Alyssa Tong
Member of the Jenkins Advocacy and Outreach SIG. Alyssa drives and manages Jenkins participation in community events and conferences like FOSDEM, SCaLE, cdCON, and KubeCon. She is also responsible for Marketing & Community Programs at CloudBees, Inc.
Highlights Jenkins 2.397 and 2.387.2 are both using new Linux repository signing keys. The Pipeline graph view plugin continues to evolve and improve as a Pipeline visualization replacement for Blue Ocean. The number of pull requests merged for crossed into triple digits this month (101). Contributed by: Mark Waite Jenkins' installers for Debian and Red Hat have all been signed with new PGP private...
Highlights FOSDEM 2023 insights Jenkins is a mentor organization for Google Summer of Code Several container image updates Jenkins Awards voting is now open Contributed by: Alyssa Tong FOSDEM 2023 Returning to FOSDEM for the first in-person event since COVID was both exciting and nostalgic for our Jenkins contributors. It was exciting to see the same crowd size and enthusiasm by attendees. Many thanks to the wonderful FOSDEM organizers...
We are thrilled to announce that Jenkins has been accepted to Google Summer of Code 2023! This will be Jenkins' seventh year as a mentoring organization. Congratulations to all 172 accepted open-source organizations! As a mentoring organization for the past six years, Jenkins has mentored 31 GSoC students by 85+ different mentors, bringing together over 107 strangers for a common idea - Jenkins! At...
The Jenkins project is a part of the Continuous Delivery Foundation, which gives out awards to recognize all the work from this community and the progress made in the name of Continuous Delivery. View the award guidelines, definitions, and previous winners: here. 2023 Award Categories CDF Awards Continuous Enthusiast → Nominate someone Top CDF Ambassador → Nominate someone Top CDF Contributor → Nominate someone Top Documenter →...
What better way to kick off the new year, than by returning for an in-person event at one of the most popular open source gatherings of all, FOSDEM! On February 4 & 5, contributors from the Jenkins project and thousands of other open-source enthusiasts traveled from around the world to flock to FOSDEM. Located in Brussels, Belgium, FOSDEM is an opportunity to...
Highlights Jenkins in GSoC planning is in full steam ahead. General availability of new development tools on Maven, JDK, Playwright. 98 pull requests were merged from 38 different authors in January. Jenkins 2.375.2 released January 11, 2023. Over 350 positive ratings. A sandbox bypass vulnerability was corrected among 37 other vulnerabilities. The security team recommends users to upgrade. Debian 12 (“bookworm”) will not deliver OpenJDK 11 Contributed by:...
2022 was a fruitful year for Jenkins! Across the Jenkins project, we experienced growth and strong contributions. We want to share deep gratitude to the corporate sponsorships and individual contributions that made it possible to take Jenkins to the next level. We also look forward to welcoming new friends to collaborate with us in working together to make Jenkins even better. There’s still a...
'Tis the season of gift giving and what better way than to give the gift of mentorship. Jenkins is a big supporter and contributor of programs like Google Summer of Code (GSoC), She Code Africa, and Outreachy. We believe in the value and advancements in helping new, and in many cases under-represented contributors to the open source. There is also a special 'je...
November 2022 Welcome to the Jenkins Newsletter! This is a compilation of progress within the project, highlighted by Jenkins Special Interest Groups (SIGs) for the month of November. Got Inspiration? We would love to highlight your cool Jenkins innovations. Share your story and you could be in the next Jenkins newsletter. View previous editions of the Jenkins Newsletter here! Happy reading! Highlights: Congratulations to the new officers...