String
exportAsCsvSeparator : String
htmlReportDirectory : String
instrumentView : boolean
namespacePattern : String
parameterValues : String
runScenarioLimit : int
runTimeLimit : long
silverParameters : String
$class: 'TesteinRunBuilder'
targetType : String
targetId : String
downloadReport : boolean
downloadLogs : boolean
$class: 'TesteinUploadStepBuilder'
jsFilePath : String
jsonFilePath : String
jarFilePath : String
overwrite : boolean
$class: 'TestingBotBuilder'
name : String
personalAPIToken : String
appPath : String
Specify the path to your application file. For iOS, this can be a .ipa or .xcarchive file path. For Android, specify the .apk or .appbundle file path.
profileName : String
Enter the profile name of the Appcircle distribution profile. This name uniquely identifies the profile under which your applications will be distributed.
createProfileIfNotExists : boolean
Specify whether to create a new app profile if one does not already exist.
message : String
Optional message to include with the distribution to provide additional information to testers or users receiving the build.
$class: 'TestkubeBuilder'
$class: 'TestopiaBuilder'
testopiaInstallationName : String
testRunId : int
singleBuildSteps : Array / List of Build Step (hudson.tasks.BuildStep
beforeIteratingAllTestCasesBuildSteps : Array / List of Build Step (hudson.tasks.BuildStep
iterativeBuildSteps : Array / List of Build Step (hudson.tasks.BuildStep
afterIteratingAllTestCasesBuildSteps : Array / List of Build Step (hudson.tasks.BuildStep
failedTestsMarkBuildAsFailure : boolean
$class: 'JUnitCaseClassNameResultSeeker'
includePattern : String
$class: 'JUnitCaseNameResultSeeker'
includePattern : String
$class: 'JUnitMethodNameResultSeeker'
includePattern : String
$class: 'JUnitSuiteNameResultSeeker'
includePattern : String
$class: 'TAPFileNameResultSeeker'
includePattern : String
$class: 'TestNGClassNameResultSeeker'
includePattern : String
markSkippedTestAsBlocked : boolean
$class: 'TestNGMethodNameResultSeeker'
includePattern : String
markSkippedTestAsBlocked : boolean
$class: 'TestNGSuiteNameResultSeeker'
includePattern : String
markSkippedTestAsBlocked : boolean
Framework | Linux shell |
Maven Surefire | mvn clean -Dtest=$testsToRunConverted test |
Maven Failsafe | mvn clean -Dit.test=$testsToRunConverted verify |
Gradle | gradle test $testsToRunConverted |
Protractor | protractor conf.js --grep="$testsToRunConverted" |
Cucumber-JVM over Maven/ BDD Scenario |
mvn clean -Dcucumber.options="$testsToRunConverted" test |
JBehave over Maven | mvn clean -Dfeatures="$testsToRunConverted" test |
Framework | Windows batch command |
Maven Surefire | mvn clean -Dtest=%testsToRunConverted% test |
Maven Failsafe | mvn clean -Dit.test=%testsToRunConverted% verify |
Gradle | gradle test %testsToRunConverted% |
Protractor | protractor conf.js --grep="%testsToRunConverted%" |
Cucumber-JVM over Maven/ BDD Scenario |
mvn clean -Dcucumber.options="%testsToRunConverted%" test |
JBehave over Maven | mvn clean -Dfeatures="%testsToRunConverted%" test |
Framework | Pipeline script |
Maven Surefire | bat 'mvn clean -Dtest=${params.testsToRunConverted} test' |
Maven Failsafe | bat 'mvn clean -Dit.test=${params.testsToRunConverted} verify' |
Gradle | bat 'gradle test ${params.testsToRunConverted}' |
Protractor | bat(/protractor conf.js --grep="${params.testsToRunConverted}"/) |
Cucumber-JVM over Maven/ BDD Scenario |
bat(/mvn clean -Dcucumber.options="${params.testsToRunConverted}" test/) |
JBehave over Maven | bat(/mvn clean -Dfeatures="${testsToRunConverted}" test/) |
framework : String
format : String
{ "testPattern": "$package.$class#$testName", "testDelimiter": "," }
"replacements": [ { "type": "replaceRegex", "target": "$package|$class|$testName", "regex": "aaa", "replacement": "bbb", "description": "Replaces all the sequence of characters matching the regex with a replacement string." },{ "type": "replaceRegexFirst", "target": "$package|$class|$testName", "regex": "aaa", "replacement": "bbb", "description": "Replaces the first substring that matches the given regex with the given replacement. For example, given regex '@(.*)@.*' , replacement '$1', and test name '@myTag@ my test name' - will replace test name by the content located between @, that is - 'myTag'." },{ "type": "replaceString", "target": "$package|$class|$testName", "string": "xxx", "replacement": "yyy", "description": "Replaces all occurrences of ‘string’ with ‘replacement’." },{ "type": "joinString", "target": "$package|$class|$testName", "prefix": "xxx", "suffix": "yyy", "description": "Add prefix and suffix to the test template." },{ "type": "toLowerCase", "target": "$package|$class|$testName", "description": "Convert test template to lower case." },{ "type": "toUpperCase", "target": "$package|$class|$testName", "description": "Convert test template to upper case." },{ "type": "notLatinAndDigitToOctal", "target": "$package|$class|$testName", "description": "Replaces all non-latin characters and digits ^[a-zA-Z0-9] to their ASCII octal value." }]
$class: 'TestsigmaExecutionBuilder'
apiEndPoint : String
apiKey : String
testPlanId : String
maxWaitInMinutes : String
reportsFilePath : String
$class: 'TicsAnalyzer'
ticsPath : String
C:\Program Files\TIOBE\TICS\BuildServer
. This directory should contain the TICSQServer
executable. You can leave this field empty if these executables can be found on the PATH environment variable of the Jenkins agent user or if you checked the "Install TICS command-line tools" checkbox.ticsConfiguration : String
Τhe TICS Configuration is a URL pointing to the 'cfg' API endpoint of the TICS Viewer. It is of the following format
. This URL contains the name of the TICS Analyzer Configuration or '-' in case of the default configuration. Please ask your TICS Representative to provide you with a valid configuration name.
For TICS installations using the legacy deployment architecture, TICS Configuration points to the configuration directory, e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\TIOBE\TICS\FileServer\cfg
. The TICS configuration directory contains the SERVER.yaml
and PROJECTS.yaml
configuration files, among others. This setting sets the TICS
environment variable before executing TICSQServer
. You can leave this field empty if this variable is already set on the Jenkins slave.
projectName : String
from the command line. Note that you can use Jenkins environment variables such as $JOB_NAME
here.branchName : String
branchDirectory : String
TICSMaintenance -branchdir
. Note that you can use Jenkins variables (such as $WORKSPACE
) here.environmentVariables : String
here. Example:
TICS_M2_OPTS=-s C:\Tools\apache-maven\conf\settings.xml TICS_COVERITY_URL=http://localhost:8080 QACBIN=C:/QAC/common/bin PATH=C:\Tools\bin;$PATH
createTmpdir : boolean
tmpdir : String
.extraArguments : String
ALL : boolean
CHANGERATE : boolean
DEADCODE : boolean
ELOC : boolean
FANOUT : boolean
FINALIZE : boolean
FIXRATE : boolean
GLOC : boolean
LINESADDED : boolean
LOC : boolean
PREPARE : boolean
SECURITY : boolean
ALL : boolean
CHANGERATE : boolean
DEADCODE : boolean
ELOC : boolean
FANOUT : boolean
FINALIZE : boolean
FIXRATE : boolean
GLOC : boolean
LINESADDED : boolean
LOC : boolean
PREPARE : boolean
SECURITY : boolean
installTics : boolean
credentialsId : String
projectName : String
branchName : String
branchDirectory : String
calc : Array / List of String
credentialsId : String
java.util.LinkedHashMap<java.lang.String, java.lang.String>
extraArguments : String
installTics : boolean
recalc : Array / List of String
ticsBin : String
ticsConfiguration : String
tmpdir : String
connectionId : String
credentialsId : String
projectFolder : String
testSuite : String
Wild carding of test scenarios/suites names can be done using '*' for any characters and '?' for a single character. 'All_Scenarios' can be used to run all test scenarios or 'All_Suites' can be used to run all test suites.
jcl : String
ccClearStats : boolean
ccDB2 : boolean
ccPgmType : String
ccRepo : String
ccSystem : String
ccTestId : String
deleteTemp : boolean
hlq : String
hostPort : String
recursive : boolean
useStubs : boolean
environmentId : String
folderPath : String
serverUrl : String
serverCredentialsId : String
connectionId : String
credentialsId : String
sonarVersion : String
logLevel : String
accountInfo : String
Use the accounting information field to enter an account number and any other accounting information that your installation requires.
The accounting information must be entered, just as it would be on the job card. Currently only 52 characters are allowed for the accounting information.
ccThreshold : int
clearCodeCoverage : boolean
collectCCRepository : String
collectCCSystem : String
collectCCTestID : String
collectCodeCoverage : boolean
compareJUnits : boolean
contextVariables : String
createJUnitReport : boolean
createReport : boolean
createResult : boolean
createSonarReport : boolean
customerId : String
enterpriseDataHostPort : String
enterpriseDataWorkspace : String
haltAtFailure : boolean
haltPipelineOnFailure : boolean
jclPath : String
jsonFile : String
Use the JSON file field to enter a JSON file containing the tests to execute.
Note: This field is only used for Total Test CLI version 20.04.01 and later
localConfig : boolean
localConfigLocation : String
programList : String
Use the Test list field to enter a comma separated list of program names to be tested. Will only include test scenarios that have component under test defined as one of these
Note: This field is only used for Total Test CLI version 20.04.01 and later
recursive : boolean
reportFolder : String
selectEnvironmentRadio : String
selectProgramsOption : boolean
selectProgramsRadio : String
siteId : String
sourceFolder : String
stopIfTestFailsOrThresholdReached : boolean
uploadToServer : boolean
useEnterpriseData : boolean
useScenarios : boolean
$class: 'ToxBuilder'
toxIni : String
recreate : boolean
toxenvPattern : String
exePaths : String
tptFile : String
configuration : String
id : String
enableTest : boolean
reportDir : String
testSet : String
testdataDir : String
timeout : long
arguments : String
enableJunit : boolean
isDistributing : boolean
isTptMaster : boolean
jUnitreport : String
slaveJob : String
slaveJobCount : String
slaveJobTries : String
tptBindingName : String
tptPort : String
tptStartUpWaitTime : String
workerJob : String
workerJobCount : String
workerJobTries : String
exePaths : String
arguments : String
tptBindingName : String
tptPort : String
tptStartUpWaitTime : String
newTricentisClientPath : String
newEndpoint : String
configurationFilePath : String
Specify the path to the Tricentis CI test execution configuration XML file. The test configuration file includes more details about which items you would like to execute.
If you use this setting, leave the TestEvents setting of this page empty. Otherwise, this build step fails.
endpoint : String
Specify the address of the webservice. This component triggers the test execution.
If you execute your tests via Tosca Remote Service, the endpoint needs to point to the TOSCARemoteExecutionService (e.g. http://servername:8732/TOSCARemoteExecutionService/).
If you execute your tests via Tosca Distributed Execution, the endpoint needs to point to the Manager Service of the Tosca Distribution Server (e.g. http://servername:8732/DistributionServerService/ManagerService.svc).
testEvents : String
Input the TestEvents that you want to execute, separated by semicolons. You can identify the TestEvents with their name or their system ID.
This field is optional. It can only be used if you execute your tests via Tosca Distributed Execution.
If you use this setting, leave the Configuration File setting of this page empty. Otherwise, this build step fails.
tricentisClientPath : String
Specify the path to the Tricentis CI test execution configuration XML file. The test configuration file includes more details about which items you would like to execute.
If you use this setting, leave the TestEvents setting of this page empty. Otherwise, this build step fails.
$class: 'TriggerBuilder'
projects : String
buildStepFailureThreshold : String
unstableThreshold : String
failureThreshold : String
$class: 'AllNodesBuildParameterFactory'
$class: 'AllNodesForLabelBuildParameterFactory'
name : String
nodeLabel : String
The Label for which the parameters should be generated. For each Node matching the Label a NodeLabelParameter is generated. If no Node matches the Label then the job(s) are triggered with the unaltered Label - the job will therefore just stay in the build queue.
The label can be static or a token to be expanded by the token macro plugin.
ignoreOfflineNodes : boolean
$class: 'BinaryFileParameterFactory'
This implementation does not interpret the contents of those files, and instead it simply gets passed and placed into the workspace of the triggered project(s) under the name specified here.
This is useful, for example, when you have a portion of the job that can be split into concurrently executable subtasks. In such a situation, you can have an earlier step produce subtask work units by packaging necessary stuff into individual files, then use this mode to execute them all in parallel.
parameterName : String
filePattern : String
$class: 'CounterBuildParameterFactory'
from : String
to : String
step : String
paramExpr : String
$class: 'CounterGeneratorParameterFactory'
from : String
to : String
step : String
paramExpr : String
$class: 'FileBuildParameterFactory'
filePattern : String
encoding : String
$class: 'FileGeneratorParameterFactory'
filePattern : String
$class: 'NodeListBuildParameterFactory'
name : String
nodeListString : String
$class: 'BooleanParameters'
name : String
value : boolean
$class: 'CurrentBuildParameters'
$class: 'FileBuildParameters'
propertiesFile : String
encoding : String
failTriggerOnMissing : boolean
useMatrixChild : boolean
combinationFilter : String
onlyExactRuns : boolean
textParamValueOnNewLine : boolean
$class: 'GeneratorCurrentParameters'
$class: 'GitRevisionBuildParameters'
combineQueuedCommits : boolean
$class: 'MatrixSubsetBuildParameters'
filter : String
See the "Combination Filter" field in a matrix project configuration page for more details about the environment the script runs in, examples, and so on.
What you specify here gets expanded by variables of the triggering build, which allows you to dynamically control the subset of the triggered job. For example, if you trigger job BAR from FOO with label=="${TARGET}" in the filter, and if FOO defines the TARGET variable and FOO #1 sets TARGET to be linux, then the triggered BAR #3 will only select the subset of combinations where label=="linux" holds true.
Note that the variable expansion follows the ${varname} syntax used throughout in Jenkins, which collides with Groovy string inline expression syntax. However, Jenkins variable expansion leaves undefined variables as-is, so most of the time your Groovy string line expression syntax will survive the expansion, get passed to Groovy as-is, and work as expected. If you do need to escape '$', use '$$'.
$class: 'NodeLabelBuildParameter'
name : String
nodeLabel : String
$class: 'NodeParameters'
$class: 'PredefinedBuildParameters'
properties : String
textParamValueOnNewLine : boolean
$class: 'PredefinedGeneratorParameters'
properties : String
$class: 'SubversionRevisionBuildParameters'
includeUpstreamParameters : boolean
$class: 'TwitterPublisher'
tokenCredentialsID : String
consumerCredentialsID : String
tweetText : String
jobsCount : int
user : String
machine : String
accountForApp : String
applicationId : String
applicationSecret : String
applicationScope : String
identityUrl : String
version : String
robotsIds : String
testProjectPath : String
environments : String
testSet : String
credentialsId : String
accountName : String
credentialsId : String
orchestratorAddress : String
orchestratorTenant : String
folderName : String
jobsCount : int
user : String
machine : String
accountForApp : String
applicationId : String
applicationSecret : String
applicationScope : String
identityUrl : String
version : String
robotsIds : String
testProjectPath : String
environments : String
testSet : String
credentialsId : String
accountName : String
credentialsId : String
filePath : String
, Critical
, Error
, Warning
, Information
, Verbose
, Critical
, Error
, Warning
, Information
, Verbose
cliNupkgPath : String
cliVersion : String
forceInstall : boolean
jobsCount : int
user : String
machine : String
accountForApp : String
applicationId : String
applicationSecret : String
applicationScope : String
identityUrl : String
version : String
robotsIds : String
testProjectPath : String
environments : String
testSet : String
credentialsId : String
accountName : String
credentialsId : String
projectJsonPath : String
outputPath : String
, Critical
, Error
, Warning
, Information
, Verbose
jobsCount : int
user : String
machine : String
accountForApp : String
applicationId : String
applicationSecret : String
applicationScope : String
identityUrl : String
version : String
robotsIds : String
testProjectPath : String
environments : String
testSet : String
credentialsId : String
accountName : String
credentialsId : String
disableBuiltInNugetFeeds : boolean
governanceFilePath : String
orchestratorAddress : String
orchestratorTenant : String
outputType : String
projectUrl : String
releaseNotes : String
repositoryBranch : String
repositoryCommit : String
repositoryType : String
repositoryUrl : String
runWorkflowAnalysis : boolean
splitOutput : boolean
useOrchestrator : boolean
$class: 'UnicornValidationBuilder'
unicornUrl : String
siteUrl : String
maxErrorsForStable : String
maxWarningsForStable : String
maxErrorsForUnstable : String
maxWarningsForUnstable : String
$class: 'UninstallBuilder'
packageId : String
failOnUninstallFailure : boolean
applicationName : String
applicationVersion : String
applicationComponent : String
testCoverage : float
testsFailed : int
testsIgnored : int
testsPassed : int
$class: 'Unity3dBuilder'
For projects that use Unity3d as the build system.
This causes Jenkins to invoke the Unity3d Editor with the given command line arguments.
A non-zero exit code from Unity3d makes Jenkins mark the build as a failure.
unity3dName : String
argLine : String
-quit -batchmode -executeMethod YourEditorScript.YourBuildMethod [-nographics]
or -quit -batchmode -buildWindowsPlayer path/to/your/build.exe
or -quit -batchmode -buildOSXPlayer path/to/your/
If this value isn't set, the globalArgLine is used.
Note: we make little to no attempt to detect conflicting arguments or arguments not suitable to the platform neither at configuration nor at runtime.
If the specified command line contains no -projectpath
argument, the plugin automatically adds one with the proper parameter (the workspace of the project on the target machine). This is to make sure unity builds the proper project. Otherwise unity would reuse the last opened project. You can override it, but this hasn't been thoroughly tested.
If your build agent have multiple executors (which you should probably do), it is highly recommended to make use of a -logFile
argument to avoid letting Unityed write to the standard editor.log concurrently. A recommended practise is to use something like -logFile "$WORKSPACE/unity3d_editor.log"
See the official Editor command line arguments documentation.
unstableReturnCodes : String
shelf : String
resolve : String
tidy : boolean
ignoreEmpty : boolean
$class: 'UpdateBox'
cloud : String
workspace : String
box : String
variables : String
azureCredentialsId : String
resourceGroup : String
name : String
instanceIds : String
$class: 'UpdateProjectBuilder'
$class: 'UpdateRelease'
projectNumber : String
releaseNumber : String
name : String
goal : String
stage : String
startdate : String
enddate : String
customFields : String
$class: 'UpdateSprint'
projectNumber : String
sprintNumber : String
name : String
description : String
duration : String
startdate : String
enddate : String
customFields : String
$class: 'UpdateWorkItem'
projectNumber : String
sprintNumber : String
itemNumber : String
name : String
description : String
status : String
type : String
priority : String
duration : String
startdate : String
enddate : String
customFields : String
url : String
path : String
$class: 'UploadAppBuildStep'
applicationLocation : String
keystoreLocation : String
keystorePassword : String
keyAlias : String
keyPassword : String
touchId : boolean
camera : boolean
allowResign : boolean
uuid : String
uniqueName : String
$class: 'UploadAppBuilder'
mcServerName : String
mcUserName : String
mcPassword : String
mcTenantId : String
mcExecToken : String
value : String
fsUseAuthentication : boolean
fsProxyAddress : String
fsProxyUserName : String
fsProxyPassword : String
mcAppPath : String
mcAppWorkspace : String
Use this step to upload a blueprint to Cloudify Manager.
Two paramters are mandatory:
In addition, exactly one of the following parameters is mandatory:
If you provide a blueprint's root directory, then the entire directory contents are packaged into a blueprint archive.
archivePath : String
archiveUrl : String
blueprintId : String
credentialsId : String
The ID of the credentials to use when accessing Cloudify. Parameters' expansion is supported when using freestyle jobs.
mainFileName : String
rootDirectory : String
tenant : String
Cloudify tenant to operate on. If left empty, then the default tenant (defined in the plugin's configuration page) will be used.
$class: 'UploadBuild'
tenantId : String
id : String
name : String
versionName : String
revision : String
requestor : String
status : String
startTime : String
endTime : String
appName : String
appId : String
appExtId : String
debug : boolean
fatal : boolean
apiKey : String
scanDir : String
projectId : String
suiteId : String
wildcard : String
apiKey : String
scanDir : String
wildcard : String
buildType : String
buildInstallType : String
buildPassword : String
buildUpdateDescription : String
buildChannelShortcut : String
qrcodePath : String
envVarsPath : String
$class: 'UploadDeployment'
id : String
tenantId : String
name : String
result : String
initiator : String
versionName : String
versionExtId : String
type : String
environmentId : String
environmentName : String
description : String
startTime : String
endTime : String
appName : String
appId : String
appExtId : String
debug : boolean
fatal : boolean
$class: 'UploadJUnitTestResult'
java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String>
$class: 'UploadMetricsFile'
tenantId : String
name : String
filePath : String
testSetName : String
environment : String
combineTestSuites : boolean
fatal : boolean
debug : boolean
pluginType : String
dataFormat : String
recordName : String
metricDefinitionId : String
metricsRecordUrl : String
description : String
executionDate : String
buildId : String
buildUrl : String
appId : String
appName : String
appExtId : String
feedName : String
groupName : String
A string of no more than fifty characters:
packageName : String
A string of no more than fifty characters:
version : String
artifacts : String
Removing Unwanted Folders
Top level folders can be excluded from the package using a custom addition to the Ant fileset - wrapping unwanted folder names in square brackets ([ ]):
caseSensitive : boolean
which by default is case sensitive. For instance, if the job produces *.hpi files, pattern "**/*.HPI" will fail to find them.
defaultExcludes : boolean
dependencies : String
description : String
excludes : String
icon : String
metadata : String
If you need to add additional metadata, it's strongly recommended that you prefix these properties with an underscore (_) on the off-chance that a property you add will exist in a future version of the specification.
title : String
A string of no more than fifty characters
credentialsId : String
The ID of the credentials to use when accessing Cloudify. Parameters' expansion is supported when using freestyle jobs.
outputLocation : String
tenant : String
Cloudify tenant to operate on. If left empty, then the default tenant (defined in the plugin's configuration page) will be used.
wagonLocation : String
yamlLocation : String
file of the plugin.
$class: 'UpmergeBuilder'
commitUsername : String
initialUrl : String
urlsWhiteList : String
rule : String
complianceMinimum : float
allowSimultaneousLogins : boolean
loginFlowJson : String
useRunner : boolean
fetchResponseTimeout : int
useSlaveNodes : String
nodeLabel : String
projectId : String
tags : String
testName : String
testStatus : String
assignedTo : String
projectFile : String
compileConstants : String
outDir : String
$class: 'VCommanderRequestNewServiceAction'
payload : String
sync : boolean
timeout : long
polling : long
$class: 'VCommanderRunWorkflowAction'
targetType : String
targetName : String
workflowName : String
sync : boolean
timeout : long
polling : long
$class: 'VCommanderWaitForRequestNewServiceAction'
requestId : String
timeout : long
polling : long
$class: 'VCommanderWaitForRunWorkflowAction'
taskId : String
timeout : long
polling : long
$class: 'VMGRAPI'
vAPIUrl : String
vAPIUser : String
vAPIPassword : String
vAPIInput : String
vJsonInputFile : String
deleteInputFile : boolean
authRequired : boolean
apiType : String
dynamicUserId : boolean
apiUrl : String
requestMethod : String
advConfig : boolean
connTimeout : int
readTimeout : int
$class: 'VMGRLaunch'
vAPIUrl : String
vAPIUser : String
vAPIPassword : String
vSIFName : String
vSIFInputFile : String
credentialInputFile : String
deleteInputFile : boolean
deleteCredentialInputFile : boolean
useUserOnFarm : boolean
authRequired : boolean
vsifType : String
userFarmType : String
dynamicUserId : boolean
advConfig : boolean
connTimeout : int
readTimeout : int
envVarible : boolean
envVaribleFile : String
inaccessibleResolver : String
stoppedResolver : String
failedResolver : String
doneResolver : String
suspendedResolver : String
waitTillSessionEnds : boolean
stepSessionTimeout : int
generateJUnitXML : boolean
extraAttributesForFailures : boolean
staticAttributeList : String
markBuildAsFailedIfAllRunFailed : boolean
failJobIfAllRunFailed : boolean
envSourceInputFile : String
vMGRBuildArchive : boolean
deleteAlsoSessionDirectory : boolean
genericCredentialForSessionDelete : boolean
archiveUser : String
archivePassword : String
famMode : String
famModeLocation : String
noAppendSeed : boolean
markBuildAsPassedIfAllRunPassed : boolean
failJobUnlessAllRunPassed : boolean
userPrivateSSHKey : boolean
attrValues : boolean
attrValuesFile : String
executionType : String
sessionsInputFile : String
deleteSessionInputFile : boolean
envVariableType : String
envVariableText : String
attrVariableType : String
attrVariableText : String
pauseSessionOnBuildInterruption : boolean
envSourceInputFileType : String
executionScript : String
executionShellLocation : String
executionVsifFile : String
defineVaribleFile : String
defineVarible : boolean
defineVariableType : String
defineVariableText : String
vAPICredentials : String
credentialType : String
$class: 'VSphereBuildStepContainer'
$class: 'Clone'
sourceName : String
clone : String
linkedClone : boolean
resourcePool : String
cluster : String
datastore : String
folder : String
powerOn : boolean
timeoutInSeconds : int
customizationSpec : String
$class: 'ConvertToTemplate'
vm : String
force : boolean
$class: 'ConvertToVm'
template : String
resourcePool : String
cluster : String
$class: 'Delete'
vm : String
failOnNoExist : boolean
$class: 'DeleteSnapshot'
vm : String
snapshotName : String
consolidate : boolean
failOnNoExist : boolean
$class: 'Deploy'
template : String
clone : String
linkedClone : boolean
resourcePool : String
cluster : String
datastore : String
folder : String
customizationSpec : String
timeoutInSeconds : int
powerOn : boolean
$class: 'ExposeGuestInfo'
vm : String
envVariablePrefix : String
waitForIp4 : boolean
$class: 'PowerOff'
vm : String
evenIfSuspended : boolean
shutdownGracefully : boolean
ignoreIfNotExists : boolean
gracefulShutdownTimeout : int
$class: 'PowerOn'
vm : String
timeoutInSeconds : int
$class: 'Reconfigure'
vm : String
$class: 'ReconfigureAnnotation'
annotation : String
append : boolean
$class: 'ReconfigureCpu'
cpuCores : String
coresPerSocket : String
$class: 'ReconfigureDisk'
diskSize : String
datastore : String
$class: 'ReconfigureMemory'
memorySize : String
$class: 'ReconfigureNetworkAdapters'
deviceLabel : String
macAddress : String
standardSwitch : boolean
portGroup : String
distributedSwitch : boolean
distributedPortGroup : String
distributedPortId : String
$class: 'Rename'
oldName : String
newName : String
$class: 'RenameSnapshot'
vm : String
oldName : String
newName : String
newDescription : String
$class: 'RevertToSnapshot'
vm : String
snapshotName : String
$class: 'SuspendVm'
vm : String
$class: 'TakeSnapshot'
vm : String
snapshotName : String
description : String
includeMemory : boolean
serverName : String
$class: 'VaddyPlugin'
host : String
userId : String
authKey : String
crawlId : String
apiServerUrl : String
proxyHost : String
proxyPort : String
$class: 'VagrantDestroyCommand'
vagrantFile : String
vagrantVm : String
$class: 'VagrantProvisionCommand'
vagrantFile : String
vagrantVm : String
provisioners : String
parallel : boolean
$class: 'VagrantSshCommand'
vagrantFile : String
vagrantVm : String
command : String
asRoot : boolean
$class: 'VagrantUpCommand'
vagrantFile : String
vagrantVm : String
destroyOnError : boolean
provider : String
dontKillMe : boolean
$class: 'ValgrindBuilder'
valgrindExecutable : String
workingDirectory : String
includePattern : String
excludePattern : String
outputDirectory : String
outputFileEnding : String
programOptions : String
$class: 'ValgrindToolHelgrind'
historyLevel : String
$class: 'ValgrindToolMemcheck'
showReachable : boolean
undefinedValueErrors : boolean
leakCheckLevel : String
trackOrigins : boolean
valgrindOptions : String
ignoreExitCode : boolean
traceChildren : boolean
childSilentAfterFork : boolean
generateSuppressions : boolean
suppressionFiles : String
removeOldReports : boolean
packageIdFilters : String
**/*.zipThis pattern will only match packages located directly under the Packages folder whose filenames begin with 'acme-':
Packages/acme-*.zipMatching packages will be validated in the order in which the filters are specified. At least one package must match each filter or the step will fail.
allowNonCoveredRoots : boolean
forbiddenACHandlingModeSet : String
forbiddenExtensions : String
.jar .zipThis field supports parameter tokens.
forbiddenFilterRootPrefixes : String
localDirectory : String
pathsDeniedForInclusion : String
/apps/system/rep:policy /etc/map/http/site_root_redirectUse this test to safeguard specific paths or possible paths within unrestricted roots from overly broad workspace filters.
validationFilter : String
/etc # define /etc as the filter root -/etc/packages(/.)? # exclude package pathsThis field supports parameter tokens.
$class: 'Validator'
stack : String
branch : String
apiKey : String
filePath : String
fileEncoding : String
variablesPrefix : String
variablesSuffix : String
emptyValue : String
name : String
value : String
$class: 'VectorCASTCommand'
winCommand : String
unixCommand : String
$class: 'VectorCASTSetup'
environmentSetupWin : String
environmentSetupUnix : String
executePreambleWin : String
executePreambleUnix : String
environmentTeardownWin : String
environmentTeardownUnix : String
optionUseReporting : boolean
optionErrorLevel : String
optionHtmlBuildDesc : String
optionExecutionReport : boolean
optionClean : boolean
useCILicenses : boolean
useStrictTestcaseImport : boolean
useImportedResults : boolean
useLocalImportedResults : boolean
useExternalImportedResults : boolean
externalResultsFilename : String
useCoverageHistory : boolean
waitLoops : long
waitTime : long
maxParallel : long
manageProjectName : String
jobName : String
nodeLabel : String
pclpCommand : String
pclpResultsPattern : String
squoreCommand : String
TESTinsights_URL : String
TESTinsights_project : String
TESTinsights_credentials_id : String
TESTinsights_proxy : String
TESTinsights_SCM_URL : String
TESTinsights_SCM_Tech : String
$class: 'ViberNotifier'
token : String
sender : String
message : String
$class: 'ViewCloner'
url : String
replacePatternString : String
niewViewName : String
password : String
username : String
$class: 'VirtualenvBuilder'
pythonName : String
home : String
clear : boolean
systemSitePackages : boolean
nature : String
command : String
ignoreExitCode : boolean
projectName : String
reportPath : String
reportFormat : String
generateReport : boolean
doAnalysis : boolean
createReferenceDocument : boolean
createCodeReviewDocument : boolean
$class: 'VsCodeMetricsBuilder'
toolName : String
files : String
Assembly file(s) to analyze.
You can specify multiple analyze assemblies by separating them with new-line or space.
Command Line Argument: /file:[ assembly file path ]
outputXML : String
Metrics results XML output file.
Command Line Argument: /out:[ output file path ]
directory : String
Location to search for assembly dependencies.
You can specify multiple directories by separating them with new-line or space.
Command Line Argument: /directory:[ directory ]
searchGac : boolean
Search the Global Assembly Cache for missing references.
Command Line Argument: /searchgac
platform : String
Location of framework assemblies, such as mscorlib.dll.
Command Line Argument: /platform:[ directory ]
reference : String
Reference assemblies required for analysis.
You can specify multiple reference assemblies by separating them with new-line or space.
Command Line Argument: /reference:[ assembly file path ]
ignoreInvalidTargets : boolean
Silently ignore invalid target files.
Command Line Argument: /ignoreinvalidtargets
ignoreGeneratedCode : boolean
Suppress analysis results against generated code.
Command Line Argument: /ignoregeneratedcode
cmdLineArgs : String
failBuild : boolean
cmdLineArgs : String
enablecodecoverage : boolean
Enables data diagnostic adapter CodeCoverage in the test run.
Default settings are used if not specified using settings file.
Command Line Argument: /Enablecodecoverage
failBuild : boolean
framework : String
Target .NET Framework version to be used for test execution.
Valid values are Framework35, Framework40 and Framework45.
Command Line Argument: /Framework: [ framework version ]
inIsolation : boolean
Runs the tests in an isolated process.
This makes vstest.console.exe process less likely to be stopped on an error in the tests, but tests might run slower.
logger : String
Specify a logger for test results. For example, to log results into a Visual Studio Test Results File (TRX) use /Logger:trx.
Command Line Argument: /Logger:[ uri/friendlyname ]
platform : String
Target platform architecture to be used for test execution.
Valid values are x86, x64 and ARM.
settings : String
Run tests with additional settings such as data collectors.
Example: Local.RunSettings
Command Line Argument: /Settings:[ file name ]
testCaseFilter : String
Run tests that match the given expression.
<Expression> is of the format <property>=<value>[||<Expression>].
Example: TestCategory=Nightly||Name=Namespace.ClassName.MethodName
The TestCaseFilter command line option cannot be used with the Tests command line option.
Command Line Argument: /TestCaseFilter:[ expression ]
testFiles : String
Specify the path to your VSTest compiled assemblies.
You can specify multiple test assemblies by separating them with new-line or space.
tests : String
Run tests with names that match the provided values.
To provide multiple values, separate them by commas.
Example: TestMethod1,testMethod2
The /Tests command line option cannot be used with the /TestCaseFilter command line option.
Command Line Argument: /Tests:[ test name ]
useVs2017Plus : boolean
This makes adjustments to the arguments for the sake of compatibility with Visual Studio 2017+.
Command Line Argument: /UseVs2017Plus:true
useVsixExtensions : boolean
This makes vstest.console.exe process use or skip the VSIX extensions installed (if any) in the test run.
Command Line Argument: /UseVsixExtensions:true
vsTestName : String
$class: 'WASBuildStep'
additionalClasspath : String
appendTrace : boolean
commands : String
javaOptions : String
jobId : String
language : String
profileScriptFiles : String
propertiesFiles : String
runIf : String
.scriptFile : String
scriptParameters : String
traceFile : String
wasServerName : String
user : String
password : String
projectId : String
appPath : String
scriptPath : String
groupId : String
timeout : String
The timeout of this test run.The default value is 60 minutes.
frameType : String
caseTimeout : String
The timeout of each device running in your test.The default value is 10 minutes.
targetOsType : String
$class: 'WakeUpIOSDevice'
url : String
cloudTestServerID : String
additionalOptions : String
$class: 'WallarmFastBuilder'
appHost : String
appPort : String
fastPort : String
fastName : String
policyId : int
testRecordId : int
wallarmApiHost : String
testRunName : String
testRunDesc : String
record : boolean
stopOnFirstFail : boolean
failBuild : boolean
withoutSudo : boolean
localDockerNetwork : String
localDockerIp : String
wallarmVersion : String
fileExtensionsToExclude : String
inactivityTimeout : int
testRunRps : int
wallarmApiToken : String
$class: 'WarriorPluginBuilder'
configType : String
gitConfigUrl : String
gitConfigCredentials : boolean
gitConfigTagValue : String
gitConfigCloneType : String
gitConfigUname : String
gitConfigPwd : String
gitConfigFile : String
sftpConfigIp : String
sftpConfigUname : String
sftpConfigPwd : String
sftpConfigFile : String
pythonPath : String
uploadExecLog : boolean
uploadServerIp : String
uploadServerUname : String
uploadServerPwd : String
uploadServerType : String
uploadServerDir : String
runFile : String
class hudson.util.Secret
projects : int
$class: 'WebLoadAnalyticsBuilder'
inputLsFile : String
portfolioFile : String
location : String
reportName : String
compareToSessions : String
compareToPreviousBuilds : int
$class: 'WebLoadConsoleBuilder'
tplFile : String
lsFile : String
executionDuration : long
virtualClients : long
probindClient : long
$class: 'WildflyBuilder'
war : String
host : String
port : String
username : String
password : String
server : String
$class: 'WinBatchBuildStep'
buildStepId : String
defineArgs : boolean
arg : String
$class: 'WinDocksBuilder'
ipaddress : String
image : String
hostName : String
credentialsId : String
command : String
source : String
destination : String
configurationName : String
$class: 'WixToolsetBuilder'
sources : String
markAsUnstable : boolean
compileOnly : boolean
useUiExt : boolean
useUtilExt : boolean
useBalExt : boolean
useComPlusExt : boolean
useDependencyExt : boolean
useDifxAppExt : boolean
useDirectXExt : boolean
useFirewallExt : boolean
useGamingExt : boolean
useIISExt : boolean
useMsmqExt : boolean
useNetfxExt : boolean
usePsExt : boolean
useSqlExt : boolean
useTagExt : boolean
useVsExt : boolean
msiOutput : String
Enter a name for the generated MSI/EXE package. If left blank, the MSI package is named setup.msi. You can also use the file ending *.exe. But keep in mind, that you have to create a Bootstrapper and activeate the BalExtension to create an Executable.
You can use environment variables like $GIT_BRANCH to define a package name.
arch : String
userInput : String
Enter the commands to pass to the Wiz CLI.
For additional information, see Wiz documentation here
dsn : String
member : String
file : String
dsn : String
file : String
$class: 'WriteFileToDatasetStep'
connectionName : String
dsn : String
fileOption : String
localFilePath : String
workspacePath : String
destFile : String
sourceFile : String
binary : boolean
$class: 'WriteFileToFileStep'
connectionName : String
filePathUSS : String
binary : boolean
fileOption : String
localFilePath : String
workspacePath : String
$class: 'WriteFileToMemberStep'
connectionName : String
dsn : String
member : String
fileOption : String
localFilePath : String
workspacePath : String
dsn : String
text : String
$class: 'WriteToDatasetStep'
connectionName : String
dsn : String
text : String
destFile : String
text : String
binary : boolean
$class: 'WriteToFileStep'
connectionName : String
filePath : String
text : String
binary : boolean
dsn : String
member : String
text : String
$class: 'WriteToMemberStep'
connectionName : String
dsn : String
member : String
text : String
$class: 'WsapBuilder'
wsapLocation : String
envVar : String
credentialsId : String
targetUrl : String
ipAddress : String
port : int
apiKey : String
target : String
scan : String
apiUrl : String
apiDefinition : String
$class: 'DASTAnalysis'
$class: 'ExcludeEntry'
url : String
$class: 'HeaderEntry'
header : String
value : String
$class: 'IncludeEntry'
url : String
$class: 'LoginProperties'
useLogin : boolean
loginUrl : String
requestJson : String
usernameField : String
passwordField : String
loggedInRegex : String
loggedOutRegex : String
$class: 'DASTAnalysis'
$class: 'ExcludeEntry'
url : String
$class: 'HeaderEntry'
header : String
value : String
$class: 'IncludeEntry'
url : String
$class: 'LoginProperties'
$class: 'SASTAnalysis'
target : String
$class: 'ScanMethod'
scan : String
apiUrl : String
apiDefinition : String
$class: 'UserEntry'
username : String
password : String
$class: 'DASTAnalysis'
$class: 'ExcludeEntry'
url : String
$class: 'HeaderEntry'
header : String
value : String
$class: 'IncludeEntry'
url : String
$class: 'LoginProperties'
$class: 'SASTAnalysis'
target : String
$class: 'ScanMethod'
scan : String
apiUrl : String
apiDefinition : String
$class: 'UserEntry'
username : String
password : String
$class: 'SASTAnalysis'
target : String
$class: 'ScanMethod'
scan : String
apiUrl : String
apiDefinition : String
$class: 'UserEntry'
username : String
password : String
$class: 'DASTAnalysis'
$class: 'ExcludeEntry'
url : String
$class: 'HeaderEntry'
header : String
value : String
$class: 'IncludeEntry'
url : String
$class: 'LoginProperties'
useLogin : boolean
loginUrl : String
requestJson : String
usernameField : String
passwordField : String
loggedInRegex : String
loggedOutRegex : String
$class: 'DASTAnalysis'
$class: 'ExcludeEntry'
url : String
$class: 'HeaderEntry'
header : String
value : String
$class: 'IncludeEntry'
url : String
$class: 'LoginProperties'
$class: 'SASTAnalysis'
target : String
$class: 'ScanMethod'
scan : String
apiUrl : String
apiDefinition : String
$class: 'UserEntry'
username : String
password : String
$class: 'DASTAnalysis'
$class: 'ExcludeEntry'
url : String
$class: 'HeaderEntry'
header : String
value : String
$class: 'IncludeEntry'
url : String
$class: 'LoginProperties'
$class: 'SASTAnalysis'
target : String
$class: 'ScanMethod'
scan : String
apiUrl : String
apiDefinition : String
$class: 'UserEntry'
username : String
password : String
$class: 'SASTAnalysis'
target : String
$class: 'ScanMethod'
scan : String
apiUrl : String
apiDefinition : String
$class: 'UserEntry'
username : String
password : String
useLogin : boolean
loginUrl : String
requestJson : String
usernameField : String
passwordField : String
loggedInRegex : String
loggedOutRegex : String
$class: 'DASTAnalysis'
$class: 'ExcludeEntry'
url : String
$class: 'HeaderEntry'
header : String
value : String
$class: 'IncludeEntry'
url : String
$class: 'LoginProperties'
$class: 'SASTAnalysis'
target : String
$class: 'ScanMethod'
scan : String
apiUrl : String
apiDefinition : String
$class: 'UserEntry'
username : String
password : String
$class: 'DASTAnalysis'
$class: 'ExcludeEntry'
url : String
$class: 'HeaderEntry'
header : String
value : String
$class: 'IncludeEntry'
url : String
$class: 'LoginProperties'
$class: 'SASTAnalysis'
target : String
$class: 'ScanMethod'
scan : String
apiUrl : String
apiDefinition : String
$class: 'UserEntry'
username : String
password : String
allowFailingBuildResults : boolean
Checking this option will prevent a build step from failing if xcodebuild exits with a non-zero return code.
This can be useful for build steps that run unit tests and also have a post-build task to publish unit test results: the test step will not fail the entire build for a failing unit test, but will instead mark the build unstable in the "publish test" phase.
appURL : String
assetPackManifestURL : String
assetPacksBaseURL : String
assetPacksInBundle : boolean
buildDir : String
The value to use for the BUILD_DIR setting. You only need to supply this value if you want the product of the Xcode build to be in a location other than the one specified in project settings and this job 'SYMROOT' parameter.
Supports all macros and also environment and build variables from the Token Macro Plugin.
For example you can use the value :
buildIpa : boolean
Checking this option will create a .ipa for each .app found in the build directory.
An .ipa is basically a zipped up .app.
This is quite handy for distributing ad-hoc builds to testers as they can just double-click the .ipa and it will import into iTunes.
bundleID : String
The new bundle ID. Usually something like com.companyname.projectname.
bundleIDInfoPlistPath : String
The path to the info.plist file which contains the CFBundleIdentifier of your project.
Usually something like:
cfBundleShortVersionStringValue : String
This will set the CFBundleShortVersionString to the specified string.
Supports all macros and also environment and build variables from the Token Macro Plugin.
cfBundleVersionValue : String
This will set the CFBundleVersion to the specified string.
Supports all macros and also environment and build variables from the Token Macro Plugin.
For example the value ${BUILD_NUMBER} will be replaced with the current build number.
We advice you to generate a unique value for each build if you want for example deploy it into a private store.
In that case, for example, you can use : ${JOB_NAME}-${BUILD_NUMBER}
changeBundleID : boolean
Checking this option will replace the bundle identifier.
You will need to specify which bundle ID (CFBundleIdentifier) to use and where is the Info.plist file located.
This is handy for example when you want to use a different code signing identity in your development projects.
cleanBeforeBuild : boolean
This will delete the build directories before invoking the build. This will force the rebuilding of ALL dependencies and can make large projects take a lot longer.
cleanResultBundlePath : boolean
This will delete the ResultBundlePath before invoking the build.
If the directory already exists in the location specified by ResultBundlePath, xcodebuild will be an error and should be checked.
cleanTestReports : boolean
compileBitcode : boolean
configuration : String
This is the name of the configuration as defined in the Xcode project.
By default there are Debug and Release configurations.
copyProvisioningProfile : boolean
developmentTeamID : String
developmentTeamName : String
displayImageURL : String
fullSizeImageURL : String
generateArchive : boolean
Checking this option will create an .xcarchive .app found in the build directory.
An .xcarchive is useful for submission to the app store or third party crash reporters.
You must specify a Scheme to perform an archive.
ignoreTestResults : boolean
interpretTargetAsRegEx : boolean
Build all entries listed under the "Targets:" section of the xcodebuild -list output that match the regexp.
ipaExportMethod : String
ipaName : String
ipaOutputDirectory : String
keychainId : String
keychainName : String
The name of this configured keychain. Each job will specify a keychain configuration by the name.
keychainPath : String
The path of the keychain to use to retrieve certificates to sign the package (default : ${HOME}/Library/Keychains/login.keychain).
The password of the keychain to use to retrieve certificates to sign the package.
class hudson.util.Secret
logfileOutputDirectory : String
Specify the directory to output the log of xcodebuild.
If you leave it blank, it will be output to "project directory/builds/${BUILD_NUMBER}/log" with other logs.
If an output path is specified, it is output as a xcodebuild.log file in a relative directory under the "build output directory"
manualSigning : boolean
noConsoleLog : boolean
provideApplicationVersion : boolean
provisioningProfileAppId : String
provisioningProfileUUID : String
resultBundlePath : String
Specify the directory to output the output the test result.
If you leave it blank, it will not output a test result and will not analyze the test results.
If an output path is specified, it is output as a test result in a relative directory under the "ResultBundlePath".
The plug-in analyzes the test result here and outputs a JUnit compatible XML file under the ${WORKSPACE}/test-reports.
sdk : String
You only need to supply this value if you want to specify the SDK to build against. If empty, the SDK will be determined by Xcode. If you wish to run OCUnit tests, you will need to use the iPhone Simulator's SDK, for example:
signingMethod : String
stripSwiftSymbols : boolean
symRoot : String
You only need to supply this value if you want to specify the SYMROOT path to use.
If empty, the default SYMROOT path will be used (it could be different depending of your Xcode version).
Supports all macros and also environment and build variables from the Token Macro Plugin.
For example you can use the value :
target : String
The target to build. If left empty, this will build all targets in the project.
If you wish to build your binary and the unit test module, it is best to do this as two separate steps each with their own target.
This was, the iPhone Simulator SDK can be specified for the unit tests.
thinning : String
unlockKeychain : boolean
uploadBitcode : boolean
uploadSymbols : boolean
useLegacyBuildSystem : boolean
Instead of "New Builld System" which became available from Xcode 9, we build the application using the legacy build system.
There is a possibility that you can handle old projects that cause problems with the new build system.
Also, since new output formats of logs are changed in the new build system, it is also useful when you want to handle logs with legacy third party tools.
xcodeName : String
xcodeProjectFile : String
xcodeProjectPath : String
xcodeSchema : String
xcodeWorkspaceFile : String
xcodebuildArguments : String
Extra xcodebuild parameters, added after the command that jenkins generates based on the rest of the config
$class: 'XLRVarSetterBuilder'
XLR_releaseId : String
XLR_varName : String
JKS_varName : String
debug : boolean
$class: 'XShellBuilder'
commandLine : String
workingDir : String
executeFromWorkingDir : boolean
regexToKill : String
timeAllocated : String
$class: 'XrayExportBuilder'
serverInstance : String
issues : String
filter : String
filePath : String
credentialId : String
java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String>
configID : String
alias : String
serverAddress : String
credentialId : String
$class: 'XrayImportFeatureBuilder'
serverInstance : String
folderPath : String
projectKey : String
testInfo : String
preconditions : String
credentialId : String
lastModified : String
command : String
workspaceSubdirectory : String
$class: 'ZAPBuilder'
startZAPFirst : boolean
zapHost : String
zapPort : String
autoInstall : boolean
toolUsed : String
zapHome : String
jdk : String
timeout : int
zapSettingsDir : String
autoLoadSession : boolean
loadSession : String
sessionFilename : String
removeExternalSites : boolean
internalSites : String
contextName : String
includedURL : String
excludedURL : String
alertFilters : String
authMode : boolean
username : String
password : String
loggedInIndicator : String
loggedOutIndicator : String
authMethod : String
loginURL : String
usernameParameter : String
passwordParameter : String
extraPostData : String
authScript : String
scriptParameterName : String
scriptParameterValue : String
targetURL : String
spiderScanURL : boolean
spiderScanRecurse : boolean
spiderScanSubtreeOnly : boolean
spiderScanMaxChildrenToCrawl : int
ajaxSpiderURL : boolean
ajaxSpiderInScopeOnly : boolean
activeScanURL : boolean
activeScanRecurse : boolean
activeScanPolicy : String
generateReports : boolean
selectedReportMethod : String
deleteReports : boolean
reportFilename : String
selectedReportFormats : Array / List of String
selectedExportFormats : Array / List of String
exportreportTitle : String
exportreportBy : String
exportreportFor : String
exportreportScanDate : String
exportreportReportDate : String
exportreportScanVersion : String
exportreportReportVersion : String
exportreportReportDescription : String
exportreportAlertHigh : boolean
exportreportAlertMedium : boolean
exportreportAlertLow : boolean
exportreportAlertInformational : boolean
exportreportCWEID : boolean
exportreportWASCID : boolean
exportreportDescription : boolean
exportreportOtherInfo : boolean
exportreportSolution : boolean
exportreportReference : boolean
exportreportRequestHeader : boolean
exportreportResponseHeader : boolean
exportreportRequestBody : boolean
exportreportResponseBody : boolean
jiraCreate : boolean
jiraProjectKey : String
jiraAssignee : String
jiraAlertHigh : boolean
jiraAlertMedium : boolean
jiraAlertLow : boolean
jiraFilterIssuesByResourceType : boolean
cmdLineOption : String
cmdLineValue : String
connectionId : String
credentialsId : String
jcl : String
encryptedDataFile : String
unencryptedDataFile : String
encryptData : boolean
uploadData : boolean
connectionId : String
uploadDataFile : String
$class: 'ZOSJobSubmitter'
server : String
port : int
credentialsId : String
wait : boolean
waitTime : int
deleteJobFromSpool : boolean
jobLogToConsole : boolean
jobFile : String
MaxCC : String
FTPActiveMode : boolean
$class: 'ZanataCliBuilder'
projFile : String
syncG2zanata : boolean
syncZ2git : boolean
zanataCredentialsId : String
extraPathEntries : String
$class: 'ZanataSyncStep'
zanataCredentialsId : String
pullFromZanata : boolean
pushToZanata : boolean
syncOption : String
zanataLocaleIds : String
zanataProjectConfigs : String
zanataURL : String
$class: 'ZapRunner'
host : String
value : String
path : String
repositoryURL : String
sourcePath : String
message : String
stream : String
topic : String
awsCredentialsId : String
The ID of the credentials to use when accessing AWS. Parameters' expansion is supported when using freestyle jobs.
credentialsId : String
The ID of the credentials to use when accessing Cloudify. Parameters' expansion is supported when using freestyle jobs.
debugOutput : boolean
deploymentId : String
ID to assign to the created Cloudify deployment. If not provided, one will be randomly generated. You can obtain the deployment ID from the "environment data" output file.
echoEnvData : boolean
If checked, then the created environment's data will be printed to the job's log.
echoInputs : boolean
envDataLocation : String
Path to a file that will contain the created environment's data. If not provided, the environment data won't be written.
java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.Object>
parametersAsString : String
parametersFile : String
Path, relative to the Jenkins workspace root, of a YAML/JSON file containing parmaeters to pass to the template.
regionName : String
AWS region to use. If not specified, the value of the aws_region_name
secret is used.
stackName : String
Name of the new stack.
templateBody : String
templateBucketName : String
templateFile : String
templateResourceName : String
templateUrl : String
URL of the Terraform template. May be a ZIP, tar.gz
, or a Git repository.
tenant : String
$class: 'com.alauda.jenkins.plugins.freestyle.CreateStep'
jsonyaml : String
value : String
clusterName : String
credentialsId : String
logLevel : String
project : String
$class: 'com.alauda.jenkins.plugins.freestyle.DeleteStep'
value : String
clusterName : String
credentialsId : String
ignoreNotFound : boolean
logLevel : String
project : String
kind : String
name : String
value : String
name : String
$class: 'com.alauda.jenkins.plugins.freestyle.RawStep'
command : String
arguments : String
value : String
clusterName : String
credentialsId : String
logLevel : String
project : String
$class: 'com.alauda.jenkins.plugins.freestyle.WatchStep'
value : String
clusterName : String
credentialsId : String
failPattern : String
logLevel : String
project : String
kind : String
name : String
value : String
name : String
successPattern : String
template : String
$class: 'com.blackduck.integration.jenkins.polaris.extensions.freestyle.PolarisBuildStep'
changeSetExclusionPatterns : String
changeSetInclusionPatterns : String
polarisArguments : String
polarisCliName : String
jobTimeoutInMinutes : int
$class: ''
buildFilePath : String
$class: 'com.cloudbees.dockerpublish.DockerBuilder'
repoName : String
buildAdditionalArgs : String
buildContext : String
createFingerprint : boolean
dockerToolName : String
dockerfilePath : String
forcePull : boolean
forceTag : boolean
noCache : boolean
url : String
credentialsId : String
repoTag : String
uri : String
or tcp://
credentialsId : String
skipBuild : boolean
skipDecorate : boolean
skipPush : boolean
skipTagLatest : boolean
$class: 'com.cloudbees.plugins.deployer.DeployBuilder'
? extends com.cloudbees.plugins.deployer.hosts.DeployHost<?, ?>
azureCredentialsId : String
resourceGroup : String
name : String
id : String
Resource ID or VHD URI of the custom image.
