The following plugin provides functionality available through
Pipeline-compatible steps. Read more about how to integrate steps into your
Pipeline in the
section of the
Pipeline Syntax
The EDAS namespace, please check with ListUserDefineRegion
credentialId : String
group : String
The deploy group ID of EDAS application. Set this parameter to "all" if you want to deploy the application to all groups
appId : String
The ID of the EDAS Application that you want to deploy
targetObject : String
The path of file to deploy
batch : String (optional)
The batch of this deployment
batchWaitTime : String (optional)
The wait time between batches
endpoint : String (optional)
releaseType : String (optional)
The release type of batch deployment
versionDescriptionFormat : String (optional)
Sets the description of the version to be published. Jenkins environment variables are supported such as ${GIT_BRANCH} - ${BUILD_TAG}
versionLabelFormat : String (optional)
How to set the version label? For instance, for "${GIT_COMMIT}-${BUILD_TAG}", and with "Key Prefix" set to "myapp/builds/myapp-prod-env/", the S3 Object Key is set to myapp/builds/myapp-prod-env/ and the version Label will be 4b5f7669b3376a1ce504bf7ef8bf7aeee9d21746-myjob-41
namespace : String
The EDAS namespace, please check with ListUserDefineRegion
credentialId : String
applicationName : String
The EDAS Application Name to Create
targetObject : String
The path of file to deploy
clusterId : String
The ID of cluster to deploy EDAS application
packageType : String
The package type of application (e.g. : "war")
ecuInfo : String
The ID of the Elastic Compute Unit (ECU) to deploy the application. Use ListScaleOutEcu to get ecu id
buildPackId : String (optional)
The package ID of Enterprise Distributed Application Service (EDAS) Container, which can be retrieved by calling container version list interface ListBuildPack or the "Pack ID" column in container version list. When creating High-speed Service Framework (HSF) application, this parameter is required.
endpoint : String (optional)
healthCheckUrl : String (optional)
The URL for health checking of the application
versionDescriptionFormat : String (optional)
Sets the description of the version to be published. Jenkins environment variables are supported such as ${GIT_BRANCH} - ${BUILD_TAG}
versionLabelFormat : String (optional)
How to set the version label? For instance, for "${GIT_COMMIT}-${BUILD_TAG}", and with "Key Prefix" set to "myapp/builds/myapp-prod-env/", the S3 Object Key is set to myapp/builds/myapp-prod-env/ and the version Label will be 4b5f7669b3376a1ce504bf7ef8bf7aeee9d21746-myjob-41
namespace : String
The EDAS namespace, please check with ListUserDefineRegion
credentialId : String
appId : String
The ID of the EDAS Application that you want to deploy
targetObject : String
The path of file to deploy. Local file, remote url and image url permitted
image : boolean
args : String (optional)
JsonArray of command arguments.(e.g.: [{"argument":"-c"},{"argument":"test"}])
cpuLimit : String (optional)
CPU limit, unit: millicores
cpuRequest : String (optional)
CPU request, unit: millicores
edasContainerVersion : String (optional)
The version of EDAS container. Required when deploy war package
endpoint : String (optional)
envs : String (optional)
The jsonArray of envs.(e.g.: [{"name":"testkey","value":"testValue"}]) Set [] to clear settings
jdk : String (optional)
The version of JDK
liveness : String (optional)
e.g.: {"failureThreshold": 3,"initialDelaySeconds": 5,"successThreshold": 1,"timeoutSeconds": 1,"httpGet": {"path": "/consumer","port": 8080,"scheme": "HTTP","httpHeaders": [{"name": "test","value": "testvalue"}]}}. Set empty of {} to clear, "unchanging" means no changing
memoryLimit : String (optional)
