Change System Time Zone

The system time zone configuration is the default time zone displayed by Jenkins. The "Manage Jenkins" ⇒ "System Information" page shows the value of the system properties that define the time zone for the Jenkins controller.

Refer to the following video for tips on changing the time zone

Changing the time zone in Jenkins

User Defined Time Zone

A user defined time zone for the account can be set from the configure option in the user settings.

Configure option in the dropdown
Changing user defined timezone setting

System Time Zone properties

If you cannot change the time zone of your server, you can force jelly to use a given time zone for formatting time stamps.

You need to start your Jenkins with the following java system property:

java -Dorg.apache.commons.jelly.tags.fmt.timeZone=TZ ...

where TZ is a java.util.TimeZone ID ("Europe/Paris" for example).

Note that user.timezone=Europe/Paris will work as well, but it can interfere with other contexts.

If running Jenkins via a Linux package, this can be accomplished by running systemctl edit jenkins and adding the following:


or, if that doesn’t work:


On FreeBSD, the file to edit is /etc/rc.conf, and the option to use is:


On windows, edit %INSTALL_PATH%/jenkins/jenkins.xml. Put -Dargs before -jar:

<arguments>-Duser.timezone="Europe/Minsk" -jar "%BASE%\jenkins.war"</arguments>

You can also set it from the Jenkins Script Console on a live system without the need for a restart. This can also be included in a Post-initialization script to make it permanent.

System.setProperty('org.apache.commons.jelly.tags.fmt.timeZone', 'America/New_York')

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