Example Resource ID: /subscriptions/your-subscription-id/resourceGroups/your-resource-group/providers/Microsoft.Compute/images/your-image-name
Example VHD URI:
offer : String
publisher : String
sku : String
version : String
$class: 'com.openshift.jenkins.plugins.freestyle.CreateStep'
jsonyaml : String
value : String
clusterName : String
credentialsId : String
logLevel : String
project : String
$class: 'com.openshift.jenkins.plugins.freestyle.DeleteStep'
value : String
clusterName : String
credentialsId : String
ignoreNotFound : boolean
logLevel : String
project : String
kind : String
name : String
value : String
name : String
$class: 'com.openshift.jenkins.plugins.freestyle.RawStep'
command : String
arguments : String
value : String
clusterName : String
credentialsId : String
logLevel : String
project : String
$class: 'com.openshift.jenkins.plugins.freestyle.WatchStep'
value : String
clusterName : String
credentialsId : String
failPattern : String
logLevel : String
project : String
kind : String
name : String
value : String
name : String
successPattern : String
template : String
$class: 'com.syncapse.jenkinsci.plugins.awscloudformationwrapper.CloudFormationBuildStep'
stackName : String
Name of the stack. The name associated with the stack. The name must be unique within your AWS account. Must contain only alphanumeric characters (case sensitive) and start with an alpha character. Maximum length of the name is 255 characters. You can pass Environment Variables into this field.
description : String
cloudFormationRecipe : String
parameters : String
The parameters to pass into the recipe. A comma separated list of key/value pairs. ie: key1=value1,key2=value2
You can pass environment variables as values to a stack parameters.
timeout : long
awsAccessKey : String
class hudson.util.Secret
, US_WEST_Oregon
, US_WEST_Northern_California
, US_WEST_Ohio
, US_Govcloud_US
, Canada_Central
, EU_Ireland
, EU_Frankfurt
, EU_London
, Asia_Pacific_Singapore
, Asia_Pacific_Sydney
, Asia_Pacific_Tokyo
, Asia_Pacific_Mumbai
, Asia_Pacific_Seoul
, Asia_Pacific_Beijing
, South_America_Sao_Paulo
sleep : long
$class: 'com.synopsys.integration.jenkins.coverity.extensions.buildstep.CoverityBuildStep'
coverityInstanceUrl : String
Specify which Synopsys Coverity connect instance to run this job against.
The resulting Synopsys Coverity connect instance URL is stored in the $COV_URL environment variable, and will affect both the full and incremental analysis.
onCommandFailure : String
Specify the action to take if a Coverity static analysis command fails.
projectName : String
Specify the name of the Coverity project.
The resulting project name is stored in the $COV_PROJECT environment variable, and will affect both the full and incremental analysis.
streamName : String
Specify the name of the Coverity stream that you would like to use for the commands.
The resulting stream name is stored in the $COV_STREAM environment variable, and will affect both the full and incremental analysis.
viewName : String
Specify the name of the Coverity view that you would like to check for issues.
The resulting view name is stored in the $COV_VIEW environment variable, and affects checking for issues in both the full and incremental analysis, if configured.
buildStatusForIssues : String
Specify the build status to set if issues are found in the configured view.
changeSetExclusionPatterns : String
Specify a comma separated list of filename patterns that you would like to explicitly excluded from the Jenkins change set.
The pattern is applied to the $CHANGE_SET environment variable, and will affect which files are analyzed in an incremental analysis (cov-run-desktop).
File Name | Pattern | Will be excluded |
---|---|---| | *.java | Yes | | *.jpg | No | | test.* | Yes | | test.???? | Yes | | test.????? | No |
changeSetInclusionPatterns : String
Specify a comma separated list of filename patterns that you would like to explicitly included from the Jenkins change set.
The pattern is applied to the $CHANGE_SET environment variable, and will affect which files are analyzed in an incremental analysis (cov-run-desktop).
File Name | Pattern | Will be included |
---|---|---| | *.java | Yes | | *.jpg | No | | test.* | Yes | | test.???? | Yes | | test.????? | No |
$class: 'AdvancedCoverityRunConfiguration'
command : String
Provide the Coverity command you want to run.
The command should start with the name of the Coverity command you want to run. Ex: cov-build, cov-analyze, etc.
For examples and a list of the available environment variables that can be used, refer to the Command Examples documentation
$class: 'SimpleCoverityRunConfiguration'
Specify the way you wish to perform your Coverity analysis.
Each analysis type runs a specific Coverity command with some default arguments, followed by cov-commit-defects with some default arguments. Additional command-specific arguments can be provided below.
Full Analysis:
cov-analyze --dir ${WORKSPACE}/idir
cov-commit-defects --dir ${WORKSPACE}/idir --url ${COV_URL} --stream ${COV_STREAM}
Incremental Analysis:
cov-run-desktop --dir ${WORKSPACE}/idir --url ${COV_URL} --stream ${COV_STREAM} ${CHANGE_SET}
cov-commit-defects --dir ${WORKSPACE}/idir --url ${COV_URL} --stream ${COV_STREAM}
Determined by change set threshold
Will run the commands specified by Full Analysis if the number of files listed in the CHANGE_SET environment variable meets or exceeds the specified threshold, otherwise will run the commands specified by Incremental Analysis.
sourceArgument : String
The argument that specifies the source for the given capture type.
For Build, this is the build command to pass to cov-build.
For Buildless Capture (Project) this is the project directory to pass to cov-capture.
For Buildless Capture (SCM) this is the scm url to pass to cov-capture.
covBuildArguments : String
Specify additional arguments to apply to the invocation of the cov-build command. Affects the Build capture type.
The following options are automatically provided and should not be specified as an argument here. If you wish to override any of the provided arguments, select the 'Run custom Coverity commands' run configuration.
covAnalyzeArguments : String
Specify additional arguments to apply to the invocation of the cov-analyze command. Affects the Full Analysis analysis type.
The following options are automatically provided and should not be specified as an argument here. If you wish to override any of the provided arguments, select the 'Run custom Coverity commands' run configuration.
covRunDesktopArguments : String
Specify additional arguments to apply to the invocation of the cov-run-desktop command. Affects the Incremental Analysis analysis type.
The following options are automatically provided and should not be specified as an argument here. If you wish to override any of the provided arguments, select the 'Run custom Coverity commands' run configuration.
covCommitDefectsArguments : String
Specify additional arguments to apply to the invocation of the cov-commit-defects command. Affects all analysis types.
The following options are automatically provided and should not be specified as an argument here. If you wish to override any of the provided arguments, select the 'Run custom Coverity commands' run configuration.
covCaptureArguments : String
Specify additional arguments to apply to the invocation of the cov-capture command. Affects the Buildless Capture (Project) and Buildless Capture (SCM) capture types.
The following options are automatically provided and should not be specified as an argument here. If you wish to override any of the provided arguments, select the 'Run custom Coverity commands' run configuration.
With the Buildless Capture (Project) capture type, the following arguments are automatically provided:
With the Buildless Capture (SCM) capture type, the following arguments are automatically provided:
changeSetAnalysisThreshold : int
For use with the Coverity Analysis Type Determined by change set threshold. Specifies the number of files that triggers a Full Analysis.
Determined by change set threshold will run an Incremental Analysis unless the number of files specified in the $CHANGE_SET environment variable meets or exceeds the value of this field.
If the number of files specified in the $CHANGE_SET environment variable meets or exceeds the value of this field, Determined by change set threshold will run a Full Analysis
Specify the way you wish to capture your source for Coverity analysis.
Each capture type runs a specific Coverity command with some default arguments. Additional command-specific arguments can be provided below.
cov-build --dir ${WORKSPACE}/idir Source Argument (build command)
Buildless Capture (Project)
cov-capture --project-dir Source Argument (project directory)
Buildless Capture (SCM)
cov-capture --scm-url Source Argument (scm url)
customWorkingDirectory : String
The fully qualified path to a directory in which to run the cov-build or cov-capture command.
Specify the clean up action to perform on a successful execution.
Will either persist or delete the intermediate directory created by the specified capture type.
credentialsId : String
Specify the credentials to use with the Synopsys Coverity connect instance.
overrideDefaultCredentials : boolean
$class: 'com.synopsys.integration.jenkins.polaris.extensions.freestyle.PolarisBuildStep'
Creates a file at $CHANGE_SET_FILE_PATH (by default, the workspace directory) containing a list of files generated from the Jenkins-provided scm changeset.
Used for Incremental analysis (--incremental) as the file containing the list of changed files for analysis.
The action to take when static analysis is skipped because the changeset contained no files to analyze. Defaults to "Mark the build as Unstable".
changeSetExclusionPatterns : String
Specify a comma separated list of filename patterns that you would like to explicitly excluded from the Jenkins-provided SCM changeset.
The pattern is applied to determine which files will be populated in the changeset file, stored at $CHANGE_SET_FILE_PATH.
If blank, will exclude none.
File Name | Pattern | Will be excluded |
---|---|---| | *.java | Yes | | *.jpg | No | | test.* | Yes | | test.???? | Yes | | test.????? | No |
changeSetInclusionPatterns : String
Specify a comma separated list of filename patterns that you would like to explicitly included Jenkins-provided SCM changeset.
The pattern is applied to determine which files will be populated in the changeset file, stored at $CHANGE_SET_FILE_PATH.
If blank, will include all. Examples:
File Name | Pattern | Will be included |
---|---|---| | *.java | Yes | | *.jpg | No | | test.* | Yes | | test.???? | Yes | | test.????? | No |
polarisArguments : String
The command line arguments to pass to the CLI
polarisCliName : String
The CLI installation to execute
Check this box to wait for CLI jobs to complete and set the build status based on issues discovered
The build status to set the project to if there are issues
jobTimeoutInMinutes : int
The maximum number of minutes to wait for jobs started by the Coverity on Polaris CLI to complete when the Coverity on Polaris CLI is executed without -w (nonblocking mode). Must be a positive integer, defaults to 30 minutes.
baseApi : String
failThreshold : String
firmwareLocation : String
maliciousFiles : String
maxHighlightedCVEs : String
maxHighlightedExposures : String
maxHighlightedIssues : String
productId : String
class hudson.util.Secret
waitForResults : boolean
$class: 'iOSAppInstaller'
url : String
cloudTestServerID : String
ipa : String
additionalOptions : String
$class: 'iOSSimulatorLauncher'
url : String
cloudTestServerID : String
app : String
sdk : String
family : String
$class: 'io.jenkins.plugins.actions.TemplateScanBuilder'
IaCServiceEndpoint : String
scanName : String
scanDirectories : String
high : String
medium : String
low : String
scanResultInterval : String
totalJobCompletionTime : String
jobName : String
isFailedResultsOnly : boolean
buildFailureSettings : boolean
timeoutSettings : boolean
dotnet restore
command uses NuGet to restore dependencies as well as project-specific tools that are specified in the project file. In most cases, you don't need to explicitly use the dotnet restore
command, since a NuGet restore is run implicitly if necessary when you run the following commands:
dotnet restore
explicitly to control when the restore occurs so that they can control network usage. To prevent the implicit NuGet restore, you can use the --no-restore
flag with any of these commands to disable implicit restore.
charset : String
configfile : String
continueOnError : boolean
, if configured that way), but the build will be allowed to continue. Otherwise, any such errors will cause the build to be terminated immediately.
disableParallel : boolean
force : boolean
forceEvaluate : boolean
ignoreFailedSources : boolean
lockFilePath : String
lockedMode : boolean
noCache : boolean
noDependencies : boolean
packages : String
project : String
runtime : String
runtimes : Array / List of String
runtimesString : String
tag in the .csproj file. For a list of Runtime Identifiers (RIDs), see the RID catalog.
sdk : String
will be in the path.
With .NETelement (or a
block in a pipeline script) to specify one, or ensure this step runs on a node that has a .NET SDK installed and in the path.
showSdkInfo : boolean
dotnet --info
will be executed before the main command. This shows a list of available SDKs and runtimes, indicating which one is currently being used.
source : String
sources : Array / List of String
sourcesString : String
specificSdkVersion : boolean
executable may use the most recent SDK available on the system, even when PATH
is set up to find an older SDK deployment first; see this page for more information.
file will be created in the current directory, referencing that SDK version and disabling roll-forward.
already present in the current directory.
useLockFile : boolean
verbosity : String
workDirectory : String
dotnet tool restore
command finds the tool manifest file that is in scope for the current directory and installs the tools that are listed in it. For information about manifest files, see Install a local tool and Invoke a local tool.
additionalSource : String
additionalSources : Array / List of String
additionalSourcesString : String
charset : String
configfile : String
continueOnError : boolean
, if configured that way), but the build will be allowed to continue. Otherwise, any such errors will cause the build to be terminated immediately.
disableParallel : boolean
ignoreFailedSources : boolean
noCache : boolean
sdk : String
will be in the path.
With .NETelement (or a
block in a pipeline script) to specify one, or ensure this step runs on a node that has a .NET SDK installed and in the path.
showSdkInfo : boolean
dotnet --info
will be executed before the main command. This shows a list of available SDKs and runtimes, indicating which one is currently being used.
specificSdkVersion : boolean
executable may use the most recent SDK available on the system, even when PATH
is set up to find an older SDK deployment first; see this page for more information.
file will be created in the current directory, referencing that SDK version and disabling roll-forward.
already present in the current directory.
toolManifest : String
verbosity : String
, m[inimal]
, n[ormal]
, d[etailed]
, and diag[nostic]
workDirectory : String
$class: 'io.jenkins.plugins.immuniweb.ScannerBuilder'
class hudson.util.Secret
target : String
uploadPath : String
isUpdateVersion : boolean
The Kobiton Apps Repository helps users manage different versions of their application.
appId : int
$class: ''
bitbucket_token : String
bitbucket_username : String
blackducksca_include_diagnostics : boolean
or false
blackducksca_mark_build_status : String
. Supported values: FAILURE
blackducksca_project_directory : String
blackducksca_reports_sarif_create : boolean
blackducksca_reports_sarif_file_path : String
blackducksca_reports_sarif_groupSCAIssues : boolean
blackducksca_reports_sarif_severities : String
blackducksca_scan_failure_severities : String
, OK
blackducksca_scan_full : boolean
or false
blackducksca_token : String
blackducksca_url : String
blackducksca_waitForScan : boolean
bridgecli_download_url : String
bridgecli_download_version : String
bridgecli_install_directory : String
coverity_args : String
coverity_build_command : String
coverity_clean_command : String
coverity_config_path : String
coverity_execution_path : String
coverity_include_diagnostics : boolean
or false
coverity_install_directory : String
coverity_local : boolean
coverity_mark_build_status : String
. Supported values: FAILURE
coverity_passphrase : String
coverity_policy_view : String
coverity_project_directory : String
coverity_project_name : String
coverity_stream_name : String
coverity_url : String
coverity_user : String
coverity_version : String
coverity_waitForScan : boolean
detect_args : String
detect_config_path : String
detect_download_url : String
detect_execution_path : String
detect_install_directory : String
detect_search_depth : int
github_token : String
gitlab_token : String
include_diagnostics : boolean
mark_build_status : String
network_airgap : boolean
polaris_access_token : String
polaris_application_name : String
polaris_assessment_mode : String
polaris_assessment_types : String
or both SCA, SAST
polaris_branch_name : String
polaris_branch_parent_name : String
polaris_include_diagnostics : boolean
or false
polaris_mark_build_status : String
. Supported values: FAILURE
polaris_prComment_severities : String
polaris_project_directory : String
polaris_project_name : String
polaris_reports_sarif_create : boolean
polaris_reports_sarif_file_path : String
polaris_reports_sarif_groupSCAIssues : boolean
polaris_reports_sarif_issue_types : String
polaris_reports_sarif_severities : String
polaris_sast_args : String
polaris_sast_build_command : String
polaris_sast_clean_command : String
polaris_sast_config_path : String
polaris_sca_args : String
polaris_sca_config_path : String
polaris_sca_search_depth : int
polaris_server_url : String
polaris_test_sca_type : String
. Supported values: SCA-PACKAGE
polaris_waitForScan : boolean
product : String
project_directory : String
project_source_archive : String
project_source_excludes : String
project_source_preserveSymLinks : boolean
srm_apikey : String
srm_assessment_types : String
or both SCA, SAST
srm_branch_name : String
srm_branch_parent : String
srm_include_diagnostics : boolean
or false
srm_mark_build_status : String
. Supported values: FAILURE
srm_project_directory : String
srm_project_id : String
srm_project_name : String
srm_sast_args : String
srm_sast_build_command : String
srm_sast_clean_command : String
srm_sast_config_path : String
srm_sca_args : String
srm_sca_config_path : String
srm_sca_search_depth : int
srm_url : String
srm_waitForScan : boolean
$class: ''
bitbucket_token : String
bitbucket_username : String
blackduck_args : String
blackduck_config_path : String
blackduck_download_url : String
blackduck_execution_path : String
blackduck_install_directory : String
blackduck_project_directory : String
blackduck_reports_sarif_create : boolean
blackduck_reports_sarif_file_path : String
blackduck_reports_sarif_groupSCAIssues : boolean
blackduck_reports_sarif_severities : String
blackduck_scan_failure_severities : String
, OK
blackduck_scan_full : boolean
or false
blackduck_search_depth : int
blackduck_token : String
blackduck_url : String
blackduck_waitForScan : boolean
. If set to false
, post merge workflows like PR comment, Fix PR, SARIF etc will not be applicable.
coverity_args : String
coverity_build_command : String
coverity_clean_command : String
coverity_config_path : String
coverity_execution_path : String
coverity_install_directory : String
coverity_local : boolean
or false
coverity_passphrase : String
coverity_policy_view : String
coverity_project_directory : String
coverity_project_name : String
coverity_stream_name : String
coverity_url : String
coverity_user : String
coverity_version : String
coverity_waitForScan : boolean
. If set to false
, post merge workflows like PR comment, Fix PR, SARIF etc will not be applicable.
github_token : String
gitlab_token : String
include_diagnostics : boolean
or false
mark_build_status : String
. Supported values: FAILURE
network_airgap : boolean
or false
polaris_access_token : String
polaris_application_name : String
polaris_assessment_mode : String
polaris_assessment_types : String
or both SCA, SAST
polaris_branch_name : String
polaris_branch_parent_name : String
polaris_prComment_severities : String
polaris_project_directory : String
polaris_project_name : String
polaris_reports_sarif_create : boolean
polaris_reports_sarif_file_path : String
polaris_reports_sarif_groupSCAIssues : boolean
polaris_reports_sarif_issue_types : String
polaris_reports_sarif_severities : String
polaris_sast_args : String
polaris_sast_build_command : String
polaris_sast_clean_command : String
polaris_sast_config_path : String
polaris_sca_args : String
polaris_sca_config_path : String
polaris_sca_search_depth : int
polaris_server_url : String
polaris_test_sca_type : String
. Supported values: SCA-PACKAGE
polaris_triage : String
polaris_waitForScan : boolean
. If set to false
, post merge workflows like PR comment, Fix PR, SARIF etc will not be applicable.
product : String
project_directory : String
project_source_archive : String
project_source_excludes : String
project_source_preserveSymLinks : boolean
srm_apikey : String
srm_assessment_types : String
or both SCA, SAST
srm_branch_name : String
srm_branch_parent : String
srm_project_directory : String
srm_project_id : String
srm_project_name : String
srm_sast_args : String
srm_sast_build_command : String
srm_sast_clean_command : String
srm_sast_config_path : String
srm_sca_args : String
srm_sca_config_path : String
srm_sca_search_depth : int
srm_url : String
srm_waitForScan : boolean
. If set to false
, post merge workflows like PR comment, Fix PR, SARIF etc will not be applicable.
synopsys_bridge_download_url : String
synopsys_bridge_download_version : String
synopsys_bridge_install_directory : String
assetName : String
templateType : String
templateVersion : String
tags : String
failureCriteriaHigh : String
failureCriteriaLow : String
failureCriteriaMedium : String
failureCriteriaOperator : String
$class: 'jenkins.plugins.coverity.CoverityBuildStep'
The build step can be configured as any other build steps. Choose the appropriate builder and configure the command to be performed. The configured build step will be wrapped with the Coverity cov-build executables so that it captures the build and can be used to further analysis by using coverity static tools. This build step is only for capturing build of compiled sources.
buildStep : Build Step (hudson.tasks.BuildStep
$class: 'org.jenkinsci.plugins.dockerbuildstep.DockerBuilder'
$class: 'CommitCommand'
containerId : String
repo : String
tag : String
runCmd : String
$class: 'CreateContainerCommand'
image : String
command : String
hostName : String
containerName : String
envVars : String
links : String
exposedPorts : String
cpuShares : String
memoryLimit : String
dns : String
extraHosts : String
networkMode : String
publishAllPorts : boolean
This setting corresponds to the --publish-all
) option of the docker run
CLI command.
portBindings : String
) option of the docker run
CLI command.
Enter one or more port binding, each on its own line. The syntax is host container
where host
is either hostPort
or hostIp:hostPort
and container
is either containerPort
or containerPort/protocol
Alternatively, you can separate host and port with a colon (":"), thus using the same syntax as in the Docker CLI.
bindMounts : String
) option of the docker run
CLI command.
Enter one or more bind mount, each on its own line. The syntax is hostPath containerPath[ rw|ro]
privileged : boolean
This setting corresponds to the --privileged
option of the docker run
CLI command.
alwaysRestart : boolean
$class: 'CreateImageCommand'
dockerFolder : String
imageTag : String
dockerFile : String
pull : boolean
noCache : boolean
rm : boolean
buildArgs : String
$class: 'ExecCreateAndStartCommand'
containerIds : String
command : String
$class: 'ExecCreateCommand'
containerIds : String
command : String
$class: 'ExecStartCommand'
commandIds : String
$class: 'KillCommand'
containerIds : String
$class: 'PullImageCommand'
fromImage : String
tag : String
registry : String
url : String
credentialsId : String
$class: 'PushImageCommand'
image : String
tag : String
registry : String
url : String
credentialsId : String
$class: 'RemoveAllCommand'
removeVolumes : boolean
force : boolean
$class: 'RemoveCommand'
containerIds : String
ignoreIfNotFound : boolean
removeVolumes : boolean
force : boolean
$class: 'RemoveImageCommand'
imageName : String
imageId : String
ignoreIfNotFound : boolean
$class: 'RestartCommand'
containerIds : String
timeout : int
$class: 'SaveImageCommand'
imageName : String
imageTag : String
destination : String
filename : String
ignoreIfNotFound : boolean
$class: 'StartByImageIdCommand'
imageId : String
$class: 'StartCommand'
containerIds : String
waitPorts : String
containerIdsLogging : String
$class: 'StopAllCommand'
$class: 'StopByImageIdCommand'
imageId : String
$class: 'StopCommand'
containerIds : String
$class: 'TagImageCommand'
image : String
repository : String
tag : String
ignoreIfNotFound : boolean
withForce : boolean
$class: 'org.jenkinsci.plugins.ios.connector.DeployBuilder'
path : String
udid : String
(We are looking for more ways to let you specify the target device flexibly. Please send in your suggestions.)
$class: 'org.jenkinsci.plugins.liquibase.builder.UpdateBuilder'
changeLogFile : String
changeLogParameters : String
contexts : String
credentialsId : String
installationName : String
labels : String
liquibasePropertiesPath : String
password : String
resourceDirectories : String
url : String
username : String
hostname : String
tfCredentialsId : String
ocCredentialsId : String
ocVersion : String
buildVersion : String
createBuildInfoCartridge : boolean
activateBuild : boolean
sourcePath : String
excludePattern : String
tempDirectory : String
$class: 'vRABlueprintBuildStep'
serverUrl : String
userName : String
password : String
tenant : String
packageBlueprint : boolean
blueprintPath : String
overWrite : boolean
publishBlueprint : boolean
serviceCategory : String
$class: 'vRADeploymentBuildStep'
serverUrl : String
userName : String
password : String
tenant : String
blueprintName : String
waitExec : boolean
requestTemplate : boolean
json : String
$class: 'ConditionalBuilder'
$class: 'AlwaysRun'
$class: 'And'
$class: 'AlwaysRun'
$class: 'And'
$class: 'BatchFileCondition'
command : String
If you already have a batch file in SCM, you can just type in the path of that batch file (again relative to the workspace directory), and simply execute that.
$class: 'BooleanCondition'
token : String
$class: 'CauseCondition'
buildCause : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'DayCondition'
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'SelectDays'
day : int
selected : boolean
$class: 'Weekday'
$class: 'Weekend'
$class: 'ExpressionCondition'
expression : String
label : String
$class: 'ExtendedCauseCondition'
$class: 'UpstreamCauseCondition'
projects : String
$class: 'UserBuildCauseCondition'
users : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'FileExistsCondition'
file : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'FilesMatchCondition'
includes : String
excludes : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'LegacyBuildstepCondition'
condition : String
invert : boolean
$class: 'NeverRun'
$class: 'NodeCondition'
allowedNodes : Array / List of String
$class: 'Not'
$class: 'AlwaysRun'
$class: 'And'
$class: 'BatchFileCondition'
command : String
If you already have a batch file in SCM, you can just type in the path of that batch file (again relative to the workspace directory), and simply execute that.
$class: 'BooleanCondition'
token : String
$class: 'CauseCondition'
buildCause : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'DayCondition'
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'SelectDays'
day : int
selected : boolean
$class: 'Weekday'
$class: 'Weekend'
$class: 'ExpressionCondition'
expression : String
label : String
$class: 'ExtendedCauseCondition'
$class: 'UpstreamCauseCondition'
projects : String
$class: 'UserBuildCauseCondition'
users : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'FileExistsCondition'
file : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'FilesMatchCondition'
includes : String
excludes : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'LegacyBuildstepCondition'
condition : String
invert : boolean
$class: 'NeverRun'
$class: 'NodeCondition'
allowedNodes : Array / List of String
$class: 'Not'
$class: 'NumericalComparisonCondition'
lhs : String
rhs : String
$class: 'EqualTo'
$class: 'GreaterThan'
$class: 'GreaterThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'LessThan'
$class: 'LessThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'NotEqualTo'
$class: 'OntrackDSLRunCondition'
value : String
scriptPath : String
scriptText : String
sandbox : boolean
injectEnvironment : String
) to bind as variables into the script.
For example, if you set this field to BUILD_NUMBER
, you can access the BUILD_NUMBER
value from the script using:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', '1.0').build("1.0-${BUILD_NUMBER}", '')
injectProperties : String
You can define variables to inject into the script by using a property-like format.
For example, the following text:
would inject the corresponding BRANCH
variables in the script:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', BRANCH).build(VERSION, "Build ${VERSION}")
In the text:
name = value
are ignored${VAR}
are expanded using VAR
from the current environment variables.ontrackLog : boolean
$class: 'Or'
$class: 'ShellCondition'
command : String
By default, the shell will be invoked with the "-ex" option. So all of the commands are printed before being executed, and the build is considered a failure if any of the commands exits with a non-zero exit code. Again, add the #!/bin/... line to change this behavior.
As a best practice, try not to put a long shell script in here. Instead, consider adding the shell script in SCM and simply call that shell script from Jenkins (via bash -ex or something like that), so that you can track changes in your shell script.
A non-zero exit value will be treated as a false value
$class: 'StatusCondition'
worstResult : String
bestResult : String
$class: 'StringsMatchCondition'
arg1 : String
arg2 : String
ignoreCase : boolean
$class: 'TextFinderCondition'
fileSet : String
regexp : String
checkConsoleOutput : boolean
$class: 'TimeCondition'
earliest : String
latest : String
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'VariableExistsCondition'
variableName : String
$class: 'NumericalComparisonCondition'
lhs : String
rhs : String
$class: 'EqualTo'
$class: 'GreaterThan'
$class: 'GreaterThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'LessThan'
$class: 'LessThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'NotEqualTo'
$class: 'OntrackDSLRunCondition'
value : String
scriptPath : String
scriptText : String
sandbox : boolean
injectEnvironment : String
) to bind as variables into the script.
For example, if you set this field to BUILD_NUMBER
, you can access the BUILD_NUMBER
value from the script using:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', '1.0').build("1.0-${BUILD_NUMBER}", '')
injectProperties : String
You can define variables to inject into the script by using a property-like format.
For example, the following text:
would inject the corresponding BRANCH
variables in the script:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', BRANCH).build(VERSION, "Build ${VERSION}")
In the text:
name = value
are ignored${VAR}
are expanded using VAR
from the current environment variables.ontrackLog : boolean
$class: 'Or'
$class: 'ShellCondition'
command : String
By default, the shell will be invoked with the "-ex" option. So all of the commands are printed before being executed, and the build is considered a failure if any of the commands exits with a non-zero exit code. Again, add the #!/bin/... line to change this behavior.
As a best practice, try not to put a long shell script in here. Instead, consider adding the shell script in SCM and simply call that shell script from Jenkins (via bash -ex or something like that), so that you can track changes in your shell script.
A non-zero exit value will be treated as a false value
$class: 'StatusCondition'
worstResult : String
bestResult : String
$class: 'StringsMatchCondition'
arg1 : String
arg2 : String
ignoreCase : boolean
$class: 'TextFinderCondition'
fileSet : String
regexp : String
checkConsoleOutput : boolean
$class: 'TimeCondition'
earliest : String
latest : String
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'VariableExistsCondition'
variableName : String
$class: 'BatchFileCondition'
command : String
If you already have a batch file in SCM, you can just type in the path of that batch file (again relative to the workspace directory), and simply execute that.
$class: 'BooleanCondition'
token : String
$class: 'CauseCondition'
buildCause : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'DayCondition'
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'SelectDays'
day : int
selected : boolean
$class: 'Weekday'
$class: 'Weekend'
$class: 'ExpressionCondition'
expression : String
label : String
$class: 'ExtendedCauseCondition'
$class: 'UpstreamCauseCondition'
projects : String
$class: 'UserBuildCauseCondition'
users : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'FileExistsCondition'
file : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'FilesMatchCondition'
includes : String
excludes : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'LegacyBuildstepCondition'
condition : String
invert : boolean
$class: 'NeverRun'
$class: 'NodeCondition'
allowedNodes : Array / List of String
$class: 'Not'
$class: 'AlwaysRun'
$class: 'And'
$class: 'AlwaysRun'
$class: 'And'
$class: 'BatchFileCondition'
command : String
If you already have a batch file in SCM, you can just type in the path of that batch file (again relative to the workspace directory), and simply execute that.
$class: 'BooleanCondition'
token : String
$class: 'CauseCondition'
buildCause : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'DayCondition'
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'SelectDays'
day : int
selected : boolean
$class: 'Weekday'
$class: 'Weekend'
$class: 'ExpressionCondition'
expression : String
label : String
$class: 'ExtendedCauseCondition'
$class: 'UpstreamCauseCondition'
projects : String
$class: 'UserBuildCauseCondition'
users : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'FileExistsCondition'
file : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'FilesMatchCondition'
includes : String
excludes : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'LegacyBuildstepCondition'
condition : String
invert : boolean
$class: 'NeverRun'
$class: 'NodeCondition'
allowedNodes : Array / List of String
$class: 'Not'
$class: 'NumericalComparisonCondition'
lhs : String
rhs : String
$class: 'EqualTo'
$class: 'GreaterThan'
$class: 'GreaterThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'LessThan'
$class: 'LessThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'NotEqualTo'
$class: 'OntrackDSLRunCondition'
value : String
scriptPath : String
scriptText : String
sandbox : boolean
injectEnvironment : String
) to bind as variables into the script.
For example, if you set this field to BUILD_NUMBER
, you can access the BUILD_NUMBER
value from the script using:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', '1.0').build("1.0-${BUILD_NUMBER}", '')
injectProperties : String
You can define variables to inject into the script by using a property-like format.
For example, the following text:
would inject the corresponding BRANCH
variables in the script:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', BRANCH).build(VERSION, "Build ${VERSION}")
In the text:
name = value
are ignored${VAR}
are expanded using VAR
from the current environment variables.ontrackLog : boolean
$class: 'Or'
$class: 'ShellCondition'
command : String
By default, the shell will be invoked with the "-ex" option. So all of the commands are printed before being executed, and the build is considered a failure if any of the commands exits with a non-zero exit code. Again, add the #!/bin/... line to change this behavior.
As a best practice, try not to put a long shell script in here. Instead, consider adding the shell script in SCM and simply call that shell script from Jenkins (via bash -ex or something like that), so that you can track changes in your shell script.
A non-zero exit value will be treated as a false value
$class: 'StatusCondition'
worstResult : String
bestResult : String
$class: 'StringsMatchCondition'
arg1 : String
arg2 : String
ignoreCase : boolean
$class: 'TextFinderCondition'
fileSet : String
regexp : String
checkConsoleOutput : boolean
$class: 'TimeCondition'
earliest : String
latest : String
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'VariableExistsCondition'
variableName : String
$class: 'BatchFileCondition'
command : String
If you already have a batch file in SCM, you can just type in the path of that batch file (again relative to the workspace directory), and simply execute that.
$class: 'BooleanCondition'
token : String
$class: 'CauseCondition'
buildCause : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'DayCondition'
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'SelectDays'
day : int
selected : boolean
$class: 'Weekday'
$class: 'Weekend'
$class: 'ExpressionCondition'
expression : String
label : String
$class: 'ExtendedCauseCondition'
$class: 'UpstreamCauseCondition'
projects : String
$class: 'UserBuildCauseCondition'
users : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'FileExistsCondition'
file : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'FilesMatchCondition'
includes : String
excludes : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'LegacyBuildstepCondition'
condition : String
invert : boolean
$class: 'NeverRun'
$class: 'NodeCondition'
allowedNodes : Array / List of String
$class: 'Not'
$class: 'NumericalComparisonCondition'
lhs : String
rhs : String
$class: 'EqualTo'
$class: 'GreaterThan'
$class: 'GreaterThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'LessThan'
$class: 'LessThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'NotEqualTo'
$class: 'OntrackDSLRunCondition'
value : String
scriptPath : String
scriptText : String
sandbox : boolean
injectEnvironment : String
) to bind as variables into the script.
For example, if you set this field to BUILD_NUMBER
, you can access the BUILD_NUMBER
value from the script using:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', '1.0').build("1.0-${BUILD_NUMBER}", '')
injectProperties : String
You can define variables to inject into the script by using a property-like format.
For example, the following text:
would inject the corresponding BRANCH
variables in the script:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', BRANCH).build(VERSION, "Build ${VERSION}")
In the text:
name = value
are ignored${VAR}
are expanded using VAR
from the current environment variables.ontrackLog : boolean
$class: 'Or'
$class: 'AlwaysRun'
$class: 'And'
$class: 'BatchFileCondition'
command : String
If you already have a batch file in SCM, you can just type in the path of that batch file (again relative to the workspace directory), and simply execute that.
$class: 'BooleanCondition'
token : String
$class: 'CauseCondition'
buildCause : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'DayCondition'
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'SelectDays'
day : int
selected : boolean
$class: 'Weekday'
$class: 'Weekend'
$class: 'ExpressionCondition'
expression : String
label : String
$class: 'ExtendedCauseCondition'
$class: 'UpstreamCauseCondition'
projects : String
$class: 'UserBuildCauseCondition'
users : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'FileExistsCondition'
file : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'FilesMatchCondition'
includes : String
excludes : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'LegacyBuildstepCondition'
condition : String
invert : boolean
$class: 'NeverRun'
$class: 'NodeCondition'
allowedNodes : Array / List of String
$class: 'Not'
$class: 'NumericalComparisonCondition'
lhs : String
rhs : String
$class: 'EqualTo'
$class: 'GreaterThan'
$class: 'GreaterThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'LessThan'
$class: 'LessThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'NotEqualTo'
$class: 'OntrackDSLRunCondition'
value : String
scriptPath : String
scriptText : String
sandbox : boolean
injectEnvironment : String
) to bind as variables into the script.
For example, if you set this field to BUILD_NUMBER
, you can access the BUILD_NUMBER
value from the script using:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', '1.0').build("1.0-${BUILD_NUMBER}", '')
injectProperties : String
You can define variables to inject into the script by using a property-like format.
For example, the following text:
would inject the corresponding BRANCH
variables in the script:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', BRANCH).build(VERSION, "Build ${VERSION}")
In the text:
name = value
are ignored${VAR}
are expanded using VAR
from the current environment variables.ontrackLog : boolean
$class: 'Or'
$class: 'ShellCondition'
command : String
By default, the shell will be invoked with the "-ex" option. So all of the commands are printed before being executed, and the build is considered a failure if any of the commands exits with a non-zero exit code. Again, add the #!/bin/... line to change this behavior.
As a best practice, try not to put a long shell script in here. Instead, consider adding the shell script in SCM and simply call that shell script from Jenkins (via bash -ex or something like that), so that you can track changes in your shell script.
A non-zero exit value will be treated as a false value
$class: 'StatusCondition'
worstResult : String
bestResult : String
$class: 'StringsMatchCondition'
arg1 : String
arg2 : String
ignoreCase : boolean
$class: 'TextFinderCondition'
fileSet : String
regexp : String
checkConsoleOutput : boolean
$class: 'TimeCondition'
earliest : String
latest : String
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'VariableExistsCondition'
variableName : String
$class: 'ShellCondition'
command : String
By default, the shell will be invoked with the "-ex" option. So all of the commands are printed before being executed, and the build is considered a failure if any of the commands exits with a non-zero exit code. Again, add the #!/bin/... line to change this behavior.
As a best practice, try not to put a long shell script in here. Instead, consider adding the shell script in SCM and simply call that shell script from Jenkins (via bash -ex or something like that), so that you can track changes in your shell script.
A non-zero exit value will be treated as a false value
$class: 'StatusCondition'
worstResult : String
bestResult : String
$class: 'StringsMatchCondition'
arg1 : String
arg2 : String
ignoreCase : boolean
$class: 'TextFinderCondition'
fileSet : String
regexp : String
checkConsoleOutput : boolean
$class: 'TimeCondition'
earliest : String
latest : String
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'VariableExistsCondition'
variableName : String
$class: 'NumericalComparisonCondition'
lhs : String
rhs : String
$class: 'EqualTo'
$class: 'GreaterThan'
$class: 'GreaterThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'LessThan'
$class: 'LessThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'NotEqualTo'
$class: 'OntrackDSLRunCondition'
value : String
scriptPath : String
scriptText : String
sandbox : boolean
injectEnvironment : String
) to bind as variables into the script.
For example, if you set this field to BUILD_NUMBER
, you can access the BUILD_NUMBER
value from the script using:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', '1.0').build("1.0-${BUILD_NUMBER}", '')
injectProperties : String
You can define variables to inject into the script by using a property-like format.
For example, the following text:
would inject the corresponding BRANCH
variables in the script:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', BRANCH).build(VERSION, "Build ${VERSION}")
In the text:
name = value
are ignored${VAR}
are expanded using VAR
from the current environment variables.ontrackLog : boolean
$class: 'Or'
$class: 'AlwaysRun'
$class: 'And'
$class: 'BatchFileCondition'
command : String
If you already have a batch file in SCM, you can just type in the path of that batch file (again relative to the workspace directory), and simply execute that.
$class: 'BooleanCondition'
token : String
$class: 'CauseCondition'
buildCause : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'DayCondition'
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'SelectDays'
day : int
selected : boolean
$class: 'Weekday'
$class: 'Weekend'
$class: 'ExpressionCondition'
expression : String
label : String
$class: 'ExtendedCauseCondition'
$class: 'UpstreamCauseCondition'
projects : String
$class: 'UserBuildCauseCondition'
users : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'FileExistsCondition'
file : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'FilesMatchCondition'
includes : String
excludes : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'LegacyBuildstepCondition'
condition : String
invert : boolean
$class: 'NeverRun'
$class: 'NodeCondition'
allowedNodes : Array / List of String
$class: 'Not'
$class: 'AlwaysRun'
$class: 'And'
$class: 'BatchFileCondition'
command : String
If you already have a batch file in SCM, you can just type in the path of that batch file (again relative to the workspace directory), and simply execute that.
$class: 'BooleanCondition'
token : String
$class: 'CauseCondition'
buildCause : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'DayCondition'
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'SelectDays'
day : int
selected : boolean
$class: 'Weekday'
$class: 'Weekend'
$class: 'ExpressionCondition'
expression : String
label : String
$class: 'ExtendedCauseCondition'
$class: 'UpstreamCauseCondition'
projects : String
$class: 'UserBuildCauseCondition'
users : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'FileExistsCondition'
file : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'FilesMatchCondition'
includes : String
excludes : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'LegacyBuildstepCondition'
condition : String
invert : boolean
$class: 'NeverRun'
$class: 'NodeCondition'
allowedNodes : Array / List of String
$class: 'Not'
$class: 'NumericalComparisonCondition'
lhs : String
rhs : String
$class: 'EqualTo'
$class: 'GreaterThan'
$class: 'GreaterThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'LessThan'
$class: 'LessThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'NotEqualTo'
$class: 'OntrackDSLRunCondition'
value : String
scriptPath : String
scriptText : String
sandbox : boolean
injectEnvironment : String
) to bind as variables into the script.
For example, if you set this field to BUILD_NUMBER
, you can access the BUILD_NUMBER
value from the script using:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', '1.0').build("1.0-${BUILD_NUMBER}", '')
injectProperties : String
You can define variables to inject into the script by using a property-like format.
For example, the following text:
would inject the corresponding BRANCH
variables in the script:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', BRANCH).build(VERSION, "Build ${VERSION}")
In the text:
name = value
are ignored${VAR}
are expanded using VAR
from the current environment variables.ontrackLog : boolean
$class: 'Or'
$class: 'ShellCondition'
command : String
By default, the shell will be invoked with the "-ex" option. So all of the commands are printed before being executed, and the build is considered a failure if any of the commands exits with a non-zero exit code. Again, add the #!/bin/... line to change this behavior.
As a best practice, try not to put a long shell script in here. Instead, consider adding the shell script in SCM and simply call that shell script from Jenkins (via bash -ex or something like that), so that you can track changes in your shell script.
A non-zero exit value will be treated as a false value
$class: 'StatusCondition'
worstResult : String
bestResult : String
$class: 'StringsMatchCondition'
arg1 : String
arg2 : String
ignoreCase : boolean
$class: 'TextFinderCondition'
fileSet : String
regexp : String
checkConsoleOutput : boolean
$class: 'TimeCondition'
earliest : String
latest : String
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'VariableExistsCondition'
variableName : String
$class: 'NumericalComparisonCondition'
lhs : String
rhs : String
$class: 'EqualTo'
$class: 'GreaterThan'
$class: 'GreaterThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'LessThan'
$class: 'LessThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'NotEqualTo'
$class: 'OntrackDSLRunCondition'
value : String
scriptPath : String
scriptText : String
sandbox : boolean
injectEnvironment : String
) to bind as variables into the script.
For example, if you set this field to BUILD_NUMBER
, you can access the BUILD_NUMBER
value from the script using:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', '1.0').build("1.0-${BUILD_NUMBER}", '')
injectProperties : String
You can define variables to inject into the script by using a property-like format.
For example, the following text:
would inject the corresponding BRANCH
variables in the script:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', BRANCH).build(VERSION, "Build ${VERSION}")
In the text:
name = value
are ignored${VAR}
are expanded using VAR
from the current environment variables.ontrackLog : boolean
$class: 'Or'
$class: 'ShellCondition'
command : String
By default, the shell will be invoked with the "-ex" option. So all of the commands are printed before being executed, and the build is considered a failure if any of the commands exits with a non-zero exit code. Again, add the #!/bin/... line to change this behavior.
As a best practice, try not to put a long shell script in here. Instead, consider adding the shell script in SCM and simply call that shell script from Jenkins (via bash -ex or something like that), so that you can track changes in your shell script.
A non-zero exit value will be treated as a false value
$class: 'StatusCondition'
worstResult : String
bestResult : String
$class: 'StringsMatchCondition'
arg1 : String
arg2 : String
ignoreCase : boolean
$class: 'TextFinderCondition'
fileSet : String
regexp : String
checkConsoleOutput : boolean
$class: 'TimeCondition'
earliest : String
latest : String
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'VariableExistsCondition'
variableName : String
$class: 'ShellCondition'
command : String
By default, the shell will be invoked with the "-ex" option. So all of the commands are printed before being executed, and the build is considered a failure if any of the commands exits with a non-zero exit code. Again, add the #!/bin/... line to change this behavior.
As a best practice, try not to put a long shell script in here. Instead, consider adding the shell script in SCM and simply call that shell script from Jenkins (via bash -ex or something like that), so that you can track changes in your shell script.
A non-zero exit value will be treated as a false value
$class: 'StatusCondition'
worstResult : String
bestResult : String
$class: 'StringsMatchCondition'
arg1 : String
arg2 : String
ignoreCase : boolean
$class: 'TextFinderCondition'
fileSet : String
regexp : String
checkConsoleOutput : boolean
$class: 'TimeCondition'
earliest : String
latest : String
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'VariableExistsCondition'
variableName : String
A run condition evaluation may fail to run cleanly - especially if it is dependent on expanding tokens provided by the Token Macro Plugin and the values are expected to be present or look like a certain type i.e. be a number.
...its about the action to take when the condition can not be evaluated - this is not same as evaluating to false
$class: 'DontRun'
$class: 'Fail'
$class: 'Run'
$class: 'RunUnstable'
$class: 'Unstable'
conditionalbuilders : Array / List of Build Step (hudson.tasks.BuildStep
$class: 'ConfigFileBuildStep'
fileId : String
Name of the file.
replaceTokens : boolean
Decides whether the token should be replaced using macro.
targetLocation : String
Name of the file (with optional file relative to workspace directory) where the config file should be copied.
variable : String
Name of the variable which can be used as the reference for further configuration.
$class: 'ConfluenceReleaseNotesPublisher'
jiraCredentialsID : String
confluenceCredentialsID : String
spaceKey : String
jqlFilter : String
pageTitle : String
parentPageTitle : String
$class: 'ConsulBuilder'
installationName : String
$class: 'ConsulGetKV'
valuePath : String
environmentVariableName : String
$class: 'ConsulServiceDiscoveryOperation'
serviceName : String
serviceTag : String
environmentVariableName : String
healthStatus : String
addPort : boolean
$class: 'ConsulSetKV'
valuePath : String
value : String
consulSettingsProfileName : String
$class: 'ConsulKVBuilder'
hostUrl : String
key : String
aclToken : String
apiUri : String
envVarKey : String
ignoreGlobalSettings : boolean
keyValue : String
timeoutConnection : int
timeoutResponse : int
failOnPluginError : boolean
imageId : String
action : String
contains : String
action : String
contains : String
action : String
contains : String
action : String
contains : String
action : String
threshold : String
action : String
threshold : String
action : String
threshold : String
action : String
threshold : String
action : String
threshold : String
action : String
threshold : String
action : String
threshold : String
action : String
threshold : String
action : String
threshold : String
treatWarningsAsErrors : boolean
workspaceDir : String
filePath : String
fileEncoding : String
matchCount : int
Set "Match count" to 0 will do replace all
replace : String
You can use variables enclosed in ${}. e.g. $11.0.${BUILD_ID}
So, The string "Version=0.0.1" would be replace to Version=1.0.9 when the value of BUILD_ID is 9
search : String
Regex expression for search. e.g. (Version=)([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)
verbose : boolean
Check "Verbose" to display in the console all the replacements made.
lineSeparator : String
$class: 'ContinuousReleaseProperties'
java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String>
$class: 'CoordinatorBuilder'
class org.jenkinsci.plugins.coordinator.model.TreeNode
$class: 'CopadoBuilder'
stepName : String
webhookUrl : String
api_key : String
timeout : int
projectName : String
The name of the project to copy artifacts from.
Artifacts from all modules will be copied. Enter JOBNAME/MODULENAME here to copy from a particular module; you may copy/paste this from the URL for that module when browsing Jenkins.
Example: MyMavenJob/$MyModule
Artifacts from all configurations will be copied, each into a subdirectory with the name of the configuration as seen in its URL when browsing Jenkins.
Example: If the target directory is given as fromMatrix then the copy could create $WORKSPACE/fromMatrix/label=agentA/dist/mybuild.jar and $WORKSPACE/fromMatrix/label=agentB/dist/mybuild.jar.
To copy from a particular configuration, enter JOBNAME/AXIS=VALUE,.. as seen in the URL for that configuration.
Example: MyMatrixJob/jdk=Java6u17
To copy artifacts from one matrix project to another, use a parameter to select the matching configuration in the source project.
Example: OtherMatrixJob/jdk=$jdk
Use a path consisting of the project name followed by the branch name.
Example: /MyMultibranchProject/MyBranch
Special letters like '/' in branch names should be escaped. You can see the exact name in "Full project name" in job pages of each branch.
Example: ../MyMultibranchProject/feature%2Fnavigation
See "How to reference another project by name" for more information.
excludes : String
filter : String
fingerprintArtifacts : boolean
flatten : boolean
includeBuildNumberInTargetPath : boolean
When true, the build number of the source project will be included in the target path. This is particularly useful when the selector is specific and the value is a permalink, e.g. lastSuccessfulBuild.
optional : boolean
parameters : String
Jobs may be filtered to select only builds matching particular parameters or other build variables. Use PARAM=VALUE,... to list the parameter filter; this is the same syntax as described for multiconfiguration jobs in Project name except with parameters instead of axis values. For example, FOO=bar,BAZ=true examines only builds that ran with parameter FOO set to bar and the checkbox for BAZ was checked.
You shouldn't use "Build selector for Copy Artifact" parameters here, as it doesn't preserve compatibility when you upgrade plugins, and doesn't work for builds built before upgrading.
resultVariableSuffix : String
If not specified, the source project name will be used instead (in all uppercase, and sequences of characters other than A-Z replaced by a single underscore).
Source project name | Suffix to be used |
tool1-release1.2 | TOOL_RELEASE_ |
upstreamProjectName : String
Copy artifacts from a build that is a downstream of a build of the specified project. You can use variable expressions.
Downstream builds are found using fingerprints of files. That is, a build that is triggered from a build isn't always considered downstream, but you need to fingerprint files used in builds to let Jenkins track them.
Note: "Downstream build of" is applicable only to AbstractProject based projects (both upstream and downstream projects).
upstreamBuildNumber : String
$class: 'MultiJobBuildSelector'
parameterName : String
You can pass not only the parameter name, but also the parameter value itself. This is useful especially used with workflow-plugin.
id : String
$class: 'PromotedBuildSelector'
level : int
buildNumber : String
stable : boolean
allowUpstreamDependencies : boolean
fallbackToLastSuccessful : boolean
, UseOldest
, UseNewest
target : String
$class: 'CreateBaselineBuilder'
outputFile : String
Path to the file that should be used to store baseline.
File location must be specified as:
inputFileOrFolder : String
Specify input folder/file for creating baseline. It should depend on input type you have selected.
Folder/file location must be specified as:
$class: 'CreateBuildBuilder'
Creates a new build for the selected BuildMaster application and sets the BUILDMASTER_BUILD_NUMBER environment variable with the value returned from BuildMaster for the new build.
If your Jenkins job has produced artifacts to be loaded into BuildMaster, you have the following options. The choice is largely dependent on how you import the build artifacts into BuildMaster:
applicationId : String
The identifier of the BuildMaster application to trigger the build for.
Options are:
releaseNumber : String
The BuildMaster release number to trigger the build for. Options are:
The job will fail if there is no active BuildMaster release.
waitUntilCompleted : boolean
printLogOnFailure : boolean
variables : String
Provide a list of variables to pass to the build.
$class: 'CreateCustomTaskrun'
name : String
generateName : String
namespace : String
clusterName : String
name : String
claimName : String
name : String
value : String
taskRef : String
Creates a topology from an environment blueprint.
The "Output File" parameter denotes where the new environment's outputs will be written to. Later build steps can inspect this file in order to grab information pertinent to them (such as IP addresses, user names and so forth).
All input fields support standard Jenkins parameters' expansion. For example, the string ${app_name}
will be expanded, in runtime, to the value of a build parameter called app_name
For explanation about the format of the outputs file, refer to the help tooltip for that parameter.
blueprintId : String
Unique identifier for the created deployment.
credentialsId : String
The ID of the credentials to use when accessing Cloudify. Parameters' expansion is supported when using freestyle jobs.
debugOutput : boolean
deploymentId : String
Identifies the blueprint to create a deployment off.
echoInputs : boolean
echoOutputs : boolean
inputs : String
A YAML/JSON containing inputs for the deployment. These inputs will be merged with inputs provided through the " inputs file
" parameter.
inputsFile : String
A path (relative to the workspace root) to a YAML/JSON file containing inputs for the deployment. These inputs will be merged with inputs provided through the " inputs
" parameter.
mapping : String
If specified, this YAML/JSON will be used to transform a YAML/JSON coming from the "inputs file" parameter. This is useful if the "inputs file" is the result of a different Cloudify environment build.
This parameter must not be provided if "mapping file" is provided.
mappingFile : String
If specified, this YAML/JSON file will be used to transform a YAML/JSON coming from the "inputs file" parameter. This is useful if the "inputs file" is the result of a different Cloudify environment build.
This parameter must not be provided if "mapping" is provided.
outputFile : String
Name of file into which the deployment's outputs and capabilities will be written. The file will be a JSON, adhering to the following format:
{ "outputs": <outputs_dictionary>, "capabilities": <capabilities_dictionary> }
skipInstall : boolean
tenant : String
Cloudify tenant to operate on. If left empty, then the default tenant (defined in the plugin's configuration page) will be used.
