System Information

The Manage Jenkins >> System Information page provides detailed information about what is available on this Jenkins controller:

System Information page

System properties

The System Properties section lists system properties that can be used as arguments to the command line used to start Jenkins.

System properties

Environment variables

The Environment Variables section displays environment variables recognized on your system with their current values. This includes the environment variables defined by Jenkins that are available on all systems, as well as environment variables associated with plugins installed on this controller.

Environment variables


The Plugins section provides a comprehensive list of all installed plugins, including their names, versions, and other relevant details.


Memory usage

The Memory Usage section provides a graphical representation of the controller’s memory usage, categorized into three timespans for better analysis:

  • Short: The short timespan covers memory usage over the last few minutes, broken down by seconds, for real-time monitoring.

  • Medium: The medium timespan displays memory trends over the past hour, broken down by minutes, which is useful for detecting gradual memory leaks.

  • Long: The long timespan illustrates extended memory usage patterns over a day or month to identify recurring issues. This breakdown allows administrators to monitor memory trends, detect unusual spikes, and optimize resource allocation.

Memory usage long

Thread dump

The Thread Dump section provides a link to a page that captures a real-time snapshot of all active threads running in the Jenkins controller’s JVM. This is essential for diagnosing performance issues, deadlocks, or excessive CPU utilization.

Thread dump

Each thread entry includes:

  1. Name: The thread identifier.

  2. ID: The unique thread ID.

  3. State: The current execution state (RUNNABLE, TIMED_WAITING, BLOCKED).

  4. Stack Trace: The call sequence leading to the current state.

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