memoryRequest : String (optional)
postStart : String (optional)
e.g.: {"exec":{"command":"cat","/etc/group"}}. Set empty of {} to clear, "unchanging" means no changing
preStop : String (optional)
e.g.: {"exec":{"command":"cat","/etc/group"}}. Set empty of {} to clear, "unchanging" means no changing
readiness : String (optional)
e.g.: {"failureThreshold": 3,"initialDelaySeconds": 5,"successThreshold": 1,"timeoutSeconds": 1,"httpGet": {"path": "/consumer","port": 8080,"scheme": "HTTP","httpHeaders": [{"name": "test","value": "testvalue"}]}}. Set empty of {} to clear, "unchanging" means no changing
replicas : String (optional)
The number of pods
startupCommand : String (optional)
The startup command
updateStrategy : String (optional)
e.g.: {"type":"GrayBatchUpdate","batchUpdate":{"batch":2,"releaseType":"auto","batchWaitTime":1},"grayUpdate":{"gray":1}}. Please check usage from pop api DeployK8sApplication
versionLabelFormat : String (optional)
How to set the version label? For instance, for "${GIT_COMMIT}-${BUILD_TAG}", and with "Key Prefix" set to "myapp/builds/myapp-prod-env/", the S3 Object Key is set to myapp/builds/myapp-prod-env/ and the version Label will be 4b5f7669b3376a1ce504bf7ef8bf7aeee9d21746-myjob-41
webContainer : String (optional)
The version of tomcat(e.g. "Apache Tomcat 7.0.91"). Required when deploy war package
credentialId : String
namespace : String
The EDAS namespace, please check with ListUserDefineRegion
clusterId : String
The ID of cluster to deploy EDAS application
k8sNamespace : String
The K8s namespace where application to deploy. (e.g. : "default")
applicationName : String
The EDAS Application Name to Create
targetObject : String
The path of file to deploy. Local file, remote url and image url permitted
packageType : String
jdk : String
The version of JDK
args : String (optional)
JsonArray of command arguments.(e.g.: [{"argument":"-c"},{"argument":"test"}])
cpuLimit : String (optional)
CPU limit, unit: millicores
cpuRequest : String (optional)
CPU request, unit: millicores
descFormat : String (optional)
edasContainerVersion : String (optional)
The version of EDAS container. Required when deploy war package
endpoint : String (optional)
envs : String (optional)
The jsonArray of envs.(e.g.: [{"name":"testkey","value":"testValue"}]) Set [] to clear settings
liveness : String (optional)
e.g.: {"failureThreshold": 3,"initialDelaySeconds": 5,"successThreshold": 1,"timeoutSeconds": 1,"httpGet": {"path": "/consumer","port": 8080,"scheme": "HTTP","httpHeaders": [{"name": "test","value": "testvalue"}]}}. Set empty of {} to clear, "unchanging" means no changing
memoryLimit : String (optional)
memoryRequest : String (optional)
postStart : String (optional)
e.g.: {"exec":{"command":"cat","/etc/group"}}. Set empty of {} to clear, "unchanging" means no changing
preStop : String (optional)
e.g.: {"exec":{"command":"cat","/etc/group"}}. Set empty of {} to clear, "unchanging" means no changing
readiness : String (optional)
e.g.: {"failureThreshold": 3,"initialDelaySeconds": 5,"successThreshold": 1,"timeoutSeconds": 1,"httpGet": {"path": "/consumer","port": 8080,"scheme": "HTTP","httpHeaders": [{"name": "test","value": "testvalue"}]}}. Set empty of {} to clear, "unchanging" means no changing
replicas : String (optional)
The number of pods
startupCommand : String (optional)
The startup command
versionLabelFormat : String (optional)
How to set the version label? For instance, for "${GIT_COMMIT}-${BUILD_TAG}", and with "Key Prefix" set to "myapp/builds/myapp-prod-env/", the S3 Object Key is set to myapp/builds/myapp-prod-env/ and the version Label will be 4b5f7669b3376a1ce504bf7ef8bf7aeee9d21746-myjob-41
webContainer : String (optional)
The version of tomcat(e.g. "Apache Tomcat 7.0.91"). Required when deploy war package