$class: 'CreateFileBuilder'
textFilePath : String
textFileContent : String
fileOption : String
useWorkspace : boolean
$class: 'CreateFingerprint'
Create Fingerprints of specified files during a build process
targets : String
$class: 'CreateRelease'
projectNumber : String
name : String
goal : String
stage : String
owners : String
startdate : String
enddate : String
customFields : String
$class: 'CreateSnapshotBuilder'
outputFile : String
Path to the file that should be used to store snapshots.
File location must be specified as:
inputFileOrFolder : String
Specify input folder/file for creating snapshot. It should depend on input type you have selected.
Folder/file location must be specified as:
$class: 'CreateSprint'
projectNumber : String
name : String
description : String
scrummaster : String
users : String
duration : String
startdate : String
enddate : String
customFields : String
artifact : String
artifactType : String
autoUpgradable : boolean
environment : String
isjob : boolean
overrideWithDefaultParameters : boolean
parameters : String
runtime : String
runtimeType : String
workspace : String
$class: 'CreateTemplate'
cloud : String
workspace : String
instanceTags : String
templateName : String
provider : String
datacenter : String
folder : String
datastore : String
claimFilter : String
policyName : String
claims : String
$class: 'CreateVM'
scriptType : String
$class: 'CreateVirtualService'
config : String
rrFilePath : String
host : String
username : String
class hudson.util.Secret
isstart : boolean
class hudson.util.Secret
$class: 'CriticalBlockEnd'
Release all resources that Critical block start had allocated for this job.
$class: 'CriticalBlockStart'
Delimit the beginning of the exclusion zone. All build steps that follow will be managed by exclusion plugin.
imageName : String
Image Name is the name of the Docker container image. This plugin will attempt to "docker push" that image name to the Falcon API servers to enqueue the image layers for image assessment. May only contain letters (a-z), numbers (0-9), underscore (_), hyphen (-), and period (.). Must not exceed 4096 characters in length.
imageTag : String
Image Tag is the name of the Docker container image tag. This determines which version of the given Docker container image to assess. If you aren't sure, you can try a value like "latest”. May only contain letters (a-z), numbers (0-9), underscore (_), hyphen (-), and period (.). Must not exceed 127 characters in length.
enforce : boolean
Enforce CrowdStrike Falcon API recommendation by immediately aborting and failing the build.
skipImageUpload : boolean
Select this option only if the image is already uploaded to CrowdStrike as part of a previous step in your build pipeline. When selected, the plugin retrieves an image scan report but does not upload the image to CrowdStrike for assessment.
timeout : int
Timeout is the number of seconds to wait before giving up (ie. if there is some issue, such as network connectivity to Falcon). To err on the side of safety, when a timeout is reached, it will be treated the same as if Falcon had recommended to prevent the build. This timeout is for the entire build step. Must be an integer between 1 and 1799.The maximum timeout session would be 30 minutes.
$class: 'CucumberSlackBuildStepNotifier'
channel : String
json : String
hideSuccessfulResults : boolean
$class: 'CustomPythonBuilder'
home : String
nature : String
command : String
ignoreExitCode : boolean
$class: 'CxScanBuilder'
credentialsId : String
sastCredentialsId : String
buildStep : String
teamPath : String
sastEnabled : boolean
exclusionsSetting : String
failBuildOnNewResults : boolean
failBuildOnNewSeverity : String
useOwnServerCredentials : boolean
serverUrl : String
username : String
password : String
isProxy : boolean
configAsCode : boolean
projectName : String
projectId : long
projectRetentionRate : int
groupId : String
preset : String
, cyclonedxjson
, cyclonedxxml
presetSpecified : boolean
excludeFolders : String
Conversion is done as follows: fold1, fold2 fold3
is converted to: !**/fold1/**/*, !**/fold2/**/*, !**/fold3/**/*,
filterPattern : String
Example: **/*.java,
**/*.html, !**\test\**\XYZ*
Pattern Syntax
A given directory is recursively scanned for all files and directories. Each file/directory is matched against a set of selectors, including special support for matching against filenames with include and exclude patterns. Only files/directories which match at least one pattern of the include pattern list, and don't match any pattern of the exclude pattern list will be placed in the list of files/directories found.
When no list of include patterns is supplied, "**" will be used, which means that everything will be matched. When no list of exclude patterns is supplied, an empty list is used, such that nothing will be excluded. When no selectors are supplied, none are applied.
The filename pattern matching is done as follows: The name to be matched is split up in path segments. A path segment is the name of a directory or file, which is bounded by File.separator
('/' under UNIX, '\' under Windows). For example, "abc/def/ghi/" is split up in the segments "abc", "def","ghi" and "". The same is done for the pattern against which should be matched.
The segments of the name and the pattern are then matched against each other. When '**' is used for a path segment in the pattern, it matches zero or more path segments of the name.
There is a special case regarding the use of File.separator
s at the beginning of the pattern and the string to match:
When a pattern starts with a File.separator
, the string to match must also start with a File.separator
. When a pattern does not start with a File.separator
, the string to match may not start with a File.separator
. When one of these rules is not obeyed, the string will not match.
When a name path segment is matched against a pattern path segment, the following special characters can be used:
'*' matches zero or more characters
'?' matches one character.
May reference build parameters like ${PARAM}.
"**\*.class" matches all .class files/dirs in a directory tree.
"test\a??.java" matches all files/dirs which start with an 'a', then two more characters and then ".java", in a directory called test.
"**" matches everything in a directory tree.
"**\test\**\XYZ*" matches all files/dirs which start with "XYZ" and where there is a parent directory called test (e.g. "abc\test\def\ghi\XYZ123").
incremental : boolean
fullScansScheduled : boolean
fullScanCycle : int
postScanActionId : int
sourceEncoding : String
comment : String
skipSCMTriggers : boolean
waitForResultsEnabled : boolean
vulnerabilityThresholdEnabled : boolean
criticalThreshold : int
highThreshold : int
mediumThreshold : int
lowThreshold : int
osaCriticalThreshold : int
osaHighThreshold : int
osaMediumThreshold : int
osaLowThreshold : int
generatePdfReport : boolean
generateScaReport : boolean
enableProjectPolicyEnforcement : boolean
enableProjectPolicyEnforcementSCA : boolean
thresholdSettings : String
vulnerabilityThresholdResult : String
exceptionOnThresholdError : boolean
avoidDuplicateProjectScans : boolean
addGlobalCommenToBuildCommet : boolean
generateXmlReport : boolean
hideDebugLogs : boolean
forceScan : boolean
customFields : String
projectLevelCustomFields : String
SASTUserName : String
dependencyScanExcludeFolders : String
dependencyScanPatterns : String
fsaVariables : String
generateScaReport : boolean
globalScaResolverAddParameters : String
isExploitablePath : boolean
isExploitablePathByScaResolver : boolean
isGlobalExploitablePathByScaResolver : boolean
isIncludeSources : boolean
osaArchiveIncludePatterns : String
osaInstallBeforeScan : boolean
overrideGlobalConfig : boolean
pathToScaResolver : String
sastCredentialsId : String
scaAccessControlUrl : String
scaConfigFile : String
scaCredentialsId : String
scaEnvVariables : String
scaProjectCustomTags : String
scaResolverAddParameters : String
scaSASTProjectFullPath : String
scaSASTProjectID : String
scaSastServerUrl : String
scaScanCustomTags : String
scaServerUrl : String
scaTeamId : String
scaTeamPath : String
scaTenant : String
scaTimeout : int
scaWebAppUrl : String
useJobLevelSastDetails : boolean
excludeOpenSourceFolders : String
includeOpenSourceFolders : String
osaArchiveIncludePatterns : String
osaEnabled : boolean
osaInstallBeforeScan : boolean
overrideGlobalRetentionRate : boolean
overrideProjectSetting : boolean
thisBuildIncremental : boolean
class hudson.util.Secret
apiUrl : String
apiName : String
raiderName : String
regions : Array / List of String
frameworks : Array / List of String
services : Array / List of String
scanType : String
testScope : String
failOnHighVulns : boolean
failOnHighMediumVulns : boolean
Your API key can be found on the Breachlock Platform under
Organization settings > Integrations > Jenkins
class hudson.util.Secret
asset : String
Select the asset that will be scanned on build.
If the asset you are looking for is missing:
email : String
The email-address you registered on Breachlock Platform.
hostname : String
tfCredentialsId : String
ocCredentialsId : String
ocVersion : String
archiveName : String
sourcePath : String
includePattern : String
excludePattern : String
importStrategy : String
tempDirectory : String
$class: 'DaticalDBBuilder'
daticalDBProjectDir : String
daticalDBServer : String
daticalDBAction : String
daticalDBCmdProject : String
daticalDBExportSQL : String
daticalDBExportRollbackSQL : String
daticalDBScriptDir : String
additionalBuildResults : String
When running a build in the chroot environment, there are occasionally files that you must retrieve from the chroot that are not part of the normal build. For example, some files that you may need to get back would include test results, auto-generated files, etc.
Set this variable in order to get the files back from the chroot build environment.
The files that are retrieved will also automatically be archived as well with the other build results.
This must be a comma-separated list; spaces are allowed.
architecture : String
The architecture to build this as.
If the project is using the Matrix Build plugin, leave this blank (the architectures to build for are defined by the 'architecture' environment variable).
This is mostly to support Pipeline, however it can be used as a normal parameter as well.
artifactoryRepoName : String
If you are generating a spec file for use with Artifactory, this defines the repository that you would like to upload it to.
binariesDir : String
The directory in the workspace to put the built binaries in. If not set, a random temp directory will be made. This is generally useful if you build multiple packages at once and/or need a stable location to find all of the binaries that have been built.
bindMounts : String
Additional directories to mount in the pbuilder chroot. Corresponds to the BINDMOUNTS variable in pbuilderrc.
buildAsTag : boolean
Set this to mark this as building a tag. When a build comes from a tag, the deb version does not get incremented(i.e. it is exactly as set in the debian/changelog file). If using SVN, this plugin automatically looks at the SVN_URL_1 environment variable to see if the string "tags/" exists. If it does, the build will act as though this parameter is set. If using Git, this plugin automatically looks at the GIT_BRANCH environment variable to see if the string "tags/" exists. If it does, the build will act as though this parameter is set. Alternatively, you can also set the environment variable DEB_PBUILDER_BUILDING_TAG to either true or false.
components : String
The components to build with. By default, pbuilder sets this to 'main'. If you're building an Ubuntu package, you may need to set this to "main restricted universe multiverse"
The setting guessComponents must be false for this setting to be honored.
debianDirLocation : String
The location of the debian/ directory, relative to workspace root
This may also be set globally
distribution : String
The distribution to build for. By default, this checks the distribution that is set in debian/changelog. If the version in the changelog is UNRELEASED, it attempts to use the currently running distribution if this parameter is NULL or a 0-length string.
extraPackages : String
Extra packages to install in the chroot environment. Corresponds to EXTRAPACKAGES in the pbuilder configuration
generateArtifactorySpecFile : boolean
Generate a spec file to be used with Artifactory in order to upload files. By default, this will generate the file with the .deb, .tar* and .gz files for uploading.
This will generate a spec file in the workspace called artifactory-spec-debian-pbuilder/debian-pbuilder.spec which you can then use to upload the binaries to Artifactory. This is intended to be used in conjunction with the Artifactory Jenkins plugin.
guessComponents : boolean
If set to true, automatically try to guess the components. This means that if we think we are building an Ubuntu package on Debian, our components will be automatically set to "main restricted universe multiverse"
keyring : String
The keyring to build with. By default, we will attempt to figure out if we are building a Debian package on Ubuntu, and if we think that we are this will be set to /usr/share/keyrings/debian-archive-keyring.gpg. This file is part of the debian-archive-keyring package. If you need to use a custom keyring, put it in here. If for some reason the auto-detection is not working properly, set this to the string 'disabled' and no keyring settings for pbuilder will be set.
mirrorSite : String
The mirror site to use. If this is not set or a 0-length string, then the default mirror site for this distribution will be used. The default mirror site is defined in /etc/pbuilderrc
numberCores : int
The number of cores to use when building. By default, this is 1. Set to -1 in order to use as many cores as possible when building. In order for this to take effect, you need to make sure that your debian/rules is setup properly. See this post.
otherMirror : String
The extra mirror to use. Corresponds to OTHERMIRROR configuration option in pbuilder
pbuilderType : String
pristineTarName : String
If this field set, and if source/format indicates that this is a quilt package, we will attempt to checkout the given original tar file.
testSuiteId : String
startOnly : boolean
userKeyId : String
class hudson.util.Secret
dotnet nuget delete
command deletes or unlists a package from the server. For, the action is to unlist the package.
apiKeyId : String
charset : String
continueOnError : boolean
, if configured that way), but the build will be allowed to continue. Otherwise, any such errors will cause the build to be terminated immediately.
forceEnglishOutput : boolean
noServiceEndpoint : boolean
" to the source URL.
packageName : String
packageVersion : String
sdk : String
will be in the path.
With .NETelement (or a
block in a pipeline script) to specify one, or ensure this step runs on a node that has a .NET SDK installed and in the path.
showSdkInfo : boolean
dotnet --info
will be executed before the main command. This shows a list of available SDKs and runtimes, indicating which one is currently being used.
source : String
, and
. For private feeds, replace the host name (for example, %hostname%/api/v3
specificSdkVersion : boolean
executable may use the most recent SDK available on the system, even when PATH
is set up to find an older SDK deployment first; see this page for more information.
file will be created in the current directory, referencing that SDK version and disabling roll-forward.
already present in the current directory.
workDirectory : String
$class: 'DeleteApplication'
serverName : String
appName : String
domain : String
blueprintId : String
credentialsId : String
The ID of the credentials to use when accessing Cloudify. Parameters' expansion is supported when using freestyle jobs.
tenant : String
Cloudify tenant to operate on. If left empty, then the default tenant (defined in the plugin's configuration page) will be used.
dsn : String
failOnNotExist : boolean
member : String
$class: 'DeleteDatasetStep'
connectionName : String
dsn : String
member : String
failOnNotExist : boolean
failOnNotExist : boolean
mask : String
$class: 'DeleteDatasetsByMaskStep'
connectionName : String
dsnMask : String
failOnNotExist : boolean
credentialsId : String
The ID of the credentials to use when accessing Cloudify. Parameters' expansion is supported when using freestyle jobs.
debugOutput : boolean
deleteBlueprintIfLast : boolean
If checked, and this is the last environment for the associated blueprint, then also delete the blueprint.
deploymentId : String
ignoreFailure : boolean
If checked, then failures during the removal of the environment will be ignored.
skipUninstall : boolean
tenant : String
Cloudify tenant to operate on. If left empty, then the default tenant (defined in the plugin's configuration page) will be used.
$class: 'DeleteEnvironmentBuilder'
systemId : int
environmentName : String
$class: 'DeleteRaw'
resourceName : String
resourceType : String
clusterName : String
resourceName : String
credentialId : String
force : boolean
loadFromProperties : boolean
name : String
skipPolling : boolean
vdbId : String
$class: 'DeleteVirtualService'
serviceName : String
$class: 'DeleteVirtualizeBuilder'
serverType : String
serverHost : String
serverName : String
odcInstallation : String
additionalArguments : String
--project | The name of the Jenkins job |
--scan | The build workspace |
--format | XML |
nvdCredentialsId : String
With 9.0.0 dependency-check has moved from using the NVD data-feed to the NVD API.
Users of dependency-check are highly encouraged to obtain an NVD API Key; see
Without an NVD API Key dependency-check's updates will be extremely slow.
The NVD API Key, CI, and Rate Limiting
The NVD API has enforced rate limits. If you are using a single API KEY and multiple builds occur you could hit the rate limit and receive 403 errors.
In a CI environment one must use a caching strategy or use a set API KEY to use for different jobs.
skipOnScmChange : boolean
skipOnUpstreamChange : boolean
stopBuild : boolean
$class: 'DeployApplication'
This plugin creates a container on the OpenShift PaaS and deploys the application into the container.
serverName : String
appName : String
cartridges : String
Specify a space delimited list of cartridges to be assigned to the application. e.g. jbosseap-6 mysql-5.5
Note that the specified cartridges need to be available on the selected OpenShift server. For a complete list of available cartridges on OpenShift refer to OpenShift web console or use the command line too 'rhc cartridges'. Here is the list of some of the most common cartridges:
domain : String
gearProfile : String
deploymentPackage : String
In case of URL or when only one deployment package exists in the given directory, the package is deployed under the root ("/") context. When multiple packages are found, all are deployed under their own context paths.
Token macro expressions can be used for specifying a URL:
https://repo/nexus/service/local/artifact/maven/redirect?r=central&g=${ENV,var="GROUPID"}&a=${ENV,var="ARTIFACTID"}&v=${ENV, var="VERSION"}&e=war
Check Token Macro Plugin for further details.
environmentVariables : String
Specify a space delimited list of environment variables (key=value) to be assigned to the application. e.g. LOAD_DATA=true MVN_DEPLOY=true
autoScale : boolean
openshiftDirectory : String
$class: 'DeployBox'
id : String
cloud : String
workspace : String
box : String
boxVersion : String
instanceName : String
profile : String
claims : String
provider : String
location : String
instanceEnvVariable : String
Additional instance properties will also be available via other environment variables that have the defined variable as prefix of their name. For example, if INSTANCE is specified for this field then the following environment variables are available:
INSTANCE - ID of the deployed instance
INSTANCE_URL - URL of the deployed instance
INSTANCE_SERVICE_ID - service ID of the deployed instance
INSTANCE_TAGS - comma-separate list of tags of the deployed instance
If 1 is specified for Number of Instances then the following environment variables are available:
INSTANCE_MACHINE_NAME - VM name of the deployed instance
INSTANCE_PUBLIC_ADDRESS - VM public address of the deployed instance
INSTANCE_PRIVATE_ADDRESS - VM private address of the deployed instance
If Number of Instances is greater than 1, the following environment variable are available:
INSTANCE_MACHINE_NAMES - space-separate list of VM names
INSTANCE_PUBLIC_ADDRESSES - space-separate list of public addresses of the VMs
INSTANCE_PRIVATE_ADDRESSES - space-separate list of private addresses of the VMs
tags : String
variables : String
$class: 'AlwaysOn'
$class: 'ShutDown'
hours : String
date : String
time : String
$class: 'Terminate'
hours : String
date : String
time : String
autoUpdates : String
alternateAction : String
waitForCompletion : boolean
waitForCompletionTimeout : int
boxDeploymentType : String
credentialsId : String
region : String
s3Bucket : String
stackName : String
templateFile : String
kmsKeyId : String
outputTemplateFile : String
by default.
key : String
value : String
roleArn : String
s3Prefix : String
key : String
value : String
packageIdFilters : String
**/*.zipThis pattern will only match packages located directly under the Packages folder whose filenames begin with 'acme-':
Packages/acme-*.zipMatching packages will be uploaded in the order in which the filters are specified. Only the highest matching version of a package identified by 'group:name' will be deployed, and it will only be deployed once per build step, regardless of the number of matching filters.
baseUrls : String
between the scheme and the hostname.
acHandling : String
autosave : int
behavior : String
credentialsId : String
disableForJobTesting : boolean
localDirectory : String
recursive : boolean
replicate : boolean
requestTimeout : long
serviceTimeout : long
waitDelay : long
$class: 'DeployPromotionBuilder'
com.cloudbees.plugins.deployer.hosts.DeployHost<?, ?>
$class: 'DeployScriptBuilder'
out : String
Specify full path to target connection file.
File location must be specified as:
in : String
Specify path to file that contains SQL script.
File location must be specified as:
Deploys (or re-deploys) a build to a particular stage.
Note: that when used in a pipeline step that the applicationId, releaseNumber, and buildNumber fields are required:
applicationId : String
The identifier of the BuildMaster application to trigger the build for.
Options are:
releaseNumber : String
The BuildMaster release number to trigger the build for. Options are:
The job will fail if there is no active BuildMaster release.
buildNumber : String
The BuildMaster build number to trigger the deployment for.
The must be set to an existing build number. Typically this would be obtained from the output of the createBuild step which populates the BUILDMASTER_BUILD_NUMBER environment variable.
force : boolean
printLogOnFailure : boolean
stage : String
Optional. If not supplied, the next stage in the pipeline will be used.
variables : String
Set deployment level variables.
waitUntilCompleted : boolean
$class: 'Deployer'
stack : String
dryRun : boolean
branch : String
apiKey : String
env : String
buildNumber : String
$class: 'DeploymentBuilder'
url : String
userId : String
password : String
enableZipFile : boolean
enableAutoDeploy : boolean
projectname : String
testcasename : String
xpath : String
targetService : String
applicationName : String
applicationVersion : String
tags : String
$class: 'DescribeWithParamsBuilder'
starter : boolean
separator : String
excludes : String
$class: 'DescriptionSetterBuilder'
This plugin automatically sets a description for the build as a step during building.
A description can be based on the log output (by searching it using a regular expression), or it can be hardcoded.
The description is exposed as DESCRIPTION_SETTER_DESCRIPTION environment variable
regexp : String
\[INFO\] Uploading project information for [^\s]* ([^\s]*)
description : String
appendMode : boolean
$class: 'DestroyVM'
$class: 'DevOpsCreateArtifactPackageBuildStep'
name : String
artifactsPayload : String
$class: 'DevOpsFreestyleRegisterSecurityStep'
securityResultAttributes : String
securityTool : String
securityToolId : String
$class: 'DevOpsRegisterArtifactBuildStep'
artifactsPayload : String
Create and deploy Virtual Service from VSI/VSM, RR Pairs, or the following specifications: Swagger, WSDL, or RAML.
useCustomRegistry : boolean
host : String
port : String
vseName : String
config : String
Example of using a configuration object that includes port and SSL information
{ "virtualService": { "version": "2", "name": "API_Test_1", "description": "Invoke API V2", "status": "" }, "transportProtocol": { "typeId": "HTTP", "basePath": "/", "useGateway": true, "duptxns": true, "hostHeaderPassThrough": false }, "dataProtocol": { "forRequest": true, "typeId": "RESTDPH" } }
deploy : String
undeploy : String
inputFile1 : String
for files in job workspace you can specify:
for files on the DevTest machine you can specify:
inputFile2 : String
for files in job workspace you can specify:
for files on the DevTest machine you can specify:
activeConfig : String
for files in job workspace you can specify:
for files on the DevTest machine you can specify:
dataFiles : String
for files in job workspace you can specify:
for files on the DevTest machine you can specify:
swaggerurl : String
ramlurl : String
wadlurl : String
tokenCredentialId : String
The ID for the integration token from the Credentials plugin to be used to connect to Registry endpoint. The "Kind" of the credential must be "Username with password".
secured : boolean
Deploys and starts CA DevTest test or test suite provided as a .mar file.
Throws exception if .mar file is incorrect, authorization to CA DevTest fails or connection to CA DevTest cannot be established.
useCustomRegistry : boolean
host : String
port : String
marFilePath : String
testType : String
tokenCredentialId : String
The ID for the integration token from the Credentials plugin to be used to connect to Registry endpoint. The "Kind" of the credential must be "Username with password".
secured : boolean
Deploys and starts virtual service provided as a .mar file to target VSE. More services could be provided using comma or newline separator.
Throws exception if .mar file is incorrect, virtual service is already deployed, authorization to CA DevTest fails or connection to CA DevTest cannot be established.
useCustomRegistry : boolean
host : String
port : String
vseName : String
marFilesPaths : String
for files in job workspace you can specify:
for files on the DevTest machine you can specify:
tokenCredentialId : String
The ID for the integration token from the Credentials plugin to be used to connect to Registry endpoint. The "Kind" of the credential must be "Username with password".
secured : boolean
Starts virtual service that is already deployed on target VSE. More services could be started using comma or newline separator.
Throws exception if virtual service does not exist on specified VSE, authorization to CA DevTest fails or connection to CA DevTest cannot be established.
useCustomRegistry : boolean
host : String
port : String
vseName : String
vsNames : String
tokenCredentialId : String
The ID for the integration token from the Credentials plugin to be used to connect to Registry endpoint. The "Kind" of the credential must be "Username with password".
secured : boolean
Stops virtual service that is running on target VSE. More services could be stopped using comma or newline separator.
Throws exception if virtual service is not running on specified VSE, authorization to CA DevTest fails or connection to CA DevTest cannot be established.
useCustomRegistry : boolean
host : String
port : String
vseName : String
vsNames : String
tokenCredentialId : String
The ID for the integration token from the Credentials plugin to be used to connect to Registry endpoint. The "Kind" of the credential must be "Username with password".
secured : boolean
Undeploys (removes) virtual service from specified VSE. More services could be provided using comma or newline separator.
Throws exception if virtual service does not exist on specified VSE, authorization to CA DevTest fails or connection to CA DevTest cannot be established
useCustomRegistry : boolean
host : String
port : String
vseName : String
vsNames : String
tokenCredentialId : String
The ID for the integration token from the Credentials plugin to be used to connect to Registry endpoint. The "Kind" of the credential must be "Username with password".
secured : boolean
importIntoExistingKeychain : boolean
keychainId : String
keychainName : String
keychainPath : String
class hudson.util.Secret
profileId : String
$class: 'DiawiUploader'
token : String
fileName : String
proxyHost : String
proxyPort : int
proxyProtocol : String
$class: 'DisableVirtualService'
serviceName : String
$class: 'DistTestingBuilder'
The goal of this plugin is to enable a distributed testing of some compiled classes on multiple nodes. Tests are send one by one to nodes in the label specified for the project and run. Test results are saved in the "results" directory in the project workspace. f.e. "TEST-helloword.HelloTest.xml" for the test class "helloworld.HelloTest".
This plugin suppose that all slaves in the specified label have a shared workspace directory. (like NFS)
Only classes in the "Tests classes directory" directory with a file name containing a "test" substring (case insensitive) are automatically found by this plugin and run.
If you enable "Publish JUnit test result report" in the "Post-build Actions" section and type "results/*.xml" you will see test results in the Hudson's web UI.
Only nodes in a label which were specified for this project ("Tie this project to a node") will be used for distributed testing. This label must contain at least 2 nodes.
It's possible let this plugin to compile tests class sources which were checkout from a repository if "Compile tests" checkbox was checked. Remember to provide all necessary libraries needed for compilation.
It's possible to check a "Wait for nodes which are busy" checkbox to wait for other nodes which are busy to be freed.
distDir : String
libDir : String
testDir : String
This specifies a relative path in the project workspace where compiled tests resides. For example if tests are in build/test/classes then type "build/test/classes". In case you check "Compile tests" checkbox this relative path will be used for storing compiled tests classes which were before check-out from a repository.
waitForNodes : boolean
Wait for modes in the label which are now occupied by some other builds. This doesn't wait for nodes which are offline
compileTests : boolean
If checked then all source codes in the "Tests classes directory" will be compiled. It's necessary to provide all libraries for compilation. Compiled tests will be saved into the directory "tests".
$class: 'DockerBuilderControl'
$class: 'DockerBuilderControlOptionProvisionAndStart'
cloudName : String
templateId : String
$class: 'DockerBuilderControlOptionRun'
cloudName : String
image : String
pullCredentialsId : String
dnsString : String
dnsSearchString : String
network : String
dockerCommand : String
mountsString : String
volumesFrom : String
environmentsString : String
hostname : String
user : String
extraGroupsString : String
memoryLimit : int
memorySwap : int
cgroupParent : String
cpus : String
cpuPeriod : long
cpuQuota : long
cpuShares : int
shmSize : int
bindPorts : String
bindAllPorts : boolean
privileged : boolean
tty : boolean
macAddress : String
$class: 'DockerBuilderControlOptionStart'
cloudName : String
containerId : String
$class: 'DockerBuilderControlOptionStop'
cloudName : String
containerId : String
remove : boolean
$class: 'DockerBuilderControlOptionStopAll'
remove : boolean
$class: 'DockerBuilderNewTemplate'
$class: 'DockerTemplateBase'
image : String
bindAllPorts : boolean
bindPorts : String
capabilitiesToAddString : String
A list of new line separated capabilities.
Each line represents an option for the --cap-add
parameter sent to the docker server. Each one must be a known capability "Key" as per the docker documentation.
Please check for further information.
capabilitiesToDropString : String
A list of new line separated capabilities.
Each line represents an option for the --cap-drop
parameter sent to the docker server. Each one must be a known capability "Key" as per the docker documentation.
Please check for further information.
cgroupParent : String
This allows agents to run in a cgroup other than the daemon/system default.
Please check for further information.
cpuPeriod : long
Set the period of CPUs to limit the container’s CPU usage.
The default CPU CFS (Completely Fair Scheduler) period is 100000us.
Consult Docker Run Documentation for further information.
cpuQuota : long
Limits the container’s CPU usage.
The default 0 value allows the container to take 100% of a CPU resource.
Consult Docker Run Documentation for further information.
cpuShares : int
Consult the Docker Run Documentation for further information.
cpus : String
Specify how much of the available CPU resources a container can use as a floating point number.
The default is not set.
Consult Docker Run Documentation for further information.
devicesString : String
dnsSearchString : String
dnsString : String
dockerCommand : String
environmentsString : String
Zero or more environment variables that are set within the docker container. This is a multi-line text field. Each line must be of the form key=value and specify one variable name and its value.
Note that quotes are not interpreted.
e.g. foo="bar" will result in the quotes being part of foo's value.
Note also that whitespace is easily broken. Editing this field this without first expanding the box to its multi-line form will cause any whitespace within a line to be turned into end of line codes, breaking up the line and thus changing its meaning.
e.g. The single setting:
JENKINS_AGENT_SSH_PUBKEY=ssh-rsa MyPubKey jenkins@hostname
can be (accidentally) turned into three separate settings:
JENKINS_AGENT_SSH_PUBKEY=ssh-rsa MyPubKey jenkins@hostname
thus preventing the configuration from working as was intended.
extraDockerLabelsString : String
A list of new line separated docker labels to be set on the container, Specified in the form "label_name=value"
This has no effect on Jenkins functionality, and is not related to the labels used by Jenkins to map jobs to agent nodes. These labels are metadata attached to the docker container itself (again, not the jenkins agent), and which can typically be read using the docker inspect
This can be useful when using a docker cluster (like docker swarm) to pass information to the scheduler, in conjunction with constraints; or to let other services (portainer, prometheus...) know how they should categorize or otherwise deal with this specific container.
extraGroupsString : String
extraHostsString : String
hostname : String
macAddress : String
memoryLimit : int
The operator can constrain the memory available to a container. If the host supports swap memory, then the setting can be larger than physical RAM.
When the processes inside the container exceed the memory limit, effects vary depending on your setup, e.g. out of memory errors may occur or the operating system could start killing processes.
Consult Docker Run Documentation for further information.
Note that on most Docker installations, the memory limit will not stop Jenkins/Docker from spawning so many containers that the machines total available memory will be exceeded. However, some Docker installations might be able to constrain the number of containers automatically using the memory limit.
memorySwap : int
mountsString : String
network : String
privileged : boolean
pullCredentialsId : String
securityOptsString : String
A list of new line separated security options.
Each line represents an option for the --security-opt
parameter sent to the docker server. The options are in the format key=value
Please check security options for further information.
shmSize : int
tty : boolean
user : String
volumesFromString : String
For all connection methods, Jenkins will start by triggering a docker run
. Then, after this step, there will optionally be more steps to establish the connection. There is currently three alternative ways to connect your Jenkins master to the dynamically provisioned Docker agents.
There are different pros and cons for each connection method. Depending on your environment, choose the one matching your needs. More detailed prerequisites are provided once you select a given method.
docker exec
, all by using the Docker API. The agent does not need to be able to reach the master through the network layers to communicate ; all will go through Docker API.
docker run
command with the right secret. And the remoting agent will establish the connection with the master through the network. Hence, the agent must be able to access the master through its address and port.
entryPointCmdString : String
javaExe : String
jvmArgsString : String
user : String
") will be used if this is left blank.
entryPointArgumentsString : String
jenkinsUrl : String
user : String
$class: 'InjectSSHKey'
user : String
$class: 'ManuallyConfiguredSSHKey'
credentialsId : String
$class: 'KnownHostsFileKeyVerificationStrategy'
Checks the known_hosts file (~/.ssh/known_hosts) for the user Jenkins is executing under, to see if an entry exists that matches the current connection.
This method does not make any updates to the Known Hosts file, instead using the file as a read-only source and expecting someone with suitable access to the appropriate user account on the Jenkins controller to update the file as required, potentially using the ssh hostname
command to initiate a connection and update the file appropriately.
$class: 'ManuallyProvidedKeyVerificationStrategy'
Checks the key provided by the remote host matches the key set by the user who configured this connection.
key : String
The SSH key expected for this connection. This key should be in the form `algorithm value` where algorithm is one of ssh-rsa, ssh-ed25519, ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 or ssh-dss and value is the Base 64 encoded content of the key.
$class: 'ManuallyTrustedKeyVerificationStrategy'
Checks the remote key matches the key currently marked as trusted for this host.
Depending on configuration, the key will be automatically trusted for the first connection, or an authorised user will be asked to approve the key. An authorised user will be required to approve any new key that gets presented by the remote host.
requireInitialManualTrust : boolean
Require a user with Computer.CONFIGURE permission to authorise the key presented during the first connection to this host before the connection will be allowed to be established.
If this option is not enabled then the key presented on first connection for this host will be automatically trusted and allowed for all subsequent connections without any manual intervention.
$class: 'NonVerifyingKeyVerificationStrategy'
Does not perform any verification of the SSH key presented by the remote host, allowing all connections regardless of the key they present.
javaPath : String
jvmOptions : String
launchTimeoutSeconds : int
maxNumRetries : int
Note: That this field applies first to checks that the SSH port is open for new TCP connections, and secondly to checks that the SSH service that owns the TCP port is accepting SSH connections.
e.g. a value of 3 would mean that (up to) 4 attempts (1 initial attempt plus 3 retries) would be made to check the availability of the TCP port, followed by (up to) 4 attempts (1 initial attempt plus 3 retries) to check the availability of the SSH service itself.
port : int
prefixStartSlaveCmd : String
retryWaitTime : int
suffixStartSlaveCmd : String
labelString : String
instanceCapStr : String
The maximum number of containers, based on this template, that this provider is allowed to run in total. A negative value, or zero, or 2147483647 all mean "no limit" is imposed on the this template, although the overall cloud instance limit (if any) will still apply.
Note that containers which have not been created by Jenkins are not included in this total.
As an alternative, some Docker setups can also determine the maximum number of containers automatically using memory/cpu constraints.
disabledByChoice : boolean
enabledByChoice : boolean
Note: If problems are encountered then this functionality may be disabled automatically. If that happens then it will be shown here. In this situation, the disabled state is transient and will automatically clear after the stated period has elapsed.
name : String
If blank or just whitespace, a default of "docker" will be used.
? extends hudson.slaves.NodeProperty<?>
pullTimeout : int
Note: This overrides the read timeout specified for the cloud, but only for the docker pull operation (as this operation is expected to take longer than most docker operations).
remoteFs : String
removeVolumes : boolean
Specify the strategy when docker containers shall be started and stopped:
idleMinutes : int
numberOfTasksInProgress : int
terminateOnceDone : boolean
stopTimeout : int
$class: 'DockerBuilderPublisher'
dockerFileDirectory : String
url : String
credentialsId : String
cloud : String
tagsString : String
pushOnSuccess : boolean
pushCredentialsId : String
cleanImages : boolean
cleanupWithJenkinsJobDelete : boolean
A map of build-time variables.
java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String>
buildArgsString : String
A list of new line separated build-time variables, specified in the form "name=value"
noCache : boolean
which disables caching of layers. See the docker build command for more information.
pull : boolean
to pull the latest version of the base image, instead of using the local one. See the docker build command for more information.
$class: 'DockerComposeBuilder'
useCustomDockerComposeFile : boolean
dockerComposeFile : String
$class: 'ExecuteCommandInsideContainer'
privilegedMode : boolean
service : String
command : String
index : int
workDir : String
$class: 'StartAllServices'
$class: 'StartService'
service : String
scale : int
$class: 'StopAllServices'
$class: 'StopService'
service : String
$class: 'DockerPullImageBuilder'
url : String
credentialsId : String
image : String
$class: 'DoguApplicationBuilder'
projectId : String
applicationPath : String
credentialsId : String
$class: 'DoguRoutineBuilder'
projectId : String
routineId : String
credentialsId : String
$class: 'DoktorStep'
server : String
value : String
value : String
value : String
value : String
$class: 'DotNetCoreRunner'
targetCode : String
//Simple Example public class JenkinsPlugin { public static void ScriptMain() { Console.WriteLine("Hello World from c#!!!"); } }
// Complete example using DotNetTools.Jenkins; using System; public class JenkinsPlugin { public static void ScriptMain(JenkinsManager manager) { Console.WriteLine("Hello World from c#!!!"); manager.SetSessionEnv("PI", Math.PI.ToString()); } }
public void SetSessionEnv(string key, string value); public string GetSessionEnv(string key);
additionalPackages : String
$class: 'DownloadDatasetStep'
connectionName : String
dsn : String
returnEtag : boolean
vol : String
dsn : String
returnEtag : boolean
vol : String
Download options are:
See Inedo documentation.
feedName : String
groupName : String
packageName : String
version : String
downloadFormat : String
downloadFolder : String
If a full pathname is not supplied then the downloaded package 'should' end up in the workspace, but this is not guaranteed. If you wish the package to be placed in the workspace the it is best to use the Jenkins variable ${WORKSPACE}
packageIds : String
baseUrl : String
between the scheme and the hostname.
credentialsId : String
ignoreErrors : boolean
localDirectory : String
rebuild : boolean
requestTimeout : long
serviceTimeout : long
waitDelay : long
credentialsId : String
bucketUri : String
This specifies the cloud object to download from Cloud Storage. You can view these by visiting the "Cloud Storage" section of the Cloud Console for your project.
A single asterisk can be specified in the object path (not the bucket name), past the last "/". The asterisk behaves consistently with gsutil. For example, gs://my-bucket-name/pre/a_*.txt
would match the objects in cloud bucket my-bucket-name
that are named pre/a_2.txt
or pre/a_abc23-4.txt
, but not pre/a_2/log.txt
localDirectory : String
The local directory that will store the downloaded files. The path specified is considered relative to the build's workspace. Example value:
pathPrefix : String
The specified prefix will be stripped from all downloaded filenames. Filenames that do not start with this prefix will not be modified. If this prefix does not have a trailing slash, it will be added automatically.
$class: 'DoxygenBuilder'
doxyfilePath : String
installationName : String
continueOnBuildFailure : boolean
unstableIfWarnings : boolean
$class: 'DrMemoryBuilder'
executable : String
arguments : String
logPath : String
treatFailed : boolean
$class: 'DropAllBuilder'
changeLogFile : String
changeLogParameters : String
contexts : String
credentialsId : String
installationName : String
labels : String
liquibasePropertiesPath : String
password : String
resourceDirectories : String
url : String
username : String
$class: 'DrupalInstanceBuilder'
db : String
root : String
profile : String
refresh : boolean
If checked, every build will wipe out and recreate a fresh Drupal instance.
Note that creating a fresh Drupal instance sends an email to the site administrator (by default which may be annoying.
updb : boolean
$class: 'DrupalReviewBuilder'
Review code using the Coder Review module.
If your code base does not include Coder, then Coder will be downloaded automatically.
style : boolean
comment : boolean
sql : boolean
security : boolean
i18n : boolean
root : String
logs : String
except : String
Specify modules/themes that should not be reviewed, relative to the Drupal root directory.
For instance if you want to review only custom code then you might want to exclude contributed and core projects:
sites/all/modules/contrib/**, sites/all/themes/contrib/**, modules/**, themes/**, profiles/**
This field supports FileSet includes.
ignoresPass : boolean
If checked, warnings flagged as ignored will pass.
Note that the ignore system was introduced in Coder 7.x-2.4. This option will be ignored if using an older version of Coder.
$class: 'DrupalTestsBuilder'
uri : String
root : String
logs : String
exceptGroups : String
Actions, Aggregator, AJAX, Batch API, Block, Blog, Book, Bootstrap, Cache, Color, Comment, Contact, Contextual, Dashboard, Database, DBLog, Entity API, Field API, Field types, Field UI, File, File API, File API (remote), Filter, Form API, Forum, Help, Image, Locale, Mail, Menu, Module, Node, OpenID, Pager, Path, Path API, PHP, Poll, Profile, RDF, Search, Session, Shortcut, SimpleTest, Statistics, Syslog, System, Taxonomy, Theme, Tracker, Translation, Trigger, Update, Update API, Upgrade path, User, XML-RPCMultiple groups can be separated by a comma.
exceptClasses : String
Specify Simpletest classes that should not be tested, for instance 'UserLoginTestCase'.
Multiple classes can be separated by a comma.
$class: 'ECXCDMBuilder'
name : String
password : String
url : String
job : String
production : boolean
maxWaitTime : int
$class: 'EclipseBuckminsterBuilder'
installationName : String
commands : String
logLevel : String
params : String
targetPlatformName : String
userTemp : String
userOutput : String
userCommand : String
userWorkspace : String
globalPropertiesFile : String
equinoxLauncherArgs : String
$class: 'EditVirtualService'
config : String
CACertPath : String
backoffFactor : String
clientId : String
class hudson.util.Secret
dryRun : boolean
eggplantRunnerPath : String
modelName : String
parameters : String
requestRetries : String
requestTimeout : String
serverURL : String
suiteName : String
$class: 'ModelBased'
name : String
model : String
$class: 'ScriptBased'
name : String
suite : String
$class: 'TestConfigId'
id : String
testConfigId : String
testConfigName : String
testResultPath : String
$class: 'ElasticsearchQueryBuilder'
query : String
aboveOrBelow : String
threshold : long
since : long
units : String
$class: 'EnableVirtualService'
serviceName : String
$class: 'EndAnalysisBuildStep'
shouldRestore : boolean
folders : String
parentPom : String
personalAPIToken : String
Provide Appcircle Personal API Token to authenticate Appcircle services.
appPath : String
Specify the path to your application file. For iOS, this can be a .ipa or .xcarchive file path. For Android, specify the .apk or .appbundle file path.
releaseNotes : String
summary : String
publishType : String
$class: 'EnvInjectBuilder'
propertiesFilePath : String
propertiesContent : String
$class: 'EnvPropagatorBuilder'
envVariableString : String
$class: 'EnvironmentManagerBuilder'
systemId : int
environmentId : int
instanceId : int
copyToServer : boolean
newEnvironmentName : String
serverType : String
serverId : int
serverHost : String
serverName : String
copyDataRepo : boolean
repoType : String
repoHost : String
repoPort : int
repoUsername : String
repoPassword : String
abortOnFailure : boolean
$class: 'EnvironmentTagBuilder'
credentials : String
region : String
$class: 'EstimateBuilder'
name : String
token : String
archiveFilePath : String
regWhichIncludedModules : String
reportConfigName : String
uri : String
saasuri : String
language : String
regexExclude : String
testOnly : boolean
maxNumberOfViolations : long
failBlockTotalVio : boolean
maxNumberOfBlockerViolations : long
failBlockBlockerVio : boolean
maxNumberOfImportantViolations : long
failBlockImportantVio : boolean
maxNumberOfOptimizationViolations : long
failBlockOptimizationVio : boolean
maxNumberOfWarningViolations : long
failBlockWarningVio : boolean
examName : String
pythonName : String
examReport : String
systemConfiguration : String
clearWorkspace : boolean
javaOpts : String
logging : boolean
loglevelLibCtrl : String
loglevelTestCtrl : String
loglevelTestLogic : String
pathExecutionFile : String
pathPCode : String
pdfMeasureImages : boolean
pdfReport : boolean
pdfReportTemplate : String
pdfSelectFilter : String
reportPrefix : String
name : String
value : String
adminCases : boolean
activateTestcases : boolean
timeout : int
examName : String
pythonName : String
examReport : String
executionFile : String
systemConfiguration : String
clearWorkspace : boolean
examModel : String
javaOpts : String
logging : boolean
loglevelLibCtrl : String
loglevelTestCtrl : String
loglevelTestLogic : String
modelConfiguration : String
pdfMeasureImages : boolean
pdfReport : boolean
pdfReportTemplate : String
pdfSelectFilter : String
reportPrefix : String
name : String
value : String
adminCases : boolean
activateTestcases : boolean
timeout : int
exeName : String
cmdLineArgs : String
failBuild : boolean
campaignName : String
environment : String
browser : String
screenshot : String
verbose : String
pageSource : String
seleniumLog : String
timeOut : String
retries : String
priority : String
tag : String
ss_p : String
ssIp : String
robot : String
manualHost : String
manualContextRoot : String
country : String
cerberusUrl : String
timeOutForCampaignExecution : int
executor : String
$class: 'ExecuteCommandAction'
command : String
search : String
issueInText : String
comment : String
commentVisibility : String
additionalClasspath : String
java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.Object>
failOnMissingPlugin : boolean
failOnSeedCollision : boolean
ignoreExisting : boolean
ignoreMissingFiles : boolean
Note: when using multiple Job DSL build steps in a single job, set this to "Delete" only for the last Job DSL build step. Otherwise config files may be deleted and re-created. See JENKINS-44142 for details.
Note: when using multiple Job DSL build steps in a single job, set this to "Delete" or "Disable" only for the last Job DSL build step. Otherwise jobs will be deleted and re-created or disabled and re-enabled and you may lose the job history of generated jobs. See JENKINS-44142 for details.
Note: when using multiple Job DSL build steps in a single job, set this to "Delete" only for the last Job DSL build step. Otherwise views may be deleted and re-created. See JENKINS-44142 for details.
sandbox : boolean
scriptText : String
targets : String
Scripts are executed in the same order as specified. The execution order of expanded wildcards is unspecified.
unstableOnDeprecation : boolean
useScriptText : boolean
$class: 'ExecuteJobBuilder'
jobId : long
jobName : String
jobType : String
abortOnFailure : boolean
abortOnTimeout : boolean
timeoutMinutes : int
publish : boolean
projectId : long
buildId : String
sessionTag : String
appendEnv : boolean
version : String
location : String
executeArgs : String
x11Display : String
xvfbConfiguration : String
credentialsId : String
serverUrl : String
projectId : String
planId : String
requestType : String
url : String
credentials : String
name : String
folder : String
key : String
value : String
action : String
params : String
database : String
project : String
processPath : String
folder : String
requestName : String
name : String
pollInterval : String
maxRunTime : String
$class: 'ExecuteStepBuilder'
server : String
authenticationType : String
userName : String
class hudson.util.Secret
database : String
filesToExecute : String
compareOptions : String
fileEncoding : String
filterFile : String
ignoreError : boolean
transactionIsoLvl : String
class hudson.util.Secret
Mode | Explanation |
Execute suite runs in ALM Octane | Execute suites according to specified suite IDs. New suite runs will be created and executed in ALM Octane. Jenkins job is finished after triggering the suite runs. The job does not wait until the suite runs are finished. This method is useful if you want to schedule suite execution in ALM Octane. By default, newly created suite runs will have name of suite and will be assigned to default release. In order to override this default behaviour, add following parameters (one or more) to job with your desired values:
Get tests from suites and trigger execution jobs | Get tests from suites and trigger execution jobs : Get tests from specified suite IDs. (This method assumes that tests are assigned to test runner jobs from the current Jenkins.) Tests are send to execution by their assigned test runner jobs. The main job is finished after the test runner jobs are finished. This method is useful if you intend to add your job to the ALM Octane Pipeline module. |
configurationId : String
workspaceId : String
executionMode : String
ids : String
credentialsId : String
The ID of the credentials to use when accessing Cloudify. Parameters' expansion is supported when using freestyle jobs.
debugOutput : boolean
deploymentId : String
executionParameters : String
Parameters to pass to the execution, in YAML/JSON format.
printLogs : boolean
tenant : String
Cloudify tenant to operate on. If left empty, then the default tenant (defined in the plugin's configuration page) will be used.
waitForCompletion : boolean
workflowId : String
The ID of the workflow to execute.
$class: 'ExecutorBuildStep'
frameworkType : String
runningType : String
app : String
testApplication : String
deviceQueries : String
Other field that can be used:
runTags : String
maxDevices : int
Accepted value: [1..1000]. Default is 10
Set the maximum number of devices to allocate for this step execution.
Only applicable for Fast feedback mode.
minDevices : int
Accepted value: [1..1000]. Default is 10
Set the minimum number of devices to allocate for this step execution.
Only applicable for Fast feedback mode.
ignoreTestsFile : String
overallExecTimeout : int
creationTimeout : int
appURL : String
archiveDir : String
Specify the location of the path (usually BUILD_DIR specified by xcodebuild) to read the Archive for exporting the IPA file.
Supports all macros and also environment and build variables from the Token Macro Plugin.
For example you can use the value :
assetPackManifestURL : String
compileBitcode : boolean
copyProvisioningProfile : boolean
developmentTeamID : String
developmentTeamName : String
displayImageURL : String
fullSizeImageURL : String
ipaExportMethod : String
ipaName : String
ipaOutputDirectory : String
keychainId : String
keychainName : String
keychainPath : String
class hudson.util.Secret
manualSigning : boolean
packResourcesAsset : boolean
provisioningProfileAppId : String
provisioningProfileUUID : String
resourcesAssetURL : String
signingMethod : String
stripSwiftSymbols : boolean
symRoot : String
thinning : String
unlockKeychain : boolean
uploadBitcode : boolean
uploadSymbols : boolean
xcodeName : String
xcodeProjectPath : String
xcodeSchema : String
xcodeWorkspaceFile : String
$class: 'ExportPackageAttributeConfig'
filePath : String
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
$class: 'ExportPackageConfig'
filePath : String
exportPath : String
createNewPath : boolean
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
$class: 'ExportProjectAttributeConfig'
filePath : String
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
$class: 'ExportProjectConfig'
filePath : String
exportPath : String
createNewPath : boolean
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
$class: 'ImportPackageAttributeConfig'
filePath : String
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
$class: 'ImportPackageConfig'
tmsPath : String
importPath : String
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
$class: 'ImportPackageDirConfig'
tmsPath : String
importPath : String
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
$class: 'ImportProjectArchiveConfig'
tmsPath : String
importPath : String
importConfigPath : String
replaceFiles : boolean
$class: 'ImportProjectAttributeConfig'
filePath : String
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
$class: 'ImportProjectConfig'
tmsPath : String
importPath : String
importMissingPackages : boolean
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
tmProjectId : String
$class: 'ImportProjectDirConfig'
tmsPath : String
importPath : String
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
$class: 'ExportParametersBuilder'
filePath : String
fileFormat : String
keyPattern : String
useRegexp : boolean
$class: 'ExportPackageAttributeConfig'
filePath : String
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
$class: 'ExportPackageConfig'
filePath : String
exportPath : String
createNewPath : boolean
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
$class: 'ExportProjectAttributeConfig'
filePath : String
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
$class: 'ExportProjectConfig'
filePath : String
exportPath : String
createNewPath : boolean
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
$class: 'ImportPackageAttributeConfig'
filePath : String
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
$class: 'ImportPackageConfig'
tmsPath : String
importPath : String
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
$class: 'ImportPackageDirConfig'
tmsPath : String
importPath : String
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
$class: 'ImportProjectArchiveConfig'
tmsPath : String
importPath : String
importConfigPath : String
replaceFiles : boolean
$class: 'ImportProjectAttributeConfig'
filePath : String
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
$class: 'ImportProjectConfig'
tmsPath : String
importPath : String
importMissingPackages : boolean
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
tmProjectId : String
$class: 'ImportProjectDirConfig'
tmsPath : String
importPath : String
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
$class: 'ExporterBuilder'
$class: 'ExtensiveTestingBuilder'
testPath : String
login : String
password : String
serverUrl : String
projectName : String
debug : boolean
serverAddress : String
projectKey : String
targetPath : String
credentialsId : String
applicationIdAndName : String
environmentIdAndName : String
$class: 'FetchTestAssets'
username : String
profile : String
giturl : String
ipAddress : String
$class: 'FigletBuilder'
message : String
includes : String
excludes : String
targetLocation : String
flattenFiles : boolean
renameFiles : boolean
sourceCaptureExpression : String
// folllowing structure:
// dir1/info-app.txt
// dir1/error-app.txt
includes: '**/dir1/*.txt',
targetLocation: 'logs/',
flattenFiles: true,
renameFiles: true,
sourceCaptureExpression: 'dir1/(.*)-app\\.txt$',
targetNameExpression: '$1.log')
will result in:
targetNameExpression : String
useDefaultExcludes : boolean
fileName : String
fileContent : String
includes : String
excludes : String
useDefaultExcludes : boolean
url : String
userName : String
password : String
targetLocation : String
targetFileName : String
proxyHost : String
proxyPort : String
sourceFile : String
targetFile : String
sourceFile : String
targetFile : String
source : String
destination : String
includes : String
excludes : String
useDefaultExcludes : boolean
filePath : String
targetLocation : String
isGZIP : boolean
filePath : String
targetLocation : String
folderPath : String
outputFolderPath : String
sourceFolderPath : String
destinationFolderPath : String
folderPath : String
folderPath : String
source : String
destination : String
$class: 'FitnesseBuilder'
java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String>
$class: 'FixResultBuilder'
defaultResultName : String
success : String
unstable : String
failure : String
aborted : String
installationName : String
flywayCommand : String
url : String
locations : String
commandLineArgs : String
credentialsId : String
$class: 'FogbugzLinkBuilder'
userId : String
testId : String
runTag : String
getJtl : boolean
serverUrl : String
$class: 'FtpRenameBuilder'
ftpServer : String
ftpPort : int
if you don't specify the port, the default port is 21.
ftpUser : String
class hudson.util.Secret
ftpPath : String
Specify the path to your artifact.
artifactName : String
newArtifactName : String
remoteDirectory : String
Optional destination folder.
This folder will be below the one in the global configuration, if present.
The folder won't be created if does not exist.
