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Changelog for 2.426.1

November 15, 2023
Community reported issues: 1×JENKINS-2JENKINS-4JENKINS-2023JENKINS-54
Short container image tags (without "jdk" in them) such as jenkins/jenkins:2.426.1 are now using Java 17. If you need to continue using Java 11, use tags like jenkins/jenkins:2.426.1-jdk11. The Windows container images of this release switch from a windowsservercore-1809 Temurin base image to a windowsservercore-ltsc2019 Microsoft base image. Note also that a proper set of tags is now published for these Windows images and they include "ltsc2019" instead of only "2019".
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Changes since 2.426
Major bug fix
Bug fix
Notable changes since 2.414.3
Major enhancement
Major bug fix
Bug fix