Alyssa Tong
Member of the Jenkins Advocacy and Outreach SIG. Alyssa drives and manages Jenkins participation in community events and conferences like FOSDEM, SCaLE, cdCON, and KubeCon. She is also responsible for Marketing & Community Programs at CloudBees, Inc.
This is a guest post by Alyssa Tong, who runs the Jenkins Area Meetup program and is also responsible for Marketing & Community Programs at CloudBees, Inc. Jenkins World 2017 keynotes and breakout session videos are now available HERE. Photos from the conference can be seen HERE. Save the date for Jenkins World 2018: Conference dates are September 16-19, 2018 in San Francisco. Registration will open...
This is a guest post by Alyssa Tong, who runs the Jenkins Area Meetup program and is also responsible for Marketing & Community Programs at CloudBees, Inc. For the first time at Jenkins World, the Jenkins project honored the achievement of three Jenkins contributors in the areas of Most Valuable Contributor, Jenkins Security MVP, and most Valuable Advocate. These three individuals has consistently demonstrated excellence and...
This is a guest post by Alyssa Tong, who runs the Jenkins Area Meetup program and is also responsible for Marketing & Community Programs at CloudBees, Inc. Jenkins World 2017 is a week away. Like last year, we are bringing back the lunch-time demos in the Jenkins project’s booth. These are quick 15 minute How-to demos by Jenkins experts. These demos will not be live streamed, nor recorded,...
This is a guest post by Alyssa Tong, who runs the Jenkins Area Meetup program and is also responsible for Marketing & Community Programs at CloudBees, Inc. There are less than four weeks left until Jenkins World 2017. As usual, Jenkins World would not be complete without the Jenkins projects' "Ask the Experts". If you are new to Jenkins World, the Jenkins project booth will...
This is a guest post by Luis Martínez de Bartolomé, Conan Co-Founder C and C++ are present in very important industries today, including Operating Systems, embedded systems, finances, research, automotive, robotics, gaming, and many more. The main reason for this is performance, which is critical to many of these industries, and cannot be compared to any other technology. As a counterpart, the C/C++...
This is a guest post by Alyssa Tong, who runs the Jenkins Area Meetup program and is also responsible for Marketing & Community Programs at CloudBees, Inc. We have received a good number of nominations for the Jenkins World 2017 Community Awards. These nominations are indicative of the excellent work Jenkins members are doing for the betterment of Jenkins. The deadline for nomination is...
This is a guest post by Alyssa Tong, who runs the Jenkins Area Meetup program and is also responsible for Marketing & Community Programs at CloudBees, Inc. This year at Jenkins World 2017, the Jenkins community will celebrate the Most Valuable Contributor, a Jenkins Security MVP, and the Most Valuable Advocate. This will be the first year we are commemorating community members who have shown excellence through...
This is a guest post by Alyssa Tong, who runs the Jenkins Area Meetup program and is also responsible for Marketing & Community Programs at CloudBees, Inc. I am excited to announce the agenda for Jenkins World 2017. This year’s event promises to have something for everyone - whether you are a novice, intermediate, or advanced user…you are covered. Jenkins World 2017 consists of 6 tracks,...
The largest Jenkins event, Jenkins World is coming to San Francisco, California on August 28 - 31, 2017, at the Marriott Marquis. This conference will feature two days of hands-on training, workshops, and certification exams followed by two more days with five tracks of technical sessions from Jenkins and DevOps experts from around the world. Inspire your peers and colleagues by sharing your expertise...