$class: 'FuzzBuildStep'
configurationFilePath : String
The file path where the test configuration file (*.set or *.testplan) for this job can be found, relative to the project's workspace.
A test configuration file defines what kind of testing is to be done, and can be created using Defensics. Configure a test suite in Defensics and save the settings file in File -> Save Settings.
configurationOverrides : String
Additional test configuration settings that override the settings saved in the test configuration file. This can be useful if, for example, the test target address needs to be set dynamically.
The available settings are the same as the Defensics command line settings. Each setting should follow the format '--setting-name value'. Multiple settings are separated with spaces.
Example for HTTP Server Test Suite:
--uri --http-status-filter "1xx 2xx 3xx"
defensicsInstance : String
saveResultPackage : boolean
$class: 'FxCopBuilder'
toolName : String
files : String
Assembly file(s) to analyze.
You can specify multiple analyze assemblies by separating them with new-line or space.
Command Line Argument: /file:[ file/directory ]
outputXML : String
FxCop project or XML report output file.
Command Line Argument: /out:[ output file path ]
ruleSet : String
Rule set to be used for the analysis.
Command Line Argument: /ruleset:=[ Rule set file path ]
ignoreGeneratedCode : boolean
Suppress analysis results against generated code.
Command Line Argument: /ignoregeneratedcode
forceOutput : boolean
Write output XML and project files even in the case where no violations occurred.
Command Line Argument: /forceoutput
cmdLineArgs : String
failBuild : boolean
$class: 'GCloudSDKBuilder'
command : String
$class: 'GCloudSDKWithAuthBuilder'
credentialsId : String
command : String
$class: 'GatekeeperCommit'
commitUsername : String
$class: 'GatekeeperMerge'
commitUsername : String
releaseFilePath : String
releaseFileContentTemplate : String
$class: 'GatekeeperPush'
imageName : String
gxInstallationId : String
kbPath : String
kbVersion : String
kbEnvironment : String
kbDbCredentialsId : String
forceRebuild : boolean
$class: 'GenerateChangeScriptBuilder'
in : String
Specify path to input folder for generating SQL change script. This folder should contain result of previously executed "Run Compare" build step.
Folder location must be specified as:
out : String
Path to the file that should be used to store SQL change script.
File location must be specified as:
$class: 'GenerateCreateScriptBuilder'
outputFile : String
Path to the file that should be used to store create SQL script.
File location must be specified as:
inputFileOrFolder : String
Specify input folder/file for generating create SQL script. It should depend on input type you have selected.
Folder/file location must be specified as:
$class: 'GenerateJenkinsReportBuilder'
Generate a HTML report based on a previous schema compare build step. This report is accessible via build detail within build history in Jenkins.
Warning: You can include only one Generate Jenkins HTML comparison report step per project.
inputFolder : String
Specify path to input folder containing output from "Run Compare" build step.
Folder location must be specified as:
$class: 'GenerateStandaloneReportBuilder'
inputFolder : String
Specify path to input folder containing output from "Run Compare" build step.
Folder location must be specified as:
outputFolder : String
Specify path to folder where standalone report will be exported.
Folder location must be specified as:
examName : String
examModel : String
modelConfiguration : String
element : String
descriptionSource : String
documentInReport : boolean
errorHandling : String
frameSteps : Array / List of String
mappingList : String
testCaseStates : Array / List of String
variant : String
javaOpts : String
overwriteDescriptionSource : boolean
overwriteFrameSteps : boolean
overwriteMappingList : boolean
timeout : int
apiKey : String
suiteId : String
startUrl : String
params : String
checkoutFromRemote : boolean
detailConflictReport : boolean
limitAuthorsInDetailReport : int
limitCommitsInDetailReport : int
path : String
releaseBranchPattern : String
remoteName : String
jobToRun : String
goodStartCommit : String
badEndCommit : String
searchIdentifier : String
revisionParameterName : String
retryCount : int
continuesBuild : boolean
minSuccessfulIterations : int
overrideGitCommand : boolean
gitCommand : String
content : String
$class: 'GitHubSetCommitStatusBuilder'
$class: 'DefaultCommitContextSource'
$class: 'ManuallyEnteredCommitContextSource'
context : String
content : String
$class: 'GitStatusWrapperBuilder'
The gitStatusWrapper
builder wraps set of job builders and handles PENDING/SUCCESS/FAILURE git statuses automatically
Check documentation here
buildSteps : Array / List of Build Step (hudson.tasks.BuildStep
account : String
The GitHub account that owns the repos that contains the commit to notify
Default: If SCM used, plugin will attempt to get details from SCM execution
Check documentation here
credentialsId : String
The GitHub credentials, username/password or username/accessToken
description : String
failureDescription : String
The notification description for a failure, it will be displayed by GitHub
Default: value set to description
This field can also be given a regular expression to evaluate on the entire build log. To have the expression evaluated, wrap it with "/". Example: "/^buildVersion=(.*)$/"
Check documentation here
gitApiUrl : String
If you are a user of GitHub Enterprise use this field to set your custom API endpoint
gitHubContext : String
The git status context key. Keys are used by GitHub to differentiate between notifications
Default: gitStatusWrapper
Check documentation here
repo : String
The GitHub repository that contains the commit to validate, must be owned by the user specified in the account field
Default: If SCM used, plugin will attempt to get details from SCM execution
Check documentation here
sha : String
The SHA that identifies the commit to notify
Default: If SCM used, plugin will attempt to get details from SCM execution
Check documentation here
successDescription : String
The notification description for a success, it will be displayed by GitHub
Default: value set to description
This field can also be given a regular expression to evaluate on the entire build log. To have the expression evaluated, wrap it with "/". Example: "/^buildVersion=(.*)$/"
Check documentation here
targetUrl : String
Use this field to specify a custom target URL for the notification
Default: Jenkins build URL
Check documentation here
$class: 'GitToIspwPublish'
app : String
branchMapping : String
connectionId : String
credentialsId : String
ispwConfigPath : String
runtimeConfig : String
stream : String
subAppl : String
$class: 'GnatmakeBuilder'
gnatName : String
switches : String
fileNames : String
modeSwitches : String
installationName : String
names : String
proj : String
switch. If not specified, GPRbuild uses the project file default.gpr if there is one in the current working directory. Otherwise, if there is only one project file in the current working directory, GPRbuild uses this project file.
switches : String
buildFile : String
gradleName : String
makeExecutable : boolean
passAllAsProjectProperties : boolean
passAllAsSystemProperties : boolean
projectProperties : String
rootBuildScriptDir : String
switches : String
systemProperties : String
tasks : String
useWorkspaceAsHome : boolean
Gradle will write to $HOME/.gradle
by default for GRADLE_USER_HOME
. For a multi-executor agent in Jenkins, setting the environment variable localized files to the workspace avoid collisions accessing gradle cache.
useWrapper : boolean
wrapperLocation : String
$class: 'Groovy'
Executes a groovy script.
$class: 'FileScriptSource'
scriptFile : String
$class: 'StringScriptSource'
command : String
groovyName : String
Groovy installation which will execute the script. Specify the name of the Groovy installation as specified in the Global Jenkins configuration.
parameters : String
Parameters for the Groovy executable.
scriptParameters : String
These parameters will be passed to the script.
properties : String
Instead of passing properties using the -D parameter you can define them here.
javaOpts : String
Direct access to JAVA_OPTS. Properties allows only -D properties, while sometimes also other properties like -XX need to be setup. It can be done here. This line is appended at the end of JAVA_OPTS string.
classPath : String
Specify script classpath here. Each line is one class path item.
$class: 'GroovyRemoteBuilder'
remoteName : String
script : String
examName : String
script : String
startElement : String
examModel : String
modelConfiguration : String
javaOpts : String
timeout : int
useStartElement : boolean
scanDest : String
Scan targets can be explicitly provided with a following scheme:
repName : String
autoInstall : boolean
$class: 'GsshCommandBuilder'
disable : boolean
serverInfo : String
shell : String
$class: 'GsshFtpDownloadBuilder'
disable : boolean
serverInfo : String
remoteFile : String
localFolder : String
fileName : String
$class: 'GsshFtpUploadBuilder'
disable : boolean
serverInfo : String
localFilePath : String
remoteLocation : String
fileName : String
$class: 'GsshShellBuilder'
disable : boolean
serverInfo : String
shell : String
modelName : String
hlClientId : String
hlClientSecret : String
folderToScan : String
failOnUnsupported : boolean
task : String
directory : String
artifact : String
channel : String
origin : String
bldrUrl : String
authToken : String
lastBuildFile : String
format : String
searchString : String
command : String
binary : String
path : String
docker : boolean
$class: 'HealthAnalyzerLrStep'
checkLrInstallation : boolean
checkOsVersion : boolean
field : String
name : String
useFrench : boolean
duration : String
reason : String
$class: 'HorreumExpect'
authenticationType : String
credentials : String
Credentials used for authorization. The type of credentials used depends on the authentication type selected. Username/Password
for HTTP Basic Authentication and Open ID Connect and Secret Text
for API Key.
The user account must have the uploader
role; otherwise the build steps will fail.
test : String
timeout : long
expectedBy : String
backlink : String
quiet : boolean
$class: 'HorreumUpload'
files : String
authenticationType : String
credentials : String
Credentials used for authorization. The type of credentials used depends on the authentication type selected. Username/Password
for HTTP Basic Authentication and Open ID Connect and Secret Text
for API Key.
The user account must have the uploader
role; otherwise the build steps will fail.
test : String
owner : String
, e.g. dev-team
access : String
start : String
), millisecond epoch time or JSON Path into the uploaded JSON file in one of those formats.
stop : String
), millisecond epoch time or JSON Path into the uploaded JSON file in one of those formats.
schema : String
property. If Horreum has the JSON schema for this URI recorded it will validate the uploaded JSON against it.
jsonFile : String
addBuildInfo : boolean
quiet : boolean
$class: 'HttpRequest'
url : String
authentication : String
consoleLogResponseBody : boolean
name : String
value : String
maskValue : boolean
uploadFile : String
name : String
fileName : String
contentType : String
body : String
httpProxy : String
ignoreSslErrors : boolean
multipartName : String
outputFile : String
passBuildParameters : boolean
proxyAuthentication : String
quiet : boolean
requestBody : String
timeout : int
uploadFile : String
useSystemProperties : boolean
validResponseCodes : String
validResponseContent : String
wrapAsMultipart : boolean
baseUrl : String
buildFuture : boolean
destination : String
environment : String
hugoHome : String
verbose : boolean
$class: 'HyperBuilder'
image : String
commands : String
code : String
Eg: print(" Hello Jenkins, from Machine Learning Plugin ...... ! ")
filePath : String
Eg: /home/alice/iris/
parserType : String
task : String
Eg: Training
kernelName : String
$class: 'ITest'
workspace : String
(1) Provide the full path to the iTest workspace containing projects, or
(2) Leave blank to indicate that the current job's workspace is also an iTest workspace (must contain an .iTestWorkspace file as created by iTest)
projects : String
Required. Specify the name of the iTest project to export in an ITAR file (required to use iTestRT). Separate names of multiple projects with comma.
Note: The project must exist within the specified iTest workspace.
testcases : String
Required. Specify path to test case or test suite to run: must include extension (path/name.fftc or path/name.ffts). Separate multiple with a comma.
Accepted Formats:
testbed : String
Specify the URI of the testbed or topology to use for execution. Must include file extension. Overrides the testbed specified in the test case file.
Accepted Formats:
params : String
Specify a parameter value in the format parameter=value. Separate multiple parameter/value pairs with a comma.
Note: If you specify both --param and --paramfile in an iTestRT command, then the --param argument takes precedence over the values in the parameter file.
paramFile : String
Specify URI of a parameter file in an iTest readable format.
Note: If you specify both --param and --paramfile in an iTestRT command, then the --param argument take precedence over the values in the parameter file.
testReportRequired : boolean
Check this to generate test report in HTML format.
A link to the report will be provided on the project page, and the report will be available in the iTest workspace specified in the project configuration page.
dbCustomTag : String
This option enables you to define and assign a value to a custom tag.
Example: Create a tag that holds the build number so that you compare test execution results between builds.
For tests run against build 54322, use: --tag buildNumber=54322
Tip: Use a custom tag to identify executions or groups of executions on the iTest Team Server Test Execution page.
$class: 'IaCScanningBuilder'
engineCredentialsId : String
isRecursive : boolean
listUnsupported : boolean
path : String
severityThreshold : String
sysdigEnv : String
version : String
$class: 'ImageScanningBuilder'
imageName : String
bailOnFail : boolean
bailOnPluginFail : boolean
cliVersionToApply : String
customCliVersion : String
engineCredentialsId : String
engineURL : String
engineVerify : boolean
inlineScanExtraParams : String
policiesToApply : String
scannerBinaryPath : String
$class: 'ImportFiles'
url : String
cloudTestServerID : String
files : String
excludes : String
mode : String
additionalOptions : String
$class: 'ExportPackageAttributeConfig'
filePath : String
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
$class: 'ExportPackageConfig'
filePath : String
exportPath : String
createNewPath : boolean
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
$class: 'ExportProjectAttributeConfig'
filePath : String
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
$class: 'ExportProjectConfig'
filePath : String
exportPath : String
createNewPath : boolean
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
$class: 'ImportPackageAttributeConfig'
filePath : String
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
$class: 'ImportPackageConfig'
tmsPath : String
importPath : String
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
$class: 'ImportPackageDirConfig'
tmsPath : String
importPath : String
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
$class: 'ImportProjectArchiveConfig'
tmsPath : String
importPath : String
importConfigPath : String
replaceFiles : boolean
$class: 'ImportProjectAttributeConfig'
filePath : String
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
$class: 'ImportProjectConfig'
tmsPath : String
importPath : String
importMissingPackages : boolean
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
tmProjectId : String
$class: 'ImportProjectDirConfig'
tmsPath : String
importPath : String
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
$class: 'ExportPackageAttributeConfig'
filePath : String
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
$class: 'ExportPackageConfig'
filePath : String
exportPath : String
createNewPath : boolean
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
$class: 'ExportProjectAttributeConfig'
filePath : String
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
$class: 'ExportProjectConfig'
filePath : String
exportPath : String
createNewPath : boolean
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
$class: 'ImportPackageAttributeConfig'
filePath : String
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
$class: 'ImportPackageConfig'
tmsPath : String
importPath : String
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
$class: 'ImportPackageDirConfig'
tmsPath : String
importPath : String
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
$class: 'ImportProjectArchiveConfig'
tmsPath : String
importPath : String
importConfigPath : String
replaceFiles : boolean
$class: 'ImportProjectAttributeConfig'
filePath : String
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
$class: 'ImportProjectConfig'
tmsPath : String
importPath : String
importMissingPackages : boolean
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
tmProjectId : String
$class: 'ImportProjectDirConfig'
tmsPath : String
importPath : String
credentialsId : String
timeout : String
$class: 'InfluxDBPublisher'
userCredentialsID : String
dbUrl : String
dbName : String
content : String
checkName : String
influxQuery : String
expectedThreshold : double
markUnstable : boolean
retryCount : int
retryInterval : int
showResults : boolean
region : String
insightCredentialsId : String
appId : String
scanConfigId : String
buildAdvanceIndicator : String
vulnerabilityQuery : String
maxScanPendingDuration : String
0d 5h 30m
maxScanExecutionDuration : String
0d 5h 30m
enableScanResults : boolean
credentialsId : String
apiVersion : String
appScope : String
application system ID
is not specified. The scope name of the application for which to apply the changes, such as x_aah_custom_app. You can locate this value in the scope field in the Custom Application [sys_app] table.
appSysId : String
application scope
is not specified. The system id of the application for which to apply the changes. You can locate this value in the Sys ID field in the Custom Application [sys_app] table.
appVersion : String
baseAppAutoUpgrade : boolean
baseAppVersion : String
url : String
$class: 'InstallBuilder'
apkFile : String
uninstallFirst : boolean
failOnInstallFailure : boolean
credentialsId : String
apiVersion : String
comboSysId : String
requestBody : String
scanType : String
suiteSysId : String
targetRecordSysId : String
targetTable : String
url : String
$class: 'IspwRestApiRequest'
connectionId : String
consoleLogResponseBody : boolean
credentialsId : String
ispwAction : String
ispwRequestBody : String
skipWaitingForSet : boolean
$class: 'IssueFieldUpdateStep'
$class: 'DefaultIssueSelector'
$class: 'ExplicitIssueSelector'
issueKeys : String
$class: 'JqlIssueSelector'
jql : String
$class: 'P4JobIssueSelector'
fieldId : String
fieldValue : String
$class: 'IssueUpdatesBuilder'
restAPIUrl : String
userName : String
password : String
jql : String
workflowActionName : String
comment : String
customFieldId : String
customFieldValue : String
resettingFixedVersions : boolean
createNonExistingFixedVersions : boolean
fixedVersions : String
failIfJqlFails : boolean
failIfNoIssuesReturned : boolean
failIfNoJiraConnection : boolean
$class: 'JBossBuilder'
properties : String
stopOnFailure : boolean
serverName : String
$class: 'JIRATicketEditor'
jiraCredentialsID : String
performDuplicateCheck : boolean
parentJQL : String
title : String
type : String
priority : String
description : String
envVarName : String
fieldHumanReadableName : String
valueToSet : String
jqlFilter : String
commitRegEx : String
ticketSource : String
$class: 'AddCommentModification'
commentBody : String
$class: 'ModifyArrayFieldModification'
fieldHumanReadableName : String
modificationType : String
modificationValue : String
$class: 'PerformTransitionModification'
transitionName : String
comment : String
$class: 'SetFieldModification'
fieldHumanReadableName : String
valueToSet : String
$class: 'JIRAVersionEditor'
jiraCredentialsID : String
versionName : String
replaceDescription : boolean
descriptionText : String
releaseState : String
failOnJQL : boolean
failQuery : String
applicationName : String
applicationVersion : String
applicationComponent : String
jmeterReportPath : String
$class: 'JSLintBuilder'
includePattern : String
The files to include in an Ant-style filter. See javadoc
Example: lib/**/*.js
This would grab files including lib/foo.js and lib/foo/bar/baz.js
Example: lib/*.js
This would include lib/foo.js but not lib/foo/bar.js
excludePattern : String
The files to exclude in an Ant-style filter. See javadoc
Example: lib/**/ModuleImportProgressDialog.js
This would omit any file named ModuleImportProgressDialog.js
logfile : String
The file to output to in a Checkstyle XML format
Example: target/jslint.xml
arguments : String
The arguments to pass to JSLint. You can use any arguments that JSLint supports! Be sure, though, to prefix each argument with -D
Example: -Dadsafe=true, -Dcontinue=true
This would activate adsafe and continue
Example: -Dpredef=foo,bar,baz
This would be like having /*global foo,bar,baz*/ at the top of every JavaScript file JSLint runs on.
Example: -Dpredef=foo,bar,baz, -Dmaxlen=80
This would be like having /*global foo,bar,baz*/ at the top of every JavaScript file JSLint runs on. It also sets the maximum length of a line to 80 chars.
The default options we use are:
var defaultOptions = { bitwise: true, eqeqeq: false, immed: false, newcap: false, nomen: false, onevar: false, plusplus: false, regexp: false, rhino: true, undef: true, white: false, forin: true, sub: true, browser: true, laxbreak: true, predef: [ 'Ext', 'jQuery', 'window', '$', 'ActiveXObject', 'SWFObject' ] };
$class: 'JabberBuilder'
builderName : String
scanDest : String
scanName : String
severityType : String
scanType : String
skipFail : boolean
skipDbUpdate : boolean
ignorePackageNames : String
ignoreCves : String
java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String>
class io.jenkins.plugins.jacked.model.JackedConfig
tppName : String
certLabel : String
credentialsId : String
This plugin invokes Jarsigner under the hood. Here you can specify extra custom CLI arguments to pass to Jarsigner.
These arguments will be appended to the Jarsigner CLI invocation, and take precedence over any arguments implicitly passed by this plugin.
argument : String
file : String
The path to the file to be signed.
Either a path or a glob must be given.
glob : String
A glob that specifies the files to be signed.
Either a path or a glob must be given.
Specifies one or more timestamping authority servers to use during signing. Specifying this is strongly recommended, because it allows signed files to be usable even after the original signing certificate has expired.
If you specify more than one server, then a random one will be used.
Tip: here are some public timestamping authorities that you can use:
address : String
venafiClientToolsDir : String
Specify the path to the directory in which Venafi CodeSign Protect client tools are installed. If not specified, it's autodetected as follows:
tppName : String
certLabel : String
credentialsId : String
file : String
The path to the file to be verified.
Either a path or a glob must be given.
glob : String
A glob that specifies the files to be verified.
Either a path or a glob must be given.
venafiClientToolsDir : String
Specify the path to the directory in which Venafi CodeSign Protect client tools are installed. If not specified, it's autodetected as follows:
$class: 'JbpmUrlResourceBuilder'
url : String
processId : String
pathToTestrunner : String
pathToProjectFile : String
authMethod : String
environment : String
password : String
projectPassword : String
slmLicenceAccessKey : String
slmLicenceApiHost : String
slmLicenceApiPort : String
slmLicenseClientId : String
slmLicenseClientSecret : String
testCase : String
testCaseTags : String
testSuite : String
testSuiteTags : String
user : String
$class: 'JigomergeBuilder'
source : String
username : String
password : String
oneByOne : boolean
eager : boolean
validationScript : String
dryRun : boolean
verbose : boolean
ignoreMergePatterns : String
commitCommentPrefix : String
$class: 'JiraEnvironmentVariableBuilder'
Typical usage:
issue in (${JIRA_ISSUES})
$class: 'DefaultIssueSelector'
$class: 'ExplicitIssueSelector'
issueKeys : String
$class: 'JqlIssueSelector'
jql : String
$class: 'P4JobIssueSelector'
$class: 'JiraExtBuildStep'
$class: 'FirstWordOfCommitStrategy'
$class: 'FirstWordOfUpstreamCommitStrategy'
$class: 'MentionedInCommitStrategy'
$class: 'SingleTicketStrategy'
issueKey : String
$class: 'AddComment'
postCommentForEveryCommit : boolean
commentText : String
$class: 'AddFixVersion'
fixVersion : String
The Fix Version to append. Must exist.
$class: 'AddLabel'
labelName : String
$class: 'AddLabelToField'
fieldName : String
fieldValue : String
$class: 'Transition'
transitionName : String
$class: 'UpdateField'
fieldName : String
fieldValue : String
$class: 'JiraIssueUpdateBuilder'
jqlSearch : String
or (e.g., combined with a Jira Issue Parameter, selecting one issue from a JQL result set):project = JENKINS and fixVersion = "$RELEASE_VERSION" and status not in (Resolved, Closed)
issue = $ISSUE_ID
workflowActionName : String
comment : String
$class: 'JiraReleaseVersionUpdaterBuilder'
jiraProjectKey : String
Specify the project key. A project key is the all capitals part before the issue number in Jira.
jiraRelease : String
jiraDescription : String
$class: 'JiraVersionCreatorBuilder'
jiraVersion : String
jiraProjectKey : String
Specify the project key. A project key is the all capitals part before the issue number in Jira.
$class: 'JobConfigRebrander'
$class: 'JobDeleteBuilder'
target : String
$class: 'JobStrongAuthSimpleBuilder'
jobUsers : String
useGlobalUsers : boolean
jobMinAuthUserNum : int
useJobExpireTime : boolean
jobExpireTimeInHours : int
$class: 'JobcopyBuilder'
fromJobName : String
toJobName : String
overwrite : boolean
$class: 'DisableOperation'
$class: 'EnableOperation'
$class: 'ReplaceOperation'
fromStr : String
expandFromStr : boolean
toStr : String
expandToStr : boolean
includeFile : String
excludeFile : String
overwrite : boolean
$class: 'DisableOperation'
$class: 'EnableOperation'
$class: 'ReplaceOperation'
fromStr : String
expandFromStr : boolean
toStr : String
expandToStr : boolean
$class: 'KanboardTaskFetcher'
projectIdentifier : String
taskReference : String
taskAttachments : String
taskLinks : String
$class: 'KarafBuildStepBuilder'
useCustomKaraf : boolean
karafHome : String
flags : String
specify the port to connect to
-h [host]specify the host to connect to
-u [user]specify the user name
-p [password]specify the password (optional, if not provided, the password is prompted)
-vraise verbosity
-lset client logging level. Set to 0 for ERROR logging and up to 4 for TRACE
-r [attempts]retry connection establishment (up to attempts times)
-d [delay]intra-retry delay (defaults to 2 seconds)
-f [file]read commands from the specified file
-k [keyFile]specify the private keyFile location when using key login, need have BouncyCastle registered as security provider using this flag
-t [timeout]define the client idle timeout
$class: 'KarafCommandFileOption'
file : String
$class: 'KarafCommandScriptOption'
script : String
keychainId : String
keychainName : String
keychainPath : String
class hudson.util.Secret
$class: 'KlocworkBuildSpecBuilder'
buildCommand : String
tool : String
output : String
additionalOpts : String
ignoreErrors : boolean
workDir : String
$class: 'KlocworkCiBuilder'
buildSpec : String
projectDir : String
cleanupProject : boolean
reportFile : String
additionalOpts : String
incrementalAnalysis : boolean
This feature allows for quick, incremental analyses of changed source files to enable pre/post-checkin/commit-like behavior . The goal is that only changed files are analyzed by the Klocwork kwciagent tool to replicate the local analysis developers would perform by using our supported IDE plugins or the command line utility. To enable this behavior, the plugin takes a list of the changed files from the SCM; this enables the system to analyze only the changed files when the workspace isn’t kept. Leave this cleared to analyze the whole project, or, if the workspace is kept, to perform a standard incremental analysis.
The diff file list is the file that contains the changed source files for Klocwork to analyze. All analyzed files must exist in the build specification generated by kwinject.
Note: All files to be analyzed must exist in the build specification.
If using Git, provide the previous commit that Git should perform a "diff" against. The change list between the current commit and the specified previous commit will be added to the diff file list for Klocwork to process by automatically calling "git diff <previous_commit>" during the build. Note: If you are using Git jenkins plugin to obtain source files for you pipeline job be sure to use 'Pipeline script from SCM' and specify the previous commit with the environment variable, 'GIT_PREVIOUS_COMMIT'. Also be aware that the first build in the job won't be able to access GIT_PREVIOUS_COMMIT and the first build will run full CI analysis.
If you are not using Git, or want to manually generate the change list by using Git, select this option. You will need to generate the diff file list by using a custom build-step (or similar). List one changed source file on each line of the file.
diffType : String
gitPreviousCommit : String
diffFileList : String
$class: 'KlocworkServerAnalysisBuilder'
buildSpec : String
tablesDir : String
incrementalAnalysis : boolean
ignoreCompileErrors : boolean
importConfig : String
additionalOpts : String
disableKwdeploy : boolean
duplicateFrom : String
enabledCreateProject : boolean
$class: 'KlocworkServerLoadBuilder'
tablesDir : String
buildName : String
additionalOpts : String
displayChart : boolean
chartHeight : String
chartWidth : String
query : String
$class: 'KlocworkXSyncBuilder'
dryRun : boolean
lastSync : String
projectRegexp : String
statusAnalyze : boolean
statusIgnore : boolean
statusNotAProblem : boolean
statusFix : boolean
statusFixInNextRelease : boolean
statusFixInLaterRelease : boolean
statusDefer : boolean
statusFilter : boolean
additionalOpts : String
$class: 'KojiBuilder'
kojiBuild : String
kojiTarget : String
kojiPackage : String
kojiOptions : String
kojiTask : String
kojiScratchBuild : boolean
kojiScmUrl : String
allowNodeRedefinition : boolean
apiKeyCredentialsId : String
The ID of the credentials entry that contains the API key.
This parameter is optional; the API key may also be provided through "API options", however this method is preferred.
If provided, then this credentials entry must either be of type "text" or "file". In the latter case, the file is read as-is and the resultant string is used as the API credentials.
apiKeyFile : String
Path to file, relative to the Jenkins workspace, containing the API key.
This parameter is optional, as the API key may be provided by other means.
caCert : String
credentialsId : String
The ID of the credentials to use when accessing Cloudify. Parameters' expansion is supported when using freestyle jobs.
debugOutput : boolean
java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.Object>
definitionAsString : String
definitionFile : String
deploymentId : String
ID to assign to the created Cloudify deployment. If not provided, one will be randomly generated. You can obtain the deployment ID from the "environment data" output file.
echoEnvData : boolean
If checked, then the created environment's data will be printed to the job's log.
echoInputs : boolean
envDataLocation : String
Path to a file that will contain the created environment's data. If not provided, the environment data won't be written.
gcpCredentialsFile : String
A YAML/JSON file containing GCP service account details, to use for authentication against GCP.
This parameter is optional, and is only relevant for authenticating against GCP.
If provided, it should follow the same layout as described in the "GCP Credentials ID" parameter.
gcpCredentialsId : String
The ID of the credentials to be used for authentication against GCP.
This parameter is optional, and is only relevant for authenticating against GCP.
If provided, it should be the ID of either a string-type or file-type credentials entry, with the standard GCP service account YAML/JSON syntax:
{ "type": "...", "project_id": "...", "private_key_id": "...", "private_key": "...", "client_email": "...", "client_id": "...", "auth_uri": "...", "token_uri": "...", "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "...", "client_x509_cert_url": "..." }
k8sDebug : boolean
k8sMaster : String
namespace : String
value in the options
field, if exists.
java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.Object>
optionsAsString : String
optionsFile : String
skipSslVerification : boolean
sslCertFile : String
sslKeyFile : String
tenant : String
validateStatus : boolean
cluster : String
clusterName : String
credentialsId : String
location : String
manifestPattern : String
namespace : String
projectId : String
verboseLogging : boolean
verifyDeployments : boolean
verifyServices : boolean
verifyTimeoutInMinutes : int
zone : String
project : String
test : String
actionOnErrors : String
actionOnWarnings : String
executorVersion : String
generateMHT : boolean
generatePDF : boolean
timeout : String
useTimeout : boolean
class hudson.util.Secret
dependencymanager : String
deploymentstage : String
deploymentversion : String
hostname : String
jobresultchoice : String
lxmanifestpath : String
mavensettingspath : String
useleanixconnector : boolean
customFlags : String
Specify any desired command-line flags to be passed to the Lacework scanner.
fixableOnly : boolean
Whether the build step should only return information for fixable vulnerabilities.
imageName : String
imageTag : String
noPull : boolean
Whether the build step should attempt to pull container images that don't exist locally.
evaluatePolicies : boolean
Whether the build step should evaluate against policies which are assigned in the Lacework platform.
saveToLacework : boolean
Whether the build step should save assessment results to the Lacework platform.
disableLibraryPackageScanning : boolean
Whether the build step should disable scanning of programming language libraries.
showEvaluationExceptions : boolean
Whether the build step should display evaluation exceptions.
tags : String
Specify any desired tags, in JSON key/value format, to be assigned to the Lacework scanner assessment.
awsRegion : String
functionName : String
eventSourceArn : String
awsAccessKeyId : String
awsSecretKey : String
functionAlias : String
useInstanceCredentials : boolean
awsRegion : String
functionName : String
synchronous : boolean
awsAccessKeyId : String
awsSecretKey : String
envVarName : String
jsonPath : String
payload : String
useInstanceCredentials : boolean
awsRegion : String
functionARN : String
functionAlias : String
versionDescription : String
awsAccessKeyId : String
awsSecretKey : String
useInstanceCredentials : boolean
awsRegion : String
functionName : String
updateMode : String
alias : String
artifactLocation : String
awsAccessKeyId : String
awsSecretKey : String
createAlias : boolean
deadLetterQueueArn : String
description : String
enableDeadLetterQueue : boolean
key : String
value : String
configureEnvironment : boolean
kmsArn : String
handler : String
memorySize : String
publish : boolean
role : String
runtime : String
securityGroups : String
subnets : String
timeout : String
useInstanceCredentials : boolean
$class: 'LeapworkJenkinsBridgeBuilder'
leapworkHostname : String
leapworkPort : String
leapworkAccessKey : String
leapworkSchNames : String
leapworkSchIds : String
leapworkDelay : String
leapworkTimeout : String
leapworkDoneStatusAs : String
leapworkReport : String
leapworkWritePassedFlowKeyFrames : boolean
leapworkEnableHttps : boolean
leapworkScheduleVariables : String
$class: 'LeiningenBuilder'
task : String
subdirPath : String
Check ecu.test license.
Pipelines usage:checkETLicense(String toolName) : void
toolName : String
name : String
home : String
? extends<?>
timeout : String
file : String
name : String
dotnet list package
command provides a convenient option to list all NuGet package references for a specific project or a solution. You first need to build the project in order to have the assets needed for this command to process.
charset : String
config : String
, --deprecated
or --vulnerable
continueOnError : boolean
, if configured that way), but the build will be allowed to continue. Otherwise, any such errors will cause the build to be terminated immediately.
deprecated : boolean
or --outdated
framework : String
frameworks : Array / List of String
frameworksString : String
highestMinor : boolean
highestPatch : boolean
includePrerelease : boolean
includeTransitive : boolean
outdated : boolean
or --vulnerable
project : String
sdk : String
will be in the path.
With .NETelement (or a
block in a pipeline script) to specify one, or ensure this step runs on a node that has a .NET SDK installed and in the path.
showSdkInfo : boolean
dotnet --info
will be executed before the main command. This shows a list of available SDKs and runtimes, indicating which one is currently being used.
source : String
sources : Array / List of String
sourcesString : String
>, --deprecated
> or --vulnerable
> option.
specificSdkVersion : boolean
executable may use the most recent SDK available on the system, even when PATH
is set up to find an older SDK deployment first; see this page for more information.
file will be created in the current directory, referencing that SDK version and disabling roll-forward.
already present in the current directory.
verbosity : String
vulnerable : boolean
or --outdated
workDirectory : String
$class: 'LoadImpactTestRunTask'
apiTokenId : String
loadTestId : int
criteriaDelayValue : int
criteriaDelayUnit : String
criteriaDelayQueueSize : int
abortAtFailure : boolean
metric : String
operator : String
value : int
result : String
pollInterval : int
logHttp : boolean
logJson : boolean
$class: 'LoadNinjaBuilder'
apiKey : String
scenarioId : String
errorPassCriteria : String
durationPassCriteria : String
testId : String
credentialsId : String
credentialsId : String
projectId : String
testId : String
$class: 'LoadtestBuilder'
environmentShortName : String
authToken : String
presetName : String
loadtestScenario : String
metricType : String
evaluationDirection : String
numericValue : double
dotnet nuget locals
command clears or lists local NuGet resources in the http-request cache, temporary cache, or machine-wide global packages folder.
cacheLocation : String
: Indicates that the specified operation is applied to all cache types: http-request cache, global packages cache, and the temporary
: Indicates that the specified operation is applied only to the global packages cache. The other cache locations aren't affected.http-cache
: Indicates that the specified operation is applied only to the http-request cache. The other cache locations aren't affected.temp
: Indicates that the specified operation is applied only to the temporary cache. The other cache locations aren't affected.charset : String
continueOnError : boolean
, if configured that way), but the build will be allowed to continue. Otherwise, any such errors will cause the build to be terminated immediately.
forceEnglishOutput : boolean
operation : String
: The contents of the cache directories are deleted recursively. The executing user/group must have permission to the files in the cache directories. If not, an error is displayed indicating the files/folders that weren't cleared.list
: Displays the path to the specified cache location.sdk : String
will be in the path.
With .NETelement (or a
block in a pipeline script) to specify one, or ensure this step runs on a node that has a .NET SDK installed and in the path.
showSdkInfo : boolean
dotnet --info
will be executed before the main command. This shows a list of available SDKs and runtimes, indicating which one is currently being used.
specificSdkVersion : boolean
executable may use the most recent SDK available on the system, even when PATH
is set up to find an older SDK deployment first; see this page for more information.
file will be created in the current directory, referencing that SDK version and disabling roll-forward.
already present in the current directory.
workDirectory : String
$class: 'LoginBuilder'
credentialsId : String
hubUrl : String
restApiKeyId : String
environmentId : String
applicationId : String
apiBaseUrl : String
appBaseUrl : String
continueOnMablError : boolean
continueOnPlanFailure : boolean
disableSslVerification : boolean
labels : String
mablBranch : String
$class: 'MailCommandBuilder'
POP3 mail server address | Set POP3 mail server's hostname or ip address. |
POP3 mail server port | Set POP3 mail server's port. Default value is 110. |
POP3 User Name | Set POP3 mail server's user account. |
POP3 Password | Set POP3 mail server's password. |
address : String
port : String
username : String
password : String
$class: 'MakeAppTouchTestable'
url : String
cloudTestServerID : String
inputType : String
projectFile : String
target : String
launchURL : String
backupModifiedFiles : boolean
additionalOptions : String
javaOptions : String
$class: 'ManageInstance'
cloud : String
workspace : String
? extends
targets : String
name : String
pom : String
properties : String
# comment name1=value1 name2=value2These are passed to Maven like
"-Dname1=value1 -Dname2=value2"
jvmOptions : String
usePrivateRepository : boolean
file contains elements used to define values which configure Maven execution in various ways, like the pom.xml
, but should not be bundled to any specific project, or distributed to an audience. These include values such as the local repository location, alternate remote repository servers, and authentication information.
file per default may live:
see also: settings.xml
) as set on build node.
file. Such a file is checked out from SCM as part of the job or a well known location.
path : String
$class: 'MvnSettingsProvider'
settingsConfigId : String
) as set on build node.
$class: 'FilePathGlobalSettingsProvider'
file from job workspace. Such a file is checked out from SCM as part of the job or a well known location.
path : String
$class: 'MvnGlobalSettingsProvider'
settingsConfigId : String
injectBuildVariables : boolean
$class: 'Maven3Builder'
mavenName : String
rootPom : String
goals : String
mavenOpts : String
useWrapper : boolean
applicationName : String
applicationVersion : String
applicationComponent : String
reportPath : String
$class: 'MavenDeploymentDownloader'
projectName : String
filePattern : String
permaLink : String
targetDir : String
stripVersion : boolean
stripVersionPattern : String
failIfNoArtifact : boolean
cleanTargetDir : boolean
$class: 'MavenSealightsBuildStep'
buildSessionId : String
appName : String
moduleName : String
branch : String
enableMultipleBuildFiles : boolean
overrideJars : boolean
multipleBuildFiles : boolean
labId : String
testStage : String
packagesIncluded : String
packagesExcluded : String
filesIncluded : String
filesExcluded : String
classLoadersExcluded : String
recursive : boolean
workspacepath : String
buildScannerJar : String
testListenerJar : String
testListenerConfigFile : String
autoRestoreBuildFile : boolean
sealightsMavenPluginInstallationArguments : String
buildFilesPatterns : String
buildFilesFolders : String
logEnabled : boolean
logFolder : String
slMvnPluginVersion : String
$class: 'DefaultBuildName'
$class: 'EmptyBuildName'
$class: 'LatestBuildName'
$class: 'ManualBuildName'
insertedBuildName : String
$class: 'UpstreamBuildName'
upstreamProjectName : String
override_customerId : String
override_url : String
override_proxy : String
additionalArguments : String
Argument name | Description |
token | The token provided to you by SeaLights (override the global 'token' value for this build). |
tokenfile | A file containing the token provided to you by SeaLights (override the global 'token' value for this build). |
buildsessionidfile | Set build session id file for this build. |
createbuildsessionid | When set to 'true' - forces SeaLights Maven Plugin to create new build session id (true by default). |
proxy | A valid URL to a proxy server. |
agentpath | Override the path to SeaLights jar. |
javapath | Override the path to the 'java' variable (default is 'java'). |
filesstorage | A folder where sealights files for this build will be kept (override the global 'Files storage' value for this build). |
sealightsJvmParams | Key value pairs of environments variables which will be added to both buildscanner and test listener ('$$$'- separated pairs, ':'- separated key and value. i.e: sealightsJvmParams=param:value$$$anotherparam:anothervalue) |
buildScannerParams | Key value pairs of environments variables which will be added to buildscanner ('$$$'- separated pairs, ':'- separated key and value. i.e: buildScannerParams=param:value$$$anotherparam:anothervalue) |
testListenerJvmParams | Key value pairs of environments variables which will be added to test listener ('$$$'- separated pairs, ':'- separated key and value i.e: testListenerJvmParams=param:value$$$anotherparam:anothervalue) |
includeResources : boolean
$class: 'DisableSealightsView'
targets : String
$class: 'InvokeMavenCommandView'
targets : String
$class: 'OffView'
$class: 'PrepareSealightsView'
additionalMavenArguments : String
name : String
pom : String
properties : String
# comment name1=value1 name2=value2These are passed to Maven like "-Dname1=value1 -Dname2=value2"
jvmOptions : String
usePrivateRepository : boolean
file contains elements used to define values which configure Maven execution in various ways, like the pom.xml
, but should not be bundled to any specific project, or distributed to an audience. These include values such as the local repository location, alternate remote repository servers, and authentication information.
file per default may live:
see also: settings.xml
) as set on build node.
file. Such a file is checked out from SCM as part of the job or a well known location.
path : String
$class: 'MvnSettingsProvider'
settingsConfigId : String
) as set on build node.
$class: 'FilePathGlobalSettingsProvider'
file from job workspace. Such a file is checked out from SCM as part of the job or a well known location.
path : String
$class: 'MvnGlobalSettingsProvider'
settingsConfigId : String
check : boolean
pomFiles : String
excludePomFiles : String
$class: 'MdtoolSolutionBuilder'
installationName : String
solutionPath : String
value : String
value : String
value : String
value : String
VMs : int
androidCompileSdkVersion : String
androidGradleTasks : String
androidGradleVersion : String
androidManifest : String
androidMinSdkVersion : String
androidTargetSdkVersion : String
androidTestPackageName : String
clazzFolders : String
cleanGoal : String
clearMockitoCaches : boolean
commitDiff : int
createDefaultConstructor : boolean
credentialsId : String
directlyMeasureKieker : boolean
displayLogs : boolean
displayRCALogs : boolean
displayRTSLogs : boolean
excludeByRule : String
excludeForTracing : String
excludeLog4jSlf4jImpl : boolean
excludeLog4jToSlf4j : boolean
excludes : String
executeBeforeClassInMeasurement : boolean
executeParallel : boolean
executeRCA : boolean
failOnRtsError : boolean
generateCoverageSelection : boolean
generateTwiceExecutability : boolean
importLogSizeInMb : int
includeByRule : String
includes : String
iterations : int
kiekerQueueSize : long
kiekerWaitTime : int
linearizeHistory : boolean
measureJMH : boolean
nightlyBuild : boolean
onlyMeasureWorkload : boolean
onlyOneCallRecording : boolean
pl : String
properties : String
redirectSubprocessOutputToFile : boolean
redirectToNull : boolean
removeSnapshots : boolean
repetitions : int
showStart : boolean
significanceLevel : double
testClazzFolders : String
testExecutor : String
testGoal : String
testTransformer : String
timeout : long
traceSizeInMb : int
updateSnapshotDependencies : boolean
useAggregation : boolean
useAlternativeBuildfile : boolean
useAnbox : boolean
useGC : boolean
useSourceInstrumentation : boolean
warmup : int
writeAsZip : boolean
xmx : String
$class: 'MendCnScannerBuilder'
userEmail : String
class hudson.util.Secret
mendUrl : String
repoNames : String
$class: 'MergebaseStepBuilder'
projectName : String
severityThreshold : String
mbScanPath : String
scanAll : boolean
debugMode : boolean
jsonOutput : boolean
killBuild : boolean
url : String
apiKey : String
Specify Redmine API Key which can be found in Redmine's [My Account] -> API access key
If can't find "API access key", Redmine admin needs to enable a setting. "Administration > Settings > Authentication > Enable REST web service".
projectName : String
Specify Redmine Project's Identifier which you want to generate report for, use Identifier not Name in the Redmine project setting page.
customQueryId : int
sprintSize : int
Specify the time span(day). e.g.: if you want to generate report on a weekly basis you should specify 7.
$class: 'MicroDocsChecker'
microDocsReportFile : String
microDocsProjectName : String
microDocsGroupName : String
microDocsEnvironments : String
microDocsSourceFolder : String
microDocsFailBuild : boolean
microDocsPublish : boolean
microDocsNotifyPullRequest : boolean
bucket : String
includes : String
credentialsId : String
excludes : String
host : String
targetFolder : String
bucket : String
files : String
credentialsId : String
failOnNonExisting : boolean
host : String
bucket : String
file : String
credentialsId : String
excludes : String
failOnNonExisting : boolean
host : String
targetFolder : String
$class: 'MobileStudioTestBuilder'
mobileStudioRunnerPath : String
testPath : String
msgServer : String
deviceId : String
projectRoot : String
testAsUnit : boolean
$class: 'MockLoadBuilder'
. There will be a JUnit test report with the file name mock-junit.xml
. Approximately 5% of the time, the build will "fail" its tests and thus no artifacts will be generated.
averageDuration : long
$class: 'ModelBuilder'
minBufferSize : String
hubUrls : String
$class: 'MonitorRemoteJobBuilder'
hostName : String
jobName : String
timeBefore : String
userName : String
password : String
useSSL : boolean
$class: 'MonkeyBuilder'
filename : String
packageId : String
eventCount : int
throttleMs : int
seed : String
categories : String
extraParameters : String
msBuildName : String
msBuildFile : String
Give the .proj or .sln file from the module root (SCM root directory or workspace directory) that MSBuild will use to build.
You can use build variables through the syntax ${var}.
cmdLineArgs : String
This is a whitespace separated-list of command-line arguments you can specify. These can be the same as if you were to run MSBuild from the command line.
buildVariablesAsProperties : boolean
If set to true, Jenkins build variables will be passed to MSBuild as /p:name=value pairs.
Beware : Sensitive build variables such as passwords will not be added.
continueOnBuildFailure : boolean
If set to true, Job will continue despite MSBuild build failure.
unstableIfWarnings : boolean
If set to true and warnings on compilation, the build will be unstable.
doNotUseChcpCommand : boolean
$class: 'MsBuildSQRunnerBegin'
additionalArguments : String
msBuildScannerInstallationName : String
projectKey : String
projectName : String
projectVersion : String
sonarInstallationName : String
$class: 'MsBuildSQRunnerEnd'
$class: 'MsTestBuilder'
msTestName : String
testFiles : String
Specify the path to your MSTest compiled assemblies.
You can specify multiple test assemblies by separating them with new-line.
You can use either relative path to the workspace or full path. Spaces in the path are allowed.
You can use Ant-style filters. i.e - foo/*, foo/**/bar.dll, foo/*.dll
Command Line Argument: /testcontainer
categories : String
Optional field, if you do not enter all test will run. If entered specify the test categories to run. You can use logical operators like:
Cateogry Filter | Result |
Priority1 | Any test with category Priority1 |
Priority1&SpeedTest | Test that have both Priority1 and SpeedTest categories |
Priority1|SpeedTest | Tests that have either Priority1 or SpeedTest categories |
Priority1&!SpeedTest | Test that have Priority1 category and also do not have SpeedTest category. |
Command Line Argument: /category
resultFile : String
Specify name of the result file to create. The result file will be delete before each run and will be created relative to the workspace directory.
Command Line Argument: /resultsfile
cmdLineArgs : String
continueOnFail : boolean
Specify if the build should fail if a test fail (unchecked) or continue even if a test failed (checked).
failIfNoTests : boolean
Specify if the build should fail if no test files are found.
$class: 'MultiJobBuilder'
phaseName : String
jobName : String
jobAlias : String
jobProperties : String
currParams : boolean
$class: 'BooleanParameters'
name : String
value : boolean
$class: 'CurrentBuildParameters'
$class: 'FileBuildParameters'
propertiesFile : String
encoding : String
failTriggerOnMissing : boolean
useMatrixChild : boolean
combinationFilter : String
onlyExactRuns : boolean
textParamValueOnNewLine : boolean
$class: 'GeneratorCurrentParameters'
$class: 'GitRevisionBuildParameters'
combineQueuedCommits : boolean
$class: 'MatrixSubsetBuildParameters'
filter : String
See the "Combination Filter" field in a matrix project configuration page for more details about the environment the script runs in, examples, and so on.
What you specify here gets expanded by variables of the triggering build, which allows you to dynamically control the subset of the triggered job. For example, if you trigger job BAR from FOO with label=="${TARGET}" in the filter, and if FOO defines the TARGET variable and FOO #1 sets TARGET to be linux, then the triggered BAR #3 will only select the subset of combinations where label=="linux" holds true.
Note that the variable expansion follows the ${varname} syntax used throughout in Jenkins, which collides with Groovy string inline expression syntax. However, Jenkins variable expansion leaves undefined variables as-is, so most of the time your Groovy string line expression syntax will survive the expansion, get passed to Groovy as-is, and work as expected. If you do need to escape '$', use '$$'.
$class: 'NodeLabelBuildParameter'
name : String
nodeLabel : String
$class: 'NodeParameters'
$class: 'PredefinedBuildParameters'
properties : String
textParamValueOnNewLine : boolean
$class: 'PredefinedGeneratorParameters'
properties : String
$class: 'SubversionRevisionBuildParameters'
includeUpstreamParameters : boolean
disableJob : boolean
enableRetryStrategy : boolean
parsingRulesPath : String
maxRetries : int
enableCondition : boolean
abortAllJob : boolean
condition : String
buildOnlyIfSCMChanges : boolean
applyConditionOnlyIfNoSCMChanges : boolean
aggregatedTestResults : boolean
quietPeriodGroovy : String
$class: 'MystBuilder'
mystAction : String
config : String
mystWorkspace : String
properties : String
mystInstallationName : String
ncScanType : String
ncWebsiteId : String
ncProfileId : String
ncDoNotFail : boolean
ncReportType : String
credentialsId : String
ncAbortScan : boolean
ncApiToken : Object
ncConfirmed : boolean
ncIgnoreFalsePositive : boolean
ncIgnoreRiskAccepted : boolean
ncServerURL : String
ncSeverity : String
ncStopScan : boolean
pHost : String
pPassword : String
pPort : String
pUser : String
useProxy : boolean
$class: 'NISConnection'
viewUrl : String
address : String
port : int
prozent : int
command : String
workspaceSubdirectory : String
validateDnsUrlConnection : boolean
apiUrl : String
group : String
binaryName : String
description : String
waitForResults : boolean
waitMinutes : int
breakBuildOnScore : boolean
scoreThreshold : int
apiKey : String
useBuildEndpoint : boolean
artifactsDir : String
debug : boolean
password : String
proxyEnabled : boolean
showStatusMessages : boolean
stopTestsForStatusMessage : String
username : String
validateDnsUrlConnectionEnabled : boolean
$class: 'NSiqBuilder'
srcDir : String
fileFilter : String
$class: 'NantBuilder'
nantBuildFile : String
nantName : String
targets : String
properties : String
$class: 'NeoBuildAction'
executable : String
/opt/NeoLoad 6.5/bin/NeoLoadCmd
, C:\Program Files\NeoLoad 6.5\bin\NeoLoadCmd.exe
or /Applications/NeoLoad 6.5/bin/NeoLoadCmd
projectType : String
reportType : String
localProjectFile : String
, C:\neoload_projects\JenkinsExample\JenkinsExample.nlp
or /Users/ajohnson/neoload_projects/JenkinsExample/JenkinsExample.nlp
or C:\neoload_projects\JenkinsExample\JenkinsExample.yaml
sharedProjectName : String
scenarioName : String
htmlReport : String
xmlReport : String
pdfReport : String
junitReport : String
scanAllBuilds : boolean
displayTheGUI : boolean
testResultName : String
$Date{hh:mm - dd MMM yyyy}
is replaced by the current date by NeoLoad and the value ${BUILD_NUMBER}
is replaced by the current build number by Jenkins.
$Date{hh:mm - dd MMM yyyy} (build $${BUILD_NUMBER})
testDescription : String
licenseType : String
licenseVUCount : String
licenseVUSAPCount : String
licenseDuration : String
customCommandLineOptions : String
publishTestResults : boolean
uniqueID : String
url : String
loginUser : String
class hudson.util.Secret
label : String
uniqueID : String
url : String
loginUser : String
class hudson.util.Secret
label : String
collabPath : String
licenseID : String
showTrendAverageResponse : boolean
showTrendErrorRate : boolean
name : String
path : String
statistic : String
maxTrends : int
$class: 'NerrvanaPlugin'
settingsXmlString : String
loglevel : String
$class: 'NetStormBuilder'
URLConnectionString : String
username : String
password : Object
project : String
subProject : String
scenario : String
testMode : String
baselineType : String
pollInterval : String
profile : String
generateReport : boolean
doNotWaitForTestCompletion : boolean
rampupDuration : String
skipSSLCertCheck : boolean
skipSSLHostCheck : boolean
protocol : String
repoIp : String
repoPort : String
repoPath : String
repoUsername : String
repoPassword : String
script : String
page : String
advanceSett : String
urlHeader : String
hiddenBox : String
gitPull : String
testProfileBox : String
totalusers : String
rampUpSec : String
rampupmin : String
rampuphour : String
duration : String
serverhost : String
sla : String
testName : String
scriptPath : String
emailid : String
emailidCC : String
emailidBcc : String
testsuite : String
dataDir : String
checkRuleFileUpload : String
repository : String
registrySelection : String
controllerEndpointUrlSelection : String
Select a Controller Endpoint URL from the dropdown menu, identified by its nickname. Add new Controller Endpoint URLs in the Global Settings
Note: This setting is not applicable in standalone mode.
nameOfVulnerabilityToExemptFour : String
nameOfVulnerabilityToExemptOne : String
nameOfVulnerabilityToExemptThree : String
nameOfVulnerabilityToExemptTwo : String
nameOfVulnerabilityToFailFour : String
nameOfVulnerabilityToFailOne : String
nameOfVulnerabilityToFailThree : String
nameOfVulnerabilityToFailTwo : String
numberOfHighSeverityToFail : String
numberOfMediumSeverityToFail : String
scanLayers : boolean
scanTimeout : int
sendReportToController : boolean
standaloneScanner : boolean
tag : String
$class: 'NexusArtifactUploader'
nexusVersion : String
protocol : String
nexusUrl : String
groupId : String
version : String
repository : String
credentialsId : String
artifactId : String
type : String
classifier : String
file : String
Delete App in Environment
Deletes the specified application from the specified environment.
