Alyssa Tong
Member of the Jenkins Advocacy and Outreach SIG. Alyssa drives and manages Jenkins participation in community events and conferences like FOSDEM, SCaLE, cdCON, and KubeCon. She is also responsible for Marketing & Community Programs at CloudBees, Inc.
As we near the end of the year, the number of November JAMs show that the Jenkins community isn’t slowing down for holiday season. We had a number of excellent events hosted around the world this November with plenty of great stories and presentations shared by the various members of the world-wide Jenkins community. Melbourne, Australia JAM Melbourne JAM leaders, Raisa and Bhuva hosted Blue Ocean for the inaugural meeting....
Happy Holidays! A special shout out to all JAM leaders who continue to keep local activities going in December. Online JAM December 14 | Live Demos: Pipeline, Git, and Blue Ocean North America December 7 | Seattle JAM: Jenkins at Microsoft December 14 | Los Angeles JAM: Jenkins Days December 14 | Guadalajara JAM: Jenkins & Docker Australia December 14 | Melbourne JAM: Meeting at AWS Office Links Start a JAM...
November is packed full of meetups and events. If you are in any of the areas below please stop by to say "Hi" and talk Jenkins over beer. North America November 15 | SF JAM: Let’s Talk CI/CD and DevOps with ClusterHQ and Jenkins November 15 | DC JAM: Jenkins and Fannie Mae November 30 | Albuquerque JAM: Learn About Blue Ocean November 30 | Guadalajara...
October has proven to be a busy month within the Jenkins Area Meetup groups. Below is a recap of topics discussed at various JAMS in the month of October. Dallas Forth Worth, Texas (DFW) JAM James Dumay took time out of his vacation to present Blue Ocean, a project that rethinks the user experience of Jenkins, modeling and presenting the process of software delivery by surfacing...
At Jenkins World 2016 on September 14-15, stop by the "Open Source Hub", located in the Partner Expo hall at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Santa Clara, CA. The Open Source Hub will have many Jenkins contributors, committers, JAM leaders, and officers from the governance board under one roof, so there will be plenty of knowledge and talents on hand to share. We hope you’ll...
Join us in Santa Clara, California on September 13-15, 2016! We are excited to announce the Jenkins World agenda is now live. There will be 50+ sessions, keynotes, training, certifications and workshops. Here are a few highlights of what you can expect: High level topics Continuous delivery DevOps Microservices architectures Testing Automation tools Plugin development Pipeline Best practices And much more Additionally, Jenkins World offers great opportunities for hands-on learning, exploring and networking: Plugin Development Workshop Due...
It is hard to believe that the first half of 2016 is almost over and summer is just around the corner. As usual, there are plenty of educational Jenkins events planned for this month. Below lists what’s happening in your neck of the woods: Online JAM June 14: Plugin Development - Basics North America JAMs June 14: Pipeline in a Windows Environment - Boston, Massachusetts June 15:...
Recently, the Jenkins project announced the release of Jenkins 2.0, a first major release after 10 years and 655 weekly releases. This has been a major milestone for Jenkins and its growing community of developers, testers, designers and other users in the software delivery process. With its rising popularity and wide adoption, the Jenkins community continues to grow and evolve into the millions. Jenkins community meetup...
This is a guest post by Alyssa Tong. Alyssa works for CloudBees, helping to organize Jenkins community events around the world. Jenkins World 2016 will be the largest gathering of Jenkins users in the world. This event will bring together Jenkins experts, continuous delivery thought leaders and the ecosystem offering complementary technologies for Jenkins. Join us September 13-15, 2016 in Santa Clara, California to...