Deploy App in Environment
Deploys the specified application from catalog to specified application.
Update App in Catalog
Updates the specified application in specified catalog.
Update App in Environment
Updates the specified application in specified environment.
endpoint : String
apikey : String
environment : String
application : String
timeout : int
endpoint : String
apikey : String
environment : String
application : String
timeout : int
catalog : String
directories : String
includescheck : boolean
includes : String
excludescheck : boolean
excludes : String
deployType : String
endpoint : String
apikey : String
catalog : String
timeout : int
directories : String
includescheck : boolean
includes : String
excludescheck : boolean
excludes : String
endpoint : String
apikey : String
environment : String
application : String
timeout : int
directories : String
includescheck : boolean
includes : String
excludescheck : boolean
excludes : String
command : String
nodeJSInstallationName : String
configId : String
$class: 'NopmdCheckPublisher'
pattern : String
excludePattern : String
body : String
$class: 'NotifyEventsBuilder'
token : String
title : String
message : String
priority : String
level : String
attachBuildLog : boolean
attachment : String
$class: 'NouvolaBuilder'
planID : String
apiKey : String
credsPass : String
waitTime : String
returnURL : String
listenTimeOut : String
$class: 'NucleiBuilder'
targetUrl : String
additionalFlags : String
nuclei --help
or visit:nucleiVersion : String
reportingConfiguration : String
$class: 'OOBuildStep'
ooServer : String
basepath : String
Default path: /Library
E.g.: Library/Tutorials/subflows/ Library/Templates
selectedFlow : String
name : String
value : String
retVariableToCheck : String
comparisonOrdinal : int
valueToCompareWith : String
desiredResultType : String
stepExecutionTimeout : String
xxx ms
. The plugin will wait for this amount of time, then it will finish the Jenkins job and it will automatically put the build in the fail/unstable state.
runName : String
waitForResults : boolean
apiKey : String
JsonCredentials : String
filePath : String
title : String
scanProfile : String
platform : String
waitMinutes : int
breakBuildOnScore : boolean
name : String
value : String
waitingForResults : boolean
$class: 'Oak9Builder'
orgId : String
projectId : String
projectEnvironmentId : String
credentialsId : String
maxSeverity : int
baseUrl : String
pollingTimeoutSeconds : int
$class: 'OctoperfBuilder'
credentialsId : String
workspaceId : String
projectId : String
scenarioId : String
testName : String
Name of the test. Leave empty to take scenario's name by default.
? extends org.jenkinsci.plugins.octoperf.conditions.TestStopCondition
toolId : String
packageId : String
packageFormat : String
sourcePath : String
additionalArgs : String
includePaths : String
outputPath : String
overwriteExisting : boolean
packageVersion : String
verboseLogging : boolean
serverId : String
spaceId : String
toolId : String
packageId : String
packageVersion : String
commentParser : String
, OverwriteExisting
, IgnoreIfExists
additionalArgs : String
gitBranch : String
gitCommit : String
gitUrl : String
verboseLogging : boolean
serverId : String
toolId : String
packagePaths : String
, OverwriteExisting
, IgnoreIfExists
additionalArgs : String
spaceId : String
verboseLogging : boolean
projectId : String
resourcesPath : String
$class: 'OntrackDSLStep'
value : String
scriptPath : String
scriptText : String
sandbox : boolean
injectEnvironment : String
) to bind as variables into the script.
For example, if you set this field to BUILD_NUMBER
, you can access the BUILD_NUMBER
value from the script using:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', '1.0').build("1.0-${BUILD_NUMBER}", '')
injectProperties : String
You can define variables to inject into the script by using a property-like format.
For example, the following text:
would inject the corresponding BRANCH
variables in the script:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', BRANCH).build(VERSION, "Build ${VERSION}")
In the text:
name = value
are ignored${VAR}
are expanded using VAR
from the current environment variables.ontrackLog : boolean
ignoreFailure : boolean
$class: 'OpenShiftBuildVerifier'
apiURL : String
bldCfg : String
namespace : String
authToken : String
verbose : String
checkForTriggeredDeployments : String
waitTime : String
waitUnit : String
$class: 'OpenShiftBuilder'
apiURL : String
bldCfg : String
namespace : String
name : String
value : String
authToken : String
verbose : String
commitID : String
buildName : String
showBuildLogs : String
checkForTriggeredDeployments : String
waitTime : String
waitUnit : String
$class: 'OpenShiftCreator'
apiURL : String
namespace : String
authToken : String
verbose : String
jsonyaml : String
$class: 'OpenShiftDeleterJsonYaml'
apiURL : String
namespace : String
authToken : String
verbose : String
jsonyaml : String
$class: 'OpenShiftDeleterLabels'
apiURL : String
namespace : String
authToken : String
verbose : String
types : String
keys : String
values : String
$class: 'OpenShiftDeleterList'
apiURL : String
namespace : String
authToken : String
verbose : String
types : String
keys : String
$class: 'OpenShiftDeployer'
apiURL : String
depCfg : String
namespace : String
authToken : String
verbose : String
waitTime : String
waitUnit : String
$class: 'OpenShiftDeploymentVerifier'
apiURL : String
depCfg : String
namespace : String
replicaCount : String
authToken : String
verbose : String
verifyReplicaCount : String
waitTime : String
waitUnit : String
$class: 'OpenShiftExec'
apiURL : String
namespace : String
authToken : String
verbose : String
pod : String
container : String
command : String
value : String
waitTime : String
waitUnit : String
$class: 'OpenShiftImageTagger'
apiURL : String
testTag : String
prodTag : String
namespace : String
authToken : String
verbose : String
testStream : String
prodStream : String
destinationNamespace : String
destinationAuthToken : String
alias : String
$class: 'OpenShiftScaler'
apiURL : String
depCfg : String
namespace : String
replicaCount : String
authToken : String
verbose : String
verifyReplicaCount : String
waitTime : String
waitUnit : String
$class: 'OpenShiftServiceVerifier'
apiURL : String
svcName : String
namespace : String
authToken : String
verbose : String
$class: 'OrchestratorBuilder'
serverUrl : String
userName : String
password : String
tenant : String
workflowName : String
waitExec : boolean
name : String
type : String
value : String
This step maps outputs and capabilities, of an environment created by Cloudify, into inputs of another deployment.
This step takes two inputs:
The format of the mapping JSON is as follows:
{ "outputs": { "<output_name>": "<input_name>", "<output_name>": "<input_name>", ... }, "capabilities": { "<capability_name>": "<input_name>", "<capability_name>": "<input_name>", ... } }
At the end, a file will be generated, containing a JSON compatible with Cloudify's standard "Deployment Inputs" structure, namely:
{ "<input_name>": "<intput_value>", "<input_name>": "<intput_value>", ...
For example, if the "outputs file" is as follows:
{ "outputs": { "endpoint": "", "username": "centos" }, "capabilities": { "public_key": "/tmp/public_key" } }
And the mapping is as follows:
{ "outputs": { "username": "app_username" }, "capabilities": { "public_key": "app_data" } }
Then the resultant inputs file will be as follows:
{ "app_username": "centos", "app_data": "/tmp/public_key" }
credentialsId : String
inputsLocation : String
Path to the inputs file to be created.
mapping : String
A JSON containing mapping between outputs/capabilities and inputs. For information about the structure, refer to the tooltip of this build step.
mappingLocation : String
A JSON containing mapping between outputs/capabilities and inputs. For information about the structure, refer to the tooltip of this build step.
outputsLocation : String
Location of the outputs JSON file, containing outputs and capabilities of another deployment. The file must be in the following format:
{ "outputs": { "<output_name>": "<output_value>", "<output_name>": "<output_value>", ... }, "capabilities": { "<capability_name>": "<capability_value>", "<capability_name>": "<capability_value>", ... } }
tenant : String
Cloudify tenant to operate on. If left empty, then the default tenant (defined in the plugin's configuration page) will be used.
integrationId : String
branchName : String
appPath : String
dotnet pack
command builds the project and creates NuGet packages. The result of this command is a NuGet package (that is, a .nupkg file).
charset : String
configuration : String
, but you can override the build configuration settings in your project.
continueOnError : boolean
, if configured that way), but the build will be allowed to continue. Otherwise, any such errors will cause the build to be terminated immediately.
force : boolean
includeSource : boolean
folder within the symbols package.
includeSymbols : boolean
noBuild : boolean
noDependencies : boolean
noRestore : boolean
nologo : boolean
option : String
options : Array / List of String
optionsString : String
outputDirectory : String
project : String
java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String>
propertiesString : String
runtime : String
sdk : String
will be in the path.
With .NETelement (or a
block in a pipeline script) to specify one, or ensure this step runs on a node that has a .NET SDK installed and in the path.
showSdkInfo : boolean
dotnet --info
will be executed before the main command. This shows a list of available SDKs and runtimes, indicating which one is currently being used.
shutDownBuildServers : boolean
dotnet build-server shutdown
will be executed after the main command, shutting down build servers that may have been started.
hanguntil those server processes end. As such, it's recommended to specify this for the last .NET-related step in a job. If using multiple SDKs, each needs its own shutdown (e.g. the .NET Core 3.1 SDK will not shut down build servers from the .NET 5.0 SDK).
specificSdkVersion : boolean
executable may use the most recent SDK available on the system, even when PATH
is set up to find an older SDK deployment first; see this page for more information.
file will be created in the current directory, referencing that SDK version and disabling roll-forward.
already present in the current directory.
unstableIfErrors : boolean
unstableIfWarnings : boolean
verbosity : String
versionSuffix : String
MSBuild property in the project.
workDirectory : String
initialUrl : String
urlsWhiteList : String
pageCount : int
rule : String
complianceMinimum : float
allowSimultaneousLogins : boolean
loginFlowJson : String
useRunner : boolean
fetchResponseTimeout : int
$class: 'ParameterPoolBuilder'
projects : String
name : String
values : String
preferError : boolean
$class: 'PartialReleaseMgrSuccessfulBuilder'
serverAndPort : String
pcServerName : String
credentialsId : String
almDomain : String
almProject : String
testId : String
testInstanceId : String
autoTestInstanceID : String
timeslotDurationHours : String
timeslotDurationMinutes : String
vudsMode : boolean
statusBySLA : boolean
description : String
addRunToTrendReport : String
trendReportId : String
HTTPSProtocol : boolean
proxyOutURL : String
credentialsProxyId : String
retry : String
retryDelay : String
retryOccurrences : String
authenticateWithToken : boolean
description : String
pcServerName : String
httpsProtocol : boolean
credentialsId : String
almDomain : String
almProject : String
serverAndPort : String
proxyOutURL : String
credentialsProxyId : String
subjectTestPlan : String
, NO
Parameter | Description | Required |
controller |
Defines the Controller to be used during the test run (it must be an available host in the project). If not specified, a Controller will be chosen from the different controllers available in the project.
From Performance Center 12.62 and plugin version 1.1.1, the option to provision a Controller as a Docker image is available by specifying the value "Elastic" and providing a value for the 'controller_elastic_configuration' parameter (see 'controller_elastic_configuration' table below).
No |
lg_amount | Number of load generators to allocate to the test (every group in the test will be run by the same load generators). | Not required if each group defined in the 'group' parameter defines the load generators it will be using via the 'lg_name' parameter (see 'group' table below). |
group | Lists all groups or scripts defined in the test. The parameter to be used in each group are specified in the 'group' table below. | Yes |
scheduler | Defines the duration of a test, and determines whether virtual users are started simultaneously or gradually. See the 'scheduler' table below. | No |
lg_elastic_configuration | Defines the image to be used in order to provision load generators. See the 'lg_elastic_configuration' table below. Available from Performance Center 12.62 and plugin version 1.1.1. | Yes, if a load generator is defined to be provisioned from a Docker image. |
controller_elastic_configuration | Defines the image to be used in order to provision the Controller. See the 'controller_elastic_configuration' table below. Available from Performance Center 12.62 and plugin version 1.1.1. | Yes, if the Controller is defined to be provisioned from a Docker image. |
automatic_trending | Defines association to existing trend report. | No |
Parameter | Description | Required |
group_name | Name of the group (it must be a unique name if several groups are defined). | Yes |
vusers | Number of virtual users to allocate to the group for running the script. | Yes |
script_id | ID of the script in the project. | Not required if the 'script_path' parameter is specified. |
script_path | Path and name of the script to be added to the group, separated by double backslashes (\\). For example "MyMainFolder\\MySubFolder\\MyScriptName'. Do not include the root folder (named "Subject"). | Not required if 'script_id' parameter is specified |
lg_name | List of load generators to allocate to the group for running the script. The supported values are:
No |
command_line | The command line applied to the group. | No |
rts | Object defining the runtime settings of the script. See the 'rts' table below. | No |
Parameter | Description | Required |
pacing | Can be used to define the number of iterations the script will run and the required delay between iterations (see the 'pacing' table below). | No |
thinktime | Can be used to define think time (see the 'thinktime' table below). | No |
java_vm | Can be used when defining Java environment runtime settings (see the 'java_vm' table below). | No |
jmeter | Can be used to define JMeter environment runtime settings (see the 'jmeter' table below). | No |
Parameter | Description | Required |
number_of_iterations | Specifies the number of iterations to run; this must be a positive number. | Yes |
type | Possible values for type attribute are:
No |
delay | Non-negative number (less than 'delay_at_range_to_seconds' when specified). | Depends on the value provided for the 'type' parameter. |
delay_random_range | Non-negative number. It will be added to the value given to the 'delay' parameter (the value will be randomly chosen between the value given to 'delay' parameter and the same value to which is added the value of this parameter). | Depends on the value provided for the 'type' parameter. |
Parameter | Description | Required |
type | The ThinkTime Type attribute is one of:
No |
min_percentage | This must be a positive number. | Depends on the value provided for the 'type' parameter. |
max_percentage | This must be a positive number (it must be larger than the value provided for the 'min_percentage' parameter). | Depends on the value provided for the 'type' parameter. |
limit_seconds | This must be a positive number. | Depends on the value provided for the 'type' parameter. |
multiply_factor | The recorded think time is multiplied by this factor at runtime. | Depends on the value provided for the 'type' parameter. |
Parameter | Description | Required |
jdk_home | The JDK installation path. | No |
java_vm_parameters | List the Java command line parameters. These parameters can be any JVM argument. The common arguments are the debug flag (-verbose) or memory settings (-ms, -mx). In additional, you can also pass properties to Java applications in the form of a -D flag. | No |
use_xboot | Boolean: Instructs VuGen to add the Classpath before the Xbootclasspath (prepend the string). | No |
enable_classloader_per_vuser | Boolean: Loads each Virtual User using a dedicated class loader (runs Vusers as threads). | No |
java_env_class_paths | A list of classpath entries. Use a double backslash (\\) for folder separators. | No |
Parameter | Description | Required |
start_measurements | Boolean value to enable JMX measurements during performance test execution. | No |
jmeter_home_path | Path to JMeter home. If not defined, the path from the %JMETER_HOME% environment variable is used. | No |
jmeter_min_port | This number must be lower than the value provided in the 'jmeter_max_port' parameter. Both 'jmeter_min_port' and 'jmeter_max_port' parameters must be specified otherwise the default port values is used. | No |
jmeter_max_port | This number must be higher than the value provided in the 'jmeter_min_port' parameter. Both 'jmeter_min_port' and 'jmeter_max_port' parameters must be specified otherwise the default port values is used. | No |
jmeter_additional_properties | JMeter additional properties file. Use double slash (\\) for folder separator. | No |
Parameter | Description | Required |
rampup | Time, in seconds, to gradually start all virtual users. Additional virtual users are added every 15 seconds until the time specified in the parameter ends. If no value is specified, all virtual users are started simultaneously at the beginning of the test. | No |
duration | Time, in seconds, that it will take to run the test after all virtual users are started. After this time, the test run ends. If not specified, the test will run until completion. | No |
Parameter | Description | Required |
report_id | Id of the trend report to associate the test run analysis with. | No |
max_runs_in_report | Maximum trends in a report (default is 10 if not specified). | No |
Parameter | Description | Required |
image_id | This number can be retrieved from:
Yes if one of the load generator is defined to be provisioned from Docker image. |
memory_limit | This parameter can be retrieved from Application -> Test Management -> edit a test -> Press Assign LG button -> in the Elastic section, select DOCKER1 -> select the relevant image (based on the image name) -> use the values provided in the 'Memory(GB)' dropdown list (if not specified, this parameter should be ignored). | Yes, if the image is defined with resource limits |
cpu_limit | This parameter can be retrieved from Application -> Test Management -> edit a test -> Press Assign LG button -> in the Elastic section, select DOCKER1 -> select the relevant image (based on the image name) -> use the values provided in the 'CUPs' dropdown list (if not specified, this parameter should be ignored). | Yes, if the image is defined with resource limits |
Parameter | Description | Required |
image_id | This number can be retrieved from:
Yes if the Controller is defined to be provisioned from Docker image. |
memory_limit | This parameter can be retrieved from Application -> Test Management -> edit a test -> select the Controller -> choose Elastic option -> select the relevant image -> Under the Resource Limits label, find and use the values provided in the 'Memory(GB)' dropdown list (if not specified, this parameter should be ignored). | Yes, if the image is defined with resource limits |
cpu_limit | This parameter can be retrieved from Application -> Test Management -> edit a test -> select the Controller -> choose Elastic option -> select the relevant image -> Under the Resource Limits label, find and use the values provided in the 'CUPs' dropdown list (if not specified, this parameter should be ignored). | Yes, if the image is defined with resource limits |
- group_name: "TEstInt"
vusers: '20'
script_path: "plugin\\TEstInt"
- "LG1"
- "LG2"
- group_name: "Mtours"
vusers: '20'
script_path: "plugin\\mtours"
- "LG3"
- "LG4"
rampup: '45'
Duration: '300'
controller: "mycontroller"
lg_amount: 3
- group_name: "JavaVuser_LR_Information_pacing_immediately_thinktime_ignore"
vusers: 50
script_id: 394
number_of_iterations: 2
type: "immediately"
jdk_home: "C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk1.8.0_191"
java_vm_parameters: "java_vm_parameters"
enable_classloader_per_vuser: true
use_xboot: true
- "java_env_class_path1"
- "java_env_class_path2"
type: "ignore"
- group_name: "JavaHTTP_BigXML_pacing_fixed_delay_thinktime_replay"
vusers: 50
script_path: "scripts\\java_protocols\\JavaHTTP_BigXML"
number_of_iterations: 2
type: "fixed delay"
delay: 10
jdk_home: "C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk1.8.0_191"
java_vm_parameters: "java_vm_parameters"
enable_classloader_per_vuser: true
type: "replay"
limit_seconds: 30
- group_name: "JavaVuser_LR_Information_immediately_pacing_random_delay_thinktime_modify"
vusers: 50
script_id: 394
number_of_iterations: 2
type: "random delay"
delay: 10
delay_random_range: 20
jdk_home: "C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk1.8.0_191"
java_vm_parameters: "java_vm_parameters"
enable_classloader_per_vuser: true
- "java_env_class_path1"
- "java_env_class_path2"
type: "modify"
limit_seconds: 30
multiply_factor: 2
- group_name: "JavaHTTP_BigXML_pacing_fixed_interval_thinktime_random"
vusers: 50
#script_id: 392
script_path: "scripts\\java_protocols\\JavaHTTP_BigXML"
number_of_iterations: 2
type: "fixed interval"
delay: 10
jdk_home: "C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk1.8.0_191"
java_vm_parameters: "java_vm_parameters"
enable_classloader_per_vuser: true
- "java_env_class_path1"
- "java_env_class_path2"
type: "random"
limit_seconds: 30
min_percentage: 2
max_percentage: 3
- group_name: "JavaHTTP_BigXML_pacing_random_interval"
vusers: 50
script_path: "scripts\\java_protocols\\JavaHTTP_BigXML"
number_of_iterations: 2
type: "random interval"
delay: 10
delay_random_range: 20
jdk_home: "C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk1.8.0_191"
java_vm_parameters: "java_vm_parameters"
enable_classloader_per_vuser: true
- "java_env_class_path1"
- "java_env_class_path2"
- group_name: "Mtours_pacing_random_interval"
vusers: 50
script_path: "scripts\\Mtours"
number_of_iterations: 2
type: "random interval"
delay: 10
delay_random_range: 20
start_measurements: true
jmeter_home_path: "c:\\jmeter"
jmeter_min_port: 2001
jmeter_max_port: 3001
jmeter_additional_properties: "jmeter_additional_properties"
- group_name: "Mtours_pacing_random_interval_Jmeter_default_port"
vusers: 50
script_path: "scripts\\Mtours"
number_of_iterations: 2
type: "random interval"
delay: 10
delay_random_range: 20
start_measurements: true
rampup: 120
duration: 600
, NO
authenticateWithToken : boolean
serverAndPort : String
pcServerName : String
credentialsId : String
almDomain : String
almProject : String
testToRun : String
testId : String
testContentToCreate : String
The content of the field must either be:
Parameter | Description | Required |
test_name | The test name. | Yes |
test_folder_path | The location of the test in the Test Management folder tree of the project. The folders should be separated by double backslashes (\\). For example, "MyMainFolder\\MySubfolder\\MySubSubFolder". Do not include the root folder (named "Subject") | Yes |
test_content | The content of the test that requires additional parameters specified in the 'test_content' table below. | Yes |
Parameter | Description | Required |
controller |
Defines the Controller to be used during the test run (it must be an available host in the project). If not specified, a Controller will be chosen from the different controllers available in the project.
From Performance Center 12.62 and plugin version 1.1.1, the option to provision a Controller as a Docker image is available by specifying the value "Elastic" and providing a value for the 'controller_elastic_configuration' parameter (see 'controller_elastic_configuration' table below).
No |
lg_amount | Number of load generators to allocate to the test (every group in the test will be run by the same load generators). | Not required if each group defined in the 'group' parameter defines the load generators it will be using via the 'lg_name' parameter (see 'group' table below). |
group | Lists all groups or scripts defined in the test. The parameter to be used in each group are specified in the 'group' table below. | Yes |
scheduler | Defines the duration of a test, and determines whether virtual users are started simultaneously or gradually. See the 'scheduler' table below. | No |
lg_elastic_configuration | Defines the image to be used in order to provision load generators. See the 'lg_elastic_configuration' table below. Available from Performance Center 12.62 and plugin version 1.1.1. | Yes, if a load generator is defined to be provisioned from a Docker image. |
controller_elastic_configuration | Defines the image to be used in order to provision the Controller. See the 'controller_elastic_configuration' table below. Available from Performance Center 12.62 and plugin version 1.1.1. | Yes, if the Controller is defined to be provisioned from a Docker image. |
automatic_trending | Defines association to existing trend report. If the parameter is not defined, the test will not be associated to any trend report. | No |
Parameter | Description | Required |
group_name | Name of the group (it must be a unique name if several groups are defined). | Yes |
vusers | Number of virtual users to allocate to the group for running the script. | Yes |
script_id | ID of the script in the project. | Not required if the 'script_path' parameter is specified. |
script_path | Path and name of the script to be added to the group, separated by double backslashes (\\). For example "MyMainFolder\\MySubFolder\\MyScriptName'. Do not include the root folder (named "Subject"). | Not required if 'script_id' parameter is specified |
lg_name | List of load generators to allocate to the group for running the script. The supported values are:
No |
command_line | The command line applied to the group. | No |
rts | Object defining the runtime settings of the script. See the 'rts' table below. | No |
Parameter | Description | Required |
pacing | Can be used to define the number of iterations the script will run and the required delay between iterations (see the 'pacing' table below). | No |
thinktime | Can be used to define think time (see the 'thinktime' table below). | No |
java_vm | Can be used when defining Java environment runtime settings (see the 'java_vm' table below). | No |
jmeter | Can be used to define JMeter environment runtime settings (see the 'jmeter' table below). | No |
Parameter | Description | Required |
number_of_iterations | Specifies the number of iterations to run; this must be a positive number. | Yes |
type | Possible values for type attribute are:
No |
delay | Non-negative number (less than 'delay_at_range_to_seconds' when specified). | Depends on the value provided for the 'type' parameter. |
delay_random_range | Non-negative number. It will be added to the value given to the 'delay' parameter (the value will be randomly chosen between the value given to 'delay' parameter and the same value to which is added the value of this parameter). | Depends on the value provided for the 'type' parameter. |
Parameter | Description | Required |
type | The ThinkTime Type attribute is one of:
No |
min_percentage | This must be a positive number. | Depends on the value provided for the 'type' parameter. |
max_percentage | This must be a positive number (it must be larger than the value provided for the 'min_percentage' parameter). | Depends on the value provided for the 'type' parameter. |
limit_seconds | This must be a positive number. | Depends on the value provided for the 'type' parameter. |
multiply_factor | The recorded think time is multiplied by this factor at runtime. | Depends on the value provided for the 'type' parameter. |
Parameter | Description | Required |
jdk_home | The JDK installation path. | No |
java_vm_parameters | List the Java command line parameters. These parameters can be any JVM argument. The common arguments are the debug flag (-verbose) or memory settings (-ms, -mx). In additional, you can also pass properties to Java applications in the form of a -D flag. | No |
use_xboot | Boolean: Instructs VuGen to add the Classpath before the Xbootclasspath (prepend the string). | No |
enable_classloader_per_vuser | Boolean: Loads each Virtual User using a dedicated class loader (runs Vusers as threads). | No |
java_env_class_paths | A list of classpath entries. Use a double backslash (\\) for folder separators. | No |
Parameter | Description | Required |
start_measurements | Boolean value to enable JMX measurements during performance test execution. | No |
jmeter_home_path | Path to JMeter home. If not defined, the path from the %JMETER_HOME% environment variable is used. | No |
jmeter_min_port | This number must be lower than the value provided in the 'jmeter_max_port' parameter. Both 'jmeter_min_port' and 'jmeter_max_port' parameters must be specified otherwise the default port values is used. | No |
jmeter_max_port | This number must be higher than the value provided in the 'jmeter_min_port' parameter. Both 'jmeter_min_port' and 'jmeter_max_port' parameters must be specified otherwise the default port values is used. | No |
jmeter_additional_properties | JMeter additional properties file. Use double slash (\\) for folder separator. | No |
Parameter | Description | Required |
rampup | Time, in seconds, to gradually start all virtual users. Additional virtual users are added every 15 seconds until the time specified in the parameter ends. If no value is specified, all virtual users are started simultaneously at the beginning of the test. | No |
duration | Time, in seconds, that it will take to run the test after all virtual users are started. After this time, the test run ends. If not specified, the test will run until completion. | No |
Parameter | Description | Required |
report_id | Id of the trend report to associate the test run analysis with. | No |
max_runs_in_report | Maximum trends in a report (default is 10 if not specified). | No |
Parameter | Description | Required |
image_id | This number can be retrieved from:
Yes if one of the load generator is defined to be provisioned from Docker image. |
memory_limit | This parameter can be retrieved from Application -> Test Management -> edit a test -> Press Assign LG button -> in the Elastic section, select DOCKER1 -> select the relevant image (based on the image name) -> use the values provided in the 'Memory(GB)' dropdown list (if not specified, this parameter should be ignored). | Yes, if the image is defined with resource limits |
cpu_limit | This parameter can be retrieved from Application -> Test Management -> edit a test -> Press Assign LG button -> in the Elastic section, select DOCKER1 -> select the relevant image (based on the image name) -> use the values provided in the 'CUPs' dropdown list (if not specified, this parameter should be ignored). | Yes, if the image is defined with resource limits |
Parameter | Description | Required |
image_id | This number can be retrieved from:
Yes if the Controller is defined to be provisioned from Docker image. |
memory_limit | This parameter can be retrieved from Application -> Test Management -> edit a test -> select the Controller -> choose Elastic option -> select the relevant image -> Under the Resource Limits label, find and use the values provided in the 'Memory(GB)' dropdown list (if not specified, this parameter should be ignored). | Yes, if the image is defined with resource limits |
cpu_limit | This parameter can be retrieved from Application -> Test Management -> edit a test -> select the Controller -> choose Elastic option -> select the relevant image -> Under the Resource Limits label, find and use the values provided in the 'CUPs' dropdown list (if not specified, this parameter should be ignored). | Yes, if the image is defined with resource limits |
test_name: mytestname
test_folder_path: "Tests\\mytests"
- group_name: "TEstInt"
vusers: '20'
script_path: "plugin\\TEstInt"
- "LG1"
- "LG2"
- group_name: "Mtours"
vusers: '20'
script_path: "plugin\\mtours"
- "LG3"
- "LG4"
rampup: '45'
duration: '300'
- group_name: "TEstInt"
vusers: '20'
script_path: "plugin\\TEstInt"
- "LG1"
- "LG2"
- group_name: "Mtours"
vusers: '20'
script_path: "plugin\\mtours"
- "LG3"
- "LG4"
rampup: '45'
duration: '300'
controller: "mycontroller"
lg_amount: 3
- group_name: "JavaVuser_LR_Information_pacing_immediately_thinktime_ignore"
vusers: 50
script_id: 394
number_of_iterations: 2
type: "immediately"
jdk_home: "C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk1.8.0_191"
java_vm_parameters: "java_vm_parameters"
enable_classloader_per_vuser: true
use_xboot: true
- "java_env_class_path1"
- "java_env_class_path2"
type: "ignore"
- group_name: "JavaHTTP_BigXML_pacing_fixed_delay_thinktime_replay"
vusers: 50
script_path: "scripts\\java_protocols\\JavaHTTP_BigXML"
number_of_iterations: 2
type: "fixed delay"
delay: 10
jdk_home: "C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk1.8.0_191"
java_vm_parameters: "java_vm_parameters"
enable_classloader_per_vuser: true
type: "replay"
limit_seconds: 30
- group_name: "JavaVuser_LR_Information_immediately_pacing_random_delay_thinktime_modify"
vusers: 50
script_id: 394
number_of_iterations: 2
type: "random delay"
delay: 10
delay_random_range: 20
jdk_home: "C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk1.8.0_191"
java_vm_parameters: "java_vm_parameters"
enable_classloader_per_vuser: true
- "java_env_class_path1"
- "java_env_class_path2"
type: "modify"
limit_seconds: 30
multiply_factor: 2
- group_name: "JavaHTTP_BigXML_pacing_fixed_interval_thinktime_random"
vusers: 50
#script_id: 392
script_path: "scripts\\java_protocols\\JavaHTTP_BigXML"
number_of_iterations: 2
type: "fixed interval"
delay: 10
jdk_home: "C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk1.8.0_191"
java_vm_parameters: "java_vm_parameters"
enable_classloader_per_vuser: true
- "java_env_class_path1"
- "java_env_class_path2"
type: "random"
limit_seconds: 30
min_percentage: 2
max_percentage: 3
- group_name: "JavaHTTP_BigXML_pacing_random_interval"
vusers: 50
script_path: "scripts\\java_protocols\\JavaHTTP_BigXML"
number_of_iterations: 2
type: "random interval"
delay: 10
delay_random_range: 20
jdk_home: "C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk1.8.0_191"
java_vm_parameters: "java_vm_parameters"
enable_classloader_per_vuser: true
- "java_env_class_path1"
- "java_env_class_path2"
- group_name: "Mtours_pacing_random_interval"
vusers: 50
script_path: "scripts\\Mtours"
number_of_iterations: 2
type: "random interval"
delay: 10
delay_random_range: 20
start_measurements: true
jmeter_home_path: "c:\\jmeter"
jmeter_min_port: 2001
jmeter_max_port: 3001
jmeter_additional_properties: "jmeter_additional_properties"
- group_name: "Mtours_pacing_random_interval_Jmeter_default_port"
vusers: 50
script_path: "scripts\\Mtours"
number_of_iterations: 2
type: "random interval"
delay: 10
delay_random_range: 20
start_measurements: true
rampup: 120
duration: 600
testInstanceId : String
autoTestInstanceID : String
timeslotDurationHours : String
timeslotDurationMinutes : String
vudsMode : boolean
statusBySLA : boolean
description : String
addRunToTrendReport : String
trendReportId : String
HTTPSProtocol : boolean
proxyOutURL : String
credentialsProxyId : String
retry : String
retryDelay : String
retryOccurrences : String
trendReportWaitTime : String
authenticateWithToken : boolean
searchTimeslot : boolean
changeClassifications : String
project : String
timespan : String
unmeasuredClassifications : String
dynatraceProfile : String
configuration : String
dynatraceProfile : String
agent : String
host : String
autoPostProcess : boolean
capturePrimitives : boolean
captureStrings : boolean
dogc : boolean
lockSession : boolean
type : String
dynatraceProfile : String
testCase : String
lockSession : boolean
recordingOption : String
dynatraceProfile : String
dynatraceProfile : String
agent : String
host : String
lockSession : boolean
acct : String
command : String
$class: 'PerformTsoCommandStep'
connectionName : String
acct : String
command : String
$class: 'PerformanceAnalysisBuilder'
testjob : String
Specify the data set name that contains the mainframe job that you want to run the performance benchmarking for, for example, TEST.POC.JCLLIB(TESTJOB).
The maximum length is 44 characters.
Ensure that the job is included in the monitoring scope of the MAT Performance Benchmarking plugin by Broadcom.
credentialsId : String
workspaceId : String
testId : String
abortJob : boolean
additionalTestFiles : String
getJtl : boolean
getJunit : boolean
jobApiKey : String
jtlPath : String
junitPath : String
mainTestFile : String
notes : String
reportLinkName : String
selectWebhook : String
serverUrl : String
sessionProperties : String
webhookUrl : String
applicationName : String
applicationVersion : String
applicationComponent : String
errorCount : long
sampleCount : long
testCount : long
params : String
alwaysUseVirtualenv : boolean
bztVersion : String
generatePerformanceTrend : boolean
printDebugOutput : boolean
useBztExitCode : boolean
useSystemSitePackages : boolean
virtualEnvCommand : String
workingDirectory : String
workspace : String
$class: 'PhingBuilder'
name : String
buildFile : String
If your build requires a custom -buildfile, specify it here. By default Phing will use the build.xml in the module directory, this option can be used to use build files with a different name or in somewhere outside the top directory.
And you can use environment variables such like ''$WORKSPACE''.
targets : String
properties : String
# comment name1=value1 name2=value2These are passed to Phing like "-Dname1=value1 -Dname2=value2"
useModuleRoot : boolean
options : String
$class: 'PipelineGenerationStep'
project : String
Name of the project. It is used as an identifier in the corresponding pipelines, folders and jobs being generated.
projectScmType : String
Type of the SCM. Currently only svn
and git
are supported.
projectScmUrl : String
URL to the project SCM. Without any branch indication.
For example:
, URL to the root of the project, without trunk
or branches
, URL of the remote.projectScmCredentials : String
ID or UUID of the Jenkins credentials to use when connecting to the project SCM.
branch : String
SCM branch.
seedProject : String
Project name useable for folders, job names, etc.
seedBranch : String
Branch name useable for folders, job names, etc.
disableDslScript : boolean
If checked, the pipeline generation disallows the direct execution of a DSL Groovy script. Only DSL libraries, configured through a file are allowed. By default, both modes are allowed.
scriptDirectory : String
Path to the directory which contains the pipeline script. Defaults to seed
if not filled.
group : String
style : String
csvFileName : String
file : String
url : String
inclusionFlag : String
exclusionValues : String
displayTableFlag : boolean
description : String
exclZero : boolean
keepRecords : boolean
logarithmic : boolean
numBuilds : String
file : String
label : String
title : String
useDescr : boolean
file : String
xpath : String
nodeType : String
url : String
yaxis : String
yaxisMaximum : String
yaxisMinimum : String
imageName : String
block : boolean
$class: 'PortScannerStep'
scanDest : String
Scan destination: IP address or host name
repName : String
enableCipherDetection : boolean
timeoutInMs : int
Too high timeout slows down the scan, too small one reduces the reliability of open ports detection. Find your balance :-)
threadNmb : int
Too small threadNmb slows down the scan, too high one increases the load of your system. Find your balance :-)
secureCnAccessKey : String
secureCnSecretKeyId : String
imageName : String
dockerRegistryPasswordId : String
highestSeverityAllowed : String
highestSeverityAllowedDf : String
pushLocalImage : boolean
url : String
$class: 'PowerShell'
command : String
stopOnError : boolean
Stops script when some step fails. Similar to Shell set -e. Translates to inserting the line '$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"' into the beginning of your command block. See documentation on ErrorActionPreference.
However, this can break scripts that have advanced parameter blocks, specifically those utilizing '[CmdletBinding()]' in the beginning as this must be the first executable line in a scriptblock, resulting in an 'UnexpectedAttribute' error.
useProfile : boolean
Runs script with default profile or no profile. See documentation.
unstableReturn : int
$class: 'PowerShellBuildStep'
buildStepId : String
defineArgs : boolean
arg : String
$class: 'PreflightBuilder'
clientId : String
clientSecret : String
testId : String
groupId : String
environmentId : String
platforms : String
chrome, ie, edge, firefox
sizes : String
.1920x1080, 1440x900
1920x1080, 1440x900, 1024x768, 480x640
captureScreenshots : boolean
waitResults : boolean
$class: 'PrereqBuilder'
projects : String
warningOnly : boolean
targetId : String
ID of the target you want Probely to scan.
authToken : String
Raw Probely API authentication key.
Please use the credentialsId field instead, unless you understand the security implications of using this mechanism. Passing the API authentication token directly is not advised, unless it is properly secured using a secret storage mechanism, such as HashiCorp Vault.
credentialsId : String
Credential identifier for the Probely API authentication key.
failThreshold : String
Mark the build as failed if a vulnerability with the following severity level is found.
stopIfFailed : boolean
If the build fails because the target is vulnerable, stop scanning for more vulnerabilities.
waitForScan : boolean
Wait for the scan to complete before proceeding to the next step in the pipeline.
Since a scan can take a long time, the plugin will return as soon as the scan starts. This is enabled by default to make the build faster.
Please note that disabling this option implies that the build step always finishes successfully, even if vulnerabilities are found later on.
Enabling this option allows the plugin to mark the build as failed if it finds any vulnerabilities.
$class: 'ProjectGenerationStep'
destructor : boolean
authorisations : String
branchSCMParameter : boolean
branchParameters : String
generationExtension : String
pipelineGenerationExtension : String
disableDslScript : boolean
scriptDirectory : String
projectFolderPath : String
branchFolderPath : String
projectSeedName : String
projectDestructorName : String
branchSeedName : String
branchStartName : String
branchName : String
ignoredBranchPrefixes : String
delete : boolean
auto : boolean
trigger : boolean
commit : String
project : String
scmType : String
scmUrl : String
scmCredentials : String
triggerIdentifier : String
triggerType : String
triggerSecret : String
$class: 'ProjectPrerequisitesInstaller'
provarAutomationName : String
buildFile : String
folder of your Project Name
testPlan : String
folder in Provar.
testFolder : String
folder in Provar.
environment : String
default environment.
, Chrome
, Edge
, Edge_Legacy
, Firefox
, Safari
class hudson.util.Secret
, Refresh
, Reload
, Replace
, Fail
projectName : String
file, along with other Provar-related files. Leave blank if the Jenkins Workspace folder is the same as the project folder.
licensePath : String
bookmarkId : String
autoSelectRepository : boolean
credentialId : String
databaseName : String
engineId : String
environmentId : String
environmentUserId : String
fileNameSuffix : String
jsonParam : String
name : String
repositoryId : String
retentionPolicyId : String
skipPolling : boolean
snapshotPolicyId : String
sourceDataId : String
key : String
value : String
targetGroupId : String
vdbRestart : boolean
autoSelectRepository : boolean
credentialId : String
databaseName : String
engineId : String
environmentId : String
environmentUserId : String
fileNameSuffix : String
jsonParam : String
name : String
repositoryId : String
retentionPolicyId : String
skipPolling : boolean
snapshotId : String
snapshotPolicyId : String
sourceDataId : String
key : String
value : String
targetGroupId : String
vdbRestart : boolean
$class: 'ProxyBuilder'
projectName : String
dotnet publish
compiles the application, reads through its dependencies specified in the project file, and publishes the resulting set of files to a directory. The output includes the following assets:
dotnet publish
command's output is ready for deployment to a hosting system (for example, a server, PC, Mac, laptop) for execution. It's the only officially supported way to prepare the application for deployment. Depending on the type of deployment that the project specifies, the hosting system may or may not have the .NET Core shared runtime installed on it. For more information, see Publish .NET Core apps with the .NET Core CLI .
charset : String
configuration : String
, but you can override the build configuration settings in your project.
continueOnError : boolean
, if configured that way), but the build will be allowed to continue. Otherwise, any such errors will cause the build to be terminated immediately.
force : boolean
framework : String
manifest : String
manifests : Array / List of String
manifestsString : String
dotnet store command
noBuild : boolean
noDependencies : boolean
noRestore : boolean
nologo : boolean
option : String
options : Array / List of String
optionsString : String
outputDirectory : String
dotnet publish
commands result in nested output folders. For example, if the project folder is myproject, and the publish output folder is myproject/publish, and you run dotnet publish
twice, the second run puts content files such as .config and .json files in myproject/publish/publish. To avoid nesting publish folders, specify a publish folder that is not directly under the project folder, or exclude the publish folder from the project.
property instead of this option.project : String
java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String>
propertiesString : String
dotnet publish
: Use a .pubxml to set publish-related properties. See Visual Studio publish profiles (.pubxml) for ASP.NET Core app deployment for more information.PublishReadyToRun=true
: Compiles application assemblies as ReadyToRun (R2R) format. R2R is a form of ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation. For more information, see ReadyToRun images.PublishSingleFile=true
: Packages the app into a platform-specific single-file executable. The executable is self-extracting and contains all dependencies (including native) that are required to run the app. When the app is first run, the application is extracted to a directory based on the app name and build identifier. Startup is faster when the application is run again. The application doesn't need to extract itself a second time unless a new version is used.PublishTrimmed=true
: Trims unused libraries to reduce the deployment size of an app when publishing a self-contained executable. For more information, see Trim self-contained deployments and executables .PublishProfile
, in a publish profile rather than here.
runtime : String
sdk : String
will be in the path.
With .NETelement (or a
block in a pipeline script) to specify one, or ensure this step runs on a node that has a .NET SDK installed and in the path.
selfContained : boolean
showSdkInfo : boolean
dotnet --info
will be executed before the main command. This shows a list of available SDKs and runtimes, indicating which one is currently being used.
shutDownBuildServers : boolean
dotnet build-server shutdown
will be executed after the main command, shutting down build servers that may have been started.
hanguntil those server processes end. As such, it's recommended to specify this for the last .NET-related step in a job. If using multiple SDKs, each needs its own shutdown (e.g. the .NET Core 3.1 SDK will not shut down build servers from the .NET 5.0 SDK).
specificSdkVersion : boolean
executable may use the most recent SDK available on the system, even when PATH
is set up to find an older SDK deployment first; see this page for more information.
file will be created in the current directory, referencing that SDK version and disabling roll-forward.
already present in the current directory.
unstableIfErrors : boolean
unstableIfWarnings : boolean
verbosity : String
versionSuffix : String
) in the version field of the project file.
workDirectory : String
credentialsId : String
apiVersion : String
appScope : String
application system ID
is not specified. The scope name of the application for which to apply the changes, such as x_aah_custom_app. You can locate this value in the scope field in the Custom Application [sys_app] table.
appSysId : String
application scope
is not specified. The system id of the application for which to apply the changes. You can locate this value in the Sys ID field in the Custom Application [sys_app] table.
appVersion : String
devNotes : String
incrementBy : int
isAppCustomization : boolean
obtainVersionAutomatically : boolean
url : String
token : String
name : String
description : String
type : String
groupId : String
artifactId : String
stage : String
flow : String
stageDescription : String
version : String
$class: 'PublishBuilder'
packageid : String
nugetFeedUrl : String
class hudson.util.Secret
packageVersion : String
, Specific
specificVersion : String
$class: 'PublishStepBuilder'
packageId : String
nugetFeedUrl : String
class hudson.util.Secret
packageVersion : String
$class: 'PullRequestCommenter'
comment : String
dotnet nuget push
command pushes a package to the server and publishes it. The push command uses server and credential details found in the system's NuGet config file or chain of config files. For more information on config files, see Configuring NuGet Behavior. NuGet's default configuration is obtained by loading %AppData%\NuGet\NuGet.config (Windows) or $HOME/.local/share (Linux/macOS), then loading any nuget.config or .nuget\nuget.config starting from the root of drive and ending in the current directory.
dotnet pack
apiKeyId : String
charset : String
continueOnError : boolean
, if configured that way), but the build will be allowed to continue. Otherwise, any such errors will cause the build to be terminated immediately.
disableBuffering : boolean
forceEnglishOutput : boolean
noServiceEndpoint : boolean
" to the source URL.
noSymbols : boolean
root : String
sdk : String
will be in the path.
With .NETelement (or a
block in a pipeline script) to specify one, or ensure this step runs on a node that has a .NET SDK installed and in the path.
showSdkInfo : boolean
dotnet --info
will be executed before the main command. This shows a list of available SDKs and runtimes, indicating which one is currently being used.
skipDuplicate : boolean
source : String
, and
. For private feeds, replace the host name (for example, %hostname%/api/v3
config value is set in the NuGet config file.
specificSdkVersion : boolean
executable may use the most recent SDK available on the system, even when PATH
is set up to find an older SDK deployment first; see this page for more information.
file will be created in the current directory, referencing that SDK version and disabling roll-forward.
already present in the current directory.
symbolApiKeyId : String
symbolSource : String
timeout : int
workDirectory : String
variableName : String
token : String
name : String
stage : String
version : String
$class: 'PushBuilder'
hubUrls : String
organization : String
overwriteOrganization : boolean
remoteImageName : String
dateFormat : String
y|Y | Year |
M | Month |
w | Week in year |
W | Week in month |
D | Day in year |
d | Day in month |
F | Day of week in month |
E | Day name in week |
u | Day number of week (1 = Monday, ..., 7 = Sunday) |
H | Hour in day (0-23) |
k | Hour in day (1-24) |
K | Hour in am/pm (0-11) |
h | Hour in am/pm (1-12) |
appendDate : boolean
incrementVersion : boolean
$class: 'Python'
Runs a Python script (defaults to python interpreter) for building the project. The script will be run with the workspace as the current directory.
command : String
$class: 'PythonBuilder'
pythonName : String
nature : String
command : String
ignoreExitCode : boolean
credentialsId : String
instanceUrl : String
issuesCountThreshold : int
techDebtThreshold : int
qcThreshold : int
highSeverityThreshold : int
testPlanUrl : String
apiKey : String
maxWaitTime : int
buildName : String
$class: 'QFTestConfigBuilder'
The QF-Test build step. Invokes QF-Test binary during your Jenkins job. If not listed in your PATH variable, the location of the QF-Test binary can be specified explicitly.
The actual test configuration is set via pairs of arguments and suite file fields. The Advanced Test result control button allows to adjust the mapping between the QF-Test result and the Jenkins build result.
All report files that are produced will be stored in an output directory relative to your workspace, whose structure is as follows:
<LOGDIR> ├── html (HTML report directory) ├── junit (junit report directory) └── qrz (QF-Test runlogs)The resulting runlogs are automatically declared as Jenkins build artificats and should appear as such on the Jenkins build page. The junit and html reports can be processed further by the junit respectively the publishHTML plugin.
suitename : String
customParam : String
customPath : String
onTestError : String
onTestException : String
onTestFailure : String
onTestWarning : String
reportDirectory : String
reportGenArgs : String
$class: 'QGBuilder'
class quality.gates.jenkins.plugin.JobConfigData
applicationName : String
applicationVersion : String
applicationComponent : String
bugCount : int
bugScore : Object
duplicationRate : float
hotspotCount : int
hotspotScore : Object
linesCount : long
qualityGatePassed : boolean
testCoverage : float
vulnerabilityCount : int
vulnerabilityScore : Object
$class: 'QualityCenter'
qcClientInstallationName : String
qcQTPAddinInstallationName : String
qcServerURL : String
folder of the Quality Center Web application.
qcLogin : String
qcPass : String
qcDomain : String
qcProject : String
qcTSFolder : String
qcTSName : String
qcTSLogFile : String
Name of the report that will be generated.
If several test sets are run in one build step, one report will be generated per test set. As such, you must ensure that the name will be unique by including the test set name in it (through the ${TS_NAME}
variable). If it's not the case, then the name will be automatically post fixed with an underscore followed by the test set name.
You can use all standard environment variables plus:
for the current Quality Center domain;${QC_PROJECT}
for the current Quality Center project;${TS_FOLDER}
for the current TestSet folder;${TS_NAME}
for the TestSet name.qcTimeOut : int
runMode : String
runHost : String
azureCredentialsId : String
resourceGroupName : String
registryName : String
architecture : String
docker build --build-arg
key : String
value : String
secrecy : boolean
dockerfile : String
gitPath : String
gitRefspec : String
gitRepo : String
for private repo.
image : String
local : String
noCache : boolean
flag when build as docker build --no-cache
os : String
sourceType : String
tarball : String
timeout : int
variant : String
$class: 'R'
Runs an R script (defaults to RScript interpreter) for building the project. The script will be run with the workspace as the current directory.
command : String
$class: 'RAD'
activateProjectWorkspaceVar : boolean
environment variable through the PROJECT_WORKSPACE
variable during this build step as it doesn't refer to the workspace of the project: It is internally used by RAD.
buildFile : String
one in the project's workspace. The base directory is the workspace.
deleteRadWorkspaceContent : boolean
deleteRadWorkspaceMetadata : boolean
folder of RAD's workspace has to be removed before RAD is actually run.
properties : String
# comment name1=value1 name2=value2These are passed to RAD like "-Dname1=value1 -Dname2=value2"
radInstallationName : String
radWorkspace : String
targets : String
$class: 'RPDCreateInstance'
pack : String
instanceName : String
customProfile : String
$class: 'RPDDeployInstance'
instanceName : String
pack : String
environment : String
route : String
customProfile : String
useCustomProfile : boolean
$class: 'RTCGitBuilder'
serverURI : String
The Jazz Repository connection URI for the Rational Team Concert (RTC) server
credentialsId : String
Credentials to use for the build user. A user name and password credential for the Jazz Repository should be configured.
annotateChangeLog : boolean
Optionally hyperlink bug numbers that appear in git commit descriptions as links to Rational Team Concert Work Items.
buildDefinition : String
The ID of the Hudson/Jenkins build definition within the Rational Team Concert (RTC) server. The build definition should not have any Source Control option.
jenkinsRootURI : String
jenkinsRootURIOverride : boolean
Optionally specify the HTTP address of the Jenkins installation, such as http://yourhost.yourdomain/jenkins/. This is necessary because the Rational Team Concert Git plugin cannot reliably detect such a URL from within itself.
timeout : int
The timeout period in seconds for Jazz repository requests made during the build.
trackBuildWorkItem : String
Specify an Id of a Work Item in Rational Team Concert. The Work Item will be updated with the execution status of the Jenkins build.
useBuildDefinition : boolean
useTrackBuildWorkItem : boolean
useWorkItems : boolean
workItemUpdateType : String
rabbitName : String
exchange : String
data : String
conversion : boolean
routingKey : String
toJson : boolean
$class: 'RadarGunBuilder'
$class: 'RadarGunCustomInstallation'
home : String
$class: 'RadarGunInstallationWrapper'
radarGunName : String
$class: 'FileScenarioSource'
scenarioPath : String
$class: 'TextScenarioSource'
scenario : String
$class: 'FileNodeConfigSource'
nodeListPath : String
$class: 'TextNodeConfigSource'
nodes : String
$class: 'BuildInScriptSource'
$class: 'FileScriptSource'
mainPath : String
workerPath : String
$class: 'TextScriptSource'
mainScript : String
workerScript : String
remoteLoginProgram : String
remoteLogin : String
privateKeyPath : String
workspacePath : String
pluginPath : String
pluginConfigPath : String
reporterPath : String
$class: 'Rake'
rakeInstallation : String
rakeFile : String
tasks : String
rakeLibDir : String
rakeWorkingDir : String
silent : boolean
bundleExec : boolean
$class: 'RallyBuild'
stateName : String
issueString : String
updateOnce : boolean
preCommentText : String
preReadyState : boolean
issueReady : boolean
commentText : String
issueRallyState : String
defectRallyState : String
credential : String
workload : String
since endpoint part has bean set in Credential, you only need specify path from "/p/" or "/project", eg:
or /p/c-h4hxd:p-dwqfr/workload/deployment:jenkins:jenkins
images : String
this plugin will update all images in this workload by match the name part exactly, and simply set version part as you specified. so you may need Jenkins variables to dynamic generate new version number.alwaysPull : boolean
environmentId : String
endpoint : String
credentialId : String
service : String
image : String
confirm : boolean
startFirst : boolean
ports : String
environments : String
timeout : int
cmdLineArgs : String
Flag | Function |
config | cfg:<config parameter name>=<value> | Set values for configuration parameters. |
reportlevel | rl: Debug|Info|Warn|Error|Success|Failure|<any integer> | Sets the minimum report level that log messages need to have in order to be included in the log file. Specify 'None' to completely disable reporting. These levels correspond to the following integer values: Debug=10,Info=20,Warn=30,Error=40,Success=110,Failure=120 |
testcase | tc:<name or guid of test case> | Runs this test case only. |
testsuite | ts:<path to test suite file> | Runs the test cases defined by the test suite (rxtst) file. By default the rxtst file with the same name as the <TestSuiteExe> is used or the first rxtst file in the same folder as <TestSuiteExe>. |
module | mo:<module name or guid> | Runs the module with the specified name or guid. Assemblies loaded by <TestSuiteExe> and assemblies referenced in the rxtst file are searched. |
testcaseparam | tcpa:<name or guid of test case>:<parameter name>=<value> | Creates or overrides values for testcase parameters specified in the test suite. |
runlabel | rul:<custom value> | Sets a custom runlabel for the test run. |
testcasedatarange | tcdr:<name or guid of test case>=<data range> | Sets the data range for a testcase. |
rxGlobalParameter : String
rxJUnitReport : boolean
rxReportDirectory : String
rxReportExtension : String
rxReportFile : String
rxRunConfiguration : String
rxTestRail : boolean
rxTestRailPassword : String
rxTestRailRID : String
rxTestRailRunName : String
rxTestRailUser : String
rxTestSuiteFilePath : String
rxZippedReport : boolean
rxZippedReportDirectory : String
rxZippedReportFile : String
$class: 'RapidDeployJobPlanRunner'
serverUrl : String
authenticationToken : String
jobPlan : String
asynchronousJob : boolean
showIndividualLogs : boolean
showFullLog : boolean
$class: 'RapidDeployJobRunner'
serverUrl : String
authenticationToken : String
project : String
target : String
packageName : String
asynchronousJob : boolean
showFullLog : boolean
$class: 'RapidDeployPackageBuilder'
serverUrl : String
authenticationToken : String
project : String
enableCustomPackageName : boolean
packageName : String
archiveExtension : String
$class: 'RawCliBuilder'
changeLogFile : String
changeLogParameters : String
commandArguments : String
contexts : String
credentialsId : String
installationName : String
labels : String
liquibasePropertiesPath : String
password : String
resourceDirectories : String
url : String
username : String
$class: 'RebaseBuilder'
You can rebase from the latest revision in the upstream branch, but you can also do safer rebase by choosing the permalink. For example, if you specify "last stable", then Jenkins will look for the last stable build, then rebase with the corresponding Subversion revision. Thus you know that you are rebasing to the known good state.
If you don't want Jenkins to automatically rebase, you can still use the "Rebase From Upstream" link from the left to manually initiate the rebase.
permalink : String
stopBuildIfMergeFails : boolean
setUnstableIfMergeFails : boolean
$class: 'RebootIOSDevice'
url : String
cloudTestServerID : String
additionalOptions : String
$class: 'ReconfigureBox'
id : String
cloud : String
workspace : String
box : String
instance : String
variables : String
buildStep : String
buildStepVariables : String
$class: 'ReinstallBox'
cloud : String
workspace : String
box : String
instance : String
buildStep : String
$class: 'ReleaseMarker'
releaseName : String
name : String
name : String
name : String
releaseEndTimestamp : String
releaseStartTimestamp : String
apkFilesPattern : String
applicationId : String
filesPattern : String
fromVersionCode : boolean
googleCredentialsId : String
inAppUpdatePriority : String
releaseName : String
rolloutPercent : double
rolloutPercentage : String
trackName : String
versionCodes : String
artId : String
artType : String
envSuffix : String
projectId : String
status : String
uri : String
useCommitList : String
version : String
baseBranch : String
closedDate : String
commit : String
commits : String
createdDate : String
endpoint : String
envSuffix : String
mergedDate : String
number : String
projectId : String
state : String
targetBranch : String
title : String
uri : String
$class: 'RemoteBuildConfiguration'
abortTriggeredJob : boolean
class hudson.util.Secret
credentials : String
class hudson.util.Secret
userName : String
blockBuildUntilComplete : boolean
disabled : boolean
enhancedLogging : boolean
httpGetReadTimeout : int
httpPostReadTimeout : int
job : String
maxConn : int
overrideTrustAllCertificates : boolean
parameters : String
filePath : String
name : String
value : String
parameters : String
pollInterval : int
preventRemoteBuildQueue : boolean
remoteJenkinsName : String
remoteJenkinsUrl : String
shouldNotFailBuild : boolean
token : String
trustAllCertificates : boolean
It is possible to override/rewrite the 'Trust all certificate'-setting for each Job separately. Setting this checkbox to 'true' will result in accepting all certificates for the given Job.
This is unsafe and should only be used for testing or if you trust the host.
useCrumbCache : boolean
useJobInfoCache : boolean
result : String
packageIds : String
baseUrls : String
between the scheme and the hostname.
credentialsId : String
ignoreErrors : boolean
requestTimeout : long
serviceTimeout : long
waitDelay : long
url : String
credentialsId : String
force : boolean
$class: 'ReqtifyGenerateReport'
reportArgumentList : Array / List of String
nameReport : String
modelReport : String
templateReport : String
projectFilter : String
$class: 'RetrieveArtifactsBuildStep'
token : String
name : String
stage : String
variableName : String
downloadOnly : boolean
installRBTools : boolean
$class: 'ReviewboardApplyPatch'
$class: 'ReviewboardPollingBuilder'
reviewbotJobName : String
checkBackPeriod : String
reviewbotRepoId : String
restrictByUser : boolean
disableAdvanceNotice : boolean
$class: 'RigorBuilder'
credentialsId : String
Please select a credential of Kind Rigor API Key here.
Note: Your Rigor Optimization API key can be found on the API Credentials settings page in the Rigor Optimization application. The API key must have User or higher level permissions.
performanceTestIds : String
List 1 or more test IDs (as a comma separated list) of Rigor Optimization Performance Tests to be run during this step. You can locate the performance test ID by hovering over the Info (i) icon on any performance test in the View Results page of your Rigor Optimization account.
If Fail build based on results is checked below, this step will wait until all tests complete before proceeding. If unchecked, this step will launch these tests, but not wait for them to complete.
failOnSnapshotError : boolean
If checked, the build will be marked as failed if there are any errors running your configured performance tests. If unchecked, any errors creating tests will be treated as warnings and not fail the build.
failOnResults : boolean
If checked, the build will wait for your configured tests to complete (may take 30 seconds to a few minutes) and pass/fail based on the results configured below. If unchecked, your configured tests will run, but the build will not wait for the tests to complete nor fail this step based on any results (useful for historical change logging of your site in the Rigor Optimization application).
performanceScore : String
Fail the build if any test reports an overall performance score lower than this value (1-100)
criticalNumber : String
Fail the build if any test has more than this # of critical first party content defects found.
Note: You can customize when critical defects occur by customizing your Defect Check Policy. Learn more in this article.
foundDefectIds : String
Fail the build if any of the listed defect IDs (comma separated) are found for any first party content items in any configured test.
Note: You can locate any defect ID at the top of any defect detail page in your results, or in the Knowledge Base. See Example.
enforcePerformanceBudgets : boolean
Fail the build if any test exceeds its performance budgets
totalContentSize : String
totalFoundItems : String
testTimeoutSeconds : String
Timeout in seconds to wait for all configured performance tests to complete. Defaults to 300 seconds (5 minutes).
This value is only used if Fail build based on test results is enabled.
credentialsId : String
apiVersion : String
appScope : String
application system ID
is not specified. The scope name of the application for which to apply the changes, such as x_aah_custom_app. You can locate this value in the scope field in the Custom Application [sys_app] table.
appSysId : String
application scope
is not specified. The system id of the application for which to apply the changes. You can locate this value in the Sys ID field in the Custom Application [sys_app] table.
rollbackAppVersion : String
url : String
$class: 'RollbackBuilder'
changeLogFile : String
changeLogParameters : String
contexts : String
credentialsId : String
installationName : String
labels : String
liquibasePropertiesPath : String
numberOfChangesetsToRollback : String
password : String
resourceDirectories : String
rollbackLastHours : String
rollbackToDate : String
rollbackToTag : String
rollbackType : String
url : String
username : String
credentialsId : String
apiVersion : String
pluginId : String
url : String
$class: 'RqmBuilder'
$class: 'RqmTestSuiteExectionRecordCollectionStrategy'
executionRecordName : String
planName : String
projectName : String
iterativeTestCaseBuilders : Array / List of Build Step (hudson.tasks.BuildStep
preBuildSteps : Array / List of Build Step (hudson.tasks.BuildStep
postBuildSteps : Array / List of Build Step (hudson.tasks.BuildStep
credentialId : String
$class: 'RubyMotionBuilder'
platform : String
rakeTask : String
outputStyle : String
outputFileName : String
useBundler : boolean
installCocoaPods : boolean
needClean : boolean
outputResult : boolean
deviceName : String
simulatorVersion : String
envVars : String
$class: 'RunApplicationAction'
applicationName : String
Application selection is mandatory
Select an existing Application in Calm or the ones provisioned in Nutanix Calm Blueprint Launch Steps.
actionName : String
Application Action selection is mandatory
runtimeVariables : String
Click on Fetch Runtime Variables to fetch all editable variables for the selected Action in JSON format. Modify the key values from the defaults as needed.The values can also reference jenkins environment variables.
almServerName : String
almCredentialsScope : String
almUserName : String
almPassword : String
almDomain : String
almProject : String
almTestSets : String
almRunResultsMode : String
almTimeout : String
almRunMode : String
almRunHost : String
almClientID : String
almApiKey : String
isSSOEnabled : boolean
areParametersEnabled : boolean
parameterJson : String
isFilterTestsEnabled : boolean
blockedCheckbox : boolean
failedCheckbox : boolean
notCompletedCheckbox : boolean
noRunCheckbox : boolean
passedCheckbox : boolean
testName : String
almServerName : String
almServerUrl : String
almUsername : String
almPassword : String
almClientID : String
almApiKeySecret : String
fsTests : String
areParametersEnabled : boolean
parameterJson : String
tests : String
environment : String
environmentType : String
logVusersStates : boolean
logErrorCount : boolean
logTransactionStatistics : boolean
pollingInterval : String
scriptName : String
name : String
value : String
description : String
isParallelRunnerEnabled : boolean
selectedNode : String
numberOfReruns : String
cleanupTest : String
onCheckFailedTest : String
fsTestType : String
test : String
checked : boolean
numberOfReruns : int
cleanupTest : String
analysisTemplate : String
mcUserName : String
mcPassword : String
mcTenantId : String
mcExecToken : String
value : String
cloudBrowserUrl : String
cloudBrowserType : String
cloudBrowserVersion : String
cloudBrowserRegion : String
cloudBrowserOs : String
controllerPollingInterval : String
displayController : String
fsAutActions : String
fsDeviceId : String
fsDevicesMetrics : String
fsExtraApps : String
fsInstrumented : String
fsJobId : String
fsLaunchAppName : String
fsManufacturerAndModel : String
fsOs : String
fsReportPath : String
fsTargetLab : String
fsTimeout : String
fsUftRunMode : String
ignoreErrorStrings : String
mcServerName : String
outEncoding : String
perScenarioTimeOut : String
fsUseAuthentication : boolean
fsProxyAddress : String
fsProxyUserName : String
fsProxyPassword : String
java.util.Map<java.lang.Long, java.lang.String>
useSSL : boolean
$class: 'RunInCloudBuilder'
projectId : String
The Bitbar Cloud project in which to start the new test run.
appPath : String
testPath : String
dataPath : String
testRunName : String
scheduler : String
testRunner : String
deviceGroupId : String
language : String
screenshotsDirectory : String
keyValuePairs : String
withAnnotation : String
withoutAnnotation : String
testCasesSelect : String
testCasesValue : String
failBuildIfThisStepFailed : boolean
virusScanTimeout : String
downloadScreenshots : boolean
forceFinishAfterBreak : boolean
hookURL : String
resultsPath : String
waitForResultsTimeout : int
testTimeout : String
credentialsId : String
cloudUrl : String
frameworkId : long
biometricInstrumentation : boolean
Set field in order to enable instrumentation on app to bypass biometric authentication during test
hostname : String
ocCredentialsId : String
ocVersion : String
jobName : String
name : String
value : String
waitForJobToFinish : boolean
$class: 'RunLoadRunnerScript'
scriptsPath : String
$class: 'RunMatlabBuildBuilder'
options : String
options : String
tasks : String
$class: 'RunMatlabCommandBuilder'
matlabCommand : String
options : String
$class: 'RunMatlabTestsBuilder'
coberturaReportFilePath : String
junitReportFilePath : String
loggingLevel : String
Maximum verbosity level for logged diagnostics included for the test run.
modelCoverageFilePath : String
outputDetail : String
Display level for event details output by the test run.
pdfReportFilePath : String
testFolders : String
testTag : String
Specify the location of folders containing source code, relative to the project root folder. The specified folders and their subfolders are added to the top of the MATLAB search path. To generate a coverage report, MATLAB uses only the source code in the specified folders and their subfolders.
Paste the source folder path in the Folder path box. To add more folders, click Add folder.
srcFolderPath : String
options : String
stmResultsFilePath : String
strict : boolean
Whether to apply strict checks when running the tests. For example, the framework generates a qualification failure if a test issues a warning.
tapReportFilePath : String
useParallel : boolean
Whether to run tests in parallel. This feature requires a Parallel Computing Toolbox license, and might not be compatible with other options. If incompatible, testing occurs in serial regardless of the value of this feature.
$class: 'RunPcTestBuildStep'
almPassword : String
almUser : String
domain : String
failIfTaskFails : boolean
outputDir : String
pollingInterval : int
postRunActionString : String
project : String
retryCollateAndAnalysisAttempts : int
retryCollateAndAnalysisFlag : boolean
retryCollateAndAnalysisInterval : int
retryCount : int
retryInterval : int
retryIntervalMultiplier : double
testLabPath : String
testPlanPath : String
timeout : int
timeslotDuration : int
vudsMode : boolean
artifact : String
artifactType : String
keepTargetResources : boolean
keepTargetRunProfiles : boolean
plan : String
promotion : String
task : String
workspace : String
environment : String
parameters : String
task : String
workspace : String
$class: 'RunTestSetBuildStep'
domain : String
project : String
runMode : String
host : String
testSets : String
outputDirPath : String
timeOut : int
credentialsId : String
apiVersion : String
browserName : String
Valid values:
browserVersion : String
osName : String
osVersion : String
responseBodyFormat : String
testSuiteName : String
testSuiteSysId : String
of the test suite to run. This value is located in the Test [sys_atf_test_suite] table.
url : String
withResults : boolean
$class: 'RunUftTestBuildStep'
testPath : String
outputDirPath : String
$class: 'RunscopeBuilder'
triggerEndPoint : String
accessToken : String
timeout : int
projectName : String
upstreamProjectName : String
Copy artifacts from a build that is a downstream of a build of the specified project. You can use variable expressions.
Downstream builds are found using fingerprints of files. That is, a build that is triggered from a build isn't always considered downstream, but you need to fingerprint files used in builds to let Jenkins track them.
Note: "Downstream build of" is applicable only to AbstractProject based projects (both upstream and downstream projects).
upstreamBuildNumber : String
$class: 'MultiJobBuildSelector'
parameterName : String
You can pass not only the parameter name, but also the parameter value itself. This is useful especially used with workflow-plugin.
id : String
$class: 'PromotedBuildSelector'
level : int
buildNumber : String
stable : boolean
allowUpstreamDependencies : boolean
fallbackToLastSuccessful : boolean
, UseOldest
, UseNewest
filter : String
excludeFilter : String
target : String
flatten : boolean
optional : boolean
$class: 'SASUnitPlugInBuilder'
This is the Jenkins Plug-In for SASUnit the unit testing framework for SAS.
sasunitBatch : String
doxygenBatch : String
Please enter the relative path to the executable to create the doxygen report
sasunitVersion : String
Please pick a SASUnit installation that shall be used.
To add an installation please go to Jenins->Manage Jenkins->Setting or follow this link.
createDoxygenDocu : boolean
$class: 'SBuild'
sbuildVersion : String
targets : String
buildFiles : String
options : String
deleteBuild : boolean
skipPattern : String
$class: 'SConsBuilderCommand'
sconsName : String
options : String
variables : String
targets : String
rootSconsscriptDirectory : String
commandScript : String
$class: 'SConsBuilderScriptFile'
sconsName : String
options : String
variables : String
targets : String
rootSconsscriptDirectory : String
sconsscript : String
$class: 'SMABuilder'
validateEnabled : boolean
username : String
password : String
securityToken : String
serverType : String
testLevel : String
prTargetBranch : String
$class: 'SQLPlusRunnerBuilder'
credentialsId : String
user : String
password : String
isSysdba : String
instance : String
scriptType : String
script : String
scriptContent : String
SELECT sysdate from dual; show user; |
customNLSLang : String
customOracleHome : String
customSQLPath : String
customSQLPlusHome : String
customTNSAdmin : String
$class: 'SSHBuilder'
siteName : String
command : String
execEachLine : boolean
Execute each line in the script individually.
By default, all of the commands are concatenated into a single "command" issued over a single SSH exec channel. Selecting this option causes each line to be executed over it's own SSH exec channel, each of which is part of the same session.
This is useful in certain cases where the commands cannot be concatenated into a single script executed at one time, for example, when issuing commands using the shell.
If unsure, leave this box unchecked.
hideCommand : boolean
$class: 'SaltAPIBuilder'
authtype : String
post : String
tag : String
function : String
arguments : String
batchSize : String
batchWait : String
target : String
targettype : String
function : String
arguments : String
target : String
targettype : String
blockbuild : boolean
jobPollTime : int
minionTimeout : int
function : String
arguments : String
subset : String
target : String
targettype : String
function : String
arguments : String
mods : String
pillarvalue : String
credentialsId : String
servername : String
saveEnvVar : boolean
saveFile : boolean
skipValidation : boolean
$class: 'SbtPluginBuilder'
name : String
jvmFlags : String
sbtFlags : String
actions : String
subdirPath : String
$class: 'ScanBuilder'
scanURL : String
class hudson.util.Secret
source : String
exclude : String
rule : String
timeout : int
isAbortBuild : boolean
isPrivateScan : boolean
isShowBlockedOnly : boolean
isCreateLog : boolean
$class: 'ScriptBuildStep'
buildStepId : String
defineArgs : boolean
arg : String
tokenized : boolean
$class: 'ScriptBuilder'
scriptFilePath : String
credentialsId : String
hubUrl : String
imageName : String
vmVersion : String
containerWorkingDir : String
sourceContainer : String
sourceFolder : String
targetFolder : String
routeFile : String
noBase : boolean
overwrite : boolean
diagnostic : boolean
$class: 'ScriptlerBuilder'
The parameters can be passed via job params or by creating these in this builder config.
builderId : String
scriptId : String
propagateParams : boolean
name : String
value : String
$class: 'SealightsCLIBuildStep'
enabled : boolean
failBuildIfStepFail : boolean
$class: 'ConfigView'
appName : String
branchName : String
$class: 'DefaultBuildName'
$class: 'EmptyBuildName'
$class: 'LatestBuildName'
$class: 'ManualBuildName'
insertedBuildName : String
$class: 'UpstreamBuildName'
upstreamProjectName : String
labId : String
buildSessionId : String
additionalArguments : String
Argument name | Description |
token | The token provided to you by SeaLights (override the global 'token' value for this build). |
tokenfile | A file containing the token provided to you by SeaLights (override the global 'token' value for this build). |
proxy | A valid URL to a proxy server. |
agentpath | Override the path to SeaLights jar. |
javapath | Override the path to the 'java' variable (default is 'java'). |
filesstorage | A folder where sealights files for this build will be kept (override the global 'Files storage' value for this build). |
$class: 'DotNetOptions'
namespacesIncluded : String
namespacesExcluded : String
includedFilePatterns : String
excludedFilePatterns : String
$class: 'JavaOptions'
packagesIncluded : String
packagesExcluded : String
$class: 'EndView'
buildSessionId : String
labId : String
additionalArguments : String
Argument name | Description |
token | The token provided to you by SeaLights (override the global 'token' value for this build). |
tokenfile | A file containing the token provided to you by SeaLights (override the global 'token' value for this build). |
proxy | A valid URL to a proxy server. |
agentpath | Override the path to SeaLights jar. |
javapath | Override the path to the 'java' variable (default is 'java'). |
filesstorage | A folder where sealights files for this build will be kept (override the global 'Files storage' value for this build). |
appname | Override default app name coming from build session id |
buildname | Override default build name coming from build session id |
branchname | Override default branch name coming from build session id |
$class: 'ExternalReportView'
report : String
buildSessionId : String
additionalArguments : String
Argument name | Description |
token | The token provided to you by SeaLights (override the global 'token' value for this build). |
tokenfile | A file containing the token provided to you by SeaLights (override the global 'token' value for this build). |
proxy | A valid URL to a proxy server. |
agentpath | Override the path to SeaLights jar. |
javapath | Override the path to the 'java' variable (default is 'java'). |
filesstorage | A folder where sealights files for this build will be kept (override the global 'Files storage' value for this build). |
appname | Override default app name coming from build session id |
buildname | Override default build name coming from build session id |
branchname | Override default branch name coming from build session id |
$class: 'PrConfigView'
appName : String
branchName : String
$class: 'DefaultBuildName'
$class: 'EmptyBuildName'
$class: 'LatestBuildName'
$class: 'ManualBuildName'
insertedBuildName : String
$class: 'UpstreamBuildName'
upstreamProjectName : String
labId : String
buildSessionId : String
additionalArguments : String
Argument name | Description |
token | The token provided to you by SeaLights (override the global 'token' value for this build). |
tokenfile | A file containing the token provided to you by SeaLights (override the global 'token' value for this build). |
proxy | A valid URL to a proxy server. |
agentpath | Override the path to SeaLights jar. |
javapath | Override the path to the 'java' variable (default is 'java'). |
filesstorage | A folder where sealights files for this build will be kept (override the global 'Files storage' value for this build). |
$class: 'DotNetOptions'
namespacesIncluded : String
namespacesExcluded : String
includedFilePatterns : String
excludedFilePatterns : String
$class: 'JavaOptions'
packagesIncluded : String
packagesExcluded : String
latestCommit : String
pullRequestNumber : String
repoUrl : String
targetBranch : String
$class: 'StartView'
testStage : String
buildSessionId : String
labId : String
additionalArguments : String
Argument name | Description |
token | The token provided to you by SeaLights (override the global 'token' value for this build). |
tokenfile | A file containing the token provided to you by SeaLights (override the global 'token' value for this build). |
proxy | A valid URL to a proxy server. |
agentpath | Override the path to SeaLights jar. |
javapath | Override the path to the 'java' variable (default is 'java'). |
filesstorage | A folder where sealights files for this build will be kept (override the global 'Files storage' value for this build). |
appname | Override default app name coming from build session id |
buildname | Override default build name coming from build session id |
branchname | Override default branch name coming from build session id |
$class: 'UploadReportsView'
reportFiles : String
reportsFolders : String
source : String
buildSessionId : String
labId : String
additionalArguments : String
Argument name | Description |
token | The token provided to you by SeaLights (override the global 'token' value for this build). |
tokenfile | A file containing the token provided to you by SeaLights (override the global 'token' value for this build). |
proxy | A valid URL to a proxy server. |
agentpath | Override the path to SeaLights jar. |
javapath | Override the path to the 'java' variable (default is 'java'). |
filesstorage | A folder where sealights files for this build will be kept (override the global 'Files storage' value for this build). |
appname | Override default app name coming from build session id |
buildname | Override default build name coming from build session id |
branchname | Override default branch name coming from build session id |
class io.sealights.plugins.sealightsjenkins.buildsteps.cli.CLIRunner
logFolder : String
logFilename : String
apiCredentialsId : String
This needs to be the ID of an existing "Sec1 API Key" credential. The key will be used to access Sec1 api.
runSec1SastSecurity : boolean
actionOnThresholdBreached : String
applyThreshold : boolean
criticalThreshold : String
highThreshold : String
mediumThreshold : String
lowThreshold : String
statusAction : String
$class: 'SeleniumAutoExecBuilder'
serverUrl : String
$class: 'SeleniumBuilderBuilder'
scriptFile : String
threadPoolSize : int
$class: 'SemanticVersioningBuilder'
parser : String
namingStrategy : String
useJenkinsBuildNumber : boolean
envVariable : String
$class: 'SendMessageBuildStep'
message : String
filepath : String
id : String
enviromentName : String
revision : String
apiId : String
revisionNumber : int
destination : boolean
logInterceptor : boolean
resourceOutOfSize : boolean
resourceSize : int
, but this is configurable) for building the project. The script will be run with the workspace as the current directory. Type in the contents of your shell script. If your shell script has no header line like #!/bin/sh
—, then the shell configured system-wide will be used, but you can also use the header line to write script in another language (like #!/bin/perl
) or control the options that shell uses.
By default, the shell will be invoked with the "-ex" option. So all of the commands are printed before being executed, and the build is considered a failure if any of the commands exits with a non-zero exit code. Again, add the #!/bin/...
line to change this behavior.
As a best practice, try not to put a long shell script in here. Instead, consider adding the shell script in SCM and simply call that shell script from Jenkins (via bash -ex
or something like that), so that you can track changes in your shell script.
command : String
Limit which environment variables are passed to a build step.
Environment variables passed to the build step are filtered, unless listed below.
The behavior of this filter depends on whether the environment variable is originally defined outside Jenkins:
, it will not be passed to the build step unless specified here.PATH
, the behavior depends on the option Process environment variables handling : If that option is set to Retain , the original value will be passed to the build step, discarding any modifications inside Jenkins. If that option is set to Remove , the variable will not be passed to the build step.The following table shows the effect of filtering on an environment variable:
Behavior | Originally defined outside Jenkins | Originally defined inside Jenkins |
Process environment variables handling: reset | Variable is reset to original value | Variable is removed |
Process environment variables handling: removed | Variable is removed | Variable is removed |
retainCharacteristicEnvVars : boolean
When checked, characteristic environment variables will be retained in addition to the variables listed above. These environment variables are job- and build-specific, defined by Jenkins, and are used to identify and kill processes started by this build step. See the documentation for more details on starting processes.
variables : String
Whitespace separated, case insensitive list of environment variables that will be retained, i.e. not removed from the environment of this build step or reset to their default.
unstableReturn : int
$class: 'SideeX'
The default protocol is "HTTP".
Use "HTTPS (Disable certificate checking)" to disable certificate checking.
Use "HTTPS (Enable certificate checking)" to enable certificate checking.
$class: 'HTTPItem'
baseURL : String
$class: 'HTTPSDisableItem'
baseURL : String
$class: 'HTTPSEnableItem'
baseURL : String
caFilePath : String
stateTime : String
testCaseFilePath : String
commandLine : String
The command line arguments to execute for Rapid Scan Static which override the default analyze command. This allows for any Rapid Scan Static command line options to be specified.
If this field is empty the default command will be:
'sigma analyze --format jenkins'
ignorePolicies : boolean
Prevents Rapid Scan Static from failing the build based on violated policies.
If selected, then the '--ignore-policies' command line argument will be added to the Rapid Scan Static analyze sub-command.
sigmaToolName : String
Select the name of the Rapid Scan Static tool installation to execute Rapid Scan Static with this build step.
androidHome : String
tool. You can also set the ANDROID_HOME
environment variable in your Jenkins system or node configuration. E.g., /usr/local/android-sdk
apksToSign : String
or **/*-unsigned.apk
or app1/**/*-unsigned.apk, app2/**/*-unsigned.apk
archiveSignedApks : boolean
, where myApp-unsigned.apk
is a directory named for the input unsigned APK.
archiveUnsignedApks : boolean
keyAlias : String
Key Store ID
references. If your key store contains only one key entry, which is the most common case, you can leave this field blank.
keyStoreId : String
skipZipalign : boolean
zipalignPath : String
executable this build step should use to align the target APKs. You can also set the ANDROID_ZIPALIGN
environment variable in your Jenkins system or node configuration. E.g., /opt/android-tools/bin/zipalign
tppName : String
fileOrGlob : String
A path or a glob that specifies the file(s) to be signed.
credentialsId : String
appendSignatures : boolean
This plugin invokes Signtool under the hood. Here you can specify extra custom CLI arguments to pass to Signtool.
These arguments will be appended to the Signtool CLI invocation. If they overlap with any arguments implicitly passed by this plugin, then Signtool will raise an error.
argument : String
sha1 : String
The SHA-1 hash of the certificate (inside the TPP) to use for code signing.
Normally you should use 'Signing certificate subject name' instead, but if that name is ambiguous, then use the SHA-1 hash to select a specific signing certificate.
Either a subject name or SHA-1 hash of the signing certificate must be given.
signToolPath : String
The digest algorithm(s) to use to creating signatures.
If none specified, 'sha256' is used as the default algorithm. This is very secure, but may not be compatible with older Windows versions. If you need compatibility with older Windows versions, you should specify 'sha1' and 'sha256' (in that order).
When multiple digest algorithms are specified, they are applied in the order specified.
algorithm : String
subjectName : String
The Common Name ("Issued to" or "CN") of the certificate (inside the TPP) to use for code signing.
You can obtain a list of Common Names with 'cspconfig listcertificates' and checking what comes after 'CN='.
Either a subject name or SHA-1 hash of the signing certificate must be given.
Specifies one or more timestamping authority servers to use during signing. Specifying this is strongly recommended, because it allows signed files to be usable even after the original signing certificate has expired.
If you specify more than one server, then a random one will be used.
Tip: here are some public timestamping authorities that you can use:
address : String
useMachineConfiguration : boolean
venafiClientToolsDir : String
C:\Program Files\Venafi CodeSign Protect
tppName : String
fileOrGlob : String
A path or a glob that specifies the file(s) to be verified.
credentialsId : String
signToolPath : String
useMachineConfiguration : boolean
venafiClientToolsDir : String
C:\Program Files\Venafi CodeSign Protect
.$class: 'SilkPerformerBuilder'
projectLoc : String
workload : String
userType : String
measureCategory : String
measureType : String
measureName : String
valueType : String
operatorType : String
chosenValue : String
apiUrl : String
apiKey : String
pipelineId : String
threshold : double
$class: 'SingleConditionalBuilder'
buildStep : Build Step (hudson.tasks.BuildStep
$class: 'AlwaysRun'
$class: 'And'
$class: 'AlwaysRun'
$class: 'And'
$class: 'BatchFileCondition'
command : String
If you already have a batch file in SCM, you can just type in the path of that batch file (again relative to the workspace directory), and simply execute that.
$class: 'BooleanCondition'
token : String
$class: 'CauseCondition'
buildCause : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'DayCondition'
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'SelectDays'
day : int
selected : boolean
$class: 'Weekday'
$class: 'Weekend'
$class: 'ExpressionCondition'
expression : String
label : String
$class: 'ExtendedCauseCondition'
$class: 'UpstreamCauseCondition'
projects : String
$class: 'UserBuildCauseCondition'
users : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'FileExistsCondition'
file : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'FilesMatchCondition'
includes : String
excludes : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'LegacyBuildstepCondition'
condition : String
invert : boolean
$class: 'NeverRun'
$class: 'NodeCondition'
allowedNodes : Array / List of String
$class: 'Not'
$class: 'AlwaysRun'
$class: 'And'
$class: 'BatchFileCondition'
command : String
If you already have a batch file in SCM, you can just type in the path of that batch file (again relative to the workspace directory), and simply execute that.
$class: 'BooleanCondition'
token : String
$class: 'CauseCondition'
buildCause : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'DayCondition'
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'SelectDays'
day : int
selected : boolean
$class: 'Weekday'
$class: 'Weekend'
$class: 'ExpressionCondition'
expression : String
label : String
$class: 'ExtendedCauseCondition'
$class: 'UpstreamCauseCondition'
projects : String
$class: 'UserBuildCauseCondition'
users : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'FileExistsCondition'
file : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'FilesMatchCondition'
includes : String
excludes : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'LegacyBuildstepCondition'
condition : String
invert : boolean
$class: 'NeverRun'
$class: 'NodeCondition'
allowedNodes : Array / List of String
$class: 'Not'
$class: 'NumericalComparisonCondition'
lhs : String
rhs : String
$class: 'EqualTo'
$class: 'GreaterThan'
$class: 'GreaterThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'LessThan'
$class: 'LessThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'NotEqualTo'
$class: 'OntrackDSLRunCondition'
value : String
scriptPath : String
scriptText : String
sandbox : boolean
injectEnvironment : String
) to bind as variables into the script.
For example, if you set this field to BUILD_NUMBER
, you can access the BUILD_NUMBER
value from the script using:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', '1.0').build("1.0-${BUILD_NUMBER}", '')
injectProperties : String
You can define variables to inject into the script by using a property-like format.
For example, the following text:
would inject the corresponding BRANCH
variables in the script:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', BRANCH).build(VERSION, "Build ${VERSION}")
In the text:
name = value
are ignored${VAR}
are expanded using VAR
from the current environment variables.ontrackLog : boolean
$class: 'Or'
$class: 'ShellCondition'
command : String
By default, the shell will be invoked with the "-ex" option. So all of the commands are printed before being executed, and the build is considered a failure if any of the commands exits with a non-zero exit code. Again, add the #!/bin/... line to change this behavior.
As a best practice, try not to put a long shell script in here. Instead, consider adding the shell script in SCM and simply call that shell script from Jenkins (via bash -ex or something like that), so that you can track changes in your shell script.
A non-zero exit value will be treated as a false value
$class: 'StatusCondition'
worstResult : String
bestResult : String
$class: 'StringsMatchCondition'
arg1 : String
arg2 : String
ignoreCase : boolean
$class: 'TextFinderCondition'
fileSet : String
regexp : String
checkConsoleOutput : boolean
$class: 'TimeCondition'
earliest : String
latest : String
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'VariableExistsCondition'
variableName : String
$class: 'NumericalComparisonCondition'
lhs : String
rhs : String
$class: 'EqualTo'
$class: 'GreaterThan'
$class: 'GreaterThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'LessThan'
$class: 'LessThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'NotEqualTo'
$class: 'OntrackDSLRunCondition'
value : String
scriptPath : String
scriptText : String
sandbox : boolean
injectEnvironment : String
) to bind as variables into the script.
For example, if you set this field to BUILD_NUMBER
, you can access the BUILD_NUMBER
value from the script using:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', '1.0').build("1.0-${BUILD_NUMBER}", '')
injectProperties : String
You can define variables to inject into the script by using a property-like format.
For example, the following text:
would inject the corresponding BRANCH
variables in the script:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', BRANCH).build(VERSION, "Build ${VERSION}")
In the text:
name = value
are ignored${VAR}
are expanded using VAR
from the current environment variables.ontrackLog : boolean
$class: 'Or'
$class: 'ShellCondition'
command : String
By default, the shell will be invoked with the "-ex" option. So all of the commands are printed before being executed, and the build is considered a failure if any of the commands exits with a non-zero exit code. Again, add the #!/bin/... line to change this behavior.
As a best practice, try not to put a long shell script in here. Instead, consider adding the shell script in SCM and simply call that shell script from Jenkins (via bash -ex or something like that), so that you can track changes in your shell script.
A non-zero exit value will be treated as a false value
$class: 'StatusCondition'
worstResult : String
bestResult : String
$class: 'StringsMatchCondition'
arg1 : String
arg2 : String
ignoreCase : boolean
$class: 'TextFinderCondition'
fileSet : String
regexp : String
checkConsoleOutput : boolean
$class: 'TimeCondition'
earliest : String
latest : String
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'VariableExistsCondition'
variableName : String
$class: 'BatchFileCondition'
command : String
If you already have a batch file in SCM, you can just type in the path of that batch file (again relative to the workspace directory), and simply execute that.
$class: 'BooleanCondition'
token : String
$class: 'CauseCondition'
buildCause : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'DayCondition'
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'SelectDays'
day : int
selected : boolean
$class: 'Weekday'
$class: 'Weekend'
$class: 'ExpressionCondition'
expression : String
label : String
$class: 'ExtendedCauseCondition'
$class: 'UpstreamCauseCondition'
projects : String
$class: 'UserBuildCauseCondition'
users : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'FileExistsCondition'
file : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'FilesMatchCondition'
includes : String
excludes : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'LegacyBuildstepCondition'
condition : String
invert : boolean
$class: 'NeverRun'
$class: 'NodeCondition'
allowedNodes : Array / List of String
$class: 'Not'
$class: 'AlwaysRun'
$class: 'And'
$class: 'AlwaysRun'
$class: 'And'
$class: 'BatchFileCondition'
command : String
If you already have a batch file in SCM, you can just type in the path of that batch file (again relative to the workspace directory), and simply execute that.
$class: 'BooleanCondition'
token : String
$class: 'CauseCondition'
buildCause : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'DayCondition'
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'SelectDays'
day : int
selected : boolean
$class: 'Weekday'
$class: 'Weekend'
$class: 'ExpressionCondition'
expression : String
label : String
$class: 'ExtendedCauseCondition'
$class: 'UpstreamCauseCondition'
projects : String
$class: 'UserBuildCauseCondition'
users : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'FileExistsCondition'
file : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'FilesMatchCondition'
includes : String
excludes : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'LegacyBuildstepCondition'
condition : String
invert : boolean
$class: 'NeverRun'
$class: 'NodeCondition'
allowedNodes : Array / List of String
$class: 'Not'
$class: 'NumericalComparisonCondition'
lhs : String
rhs : String
$class: 'EqualTo'
$class: 'GreaterThan'
$class: 'GreaterThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'LessThan'
$class: 'LessThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'NotEqualTo'
$class: 'OntrackDSLRunCondition'
value : String
scriptPath : String
scriptText : String
sandbox : boolean
injectEnvironment : String
) to bind as variables into the script.
For example, if you set this field to BUILD_NUMBER
, you can access the BUILD_NUMBER
value from the script using:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', '1.0').build("1.0-${BUILD_NUMBER}", '')
injectProperties : String
You can define variables to inject into the script by using a property-like format.
For example, the following text:
would inject the corresponding BRANCH
variables in the script:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', BRANCH).build(VERSION, "Build ${VERSION}")
In the text:
name = value
are ignored${VAR}
are expanded using VAR
from the current environment variables.ontrackLog : boolean
$class: 'Or'
$class: 'ShellCondition'
command : String
By default, the shell will be invoked with the "-ex" option. So all of the commands are printed before being executed, and the build is considered a failure if any of the commands exits with a non-zero exit code. Again, add the #!/bin/... line to change this behavior.
As a best practice, try not to put a long shell script in here. Instead, consider adding the shell script in SCM and simply call that shell script from Jenkins (via bash -ex or something like that), so that you can track changes in your shell script.
A non-zero exit value will be treated as a false value
$class: 'StatusCondition'
worstResult : String
bestResult : String
$class: 'StringsMatchCondition'
arg1 : String
arg2 : String
ignoreCase : boolean
$class: 'TextFinderCondition'
fileSet : String
regexp : String
checkConsoleOutput : boolean
$class: 'TimeCondition'
earliest : String
latest : String
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'VariableExistsCondition'
variableName : String
$class: 'BatchFileCondition'
command : String
If you already have a batch file in SCM, you can just type in the path of that batch file (again relative to the workspace directory), and simply execute that.
$class: 'BooleanCondition'
token : String
$class: 'CauseCondition'
buildCause : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'DayCondition'
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'SelectDays'
day : int
selected : boolean
$class: 'Weekday'
$class: 'Weekend'
$class: 'ExpressionCondition'
expression : String
label : String
$class: 'ExtendedCauseCondition'
$class: 'UpstreamCauseCondition'
projects : String
$class: 'UserBuildCauseCondition'
users : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'FileExistsCondition'
file : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'FilesMatchCondition'
includes : String
excludes : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'LegacyBuildstepCondition'
condition : String
invert : boolean
$class: 'NeverRun'
$class: 'NodeCondition'
allowedNodes : Array / List of String
$class: 'Not'
$class: 'NumericalComparisonCondition'
lhs : String
rhs : String
$class: 'EqualTo'
$class: 'GreaterThan'
$class: 'GreaterThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'LessThan'
$class: 'LessThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'NotEqualTo'
$class: 'OntrackDSLRunCondition'
value : String
scriptPath : String
scriptText : String
sandbox : boolean
injectEnvironment : String
) to bind as variables into the script.
For example, if you set this field to BUILD_NUMBER
, you can access the BUILD_NUMBER
value from the script using:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', '1.0').build("1.0-${BUILD_NUMBER}", '')
injectProperties : String
You can define variables to inject into the script by using a property-like format.
For example, the following text:
would inject the corresponding BRANCH
variables in the script:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', BRANCH).build(VERSION, "Build ${VERSION}")
In the text:
name = value
are ignored${VAR}
are expanded using VAR
from the current environment variables.ontrackLog : boolean
$class: 'Or'
$class: 'AlwaysRun'
$class: 'And'
$class: 'BatchFileCondition'
command : String
If you already have a batch file in SCM, you can just type in the path of that batch file (again relative to the workspace directory), and simply execute that.
$class: 'BooleanCondition'
token : String
$class: 'CauseCondition'
buildCause : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'DayCondition'
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'SelectDays'
day : int
selected : boolean
$class: 'Weekday'
$class: 'Weekend'
$class: 'ExpressionCondition'
expression : String
label : String
$class: 'ExtendedCauseCondition'
$class: 'UpstreamCauseCondition'
projects : String
$class: 'UserBuildCauseCondition'
users : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'FileExistsCondition'
file : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'FilesMatchCondition'
includes : String
excludes : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'LegacyBuildstepCondition'
condition : String
invert : boolean
$class: 'NeverRun'
$class: 'NodeCondition'
allowedNodes : Array / List of String
$class: 'Not'
$class: 'NumericalComparisonCondition'
lhs : String
rhs : String
$class: 'EqualTo'
$class: 'GreaterThan'
$class: 'GreaterThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'LessThan'
$class: 'LessThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'NotEqualTo'
$class: 'OntrackDSLRunCondition'
value : String
scriptPath : String
scriptText : String
sandbox : boolean
injectEnvironment : String
) to bind as variables into the script.
For example, if you set this field to BUILD_NUMBER
, you can access the BUILD_NUMBER
value from the script using:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', '1.0').build("1.0-${BUILD_NUMBER}", '')
injectProperties : String
You can define variables to inject into the script by using a property-like format.
For example, the following text:
would inject the corresponding BRANCH
variables in the script:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', BRANCH).build(VERSION, "Build ${VERSION}")
In the text:
name = value
are ignored${VAR}
are expanded using VAR
from the current environment variables.ontrackLog : boolean
$class: 'Or'
$class: 'ShellCondition'
command : String
By default, the shell will be invoked with the "-ex" option. So all of the commands are printed before being executed, and the build is considered a failure if any of the commands exits with a non-zero exit code. Again, add the #!/bin/... line to change this behavior.
As a best practice, try not to put a long shell script in here. Instead, consider adding the shell script in SCM and simply call that shell script from Jenkins (via bash -ex or something like that), so that you can track changes in your shell script.
A non-zero exit value will be treated as a false value
$class: 'StatusCondition'
worstResult : String
bestResult : String
$class: 'StringsMatchCondition'
arg1 : String
arg2 : String
ignoreCase : boolean
$class: 'TextFinderCondition'
fileSet : String
regexp : String
checkConsoleOutput : boolean
$class: 'TimeCondition'
earliest : String
latest : String
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'VariableExistsCondition'
variableName : String
$class: 'ShellCondition'
command : String
By default, the shell will be invoked with the "-ex" option. So all of the commands are printed before being executed, and the build is considered a failure if any of the commands exits with a non-zero exit code. Again, add the #!/bin/... line to change this behavior.
As a best practice, try not to put a long shell script in here. Instead, consider adding the shell script in SCM and simply call that shell script from Jenkins (via bash -ex or something like that), so that you can track changes in your shell script.
A non-zero exit value will be treated as a false value
$class: 'StatusCondition'
worstResult : String
bestResult : String
$class: 'StringsMatchCondition'
arg1 : String
arg2 : String
ignoreCase : boolean
$class: 'TextFinderCondition'
fileSet : String
regexp : String
checkConsoleOutput : boolean
$class: 'TimeCondition'
earliest : String
latest : String
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'VariableExistsCondition'
variableName : String
$class: 'NumericalComparisonCondition'
lhs : String
rhs : String
$class: 'EqualTo'
$class: 'GreaterThan'
$class: 'GreaterThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'LessThan'
$class: 'LessThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'NotEqualTo'
$class: 'OntrackDSLRunCondition'
value : String
scriptPath : String
scriptText : String
sandbox : boolean
injectEnvironment : String
) to bind as variables into the script.
For example, if you set this field to BUILD_NUMBER
, you can access the BUILD_NUMBER
value from the script using:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', '1.0').build("1.0-${BUILD_NUMBER}", '')
injectProperties : String
You can define variables to inject into the script by using a property-like format.
For example, the following text:
would inject the corresponding BRANCH
variables in the script:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', BRANCH).build(VERSION, "Build ${VERSION}")
In the text:
name = value
are ignored${VAR}
are expanded using VAR
from the current environment variables.ontrackLog : boolean
$class: 'Or'
$class: 'AlwaysRun'
$class: 'And'
$class: 'BatchFileCondition'
command : String
If you already have a batch file in SCM, you can just type in the path of that batch file (again relative to the workspace directory), and simply execute that.
$class: 'BooleanCondition'
token : String
$class: 'CauseCondition'
buildCause : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'DayCondition'
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'SelectDays'
day : int
selected : boolean
$class: 'Weekday'
$class: 'Weekend'
$class: 'ExpressionCondition'
expression : String
label : String
$class: 'ExtendedCauseCondition'
$class: 'UpstreamCauseCondition'
projects : String
$class: 'UserBuildCauseCondition'
users : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'FileExistsCondition'
file : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'FilesMatchCondition'
includes : String
excludes : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'LegacyBuildstepCondition'
condition : String
invert : boolean
$class: 'NeverRun'
$class: 'NodeCondition'
allowedNodes : Array / List of String
$class: 'Not'
$class: 'AlwaysRun'
$class: 'And'
$class: 'BatchFileCondition'
command : String
If you already have a batch file in SCM, you can just type in the path of that batch file (again relative to the workspace directory), and simply execute that.
$class: 'BooleanCondition'
token : String
$class: 'CauseCondition'
buildCause : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'DayCondition'
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'SelectDays'
day : int
selected : boolean
$class: 'Weekday'
$class: 'Weekend'
$class: 'ExpressionCondition'
expression : String
label : String
$class: 'ExtendedCauseCondition'
$class: 'UpstreamCauseCondition'
projects : String
$class: 'UserBuildCauseCondition'
users : String
exclusiveCause : boolean
$class: 'FileExistsCondition'
file : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'FilesMatchCondition'
includes : String
excludes : String
$class: 'ArtifactsDir'
$class: 'JenkinsHome'
$class: 'Workspace'
$class: 'LegacyBuildstepCondition'
condition : String
invert : boolean
$class: 'NeverRun'
$class: 'NodeCondition'
allowedNodes : Array / List of String
$class: 'Not'
$class: 'NumericalComparisonCondition'
lhs : String
rhs : String
$class: 'EqualTo'
$class: 'GreaterThan'
$class: 'GreaterThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'LessThan'
$class: 'LessThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'NotEqualTo'
$class: 'OntrackDSLRunCondition'
value : String
scriptPath : String
scriptText : String
sandbox : boolean
injectEnvironment : String
) to bind as variables into the script.
For example, if you set this field to BUILD_NUMBER
, you can access the BUILD_NUMBER
value from the script using:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', '1.0').build("1.0-${BUILD_NUMBER}", '')
injectProperties : String
You can define variables to inject into the script by using a property-like format.
For example, the following text:
would inject the corresponding BRANCH
variables in the script:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', BRANCH).build(VERSION, "Build ${VERSION}")
In the text:
name = value
are ignored${VAR}
are expanded using VAR
from the current environment variables.ontrackLog : boolean
$class: 'Or'
$class: 'ShellCondition'
command : String
By default, the shell will be invoked with the "-ex" option. So all of the commands are printed before being executed, and the build is considered a failure if any of the commands exits with a non-zero exit code. Again, add the #!/bin/... line to change this behavior.
As a best practice, try not to put a long shell script in here. Instead, consider adding the shell script in SCM and simply call that shell script from Jenkins (via bash -ex or something like that), so that you can track changes in your shell script.
A non-zero exit value will be treated as a false value
$class: 'StatusCondition'
worstResult : String
bestResult : String
$class: 'StringsMatchCondition'
arg1 : String
arg2 : String
ignoreCase : boolean
$class: 'TextFinderCondition'
fileSet : String
regexp : String
checkConsoleOutput : boolean
$class: 'TimeCondition'
earliest : String
latest : String
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'VariableExistsCondition'
variableName : String
$class: 'NumericalComparisonCondition'
lhs : String
rhs : String
$class: 'EqualTo'
$class: 'GreaterThan'
$class: 'GreaterThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'LessThan'
$class: 'LessThanOrEqualTo'
$class: 'NotEqualTo'
$class: 'OntrackDSLRunCondition'
value : String
scriptPath : String
scriptText : String
sandbox : boolean
injectEnvironment : String
) to bind as variables into the script.
For example, if you set this field to BUILD_NUMBER
, you can access the BUILD_NUMBER
value from the script using:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', '1.0').build("1.0-${BUILD_NUMBER}", '')
injectProperties : String
You can define variables to inject into the script by using a property-like format.
For example, the following text:
would inject the corresponding BRANCH
variables in the script:
ontrack.branch('PRJ', BRANCH).build(VERSION, "Build ${VERSION}")
In the text:
name = value
are ignored${VAR}
are expanded using VAR
from the current environment variables.ontrackLog : boolean
$class: 'Or'
$class: 'ShellCondition'
command : String
By default, the shell will be invoked with the "-ex" option. So all of the commands are printed before being executed, and the build is considered a failure if any of the commands exits with a non-zero exit code. Again, add the #!/bin/... line to change this behavior.
As a best practice, try not to put a long shell script in here. Instead, consider adding the shell script in SCM and simply call that shell script from Jenkins (via bash -ex or something like that), so that you can track changes in your shell script.
A non-zero exit value will be treated as a false value
$class: 'StatusCondition'
worstResult : String
bestResult : String
$class: 'StringsMatchCondition'
arg1 : String
arg2 : String
ignoreCase : boolean
$class: 'TextFinderCondition'
fileSet : String
regexp : String
checkConsoleOutput : boolean
$class: 'TimeCondition'
earliest : String
latest : String
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'VariableExistsCondition'
variableName : String
$class: 'ShellCondition'
command : String
By default, the shell will be invoked with the "-ex" option. So all of the commands are printed before being executed, and the build is considered a failure if any of the commands exits with a non-zero exit code. Again, add the #!/bin/... line to change this behavior.
As a best practice, try not to put a long shell script in here. Instead, consider adding the shell script in SCM and simply call that shell script from Jenkins (via bash -ex or something like that), so that you can track changes in your shell script.
A non-zero exit value will be treated as a false value
$class: 'StatusCondition'
worstResult : String
bestResult : String
$class: 'StringsMatchCondition'
arg1 : String
arg2 : String
ignoreCase : boolean
$class: 'TextFinderCondition'
fileSet : String
regexp : String
checkConsoleOutput : boolean
$class: 'TimeCondition'
earliest : String
latest : String
useBuildTime : boolean
For long running builds, there can be a considerable difference between these two times.
$class: 'VariableExistsCondition'
variableName : String
A run condition evaluation may fail to run cleanly - especially if it is dependent on expanding tokens provided by the Token Macro Plugin and the values are expected to be present or look like a certain type i.e. be a number.
...its about the action to take when the condition can not be evaluated - this is not same as evaluating to false
$class: 'DontRun'
$class: 'Fail'
$class: 'Run'
$class: 'RunUnstable'
$class: 'Unstable'
orgId : String
appId : String
$class: 'SkytapBuilder'
$class: 'AddConfigurationToProjectStep'
configurationID : String
configurationFile : String
projectID : String
projectName : String
$class: 'AddTemplateToProjectStep'
templateID : String
templateFile : String
projectID : String
projectName : String
$class: 'ChangeConfigurationStateStep'
configurationID : String
configurationFile : String
targetRunState : String
haltOnFailedShutdown : boolean
$class: 'ChangeContainerStateStep'
containerID : String
containerFile : String
targetContainerAction : String
$class: 'ChangeVMContainerHostStatus'
configurationID : String
configurationFile : String
vmID : String
vmName : String
containerHostStatus : String
$class: 'ConnectToVPNTunnelStep'
configurationID : String
configurationFile : String
configurationNetworkName : String
vpnID : String
$class: 'CreateConfigurationStep'
templateID : String
templateFile : String
configName : String
configFile : String
$class: 'CreateContainerStep'
configurationID : String
configurationFile : String
vmID : String
vmName : String
containerRegistryName : String
repositoryName : String
containerName : String
If no name is provided, the container will be named New_Container_[timestamp]
containerCommand : String
If no command is provided, will default to using the command in the image spec (if applicable).
exposeAllPorts : boolean
containerSaveFilename : String
$class: 'CreatePublishURLStep'
configurationID : String
configurationFile : String
urlSaveFilename : String
portalName : String
permissionOption : String
Don't Publish: The Sharing Portal URL will not be available to the user in any way.
View Only: User can view the VM through the Sharing Portal URL. No mouse or keyboard control is allowed, and desktop resizing is disabled.
Use:User can view the VM through the Sharing Portal URL and interact with it using a mouse or keyboard. Desktop resizing is allowed.
Run, Suspend: User can view the VM through the Sharing Portal URL and interact with it using a mouse or keyboard. Desktop resizing is allowed, and the user can also run the machine if it is in a stopped or suspended state.
class hudson.util.Secret
$class: 'CreatePublishedServiceStep'
configurationID : String
configurationFile : String
vmID : String
vmName : String
networkName : String
portNumber : String
publishedServiceFile : String
$class: 'CreateTemplateFromConfigurationStep'
configurationID : String
configurationFile : String
templateName : String
templateDescription : String
templateSaveFilename : String
$class: 'DeleteConfigurationStep'
configurationID : String
configurationFile : String
$class: 'DeleteContainerStep'
containerID : String
containerFile : String
$class: 'GetContainerMetaDataStep'
configurationID : String
configurationFile : String
vmID : String
vmName : String
containerName : String
containerDataFile : String
$class: 'ListPublishedURLForConfigurationStep'
configurationID : String
configurationFile : String
urlName : String
urlFile : String
$class: 'ListVMPublishedServiceStep'
configurationID : String
configurationFile : String
vmID : String
vmName : String
networkName : String
portNumber : String
publishedServiceFile : String
$class: 'MergeTemplateIntoConfigurationStep'
configurationID : String
configurationFile : String
templateID : String
templateFile : String
configFile : String
$class: 'NetworkConnectStep'
sourceNetworkConfigurationID : String
targetNetworkConfigurationID : String
sourceNetworkConfigurationFile : String
targetNetworkConfigurationFile : String
sourceNetworkName : String
targetNetworkName : String
$class: 'SmartFrogBuilder'
smartFrogName : String
deployHost : String
hosts : String
sfUserHome : String
sfUserHome2 : String
sfUserHome3 : String
sfUserHome4 : String
sfOpts : String
builderId : String
useAltIni : boolean
sfIni : String
$class: 'FileScriptSource'
scriptName : String
scriptPath : String
$class: 'StringScriptSource'
scriptName : String
scriptContent : String
$class: 'SnapshotBuilder'
xStudioPath : String
xStudioLicensePath : String
vagrantBox : String
overwrite : boolean
preInstallScriptPath : String
postSnapshotScriptPath : String
resourceDirectoryPath : String
dependencies : Array / List of String
snapshotFilesToDelete : Array / List of String
class org.jenkinsci.plugins.spoontrigger.SnapshotBuilder$InstallScriptSettings
class org.jenkinsci.plugins.spoontrigger.SnapshotBuilder$StartupFileSettings
$class: 'SnykStepBuilder'
additionalArguments : String
Additional runtime arguments that will be used to invoke the Snyk CLI. See the Snyk CLI help page for more details.
Use the standalone double-dash --
to pass arguments to the build tool invoked by the Snyk CLI. For example:
-- -Pprofile -Dkey=value
for Maven
projects.-- --configuration runtime
for Gradle
projects.-- -Dkey=value
for SBT
projects.failOnError : boolean
Whether the step should fail if Snyk fails to scan the project due to an error. Errors include scenarios like: failing to download Snyk's binaries, improper Jenkins setup, bad configuration and server errors.
failOnIssues : boolean
The "When issues are found" selection specifies if builds should be failed or continued based on issues found by Snyk.
The corresponding CLI option for severity parameter: --severity-threshold
monitorProjectOnBuild : boolean
Monitor the project on every build by taking a snapshot of its current dependencies on Selecting this option will keep you notified about newly disclosed vulnerabilities and remediation options in the project.
organisation : String
The Snyk organisation in which this project should be tested and monitored. Leave empty to use your default organisation.
The corresponding CLI option for this parameter: --org
projectName : String
A custom name for the Snyk project created for this Jenkins project on every build. Leave empty for the project's name to be detected in the manifest file.
The corresponding CLI option for this parameter: --project-name
severity : String
snykInstallation : String
Ensures that the selected version of Snyk tools are installed. In addition, the Snyk tools will be added at the start of the PATH
environment variable during builds.
If no Snyk installations have been defined in the Jenkins system config, then none of the above steps will take place.
snykTokenId : String
This needs to be the ID of an existing "Snyk API Token" credential. The token will be used to authenticate with Snyk.
If you prefer to provide the Snyk API Token another way, such using alternative credential bindings, you'll need to provide a SNYK_TOKEN
build environment variable.
targetFile : String
The path to the manifest file to be used by Snyk. Leave empty for Snyk to auto-detect the manifest file in the project's root folder.
The corresponding CLI option for this parameter: --file
pushCoverage : boolean
pushVulnerabilities : boolean
skipWebhookCreation : boolean
sonarServerUrl : String
sonarToken : String
applicationName : String
applicationVersion : String
applicationComponent : String
acceptInvalidCertificate : boolean
projectKey : String
$class: 'SonarRunnerBuilder'
additionalArguments : String
installationName : String
javaOpts : String
jdk : String
project : String
properties : String
sonarScannerName : String
$class: 'SoosSCA'
class hudson.util.Secret
class hudson.util.Secret
apiBaseURI : String
dirsToExclude : String
filesToExclude : String
logLevel : String
nodePath : String
onFailure : String
outputFormat : String
packageManagers : String
projectName : String
verbose : boolean
$class: 'SoundsBuildTask'
afterDelayMs : String
selectedSound : String
soundUrl : String
$class: 'SparkNotifyBuilder'
disable : boolean
messageType : String
rName : String
rId : String
messageContent : String
credentialsId : String
splitTask : String
featureFlagName : Array / List of String
environmentName : Array / List of String
workspaceName : Array / List of String
trafficTypeName : Array / List of String
featureFlagDefinitions : String
targetlistKey : String
treatmentName : String
featureFlagYAMLFile : String
selectedIDs : String
artifactId : String
autocomplete : String
bootVersion : String
description : String
groupId : String
javaVersion : String
language : String
packaging : String
projectName : String
type : String
almServerName : String
almProject : String
credentialsId : String
clientType : String
almDomain : String
runType : String
almEntityId : String
timeslotDuration : String
deploymentAction : String
deployedEnvironmentName : String
deprovisioningAction : String
description : String
environmentConfigurationId : String
postRunAction : String
apiToken : String
caCertPEM : String
cluster : String
enableTLSVerification : boolean
failOnCriticalPluginError : boolean
failOnPolicyEvalFailure : boolean
imageNames : String
portalAddress : String
sourcePattern : String
excludePattern : String
reportPath : String
$class: 'StartBox'
cloud : String
workspace : String
box : String
instance : String
buildStep : String
Configure and start a preconfigured ecu.test installation.
Pipeline usagestartET(String toolName) : void
startET(String toolName, String workspaceDir, String settingsDir, int timeout, boolean debugMode, boolean keepInstance, boolean updateUserLibs) : void
ETInstance.start() : void
ETInstance.start(String workspaceDir, String settingsDir, int timeout, boolean debugMode, boolean keepInstance, boolean updateUserLibs) : void
ETInstance.start(Map<String, Object> settings) : void
def instance = ET.installation('ecu.test') startET installation: instance.installation, workspaceDir: 'C:\\Data'
def instance = ET.newInstallation('ecu.test', 'C:\\Program Files\\ECU-TEST 8.0') instance.start()
def instance = ET.newInstallation toolName: 'ecu.test', installPath: C:\\Program Files\\ECU-TEST 8.0' instance.start workspaceDir: 'C:\\Data', settingsDir: 'C:\\Data', timeout: 120, debugMode: true, keepInstance: false, updateUserLibs: true
toolName : String
debugMode : boolean
name : String
home : String
? extends<?>
keepInstance : boolean
settingsDir : String
timeout : String
updateUserLibs : boolean
workspaceDir : String
$class: 'StartGrid'
url : String
cloudTestServerID : String
name : String
timeOut : int
aioProject : String
pipeline : String
program : String
$class: 'StartRSDB'
url : String
cloudTestServerID : String
name : String
timeOut : int
$class: 'StartSprint'
projectNumber : String
sprintNumber : String
Configure and start Tool-Server.
Pipeline usagestartTS(String toolName) : void
startTS(String toolName, String toolLibsIniPath, int tcpPort, int timeout, boolean keepInstance) : void
ETInstance.startTS() : void
ETInstance.startTS(String toolLibsIniPath, int tcpPort, int timeout, boolean keepInstance) : void
ETInstance.startTS(Map<String, Object> settings) : void
def instance = ET.installation('ecu.test') startTS installation: instance.installation
def instance = ET.newInstallation('ecu.test', 'C:\\Program Files\\ECU-TEST 8.0') instance.startTS()
def instance = ET.newInstallation toolName: 'ecu.test', installPath: C:\\Program Files\\ECU-TEST 8.0' instance.startTS toolLibsIniPath: C:\\ToolLibs.ini, tcpPort: 5017, timeout: 60, keepInstance: false
toolName : String
name : String
home : String
? extends<?>
keepInstance : boolean
tcpPort : String
timeout : String
toolLibsIni : String
$class: 'StartTestEnvironment'
url : String
cloudTestServerID : String
name : String
timeOut : int
$class: 'StopBox'
cloud : String
workspace : String
box : String
instance : String
buildStep : String
Shutdown ecu.test.
Pipelines usage:stopET(String toolName) : void
stopET(String toolName, int timeout) : void
ETInstance.stop() : void
ETInstance.stop(int timeout) : void
ETInstance.stop(Map<String, Object> settings) : void
def instance = ET.installation('ecu.test') stopET installation: instance.installation
def instance = ET.newInstallation('ecu.test', 'C:\\Program Files\\ECU-TEST 8.0') instance.stop()
def instance = ET.newInstallation toolName: 'ecu.test', installPath: C:\\Program Files\\ECU-TEST 8.0' instance.stop timeout: 60
toolName : String
name : String
home : String
? extends<?>
timeout : String
$class: 'StopGrid'
url : String
cloudTestServerID : String
name : String
$class: 'StopRSDB'
url : String
cloudTestServerID : String
name : String
Shutdown Tool-Server.
Pipelines usage:stopTS(String toolName) : void
stopTS(String toolName, int timeout) : void
ETInstance.stopTS() : void
ETInstance.stopTS(int timeout) : void
ETInstance.stopTS(Map<String, Object> settings) : void
def instance = ET.installation('ecu.test') stopTS installation: instance.installation
def instance = ET.newInstallation('ecu.test', 'C:\\Program Files\\ECU-TEST 8.0') instance.stopTS()
def instance = ET.newInstallation toolName: 'ecu.test', installPath: C:\\Program Files\\ECU-TEST 8.0' instance.stopTS timeout: 60
toolName : String
name : String
home : String
? extends<?>
timeout : String
$class: 'StopTestEnvironment'
url : String
cloudTestServerID : String
name : String
connectionId : String
credentialsId : String
requestType : String
jobName : String
body : String
duration : String
emailto : String
finalAction : String
headers : String
hlq : String
limit : String
method : String
profileName : String
samples : String
tags : String
transactionId : String
url : String
$class: 'StudioToolsBuilder'
name : String
operation : String
projectDir : String
outputArchiveFile : String
extendedClassPath : String
overwriteOutput : boolean
TRAPropertyFIle : String
connectionId : String
credentialsId : String
maxConditionCode : String
jcl : String
connectionId : String
credentialsId : String
maxConditionCode : String
jclMember : String
$class: 'SubmitJobStep'
connectionName : String
jobName : String
sync : boolean
checkRC : boolean
fileToSubmit : String
fileToSubmit : String
applicationName : String
applicationVersion : String
applicationComponent : String
surefireReportPath : String
$class: 'SvChangeModeBuilder'
serverName : String
force : boolean
dataModel : String
performanceModel : String
service : String
projectPath : String
projectPassword : String
$class: 'SvDeployBuilder'
serverName : String
force : boolean
service : String
projectPath : String
projectPassword : String
firstAgentFallback : boolean
$class: 'SvExportBuilder'
serverName : String
force : boolean
targetDirectory : String
cleanTargetDirectory : boolean
service : String
projectPath : String
projectPassword : String
switchToStandByFirst : boolean
archive : boolean
$class: 'SvUndeployBuilder'
serverName : String
continueIfNotDeployed : boolean
force : boolean
service : String
projectPath : String
projectPassword : String
actionName : String
mdsName : String
args : String
exporter : String
fileLocation : String
format : String
mapToVariables : String
markFailed : boolean
showResults : boolean
tag : String
actionName : String
mdsName : String
description : String
markFailed : boolean
showResults : boolean
tag : String
actionName : String
fileLocation : String
format : String
nodePath : String
allowDelete : boolean
Allow Delete If checked will delete any nodes and MDIs that are not part of the upload. If the nodes are included or inherited the nodes and MDIs at points of inclusion will also be deleted unless "Only Parent" is also checked.
autoRecognize : boolean
description : String
filenameNodes : boolean
Create Filename Nodes If checked, nodes will be created for all matching files names in the file location and file data will be placed under file name node.
identifierWords : String
Identifier Words To make nodes part of an array uniquely identifiable, a comma separated list of 'identifier words' can be added. If no identifierWords are provided, the behavior will default to the identifierWords listed in the find.identity_attributes_discovery.word_list preference
markFailed : boolean
onlyParent : boolean
Only Parent This controls if in case the allowDelete flag is set to true if the deletion of nodes and CDIs will only happen at the node itself, or also at any other place where the node is included or in every child node that is inheriting.
showResults : boolean
subDirectories : boolean
Search Sub-directories If checked sub-directories will also be searched recursively for matching files.
tag : String
withSnapshot : boolean
Allow Delete If checked will delete any nodes and MDIs that are not part of the upload. In case the nodes are included or inherited, also the nodes and MDIs at points of inclusion will be deleted
Only Parent If checked will delete any nodes and MDIs that are not part of the upload. In case the nodes are included or inherited, also the nodes and MDIs at points of inclusion will be deleted
Store Snapshot. This controls if automatically a snapshot should be created for each of the impacted config data sets by this data upload.
actionName : String
mdsName : String
errMax : int
markFailed : boolean
noPending : boolean
retryCount : int
retryInterval : int
showResults : boolean
stored : boolean
warnMax : int
$class: 'SyncBuilder'
packageid : String
serverName : String
dbName : String
value : String
username : String
class hudson.util.Secret
encryptConnection : boolean
trustServerCertificate : boolean
options : String
dataOptions : String
filter : String
packageVersion : String
isolationLevel : String
updateScript : boolean
, Specific
specificVersion : String
$class: 'SyncStepBuilder'
packageId : String
server : String
database : String
authenticationType : String
userName : String
class hudson.util.Secret
compareOptions : String
filterFile : String
transactionIsoLvl : String
$class: 'SystemGroovy'
Executes a system groovy script similarly to hudson_url/script. The script is always executed on master.
Predefined variables:
$class: 'FileSystemScriptSource'
scriptFile : String
$class: 'StringSystemScriptSource'
script : String
sandbox : boolean
path : String
oldPath : String
shouldBeApproved : boolean
oldScript : String
bindings : String
Define variable bindings (in the properties file format). Specified variables can be addressed from the script.
$class: 'TATestRunRegistrationBuildStep'
This step registers new test run with given category and sets the 'dtTestrunID' build variable.
category : String
platform : String
credentialsID : String
repositoryName : String
resultsRepositoryName : String
selectExecutionTypeRadio : String
specificationName : String
specificationType : String
specificationList : String
exitOnFailure : boolean
executionContext : String
executionTimeout : String
defineCES : boolean
cesURL : String
useCloudCES : boolean
cloudCustomerNo : String
cloudSiteID : String
defineManager : boolean
communicationManager : String
communicationManagerPort : String
defineServer : boolean
executionServer : String
executionServerPort : String
defineHost : boolean
connectionId : String
includeCred : boolean
defineJobcard : boolean
jclJobcardLine1 : String
jclJobcardLine2 : String
jclJobcardLine3 : String
jclJobcardLine4 : String
jclJobcardLine5 : String
defineQualifiers : boolean
datasetHighLevelQualifier : String
temporaryDatasetPrefix : String
temporaryDatasetSuffix : String
defineDataprivacyOverride : boolean
dpOverrideFADEBUG : String
dpOverrideFAEXPATH : String
dpOverrideFAIPADDR : String
dpOverrideFAJOPTS : String
dpOverrideFAJPATH : String
haltPipelineOnFailure : boolean
credentialsId : String
$class: 'TagBuilder'
changeLogFile : String
changeLogParameters : String
contexts : String
credentialsId : String
installationName : String
labels : String
liquibasePropertiesPath : String
password : String
resourceDirectories : String
tag : String
url : String
username : String
name : String
scenario : String
urlToAudit : String
urlTanaguruWebService : String
performanceUnstableMark : int
performanceFailedMark : int
proxy_uri : String
proxy_username : String
proxy_password : String
$class: 'TattletaleBuilder'
inputDirectory : String
outputDirectory : String
suite : String
accessKeyId : String
actionOnErrors : String
actionOnWarnings : String
commandLineArguments : String
credentialsId : String
executorType : String
executorVersion : String
generateMHT : boolean
project : String
routine : String
tags : String
test : String
unit : String
value : String
launchType : String
project : String
publishJUnitReports : boolean
routine : String
sessionScreenResolution : String
tags : String
test : String
timeout : String
unit : String
useActiveSession : boolean
useTCService : boolean
useTimeout : boolean
userName : String
userPassword : String
$class: 'TelegramBotBuilder'
message : String
$class: 'TelerikAppBuilder'
applicationId : String
class hudson.util.Secret
configuration : String
mobileProvisionIdentifieriOS : String
codesigningIdentityiOS : String
codesigningIdentityAndroid : String
buildSettingsWP : boolean
$class: 'TerminateBox'
cloud : String
workspace : String
box : String
instance : String
buildStep : String
delete : boolean
credentialsId : String
The ID of the credentials to use when accessing Cloudify. Parameters' expansion is supported when using freestyle jobs.
debugOutput : boolean
deploymentId : String
ID to assign to the created Cloudify deployment. If not provided, one will be randomly generated. You can obtain the deployment ID from the "environment data" output file.
echoEnvData : boolean
If checked, then the created environment's data will be printed to the job's log.
echoInputs : boolean
envDataLocation : String
Path to a file that will contain the created environment's data. If not provided, the environment data won't be written.
java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String>
environmentVariablesAsString : String
YAML/JSON containing environment variables to pass to the Terraform process. The provided string will be expanded for environment variables (${VAR_NAME}
environmentVariablesFile : String
Path, relative to the Jenkins workspace root, of a YAML/JSON file containing environment variables to pass to the Terraform process.
executable : String
Path, on Cloudify Manager, of the Terraform executable. If omitted, the value of the terraform_executable
Cloudify secret will be used.
pluginsDirectory : String
Path, on Cloudify Manager, of Terraform's plugins directory. If omitted, the value of the terraform_plugins_dir
Cloudify secret will be used.
storageDirectory : String
Path, on Cloudify Manager, of Terraform's storage directory. If omitted, the value of the terraform_storage_dir
Cloudify secret will be used.
templateUrl : String
URL of the Terraform template. May be a ZIP, tar.gz
, or a Git repository.
tenant : String
java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.Object>
variablesAsString : String
YAML/JSON containing variables to pass to the Terraform template. The provided string will be expanded for environment variables (${VAR_NAME}
variablesFile : String
Path, relative to the Jenkins workspace root, of a YAML/JSON file containing parmaeters to pass to the template.
dotnet test
command is used to execute unit tests in a given solution. It builds the solution and runs a test host application for each test project in the solution. The test host executes tests in the given project using a test framework, for example: MSTest, NUnit, or xUnit, and reports the success or failure of each test. If all tests are successful, the test runner returns 0 as an exit code; otherwise if any test fails, it returns 1.
blame : boolean
that captures the order of tests that were run before the crash.
blameCrash : boolean
environment variable to 1
blameCrashCollectAlways : boolean
blameCrashDumpType : String
blameHang : boolean
blameHangDumpType : String
, mini
, or none
. When none
is specified, the test host is terminated on timeout, but no dump is collected. Implies --blame-hang
blameHangTimeout : int
and --blame-hang
charset : String
collect : String
configuration : String
, but you can override the build configuration settings in your project.
continueOnError : boolean
, if configured that way), but the build will be allowed to continue. Otherwise, any such errors will cause the build to be terminated immediately.
diag : String
for the test host log, and *.datacollector_<date>.txt
for the data collector log.
filter : String
framework : String
or a .NET Framework test host for the test binaries. This option only determines which type of host to use. The actual framework version to be used is determined by the runtimeconfig.json of the test project. When not specified, the TargetFramework assembly attribute is used to determine the type of host. When that attribute is stripped from the .dll, the .NET Framework host is used.
listTests : boolean
logger : String
dotnet test
doesn't accept abbreviations: instead of "console;v=d
", use "console;verbosity=detailed
noBuild : boolean
noRestore : boolean
nologo : boolean
option : String
options : Array / List of String
optionsString : String
outputDirectory : String
. For projects with multiple target frameworks (via the TargetFrameworks
property), you also need to specify a framework when you specify this option. dotnet test
always runs tests from the output directory. You can use AppDomain.BaseDirectory to consume test assets in the output directory.
project : String
java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String>
propertiesString : String
resultsDirectory : String
in the directory that contains the project file.
java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String>
runSettingsString : String
values, specified in in Java properties syntax.
runtime : String
sdk : String
will be in the path.
With .NETelement (or a
block in a pipeline script) to specify one, or ensure this step runs on a node that has a .NET SDK installed and in the path.
settings : String
file to use for running the tests. Note that the TargetPlatform
element (x86|x64) has no effect for dotnet test
. To run tests that target x86, install the x86 version of .NET Core. The bitness of the dotnet.exe that is on the path is what will be used for running tests.
showSdkInfo : boolean
dotnet --info
will be executed before the main command. This shows a list of available SDKs and runtimes, indicating which one is currently being used.
shutDownBuildServers : boolean
dotnet build-server shutdown
will be executed after the main command, shutting down build servers that may have been started.
hanguntil those server processes end. As such, it's recommended to specify this for the last .NET-related step in a job. If using multiple SDKs, each needs its own shutdown (e.g. the .NET Core 3.1 SDK will not shut down build servers from the .NET 5.0 SDK).
specificSdkVersion : boolean
executable may use the most recent SDK available on the system, even when PATH
is set up to find an older SDK deployment first; see this page for more information.
file will be created in the current directory, referencing that SDK version and disabling roll-forward.
already present in the current directory.
testAdapterPath : String
are inspected. If not specified, the directory of the test .dll is searched.
unstableIfErrors : boolean
unstableIfWarnings : boolean
verbosity : String
workDirectory : String
$class: 'TestBuilder'
packageid : String
value : String
serverName : String
dbName : String
value : String
username : String
class hudson.util.Secret
encryptConnection : boolean
trustServerCertificate : boolean
value : String
runOnlyParams : String
sqlgenPath : String
options : String
dataOptions : String
filter : String
packageVersion : String
, Specific
specificVersion : String
, socartifact
projectPath : String
packageid : String
packageVersion : String
$class: 'TestCompositionRunner'
url : String
cloudTestServerID : String
composition : String
maxDaysOfResults : int
additionalOptions : String
transactionname : String
thresholdname : String
thresholdvalue : String
thresholdid : String
generatePlotCSV : boolean
testFile : String
timeout : String
stopOnError : boolean
checkTestFile : boolean
recordWarnings : boolean
failFast : boolean
runTest : boolean
runTraceAnalysis : boolean
name : String
value : String
name : String
execInCurrentPkgDir : boolean
filterExpression : String
recursiveScan : boolean
tbcFile : String
tcfFile : String
forceReload : boolean
loadOnly : boolean
keepConfig : boolean
name : String
value : String
$class: 'TestLinkBuilder'
testLinkName : String
testProjectName : String
testPlanName : String
platformName : String
buildName : String
customFields : String
testPlanCustomFields : String
executionStatusNotRun : boolean
executionStatusPassed : boolean
executionStatusFailed : boolean
executionStatusBlocked : boolean
singleBuildSteps : Array / List of Build Step (hudson.tasks.BuildStep
beforeIteratingAllTestCasesBuildSteps : Array / List of Build Step (hudson.tasks.BuildStep
iterativeBuildSteps : Array / List of Build Step (hudson.tasks.BuildStep
afterIteratingAllTestCasesBuildSteps : Array / List of Build Step (hudson.tasks.BuildStep
transactional : boolean
failedTestsMarkBuildAsFailure : boolean
failIfNoResults : boolean
failOnNotRun : boolean
$class: 'JUnitCaseClassNameResultSeeker'
includePattern : String
keyCustomField : String
attachJUnitXML : boolean
includeNotes : boolean
$class: 'JUnitCaseNameResultSeeker'
includePattern : String
keyCustomField : String
attachJUnitXML : boolean
includeNotes : boolean
$class: 'JUnitMethodNameResultSeeker'
includePattern : String
keyCustomField : String
attachJUnitXML : boolean
includeNotes : boolean
$class: 'JUnitSuiteNameResultSeeker'
includePattern : String
keyCustomField : String
attachJUnitXML : boolean
includeNotes : boolean
$class: 'TAPFileNameMultiTestPointsResultSeeker'
includePattern : String
keyCustomField : String
attachTAPStream : boolean
attachYAMLishAttachments : boolean
includeNotes : boolean
compareFullPath : boolean
testpointsAsExecutions : boolean
$class: 'TAPFileNameResultSeeker'
includePattern : String
keyCustomField : String
attachTAPStream : boolean
attachYAMLishAttachments : boolean
includeNotes : boolean
compareFullPath : boolean
$class: 'TestNGClassNameResultSeeker'
includePattern : String
keyCustomField : String
attachTestNGXML : boolean
markSkippedTestAsBlocked : boolean
includeNotes : boolean
$class: 'TestNGMethodNameDataProviderNameResultSeeker'
includePattern : String
keyCustomField : String
attachTestNGXML : boolean
markSkippedTestAsBlocked : boolean
dataProviderNameKeyCustomField : String
includeNotes : boolean
$class: 'TestNGMethodNameResultSeeker'
includePattern : String
keyCustomField : String
attachTestNGXML : boolean
markSkippedTestAsBlocked : boolean
includeNotes : boolean
$class: 'TestNGSuiteNameResultSeeker'
includePattern : String
keyCustomField : String
attachTestNGXML : boolean
markSkippedTestAsBlocked : boolean
includeNotes : boolean
$class: 'TestOdysseyBuilder'
jobId : String
projectId : String
minPassPercentage : String
testFile : String
timeout : String
stopOnError : boolean
checkTestFile : boolean
recordWarnings : boolean
runTest : boolean
runTraceAnalysis : boolean
name : String
value : String
name : String
tbcFile : String
tcfFile : String
forceReload : boolean
loadOnly : boolean
keepConfig : boolean
name : String
value : String
target : String
testPlan : String
levoCredentialsId : String
generateJunitReport : boolean
extraCLIArgs : String
secretEnvironmentId : String
testFile : String
timeout : String
stopOnError : boolean
checkTestFile : boolean
recordWarnings : boolean
execInCurrentPkgDir : boolean
filterExpression : String
tbcFile : String
tcfFile : String
forceReload : boolean
loadOnly : boolean
keepConfig : boolean
name : String
value : String
projectId : String
testId : String
sendEmail : boolean
$class: 'TestRunner'
stack : String
branch : String
testNames : String
undeploy : boolean
apiKey : String
$class: 'TestStepBuilder'
packageId : String
serverType : String
server : String
database : String
authenticationType : String
userName : String
class hudson.util.Secret
runTestMode : String
runTests : String
compareOptions : String
dgenFile : String
filterFile : String
generateTestData : boolean
transactionIsoLvl : String
$class: 'TestStudioAPITestBuilder'
apiRunnerPath : String
project : String
test : String
startFrom : String
stopAfter : String
variable : String
dontSaveContexts : boolean
testAsUnit : boolean
$class: 'TestStudioTestBuilder'
artOfTestRunnerPath : String
testPath : String
settingsPath : String
dateFormat : String
Letter | Date or Time Component | Presentation | Examples |
G | Era designator | Text | AD |
y | Year | Year | 1996; 96 |
Y | Week year | Year | 2009; 09 |
M/L | Month in year | Month | July; Jul; 07 |
w | Week in year | Number | 27 |
W | Week in month | Number | 2 |
D | Day in year | Number | 189 |
d | Day in month | Number | 10 |
F | Day of week in month | Number | 2 |
E | Day in week | Text | Tuesday; Tue |
u | Day number of week | Number | 1 |
a | Am/pm marker | Text | PM |
H | Hour in day (0-23) | Number | 0 |
k | Hour in day (1-24) | Number | 24 |
K | Hour in am/pm (0-11) | Number | 0 |
h | Hour in am/pm (1-12) | Number | 12 |
m | Minute in hour | Number | 30 |
s | Second in minute | Number | 55 |
S | Millisecond | Number | 978 |
z | Time zone | General time zone | Pacific Standard Time; PST; GMT-08:00 |
Z | Time zone | RFC 822 time zone | -0800 |
X | Time zone | ISO 8601 time zone | -08; -0800; -08:00 |
Input string | Pattern |
2001.07.04 AD at 12:08:56 PDT | yyyy.MM.dd G 'at' HH:mm:ss z |
Wed, Jul 4, '01 | EEE, MMM d, ''yy |
12:08 PM | h:mm a |
12 o'clock PM, Pacific Daylight Time | hh 'o''clock' a, zzzz |
0:08 PM, PDT | K:mm a, z |
02001.July.04 AD 12:08 PM | yyyyy.MMMM.dd GGG hh:mm aaa |
Wed, 4 Jul 2001 12:08:56 -0700 | EEE, d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z |
010704120856-0700 | yyMMddHHmmssZ |
2001-07-04T12:08:56.235-0700 | yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ |
2001-07-04T12:08:56.235-07:00 | yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX |
2001-W27-3 | YYYY-'W'ww-u |
projectRoot : String
testAsUnit : boolean
outputPath : String
$class: 'TestSwarmBuilder'
testswarmServerUrl : String
jobName : String
userName : String
authToken : String
maxRuns : String
chooseBrowsers : String
pollingIntervalInSecs : String
timeOutPeriodInMins : String
minimumPassing : String
testName : String
testUrl : String
testCacheCracker : boolean
disableTest : boolean
projectPath : String
experimentName : String
jUnitReportDirectory : String
acceptInconclusiveWatchers : boolean
exportAsCsvDecimalSeparator : String
exportAsCsvDirectory : String
exportAsCsvNoQuote : boolean
exportAsCsvQuote : String
exportAsCsvReports : String
exportAsCsvSeparator : String
htmlReportDirectory : String
instrumentView : boolean
namespacePattern : String
parameterValues : String
runScenarioLimit : int
runTimeLimit : long
silverParameters : String
$class: 'TesteinRunBuilder'
targetType : String
targetId : String
downloadReport : boolean
downloadLogs : boolean
$class: 'TesteinUploadStepBuilder'
jsFilePath : String
jsonFilePath : String
jarFilePath : String
overwrite : boolean
$class: 'TestingBotBuilder'
name : String
personalAPIToken : String
appPath : String
Specify the path to your application file. For iOS, this can be a .ipa or .xcarchive file path. For Android, specify the .apk or .appbundle file path.
profileName : String
Enter the profile name of the Appcircle distribution profile. This name uniquely identifies the profile under which your applications will be distributed.
createProfileIfNotExists : boolean
Specify whether to create a new app profile if one does not already exist.
message : String
Optional message to include with the distribution to provide additional information to testers or users receiving the build.
$class: 'TestkubeBuilder'
$class: 'TestopiaBuilder'
testopiaInstallationName : String
testRunId : int
singleBuildSteps : Array / List of Build Step (hudson.tasks.BuildStep
beforeIteratingAllTestCasesBuildSteps : Array / List of Build Step (hudson.tasks.BuildStep
iterativeBuildSteps : Array / List of Build Step (hudson.tasks.BuildStep
afterIteratingAllTestCasesBuildSteps : Array / List of Build Step (hudson.tasks.BuildStep
failedTestsMarkBuildAsFailure : boolean
$class: 'JUnitCaseClassNameResultSeeker'
includePattern : String
$class: 'JUnitCaseNameResultSeeker'
includePattern : String
$class: 'JUnitMethodNameResultSeeker'
includePattern : String
$class: 'JUnitSuiteNameResultSeeker'
includePattern : String
$class: 'TAPFileNameResultSeeker'
includePattern : String
$class: 'TestNGClassNameResultSeeker'
includePattern : String
markSkippedTestAsBlocked : boolean
$class: 'TestNGMethodNameResultSeeker'
includePattern : String
markSkippedTestAsBlocked : boolean
$class: 'TestNGSuiteNameResultSeeker'
includePattern : String
markSkippedTestAsBlocked : boolean
Framework | Linux shell |
Maven Surefire | mvn clean -Dtest=$testsToRunConverted test |
Maven Failsafe | mvn clean -Dit.test=$testsToRunConverted verify |
Gradle | gradle test $testsToRunConverted |
Protractor | protractor conf.js --grep="$testsToRunConverted" |
Cucumber-JVM over Maven/ BDD Scenario |
mvn clean -Dcucumber.options="$testsToRunConverted" test |
JBehave over Maven | mvn clean -Dfeatures="$testsToRunConverted" test |
Framework | Windows batch command |
Maven Surefire | mvn clean -Dtest=%testsToRunConverted% test |
Maven Failsafe | mvn clean -Dit.test=%testsToRunConverted% verify |
Gradle | gradle test %testsToRunConverted% |
Protractor | protractor conf.js --grep="%testsToRunConverted%" |
Cucumber-JVM over Maven/ BDD Scenario |
mvn clean -Dcucumber.options="%testsToRunConverted%" test |
JBehave over Maven | mvn clean -Dfeatures="%testsToRunConverted%" test |
Framework | Pipeline script |
Maven Surefire | bat 'mvn clean -Dtest=${params.testsToRunConverted} test' |
Maven Failsafe | bat 'mvn clean -Dit.test=${params.testsToRunConverted} verify' |
Gradle | bat 'gradle test ${params.testsToRunConverted}' |
Protractor | bat(/protractor conf.js --grep="${params.testsToRunConverted}"/) |
Cucumber-JVM over Maven/ BDD Scenario |
bat(/mvn clean -Dcucumber.options="${params.testsToRunConverted}" test/) |
JBehave over Maven | bat(/mvn clean -Dfeatures="${testsToRunConverted}" test/) |
framework : String
format : String
{ "testPattern": "$package.$class#$testName", "testDelimiter": "," }
"replacements": [ { "type": "replaceRegex", "target": "$package|$class|$testName", "regex": "aaa", "replacement": "bbb", "description": "Replaces all the sequence of characters matching the regex with a replacement string." },{ "type": "replaceRegexFirst", "target": "$package|$class|$testName", "regex": "aaa", "replacement": "bbb", "description": "Replaces the first substring that matches the given regex with the given replacement. For example, given regex '@(.*)@.*' , replacement '$1', and test name '@myTag@ my test name' - will replace test name by the content located between @, that is - 'myTag'." },{ "type": "replaceString", "target": "$package|$class|$testName", "string": "xxx", "replacement": "yyy", "description": "Replaces all occurrences of ‘string’ with ‘replacement’." },{ "type": "joinString", "target": "$package|$class|$testName", "prefix": "xxx", "suffix": "yyy", "description": "Add prefix and suffix to the test template." },{ "type": "toLowerCase", "target": "$package|$class|$testName", "description": "Convert test template to lower case." },{ "type": "toUpperCase", "target": "$package|$class|$testName", "description": "Convert test template to upper case." },{ "type": "notLatinAndDigitToOctal", "target": "$package|$class|$testName", "description": "Replaces all non-latin characters and digits ^[a-zA-Z0-9] to their ASCII octal value." }]
$class: 'TestsigmaExecutionBuilder'
apiEndPoint : String
apiKey : String
testPlanId : String
maxWaitInMinutes : String
reportsFilePath : String
$class: 'TicsAnalyzer'
ticsPath : String
C:\Program Files\TIOBE\TICS\BuildServer
. This directory should contain the TICSQServer
executable. You can leave this field empty if these executables can be found on the PATH environment variable of the Jenkins agent user or if you checked the "Install TICS command-line tools" checkbox.ticsConfiguration : String
Τhe TICS Configuration is a URL pointing to the 'cfg' API endpoint of the TICS Viewer. It is of the following format
. This URL contains the name of the TICS Analyzer Configuration or '-' in case of the default configuration. Please ask your TICS Representative to provide you with a valid configuration name.
For TICS installations using the legacy deployment architecture, TICS Configuration points to the configuration directory, e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\TIOBE\TICS\FileServer\cfg
. The TICS configuration directory contains the SERVER.yaml
and PROJECTS.yaml
configuration files, among others. This setting sets the TICS
environment variable before executing TICSQServer
. You can leave this field empty if this variable is already set on the Jenkins slave.
projectName : String
from the command line. Note that you can use Jenkins environment variables such as $JOB_NAME
here.branchName : String
branchDirectory : String
TICSMaintenance -branchdir
. Note that you can use Jenkins variables (such as $WORKSPACE
) here.environmentVariables : String
here. Example:
TICS_M2_OPTS=-s C:\Tools\apache-maven\conf\settings.xml TICS_COVERITY_URL=http://localhost:8080 QACBIN=C:/QAC/common/bin PATH=C:\Tools\bin;$PATH
createTmpdir : boolean
tmpdir : String
.extraArguments : String
ALL : boolean
CHANGERATE : boolean
DEADCODE : boolean
ELOC : boolean
FANOUT : boolean
FINALIZE : boolean
FIXRATE : boolean
GLOC : boolean
LINESADDED : boolean
LOC : boolean
PREPARE : boolean
SECURITY : boolean
ALL : boolean
CHANGERATE : boolean
DEADCODE : boolean
ELOC : boolean
FANOUT : boolean
FINALIZE : boolean
FIXRATE : boolean
GLOC : boolean
LINESADDED : boolean
LOC : boolean
PREPARE : boolean
SECURITY : boolean
installTics : boolean
credentialsId : String
projectName : String
branchName : String
branchDirectory : String
calc : Array / List of String
credentialsId : String
java.util.LinkedHashMap<java.lang.String, java.lang.String>
extraArguments : String
installTics : boolean
recalc : Array / List of String
ticsBin : String
ticsConfiguration : String
tmpdir : String
connectionId : String
credentialsId : String
projectFolder : String
testSuite : String
Wild carding of test scenarios/suites names can be done using '*' for any characters and '?' for a single character. 'All_Scenarios' can be used to run all test scenarios or 'All_Suites' can be used to run all test suites.
jcl : String
ccClearStats : boolean
ccDB2 : boolean
ccPgmType : String
ccRepo : String
ccSystem : String
ccTestId : String
deleteTemp : boolean
hlq : String
hostPort : String
recursive : boolean
useStubs : boolean
environmentId : String
folderPath : String
serverUrl : String
serverCredentialsId : String
connectionId : String
credentialsId : String
sonarVersion : String
logLevel : String
accountInfo : String
Use the accounting information field to enter an account number and any other accounting information that your installation requires.
The accounting information must be entered, just as it would be on the job card. Currently only 52 characters are allowed for the accounting information.
ccThreshold : int
clearCodeCoverage : boolean
collectCCRepository : String
collectCCSystem : String
collectCCTestID : String
collectCodeCoverage : boolean
compareJUnits : boolean
contextVariables : String
createJUnitReport : boolean
createReport : boolean
createResult : boolean
createSonarReport : boolean
customerId : String
enterpriseDataHostPort : String
enterpriseDataWorkspace : String
haltAtFailure : boolean
haltPipelineOnFailure : boolean
jclPath : String
jsonFile : String
Use the JSON file field to enter a JSON file containing the tests to execute.
Note: This field is only used for Total Test CLI version 20.04.01 and later
localConfig : boolean
localConfigLocation : String
programList : String
Use the Test list field to enter a comma separated list of program names to be tested. Will only include test scenarios that have component under test defined as one of these
Note: This field is only used for Total Test CLI version 20.04.01 and later
recursive : boolean
reportFolder : String
selectEnvironmentRadio : String
selectProgramsOption : boolean
selectProgramsRadio : String
siteId : String
sourceFolder : String
stopIfTestFailsOrThresholdReached : boolean
uploadToServer : boolean
useEnterpriseData : boolean
useScenarios : boolean
$class: 'ToxBuilder'
toxIni : String
recreate : boolean
toxenvPattern : String
exePaths : String
tptFile : String
configuration : String
id : String
enableTest : boolean
reportDir : String
testSet : String
testdataDir : String
timeout : long
arguments : String
enableJunit : boolean
isDistributing : boolean
isTptMaster : boolean
jUnitreport : String
slaveJob : String
slaveJobCount : String
slaveJobTries : String
tptBindingName : String
tptPort : String
tptStartUpWaitTime : String
workerJob : String
workerJobCount : String
workerJobTries : String
exePaths : String
arguments : String
tptBindingName : String
tptPort : String
tptStartUpWaitTime : String
newTricentisClientPath : String
newEndpoint : String
configurationFilePath : String
Specify the path to the Tricentis CI test execution configuration XML file. The test configuration file includes more details about which items you would like to execute.
If you use this setting, leave the TestEvents setting of this page empty. Otherwise, this build step fails.
endpoint : String
Specify the address of the webservice. This component triggers the test execution.
If you execute your tests via Tosca Remote Service, the endpoint needs to point to the TOSCARemoteExecutionService (e.g. http://servername:8732/TOSCARemoteExecutionService/).
If you execute your tests via Tosca Distributed Execution, the endpoint needs to point to the Manager Service of the Tosca Distribution Server (e.g. http://servername:8732/DistributionServerService/ManagerService.svc).
testEvents : String
Input the TestEvents that you want to execute, separated by semicolons. You can identify the TestEvents with their name or their system ID.
This field is optional. It can only be used if you execute your tests via Tosca Distributed Execution.
If you use this setting, leave the Configuration File setting of this page empty. Otherwise, this build step fails.
tricentisClientPath : String
Specify the path to the Tricentis CI test execution configuration XML file. The test configuration file includes more details about which items you would like to execute.
If you use this setting, leave the TestEvents setting of this page empty. Otherwise, this build step fails.
$class: 'TriggerBuilder'
projects : String
buildStepFailureThreshold : String
unstableThreshold : String
failureThreshold : String
$class: 'AllNodesBuildParameterFactory'
$class: 'AllNodesForLabelBuildParameterFactory'
name : String
nodeLabel : String
The Label for which the parameters should be generated. For each Node matching the Label a NodeLabelParameter is generated. If no Node matches the Label then the job(s) are triggered with the unaltered Label - the job will therefore just stay in the build queue.
The label can be static or a token to be expanded by the token macro plugin.
ignoreOfflineNodes : boolean
$class: 'BinaryFileParameterFactory'
This implementation does not interpret the contents of those files, and instead it simply gets passed and placed into the workspace of the triggered project(s) under the name specified here.
This is useful, for example, when you have a portion of the job that can be split into concurrently executable subtasks. In such a situation, you can have an earlier step produce subtask work units by packaging necessary stuff into individual files, then use this mode to execute them all in parallel.
parameterName : String
filePattern : String
$class: 'CounterBuildParameterFactory'
from : String
to : String
step : String
paramExpr : String
$class: 'CounterGeneratorParameterFactory'
from : String
to : String
step : String
paramExpr : String
$class: 'FileBuildParameterFactory'
filePattern : String
encoding : String
$class: 'FileGeneratorParameterFactory'
filePattern : String
$class: 'NodeListBuildParameterFactory'
name : String
nodeListString : String
$class: 'BooleanParameters'
name : String
value : boolean
$class: 'CurrentBuildParameters'
$class: 'FileBuildParameters'
propertiesFile : String
encoding : String
failTriggerOnMissing : boolean
useMatrixChild : boolean
combinationFilter : String
onlyExactRuns : boolean
textParamValueOnNewLine : boolean
$class: 'GeneratorCurrentParameters'
$class: 'GitRevisionBuildParameters'
combineQueuedCommits : boolean
$class: 'MatrixSubsetBuildParameters'
filter : String
See the "Combination Filter" field in a matrix project configuration page for more details about the environment the script runs in, examples, and so on.
What you specify here gets expanded by variables of the triggering build, which allows you to dynamically control the subset of the triggered job. For example, if you trigger job BAR from FOO with label=="${TARGET}" in the filter, and if FOO defines the TARGET variable and FOO #1 sets TARGET to be linux, then the triggered BAR #3 will only select the subset of combinations where label=="linux" holds true.
Note that the variable expansion follows the ${varname} syntax used throughout in Jenkins, which collides with Groovy string inline expression syntax. However, Jenkins variable expansion leaves undefined variables as-is, so most of the time your Groovy string line expression syntax will survive the expansion, get passed to Groovy as-is, and work as expected. If you do need to escape '$', use '$$'.
$class: 'NodeLabelBuildParameter'
name : String
nodeLabel : String
$class: 'NodeParameters'
$class: 'PredefinedBuildParameters'
properties : String
textParamValueOnNewLine : boolean
$class: 'PredefinedGeneratorParameters'
properties : String
$class: 'SubversionRevisionBuildParameters'
includeUpstreamParameters : boolean
$class: 'TwitterPublisher'
tokenCredentialsID : String
consumerCredentialsID : String
tweetText : String
jobsCount : int
user : String
machine : String
accountForApp : String
applicationId : String
applicationSecret : String
applicationScope : String
identityUrl : String
version : String
robotsIds : String
testProjectPath : String
environments : String
testSet : String
credentialsId : String
accountName : String
credentialsId : String
orchestratorAddress : String
orchestratorTenant : String
folderName : String
jobsCount : int
user : String
machine : String
accountForApp : String
applicationId : String
applicationSecret : String
applicationScope : String
identityUrl : String
version : String
robotsIds : String
testProjectPath : String
environments : String
testSet : String
credentialsId : String
accountName : String
credentialsId : String
filePath : String
, Critical
, Error
, Warning
, Information
, Verbose
, Critical
, Error
, Warning
, Information
, Verbose
cliNupkgPath : String
cliVersion : String
forceInstall : boolean
jobsCount : int
user : String
machine : String
accountForApp : String
applicationId : String
applicationSecret : String
applicationScope : String
identityUrl : String
version : String
robotsIds : String
testProjectPath : String
environments : String
testSet : String
credentialsId : String
accountName : String
credentialsId : String
projectJsonPath : String
outputPath : String
, Critical
, Error
, Warning
, Information
, Verbose
jobsCount : int
user : String
machine : String
accountForApp : String
applicationId : String
applicationSecret : String
applicationScope : String
identityUrl : String
version : String
robotsIds : String
testProjectPath : String
environments : String
testSet : String
credentialsId : String
accountName : String
credentialsId : String
disableBuiltInNugetFeeds : boolean
governanceFilePath : String
orchestratorAddress : String
orchestratorTenant : String
outputType : String
projectUrl : String
releaseNotes : String
repositoryBranch : String
repositoryCommit : String
repositoryType : String
repositoryUrl : String
runWorkflowAnalysis : boolean
splitOutput : boolean
useOrchestrator : boolean
$class: 'UnicornValidationBuilder'
unicornUrl : String
siteUrl : String
maxErrorsForStable : String
maxWarningsForStable : String
maxErrorsForUnstable : String
maxWarningsForUnstable : String
$class: 'UninstallBuilder'
packageId : String
failOnUninstallFailure : boolean
applicationName : String
applicationVersion : String
applicationComponent : String
testCoverage : float
testsFailed : int
testsIgnored : int
testsPassed : int
$class: 'Unity3dBuilder'
For projects that use Unity3d as the build system.
This causes Jenkins to invoke the Unity3d Editor with the given command line arguments.
A non-zero exit code from Unity3d makes Jenkins mark the build as a failure.
unity3dName : String
argLine : String
-quit -batchmode -executeMethod YourEditorScript.YourBuildMethod [-nographics]
or -quit -batchmode -buildWindowsPlayer path/to/your/build.exe
or -quit -batchmode -buildOSXPlayer path/to/your/
If this value isn't set, the globalArgLine is used.
Note: we make little to no attempt to detect conflicting arguments or arguments not suitable to the platform neither at configuration nor at runtime.
If the specified command line contains no -projectpath
argument, the plugin automatically adds one with the proper parameter (the workspace of the project on the target machine). This is to make sure unity builds the proper project. Otherwise unity would reuse the last opened project. You can override it, but this hasn't been thoroughly tested.
If your build agent have multiple executors (which you should probably do), it is highly recommended to make use of a -logFile
argument to avoid letting Unityed write to the standard editor.log concurrently. A recommended practise is to use something like -logFile "$WORKSPACE/unity3d_editor.log"
See the official Editor command line arguments documentation.
unstableReturnCodes : String
shelf : String
resolve : String
tidy : boolean
ignoreEmpty : boolean
$class: 'UpdateBox'
cloud : String
workspace : String
box : String
variables : String
azureCredentialsId : String
resourceGroup : String
name : String
instanceIds : String
$class: 'UpdateProjectBuilder'
$class: 'UpdateRelease'
projectNumber : String
releaseNumber : String
name : String
goal : String
stage : String
startdate : String
enddate : String
customFields : String
$class: 'UpdateSprint'
projectNumber : String
sprintNumber : String
name : String
description : String
duration : String
startdate : String
enddate : String
customFields : String
$class: 'UpdateWorkItem'
projectNumber : String
sprintNumber : String
itemNumber : String
name : String
description : String
status : String
type : String
priority : String
duration : String
startdate : String
enddate : String
customFields : String
url : String
path : String
$class: 'UploadAppBuildStep'
applicationLocation : String
keystoreLocation : String
keystorePassword : String
keyAlias : String
keyPassword : String
touchId : boolean
camera : boolean
allowResign : boolean
uuid : String
uniqueName : String
$class: 'UploadAppBuilder'
mcServerName : String
mcUserName : String
mcPassword : String
mcTenantId : String
mcExecToken : String
value : String
fsUseAuthentication : boolean
fsProxyAddress : String
fsProxyUserName : String
fsProxyPassword : String
mcAppPath : String
mcAppWorkspace : String
Use this step to upload a blueprint to Cloudify Manager.
Two paramters are mandatory:
In addition, exactly one of the following parameters is mandatory:
If you provide a blueprint's root directory, then the entire directory contents are packaged into a blueprint archive.
archivePath : String
archiveUrl : String
blueprintId : String
credentialsId : String
The ID of the credentials to use when accessing Cloudify. Parameters' expansion is supported when using freestyle jobs.
mainFileName : String
rootDirectory : String
tenant : String
Cloudify tenant to operate on. If left empty, then the default tenant (defined in the plugin's configuration page) will be used.
$class: 'UploadBuild'
tenantId : String
id : String
name : String
versionName : String
revision : String
requestor : String
status : String
startTime : String
endTime : String
appName : String
appId : String
appExtId : String
debug : boolean
fatal : boolean
apiKey : String
scanDir : String
projectId : String
suiteId : String
wildcard : String
apiKey : String
scanDir : String
wildcard : String
buildType : String
buildInstallType : String
buildPassword : String
buildUpdateDescription : String
buildChannelShortcut : String
qrcodePath : String
envVarsPath : String
$class: 'UploadDeployment'
id : String
tenantId : String
name : String
result : String
initiator : String
versionName : String
versionExtId : String
type : String
environmentId : String
environmentName : String
description : String
startTime : String
endTime : String
appName : String
appId : String
appExtId : String
debug : boolean
fatal : boolean
$class: 'UploadJUnitTestResult'
java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String>
$class: 'UploadMetricsFile'
tenantId : String
name : String
filePath : String
testSetName : String
environment : String
combineTestSuites : boolean
fatal : boolean
debug : boolean
pluginType : String
dataFormat : String
recordName : String
metricDefinitionId : String
metricsRecordUrl : String
description : String
executionDate : String
buildId : String
buildUrl : String
appId : String
appName : String
appExtId : String
feedName : String
groupName : String
A string of no more than fifty characters:
packageName : String
A string of no more than fifty characters:
version : String
artifacts : String
Removing Unwanted Folders
Top level folders can be excluded from the package using a custom addition to the Ant fileset - wrapping unwanted folder names in square brackets ([ ]):
caseSensitive : boolean
which by default is case sensitive. For instance, if the job produces *.hpi files, pattern "**/*.HPI" will fail to find them.
defaultExcludes : boolean
dependencies : String
description : String
excludes : String
icon : String
metadata : String
If you need to add additional metadata, it's strongly recommended that you prefix these properties with an underscore (_) on the off-chance that a property you add will exist in a future version of the specification.
title : String
A string of no more than fifty characters
credentialsId : String
The ID of the credentials to use when accessing Cloudify. Parameters' expansion is supported when using freestyle jobs.
outputLocation : String
tenant : String
Cloudify tenant to operate on. If left empty, then the default tenant (defined in the plugin's configuration page) will be used.
wagonLocation : String
yamlLocation : String
file of the plugin.
$class: 'UpmergeBuilder'
commitUsername : String
initialUrl : String
urlsWhiteList : String
rule : String
complianceMinimum : float
allowSimultaneousLogins : boolean
loginFlowJson : String
useRunner : boolean
fetchResponseTimeout : int
useSlaveNodes : String
nodeLabel : String
projectId : String
tags : String
testName : String
testStatus : String
assignedTo : String
projectFile : String
compileConstants : String
outDir : String
$class: 'VCommanderRequestNewServiceAction'
payload : String
sync : boolean
timeout : long
polling : long
$class: 'VCommanderRunWorkflowAction'
targetType : String
targetName : String
workflowName : String
sync : boolean
timeout : long
polling : long
$class: 'VCommanderWaitForRequestNewServiceAction'
requestId : String
timeout : long
polling : long
$class: 'VCommanderWaitForRunWorkflowAction'
taskId : String
timeout : long
polling : long
$class: 'VMGRAPI'
vAPIUrl : String
vAPIUser : String
vAPIPassword : String
vAPIInput : String
vJsonInputFile : String
deleteInputFile : boolean
authRequired : boolean
apiType : String
dynamicUserId : boolean
apiUrl : String
requestMethod : String
advConfig : boolean
connTimeout : int
readTimeout : int
$class: 'VMGRLaunch'
vAPIUrl : String
vAPIUser : String
vAPIPassword : String
vSIFName : String
vSIFInputFile : String
credentialInputFile : String
deleteInputFile : boolean
deleteCredentialInputFile : boolean
useUserOnFarm : boolean
authRequired : boolean
vsifType : String
userFarmType : String
dynamicUserId : boolean
advConfig : boolean
connTimeout : int
readTimeout : int
envVarible : boolean
envVaribleFile : String
inaccessibleResolver : String
stoppedResolver : String
failedResolver : String
doneResolver : String
suspendedResolver : String
waitTillSessionEnds : boolean
stepSessionTimeout : int
generateJUnitXML : boolean
extraAttributesForFailures : boolean
staticAttributeList : String
markBuildAsFailedIfAllRunFailed : boolean
failJobIfAllRunFailed : boolean
envSourceInputFile : String
vMGRBuildArchive : boolean
deleteAlsoSessionDirectory : boolean
genericCredentialForSessionDelete : boolean
archiveUser : String
archivePassword : String
famMode : String
famModeLocation : String
noAppendSeed : boolean
markBuildAsPassedIfAllRunPassed : boolean
failJobUnlessAllRunPassed : boolean
userPrivateSSHKey : boolean
attrValues : boolean
attrValuesFile : String
executionType : String
sessionsInputFile : String
deleteSessionInputFile : boolean
envVariableType : String
envVariableText : String
attrVariableType : String
attrVariableText : String
pauseSessionOnBuildInterruption : boolean
envSourceInputFileType : String
executionScript : String
executionShellLocation : String
executionVsifFile : String
defineVaribleFile : String
defineVarible : boolean
defineVariableType : String
defineVariableText : String
vAPICredentials : String
credentialType : String
$class: 'VSphereBuildStepContainer'
$class: 'Clone'
sourceName : String
clone : String
linkedClone : boolean
resourcePool : String
cluster : String
datastore : String
folder : String
powerOn : boolean
timeoutInSeconds : int
customizationSpec : String
$class: 'ConvertToTemplate'
vm : String
force : boolean
$class: 'ConvertToVm'
template : String
resourcePool : String
cluster : String
$class: 'Delete'
vm : String
failOnNoExist : boolean
$class: 'DeleteSnapshot'
vm : String
snapshotName : String
consolidate : boolean
failOnNoExist : boolean
$class: 'Deploy'
template : String
clone : String
linkedClone : boolean
resourcePool : String
cluster : String
datastore : String
folder : String
customizationSpec : String
timeoutInSeconds : int
powerOn : boolean
$class: 'ExposeGuestInfo'
vm : String
envVariablePrefix : String
waitForIp4 : boolean
$class: 'PowerOff'
vm : String
evenIfSuspended : boolean
shutdownGracefully : boolean
ignoreIfNotExists : boolean
gracefulShutdownTimeout : int
$class: 'PowerOn'
vm : String
timeoutInSeconds : int
$class: 'Reconfigure'
vm : String
$class: 'ReconfigureAnnotation'
annotation : String
append : boolean
$class: 'ReconfigureCpu'
cpuCores : String
coresPerSocket : String
$class: 'ReconfigureDisk'
diskSize : String
datastore : String
$class: 'ReconfigureMemory'
memorySize : String
$class: 'ReconfigureNetworkAdapters'
deviceLabel : String
macAddress : String
standardSwitch : boolean
portGroup : String
distributedSwitch : boolean
distributedPortGroup : String
distributedPortId : String
$class: 'Rename'
oldName : String
newName : String
$class: 'RenameSnapshot'
vm : String
oldName : String
newName : String
newDescription : String
$class: 'RevertToSnapshot'
vm : String
snapshotName : String
$class: 'SuspendVm'
vm : String
$class: 'TakeSnapshot'
vm : String
snapshotName : String
description : String
includeMemory : boolean
serverName : String
$class: 'VaddyPlugin'
host : String
userId : String
authKey : String
crawlId : String
apiServerUrl : String
proxyHost : String
proxyPort : String
$class: 'VagrantDestroyCommand'
vagrantFile : String
vagrantVm : String
$class: 'VagrantProvisionCommand'
vagrantFile : String
vagrantVm : String
provisioners : String
parallel : boolean
$class: 'VagrantSshCommand'
vagrantFile : String
vagrantVm : String
command : String
asRoot : boolean
$class: 'VagrantUpCommand'
vagrantFile : String
vagrantVm : String
destroyOnError : boolean
provider : String
dontKillMe : boolean
$class: 'ValgrindBuilder'
valgrindExecutable : String
workingDirectory : String
includePattern : String
excludePattern : String
outputDirectory : String
outputFileEnding : String
programOptions : String
$class: 'ValgrindToolHelgrind'
historyLevel : String
$class: 'ValgrindToolMemcheck'
showReachable : boolean
undefinedValueErrors : boolean
leakCheckLevel : String
trackOrigins : boolean
valgrindOptions : String
ignoreExitCode : boolean
traceChildren : boolean
childSilentAfterFork : boolean
generateSuppressions : boolean
suppressionFiles : String
removeOldReports : boolean
packageIdFilters : String
**/*.zipThis pattern will only match packages located directly under the Packages folder whose filenames begin with 'acme-':
Packages/acme-*.zipMatching packages will be validated in the order in which the filters are specified. At least one package must match each filter or the step will fail.
allowNonCoveredRoots : boolean
forbiddenACHandlingModeSet : String
forbiddenExtensions : String
.jar .zipThis field supports parameter tokens.
forbiddenFilterRootPrefixes : String
localDirectory : String
pathsDeniedForInclusion : String
/apps/system/rep:policy /etc/map/http/site_root_redirectUse this test to safeguard specific paths or possible paths within unrestricted roots from overly broad workspace filters.
validationFilter : String
/etc # define /etc as the filter root -/etc/packages(/.)? # exclude package pathsThis field supports parameter tokens.
$class: 'Validator'
stack : String
branch : String
apiKey : String
filePath : String
fileEncoding : String
variablesPrefix : String
variablesSuffix : String
emptyValue : String
name : String
value : String
$class: 'VectorCASTCommand'
winCommand : String
unixCommand : String
$class: 'VectorCASTSetup'
environmentSetupWin : String
environmentSetupUnix : String
executePreambleWin : String
executePreambleUnix : String
environmentTeardownWin : String
environmentTeardownUnix : String
optionUseReporting : boolean
optionErrorLevel : String
optionHtmlBuildDesc : String
optionExecutionReport : boolean
optionClean : boolean
useCILicenses : boolean
useStrictTestcaseImport : boolean
useImportedResults : boolean
useLocalImportedResults : boolean
useExternalImportedResults : boolean
externalResultsFilename : String
useCoverageHistory : boolean
waitLoops : long
waitTime : long
maxParallel : long
manageProjectName : String
jobName : String
nodeLabel : String
pclpCommand : String
pclpResultsPattern : String
squoreCommand : String
TESTinsights_URL : String
TESTinsights_project : String
TESTinsights_credentials_id : String
TESTinsights_proxy : String
TESTinsights_SCM_URL : String
TESTinsights_SCM_Tech : String
$class: 'ViberNotifier'
token : String
sender : String
message : String
$class: 'ViewCloner'
url : String
replacePatternString : String
niewViewName : String
password : String
username : String
$class: 'VirtualenvBuilder'
pythonName : String
home : String
clear : boolean
systemSitePackages : boolean
nature : String
command : String
ignoreExitCode : boolean
projectName : String
reportPath : String
reportFormat : String
generateReport : boolean
doAnalysis : boolean
createReferenceDocument : boolean
createCodeReviewDocument : boolean
$class: 'VsCodeMetricsBuilder'
toolName : String
files : String
Assembly file(s) to analyze.
You can specify multiple analyze assemblies by separating them with new-line or space.
Command Line Argument: /file:[ assembly file path ]
outputXML : String
Metrics results XML output file.
Command Line Argument: /out:[ output file path ]
directory : String
Location to search for assembly dependencies.
You can specify multiple directories by separating them with new-line or space.
Command Line Argument: /directory:[ directory ]
searchGac : boolean
Search the Global Assembly Cache for missing references.
Command Line Argument: /searchgac
platform : String
Location of framework assemblies, such as mscorlib.dll.
Command Line Argument: /platform:[ directory ]
reference : String
Reference assemblies required for analysis.
You can specify multiple reference assemblies by separating them with new-line or space.
Command Line Argument: /reference:[ assembly file path ]
ignoreInvalidTargets : boolean
Silently ignore invalid target files.
Command Line Argument: /ignoreinvalidtargets
ignoreGeneratedCode : boolean
Suppress analysis results against generated code.
Command Line Argument: /ignoregeneratedcode
cmdLineArgs : String
failBuild : boolean
cmdLineArgs : String
enablecodecoverage : boolean
Enables data diagnostic adapter CodeCoverage in the test run.
Default settings are used if not specified using settings file.
Command Line Argument: /Enablecodecoverage
failBuild : boolean
framework : String
Target .NET Framework version to be used for test execution.
Valid values are Framework35, Framework40 and Framework45.
Command Line Argument: /Framework: [ framework version ]
inIsolation : boolean
Runs the tests in an isolated process.
This makes vstest.console.exe process less likely to be stopped on an error in the tests, but tests might run slower.
logger : String
Specify a logger for test results. For example, to log results into a Visual Studio Test Results File (TRX) use /Logger:trx.
Command Line Argument: /Logger:[ uri/friendlyname ]
platform : String
Target platform architecture to be used for test execution.
Valid values are x86, x64 and ARM.
settings : String
Run tests with additional settings such as data collectors.
Example: Local.RunSettings
Command Line Argument: /Settings:[ file name ]
testCaseFilter : String
Run tests that match the given expression.
<Expression> is of the format <property>=<value>[||<Expression>].
Example: TestCategory=Nightly||Name=Namespace.ClassName.MethodName
The TestCaseFilter command line option cannot be used with the Tests command line option.
Command Line Argument: /TestCaseFilter:[ expression ]
testFiles : String
Specify the path to your VSTest compiled assemblies.
You can specify multiple test assemblies by separating them with new-line or space.
tests : String
Run tests with names that match the provided values.
To provide multiple values, separate them by commas.
Example: TestMethod1,testMethod2
The /Tests command line option cannot be used with the /TestCaseFilter command line option.
Command Line Argument: /Tests:[ test name ]
useVs2017Plus : boolean
This makes adjustments to the arguments for the sake of compatibility with Visual Studio 2017+.
Command Line Argument: /UseVs2017Plus:true
useVsixExtensions : boolean
This makes vstest.console.exe process use or skip the VSIX extensions installed (if any) in the test run.
Command Line Argument: /UseVsixExtensions:true
vsTestName : String
$class: 'WASBuildStep'
additionalClasspath : String
appendTrace : boolean
commands : String
javaOptions : String
jobId : String
language : String
profileScriptFiles : String
propertiesFiles : String
runIf : String
.scriptFile : String
scriptParameters : String
traceFile : String
wasServerName : String
user : String
password : String
projectId : String
appPath : String
scriptPath : String
groupId : String
timeout : String
The timeout of this test run.The default value is 60 minutes.
frameType : String
caseTimeout : String
The timeout of each device running in your test.The default value is 10 minutes.
targetOsType : String
$class: 'WakeUpIOSDevice'
url : String
cloudTestServerID : String
additionalOptions : String
$class: 'WallarmFastBuilder'
appHost : String
appPort : String
fastPort : String
fastName : String
policyId : int
testRecordId : int
wallarmApiHost : String
testRunName : String
testRunDesc : String
record : boolean
stopOnFirstFail : boolean
failBuild : boolean
withoutSudo : boolean
localDockerNetwork : String
localDockerIp : String
wallarmVersion : String
fileExtensionsToExclude : String
inactivityTimeout : int
testRunRps : int
wallarmApiToken : String
$class: 'WarriorPluginBuilder'
configType : String
gitConfigUrl : String
gitConfigCredentials : boolean
gitConfigTagValue : String
gitConfigCloneType : String
gitConfigUname : String
gitConfigPwd : String
gitConfigFile : String
sftpConfigIp : String
sftpConfigUname : String
sftpConfigPwd : String
sftpConfigFile : String
pythonPath : String
uploadExecLog : boolean
uploadServerIp : String
uploadServerUname : String
uploadServerPwd : String
uploadServerType : String
uploadServerDir : String
runFile : String
class hudson.util.Secret
projects : int
$class: 'WebLoadAnalyticsBuilder'
inputLsFile : String
portfolioFile : String
location : String
reportName : String
compareToSessions : String
compareToPreviousBuilds : int
$class: 'WebLoadConsoleBuilder'
tplFile : String
lsFile : String
executionDuration : long
virtualClients : long
probindClient : long
$class: 'WildflyBuilder'
war : String
host : String
port : String
username : String
password : String
server : String
$class: 'WinBatchBuildStep'
buildStepId : String
defineArgs : boolean
arg : String
$class: 'WinDocksBuilder'
ipaddress : String
image : String
hostName : String
credentialsId : String
command : String
source : String
destination : String
configurationName : String
$class: 'WixToolsetBuilder'
sources : String
markAsUnstable : boolean
compileOnly : boolean
useUiExt : boolean
useUtilExt : boolean
useBalExt : boolean
useComPlusExt : boolean
useDependencyExt : boolean
useDifxAppExt : boolean
useDirectXExt : boolean
useFirewallExt : boolean
useGamingExt : boolean
useIISExt : boolean
useMsmqExt : boolean
useNetfxExt : boolean
usePsExt : boolean
useSqlExt : boolean
useTagExt : boolean
useVsExt : boolean
msiOutput : String
Enter a name for the generated MSI/EXE package. If left blank, the MSI package is named setup.msi. You can also use the file ending *.exe. But keep in mind, that you have to create a Bootstrapper and activeate the BalExtension to create an Executable.
You can use environment variables like $GIT_BRANCH to define a package name.
arch : String
userInput : String
Enter the commands to pass to the Wiz CLI.
For additional information, see Wiz documentation here
dsn : String
member : String
file : String
dsn : String
file : String
$class: 'WriteFileToDatasetStep'
connectionName : String
dsn : String
fileOption : String
localFilePath : String
workspacePath : String
destFile : String
sourceFile : String
binary : boolean
$class: 'WriteFileToFileStep'
connectionName : String
filePathUSS : String
binary : boolean
fileOption : String
localFilePath : String
workspacePath : String
$class: 'WriteFileToMemberStep'
connectionName : String
dsn : String
member : String
fileOption : String
localFilePath : String
workspacePath : String
dsn : String
text : String
$class: 'WriteToDatasetStep'
connectionName : String
dsn : String
text : String
destFile : String
text : String
binary : boolean
$class: 'WriteToFileStep'
connectionName : String
filePath : String
text : String
binary : boolean
dsn : String
member : String
text : String
$class: 'WriteToMemberStep'
connectionName : String
dsn : String
member : String
text : String
$class: 'WsapBuilder'
wsapLocation : String
envVar : String
credentialsId : String
targetUrl : String
ipAddress : String
port : int
apiKey : String
target : String
scan : String
apiUrl : String
apiDefinition : String
$class: 'DASTAnalysis'
$class: 'ExcludeEntry'
url : String
$class: 'HeaderEntry'
header : String
value : String
$class: 'IncludeEntry'
url : String
$class: 'LoginProperties'
useLogin : boolean
loginUrl : String
requestJson : String
usernameField : String
passwordField : String
loggedInRegex : String
loggedOutRegex : String
$class: 'DASTAnalysis'
$class: 'ExcludeEntry'
url : String
$class: 'HeaderEntry'
header : String
value : String
$class: 'IncludeEntry'
url : String
$class: 'LoginProperties'
$class: 'SASTAnalysis'
target : String
$class: 'ScanMethod'
scan : String
apiUrl : String
apiDefinition : String
$class: 'UserEntry'
username : String
password : String
$class: 'DASTAnalysis'
$class: 'ExcludeEntry'
url : String
$class: 'HeaderEntry'
header : String
value : String
$class: 'IncludeEntry'
url : String
$class: 'LoginProperties'
$class: 'SASTAnalysis'
target : String
$class: 'ScanMethod'
scan : String
apiUrl : String
apiDefinition : String
$class: 'UserEntry'
username : String
password : String
$class: 'SASTAnalysis'
target : String
$class: 'ScanMethod'
scan : String
apiUrl : String
apiDefinition : String
$class: 'UserEntry'
username : String
password : String
$class: 'DASTAnalysis'
$class: 'ExcludeEntry'
url : String
$class: 'HeaderEntry'
header : String
value : String
$class: 'IncludeEntry'
url : String
$class: 'LoginProperties'
useLogin : boolean
loginUrl : String
requestJson : String
usernameField : String
passwordField : String
loggedInRegex : String
loggedOutRegex : String
$class: 'DASTAnalysis'
$class: 'ExcludeEntry'
url : String
$class: 'HeaderEntry'
header : String
value : String
$class: 'IncludeEntry'
url : String
$class: 'LoginProperties'
$class: 'SASTAnalysis'
target : String
$class: 'ScanMethod'
scan : String
apiUrl : String
apiDefinition : String
$class: 'UserEntry'
username : String
password : String
$class: 'DASTAnalysis'
$class: 'ExcludeEntry'
url : String
$class: 'HeaderEntry'
header : String
value : String
$class: 'IncludeEntry'
url : String
$class: 'LoginProperties'
$class: 'SASTAnalysis'
target : String
$class: 'ScanMethod'
scan : String
apiUrl : String
apiDefinition : String
$class: 'UserEntry'
username : String
password : String
$class: 'SASTAnalysis'
target : String
$class: 'ScanMethod'
scan : String
apiUrl : String
apiDefinition : String
$class: 'UserEntry'
username : String
password : String
useLogin : boolean
loginUrl : String
requestJson : String
usernameField : String
passwordField : String
loggedInRegex : String
loggedOutRegex : String
$class: 'DASTAnalysis'
$class: 'ExcludeEntry'
url : String
$class: 'HeaderEntry'
header : String
value : String
$class: 'IncludeEntry'
url : String
$class: 'LoginProperties'
$class: 'SASTAnalysis'
target : String
$class: 'ScanMethod'
scan : String
apiUrl : String
apiDefinition : String
$class: 'UserEntry'
username : String
password : String
$class: 'DASTAnalysis'
$class: 'ExcludeEntry'
url : String
$class: 'HeaderEntry'
header : String
value : String
$class: 'IncludeEntry'
url : String
$class: 'LoginProperties'
$class: 'SASTAnalysis'
target : String
$class: 'ScanMethod'
scan : String
apiUrl : String
apiDefinition : String
$class: 'UserEntry'
username : String
password : String
allowFailingBuildResults : boolean
Checking this option will prevent a build step from failing if xcodebuild exits with a non-zero return code.
This can be useful for build steps that run unit tests and also have a post-build task to publish unit test results: the test step will not fail the entire build for a failing unit test, but will instead mark the build unstable in the "publish test" phase.
appURL : String
assetPackManifestURL : String
assetPacksBaseURL : String
assetPacksInBundle : boolean
buildDir : String
The value to use for the BUILD_DIR setting. You only need to supply this value if you want the product of the Xcode build to be in a location other than the one specified in project settings and this job 'SYMROOT' parameter.
Supports all macros and also environment and build variables from the Token Macro Plugin.
For example you can use the value :
buildIpa : boolean
Checking this option will create a .ipa for each .app found in the build directory.
An .ipa is basically a zipped up .app.
This is quite handy for distributing ad-hoc builds to testers as they can just double-click the .ipa and it will import into iTunes.
bundleID : String
The new bundle ID. Usually something like com.companyname.projectname.
bundleIDInfoPlistPath : String
The path to the info.plist file which contains the CFBundleIdentifier of your project.
Usually something like:
cfBundleShortVersionStringValue : String
This will set the CFBundleShortVersionString to the specified string.
Supports all macros and also environment and build variables from the Token Macro Plugin.
cfBundleVersionValue : String
This will set the CFBundleVersion to the specified string.
Supports all macros and also environment and build variables from the Token Macro Plugin.
For example the value ${BUILD_NUMBER} will be replaced with the current build number.
We advice you to generate a unique value for each build if you want for example deploy it into a private store.
In that case, for example, you can use : ${JOB_NAME}-${BUILD_NUMBER}
changeBundleID : boolean
Checking this option will replace the bundle identifier.
You will need to specify which bundle ID (CFBundleIdentifier) to use and where is the Info.plist file located.
This is handy for example when you want to use a different code signing identity in your development projects.
cleanBeforeBuild : boolean
This will delete the build directories before invoking the build. This will force the rebuilding of ALL dependencies and can make large projects take a lot longer.
cleanResultBundlePath : boolean
This will delete the ResultBundlePath before invoking the build.
If the directory already exists in the location specified by ResultBundlePath, xcodebuild will be an error and should be checked.
cleanTestReports : boolean
compileBitcode : boolean
configuration : String
This is the name of the configuration as defined in the Xcode project.
By default there are Debug and Release configurations.
copyProvisioningProfile : boolean
developmentTeamID : String
developmentTeamName : String
displayImageURL : String
fullSizeImageURL : String
generateArchive : boolean
Checking this option will create an .xcarchive .app found in the build directory.
An .xcarchive is useful for submission to the app store or third party crash reporters.
You must specify a Scheme to perform an archive.
ignoreTestResults : boolean
interpretTargetAsRegEx : boolean
Build all entries listed under the "Targets:" section of the xcodebuild -list output that match the regexp.
ipaExportMethod : String
ipaName : String
ipaOutputDirectory : String
keychainId : String
keychainName : String
The name of this configured keychain. Each job will specify a keychain configuration by the name.
keychainPath : String
The path of the keychain to use to retrieve certificates to sign the package (default : ${HOME}/Library/Keychains/login.keychain).
The password of the keychain to use to retrieve certificates to sign the package.
class hudson.util.Secret
logfileOutputDirectory : String
Specify the directory to output the log of xcodebuild.
If you leave it blank, it will be output to "project directory/builds/${BUILD_NUMBER}/log" with other logs.
If an output path is specified, it is output as a xcodebuild.log file in a relative directory under the "build output directory"
manualSigning : boolean
noConsoleLog : boolean
provideApplicationVersion : boolean
provisioningProfileAppId : String
provisioningProfileUUID : String
resultBundlePath : String
Specify the directory to output the output the test result.
If you leave it blank, it will not output a test result and will not analyze the test results.
If an output path is specified, it is output as a test result in a relative directory under the "ResultBundlePath".
The plug-in analyzes the test result here and outputs a JUnit compatible XML file under the ${WORKSPACE}/test-reports.
sdk : String
You only need to supply this value if you want to specify the SDK to build against. If empty, the SDK will be determined by Xcode. If you wish to run OCUnit tests, you will need to use the iPhone Simulator's SDK, for example:
signingMethod : String
stripSwiftSymbols : boolean
symRoot : String
You only need to supply this value if you want to specify the SYMROOT path to use.
If empty, the default SYMROOT path will be used (it could be different depending of your Xcode version).
Supports all macros and also environment and build variables from the Token Macro Plugin.
For example you can use the value :
target : String
The target to build. If left empty, this will build all targets in the project.
If you wish to build your binary and the unit test module, it is best to do this as two separate steps each with their own target.
This was, the iPhone Simulator SDK can be specified for the unit tests.
thinning : String
unlockKeychain : boolean
uploadBitcode : boolean
uploadSymbols : boolean
useLegacyBuildSystem : boolean
Instead of "New Builld System" which became available from Xcode 9, we build the application using the legacy build system.
There is a possibility that you can handle old projects that cause problems with the new build system.
Also, since new output formats of logs are changed in the new build system, it is also useful when you want to handle logs with legacy third party tools.
xcodeName : String
xcodeProjectFile : String
xcodeProjectPath : String
xcodeSchema : String
xcodeWorkspaceFile : String
xcodebuildArguments : String
Extra xcodebuild parameters, added after the command that jenkins generates based on the rest of the config
$class: 'XLRVarSetterBuilder'
XLR_releaseId : String
XLR_varName : String
JKS_varName : String
debug : boolean
$class: 'XShellBuilder'
commandLine : String
workingDir : String
executeFromWorkingDir : boolean
regexToKill : String
timeAllocated : String
$class: 'XrayExportBuilder'
serverInstance : String
issues : String
filter : String
filePath : String
credentialId : String
java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String>
configID : String
alias : String
serverAddress : String
credentialId : String
$class: 'XrayImportFeatureBuilder'
serverInstance : String
folderPath : String
projectKey : String
testInfo : String
preconditions : String
credentialId : String
lastModified : String
command : String
workspaceSubdirectory : String
$class: 'ZAPBuilder'
startZAPFirst : boolean
zapHost : String
zapPort : String
autoInstall : boolean
toolUsed : String
zapHome : String
jdk : String
timeout : int
zapSettingsDir : String
autoLoadSession : boolean
loadSession : String
sessionFilename : String
removeExternalSites : boolean
internalSites : String
contextName : String
includedURL : String
excludedURL : String
alertFilters : String
authMode : boolean
username : String
password : String
loggedInIndicator : String
loggedOutIndicator : String
authMethod : String
loginURL : String
usernameParameter : String
passwordParameter : String
extraPostData : String
authScript : String
scriptParameterName : String
scriptParameterValue : String
targetURL : String
spiderScanURL : boolean
spiderScanRecurse : boolean
spiderScanSubtreeOnly : boolean
spiderScanMaxChildrenToCrawl : int
ajaxSpiderURL : boolean
ajaxSpiderInScopeOnly : boolean
activeScanURL : boolean
activeScanRecurse : boolean
activeScanPolicy : String
generateReports : boolean
selectedReportMethod : String
deleteReports : boolean
reportFilename : String
selectedReportFormats : Array / List of String
selectedExportFormats : Array / List of String
exportreportTitle : String
exportreportBy : String
exportreportFor : String
exportreportScanDate : String
exportreportReportDate : String
exportreportScanVersion : String
exportreportReportVersion : String
exportreportReportDescription : String
exportreportAlertHigh : boolean
exportreportAlertMedium : boolean
exportreportAlertLow : boolean
exportreportAlertInformational : boolean
exportreportCWEID : boolean
exportreportWASCID : boolean
exportreportDescription : boolean
exportreportOtherInfo : boolean
exportreportSolution : boolean
exportreportReference : boolean
exportreportRequestHeader : boolean
exportreportResponseHeader : boolean
exportreportRequestBody : boolean
exportreportResponseBody : boolean
jiraCreate : boolean
jiraProjectKey : String
jiraAssignee : String
jiraAlertHigh : boolean
jiraAlertMedium : boolean
jiraAlertLow : boolean
jiraFilterIssuesByResourceType : boolean
cmdLineOption : String
cmdLineValue : String
connectionId : String
credentialsId : String
jcl : String
encryptedDataFile : String
unencryptedDataFile : String
encryptData : boolean
uploadData : boolean
connectionId : String
uploadDataFile : String
$class: 'ZOSJobSubmitter'
server : String
port : int
credentialsId : String
wait : boolean
waitTime : int
deleteJobFromSpool : boolean
jobLogToConsole : boolean
jobFile : String
MaxCC : String
FTPActiveMode : boolean
$class: 'ZanataCliBuilder'
projFile : String
syncG2zanata : boolean
syncZ2git : boolean
zanataCredentialsId : String
extraPathEntries : String
$class: 'ZanataSyncStep'
zanataCredentialsId : String
pullFromZanata : boolean
pushToZanata : boolean
syncOption : String
zanataLocaleIds : String
zanataProjectConfigs : String
zanataURL : String
$class: 'ZapRunner'
host : String
value : String
path : String
repositoryURL : String
sourcePath : String
message : String
stream : String
topic : String
awsCredentialsId : String
The ID of the credentials to use when accessing AWS. Parameters' expansion is supported when using freestyle jobs.
credentialsId : String
The ID of the credentials to use when accessing Cloudify. Parameters' expansion is supported when using freestyle jobs.
debugOutput : boolean
deploymentId : String
ID to assign to the created Cloudify deployment. If not provided, one will be randomly generated. You can obtain the deployment ID from the "environment data" output file.
echoEnvData : boolean
If checked, then the created environment's data will be printed to the job's log.
echoInputs : boolean
envDataLocation : String
Path to a file that will contain the created environment's data. If not provided, the environment data won't be written.
java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.Object>
parametersAsString : String
parametersFile : String
Path, relative to the Jenkins workspace root, of a YAML/JSON file containing parmaeters to pass to the template.
regionName : String
AWS region to use. If not specified, the value of the aws_region_name
secret is used.
stackName : String
Name of the new stack.
templateBody : String
templateBucketName : String
templateFile : String
templateResourceName : String
templateUrl : String
URL of the Terraform template. May be a ZIP, tar.gz
, or a Git repository.
tenant : String
$class: 'com.alauda.jenkins.plugins.freestyle.CreateStep'
jsonyaml : String
value : String
clusterName : String
credentialsId : String
logLevel : String
project : String
$class: 'com.alauda.jenkins.plugins.freestyle.DeleteStep'
value : String
clusterName : String
credentialsId : String
ignoreNotFound : boolean
logLevel : String
project : String
kind : String
name : String
value : String
name : String
$class: 'com.alauda.jenkins.plugins.freestyle.RawStep'
command : String
arguments : String
value : String
clusterName : String
credentialsId : String
logLevel : String
project : String
$class: 'com.alauda.jenkins.plugins.freestyle.WatchStep'
value : String
clusterName : String
credentialsId : String
failPattern : String
logLevel : String
project : String
kind : String
name : String
value : String
name : String
successPattern : String
template : String
$class: 'com.blackduck.integration.jenkins.polaris.extensions.freestyle.PolarisBuildStep'
changeSetExclusionPatterns : String
changeSetInclusionPatterns : String
polarisArguments : String
polarisCliName : String
jobTimeoutInMinutes : int
$class: ''
buildFilePath : String
$class: 'com.cloudbees.dockerpublish.DockerBuilder'
repoName : String
buildAdditionalArgs : String
buildContext : String
createFingerprint : boolean
dockerToolName : String
dockerfilePath : String
forcePull : boolean
forceTag : boolean
noCache : boolean
url : String
credentialsId : String
repoTag : String
uri : String
or tcp://
credentialsId : String
skipBuild : boolean
skipDecorate : boolean
skipPush : boolean
skipTagLatest : boolean
$class: 'com.cloudbees.plugins.deployer.DeployBuilder'
? extends com.cloudbees.plugins.deployer.hosts.DeployHost<?, ?>
azureCredentialsId : String
resourceGroup : String
name : String
id : String
Resource ID or VHD URI of the custom image.
Example Resource ID: /subscriptions/your-subscription-id/resourceGroups/your-resource-group/providers/Microsoft.Compute/images/your-image-name
Example VHD URI:
offer : String
publisher : String
sku : String
version : String
$class: 'com.openshift.jenkins.plugins.freestyle.CreateStep'
jsonyaml : String
value : String
clusterName : String
credentialsId : String
logLevel : String
project : String
$class: 'com.openshift.jenkins.plugins.freestyle.DeleteStep'
value : String
clusterName : String
credentialsId : String
ignoreNotFound : boolean
logLevel : String
project : String
kind : String
name : String
value : String
name : String
$class: 'com.openshift.jenkins.plugins.freestyle.RawStep'
command : String
arguments : String
value : String
clusterName : String
credentialsId : String
logLevel : String
project : String
$class: 'com.openshift.jenkins.plugins.freestyle.WatchStep'
value : String
clusterName : String
credentialsId : String
failPattern : String
logLevel : String
project : String
kind : String
name : String
value : String
name : String
successPattern : String
template : String
$class: 'com.syncapse.jenkinsci.plugins.awscloudformationwrapper.CloudFormationBuildStep'
stackName : String
Name of the stack. The name associated with the stack. The name must be unique within your AWS account. Must contain only alphanumeric characters (case sensitive) and start with an alpha character. Maximum length of the name is 255 characters. You can pass Environment Variables into this field.
description : String
cloudFormationRecipe : String
parameters : String
The parameters to pass into the recipe. A comma separated list of key/value pairs. ie: key1=value1,key2=value2
You can pass environment variables as values to a stack parameters.
timeout : long
awsAccessKey : String
class hudson.util.Secret
, US_WEST_Oregon
, US_WEST_Northern_California
, US_WEST_Ohio
, US_Govcloud_US
, Canada_Central
, EU_Ireland
, EU_Frankfurt
, EU_London
, Asia_Pacific_Singapore
, Asia_Pacific_Sydney
, Asia_Pacific_Tokyo
, Asia_Pacific_Mumbai
, Asia_Pacific_Seoul
, Asia_Pacific_Beijing
, South_America_Sao_Paulo
sleep : long
$class: 'com.synopsys.integration.jenkins.coverity.extensions.buildstep.CoverityBuildStep'
coverityInstanceUrl : String
Specify which Synopsys Coverity connect instance to run this job against.
The resulting Synopsys Coverity connect instance URL is stored in the $COV_URL environment variable, and will affect both the full and incremental analysis.
onCommandFailure : String
Specify the action to take if a Coverity static analysis command fails.
projectName : String
Specify the name of the Coverity project.
The resulting project name is stored in the $COV_PROJECT environment variable, and will affect both the full and incremental analysis.
streamName : String
Specify the name of the Coverity stream that you would like to use for the commands.
The resulting stream name is stored in the $COV_STREAM environment variable, and will affect both the full and incremental analysis.
viewName : String
Specify the name of the Coverity view that you would like to check for issues.
The resulting view name is stored in the $COV_VIEW environment variable, and affects checking for issues in both the full and incremental analysis, if configured.
buildStatusForIssues : String
Specify the build status to set if issues are found in the configured view.
changeSetExclusionPatterns : String
Specify a comma separated list of filename patterns that you would like to explicitly excluded from the Jenkins change set.
The pattern is applied to the $CHANGE_SET environment variable, and will affect which files are analyzed in an incremental analysis (cov-run-desktop).
File Name | Pattern | Will be excluded |
---|---|---| | *.java | Yes | | *.jpg | No | | test.* | Yes | | test.???? | Yes | | test.????? | No |
changeSetInclusionPatterns : String
Specify a comma separated list of filename patterns that you would like to explicitly included from the Jenkins change set.
The pattern is applied to the $CHANGE_SET environment variable, and will affect which files are analyzed in an incremental analysis (cov-run-desktop).
File Name | Pattern | Will be included |
---|---|---| | *.java | Yes | | *.jpg | No | | test.* | Yes | | test.???? | Yes | | test.????? | No |
$class: 'AdvancedCoverityRunConfiguration'
command : String
Provide the Coverity command you want to run.
The command should start with the name of the Coverity command you want to run. Ex: cov-build, cov-analyze, etc.
For examples and a list of the available environment variables that can be used, refer to the Command Examples documentation
$class: 'SimpleCoverityRunConfiguration'
Specify the way you wish to perform your Coverity analysis.
Each analysis type runs a specific Coverity command with some default arguments, followed by cov-commit-defects with some default arguments. Additional command-specific arguments can be provided below.
Full Analysis:
cov-analyze --dir ${WORKSPACE}/idir
cov-commit-defects --dir ${WORKSPACE}/idir --url ${COV_URL} --stream ${COV_STREAM}
Incremental Analysis:
cov-run-desktop --dir ${WORKSPACE}/idir --url ${COV_URL} --stream ${COV_STREAM} ${CHANGE_SET}
cov-commit-defects --dir ${WORKSPACE}/idir --url ${COV_URL} --stream ${COV_STREAM}
Determined by change set threshold
Will run the commands specified by Full Analysis if the number of files listed in the CHANGE_SET environment variable meets or exceeds the specified threshold, otherwise will run the commands specified by Incremental Analysis.
sourceArgument : String
The argument that specifies the source for the given capture type.
For Build, this is the build command to pass to cov-build.
For Buildless Capture (Project) this is the project directory to pass to cov-capture.
For Buildless Capture (SCM) this is the scm url to pass to cov-capture.
covBuildArguments : String
Specify additional arguments to apply to the invocation of the cov-build command. Affects the Build capture type.
The following options are automatically provided and should not be specified as an argument here. If you wish to override any of the provided arguments, select the 'Run custom Coverity commands' run configuration.
covAnalyzeArguments : String
Specify additional arguments to apply to the invocation of the cov-analyze command. Affects the Full Analysis analysis type.
The following options are automatically provided and should not be specified as an argument here. If you wish to override any of the provided arguments, select the 'Run custom Coverity commands' run configuration.
covRunDesktopArguments : String
Specify additional arguments to apply to the invocation of the cov-run-desktop command. Affects the Incremental Analysis analysis type.
The following options are automatically provided and should not be specified as an argument here. If you wish to override any of the provided arguments, select the 'Run custom Coverity commands' run configuration.
covCommitDefectsArguments : String
Specify additional arguments to apply to the invocation of the cov-commit-defects command. Affects all analysis types.
The following options are automatically provided and should not be specified as an argument here. If you wish to override any of the provided arguments, select the 'Run custom Coverity commands' run configuration.
covCaptureArguments : String
Specify additional arguments to apply to the invocation of the cov-capture command. Affects the Buildless Capture (Project) and Buildless Capture (SCM) capture types.
The following options are automatically provided and should not be specified as an argument here. If you wish to override any of the provided arguments, select the 'Run custom Coverity commands' run configuration.
With the Buildless Capture (Project) capture type, the following arguments are automatically provided:
With the Buildless Capture (SCM) capture type, the following arguments are automatically provided:
changeSetAnalysisThreshold : int
For use with the Coverity Analysis Type Determined by change set threshold. Specifies the number of files that triggers a Full Analysis.
Determined by change set threshold will run an Incremental Analysis unless the number of files specified in the $CHANGE_SET environment variable meets or exceeds the value of this field.
If the number of files specified in the $CHANGE_SET environment variable meets or exceeds the value of this field, Determined by change set threshold will run a Full Analysis
Specify the way you wish to capture your source for Coverity analysis.
Each capture type runs a specific Coverity command with some default arguments. Additional command-specific arguments can be provided below.
cov-build --dir ${WORKSPACE}/idir Source Argument (build command)
Buildless Capture (Project)
cov-capture --project-dir Source Argument (project directory)
Buildless Capture (SCM)
cov-capture --scm-url Source Argument (scm url)
customWorkingDirectory : String
The fully qualified path to a directory in which to run the cov-build or cov-capture command.
Specify the clean up action to perform on a successful execution.
Will either persist or delete the intermediate directory created by the specified capture type.
credentialsId : String
Specify the credentials to use with the Synopsys Coverity connect instance.
overrideDefaultCredentials : boolean
$class: 'com.synopsys.integration.jenkins.polaris.extensions.freestyle.PolarisBuildStep'
Creates a file at $CHANGE_SET_FILE_PATH (by default, the workspace directory) containing a list of files generated from the Jenkins-provided scm changeset.
Used for Incremental analysis (--incremental) as the file containing the list of changed files for analysis.
The action to take when static analysis is skipped because the changeset contained no files to analyze. Defaults to "Mark the build as Unstable".
changeSetExclusionPatterns : String
Specify a comma separated list of filename patterns that you would like to explicitly excluded from the Jenkins-provided SCM changeset.
The pattern is applied to determine which files will be populated in the changeset file, stored at $CHANGE_SET_FILE_PATH.
If blank, will exclude none.
File Name | Pattern | Will be excluded |
---|---|---| | *.java | Yes | | *.jpg | No | | test.* | Yes | | test.???? | Yes | | test.????? | No |
changeSetInclusionPatterns : String
Specify a comma separated list of filename patterns that you would like to explicitly included Jenkins-provided SCM changeset.
The pattern is applied to determine which files will be populated in the changeset file, stored at $CHANGE_SET_FILE_PATH.
If blank, will include all. Examples:
File Name | Pattern | Will be included |
---|---|---| | *.java | Yes | | *.jpg | No | | test.* | Yes | | test.???? | Yes | | test.????? | No |
polarisArguments : String
The command line arguments to pass to the CLI
polarisCliName : String
The CLI installation to execute
Check this box to wait for CLI jobs to complete and set the build status based on issues discovered
The build status to set the project to if there are issues
jobTimeoutInMinutes : int
The maximum number of minutes to wait for jobs started by the Coverity on Polaris CLI to complete when the Coverity on Polaris CLI is executed without -w (nonblocking mode). Must be a positive integer, defaults to 30 minutes.
baseApi : String
failThreshold : String
firmwareLocation : String
maliciousFiles : String
maxHighlightedCVEs : String
maxHighlightedExposures : String
maxHighlightedIssues : String
productId : String
class hudson.util.Secret
waitForResults : boolean
$class: 'iOSAppInstaller'
url : String
cloudTestServerID : String
ipa : String
additionalOptions : String
$class: 'iOSSimulatorLauncher'
url : String
cloudTestServerID : String
app : String
sdk : String
family : String
$class: 'io.jenkins.plugins.actions.TemplateScanBuilder'
IaCServiceEndpoint : String
scanName : String
scanDirectories : String
high : String
medium : String
low : String
scanResultInterval : String
totalJobCompletionTime : String
jobName : String
isFailedResultsOnly : boolean
buildFailureSettings : boolean
timeoutSettings : boolean
dotnet restore
command uses NuGet to restore dependencies as well as project-specific tools that are specified in the project file. In most cases, you don't need to explicitly use the dotnet restore
command, since a NuGet restore is run implicitly if necessary when you run the following commands:
dotnet restore
explicitly to control when the restore occurs so that they can control network usage. To prevent the implicit NuGet restore, you can use the --no-restore
flag with any of these commands to disable implicit restore.
charset : String
configfile : String
continueOnError : boolean
, if configured that way), but the build will be allowed to continue. Otherwise, any such errors will cause the build to be terminated immediately.
disableParallel : boolean
force : boolean
forceEvaluate : boolean
ignoreFailedSources : boolean
lockFilePath : String
lockedMode : boolean
noCache : boolean
noDependencies : boolean
packages : String
project : String
runtime : String
runtimes : Array / List of String
runtimesString : String
tag in the .csproj file. For a list of Runtime Identifiers (RIDs), see the RID catalog.
sdk : String
will be in the path.
With .NETelement (or a
block in a pipeline script) to specify one, or ensure this step runs on a node that has a .NET SDK installed and in the path.
showSdkInfo : boolean
dotnet --info
will be executed before the main command. This shows a list of available SDKs and runtimes, indicating which one is currently being used.
source : String
sources : Array / List of String
sourcesString : String
specificSdkVersion : boolean
executable may use the most recent SDK available on the system, even when PATH
is set up to find an older SDK deployment first; see this page for more information.
file will be created in the current directory, referencing that SDK version and disabling roll-forward.
already present in the current directory.
useLockFile : boolean
verbosity : String
workDirectory : String
dotnet tool restore
command finds the tool manifest file that is in scope for the current directory and installs the tools that are listed in it. For information about manifest files, see Install a local tool and Invoke a local tool.
additionalSource : String
additionalSources : Array / List of String
additionalSourcesString : String
charset : String
configfile : String
continueOnError : boolean
, if configured that way), but the build will be allowed to continue. Otherwise, any such errors will cause the build to be terminated immediately.
disableParallel : boolean
ignoreFailedSources : boolean
noCache : boolean
sdk : String
will be in the path.
With .NETelement (or a
block in a pipeline script) to specify one, or ensure this step runs on a node that has a .NET SDK installed and in the path.
showSdkInfo : boolean
dotnet --info
will be executed before the main command. This shows a list of available SDKs and runtimes, indicating which one is currently being used.
specificSdkVersion : boolean
executable may use the most recent SDK available on the system, even when PATH
is set up to find an older SDK deployment first; see this page for more information.
file will be created in the current directory, referencing that SDK version and disabling roll-forward.
already present in the current directory.
toolManifest : String
verbosity : String
, m[inimal]
, n[ormal]
, d[etailed]
, and diag[nostic]
workDirectory : String
$class: 'io.jenkins.plugins.immuniweb.ScannerBuilder'
class hudson.util.Secret
target : String
uploadPath : String
isUpdateVersion : boolean
The Kobiton Apps Repository helps users manage different versions of their application.
appId : int
$class: ''
bitbucket_token : String
bitbucket_username : String
blackducksca_include_diagnostics : boolean
or false
blackducksca_mark_build_status : String
. Supported values: FAILURE
blackducksca_project_directory : String
blackducksca_reports_sarif_create : boolean
blackducksca_reports_sarif_file_path : String
blackducksca_reports_sarif_groupSCAIssues : boolean
blackducksca_reports_sarif_severities : String
blackducksca_scan_failure_severities : String
, OK
blackducksca_scan_full : boolean
or false
blackducksca_token : String
blackducksca_url : String
blackducksca_waitForScan : boolean
bridgecli_download_url : String
bridgecli_download_version : String
bridgecli_install_directory : String
coverity_args : String
coverity_build_command : String
coverity_clean_command : String
coverity_config_path : String
coverity_execution_path : String
coverity_include_diagnostics : boolean
or false
coverity_install_directory : String
coverity_local : boolean
coverity_mark_build_status : String
. Supported values: FAILURE
coverity_passphrase : String
coverity_policy_view : String
coverity_project_directory : String
coverity_project_name : String
coverity_stream_name : String
coverity_url : String
coverity_user : String
coverity_version : String
coverity_waitForScan : boolean
detect_args : String
detect_config_path : String
detect_download_url : String
detect_execution_path : String
detect_install_directory : String
detect_search_depth : int
github_token : String
gitlab_token : String
include_diagnostics : boolean
mark_build_status : String
network_airgap : boolean
polaris_access_token : String
polaris_application_name : String
polaris_assessment_mode : String
polaris_assessment_types : String
or both SCA, SAST
polaris_branch_name : String
polaris_branch_parent_name : String
polaris_include_diagnostics : boolean
or false
polaris_mark_build_status : String
. Supported values: FAILURE
polaris_prComment_severities : String
polaris_project_directory : String
polaris_project_name : String
polaris_reports_sarif_create : boolean
polaris_reports_sarif_file_path : String
polaris_reports_sarif_groupSCAIssues : boolean
polaris_reports_sarif_issue_types : String
polaris_reports_sarif_severities : String
polaris_sast_args : String
polaris_sast_build_command : String
polaris_sast_clean_command : String
polaris_sast_config_path : String
polaris_sca_args : String
polaris_sca_config_path : String
polaris_sca_search_depth : int
polaris_server_url : String
polaris_test_sca_type : String
. Supported values: SCA-PACKAGE
polaris_waitForScan : boolean
product : String
project_directory : String
project_source_archive : String
project_source_excludes : String
project_source_preserveSymLinks : boolean
srm_apikey : String
srm_assessment_types : String
or both SCA, SAST
srm_branch_name : String
srm_branch_parent : String
srm_include_diagnostics : boolean
or false
srm_mark_build_status : String
. Supported values: FAILURE
srm_project_directory : String
srm_project_id : String
srm_project_name : String
srm_sast_args : String
srm_sast_build_command : String
srm_sast_clean_command : String
srm_sast_config_path : String
srm_sca_args : String
srm_sca_config_path : String
srm_sca_search_depth : int
srm_url : String
srm_waitForScan : boolean
$class: ''
bitbucket_token : String
bitbucket_username : String
blackduck_args : String
blackduck_config_path : String
blackduck_download_url : String
blackduck_execution_path : String
blackduck_install_directory : String
blackduck_project_directory : String
blackduck_reports_sarif_create : boolean
blackduck_reports_sarif_file_path : String
blackduck_reports_sarif_groupSCAIssues : boolean
blackduck_reports_sarif_severities : String
blackduck_scan_failure_severities : String
, OK
blackduck_scan_full : boolean
or false
blackduck_search_depth : int
blackduck_token : String
blackduck_url : String
blackduck_waitForScan : boolean
. If set to false
, post merge workflows like PR comment, Fix PR, SARIF etc will not be applicable.
coverity_args : String
coverity_build_command : String
coverity_clean_command : String
coverity_config_path : String
coverity_execution_path : String
coverity_install_directory : String
coverity_local : boolean
or false
coverity_passphrase : String
coverity_policy_view : String
coverity_project_directory : String
coverity_project_name : String
coverity_stream_name : String
coverity_url : String
coverity_user : String
coverity_version : String
coverity_waitForScan : boolean
. If set to false
, post merge workflows like PR comment, Fix PR, SARIF etc will not be applicable.
github_token : String
gitlab_token : String
include_diagnostics : boolean
or false
mark_build_status : String
. Supported values: FAILURE
network_airgap : boolean
or false
polaris_access_token : String
polaris_application_name : String
polaris_assessment_mode : String
polaris_assessment_types : String
or both SCA, SAST
polaris_branch_name : String
polaris_branch_parent_name : String
polaris_prComment_severities : String
polaris_project_directory : String
polaris_project_name : String
polaris_reports_sarif_create : boolean
polaris_reports_sarif_file_path : String
polaris_reports_sarif_groupSCAIssues : boolean
polaris_reports_sarif_issue_types : String
polaris_reports_sarif_severities : String
polaris_sast_args : String
polaris_sast_build_command : String
polaris_sast_clean_command : String
polaris_sast_config_path : String
polaris_sca_args : String
polaris_sca_config_path : String
polaris_sca_search_depth : int
polaris_server_url : String
polaris_test_sca_type : String
. Supported values: SCA-PACKAGE
polaris_triage : String
polaris_waitForScan : boolean
. If set to false
, post merge workflows like PR comment, Fix PR, SARIF etc will not be applicable.
product : String
project_directory : String
project_source_archive : String
project_source_excludes : String
project_source_preserveSymLinks : boolean
srm_apikey : String
srm_assessment_types : String
or both SCA, SAST
srm_branch_name : String
srm_branch_parent : String
srm_project_directory : String
srm_project_id : String
srm_project_name : String
srm_sast_args : String
srm_sast_build_command : String
srm_sast_clean_command : String
srm_sast_config_path : String
srm_sca_args : String
srm_sca_config_path : String
srm_sca_search_depth : int
srm_url : String
srm_waitForScan : boolean
. If set to false
, post merge workflows like PR comment, Fix PR, SARIF etc will not be applicable.
synopsys_bridge_download_url : String
synopsys_bridge_download_version : String
synopsys_bridge_install_directory : String
assetName : String
templateType : String
templateVersion : String
tags : String
failureCriteriaHigh : String
failureCriteriaLow : String
failureCriteriaMedium : String
failureCriteriaOperator : String
$class: 'jenkins.plugins.coverity.CoverityBuildStep'
The build step can be configured as any other build steps. Choose the appropriate builder and configure the command to be performed. The configured build step will be wrapped with the Coverity cov-build executables so that it captures the build and can be used to further analysis by using coverity static tools. This build step is only for capturing build of compiled sources.
buildStep : Build Step (hudson.tasks.BuildStep
$class: 'org.jenkinsci.plugins.dockerbuildstep.DockerBuilder'
$class: 'CommitCommand'
containerId : String
repo : String
tag : String
runCmd : String
$class: 'CreateContainerCommand'
image : String
command : String
hostName : String
containerName : String
envVars : String
links : String
exposedPorts : String
cpuShares : String
memoryLimit : String
dns : String
extraHosts : String
networkMode : String
publishAllPorts : boolean
This setting corresponds to the --publish-all
) option of the docker run
CLI command.
portBindings : String
) option of the docker run
CLI command.
Enter one or more port binding, each on its own line. The syntax is host container
where host
is either hostPort
or hostIp:hostPort
and container
is either containerPort
or containerPort/protocol
Alternatively, you can separate host and port with a colon (":"), thus using the same syntax as in the Docker CLI.
bindMounts : String
) option of the docker run
CLI command.
Enter one or more bind mount, each on its own line. The syntax is hostPath containerPath[ rw|ro]
privileged : boolean
This setting corresponds to the --privileged
option of the docker run
CLI command.
alwaysRestart : boolean
$class: 'CreateImageCommand'
dockerFolder : String
imageTag : String
dockerFile : String
pull : boolean
noCache : boolean
rm : boolean
buildArgs : String
$class: 'ExecCreateAndStartCommand'
containerIds : String
command : String
$class: 'ExecCreateCommand'
containerIds : String
command : String
$class: 'ExecStartCommand'
commandIds : String
$class: 'KillCommand'
containerIds : String
$class: 'PullImageCommand'
fromImage : String
tag : String
registry : String
url : String
credentialsId : String
$class: 'PushImageCommand'
image : String
tag : String
registry : String
url : String
credentialsId : String
$class: 'RemoveAllCommand'
removeVolumes : boolean
force : boolean
$class: 'RemoveCommand'
containerIds : String
ignoreIfNotFound : boolean
removeVolumes : boolean
force : boolean
$class: 'RemoveImageCommand'
imageName : String
imageId : String
ignoreIfNotFound : boolean
$class: 'RestartCommand'
containerIds : String
timeout : int
$class: 'SaveImageCommand'
imageName : String
imageTag : String
destination : String
filename : String
ignoreIfNotFound : boolean
$class: 'StartByImageIdCommand'
imageId : String
$class: 'StartCommand'
containerIds : String
waitPorts : String
containerIdsLogging : String
$class: 'StopAllCommand'
$class: 'StopByImageIdCommand'
imageId : String
$class: 'StopCommand'
containerIds : String
$class: 'TagImageCommand'
image : String
repository : String
tag : String
ignoreIfNotFound : boolean
withForce : boolean
$class: 'org.jenkinsci.plugins.ios.connector.DeployBuilder'
path : String
udid : String
(We are looking for more ways to let you specify the target device flexibly. Please send in your suggestions.)
$class: 'org.jenkinsci.plugins.liquibase.builder.UpdateBuilder'
changeLogFile : String
changeLogParameters : String
contexts : String
credentialsId : String
installationName : String
labels : String
liquibasePropertiesPath : String
password : String
resourceDirectories : String
url : String
username : String
hostname : String
tfCredentialsId : String
ocCredentialsId : String
ocVersion : String
buildVersion : String
createBuildInfoCartridge : boolean
activateBuild : boolean
sourcePath : String
excludePattern : String
tempDirectory : String
$class: 'vRABlueprintBuildStep'
serverUrl : String
userName : String
password : String
tenant : String
packageBlueprint : boolean
blueprintPath : String
overWrite : boolean
publishBlueprint : boolean
serviceCategory : String
$class: 'vRADeploymentBuildStep'
serverUrl : String
userName : String
password : String
tenant : String
blueprintName : String
waitExec : boolean
requestTemplate : boolean
json : String
buildContent : String
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